EDUC 673 – Assignment Solutions at Homework Nest 

To understand education, you must first review the history and influences of education. The historical context of education allows you to understand the past to understand the present state of education more fully. History allows us to see how the three most significant influences on instruction affect the development of schools across the United States. According to your textbook, the three greatest influencers are politics, business groups, and advocacy groups. Looking at how these influencers shaped education is an interesting and worthwhile endeavor. This assignment will allow you to look at these three influences to get an idea of the significant impact politics, business groups, and advocacy groups have on education.


Download the External Influences on Education Timeline Template and review the External Influences on Education Timeline Grading Rubric. Open the template and review the requirements.

You will develop a timeline of the three greatest influences on education by identifying a political, business, and advocacy event from the time periods below. You will research these events and cite scholarly sources throughout this assignment. You must utilize the most current edition of APA. You may not use direct quotes.

You will identify five events that have affected education. Examples might be but are not limited to the internet, Bill Gates Foundation, No Child Left Behind, Coca-Cola, Brown v Board of Education, etc. You must at least have one political, one business, and one advocacy event (plus two others of your choice) and provide the following information for each event: EDUC 673

Year of the Event

  • You must include an event from each of the following ranges:
  1. One event before 1980
  2. One event between 1980-1999
  3. One event within 2000-present
  4. Your choice
  5. Your choice

EDUC 673 – External Influence: Political, Business Group, or Advocacy Group

  • You must include at least one political influence, one business group influence, one advocacy group influence, and two additional influences of your choice.

Summary of the Event

  • You must include a one-paragraph summary of the event. A paragraph is defined as at least five complete sentences. Ensure you cite utilizing the most current APA edition guidelines.

Impact on Education

  • You must include a one-paragraph explanation of this event’s impact on education. A paragraph is defined as at least five complete sentences. Ensure you cite utilizing the most current APA edition guidelines.

Personal Thoughts on Influence

  • You must include a one-paragraph explanation of your thoughts on this influence on education. A paragraph is defined as at least five complete sentences.

 Note: EDUC 673 – Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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