5 Habits that make College Life a Success

Image Credit: Discover!

5 Habits that Make College Life a Success!

What makes some students successful and others not? Sometimes, it is a matter of intelligence or good luck. But most of the time it is good habits: things you do on a regular basis that makes you different from other students, outshining and become the top of your classmates! In order for one to become successful, this article outlines five habits to aid you make college life a success.

1.      Have a goal

They should know and have a good reason of why they are in college. Some go to college because of future career, professional school or to further their education. Let it not appear as if someone forced you to go to college, or assume it is a mandatory to go college as a next level of education. In the same vein, a college student should not waste time in the name of keeping themselves busy.


2.      Set priorities

They too have a social life and some also work as well go to College. Here, they should know how to balance their time and choose what comes first or what the benefits will they get in doing such an activity like doing the homework verse having social life.

3.      Be organized

When in college they should learn to put what they have been taught in notes form for revision purpose. Also, they should be doing more research while taking questions and be able to answer; avoid to be monitored all time with a lecturer.

4.      Work efficiently

They should be able to do their college work to their best and once. Be attentive in the lecture room and get what is taught once. They should not expect the task to be always repeated. They should not be present, but also engage themselves in classwork. You may find some lecture halls are big with many students which makes a lecture not able to reach all of them, but by engaging in one way you will find being helped.

5.      Engage the lecturer while challenging themselves

They should be able to make the lecture become friendly in a way of not keeping a distance. With that, they can freely send emails with questions seeking the answers. They should be active and what to know more, by doing this, even if the exams come and they fail, they will want to know how it should have been done. Above all, the student need to visualize success, this helps them to imagine the end product of the many years they have been in college with all the courses they have been learning. To really picture what it will be like, and to experience the good feelings that will come with it; what will come at the end of the road for them; their dream jobs, their acceptance to a prestigious professional school, or simply, the next stage in their lives! This provides motivation and energy, especially when you are in same   routine, and makes it all seem worthwhile.

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Online Professional Tutoring meets its match at www.homeworknest.com . This is by far the tested and most trusted Online College Homework Help /Tutoring Website for College Students in Universities and Colleges across the Globe. Get Online Homework Help, Assignments Help at www.homeworknest.com  . Chat With Your Tutors in Real Time To Get Exam Tutoring Help!


Question 15: General Question




Question 16: Other


Unit 4 DB AM


Do you think that brands have a finite life, or do you believe that brands can last forever? Support your position with detailed explanations and the use of a brand example


Unit IV Essay
Marketing Plan: Part II

Throughout this course, you will compile a comprehensive marketing plan using one of the product/service scenarios listed in the Unit II assignment. (Note: You will use the same scenario throughout the course.) This scenario will be the basis of your start-up company and will be the catalyst for the subsequent marketing plan that you will compile. The company that you choose to submit a marketing plan for is a fictional start-up company (not an existing company).

This unit’s submission should consist of the items listed below.

  • Provide a segmentation and target market analysis.
    • In this section of the marketing plan, you should identify the four criteria useful in segmenting the market, and apply them to your company. Explain how identifying the target market is more clearly defined once a marketer has conducted segmentation on the population. Explain several target markets for your company using detailed explanations.
  • Include a competitive and industry analysis.
    • This section of the marketing plan should identify three or four competitors of your company. These can be direct or indirect competitors. (Note: Not all companies have competitors.) Differentiate each competitor based upon multiple criteria. Additionally, conduct an industry analysis by looking at the health of the industry in which your company resides. Identify whether the industry has grown or shrunk in the last 5–10 years. Explain why understanding the competitors and the health of the industry are important elements of the marketing plan.
  • Provide a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.
    • In this section, you will compile a SWOT analysis of your company. The internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external opportunities and threats need to be identified and explained (include at least 2–3 elements under each area of the SWOT). The value proposition will be demonstrated through a strong showing in the strengths section of the SWOT analysis. Reference the SWOT analysis explanation in the Unit I Lesson for additional insight on how to compile this analysis.

Ensure you provide an introduction for this assignment that is engaging and provides a clear background to the purpose of the assignment. The format of the submission should be in essay format using subheadings. Use APA format. Additionally, you need to include a minimum of five sources, three of which must be peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old. The submission should be a minimum of three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).







Question 17:  Accounting


The Swiss Clock Shop manufactures clocks on a highly automatedassembly line. Its costing system uses two cost categories, directmaterials and conversion costs. Each product must pass through theAssembly Department and the Testing Department. Direct materialsare added at the beginning of the production process. Conversioncosts are allocated evenly throughout production. Swiss Clock Shopuses weighted-average costing.

Data for the Assembly Department for June 2010 are:

Work in process, beginninginventory           250 units

Direct materials (100% complete)

Conversion costs (50% complete)

Units started during June       800 units

Work in process, ending inventory:    150 units

Direct materials (100% complete)

Conversion costs (75% complete)

Costs for June 2010:

Work in process, beginning inventory:

Directmaterials          $180,000

Conversion costs        $270,000

Direct materials costs added duringJune       $1,000,000

Conversion costs added during June $1,000,000

prepare equivalent unit schedule for direct materials

prepare equivalent unit schedule for conversion costs

prepare direct materials costing schedule for total cost of units completed (transfered out and ending work in progress

prepare conversion costing schedule for total cost of units completed (transferred out) and ending


Question 18:  Engineering


If the velocity of block A up the incline is increasing at the rate of 0.060 m/s each second, determine the acceleration of B.



Question 19: General Question




Question 20: Chemistry


A student, Ken, is given a mixture containing two carbonate compounds. The mixture includes MgCO3 and (NH4)2CO3. The mixture is 65.33>span class=”MJX_Assistive_MathML” role=”presentation”### CO3 is by mass. What is the mass percent of MgCO3 in the mixture?


Question 21: Business



–       Select an industry (e.g. healthcare, agriculture). Identify ONE information system (e.g. transaction processing system, business intelligence, collaboration, knowledge management etc) that is unique to this industry and supports the core business (e.g. if you choose aviation industry, explore an aviation information system) (Hint: The system should be used mainly and only in that industry. Do not choose generic IS such as accounting, payroll, email, Microsoft Office. Also do not pick up a product of an IT firm such Microsoft Sharepoint Portal; we are not interested in a branded product, the same IS can be produced by multiple IT firms. If you are not certain about the IS, email me your alternatives and we will discuss.

–       Collect information on this specific IS using Internet, your textbook, other reading materials, videos, users or manufacturers / service providers.

–       Prepare a report about this IS by addressing following questions (you dont have to answer one by one, your writeup should answer below questions):

  1. What are the characteristics of this IS? What are the main functionalities / features? (Provide technical information as well). Identify couple of IT firms that produce this IS (It can be the case that there is only one IT firm that offers this IS. Then state this fact.)
  2. Which processes are supported by this IS? Who are the users (function, title, profession etc.) Describe in detail
  3. Which specific benefits does this IS offer for companies AND all stakeholders (including customers)? Which strategic objectives can be fulfilled using this IS?
  4. Are there any concerns / risks about usage of this IS: privacy, security, investment, technical etc.


  1. The educational systems that we use such as LMS, SIS are excluded.
  2. Your report should be of 1500 words, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Do not include questions to the text and word count. Name, title etc should be excluded as well. Submission below that will NOT be graded.
  3. Your report should be submitted as a Word document(.doc or .docx).  Other formats will NOT be accepted (including PDF).
  4. The file name should contain your name and last name (e.g. First_Name_LastName_Assignment1).
  5. Provide reference/citation for the sources that you referred (web page, textbook, person). The references are not counted towards the word limitation; you can present the list of references at the end of the report. I will deduct 5 points from submissions without references.
  6. You should submit your assignment via LMS. E-mail and hardcopy submissions will NOT be accepted.
  7. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. Please check the duedate and time.
  8. Do not forget to run the spelling – grammar check as that will affect your grade. I will deduct points if you don’t use proper business English.
  9. Make sure that the report presents your original ideas. Do NOT copy paste the text from the source (e.g. Internet) or borrow lines from your friends. Your report will be checked by a plagiarism tool; identical or similar (above 50%) assignments will NOT be graded.

Question 22: Mathematics


A point estimate of a population parameter is a single value of a statistic. For example, the sample mean x is a point estimate of the population mean μ. Similarly, the sample proportion p is a point estimate of the population proportion P.


Question 23: Mathematics


If the population proportion of women carrying HPV were 19%, what is the chance that the sample proportion could exceed 20%


Question 24: English


Compare the movie, smooth talk, with the story, ”where are you going, where have you been?” or the short film, ”where are you going, where have you been?” you could also compare all three. some of the things you could discuss are: Did you think the casting was done right? what did the movie leave out? What did the film add that wasn’t in the story? the ending is different in the movie, smooth talk, than it is in the short story was scarier? which was more interesting to you? these are just ideas but you can compare them using whatever criteria you like.


Question 25: Economics


The prices of consumer goods in Los Angeles and Miami are different: some things are cheaper in Mi-ami, while others are cheaper in Los Angeles. Suppose the price of every consumer good in Houstonis exactly halfway between the Miami price of that good and the Los Angeles price. A market research firm surveys 1000 consumers, who have different preferences over consumption bundles, and differ-ent incomes. The consumers are asked to rank these three cities in terms of the consumption bundles that they could afford in each place. The result of the survey is that 450 consumers rank Los Angeles first, 350 rank Houston first and 200 rank Miami first. Do all these consumers have rational preferences?


Question 26: Business


Costs are classified according to the type of analysis that is being done.  Suppose you were offered a job making $50,000 annually after you received your undergraduate degree.  However, you made a decision to get your MBA in 2 years rather than taking the job. You will incur tuition, books and living costs for these 2 years.


  • What costs are relevant to your decision?  Note that some costs relevant to a decision may not be quantitative.
  • What is the opportunity cost of this decision.
  • Comment on response of 2 classmates.  Agree or disagree


Question 27: Business


Tired of the worn out carpet in her house, Lee purchased bamboo plank flooring for $2,000 from Big Floors, Inc. She agreed to pay add an extra $2,200 for Big Floor to install for a total contract price of $4200. Which law governs this transaction?


Question 28: Religious Study


Research has shown that Kenyan value system today comprises of money, glamour, power and prestige. Explain the meaning of each


Question 29: Other


Does recycling contribute to the release of greenhouse gasses?




Question 30: Psychology


Correlation is NOT the same as Causation!


In the media, correlations are often presented as if there is a causal relationship. For example, a news outlet might report: Research suggests there could be a link between dairy intake and the risk of developing prostate and ovarian cancers. Then they ask: Does milk cause cancer? As a researcher, I have been interviewed by magazines and this is really frustrating!


Class, provide an example of when a media outlet reported a correlation as if there was causation (be sure to show your source), then, explain why correlations do not show causation.


Question 31: Literary Studies


Critical Thinking/ Written Communication/ Social Responsibility

Representation in the Media and Entertainment = How our own identity (Hispanic female, black male, queen person, etc.) is presented in culture: TV, Film Literature, Magazines, etc. Psychologists, Advertisers Analysts and artists agree that representation in media and entertainment (M&E) affects and individual deeply and with long lasting effects.

Do Research on Representation in the Media and Entertainment and write a 2-page essay answering the question:

Do you think that race relations and gen der issues in this country could be improved if Media and Entertainment changed their practices to be more equitable to people of color, women and women of color?

Some Research Topics:

  • Equity in Casting
  • Equity in film
  • Equity in theatre
  • Representation in film
  • Hollywood Diversity Report
  • Effects of tv on minorities
  • Effects of tv race and gende
  • Women and advertising
  • How woman is portrayed in film
  • Masculinity in TV and Film
  • Homophobia and the effects on Queer youth


Question 32: Political Science



Answer the following question in 3-5 sentences each. 17. What is the “American Dream,” according to King? 18. How does King define and defend nonviolence? 19. What is “innocence,” according to Baldwin? Why is it problematic? 20. What is Baldwin’s assessment of the Nation of Islam? 21. How does Baldwin connect love and politics? 22. What are the key elements of Malcolm X’s conception of black nationalism? 23. What is the relationship between capitalism and racism, according to the Black Panthers? The League of Revolutionary Black Workers? Angela Davis? 24. Why does Baker advocate organization, rather than mobilization? 25. How does King define Black Power, and what is his assessment of it? 26. What is the relationship between the “world house” and American democracy? 27. How does color-blind discourse affect our understanding of Hurricane Katrina? 28. Why is gender significant for understanding Hurricane Katrina? 29. What is neoliberalism? 30. How does exposure to rap affect political attitudes? 31. Why are authenticity and hyper masculinity problematic? 32. What are the three most important indicators that criminal justice today constitutes “the new Jim Crow”? 33. Why is Alexander critical of color-blindness? 34. What are the strongest arguments for and against reparations?



Course Name Course POLS 393-01 Online Term and Year: Fall 2019
Class Time This class is asynchronous (students can log-in on their own terms as long as assignments are completed on time). Please pay attention to those dates on the class calendar in this syllabus. The expectation is that all work will be turned in by 11:59pm every Sunday.
Class Location https://texsu.blackboard.com/webapps/login/

Student Username Is: last name + first name initial + last 4 digits of T#

Student password is: 6 digit birth date (MMDDYY)

Course Prerequisites  
Instructor Linda D. Smith
Office Location PA 402 Office Hours By Request
Instructor Email Linda.Smith@tsu.edu Instructor Phone 713.313.5261
Preferred Methods of Contact Email is the best way to reach me, if you do not have a response in 48 hours, please assume that your email was not received and follow up.    
Blackboard Help For Blackboard troubleshoots dial Dr. Claiborne at 713.313.4853


Course Description  
Course Purpose This course aims to introduce you to the cannon of African American political thought. Through readings, media, and discussions, we will explore how black Americans have defined themselves, espoused their thoughts on power and subjugation. We will explore the relationship between slavery and democracy, the role of historical and collective memory, the political significance of culture, and the connections between race and nation.  While underscoring the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality we will also exploring the construction of identity.
Learning Objectives 1)      Become familiar with the foundational text of African American Political Thought

2)      Understand the historical roots of different factions of African American Political Thought.

3)      Form and analyze arguments centered around race and power.




Textbooks               W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (Bedford)

Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom (Yale)

Ida B. Wells-Barnett, On Lynchings (Humanity Books)

Marcus Garvey, Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey (Dover)

James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time (Beacon)

Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We Go From Here? (Beacon)

Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow (Open Media)

Lester Spence, Stare in the Darkness (Minnesota)


Required Software Microsoft Word
Required Technology  Due to the nature of this course, you will need access to a computer to complete assignments for this course. There are several labs you can access to use computers on campus.

Please check their operating hours.

1.      Fairchild Tiger Hub

2.      Student Center Lab, 2nd Floor

3.      Labs within colleges


Grading Grading should be clear and explicit. You may include format, number, weight for assignments, descriptions, as well as a rubric. Below is just an example.
Grading Scale
A+,A, A-    













Ds and Fs are failing grades in this course

D   (Refer to Catalog)
Major Assignments and Grade Distribution
Response Questions Each week students will provide a response to a question based on the reading for the week. These essays are not summary essays but rather they must provide your own original thought supported by the readings. These are short essay questions with a maximum word limit of 500 words. Please see BlackBoard for the Response Question Rubric. 60% of grade
Final Project Students are to identify a minimum of 5 different contemporary political leaders/thinkers and conduct a study are the writings, speeches, etc. of these individuals.  Students are to trace the intellectual lineage (conservatism, black nationalism, black feminism, etc. ) , thinkers that clearly have had an influence on the individual’s political thought. Students should also identify with whom the individual is engaged in debate with, and ultimately students need to detail the main arguments the individual is making and the future implications that the arguments may have. The Rubric can be found on the assignment link of BlackBoard. 30% of grade
Class Participation You are expected to respond to at least one of your classmate’s blogpost for every assignment ( response question). 10% Percentage/Points of Total Grade
  Total: 100% or 100 Points


Course Outline This can be in the form of a course calendar. We have included a calendar format below.
Overview / Course Responsibilities All assignments in this class are due Sunday at 11:59pm. There will be no late assignments accepted.


Each week you will have three assignments due:

(1)   Discussion Board Assignment

(2)   One Discussion Board Response (minimum)


I have provided an outline for you below of all assignments and projects. Please pay close attention to due dates, assignment explanations, and where to submit.

Course Schedule Date Chapter / Focus Assignments
  8/26 I. Introduction: Streams of African American Political Thought




  09/02 II. Defining Questions: The Souls of Black Folk


Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk, Forethought-ch.3

Response question #1


Du Bois, ch. 4-6, Washington, “Atlanta Exposition Address”*

Response questions #2, 3



Responses due 09//15
  09/16 Du Bois, ch. 7-10

Response question #4

Du Bois, 11-Afterthought

Response questions #5, 6


Responses Due9/22
  09/23 III. American Terrors


Walker, Appeal, Preamble-Article I*

Response question #7


Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom, Editor’s Preface, Intro. (pp. 5-25),

ch. 1-14

Response question #8


Douglass, ch. 15-25, “Letter to His Old Master,” “The Nature of Slavery,” and “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”

Response questions #9, 10







  09/30 Wells-Barnett, “Southern Horrors,” as far as you can get in “A Red Record”

Response questions #11, 12


Wells-Barnett, finish “A Red Record”

Response question #13


Responses Due 10/06
  10/07 IV. Black Internationalism


Garvey, Selected Writings and Speeches, pp.1-82

Response questions #14, 15


Garvey, pp.119-22, 138-47, 160-69, 181-94; Du Bois, “The Souls of White Folk”*

Response questions #16


Response Due 10/13
  10/14 V. The Civil Rights Revolution


King, “American Dream,”* “Letter from Birmingham City Jail,”* “I Have a Dream”*

Response questions #17, 18


Baldwin, The Fire Next Time, as far as you can get.

Response question #19



Responses Due 10/20
  10/21 Baldwin, concluded.

Response questions #20, 21


Malcolm X: “Message to the Grassroots” (http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/message-to-grassroots/); “The Ballot or the Bullet”*

Response question #22


Responses Due 10/27
  10/28 Newton and Seale, “What We Want/What We Believe,” “Rules of the Black Panther Party”*; The League of Revolutionary Black Workers, “Our Thing Is DRUM!”*; Angela Davis, “Political Prisoners, Prisons and Black Liberation”*

Response question #23



Response Due 11/03
  11/04 Charles Payne, “Ella Baker and Models of Social Change”*; King, Where Do We Go From Here, ch.1-2

Response questions #24, 25


King, Where Do We Go From Here, ch. 4-6

Response question #26


Responses Due 11/10
  11/11 VI. Post-Civil Rights Challenges


Screening of Kevin Jerome Everson and Claudrena Harold, Sugar-Coated Arsenic


Bobo, “Katrina: Unmasking Race, Poverty, and Politics in the 21st Century”*; Ransby, “Katrina, Black Women, and the Deadly Discourse on Black Poverty in America”*; Frymer, et al., “New Orleans Is Not the Exception”*; Dawson, “After the Deluge”*; Harris and Carbado, “Loot or Find: Fact or Frame?”*

Response questions #27, 28


Stare in the Darkness, Intro., ch. 1-2

Response questions #29, 30


Response Due 11/17

Spence, Stare in the Darkness, ch. 3-Conc.

Response question #31


Alexander, New Jim Crow, Intro., ch. 1-3

Response question #32


: Alexander, New Jim Crow, ch. 4-6

Response question #33


Response Due 12/01
  11/25 VII. Remembering the Past, Imagining the Future


Reparations: Forman, et al. “The Black Manifesto”*; Coates, “The Case for Reparations”*; Reed, “The Case Against Reparations”*; McWhorter, “Against Reparations”*; Virginia resolution expressing “regret” for slavery*

Response question #34


http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theory_and_event/toc/tae.17.3S.html: Essays by Melvin Rogers, Michelle Smith, Lisa Miller, and Vesla Weaver


https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/19/us/politics/slavery-reparations-hearing.html By Sheryl Gay Stolberg


Response Due 12/08


Essential Policies  
Attendance Policy  All assignments in this class are due Sunday at 11:59pm. There will be no late assignments accepted.


Each week you will have three assignments due:

(1)   Readings

(2)   Response Questions ( Posted on Blogs)

(3)   Reply to at least two classmates blog post


I have provided an outline for you below of all assignments and projects. Please pay close attention to due dates, assignment explanations, and where to submit.

Assignment Policies Late Work Not accepted under any circumstances other than medical documentation   Students may may  share articles, videos, audio recordings, etc on topics related to the course content with a brief summary and analysis.
Academic Misconduct Policy Engaging in any form of academic dishonesty with respect to examinations, course assignments, research projects, grades, and/or academic records, including, but not limited to plagiarism, cheating on exams, changing grades, and taking another student’s exam. ( COC 6.2)
ADA Policy The ADA of 1990 provides civil rights protection for individual with disabilities. It guarantees equal opportunities for “qualified individuals” with disabilities in all public facilities, educational programs, activities, services and benefits. The ADA upholds and maintains compliance standards to ensure institutions of higher education policies, procedures and practices are non-discriminatory.


Students needing academic accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services at 713-313-7691.


Question 33: Sociology



Guidelines for Observation Paper The object of this paper is to observe and analyze social interactions and gatherings by using sociological theory. Students are free to observe any event, gathering, interaction (parties, religious services, fraternity and sorority and other club events, athletic games, etc.). Structure: Introduction–tell the reader what you are observing and why you chose this particular event or group. This should be one paragraph. Observation– provided a detailed (“thick”) description of the event, noting its participants (ages, gender, race, ethnicity, class, etc) but most importantly the interactions and “social rituals” you witness. This should be 3 or 4 pages. Applying Theory– Apply the sociological theory we have discussed in class. Which particular theory (theories) best explains what you observed? Remember to apply theory to the actual and specific actions and behaviors that you observed (don’t just say basketball is a good example of so and so theory because the game stresses solidarity and team spirit). What was it about the particular event you observed that is best explained by the theory (or theories) that you selected? This section can be two or three pages. Conclusion– here is your chance to sum things up, speculate, and be more general. You should answer the “so what” question. What does your observation and application say about the particular slice of social life that you selected? The conclusion should be one or two paragraphs. REMEMBER TO ATTACH SOME PROOF (TICKETS, BULLETINS, PHOTOS, ETC.) THAT YOU ACTUALLY OBSERVED THIS EVENT!


Question 34: Economics


Identify a specific job within a specific company that you might be interested in applying for after you graduate from the University of Phoenix. Research the job and the field in general, as well as ethical issues managerial accountants have faced that would pertain to that field. Also, educate yourself on the basics of operations within the job and company you have selected. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper to include the following:




The job would be the CFO of the bank I currently work at which is BBVA and international bank Summarize the main duties of the job. Describe a specific ethical issue you might face in that position using 2 credible sources to support your description. Summarize the IMA’s standards of ethical practice and conflict resolution guide. Analyze how the IMA’s standards of ethical practice and conflict resolution guide applies to the ethical issue. Predict how you would handle the ethical issue. Hypothesize what would happen if no one in the company followed the IMA’s standards of ethical practice. Assess why it is important to follow the IMA’s stand


Question 35: Other


I need a strong American English writer to write a 20-page paper synthesizing literature information. The assignment will not be paid if it does not meet the standards of the assignment. This is a very serious and tough writing assignment. When responding please explain your understanding of synthesizing information.


PROBLEM 4S–8B Equivalent Units, Cost per Equivalent Unit, Applying Costs—FIFO Method




(4) Ending work in process: $40,800


Honeybutter, Inc., manufactures a product that goes through two departments prior to completion. The following information is available about work in the first department, the Mixing Department, during June.


      Percent Completed
    Units Materials Conversion
Work in process, beginning… 50,000 60% 30%
Started into production……… 470,000
Completed and transferred out 450,000
Work in process, ending……… 60,000 70% 20%


Cost in the beginning work in process inventory and cost added during June were as follows for the Mixing Department:


    Materials Conversion
Work in process, beginning… $24,500 $9,500
Cost added during June………. $377,600 $274,200


The company uses the FIFO method to compute unit product costs.




  1. Determine the equivalent units for June for the Mixing Department.
  2. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for June for the Mixing Department.
  3. Determine the total cost of ending work in process inventory and the total cost of units transferred to the next department in June.
  4. Prepare a report that reconciles the total costs assigned to the ending work in process inventory and to the units transferred out with the costs in beginning inventory and costs added during the period.


Online Professional Tutoring meets its match at www.homeworknest.com . This is by far the tested and most trusted Online College Homework Help /Tutoring Website for College Students in Universities and Colleges across the Globe. Get Online Homework Help, Assignments Help at www.homeworknest.com  . Chat With Your Tutors in Real Time To Get Exam Tutoring Help!


What is an overhead cost?

Cost for the ceiling at the officeCost set aside for the distribution part of the process

Cost for everything that is not directly materials and laborThere is no such thing as an overhead cost



2. What is a cost driver?

Whatever causes a change in overhead cost

A phenomenon driving costs down for your business

An already budgeted expense

There is no such thing as a cost driver

202E04 – Problem 4-14 First Department Equivalent Units…


Problem 4-14: First Department — Equivalent Units, Cost per EU, Applying Costs — W/A Methods.Problem 4A-11 (Problem 4-14 Using FIFO Method)Given:Honeybutter, Inc., manufactures a product that goes through two departments prior to completion. Thefollowing information is available about work in the first department, the Mixing Department, during June.PhysicalPercent CompletedUnits to Account For:UnitsMaterialsConversionBWIP70,000 70%40%Units Started460,000 Completed & T/O450,000 EWIP80,000 75%25%Costs to Account For:MaterialsConversionTotalBWIP$36,550 $13,500 $50,050 Cost added during period391,850 287,300 679,150 $428,400 $300,800 $729,200 Required:Assume that the company uses the WA method.1. Determine the equivalent units for June for the first process.2. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for June for the first process.3. Determine the total cost of EWIP inventory and the total cost of units transferred to the nextprocess in June.4.

Online Professional Tutoring meets its match at www.homeworknest.com . www.homeworknest.com is by far the tested and most trusted Online College Homework Help /Tutoring Website for College Students in Universities and Colleges across the Globe. www.homeworknest.com  Get Online Homework Help, Assignments Help at www.homeworknest.com  . Chat With Your Tutors at  www.homeworknest.com in Real Time To Get Exam Tutoring Help!

Question 1: General Question


Walden University-NURS 6630 Final Exam (Graded A)

Walden University-NURS 6630 Final Exam (Graded A)


Question 2: General Question


Question 1 A ____ has first claim on specified assets, while a ____ is a debenture that has claims against a firm’s assets that are junior to the claims of mortgage bonds and regular debentures.

Question 2 When firms issue ____, the amount of interest and principal to be paid is based on specified market conditions. The amount of the repayment may be tied to a Treasury bond price index or even to a stock index.

Question 3 Bonds issued by ____ are backed by the federal government.

Question 4 ____ bids for Treasury bonds specify a price that the bidder is willing to pay and a dollar amount of securities to be purchased.

Question 16 The actual relationship reflecting the response of a bond’s price to a change in bond yields is

Question 17 Assume a bond with a $1,000 par value and a 7 percent coupon rate, three years remaining to maturity, and a 9 percent yield to maturity. The duration of this bond is ____ years.

Question 18 The difference between the 30-year mortgage rate and the 30-year Treasury bond rate is primarily attributable to

Question 21 A __________ is a privately negotiated contract that protects investors against the risk of default on particular debt securities such as mortgage-backed securities.

Question 22 Which of the following is not a guarantor of federally insured mortgages?

Question 23 ____ mortgages enabled more people with relatively lower income, or high existing debt, or a small down payment to purchase homes.

Question 24 An adjustable-rate mortgage increases interest rate risk for the ____, but reduces interest rate risk for the ____.

Question 36 The ____ index can be used to measure risk-adjusted performance of a stock while controlling for the stock’s beta.

Question 37 According to the capital asset pricing model, the required return by investors on a security is

Question 38 The demand by foreign investors for the stock of a U.S. firm sold on a U.S. exchange may be higher when the dollar is expected to ____, other things being equal. (Assume the firm’s operations are unaffected by the value of the dollar.)

Question 39 A beta of 1.1 means that for a given 1 percent change in the value of the market, the _______ is expected to change by 1.1 percent in the same direction.

Question 40 The ____ is commonly used as a proxy for the risk-free rate in the capital asset pricing model.

Question 41 If the standard deviation of a stock’s returns over the last 12 quarters is 4 percent, and if there is no perceived change in volatility, there is a ____ percent probability that the stock’s returns will be within ____ percentage points of the expected outcome.

Question 47 While an investor’s ability to simultaneously consider multiple markets to accommodate its orders was perceived to allow for more competitive pricing (lower transactions costs), it also led to a form of “_______________” whereby traders with relatively faster access to specific markets can use another trader’s planned orders and move ahead of that order.

Question 50 The risk of a short sale is that the stock price


Prepare a report that reconciles the total costs assigned to the EWIP inventory and the unitstransferred out with the costs in BWIP and costs added during the period.Honeybutter, Inc.Mixing Department Cost of Production ReportWeighted Average and FIFO Process Costing MethodsFor the Month of JuneEquivalent UnitsPhysical FlowD/MConversionDegree of CompletionUnits to Account for:D/MConversionBWIP70%40%70,000 Started during June460,000 Total530,000 Units Accounted for:Completed Units 450,000 From BWIP30%60%70,000 21,000 42,000 Started And Completed100%100%380,000 380,000 380,000 EWIP80,000 75%25%80,000 60,000 20,000 Total530,000 Calculation of Equivalent UnitsFIFO Equivalent Units(A)461,000 442,000 Plus BWIP EU from previous period49,000 28,000 Weighted Average Equivalent Units(B)510,000 470,000



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Review the assigned pages of the article “National Preparedness Guidelines,” focusing on the description of target capabilities and their corresponding elements. Review the assigned pages of the article “National Incident Management System.” Focus on the purpose, key concepts, and components of NIMS, such as the standardized Incident Command System (ICS). Review the assigned pages of the article “National Response Framework.” Focus on the overview of the framework and its guiding doctrine, as well as on the description of the various agencies and officials at all levels of government and the private sector that have roles and responsibilities in disaster response. Think about the likely threats that might affect your state or locale, such as terrorist attacks; natural disasters, such as tornadoes and hurricanes; and hazardous chemical spills. Select one threat for this assignment. Based on the threat you selected, anticipate the federal, state, and local organizations and/or agencies that would respond.




Homeland Security Organizations and Agencies


The homeland security system in the United States is a “national” system in the sense that it includes all levels of government—federal, state, local, and tribal—as well as the private sector and volunteer organizations. It does not refer to the federal government exclusively, nor just to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It is a comprehensive, integrated, multidisciplinary, and multijurisdictional system including a wide variety of organizations and agencies at all levels. Organizations and agencies must work together and effectively coordinate their efforts to prevent and respond to natural and man-made disasters and hazards. Documents such as the “National Incident Management System” (NIMS), the “National Response Framework” (NRF), and the “National Preparedness Guidelines” were created to help organizations and agencies coordinate their efforts. In this Discussion, you examine how specific organizations and agencies interact and coordinate their efforts when responding to a threat to homeland security.


To prepare for this Discussion:


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Review the assigned pages of the article “National Preparedness Guidelines,” focusing on the description of target capabilities and their corresponding elements.


Review the assigned pages of the article “National Incident Management System.” Focus on the purpose, key concepts, and components of NIMS, such as the standardized Incident Command System (ICS).


Review the assigned pages of the article “National Response Framework.” Focus on the overview of the framework and its guiding doctrine, as well as on the description of the various agencies and officials at all levels of government and the private sector that have roles and responsibilities in disaster response.


Think about the likely threats that might affect your state or locale, such as terrorist attacks; natural disasters, such as tornadoes and hurricanes; and hazardous chemical spills. Select one threat for this assignment.


Based on the threat you selected, anticipate the federal, state, and local organizations and/or agencies that would respond.


Think in terms of, and in reference to, the roles and capabilities of each respective organization and/or agency you identified and how they might interact and coordinate their efforts.


Post  a brief description of the threat you selected. Then describe at least two organizations and/or agencies in the national homeland security system that would respond to this threat. Include how and why they might respond. Finally, explain how the organizations and/or agencies might interact and coordinate their efforts when responding to the threat. Be specific, and use examples to illustrate your explanation.

Question 3: General Question


Question 1

6 out of 6 points

According to Higgins, nonprofit organizations have:

  • Question 2

6 out of 6 points

Managers of nonprofit organizations must measure their success by:

· Question 3

6 out of 6 points

This method relates to the actions necessary to implement the strategic plan.

· Question 4

6 out of 6 points

The beginning of management as a field of study dates approximately to the:

· Question 5

6 out of 6 points

La Piana Consulting defines the intensity of the commitment that two or more nonprofits must make to each other as:

· Question 6

6 out of 6 points

Most nonprofits obtain revenue from:

· Question 7

6 out of 6 points

Strive Partnership measures the partnership’s performance through the use of a(an):

· Question 8

6 out of 6 points

According to Edgar Schein, logos, ceremonies, and symbols belong to this defined category of culture.

· Question 9

6 out of 6 points

According to Collins, this type of leadership exists when the leader has the power to simply make decisions.

· Question 10

6 out of 6 points

The perception that nonprofits are less well managed than businesses is:

· Question 11


Nonprofit management literature is drawn from which of the three areas?

· Question 12

6 out of 6 points

Very high may suggest that an organization is inefficient, or even participating in unethical or fraudulent behavior.

· Question 13

6 out of 6 points

As Letts and colleagues observe, managers often face two challenges—getting the job done and:

· Question 16

6 out of 6 points

Which decade marked a turning point in public policy, with government outsourcing more of the delivery and management of social and human services to nonprofits, which resulted in the increased need for professional management in nonprofit organizations and an increased number of students interested in working for nonprofit organizations?

· Question 17

6 out of 6 points

Demands for accountability and the need for systems and procedures to comply with greater scrutiny and regulation also have contributed to the need for:

· Question 18

6 out of 6 points

Nonprofit managers should be committed to performance measurement but:

· Question 19

6 out of 6 points

One way to reduce dependency and thus maintain more autonomy is to:

· Question 20


According to the Independent Sector, one hour of volunteer time contributed to a nonprofit organization in 2013 was worth:

· Question 21

6 out of 6 points

Giving up something in return for something is referred to as a(an):

· Question 22

6 out of 6 points

A proposed merger between Operation Smile and Smile Train was cancelled due to:

· Question 23

6 out of 6 points

Roberta is participating in an interview about her nonprofit organization. The interview is being conducted by a local radio station. Roberta is communicating with the:

· Question 24

Needs Grading

Draw a diagram of Patricia Bradshow’s five board configurations.

· Question 25

Needs Grading

Explain the three basic elements that effective planning begins with?

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Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.




Learning Resources




Article: Kettl, D. F. (2003). Contingent coordination: Practical and theoretical puzzles for homeland security. The American Review of Public Administration, 33(3), 253–277.

Use the LegalTrac database, and search using the article’s title.


Article: Wise, C. R. (2006). Organizing for homeland security after Katrina: Is adaptive management what’s missing? Public Administration Review, 66(3), 302–318.

Use the ABI/INFORM Global database, and search using the article’s title.


Online Article: Homeland Security. (2008). National incident management system. Retrieved from http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nims/NIMS_core.pdf


Note: You are only required to read pages 1–8 of this article.

Online Article: Homeland Security. (2007). National preparedness guidelines. Retrieved from http://www.hsaj.org/?article=2.3.4 2.3.4.pdf


Note: You are only required to read pages 1–11 of this article.

Online Article: Homeland Security. (2008). National response framework. Retrieved from http://www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrf-core.pdf


Note: You are only required to read pages 1–26 of this article.


Online Article: Homeland Security Council. (2010). Quadrennial homeland security review report. Retrieved from http://www.iaem.com/documents/QHSRReportFeb2010.pdf

Note: You are only required to read pages 21–36 of this article.


Online Article: Emergency Management Institute. (2007). Principles of emergency management supplement. Retrieved from http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/08conf/Emergency%20Management%20Principles%20Monograph%20Final.doc

Optional Resources


Online Article: Bach, R., & Kaufman, D. J. (2009). A social infrastructure for hometown security: Advancing the homeland security paradigm. Homeland Security Affairs, V(2). Retrieved from http://www.hsaj.org/?article=5.2.2


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Question 2: Business questions



Business Interview Case Study


  1. How would you work with a subordinate who is underperforming?

We experienced many new workers during my time at Chevron. I had to pick up their slack because I was in charge of training new employees. I would pull them aside after our shift and kindly talked about where they could improve. I made sure I was there to help them and we finally figured it out together.


  1. You’re consulting with a large pharmacy with stores in multiple states. This company has improved sales but experienced a decrease in revenue. As a result, it is contemplating store closings. Explain how you’d advise this client?

  1. You are working directly with a company’s management team. It is organizing a project designed to significantly increase revenue. If you were provided with data and asked to supervise the project, what steps would you take to ensure it’s successful?

First, I’d make the team friendly and make sure we all have the same goal. I would listen and respond appropriately to any questions or concerns they may have. I would ensure that everyone has a specific task, that deadlines are fulfilled and that control is maintained.


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Question 4: History


Why is it not appropriate to deposit non-western artifacts in the natural collection of history?



Question 5: Biology


Nsg5003 advanced pathophysiology   final exam answers south university


Question 6: Mathematics


Antonio would like to replace his gold clubs with a custom-measured set. A local sporting goods megastore is advertising custom clubs for $520, including a new bag. In-store financing is available at 3.93 percent, or he can choose not to renew his $300 certificate of deposit (CD), which just matured. The advertised CD renewal rate is 5.08 percent. Antonio knows the in-store financing costs would not affect his taxes, but he knows he’ll pay taxes (25 percent federal and 5.75 percent state) on the CD interest earnings.

The after-tax CD earnings rate is   %


Question 7: Sociology


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How does one recognize sexual harassment?
  • Discuss the different types of sexual harassment?
  • What is required to support a case of sexual harassment in that situation?


Question 8: Business


Scenario: You are the marketing manager for a local nonprofit charity whose funding is derived from membership fees. You have noticed a severe drop in new memberships and a decline in repeat memberships, which is threatening your organization’s ability to survive and grow. You have decided to implement the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach to help clarify the problem and develop strategies for implementation.


Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi, or Microsoft® Sway® presentation with speaker notes on the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach in which you detail the steps you will use to address the membership issue that the local nonprofit charity is facing.


Address the following in your role as marketing manager:


  • Define the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach and discuss the importance of research in marketing.
  • Describe each step of the Marketing Research Approach in detail and create a plan of attack to explain how each stage should be implemented.
  • Define the target market that you are striving to bring into this organization and describe the methods of research that you will use to identify these groups of people.
  • Define service differentiation. Provide an example that illustrates how the local nonprofit charity in the scenario can use differentiation to help increase the target market’s interest.
  • Explain how differentiation will help position the charitable organization within its defined market.


Question 9: Business


answer survey questions only need 2 solution


Have you ever done genetic testing like 23andme/Ancestry.com or plan to? (If yes, proceed with Interview)

If you have not done testing, are you familiar with these tests? (If yes, proceed with Interview. If no, move on to next person)




  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • Over 65


Gender:   Male     Female



Children:                                                  If none, Do you want children?


Highest level of Education:

  • High School or Equivalent
  • Some college-no degree
  • Technical School
  • Associate’s Degree
  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Graduate Degree


Household Income:

  • >$25K
  • $25K – $50K
  • $50K – $75K
  • $75K – $100K
  • $100K – $150K
  • $150K+


Social Media use:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn



  1. Tell me about a time you purchased something directly from a social media link? Or Online?



  1. What are the biggest issues you face with your lifestyle?


  1. Do you have any concerns about your health?



  1. Have you done genetic testing yet?
  2. If not, why?
  3. What would you hope to learn about yourself Medically?
  4. What would you not want to learn about yourself?

iii.      What features would you want from the process/product?


    1. If yes, why did you get the testing?
    2. Who did you use? Why did you decide to go with them?
    3. What was the process for the purchase?

iii.      What, if anything, would you have changed or wanted but didn’t get?

  1. What have you done with your raw data?
  1. Who do you know that is concerned about genetic privacy?


  1. What kind of products would you be interested in receiving marketing for based on your genetic information?


Question 10: Business

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:


Discuss the direct and indirect costs associated with staffing decisions. How have those decisions affected you directly or indirectly?



  1. You have been assigned to work with a small company that manufactures a popular product. However, a competitor begins selling a very similar product which incorporates state of the art technology. What would you advise your client to do?
  2. You have been assigned to advise a company with a large Western European market. Company management wants to open the Chinese market. What advice do you have for this company?

I would advise the company to conduct Chinese market research. Then, I’d ask how they think this market can be successful. Afterwards, I would assist in the development of a business plan setting goals, tasks, budget/contacts, and deadlines.


  1. The firm has assigned you to consult a company intending to drop a product or expand into new markets in order to increase revenue. What steps would you take to help this company achieve its objective?
  2. You have been assigned to consult a shoe retailer with stores throughout the nation. Since its revenue is dropping, the company has proposed to sell food at its stores. How would you advise this client?

I’d start by asking what their plans are and how they can succeed. I’d give feedback to the new idea. Then I’d like to ask if they know why revenue is dropping. I would advise them to look into it if they don’t know, by contacting various departments in their stores. Once we’ve addressed that, we can discuss new ideas for sneakers that can increase revenue while we’re waiting results.


Question 3: English


An English essay one topic of your choosing from the list: The importance of voting Protecting the environment Off-shore drilling Nuclear Proliferation Funding for the arts The Quaker tradition The Women’s Suffrage Movement The Women’s Suffrage movement William Lloyd Garrison John Brown




Read through the instruction on the attachment and figure out how you would like to proceed from there. But, this must be an ESSAY.


Graded Assignment

The American Renaissance Unit Test, Part 2

Answer the questions fully, using examples from the reading selections to support your answers. You may refer to your Journeys anthology to answer these questions. When you are finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit.

Total score: ____ of 55 points

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(Score for Question 1: ___ of 15 points)

  1. Both Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were influenced by the Romantics. Choose one of the two poets. Provide at least three ways that he or she reflects Romantic thinking in his or her writing. Then give an example from one of the works that you studied in this unit that illustrates that characteristic.



(Score for Question 2: ___ of 15 points)

  1. You learned a lot about Whitman and Dickinson’s writing styles during this unit. Although they both broke stylistic boundaries, their styles are different. Write a paragraph in which you explain one characteristic of either poet’s style. Name the characteristic, explain how it is used in the poetry, and then describe the effect that the characteristic produces. Support your answer with examples from the poems.


(Score for Question 3: ___ of 25 points)

  1. Now return to your book, and select a poem from Whitman or Dickinson that you did not study in the unit. Explain how the poem reveals Romantic thinking. Cite examples from the poem as your support.
  2. Online Professional Tutoring meets its match at www.homeworknest.com . www.homeworknest.com is by far the tested and most trusted Online College Homework Help /Tutoring Website for College Students in Universities and Colleges across the Globe. www.homeworknest.com Get Online Homework Help, Assignments Help at www.homeworknest.com  . Chat With Your  at Tutors at  www.homeworknest.com Ts in Real Time To Get Exam Tutoring Help!


Question 4: Biology.


500 words on importance of prenatal care


Question 5: Political Science


Political Science 260 INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS Summer 2019 For this class you will write an 8-10-page (2,000 word minimum) research paper. This paper will make an argument about the nature of some aspect of politics based on an analysis of some aspect of a political system of your choice. Topics can include such things as institutional analysis (legislatures, executive branch, federalism, electoral systems), or broader issues of political behavior, such as revolutionary change, civil-military relations, gender politics, democratization, inter-ethnic relations, etc. In selecting a topic and country, keep in mind that you are going to have to research whatever it is that you select, and some topics and countries are much more easily researched than others. Under most circumstances you may not include a country that we cover in class in your paper, and should not include the United States


Question 6:  Health Care


Health Information Systems Technology and Applications Due Date: Wed,6/5/19 by 11pm cst Deliverable Length: 6-8 slides




As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, you realize the need for seamless integration among all operating systems of the departments within the health care organization (HCO). Discuss the importance electronic health record (EHR) conceptual framework integration and achieving interoperability. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the stakeholders of the different departments that expresses the importance of the interoperability of all computing systems within the health care organization. In this presentation, you should address the ramifications of the lack of integration of the information systems among the departments.


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Question7:  Other

3 page paper with NO REFERENCES



I need a 3 page essay titled “Giving Back to My Community” – The essay should discuss how I give back and why giving back is important. Include these points: – Volunteer at local animal shelter – Starting own pet sitting business with low rates to accommodate pet owners on a low or fixed income – Member of the World Wildlife Fund – My future plans of expanding my business into a means of allowing other high school students to earn community service hours No References – Double spaced – Times New Roman – 12 font – Must use the points provided


Question 8:       Psychology


  • Attached Files:

o     PSY201 Case Study Assignment and Rubric.docx (14.47 KB)

Due:  Midnight Sunday.

Analyze a case study from Children On Track – Case Scenarios. Adapted / Reprinted with permission by the Best Start Resource Center.

  • Choose ONE of the following cases:

o    Case # 1 Eric

o    Case #2 Giselle

o    Case #6 Sammy and Willow

  • Answer all the questions asked at the end of your chosen case study thoroughly.
  • Include an analysis of each of the issues you identify and the solutions you provide.
  • Support your responses with information from scholarly readings.
  • Write your answers in a Word document.

Refer to the attached document for the grading rubric. Submit your work by clicking on the SafeAssign link below.  Click on the link again to view the resulting SafeAssign report.

Unit 5 – Case Study

Assignments submitted through this link will be checked using SafeAssign by Blackboard. Your work will not be used for any purpose other than preventing plagiarism in the University. Ownership of the intellectual property contained in your written work will not be transferred to any third party. Please submit your paper as a Word Document. If you have the 2010 version of Word, please save your paper in a previous version (Word 97-2003 document) as Safe Assign may not accept the most recent version.

>> View/Complete


Resource: Strategic Staffing, Ch. 13; Staffing Metrics Evaluation Grading Guide

Staffing metrics can be short-term or long-term, and efficiency- or effectiveness-oriented. Short-term metrics can be used as leading indicators to gauge a company’s ability to place the right people in the right jobs at the right time. Long-term metrics are best for evaluating the effectiveness of a staffing system because they drive the financial impact of staffing for the organization.

Choose an organization with which you are familiar.

Evaluate in 700 to 1,050 words three metrics that are – or should be – used to determine how well the staffing process meets the needs of the organization.

Describe the metrics selected for discussion.

Assess how these help the organization determine effectiveness.

Use the information available in Strategic Staffing, Ch. 13, and supplement it with your own research.

Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines.



Question 12: Education


Scenario: You are the marketing manager for a local nonprofit charity whose funding is derived from membership fees. You have noticed a severe drop in new memberships and a decline in repeat memberships, which is threatening your organization’s ability to survive and grow. You have decided to implement the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach to help clarify the problem and develop strategies for implementation.


Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi, or Microsoft® Sway® presentation with speaker notes on the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach in which you detail the steps you will use to address the membership issue that the local nonprofit charity is facing.


Address the following in your role as marketing manager:


  • Define the Five-Step Marketing Research Approach and discuss the importance of research in marketing.
  • Describe each step of the Marketing Research Approach in detail and create a plan of attack to explain how each stage should be implemented.
  • Define the target market that you are striving to bring into this organization and describe the methods of research that you will use to identify these groups of people.
  • Define service differentiation. Provide an example that illustrates how the local nonprofit charity in the scenario can use differentiation to help increase the target market’s interest.
  • Explain how differentiation will help position the charitable organization within its defined market.


Question 13: Health Care


In a 750-1000 word essay in APA format,  critically evaluate the following scenario:

Mrs. J. is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Despite requiring 2L of oxygen/nasal cannula at home during activity, she continues to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and has done so for 40 years. Three days ago, she had sudden onset of flu-like symptoms including fever, productive cough, nausea, and malaise. Over the past 3 days, she has been unable to perform ADLs and has required assistance in walking short distances. She has not taken her antihypertensive medications or medications to control her heart failure for 3 days. Today, she has been admitted to the hospital ICU with acute decompensated heart failure and acute exacerbation of COPD.

Subjective Data

  1. Is very anxious and asks whether she is going to die.
  2. Denies pain but says she feels like she cannot get enough air.
  3. Says her heart feels like it is “running away.”
  4. Reports that she is exhausted and cannot eat or drink by herself.
  5. Height 175 cm; Weight 95.5kg.
  6. Vital signs: T 37.6C, HR 118 and irregular, RR 34, BP 90/58.
  7. Cardiovascular: Distant S1, S2, S3 present; PMI at sixth ICS and faint: all peripheral pulses are 1+; bilateral jugular vein distention; initial cardiac monitoring indicates a ventricular rate of 132 and atrial fibrillation.
  8. Respiratory: Pulmonary crackles; decreased breath sounds right lower lobe; coughing frothy blood-tinged sputum; SpO2 82%.
  9. Gastrointestinal: BS present: hepatomegaly 4cm below costal margin.
  10. IV furosemide (Lasix)
  11. Enalapril (Vasotec)
  12. Metoprolol (Lopressor)
  13. IV morphine sulphate (Morphine)
  14. Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator (ProAir HFA)
  15. Inhaled corticosteroid (Flovent HFA)
  16. Oxygen delivered at 2L/ NC
  17. Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mrs. J.
  18. Discuss whether the nursing interventions at the time of her admissions were appropriate for Mrs. J. and explain the rationale for each of the medications listed.
  19. Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition.
  20. Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide a rationale for each of the interventions you recommend.
  21. Provide a health promotion and restoration teaching plan for Mrs. J., including multidisciplinary resources for rehabilitation and any modifications that may be needed. Explain how the rehabilitation resources and modifications will assist the patients’ transition to independence.
  22. Describe a method for providing education for Mrs. J. regarding medications that need to be maintained to prevent future hospital admission. Provide rationale.
  23. Outline COPD triggers that can increase exacerbation frequency, resulting in return visits. Considering Mrs. J.’s current and long-term tobacco use, discuss what options for smoking cessation should be offered.


Question 14: Religious Study


BIBL 104 Quiz 8 Final

  • Question 1

1 out of 1 points

Jude wants believers to contend actively and aggressively for the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 2

1 out of 1 points

Almost half of the twenty-five verse in Jude share a similar thought, idea, or example with material from 2 Peter.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 3

1 out of 1 points

According to the author of Hebrews, In light of what Jesus has done, believers are encouraged to:

Selected Answer:


  • Question 4

1 out of 1 points

In 1 Peter believers are identified as

Selected Answer:


  • Question 5

1 out of 1 points

In Jesus’ priestly duties, he offered his own blood once and for all.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 6

1 out of 1 points

In the seven seal judgments the black horse stands for bloodshed

Selected Answer:


  • Question 7

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not something John claimed about love in 1 John?

Selected Answer:


  • Question 8

1 out of 1 points

According to 1 Peter, Christ is the

Selected Answer:


  • Question 9

1 out of 1 points

James believes that those who only hear the Word of God deceive themselves

Selected Answer:


  • Question 10

1 out of 1 points

James uses two Old Testament illustrations to show the works of people who were saved by faith. One of these is

Selected Answer:


  • Question 11

1 out of 1 points

______________ was one of the three people in the inner circle of our Lord’s disciples

Selected Answer:


  • Question 12

1 out of 1 points

According to the textbook, the emphasis of Revelation is to assure us that Jesus is indeed, coming again.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 13

1 out of 1 points

___________ was the persevering church

Selected Answer:


  • Question 14

1 out of 1 points

James warns believers about

Selected Answer:


  • Question 15

1 out of 1 points

The author of Hebrews explains what it means for Jesus to be the Mediator of a better covenant.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 16

1 out of 1 points

In 1 John, John reminds his audience that those who profess to know Jesus yet do not keep His commandments are liars and the truth is not in them.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 17

1 out of 1 points

According to 1 Peter, Christians viewed themselves “as God’s slaves.” This meant that they were truly free from the dominion of the world.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 18

1 out of 1 points

The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is

Selected Answer:

  • Question 19

1 out of 1 points

Jude directs his readers to “contend for the church that was instituted for the communion of the saints and the salvation of the world.”

Selected Answer:


  • Question 20

1 out of 1 points

Hebrews compares Jesus’ priesthood with ___________ priesthood.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 21

1 out of 1 points

According to the writer of Hebrews, believers should stand firm in their confession because they have something those following Moses did not have. They have Jesus, the Son of God, as their Great High Priest.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 22

1 out of 1 points

In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, specifically that God hears and grants their prayer requests.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 23

1 out of 1 points

As a sinless priest, Jesus did not have to offer sacrifices for Himself as Aaron did.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 24

1 out of 1 points

In the new eternal city eternal city sin, rebellion, sorrow, sickness, pain, and death are eliminated.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 25

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state?

Selected Answer:


  • Question 26

1 out of 1 points

In the seven trumpets of judgment the sun is darkened through air pollution.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 27

1 out of 1 points

Jude describes false teachers as

Selected Answer:


  • Question 28

1 out of 1 points

According to our textbook, some feel that James’ teaching on faith and works runs counter to the teachings of

Selected Answer:


  • Question 29

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is not one of the sevens that form the outline for the book of Revelation?

Selected Answer:


  • Question 30

1 out of 1 points

According to the textbook, the book of Revelation ends with a dramatic postscript which describes the millennium in which Satan is bound in the abyss and Christ and His saints rule the world with a “rod of iron.”

Selected Answer:


  • Question 31

1 out of 1 points

James teaches that God is waiting to give wisdom to anyone who asks for it

Selected Answer:


  • Question 32

1 out of 1 points

According to the textbook, some scholars view Hebrews as a sermon or even as a series of sermons.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 33

1 out of 1 points

In light of what Jesus has done, the author encourages his audience to:

Selected Answer:


  • Question 34

1 out of 1 points

The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is

Selected Answer:


  • Question 35

1 out of 1 points

According to the author of Hebrews, Jesus’ priestly duties were not performed in an earthly sanctuary, a mere copy of the heavenly, but in the heavenly sanctuary itself.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 36

1 out of 1 points

_____________ was the powerless church

Selected Answer:


  • Question 37

1 out of 1 points

According to the textbook, Jude uniquely ties together doctrinal error with the immoral lifestyle of false teachers suggesting immorality leads to heresy.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 38

1 out of 1 points

In 3 John, John acknowledges that Diotrophes refusal to be corrected will lead to his exposure when John arrives.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 39

1 out of 1 points

According to 1Peter, believers should submit to every Christian institution in order to
silence the unfounded criticism of unbelievers.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 40

1 out of 1 points

Jude’s reference to both Old Testament examples and those of Jewish non-canonical books indicate his readers were Jewish Christians.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 41

1 out of 1 points

According to the textbook, the author of 2 John is most likely not the same author as 1

Selected Answer:


  • Question 42

1 out of 1 points

____________ was the prosperous church

Selected Answer:


  • Question 43

1 out of 1 points

In James’ discussion on hearing and doing he uses the example of

Selected Answer:


  • Question 44

1 out of 1 points

Jude describes false teachers as

Selected Answer:

fruitless trees

  • Question 45

1 out of 1 points

Hebrews begins by asserting that Jesus is greater than

Selected Answer:


  • Question 46

1 out of 1 points

____________ was the persecuted church.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 47

1 out of 1 points

In 2 John, John expresses the joy he felt when he learned that some members of the recipient’s church body were following the Father’s command to walk in truth.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 48

1 out of 1 points

The rock of refuge represents the church and believers everywhere and is one of the seven symbolic players in the eschatological drama of the book of Revelation.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 49

1 out of 1 points

The author of Hebrews list several personal examples of faith. From this list select the one Biblical character that is not mentioned by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11:1-40.

Selected Answer:


  • Question 50

1 out of 1 points

The author of 2 John and 3 John calls himself

Selected Answer:


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Question9:  History


I am looking for someone to do 2 assignments both assignment follow the same requirements but two different paper. I will provide more info below. please make sure the papers are plagiarism free and I will need APA citation (reference page) and in text citation please and thank you



the assignment (outline) is to choose a country one assignment will be focus on china and the other on will be france. In addition we will need to choose four concepts which we both choose the same we decided to do ( age of exploration 1400-1800, age of imperialism 1800-1945, industrial revolution, age of decolonization) and do some research on it and answer the question in details and make sure you include a lot if dates and connect the events that goes with it. You can download the worksheet twice so you can answer the questions because their wont let me insert it twice Thank you in advanced


Name: Guirlene Hyppolite

The location I am researching is → This must be selected from the list provided by your instructor.


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Mark the four concepts/themes that you plan to talk about in your presentation in the chart below. You should base your selections off what you have found in your research so far – this means that you should be able to identify an event or a time in your country’s history that is clearly connected to each theme you check off below:


Check off Selections Concept/Theme Lesson/Milestone Alignment
The significance of features of “advanced” civilizations Week 1, Milestone 1
The significance of the Age of Exploration and Encounter (1400-1800) Week 2, Week 6, Milestone 3
The significance of the Age of Modern Imperialism (1800-1945)


Week 6, Milestone 3
The significance of major religious traditions or religious conflicts Milestone 1, touched on in multiple weeks
The significance of The Age of Atlantic Revolutions (including Enlightenment Ideas) Week 4, Milestone 2
The significance of the Age of Decolonization (post-1945) Week 8
The significance of the Industrial Revolution or industrialization Week 5
The significance of Nationalism (including modern ethno-nationalism and fascism) Week 7, Week 8
The Impact of modern warfare (WWI or later)


Week 7, Week 8, Week 9
The impact of Cold War ideological divisions


Week 8
The Impact of Modern Globalization on today’s world


Week 9


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Next, complete the research info sections below. At least one source must be a primary source.

Concept/Theme Selection #1


  • Why did you select this concept/theme from the list?





  • Describe the event or time period in your country’s history that connects with this concept/theme (be sure to include dates and details):





  • Give an APA citation for at least one source you will use to provide evidence of this:



Concept/Theme Selection #2


  • Why did you select this concept/theme from the list?




  • Describe the event or time period in your country’s history that connects with this concept/theme (be sure to include dates and details):




  • Give an APA citation for at least one source you will use to provide evidence of this:


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Concept/Theme Selection #3


  • Why did you select this concept/theme from the list?




  • Describe the event or time period in your country’s history that connects with this concept/theme (be sure to include dates and details):




  • Give an APA citation for at least one source you will use to provide evidence of this:



Concept/Theme Selection #4


  • Why did you select this concept/theme from the list?




  • Describe the event or time period in your country’s history that connects with this concept/theme (be sure to include dates and details):



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  • Give an APA citation for at least one source you will use to provide evidence of this:


Question 10:      English



I need an essay written on the book Charlotte Temple by Susanna Rowson. This essay is likely to be 3-4 pages, although complete instructions by my teacher has not been revealed yet. An emphasis should be placed on the questions attached. The book is about the relationship between women and men in the 18th century. Bare in mind that I will need to know where you found your material, so it is important to cite were you found everything. Please show me that you have read or will read the book in preparation of this essay. Also attached is the picture of the book.






Question 11:      General


Understanding Terrorism Wk 8



Understanding Terrorism Paper Four Criteria – Due Week Eight You now have the following: Paper One: Description and History of your selected group/individual Paper Two: Themes from Chapters 1-9 Paper Three: Strategies, Security, Individual Liberties ======================================= For Paper Four, you are going to complete your research into your selected Group/Individual. For this, you will need the concepts discussed in Chapters 14-16 of the Nacos Text: Chapter 14: Terrorist Propaganda and the Media Chapter 15: Terror and Hate in Cyberspace Chapter 16: Counter terrorism in the News Select TWO final articles (media focused) on your selected group/individual and read them thoroughly. Use the Grantham Library and EBSCO to assist. Stick to Journals and avoid relying on the Washington Post and NY Times. In a well-written paper, describe how the media has reported on your selected organization/individual and evaluate the coverage using the concepts discussed in the Nacos text. In addition, describe how your selected organization/individual used media sources, propaganda, cyberspace, and advertisement to further their ideological, social, and/or political goals. Draw some conclusions: does the media, social networking, and cyberspace impede or facilitate counterterrorism efforts? If so, then how and why? What recommendations would you provide the U.S. Government regarding media, social media, and the internet to better combat terrorism? Your submission will be a minimum of 4 pages and not to exceed 6 pages, excluding the Title Page and Reference Page. You will use APA Standard Format (1″ Margins, Times New Roman, 12-point Font, and Double Spacing. No extra space between paragraphs). You should continue to use all references you have collected so far, and ADD TWO more that are related to the Media.


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Question12:       Other


Week 12: Signature Assignment



Instructions Throughout this course, you explored different methodologies, designs, and data collection strategies. Using those experiences and feedback, you will develop a final proposal for a hypothetical study. Specifically, for this assignment, you are asked to develop an expanded proposal that incorporates the feedback you have received as well as your own supported reflections on the readings. This is not meant to be a milestone document nor will it be approved as such, but the proposal should provide an opportunity to test out a possible idea and to get feedback that would be useful as you consider possible topics and research designs for your dissertation work. Remember to use APA formatting and check for grammatical errors. Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions. It is also vital that you ensure there is alignment between the components of your paper; you should use Krathwohl’s Chain of Reasoning to assist. The proposal needs to include: •A statement as to the problem the research study will address as well as justification and evidence to verify that the problem exists.. Remember the problem statement should reflect your degree type (applied or theoretical) •A purpose statement that outlines how you will address the problem. •A list of the research questions, including hypotheses if a quantitative or mixed study. A description of the research methodology you have chosen (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) and a justification as to why this approach is best suited to address the problem and answer the specific research questions. •A discussion on the research design you have proposed (e.g., case study, quasi-experimental, etc.) and a justification as to why this design is the best choice and aligns with other aspects of the study. •A description of the data collection process, with justifications, to include a discussion of the following: ◦Overview of the population and sampling technique, ◦Instruments used (e.g., survey, interview protocol), and ◦Overview of process for collection and any challenges you envision. •A brief discussion of the proposed analysis techniques with justification on alignment of techniques with problem, purpose, and questions. •A brief discussion of how reliability and validity (or trustworthiness) will be maintained. •A brief discussion of the limitations and ethical considerations, including how limitations, biases, and ethical considerations will be addressed. Length: 12-15 pages, not including title and reference pages



Question13:       Other


Week 11: Participant Perspective and the Mixed Methods Approach



Instructions Researchers frequently employ standardized instruments to collect data associated with a variable of interest. In such cases, it is helpful to have served in the role of participant before making research decisions relating to measurement. If researchers are able to identify with and put themselves in the place of the participant while designing research methods, the participation can have a positive impact. For example, as the researcher, it might make sense to include a lot of instruments in the same packet for participants to complete so that you can get as much data as possible. However, if you have completed instruments yourself and can put yourself in the place of the participant, you might realize that participants can become tired and pay less attention to items or even stop responding when they have to complete too many instruments. In such cases, there might be missing or misleading data, which is not helpful to you as the researcher. To gain a greater understanding of the perspective of the participant, you will complete several quantitative instruments relating to your experience as a doctoral student at Northcentral University. Please answer each completely and honestly. As you learned in this course, phenomena can be investigated using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methodologies based on the problem under investigation, the purpose, and the corresponding research questions. Therefore, you will also answer open-ended questions that tap into the same constructs as the questionnaires that you completed. This will offer you experience as a participant in collecting qualitative data as well as demonstrate how phenomena can be explored using varied methodologies. However, it is worth noting that collecting qualitative data electronically comes with a number of limitations that should always be strongly considered when determining whether to collect qualitative data in person or not. Based on your experiences in completing this assignment, address the following: •What did you think of the length of each survey instrument? Was there a point at which you began to feel tired or paid less attention to the items? •What did you think of the open-ended questions? Were they clear? Did they seem leading? Did they seem concise or too wordy? •Did you prefer completing the closed questions (or multiple-choice questions) or the open-ended questions? Why? •Which methodology do you believe is most useful in the examination of each variable/construct? Why? •How might this experience influence you when designing your own research? Finally, write a 1-2 page reflection regarding your views on what you see would be the strengths and challenges of using a mixed method design. Consider how the two mini proposals might be combined to form a mixed method study and what would be the benefits and / or loss if a mixed methods approach was utilized. Make sure to justify your statements and use the resources to help support your points. Length: 6-7 pages, not including title and reference pages


Question14:       Other


Week 10: Build a Quantitative Proposal



Instructions Taking what you have learned from the readings and the feedback given on your past assignments, present a mini proposal (6-7 pages) that includes the following: 1. Statement of problem. Provide a clear justification with evidence on why this study is relevant to your field and worthy of doctoral-level study. Support your efforts using scholarly information published within the past 5 years to ensure relevancy. Remember the problem statement should reflect your degree type (applied or research). 2.Purpose statement (how your study will address the problem using quantitative methodology). This statement should flow from the problem statement. 3.Research questions (make sure there is alignment with the problem and purpose). 4.Find 2 to 3 articles related to your topic of interest and provide an overview of the research methodology and design where you specifically discuss the elements below from each article and discuss how each applies (or does not apply to your current study): ◦A specific quantitative design, ◦The population and sample, ◦Steps for data collection and protection of human subjects, ◦Steps for the analysis of the data, and ◦Issues of reliability and validity within a quantitative framework. 5. Based on your analysis above, what seems most applicable to your hypothetical study and why? Be sure to discuss the quantitative design, population and sample, data collection, analysis, reliability, and validity. 6. Discussion of the inherent strengths and challenges of your hypothetical study to include any ethical considerations that might need to be addressed in the study. Make sure to support all assertions and research choices, using the course resources as well as additional scholarly literature you have found. Length: 6-7 pages, not including title and reference pages




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Question 15:      Other


Week 9: Quantitative Design and Data Collection



Instructions For the assignment this week, please consider the topic, problem, and purpose you might choose for your Signature Assignment. You can use and revise problems, purposes, and questions from past assignments in this course with the goal of continuing to improve and refine them. Please addresses the following: •Restatement of your problem, purpose, and research question(s). •Last week you examined multiple ways to collect data to answer your research questions. Based on your analysis and feedback, choose one quantitative data collection method, describe how it would be used in your hypothetical study, and justify why this method of data collection is the best choice. •Discussion and justification of your sample and population. •Potential limitations with the chosen data collection and/or sample to consider and steps that can be taken ahead of time to help avoid these limitations. •Analysis of any strengths and weaknesses you see with your design, data collection, and/or sample. •Discuss ethical issues to consider with quantitative data collection methods. Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions. Length: 4-5 pages, not including title and reference pages


Question16:       Other


Week 8: Quantitative Research Design




Instructions For this assignment, you will build on your assignment last week to further explore how you might examine your research problem using a quantitative methodology. Respond to the following questions: •Please restate the research problem, purpose, and research questions you developed previously and incorporate any faculty feedback as appropriate. This week, be sure to also include hypotheses for each of your research questions. •How might surveys be used to answer your research questions? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using surveys to collect data? •How might you use an experiment or quasi-experiment to answer your research questions? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using (quasi)experiments to collect your data? •It is also important to consider how you might analyze the potential data you collect and factors that could affect those analyses. Specifically, what are Type I and Type II errors? How might these impact your study? What is statistical power? How might this impact your study? What steps can you take ahead of time to help avoid issues related to Type I & II errors as well as power? Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions. Length: 5 to 7 pages, not including title and reference pages


Question17:       Other


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Week 7: Summarize Numerical Data



Instructions For this assignment, think about a potential study you might want to conduct in which you would need to collect numerical data. You can use the research topic and problem you developed earlier, but make sure to modify your research questions to fit a quantitative method for this assignment. State the research problem and ensure it is supported by at least 3 to 5 scholarly resources within the past 5 years to ensure relevancy. Also keep in mind that your problem statement should reflect your degree (applied or PhD). Discuss whether you had to alter the problem statement to now reflect a quantitative design. How could you use quantitative methodology to address your research problem? State the purpose of the research effort. Make sure the purpose is aligned with the problem. Draft 2 to 3 research questions that would be appropriate for a quantitative study and addresses your research problem and are aligned with your purpose statement. You might choose to revise your previous qualitative research questions or develop new research questions. Either way, ensure alignment with the problem and purpose. Identify and discuss a design that is associated with quantitative methodology that you would consider to answer your research questions. You will find that some problems lend themselves to using one methodology over another. A goal of this assignment was to have you explore how a quantitative methodology might help you address your research questions. You will have an opportunity later in the course to explore mixed methodologies. Based on your analysis above, do you feel the use of a quantitative methodology and your chosen design is best suited to address your research problem and answer your questions. Why or why not? Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions. Length: 4-5 pages, not including title and reference pages


Question18: Other


Week 6: Build a Qualitative Proposal



Instructions Taking what you have learned from the readings and the feedback given on your past assignments, present a mini proposal that includes the following: Statement of problem. Provide a clear justification with evidence on why this study is relevant to your field and worthy of doctoral-level study. Support your efforts using scholarly information published within the past 5 years to ensure relevancy. Remember the problem statement should reflect your degree type (applied or research). Purpose statement (how your study will address the problem using qualitative methodology). This statement should flow from the problem statement. Research questions (make sure there is alignment with the problem and purpose). Find 2 to 3 articles related to your topic of interest and provide an overview of the research methodology and design where you specifically discuss the elements below from each article and discuss how each applies (or does not apply to your current study): A specific qualitative design, The population and sample, Steps for data collection and protection of human subjects, Steps for the analysis of the data, and Issues of trustworthiness within a qualitative framework. Based on your analysis above, what seems most applicable to your hypothetical study and why? Be sure to discuss the qualitative design, population and sample, data collection, analysis, and trustworthiness. Discussion of the inherent strengths and challenges of your hypothetical study to include any ethical considerations that might need to be addressed in the study. Make sure to support all assertions and research choices, using the course resources as well as additional scholarly literature you have found. Make sure to justify your steps and choices, using the course resources to help support your points. Length: 6-7 pages, not including title and reference pages


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Question19:       Other


Week 5: Qualitative Data Collection




Instructions For this assignment, you will build on your assignment from last week and further explore how you might examine your research problem using a qualitative methodology. Respond to the following questions: Please restate the research problem, purpose, and research questions you developed previously and incorporate any faculty feedback as appropriate. How might fieldwork and observation be used to answer your research questions? What role would field notes play in this process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using observation? How might interviewing be used to answer your research questions? Would you use face-to-face interviews or electronic interviews? Why or why not? Would you interview participants individually or in a group? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages to using interviews to collect your data? Discuss ethical issues to consider with these qualitative data collection methods. Reflect on how you might code the potential data you collect. Be sure to use scholarly sources to support all assertions and research decisions. Length: 6 to 7 pages, not including title and reference pages



Question1:  Finance


If you earn 5% per year on your bank account, how long will it take an account with $105 to double to $210? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


Question 2: Engineering.


separate bus lane is proposed that will replace a single lane of a freeway with a capacity of 2,500 vehicles per hour per lane


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Question 3: Computer Science.


Your manager informs you that your company is going to have a new digital forensics lab built. It will have space for additional computers to perform password cracking. You’re asked to research hardware and software requirements for this task and write a one-page memo describing recommendations for a password-cracking computer running multiple GPUs in a cluster of other systems with multiple GPUs. State what OS is recommended for these clusters’ systems.


Question 4: Other

Need help with an assignment must equal up to 1,500, each questions must have a min of 250 words for each questions and must have at least four (4) scholarly sources.

Must be in APA format and include in text citation (    ).


  1. What are the major precepts of the Classical school of criminology? Why was this considered to be such a departure from past theories of crime?
  2. Explain the philosophies of Hobbes and Locke and their impact on social issues.
  3. Describe Betham’s “hedonistic calculus’ and its connection to punishment for crime.

4.What are your thoughts on the three strikes law as a deterrent?

5.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of rational choice and routine activity theory as explained in your text.

6.Describe the Just Deserts Model and is this in line with Matthew 5:38-42. Why or why not




In 1880 five aboriginal trackers were each promised the equivalent of 50 Australian dollars for helping to capture the notorious outlaw Ned Kelley. In 1994 the granddaughters of two of the trackers claimed that this reward had not been paid. The prime minister stated that if this was true, the government would be happy to pay the $50. However, the granddaughters also claimed that they were entitled to compound interest.


  1. How much was each granddaughter entitled to if the interest rate was 3%? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


  1. How much was each entitled to if the interest rate was 6%?(Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


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Question 6: Business


Chaebol and family ownership in Korea


The word chaebol is a unique combination of the Korean words ‘chae (wealth)’ and ‘bol (clan or clique)’. South Korea’s chaebol are family-owned businesses that typically have subsidiaries across diverse industries. The top five chaebol, taken together, represent approximately half of the South Korean stock market’s value. Chaebol drive the majority of South Korea’s investment in research and development and employ people around the world. On average, the 3rd and 4th generations of the families of major shareholder in the top 30 Chaebolds become executive at the age of 31.5, only 3.5 years after they join the company (some start their career even as an executive). While some people argue that family leadership is the most suitable and efficient ownerships strategy to manage those huge business group (perspective 1), others argue that it is outdated and inefficient ownership strategy (Perspective 2).





Question 7: Mathematics


Solve the equation for x(for a>0,aÎN)


Solve the equation a^x = x^a for x, for all positive values of a (natural numbers).


Question8:  Accounting



Kitchen Electrical Company is planning to introduce a food blender – Project A – to its line of small home appliances. Annual sales of the blender are estimated at 7,000 units at a price of $75 per unit. Variable manufacturing costs are estimated at $46 per unit, incremental fixed manufacturing costs (other than depreciation) at $35,000 annually, and incremental administration and selling expenses relating to the blenders at $37,000 annually.

To build the food blender the company must invest $250,000 in moulds, patterns and special equipment. Since the company expects to change the design of the blender every four years, this equipment will have a four-year service life with $10,000 salvage value. Depreciation will be calculated on a straight-line basis. (Note – Initial Investment is made at the start of the year when the project commences). Ignore taxation for the purposes of this question.


  1. Provide a projected accrualincome statement calculating average per annum accounting profit for Kitchen Electrical based on the above information.
  2. Produce a table showing projected cash inflows / outflows and net cash flows each year over the project life.
  3. Calculate (show full workings to your answer) and interpret the meaning of:
  • accounting rate of return on the project
  • payback on the project
  • net present value assuming a 18% discount rate on the project.
  • internal rate of return on the project


  1. The company is also considering an alternate superior blender – Project B – to manufacture and sell. The upfront capital cost to manufacture this blender is costlier at $500,000 initially. The projected life is again 4 years generating a NPV of $145,600 and an Internal Rate of Return of 32.36 percent based on a yearly year end cash inflow of $240,000.
  • Determine which alternative proposal the company should choosebased on increasing the net wealth of the business. (Full justify your answer – (limit 40 words))
  • Now assume the company has the opportunity of replicating each proposal several times (projects are no longer mutually exclusive) but also has an imposed capital constraint, limiting initial investment to $1,000,000. Does your recommendation change – Fully justifying your answer comparing total returns when utilising the $1 million in capital – (limit 80 words). (HINT: The company can do multiple projects – A and/or B up to an initial capital spend of 1,000,000)




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Question 9: Finance


Suppose Starbucks wishes to sign a 10-year contract to open a location within the Lundquist College of Business. This venture will cost $70,000, and is expected to bring in $10,000 per year.

Starbucks currently finances its operations with 50% equity and 50% debt. They face a 33% tax rate and the YTM on existing Starbucks bonds is 8%. The market expected return is 14%, the risk-free rate is 5% and Starbucks’ Beta is 0.9.

What is the NPV of this venture?

Question 10:      Other

Write a self-reflection paper of approximately 250 words analyzing your own experience with teams, and your ability to lead and contribute effectively to teams.

You should use the following questions for organizing your paper, but you may wish to add additional information:


  1. Describe your experience with workgroups and or teams in the workplace and at college
  2. List your current strengths and weaknesses with regard to team building



Question 11:      Finance





















Question 12:             Physics










Question 13:      Psychology 


Wk. 4 Team Assignment:Thesis Statement and Annotated Bibliography for Final Project.



TOPIC Nipsey Hussle’s story

Resources: Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) Thesis Generator and Annotated Bibliography Sample.

In many cases, issues and dynamics reported in the news are also studied by researchers.

Choose one news story from the News Stories for Multiculturalism in the News assignment, due in Week Three, to use for the final team project due in Week Six.

Gain instructor approval for the selected news story.

Develop an annotated bibliography. Each team member must list a minimum of two sources from peer-reviewed journals that relate to the news story.

Write a clearly worded thesis statement of no more than 150words for the Multiculturalism in the News assignment due in Week Six.

Format your annotated bibliography and thesis statement according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Thesis Generator

Annotated Bibliography

Grading Criteria: Thesis Statement and Annotated Bibliography for Final Project















Question 14:      Accounting



Question 15:      Mathematics


(b) A curve is drawn to pass through the points given by the following table: x 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 y 2 2.4 2.7 2.8 3 2.6 2.1 Estimate the area bounded by the curve, the X-axis and the lines x 1 and x 4, using Simpson’s jrd rule.



Question 16:      Engineering


need help with these questions. They are also found on chegg if anyone has that. Just type in the first few words of the questions in the attachments. No need to explain. Just need solutions. will pay 2.50$ per question




Question 17:      Psychology


Wk 4 Discussion


Each week will have 3 graded Discussions provide:


Review this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in 150 to 300 words:

  1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.
  2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.
  3. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.


Students need to contribute two substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.


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Question 18:             Business


Db And assignment


Unit 2 DB


In the case of the Coyote and Road Runner, one might question the ethics of the two characters’ behaviors. Identify an organization that you have worked for or know about that has successfully implemented a culture of ethical business behavior. Alternatively, identify one that has not successfully implemented a culture of ethical business behavior. Discuss how leaders in those businesses have or have not accomplished this initiative. Must be 200 words please cite and reference all work used in APA style.


Unnit 2 assignment


Establishing a culture of sound business ethics within an organization is challenging, to say the least. Companies that market products that are not considered to be “healthy” for consumers have additional challenges. Using the CSU online library, research a company that markets “unhealthy” products. Examples might include tobacco or alcohol companies but these examples are not all-inclusive. Respond to the following questions.

  1. Briefly describe the company and its product and the ethical dilemma associated with the production and distribution of its products.
  2. Describe how the perception of the product differs within cultures both within the United States and globally.
  3. How has this company handled the ethical implications of its product with a focus on social responsibility, integrity and business ethics?
  4. Explain how leadership within the organization can instill a culture of ethics within the marketing department as they strive to advertise a product that is not healthy for the customer.

Your response should be two double-spaced pages not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one peer-reviewed source. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines.

Your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA style. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide (http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/downloads/pdf/success/citation-guide).

Instructions for formatting formal documents can be found on page 17.


Question  19:     Business


Unit 1 Assignment


Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses the topic of business ethics. Topic ideas might include the role of ethics in the workplace, breach of ethics, the effect of internal and external forces on ethical compliance, global ethical considerations within a business or ethics and employees.

Note these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of ethical topics as they relate to business ethics.

Respond to the following questions:

  1. Summarize the article and align it with the author’s main point.
  2. How does this article contribute to contemporary thinking about business ethics?
  3. How can you apply information in this article to your field?
  4. How did this article fit your ethical view?

Your response should be 2 pages double-spaced pages not including the title and reference pages.

Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines. References should include at minimum 1) one of the required reading articles and 2) an additional scholarly reviewed article from the CSU Online Library.

You may find this presentation, “Right References,” a great resource for guidance in making references: https://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/references2014

Format the article review in accordance with APA style. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide (http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/downloads/pdf/success/citation-guide).

Instructions for formatting formal documents can be found on page 17.


Question 20:      Other


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“Five Words that Best Describe You” exercise. In 250 words State the five words that best describe you and why they are so applicable.  Then describe what information or knowledge you hope to gain from the course – what are your objectives? title of course (Strategic Management)




Question 21:      Statistics


The following list gives the ages of 50 factory workers. Construct a Grouped Frequency Distribution using 7 classes.

50 63 42 28 30
37 29 61 43 43
27 50 28 28 50
62 34 53 21 32
19 41 60 57 22
35 46 32 30 25
36 52 57 29 35
42 57 35 61 46
21 49 26 40 19
18 25 23 47 28


Class Width: 

Fill in the table after creating the frequency distribution on paper. rf and crf are rounded to two decimal places ( Example:  .15 not 0.15). Do not worry about the sum of the column being 1.0. 

Class  Limits Class Boundaries Midpoint f cf rf crf



Question22:       Germany


Name:                                                     10. Klasse Deutsch : Woche 5

Complete the following tasks and upload this document to Managebac by the end of the second double.

Verbs and Tenses:

  1. Give the German or English as indicated for the following phrases. Use the vocab about Düsseldorf from Zoom and Quizlet:


German English
einen Spaziergang machen  to go for a walk
das Filmmuseum besuchen Vist the Film Museum
to do a city tour
den Rheinturm besichtigen
Einen Einkaufsbummel machen to go on a shopping expedition
in den Südpark gehen To vist the rhine tower
to go to Spektakulum
eine Bratwurst auf dem Carlsplatz essen
eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Rhein machen to do a boat trip on the Rhine
zum Unterbacher See fahren
to go to a disco in the old town
das Senfmuseum besuchen To vist the city museum
to drink a coffee on the banks of the Rhine
in die Königsallee gehen
In den Aquazoo gehen to go to the ‘Aquazoo’


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  1. Was kann man/können wir in Düsseldorf machen? What can you/we do in Düsseldorf?

Use the correct form of ‘können’ with the verb phrases above to create sentences. You can choose the phrases!


  1. Man kann eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Rhein machen.


Man kann in die Altstadt gehen.


Wir kann in den Aquazoo gehen.


Ich kann ins Cafe am Rheinufer gehen.


Wir kann eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Rhein machen.


Man kann das Film Museusm besuchen



  1. Present Tense – Choose 5 activities from the table to form sentences in the Present Tense.


  1. das Senfmuseum besuchen – Ich besuche das Senfmuseum.
  2. ______________________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________________


  1. Rewrite the following in the Future Tense – werden + infinitive


Ich besuche das Filmmuseum          Ich werde das Filmmuseum besuchen

Wir gehen in den Südpark              Wir werden in den Sudpark gehen

Er besichtigt den Rheinturm           Er werdet den Rheinturm besichtigen

Sie macht einen Einkaufsbummel  Sie werdet einen Einkaufsbummel macht

Wir fahren morgen zum Unterbacher See Wir werden morgen zum Unterbacher See fahren.

Meine Freunde und ich trinken

einen Kaffee im Café.                     __________


  1. Complete the following sentences in the Perfect Tense. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of haben/sein and the past participle. See the table which has been uploaded – Useful verbs in the Perfect Tense.


  1. Am Sonntag __________wir in Düsseldorf___________. (ankommen)
  2. Wir __________mit dem Zug __________. (fahren)
  3. Zuerst __________wir zu Fuß zu unserer Jugendherberge __________. (gehen)
  4. Dann __________wir zu Mittag __________. (essen)
  5. Danach __________wir das Filmmuseum __________ (besuchen) und am Abend __________ wir Volleyball __________. (spielen)
  6. Am nächsten Tag __________wir mit dem Bus zum Unterbacher See __________.(fahren)
  7. Den ganzen Morgen __________wir (surfen) und __________. (segeln)
  8. Am Nachmittag __________wir eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Rhein __________ (machen)
  9. Nach der Bootsfahrt __________ wir einen Kaffee in einem Café am Rheinufer __________ (trinken)
  10. Am Abend __________wir zwei Stunden lang in einer Disco in der Altstadt __________. (tanzen)
  11. Word order – SvTOMP/TvSOMP

  Rewrite the following sentences in the correct order. Begin with the highlighted word or phrase.

  Remember: the verb is the second idea in the sentence. If there are two verbs, the second verb

  goes to the end of the sentence.


  1. wohnen / in einem schὅnen Hotel/ meine Familie und ich / in Dὕsseldorf

Meine Familie und ich wohnen in einem schὅnen Hotel in Dὕsseldorf

  1. heute / wollen / eine Bootsfahrt / wir / auf dem Rhein / machen


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  1. ich / machen / mὅchte / eine Stadtrundfahrt / am Montag
  2. kann / besichtigen / man / die Sehenswὕrdigkeiten der Stadt
  3. finde / sehr interessant / ich / das
  4. am Dienstagabend / gehen / werden / in der Altstadt / meine Freundin und ich / in die Disco
  5. in die Stadt / mein Bruder und ich / werden / gehen / am Mittwochvormittag
  6. werden / ins Senfmuseum / zu Fuβ / zuerst / wir / gehen.
  7. probieren / wir / kὅnnen / viele Senfspezialitἃten  / dort
  8. ins Spektakulum / danach / gehen / werden / wir
  9. Konzerte und Theater / es / jedenTag / gibt / fὕr Kinder und Jugendliche
  10. werden / Meine Familie und ich / zum Unterbacher See / fahren / am Wochenende / mit dem Zug

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  1. Practise the Quizlet List ‚Adverbs of Time‘. (5 mins)

Give the following adverbs of time in the space below:

  1. on the weekend
  2. first
  3. after that
  4. on the weekend
  5. then
  6. in the evening
  7. on Friday afternoon
  8. today
  9. tomorrow
  10. yesterday
  11. next week
  12. this morning


  1. Choose 4 time phrases from the list above and create sentences about Düsseldorf beginning

with the time phrase.  Make sure that you choose the correct tense to use. (ie tomorrow I will visit the Rhine tower – future tense)

Morgen werde ich den Rheinturm besuchen.






  1. Practise the Quizlet list – Opinions (5 mins) Write down 5 opinions about any of the sights in Düsseldorf, and give reasons for your opinion. The conjunctions ‘weil’ (verb scarer) and ‘denn’ will be useful here:


  1. Ich finde das Senfmuseum sehr interessant, weil ich Wurst mit Senf gern esse.







  1. Zoom Textbook. Pages 112 and 113. Read the texts through and answer the questions in the space below:

P 112 Lesen 4







P 113 Lesen 4








In the table below note down all the conjunctions (joining words) and time phrases used in the texts.

Conjunctions (with meanings) Time Phrases


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CASES – Nominative, Accusative & Dative

Definite Article (the) & Indefinite Article (a)

Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Nominative der








Accusative den








Dative dem






den         + n

keinen    + n


 * ‘kein’ is used here instead of ‘ein’ as you can’t use ‘ein’ in the plural.

* Other words can be substituted in this table instead of ‘ein’. The endings on these words           will change in exactly the same way as ein & kein.

 mein (my), sein (his), ihr (her), dein (your- informal), unser (our), ihr (their) euer (your-   informal ) Ihr (your – formal)


Complete the following endings using the correct form of the accusative or dative case.


If there is no preposition ie ‘in’, then use the accusative case to show that the noun is the  direct object. (receiving the action)

If the preposition ‘in’ is followed by a noun, then use the rule: in + acc (movement), in + dat (no movement).      Where at – DAT    Where to – ACCU

  1. Wir können d____ Schlossturm (m) besichtigen.
  2. Wir können d____ Altstadt (f) besuchen.
  3. Man kann in____ Open – Air Kino (n) gehen.
  4. Wir sind i____ Kino (n)
  5. Wir können e____ Bootsfahrt (f) auf dem Rhein machen.
  6. Können wir vielleicht in e____ Pizzeria (f) gehen?
  7. Es war schön heute Abend in d____ Pizzeria.(f)
  8. Ich möchte d____ Filmmuseum (n) und d____ Sϋdpark (m) bescuhen.
  9. In Dϋsseldorf möchten wir in d____ Aquazoo (m) gehen und e____ Einkaufsbummel (m)


  1. Man kann d____ Senfmuseum (n) und d____ Königsallee (f) besichtigen.
  2. I____ Senfmuseum (n) kann man viele Senfspezialitäten probieren und in d____ Königsallee (f) gibt es zahlreiche Geschäfte.
  3. Am Samstag können wir in____ Spektakulum (n) und danach in d____ Botanischen Garten (m) gehen.
  4. Ich möchte besonders d____ Rheinturm (m) besuchen und in____ Café (n) am Rheinufer gehen.



When you have completed all the tasks, upload this booklet to ManageBac. This should be done by the end of the second double.

Any remaining time should be spent on Quizlet and on further writing practice. (ie Imagine you are writing a Blog from the perspective of a tourist in Duesseldorf and are talking about what you have done, are doing and will do. Use description and give your opinions)


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Question 23:                             Statistics



  1. Compute the marginal distribution of marital status (for example, total “Never Married / Total Adult Women) for all adult women (use percent).  Either draw by hand or use Excel to create a bar chart to display this distribution. Discuss the results.
  2. Compare the conditional distributions of marital status for women aged 18 to 24 and women ages 40 to 64.  Discuss the most important difference between the two age groups.


  1. Your company is planning a magazine aimed at women who have never been married.  Find the conditional distribution of age among never-married women and display it in a bar graph. Insert this graph into word.  Discuss what age group or groups you would suggest to your magazine to target.


Question 24:      Engineering




Question 25:      Psychology


Wk 4 Individual: Multicultural Project Planning


Choose one of the following scenarios and watch the accompanying video.

  • You work for a refugee relief organization. You are given the job of setting up schools in Chechen refugee camps in Chechnya.
  • Video: “Chechen Refugee Camps”
  • You work for a humanitarian organization. You are asked to expand your organization into Iraq to aid in the country’s rebuilding effort.
  • Video: “Post War Conditions in Iraq”

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper about the challenges of planning the project.

Include the following in your paper:

  • At least three topics that you would like to better understand before beginning the project.
  • Describe ethnocentric challenges that may arise when planning the project.
  • Discuss the types of questions the researcher should ask.

Include peer-reviewed sources to support your points.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Video: Chechen Refugee Camps

Transcript: Chechen Refugee Camps

Video: Post War Conditions in Iraq

Transcript: Post War Conditions in Iraq


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Question 26:      Psychology


Ethical Guidelines in Multicultural Research


Pick an ethical guideline unique to multicultural research. What is your perspective on the chosen guideline’s purpose for student and professional research?


Please make sure to apply more than one resource to initial response. Properly cites (i.e., APA) course materials and outside scholarly readings in initial posting; citations as needed in responses to classmates.


Textbook sources:


Fiske, S. T. (2014). Social psychology: Core motives in social psychology (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Keith, K. D. (2011). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Lott, B. E. (2010). Multiculturalism and diversity: A sociological perspective.

Malden, MA: Wiley & Blackwell. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Question 27:      Psychology

Ethnocentrism, Psychological Theories, and Multicultural Research


In what ways does ethnocentrism impact psychological theories and multicultural research?


Please make sure to apply more than one resource to initial response. Properly cites (i.e., APA) course materials and outside scholarly readings in initial posting; citations as needed in responses to classmates.


Textbook sources:


Fiske, S. T. (2014). Social psychology: Core motives in social psychology (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Keith, K. D. (2011). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Lott, B. E. (2010). Multiculturalism and diversity: A sociological perspective.

Malden, MA: Wiley & Blackwell. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


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Question 28: Statistics


  1. A firm uses a computer-based training module to prepare 20 machinists to use new numerically controlled lathes.  The module contains a test at the end of the course; X is the number who perform satisfactorily on the test.


  1. The list of potential product testers for a new product contains 100 persons chosen at random from the adult residents of a large city.  Each person on the list is asked whether he or she would participate in the study if given the chance; X is the number who say “Yes”.


  1. Either in a job you currently have or one that you would like to have, describe a data set you could collect that would be in the binomial setting.


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Question 29:      Chemistry


Complex metric Titration


A 10.00 mL of aliquot of a commercial grade algaecide containing an organ mercury compound was treated with concentrated HNO3 and diluted to 250.0 mL with water. A 50.00 mL of aliquot of this solution was treated with 20.00 mL of 0.04966 M EDTA and mixed thoroughly for 10 minutes. After adjusting to pH 10.00, the excess EDTA required 18.04 mL of 0.04711 M MgCl2 for the titration endpoint. Calculate the concentration of Hg in the original sample in units of mg Hg/mL


Question 30:      Chemistry

Gravimetric Analysis


Will a precipitate form when 0.150L of 0.1000 M Pb(NO)3 and 0.100 L of 0.20 M NaCl are mixed? Ksp of PbCl2 = 1.2 x 10 ^ -5


Question 31:      Computer Science

SYSC 2100 Algorithms and Data Structures Summer 2019

Assignment 3: Recursion and Stacks Due: May 31st, 2019

Name your classes and methods strictly as specified (case sensitive).

  1. Design a class named LanguageRecognizerG to implement a language recognizer. The LanguageRecognizerG class must accept strings from the user, and determine recursively (method recursiveRecogG) whether the string is a word of the G language.

The G language has the following grammar:
<G> = empty string | <E> | <V> <E> | <E> <G> <V> <E> = & | #
<V> = W | A


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The client program (exterior to your class) will read the word from the keyboard as follows:

Enter the G-language word to check:

Suppose that the user enters the word:


The client program will then proceed to create an object of your class with the user- entered word and check with one simple call of a method. The client program should not implement any result printing at all. That is the responsibility of your class via its methods. A client program is provided on Page 4. Feel free to use it for your tests!

The output should appear as follows:

Recursion: Word “###” is NOT a word of the G language If the entered word is #A instead, the output would be:
Recursion: Word “#A” IS a word of the G language

CAUTION: If you take care of the printing inside recursiveRecogG you will run into a multiple printing problem. To eliminate this, have a second method recursivePrintG that takes care of the printing for recursion. That is the only method that the client program will call for the language check. It then becomes the job of recursivePrintG to make use of recursiveRecogG.

Bonus Question (no marks): Try solving the same problem as above non-recursively using the Java Collections Framework class Stack (method stackRecogG).

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  1. Implement your own ADT-list-based stack class named StackListBased. Use the ADT LinkedList of the Java Collections Framework. Your Stack implementation should be capable of performing the operations shown in the following UML diagram.

Design another class named InfixCalculator to implement an infix calculator using your previously implemented class StackListBased. The InfixCalculator class must accept infix expressions from the user and evaluate them with method evaluateInfix. This method will first convert the infix expression to postfix expression (method convertPostfix), and then evaluate the resulting postfix expression (method getPostfix). Use only the operators +, -, *, and /. You can assume that the infix expression is syntactically correct and that the unary operators are illegal. However, the infix expression should

  1. allow for any type of spacing between operands, operators, and parentheses
  2. allow for multi-digit integer operands

The client program (exterior to your class) will read the infix expression to evaluate from the keyboard as follows:

Enter the infix expression to evaluate:

Suppose that the user enters the expression:

(10 + 3 * 4 / 6)

The client program will then proceed to create an object of your class with the user- entered expression and evaluate it the method evaluateInfix().

The output for some example infix operations should appear as follows:

infix: (10 + 3 * 4 / 6)

postfix: 10 3 4 * 6 / +

result: 12


infix: 12*3 – 4 + (18 / 6)

postfix: 12 3 * 4 – 18 6 / +

result: 35

infix: 35 – 42* 17 /2 + 10

postfix: 35 42 17 * 2 / – 10 +

result: -312

infix: 3 * (4 + 5)

postfix: 3 4 5 + *

result: 27

infix: 3 * ( 17 – (5+2))/(2+3)

postfix: 3 17 5 2 + – * 2 3 + /

result: 6


Submission Requirements: Submit your assignment (3 source LanguageRecognizerG.java, StackListBased.java, and InfixCalculator.java) using cuLearn. Your program should compile and run as is in the default lab environment, and the code should be well documented. Submit all the files individually without using any archive or compression.


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Marks will be based on:

  • Completeness of your submission
  • Correct solution to the problem
  • Following good coding style
  • Sufficient and high-quality in-line comments
  • Adhering to the submission requirements (in particular the naming convention and the

submission of uncompressed source files only)

The due date is based on the time of the cuLearn server and will be strictly enforced. If you are concerned about missing the deadline, here is a tip: multiple submissions are allowed. So you can always submit a (partial) solution early, and resubmit an improved solution later. This way, you will reduce the risk of running late, for whatever reason (slow computers/networks, unsynchronized clocks, failure of the Internet connection at home, etc.).

In cuLearn, you can manage the submission until the deadline, taking it back, deleting/adding files, etc, and resubmitting it. The system also provides online feedback whether you submitted something for an assignment. It may take a while to learn the submission process, so I would encourage you to experiment with it early and contact the TA(s) in case you have problems, as only assignments properly and timely submitted using cuLearn will be marked and will earn you assignment credits.


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The Client Program:


Question 32:      Business


Fourth ENT assignment.

– Go online and download the book titled CAPITALIST NIGGER by Chika Onyeani and:
1- Comment (Give 10 arguments) on why Africans do not succeed in business.
2- How can they apply the cobweb method used by Indians to succeed.

NB: Answer in at least 6 pages.

Question 33:      Business


How  to make $2000 from $20 in a year.


As an entrepreneur, explain in detail, a business proposal that can fetch you $2000 in one year, starting with $20. (Answer between 2-3 pages)


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Question 34:      Mathematics




After his bargain with Dormammu, Dr. Strange is trying to get back to Earth from the Dark
Dimension. To this end, he manages to open three portals:
• Portal 1 can lead him directly back to Earth after 5 minutes.
• Portal 2

  1. leads him through the Nine Realms and back to the Dark Dimension (where he
    started) after 15 minutes.
    • Portal 3 leads him through the perilous Quantum Realm and back to the Dark Dimension
    after 25 minutes (assuming he survives the trip, of course).
    Since Dr. Strange does not know which portal is the correct one to take and the portals change
    positions every time he goes through one of them, he decides to pick one portal (out of three)
    at random with equal probability.
    What is the expected time for Dr. Strange to get back to Earth?





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Question 35:      Mathematics




Need ROI, Pay-Back and NPV calculation

Return on investment. Net present value





Question 36:      Mathematics


Home Depot entered fiscal 2016 with a total capitalization of $27,219 million. In 2016, debt investors received interest income of $832 million. Net income to shareholders was $6,351 million. (Assume a tax rate of 35%.)


Calculate the economic value added assuming its cost of capital is 10%. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer in millions rounded to 2 decimal places.)


Question 37:      Economics


How easy is it to start a business in India?

I would like to have a deep analysis on this topic within 500 words.



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Question 38:      Business


Discussion 4


William Ford Jr., Chairman of Ford Motor Co. said, “A good company delivers excellent products and services, and a great company does all that and strives to make the world a better place.”  Supported by evidence from your textbook, the “Starbucks” case study, and other research, describe two forces that you believe shape the relationship between business and society. Provide two examples, one for each force you select. Be specific in your answer and discuss strengths and weaknesses via examples and applications. Be certain to cite in APA format all sources used.


Discussion 5


Visit at least two different companies’ website and read about how each company explicates the working environment and its expectations of employees. In your discussion post, reference the websites you analyzed. Examples of companies include, Kraft Foods, Apple, CVS Caremark, Johnson & Johnson, and Target. Identify what your selected companies do to establish a positive working environment and committed employees. Be specific in identifying behaviors, programs, or initiatives. (Note: If a company website does not provide enough information, select another company.)



Question 39:      Mathematics


Solve for x the equation 2^x+x^2=3^x-x^3, with detailed illustration and explanation.


 Question 40:     Physics


A physics student is sitting in a parked car just off a busy roadway. She measures the traffic noise and finds that shutting the car windows reduces the intensity of traffic sound to 1.0 % of what it would be with the car windows open. What reduction in intensity level (IL) is achieved by shutting the windows? In your response include an explanation of the underlying physics concept and follow the posted structured approach to problem solving in presenting your response.


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Question 41:      Physics


Explain why warranty for many devices will be voided if the equipment is operated in a room with air temperature exceeding the limit specified by the equipment manufacturer. (2 marks)

Question 42:      Statistics


Find the value of z such that 0.9722 0.9722 of the area lies between −z − z and z. Round your answer to two decimal places.



Question 43:      Mathematics


A pump house is to be placed at some point X along a river. Two pipelines will then connect the
pumphouse to properties A and B. How far from M should X be in order to minimize the total length of



Question 47: Mathematics

Unit –Circle & line –segment intersection


Derive the formula to calculate the endpoint coordinates (x2,y2) on a unit-circle’s circumference, of a sloped line segment (slope = 1 or 2), whose origin coordinates (x1,y1) are anywhere inside of the unit-circle’s first octant.  This is for a high school project.


Question 48:      Psychology


Wk 3 Team Assigment:News Stories for Multiculturalism in the News


CHANGE TOPIC — Just need 2 slides 


Research news stories for the Multiculturalism in the News assignment due in Week Six; each team member must select one news story. The stories must have occurred within the past 6 months and must illustrate the effects of multicultural conflict. The team will choose one story to complete the assignment on.

Create an 2-slide presentation that conveys a background on the news story, and how the news story is related to multicultural conflict. Additionally, provide a resolution approach to the topic.


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TOPIC is: how the Nipsey Hussle Murder unified people of different cultures and unity



Describe how the news story illustrates the effects of multicultural conflict.

Format your document according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Question 49:      History


Major influences on development of the Renaissance


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to practice prioritizing known major influences on development of the Renaissance and using specific data to support your choice. What shaped developments in the period 1300–1550 more—the Black Death’s emphasis on the afterlife (the hereafter) or the Renaissance’s emphasis on human achievement (the here and now)?

Lead with your judgment about the most influential viewpoint from beginning to end of the period. This is your thesis. Then, support it with specific examples covering each of the following categories:

  • significant individuals (e.g., political or religious leaders, innovators, explorers);
  • characteristics of worldview (e.g., philosophy, religion);
  • social institutions (e.g., social mores, practices, hierarchies);
  • patronage (discuss the patrons, their motives, influence, and resulting products or artifacts);
  • the economies (e.g., changes, different economic systems, impact); and
  • politics (e.g., forms of governance, power distributions, contests).

You may use specific examples that touch on several of the above categories at once. When writing your essay, use examples to prove your point rather than simply listing the examples.

Your essay must be a minimum of 500 words. Be sure to include an introduction.

You must use two sources written by historians in history books or journals from Online Libraries. All content must follow APA guidelines, including all sources used, which must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.




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Question 50:      Statistics




The number of acres comprised by Cedar Bog Lake is being estimated. The lake
is shown in the accompanying sketch with the scale shown in feet. Use simulation
to estimate the size of the lake. (One-acre D 43,560 square feet).

x(from 0 to 1000)

y(from 0 to 500)




Question 1:  General.


Introduction to Economics assignment


ECN1000 – Devoir 2

Tiffanie Perrault

Université de Montréal, Département des Sciences Economiques à rendre avant le 6 juin 2019

Le marché du locatif à Montréal

Selon Statistique Canada, 522 140 logements étaient loués dans l’agglo- mération de Montréal en 2016. La même année, 4% des logements étaient inoccupés. Selon l’Union des Banques Suisses, le prix moyen du loyer pour un 3 1/2 à Montréal en 2015 était de CAD 879. On supposera qu’entre 2015 et 2016, ce prix augmente de 2%, donc passe à approximativement CAD 900.

Pour faciliter l’accès au logement, Madame Gagnon, économiste pour les services urbains de la Ville de Montréal, proposait de plafonner le prix des loyers à CAD 850 au 1er Janvier 2017.

  1. Représentez l’équilibre du marché des logements locatifs à Montréal en 2016 à l’aide d’un graphique d’offre et de demande.
  2. Sur le même graphique, représentez les surplus des consommateurs et des producteurs. Vous pouvez utiliser des lettres pour désigner les aires correspondant à ces surplus.
  3. Sur le même graphique, représentez l’équilibre du marché des loge- ments locatifs à Montréal en 2017, après la politique de plafonnement proposée par Madame Gagnon.
  4. Représentez les surplus des consommateurs et des producteurs pour 2017.
  5. Comment la quantité de logements loués à l’équilibre évolue-t-elle ? Pourquoi ?
  6. Selon vos réponses aux deux questions précédentes, que penser de la politique publique proposée par Madame Gagnon ?


Madame Breton est également économiste pour la ville. Elle critiquait la solution de Madame Gagnon et proposait de subventionner l’accès au logement des familles montréalaises sous la forme d’une prime de CAD 50 par mois pour les locataires aux revenus les plus bas, au 1er Janvier 2017.

  1. Recopiez votre graphique de la question 1 illustrant l’équilibre du marché des logements locatifs à Montréal en 2016. Ensuite représentez la politique proposée par Madame Breton pour le 1er Janvier 2017.
  2. Comment la quantité de logements loués à l’équilibre évolue-t-elle ? Pourquoi ?
  3. Représentez les surplus des consommateurs et des producteurs pour 2017, en appliquant la politique de Madame Breton.
  4. Selon vos réponses aux deux questions précédentes, est-il préférable, pour encourager l’accès au logement, de mettre en place la politique publique de Madame Breton ou celle de Madame Gagnon ? Pourquoi ?

Monsieur Tremblay propose une autre approche pour faciliter l’accès au logement et réduire le taux d’inoccupation : subventionner les propriétaires de logements locatifs, au 1er Janvier 2017.

  1. Recopiez votre graphique de la question 1 illustrant l’équilibre du marché des logements locatifs à Montréal en 2016. Ensuite représentez la politique proposée par Monsieur Tremblay pour le 1er Janvier 2017.
  2. Représentez les surplus des consommateurs et des producteurs pour 2017, en appliquant la politique de Monsieur Tremblay.
  3. Comment la quantité de logements loués à l’équilibre évolue-t-elle ? Pourquoi ?
  4. Selon vos réponses aux deux questions précédentes, que penser de la politique publique proposée par Monsieur Tremblay en termes d’accès au logement ?

Comme Monsieur Tremblay, Monsieur Laroche pense qu’il serait préfé- rable d’envisager une politique d’offre, plutôt qu’une politique de demande. Il propose de taxer les logements inoccupés au 1er Janvier 2017.

  1. Recopiez votre graphique de la question 1 illustrant l’équilibre du marché des logements locatifs à Montréal en 2016. Ensuite représentez la politique proposée par Monsieur Laroche pour le 1er Janvier 2017.


  1. Représentez les surplus des consommateurs et des producteurs pour 2017, en appliquant la politique de Monsieur Laroche.
  2. Comment la quantité de logements loués à l’équilibre évolue-t-elle ? Pourquoi ?
  3. Selon vos réponses aux deux questions précédentes, que penser de la politique publique proposée par Monsieur Laroche en termes d’accès au logement ?
  4. Le résultat de la politique proposée par Monsieur Laroche est-il dif- férent du résultat de la politique proposée par Monsieur Tremblay ?
  5. Des quatre solutions proposées, laquelle choisiriez-vous ? Pourquoi ?



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Question 2:  Law





Graduate Course Assignment


Assignment Deadline: 6/8/2019

Assignment Deadline Time: 12:00pm M.S.T.




Intervention Program: Reduce Firearm-Related Violence


Write a 475-word analysis that THOROUGHLY ADDRESS AND EXPLAIN methods to work around potential ethical issues in the future for an intervention program of: Reduce Firearm-Related Violence


Include at least two (2) Peer-Reviewed resource within the response.


Properly quote and cite all references used. Response MUST have direct “in-text” quotes (examples) to support writing.


Properly format your document consistent with APA guidelines. Analysis MUST be in APA FORMAT. Reference Page MUST be in APA FORMAT. Analysis must have a strong introduction, body, conclusion, and smooth transitional phrases for sentences and paragraphs.





NOTE: cover page and reference page are NOT included in the 475-word count for analysis. The document must have thoroughly detailed information and references to support analysis.


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Question 3:  Education


literacy narrative (anecdote), five pages,



Literacy is the development of literacy and, the ability of communication between people. I have been suffered from literacy two times of my life. First, when I was a child I suffered from the Arabic language, how can I communicate with people in Arabic. I have been extremely lucky in having a chance to learn from several fantastic sponsors. The first sponsor is my parents. My parents are the most positive literacy sponsor in my life. My parents are considered the first teacher in my life. When I had homework, they always helped me and supported me to become a better student. Further, my parents always encouraged me to become better at writing and read more by buying me a lot of books. For example, when I went to my bed my parents read a story for me. That helped me and encouraged me to be a good student who read and write a lot in a short time. Also, I will never forget my teachers who made a big effort with me throughout my education. For example, they made a competition between my classmates to enhance our education in a good way, and they always gave us a present. Second, when I was 21 years I moved to the United States, and I started to learn the English language. It is a new period in my life a new language and education. First, I was scared of how can I get better and how can I improve my English language. With the time a get better and better in English. I practice every day, when I hear a new word, I write it in my notebook. I watched movies every day and repeated. The first station was the UCF English language institution (ELI), this was my new challenge. In addition, I did do my placement test and my grade was level one. The teacher at ELI taught in a really good way. For example, they gave a lot of homework and gave good feedback that helped me to improve myself.


Question 4:  Psychology


Week two class one

Assignment 1 Due June 5, 2019

Vicarious Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Vicarious trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder are closely related because the symptoms of each condition are similar. What distinguishes each condition from one another is how the trauma was experienced. For this Discussion, you review a video of three United States military servicemen previously deployed in the Middle East. Each experienced combat in unique ways and each experienced trauma differently. As you watch the clips, pay attention to who experienced vicarious trauma and who experienced post-traumatic stress disorder. Consider how each man experienced the trauma, the symptoms of each condition, and what makes their experiences similar but also distinctively different from the others.


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Post by Day 3 a brief explanation of which individual(s) has vicarious trauma and which has post-traumatic stress disorder. Then identify the symptoms of the individual(s) with vicarious trauma and explain how each symptom informed your selection. Finally, explain any insights you gained about vicarious trauma related to the video. Be specific and use the current literature to support your response.

Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Vicarious trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder in military personnel.



Only a few paragraphs needed DUE JUNE 9, 2019

Assignment 2

Application: Your Risk for Vicarious Trauma

One major risk factor for developing vicarious trauma is the consistent use of controlled empathy which is the internal control of mental states, emotions, and behaviors (Izzo & Carpel Miller, 2009). Prolonged use of controlled empathy can take an emotional, physiological, and spiritual toll on counselors and other trauma response helping professionals which may result in the development of vicarious trauma symptoms (Izzo & Carpel Miller, 2009). For example, counselors who listen to a client or student sharing a story of abuse often remain calm and non-reactive as part of the counseling process. It takes tremendous mental and emotional effort, however, to absorb a traumatic story knowing they must respond therapeutically. This effort can become mentally and emotionally exhausting. Counselors and other trauma response helping professionals must be cognizant of their potential risk of developing vicarious trauma and be capable of assessing their own symptoms.

For this Application Assignment you take the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL 5), a brief assessment instrument developed to promote self-awareness of vicarious trauma. It measures compassion satisfaction, which is the pleasure you derive from your profession, risks for burnout, and your exposure to extremely stressful events. Together, these three components help determine your risk for developing vicarious trauma and the impact of controlled empathy.

As you score the ProQOL 5, think about whether the results surprise you. What areas do you need to focus on to exercise strategies to prevent the development or further exacerbation of vicarious trauma?

Reference: Izzo, E. & Carpel Miller, V. (2009). Vicarious Trauma: The Impact of Empathy. Retrieved fromhttp://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Vicarious_Trauma_The_Impact_of_Controlled_Empathy.html

The assignment: (2–3 pages)

  • Describe your results of the ProQOL 5.
  • Describe two areas you need to further develop to address or prevent vicarious trauma and explain why you selected each.
  • Based upon the current literature, justify two strategies you would use to develop those areas.
  • Explain how your use of controlled empathy might influence the development of vicarious trauma and how this might impact the counseling process.
  • Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.


Question 5:  Business


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Unit V Case Study Open Instructions Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end goal of formulating a recommendation for the challenges faced by the company. Read the “Franklin Electronics” case study on pages 545–546 of your textbook. As you complete the analysis, address the topics below. Explain the earned value measurement system and whether you believe that Franklin Electronics truly understands it. Analyze the cost projections completed by Franklin Electronics. Reconstruct the cost projections toward the compilation of a realistic project budget. Include a theoretical discussion around the steps involved in the budget that you built. Create a project management schedule that would be more effective than the one proposed in the case. Use scheduling techniques learned in this class to date. Include an assessment of why you selected this scheduling technique instead of others. Evaluate sources of project risk, and develop strategies that would decrease the impact of these risks. In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of two full pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages). You are required to use a minimum of three academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations. A minimum of three in-text citations are required.


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Question 6:  General


INSTRUCTIONS: Prospective students will prepare a 3-4 page double-spaced paper answering the prompt below. Students will be presented seven “documents” to review, and further research may be required. Submitted papers will be assessed using the rubric on page 5 of this document.



INTRODUCTION: The following task is designed to gauge a prospective student’s academic skills in the areas of reading comprehension, content analysis, intellectual comparison, and writing abilities. It is largely based on a sample assignment for the AP Placement Test at the High School level (copyright 2017, The College Board).

TIME ALLOWED: The typical time allotted for this task on the AP test is 60 minutes in one sitting, but GCD’s Admissions Team has adapted this task in the following manner: prospective students will have 7 days to research, write, and submit their response paper.

INSTRUCTIONS: Prospective students will prepare a 3-4 page double-spaced paper answering the prompt below. Students will be presented seven “documents” to review, and further research may be required. Submitted papers will be assessed using the rubric on page 5 of this document.

Completed assignments should be properly formatted in one of the following styles:

  • – GCD expects undergraduate students to utilize Chicago style guidelines. For

students who are not familiar with any style of formatting, this may be the best option. Here is a link to a resource page on this style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/

  • – High School students may be more familiar with MLA style guidelines. Here is

ACADEMIC PROMPT: Evaluate the extent to which differing ideas of national identity shaped views of United States overseas expansion in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

a link to a resource page on this style:



Assignment Component    Maximum Points Possible Points Earned

Is the paper properly formatted, using proper grammar, and 3-4 pages in length? 20


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Does the paper contain an evaluative thesis that establishes the student’s argument and responds to the question?    20

Does the paper describe a broader historical context immediately relevant to the question that relates the topic of the question to historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, or after the time frame of the question?           20

Does the paper explain how at least one additional piece of specific historical evidence, beyond those found in the documents, relates to an argument about the question?     20

Does the paper use historical reasoning to explain relationships among the pieces of evidence provided in the response and how they corroborate, qualify, or modify the argument, made in the thesis, that addresses the entirety of the question? In addition, a good response should utilize the content of at least six documents to support an argument about the question.         20

TOTAL:       100



Question 7:  Business, Accounting.


Management Discussion and Analysis


Assigned Company is Lowe’s.

Accounting CASE 1:  Management Discussion and Analysis

Read Lowe’s 2018 annual report (or 10K) for the most recent year and answer the following questions: Look at the Management Discussion and Analysis (MDA) on Financial Condition and Results of

Operations presented in Lowe’s annual reports. Summarize the information discussed in the MDA.

(Maximum length of the report is 2 pages (with normal margins and 12 point font)). Include an appendix

for any extra information and that will not count in report pages.

Accounting CASE 2:  Auditor’s Reports and Management Reports

Read 2018 Lowe’s annual report (or 10K) for the most recent year and look at the Auditor’s and

Managements Reports and Certifications. Summarize and comment about the standards/rules used in the following:

Auditor’s report – general

Auditor’s report – internal controls

Management report (certification) – fair presentation (check Exhibits 31.1 & 31.2)

Management report (certification) – internal controls.

(Maximum length of the report is 2 pages (with normal margins and 12 point font)).

Accounting CASE 3: Financial Statement Analysis

Read 2018 Lowe’s annual report (or 10K) for the most recent year and answer the following questions:

Calculate the ratios to analyze Profitability, Liquidity and Solvency. Just the ratios discussed in the

chapter 14 comments posted. Include two decimal points for ratios and percentages that you calculate.

Link for the 2018 Annual Report download: https://lowes.gcs-web.com/static-files/7e8ff02d-ca35-4eae-9a4e-843ff3858c33


Question 8:  General Business

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Wk 5 Discussion – Performance Evaluation



Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words each:

•        Discuss the pros and cons of four performance appraisal approaches.


•        Explain the problems to be avoided in appraising performance


Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format


•        Question 9:  Computer Science, Learning Systems and AI



Website Migration Project



As part of your job, you must complete a 10-to-15 page paper that follows this project through the system development life cycle (SDLC). This assignment will require you to do the following:

•        Discuss what it will take to build a Web architecture, move an existing Website with minimal downtime, and provide a disaster recovery solution to ensure the site is always available.


o        The Web architecture should describe and justify operating system choices (i.e., Linux, Apache, MYSQL, PHP, Windows, IIS, SQL, etc.).

•        Evaluate alternatives to the company self-hosting the site.

•        Build a Gantt chart using Microsoft Project or equivalent software, showing all tasks associated with implementing the Website.

•        The chart should include a minimum of five (5) tasks, each with three (3) sub-tasks.

•        Explain and justify the system architecture you have selected.

•        Illustrate the system architecture using Visio or equivalent software.

•        Create a use case that documents the event of a customer ordering a bag of chips from the new Website.

•        The use case should include a graphical representation using Visio or equivalent software and a text description of the events.

•        Discuss the support operations that the internally hosted Website will require after implementation.

•        Explain how you will evaluate the performance of the new site and the success of your project.



Question 10:          Business, General Business


1.       Prepare a simple pro forma (projected) income statement and balance sheet for the first two years of operation, using income projections and incorporating an advertising plan.

2.       Outline a plan for hiring and retaining competent, motivated employees for your business.

3.       Prepare an outline for a “pitch,” i.e., a short 20-30 minute business plan presentation that will be made to lenders or investors.

4.       Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.





Question 11: Mathematics.

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Question 12:          Statistics

Marketing Research SPSS

Need knowledge of Marketing and SPSS(need to have access to this) to do this assignment. Use the data set attached with SPSS tool and answer the following question:

1. The researchers want to know whether there are differences in the ability of the individual memes to effect attitudinal (Conscious) and behaviour (Influence) modification change in respondent driving behaviour.  Please note that only one question is required and needs to include tables etc. ANOVA and multiple comparisons method to be used.


Speeding is recognized globally as the most common contributing factor to both serious injuries and fatalities in road crashes. Young drivers are significantly more likely to be involved in road collisions than other road users, with excessive speed being the major cause of young adult fatalities. Attempts to address this issue using traditional advertising methods are repeatedly unsuccessful, as people tune out and become normalized to risk and fear appeals. Social marketers must think outside the box if they wish to effectively reach this age demographic with their campaigns to create safer roads for everyone. One technique explored recently in online anti-speeding campaigns is the use of memes. Memes are important communication tools as they can influence the behaviours of social groups on a wide scale, while spreading on a micro basis. Memes reproduce by various means of imitation, and it is extremely simple and low-cost to create a meme. As a social marketing tool, memes can be extremely impactful when compared to other means of communication. People intentionally seek out and enjoy memes. Whereas, most Australians do not take notice of advertisements on social media and intentionally tune out. Memes are particularly valuable for smaller organizations with limited resources seeking to make an impression online. Internet memes use humour to convey their message. Humour can be used as a means for gaining attention, and positively influences recall towards advertisement and educational claims. Memes are distributed and shared through social media, and have the potential to go viral through online word-of-mouth. The ‘millennial’ age bracket, which incorporates 18 – 25 yearolds, are said to be a strong target audience for promotional content that use memes. Given the resonance of memes with young adults, and the often limited success of traditional 2 communications campaigns used to modify young drivers’ speeding attitudes and behaviours, there appears value in exploring the effectiveness of this non-traditional media within this context. The aim of this research then is to analyse the characteristics and interpretations of a meme that impact young drivers’ attitudinal and behaviour responses to excessive driving speed. This study seeks to answer two research questions: (1) What characteristics and perceptions of a meme influence how it is evaluated, and (2) How do memes and other driver characteristics affect attitudinal and behavioural modification outcomes. Data was collected from eighty-five undergraduate marketing students currently driving on Australian roads to understand how young adults evaluate memes, what makes a meme more likeable and memorable, and investigate whether the memes had an effect on attitudinal and behavioural driving responses. The researchers selected ten memes sourced from existing online anti-speeding campaigns posted by Australian state police force social media pages, which were modified to fit an Australian-wide context. Each student was randomly given two memes to assess from the pool of ten. The ten memes in the study are provided in the appendix. The young drivers were asked to evaluate each meme on how easy it was to understand (Understand), whether they found the image humorous (Humorous), how trendy (Trendy) and original (Original) the meme is, and whether the features of the meme are suitable for a road safety campaign (Suitable). They were also asked how likable the image was (Like), and how easy to learn and remember is the message (Remember). Whether the meme influenced the respondent to be more conscious of their speed (Conscious) was asked to better understand attitude modification effects. Whether the image influenced the respondent to be less likely to speed while driving (Influence) was asked to better understand behaviour modification effects. Respondents were asked to indicate their agreement on a 7-point Likert-type scale where 1=strongly disagree and 7=strongly agree. Information also was provided on how long respondents had been driving on Australian roads, and whether they had ever exceeded the speed limit. The full question wording is provided in the SPSS data file under ‘label’. The researchers that collected the data have indicated a number of research questions they wish addressed in the final report. These are given below. They are also very interested in the implications of the findings for marketing and development of their meme communication campaign, and these should be included in the final report. The data for this assignment is titled ‘MKTG2305 Group Project Dataset 2019.sav’, and can be found on LMS. Values (as indicated above) and labels for the variables are provided within the data set.

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Requirements_____________________________________________________ You are to address and answer each of the research questions below. Your answer should be in the format of a written report detailing the main findings of the one research questions, including technical appendices.

Question 13:          History

Rome Essay

Rome and Romanization – 500 Word Essay

This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice determining the purpose and function of artifacts in order to create your interpretation of a specific historical development—Romanization.


Discuss the impact of the process of Romanization on the Roman world. Identify at least two examples of cultural structures that were patterned across Roman-conquered cities. Cultural structures can include physical features of Roman-ruled cities, practices, policies, ideas, or any artifact that was used to shape the conquered religions.


Discuss how these structures impacted daily life, which may include politics, economics, or social roles. Describe how and with what intent these events are “memorialized” or used in our current day political and cultural arena.


Step 1: Choose two appropriate sources. Resources should be credible and peer-reviewed and cannot include Wikipedia, Biography.com, History.com, any type of message board, or other similar encyclopedias.


Step 2: Complete your research. Choose one interesting development that illustrates the main point that you want to make about your chosen physical structures, practices, or ideas. Gather details about your choice. For example, what types of buildings were first introduced in Rome, and why were they purposely replicated in other, smaller cities?


Step 3: Draw conclusions from the details you found, and prepare your thesis. A thesis is prepared after you have completed your research and gathered enough information about the chosen structures. You should sit back to think about what it means to see the influence on culture. Your thesis statement should offer your reader the overall insight into the use and impact of the structure on Roman development.

Use the following guidelines to help decide on your thesis.

•        -Ask yourself about how the cultural element (idea, practice, or structure) was shaped by its time period and environment.

•        -Ask yourself how the structure impacted the lives of the people around it, the general public, and the immediately following period in the history of Rome.

•        -Find the perfect specific example to demonstrate the qualities of the structure you would most like to show.


Step 4: Write your essay. Your essay must be at least 2500 words in length. All sources must be referenced and cited according to APA guidelines.

Be sure to consider the following guidelines in your essay.

•        -The introduction should engage the reader and clearly present the essay’s thesis and summarize the main points that clarify your point of view. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph should be your specific thesis.

•        -Organization should clearly present points arranged to illustrate your opening thesis. Paragraph order and organization should clearly present points arranged to illustrate your opening thesis rather than to narrate the chronological story.

•        -Writing should be clear and concise with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.

•        -The number of sources should meet or exceed any expressed assignment requirements, and the sources should be peer-reviewed or academic in nature. At least one source must be from the CSU Online Library.

•        -APA guidelines should be used for reference entries and in-text citations.


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Question 14:          Computer Science


Online Survey Assignment



Objectives for the final project:

Create an online survey

Due: Friday, May 24,  last day of final’s week

In more details:

Create an online survey:

The goal is to create a simple online survey and name it – survey.cgi. Allow users to choose at the very least, between two choices (yes or no) on an issue of your choice (ok to work from html pages you’ve already created). The vote will be saved to the server (code provided), and the result of all votes will be displayed on the screen. The result from the survey should show up every time, even before we fill out the survey. This project will start from retrieve_form_OOP_2.cpp, by making use of the class WebApps, which should already go as far as providing a dynamic array, containing the fields from a form. However, the class will be moved from the main program to it’s own file, called a header file.

Another difference from retrieve_form_OOP_2.cpp will be that an HTML form will not call the program. survey.cgi is a ‘dynamic cgi program’ (or self referential), meaning that the code has to respond from two possibilities:

the script can be called either from a link for the first time, which will cause it to produce only the survey. That state corresponds to the first level ‘else’ in the code below

or the same script can be called from the ‘submit’ button of the form it has just published. That state corresponds to the first level ‘if’ in the code provided. Here are steps to follow, in order to to convert retrieve_form_OOP_2.cpp into survey.cpp:

Also, here is a video to help explain steps A through D

Each capital letter corresponds to a significant stage in the development of this program. This document may seem lengthy, but parts of it also act as a tutorial. It is recommended to save a copy of survey.cpp after completing each capital letter stage in case something goes wrong with the next one.

Duplicate retrieve_form_OOP_2.cpp to survey.cpp

Note: Friday this week, a copy of retrieve_form_OOP_2.cpp will be provided for those whose version did not work so well.

Move the struct FIELDS and class WebApps to its own header file, named WebApps.h. We are going to leave the function definitions inline within the class, for simplicity-sake (though not ultimately recommended by industry)

Read more info on Header Files.  WebApps.h needs to live in the same directory as survey.cpp, so that it is available at compile time – we do not compile .h files manually.

WebApps.h should contain the same includes as survey.cpp, the ifndef/define/endif directives, as a regular header file does, the FIELDS struct, and the class, pretty much exactly as already working properly in retrieve_form_OOP_2.cpp.

Check out  the FileApps.h header file below as an example to follow for WebApps.h.

All the main program needs now is an ‘include’ to the header file and should compile and run.

Create a temporary web_form_survey.html, based on the older web_form.html to test the program until it runs as before (in retrieve_form_OOP_2.cgi). At this point, since this program is self referential, its first state is to serve the HTML form for the survey. From here, the current code in main should be replaced completely (might be good to just comment the whole thing and leave at the bottom of the program to reuse some of the code later) and start from the following skeleton (copy from this link to survey_start.txt):

WebApps wo;                           // make object wo global

void build_form();

int main()


          const int cnt = wo.get_cnt();

          if (cnt != 0) {

                   cout << “debug with cnt != 0” << endl;

          }else {



          return 0;



void build_form () {

          //simple HTML form to get started

          //use the one from survey_start.txt if you wish


This code is pretty self-explanatory, nothing new here, except the HTML form in survey_start.txt demonstrates the tags for inputing from buttons, which may become useful.

This code represents the main flow of this program’s execution. It does this:

Gets the count from qs, if it’s there

If the count is zero, then just a debug as a place holder for all the functions (created next), which will take care of the vote, when received.

Else, the form is presented and several other functions will follow.

The HTML, of course will be your own design, which can follow previous work, but do include an option for ‘don’t know’, just for your instructor who is quite clueless with super heroes 🙂

Note: It is recommended to keep the HTML form minimal while working out the rest of the program’s functions.

Make this work perfectly and back up!

Now that the vote is at hand, time to save it to a text file. Here are the steps:

Given is a new class, FileApps.h, which will be used to save to and read from file: FileApps.h

Remember the class needs to be in the same directory as where survey.cpp will be compiled.


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File I/O operations are not trivial, therefore, the code is provided for this project, in hope that the class can at least be used, if not completely understood. Here is a link to I/O example code if interested. Also check out online book, chapter 18, File I/O. There are other relevant tutorials if anyone is interested

The constructor for class FileApps, expects a file name for the object to work with – use this syntax for creating file object fo: FileApps fo (“survey.txt”). Place it above main, so that it is global, as done with the WebApps object.

survey.txt will be created automatically in the same directory as survey.cgi, upon first saving to the file.

Here is an updated if statement, which now contains code to retrieve the vote and save it to survey.txt upon receiving a non-blank qs

          if (cnt != 0) {

                             cout << “debug with cnt != 0< br>” << endl;

                             //call function to prepare vote            string data_line = prepare_vote(cnt);  //to be implemented,

                                                                    //explained next            cout << “debug with data_line: ” << data_line << “< br>” << endl;


The prepare_vote(cnt) function needs to be implemented (in the main program, not the class FileApps) – here are the specs:

string prepare_vote(int f_cnt) {

                             //create dynamic array name_value_pairs[] from the wo object

                             //as done earlier

                   statement here

                             //parse qs into name_value_pairs[] array from the wo object

                             //as done earlier

                   statement here

                             //param the vote field value into variable ‘vote’ from the wo object

                             //as done earlier

                   statement here

                             cout << “debug with vote: ” << vote << “< br>” << endl;


                   return  vote + “|\n”;        //the new line character will put each vote                                         //on a new line in the file

                                                //ex of a concatenated vote: “y|\n”

                   Normally, this line of data would contain more fields, which would

                   commonly be separated by pipes, like:

                   “y|Fred|Flintstone|\n” – represents data for three fields.                  Therefore, even if we use only one            field this time, we remain consistent with the protocol.


Once ‘data_line’ is sent to object method  fo.save_data_line(), the debug statement in FileApps.h should confirm success (of save) and survey.txt should be checked for content manually.

Complete this stage before entering the next one and don’t forget to back-up!

Now, with the assumption that survey.txt captures the votes properly, survey.cpp is ready to read all the vote data into an array (data_array[]) and pass it back to us.

This code is entirely given, so get it here from survey_cpp_state_E.txt

Again, not necessary to understand how the data is saved and retrieved from the class code – just use it as shown. What is important is that you now have the data and ready to tally and display the votes, the main course of this project.

Leave the debug statements from main and FileApps.h in the finish product!

Finally, the last part: Just a few comments, to help with the mechanics of this function:

void display_result (string f_data_array[]) {

          //function flow:

          // initialize a dynamic array (vote_tally_array) from function

          // create_int_array() (to be created under main(), not in the

          // class), which returns a pointer to an array          // with number of elements equal to the number of possible

          // (different) choices of votes:

          //      For example, Y or N will require a  vote_tally_array of 2

          //      elements              

          // initialize vote_tally_array to 0’s in a loop

          // In another loop, increment vote_tally_array from f_data_array[]

                    // Use something like this pseudocode::

                   // if vote == “Y|” then vote_tally_array[0]++

                   // else if vote == “N|” then vote_tally_array[1]++

          //print the results


Also, at the bottom of the result page, include a link to survey.txt in order to make it available.

To complete the program flow, follow this format:

if (vote coming in)

prepare vote

save data

read data

get data_array

build form

display result

else (no vote)

build form

read data

get data_array

display result

To turn in:

Dropbox survey.cpp and WebApps.h Create a message in the discussion board providing a workable link to your

final project survey.cgi, as done before with the HTML and String Processing app.

Remember these few steps:

Firefox is the only browser, which will allow creating links in a toolkit message.

In a new message for topic named ‘survey threads’, select the

check box Enable HTML

In the body of the message, type the html ‘a’ tag (shown below) substituting

your own url information (and not using a space as it is done here):

< a href=”http://toolkit.cs.ohlone.edu/~username/survey.cgi”>Some Descriptive

Name for the Project< /a>

Take the time to participate in each others’ surveys!

Student Examples: there were some differences, such as the same user could not vote more than once, otherwise – pretty close to this semester’s format, on the outside.

Lawrence Simon

Anitha Gopalan

Thank you for all of your work!

In hope this class has met your expectations and that it has prepared you sufficiently in your continuing education, cheers :


Question 15:          History


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History of Animation Thesis


 As your final work, you can write an essay about an issue chosen by you from animation



 A period, a country, an artistic movement, auteur cinema, technological development or a

comparetive analysis (in the context of a specific theme) may be your subject.

 The first level of your work (midterm), consists of deciding the subject, delimitation, the

first and short abstract of the research and resources (750 – 1000 words).

 The completed work (final) must be between 3500-6000 words, written with Times New

Dear studetns,


Your midterm assignment must contain the subject and its delimitation , a short abstract and the resources.


You must also add that your research will be a personal process or not.


If you research as group, group members must be determined with their part and personal contribution in the process and the subject. Groups must determine also if they will make an oral presentation with a power point file; or write an essay in a doc. file.




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Question 16:                   Business


Risk Analysis


Complete a risk analysis for a specific Organization

•        For this task, choose an organization that you are familiar with or that has a great deal of information available to you through various reliable resources. Since you will use this organization throughout the activities in the course, it is important that you can access information about the organization. Then, write a paper that addresses the following questions:

1.       What are some of the natural disaster risks associated with this organization?

2.       What are some of the infrastructure risks associated with this organization?

3.       What are some of the risks associated with the industry in which this organization operates? Which risks do you see as potentially threatening to your selected company?

4.       Has this organization performed a risk assessment before? If so, what were the outcomes of that risk assessment?

5.       What other pertinent information should be included in a risk analysis specifically for this organization? Why?

Length 5-7 pages


Question 17:          Accounting


Percentage of Total Revenues on Leasing for EV EBITDA Australia


In around 700 words, please provide information on Percentage of Total Revenues on Leasing for EV EBITDA Australia. Ensure that the statistics for the percentage are from within the last 3 years (2016 onwards). In case you are not able to find exact percentages for EBITDA, feel free to include a proxy company as part of your calculations, and then explain about the method you used to arrive to the answer. Finally, include citations both inside and at the end of the document in hyperlinks. Write in Intro, Body, and Conclusion as per the usual Research Format (plus a methodology section, if necessary. Thank You!


Question 18:          Computer Science


Part 1.   (20 pts)

Write code to create a class definition for Account. These are the needed specs for the class.

1.       There is only one constructor for this class that receives two strings: firstname, and lastname. The values of these strings will be passed from the client code. See below for what to do with these strings. An account starts with a $100 balance (see Balance property below).

2.       ID. During creation (inside sub new), the ID value is made of the user’s first name followed by the underscore followed by the last name, for example if passed “John” and “Smith”, the ID value is John_Smith ID is a string property that is read-only.

3.       Password. During creation the value for password the same as the ID with the added string “Change”. Afterwards, the password may not be “displayed” to the client. However, client may change the password, using ChangePassword method below. This makes password aWrite-only property. To force the end user to change their password before using their account, a boolean variable, PasswordReset, is set to true under Sub New. This variable is to changed false under the ChangePassword method below.

4.       An account Balance is a number with fractions: • This property is Read-only. • Amounts withdrawn or deposited into the account affect the balance, using the Deposit and Withdraw method below.

Account has the following methods:

1.       Deposit which takes two arguments, an amount (to be deposited as a number with fractions), and password (a string). If PasswordReset is False, then check if the password passed matches the account password then the actions below are possible, otherwise an error message is shown. If PasswordReset is True issue an error message to change the password first. If the amount passed is > 0 then add it to the current balance (recall Balance is read-only), otherwise another error message is shown.

2.       Withdraw which takes two arguments, an amount (to be withdrawn as a number with fractions), and password (a string).  The logic to withdraw is the same as the logic to Deposit, except that we must additionally check if the withdrawal will cause the balance to be negative), then no withdrawal is possible. Issue an error message (make sure the balance is not changed). Otherwise f the amount passed is > 0 then deduct from the current balance (recall Balance is read-only), otherwise another error message is shown.

3.       ChangePassword is a method that takes two string, current password and a new password, if the current password matches the account password, change the account password to the new password, and issue a message, otherwise issue an error message.

 Part 2.   (5 pts)

Now we work on the client code. On the user form, there are 2 textboxes txtFname, and txtLname,  and a button btnCreate. There are also, a textbox, txtAmount, and 2 buttons, btnWithdraw, and btnDeposit.

Make sure your code below uses the exact control names shown above.

In all the code below, no data validation is required (i.e. assume the user will type a number when expected, and a string when expected).

Also assume in all the code below that an object named MyAccount has been declared (declared only) as an Account as a form (global) level variable.

Write the code needed so that when the user Clicks  btnCreate, MyAccount is created based on account with an id whose values are passed in txtFname (for the first name), and txtLname (for the last name). Then erase the content of all textboxes.

Sub CreateAccount(…,…) Handles btnCreate.Click


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End Sub


Part 3.   (5 pts)

Write code to activate the account which calls the PasswordReset method. Use the two textboxes to pass the current and new password. Assume the following button handler:

Sub ResetPass(…,…) Handles btnResetPass.Click


End Sub


Part 4.   (5 pts)

Using the same form and controls, write code for btnWithdraw so when the user types a number in txtAmount and clicks btnWithdraw, the account withdraw method is called on the amount in txtAmount, and the password entered into the second textbox. Clear both textboxes.

Show the new balance in a messagebox.

Sub withdraw(…,…) Handles btnWithdraw.Click


End Sub


Part 5.  (5 pts)

Same as in the previous question, write code for btnDeposit  so when the user types a number in txtAmount and the password in the second textbox then clicks btnDeposit, the account Deposit method is called on the amount in txtAmount,  and the password from the second textbox. Clear the textboxes. Show the new balance in a messagebox. Sub deposit(…,…) Handles btnDeposit.Click


End Sub


Part 6.    (5 Pts)

Update the code you wrote for the Account class

The Account class need to issue a warning (using an Event) so that when the Balance becomes $10 or less, the client is warned. In this answer you will only write the code for the Account class. You may add comments to explain where the newly added code goes. Limit your comments to a short one line sentence.


Part 7.    (5 pts)

Now (re)write the code that declares an object that will later be created to represent the account class. This object will handle event statically. Add any code and show where this code goes, so that the object is able to handle events statically. Also write an event handler for the event required in the question above, so that when the event occurs:

In one messagebox show the balance to the user and tell them they should deposit money into the account.


Question 19:          Statistics


In the data given above on earnings and education, we obtained the following regression. Meanwage_i = 0.7437 + 0.6416 Education Fill in the missing numbers. How do you interpret the coefficient 0.6416? Would you reject the hypothesis that education has no effect whatsoever on wages? Which test do you use? And why?


Question 20:         Other


Need help with an assignment must equal up to 1,500, each questions must have a min of 250 words for each questions and must have at least four (4) scholarly sources.

Must be in APA format and include in text citation (    ).

1. What are the major precepts of the Classical school of criminology? Why was this considered to be such a departure from past theories of crime?

2. Explain the philosophies of Hobbes and Locke and their impact on social issues.

3. Describe Betham’s “hedonistic calculus’ and its connection to punishment for crime.

4.What are your thoughts on the three strikes law as a deterrent?

5.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of rational choice and routine activity theory as explained in your text.

6.Describe the Just Deserts Model and is this in line with Matthew 5:38-42. Why or why not

Question 21:          Education


need 5 page paper by Sunday at 10pm, APA format, 6th edition. On brain development


Create a 5-page paper in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. 3) Use APA (6th edition) format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations. 4) To complete the assignment in this module, you will need to:  Locate research on brain development and early childhood.  Focus your paper on the typical process of brain development from conception to early preschool.  Discuss the role of attachment, developmentally appropriate interactions, and environmental factors in the developmental process.  Include at least three references, a mix of seminal and current research, to support your position. Cite the references in APA (6th edition) format. /early childhood education


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Question 23: Psychology


Diversity and Individual’s Personal Psychology


Discussion question:

Please describe how being a part of a diverse population influences your personal psychology. How might your personal psychology influence your professional career?


Please make sure to apply more than one resource to initial response. Properly cites (i.e., APA) course materials and outside scholarly readings in initial posting; citations as needed in responses to classmates.


Textbook sources:


Fiske, S. T. (2014). Social psychology: Core motives in social psychology (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Keith,K. D. (2011). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Lott, B. E. (2010). Multiculturalism and diversity: A sociological perspective.

Malden, MA: Wiley & Blackwell. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]

Question 24:         Computer Science


Cyber Security


A man-in-the-middle attack found the following HTTP Authorization header in transit. Authorization: Digest username-“880651232”, response “63e3807ce5ddf4971a5d349c7ad67703”, realm-“Mordor”, nonce “03e2abb8a924e966bee59d41cef32851”, uri-“/Public/cs/Home.png”, opaque=”4043168947418128″ What is the password that gives rise to the above HTTP Authorization header? The password is thought to be a common dictionary word, and theretore you may wish to try some of the common English words


Question 25:         English



I need a research assignment done on the benefits of exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. Must include a full reference citation (MLA 8th edition) and 4 sentence summary referencing a book, a journal or article, and a webpage on the topic. Also, Write a formally worded email to a friend (250 words) that includes a proposed argumentative / persuasive thesis for your chosen topic Within the body of the email, paraphrase and cite two of your sources and directly quote from and cite one of your sources. This means that all three of the sources you used in Step 2 should be represented in the email.

Step One

What is your research question?  

This should be one sentence long.



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Step Two

MLA 8th Edition Annotation for the Book

This should include a full reference citation and four sentences.










Step Two

MLA 8th Edition Annotation for the Journal

This should include a full reference citation and four sentences.




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Step Two

MLA 8th Edition Annotation for the Webpage

This should include a full reference citation and four sentences.











Step Three 

Email to an Interested Party

Brief Opening and Thesis

This step should be, altogether, 250 words.



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What “They” Say:  

Paraphrase and cite two of your sources of information and directly quote from and cite from one




What “I” Say:  

The student’s claim about the topic based on his or her research findings.



Step Four 

MLA 8th edition Works Cited

This should include three full reference citations for the book, journal, and webpage.





Question 26:         Science


There are 3 discussions to answer. Each discussion must be at least 100 words. Discussions need to be written in a registered nurses point of view. At least one APA citation for each post.



#1. Review the nine provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses in the textbook. Select one of the nine provisions and identify how you plan to meet it in your professional career. Select another provision and provide a potential, applicable scenario that may challenge you at some point. #2. Review the Nurse Practice Act of the state you plan to practice as an RN. Identify what it states regarding RN supervision of LVNs or unlicensed assistive personnel. Identify how you intend to practice within that scope. Explain how that Nurse Practice Act differentiates independent and dependent nursing practice. #3. As a nurse, you will be asked to deal with all kinds of patient concerns and issues. Thinking back to your nursing rotations [or observations], please describe your most challenging clinical experience requiring many tasks but little time to complete the necessary work. As you prepare to interview for RN positions respond to all aspects of one of the following: What was the situation? Provide details and examples. How did you handle all of these tasks? What would you do differently if you had it to do again? What did you learn from the experience?


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Question 27:         Business

Assigned Company is Lowe’s.

Accounting CASE 1:  Management Discussion and Analysis

Read Lowe’s 2018 annual report (or 10K) for the most recent year and answer the following questions: Look at the Management Discussion and Analysis (MDA) on Financial Condition and Results of

Operations presented in Lowe’s annual reports. Summarize the information discussed in the MDA.

(Maximum length of the report is 2 pages (with normal margins and 12 point font)). Include an appendix

for any extra information and that will not count in report pages.

Accounting CASE 2:  Auditor’s Reports and Management Reports

Read 2018 Lowe’s annual report (or 10K) for the most recent year and look at the Auditor’s and

Managements Reports and Certifications. Summarize and comment about the standards/rules used in the following:

Auditor’s report – general

Auditor’s report – internal controls

Management report (certification) – fair presentation (check Exhibits 31.1 & 31.2)

Management report (certification) – internal controls.

(Maximum length of the report is 2 pages (with normal margins and 12 point font)).

Accounting CASE 3: Financial Statement Analysis

Read 2018 Lowe’s annual report (or 10K) for the most recent year and answer the following questions:

Calculate the ratios to analyze Profitability, Liquidity and Solvency. Just the ratios discussed in the

chapter 14 comments posted. Include two decimal points for ratios and percentages that you calculate.

Link for the 2018 Annual Report download: https://lowes.gcs-web.com/static-files/7e8ff02d-ca35-4eae-9a4e-843ff3858c33


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Question 28:         Psychology


1. How do the concepts of validity and verifiability relate to the trustworthiness of the data and emerging theory within grounded theory research? 2. What other disadvantages might exist that pertain to the use of phenomenological research design when studying any phenomena that pertain to counseling, counselor education, and supervision?


Responses to these questions should be a minimum of 400 words. Cite all sources using proper APA format.


Question 29:         English


Oral Presentation Movie District 9








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Question 30:         General


Response paper.


Timmerman 1 Title is

focused and

Lesley Timmerman announces

Professor Jennifer Wilson the thesis.

English 102

15 August 2012 Double-space


An Argument for Corporate Responsibility the title and

Opponents of corporate social responsibility (CSR) argue that first para-

a company’s sole duty is to generate profits. According to them, by graph — and

acting for the public good, corporations are neglecting their primary throughout

obligation to make money. However, as people are becoming more and the essay.

more conscious of corporate impacts on society and the environment,

separating profits from company practices and ethics does not make Brief state-

sense. Employees want to work for institutions that share their values, ment of one

and consumers want to buy products from companies that are making side of the

an impact and improving people’s lives. Furthermore, businesses exist issue.

in an interdependent world where the health of the environment

and the well-being of society really do matter. For these reasons, Summary of

corporations have to take responsibility for their actions, beyond the opposing

making money for shareholders. For their own benefit as well as the view.

public’s, companies must strive to be socially responsible.

In his article “The Case against Corporate Responsibility,” Lead-in to

Wall Street Journal writer Aneel Karnani argues that CSR will never quotation.

be able to solve the world’s problems. Thinking it can, Karnani says,

is a dangerous illusion. He recommends that instead of expecting 1” margin on

corporate managers to act in the public interest, we should rely on each side

philanthropy and government regulation. Karnani maintains that and at

“Managers who sacrifice profit for the common good [. . .] are in bottom.

effect imposing a tax on their shareholders and arbitrarily deciding

how that money should be spent.” In other words, according to

Karnani, corporations should not be determining what constitutes



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Timmerman 5


Furthermore, plenty of companies have seen what happens when they Author argues

assume that consumers do not care about CSR. For example, in 1997, that it is to

when Nike customers discovered that their shoes were manufactured the companies’

by child laborers in Indonesia, the company took a huge financial interest to

hit (Guthrie). Today, Information-Age customers are even more be socially

likely to educate themselves about companies’ labor practices and responsible.

environmental records. Smart corporations will listen to consumer

preferences, provide transparency, and commit to integrating CSR into Author’s lead-

their long-term business plans. in to the quo-

tation guides

In this increasingly interdependent world, the case against the reader’s

CSR is becoming more and more difficult to defend. Exempting response to the

corporations and relying on government to be the world’s conscience quotation.

does not make good social, environmental, or economic sense.

Contributors to a recent article in the online journal Knowledge@

Wharton, published by the Wharton School of Business, agree.

Professor Eric Orts maintains that “it is an outmoded view to say

that one must rely only on the government and regulation to police

business responsibilities. What we need is re-conception of what

the purpose of business is” (qtd. in “From Fringe to Mainstream”).

The question is, what should the purpose of a business be in today’s

world? Professor of Business Administration David Bejou of Elizabeth

City State University has a thoughtful and sensible answer to that

question. He writes,


. . . it is clear that the sole purpose of a business is not merely

that of generating profits for its owners. Instead, because

compassion provides the necessary equilibrium between

a company’s purpose and the needs of its communities, it

should be the new philosophy of business. (Bejou 1)


As Bejou implies, the days of allowing corporations to act in their

own financial self-interest with little or no regard for their effects on





Upbeat Timmerman 6


others are over. None of us can afford such a narrow view of business.

The world is far too interconnected. A seemingly small corporate

decision — to buy coffee beans directly from local growers or to install

solar panels — can affect the lives and livelihoods of many people

and determine the environmental health of whole regions. A business,

just like a government or an individual, therefore has an ethical

responsibility to act with compassion for the public good.


Fortunately, corporations have many incentives to act

responsibly. Customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, overall cost-

saving, and long-term viability are just some of the advantages

businesses can expect to gain by embracing comprehensive CSR

policies. Meanwhile, companies have very little to lose by embracing

a socially conscious view. These days, compassion is profitable.

Corporations would be wise to recognize the enormous power,

opportunity, and responsibility they have to effect positive change.





Timmerman 7


Works Cited Alphabetical

Bejou, David. “Compassion as the New Philosophy of Business.” Jour- by author’s last


nal of Relationship Marketing 10.1 (2011): 1-6. Business Source

Complete. Web. 15 Aug. 2012. Hanging

Cone Communications. 2010 Cone Cause Evolution Study. Cone, Inc., indent ½”.

2010. Web. 15 Aug. 2012.

“From Fringe to Mainstream: Companies Integrate CSR Initiatives into An article on a

Everyday Business.” Knowledge@Wharton. The Wharton School blog without a

of the University of Pennsylvania, 23 May 2012. Web. 14 Aug. known author.


Guthrie, Doug. Keynote address. Promoting a Comprehensive Approach A clip from

to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). YouTube. YouTube, 22 YouTube.

May 2012. Web. 11 Aug. 2012.

Karnani, Aneel. “The Case against Corporate Social Responsibility.” The

Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Co., Inc., 14 June 2012. Web.

12 Aug. 2012.

Meister, Jeanne. “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Lever for Em-

ployee Attraction & Engagement.” Forbes. Forbes.com, 7 June

2012. Web. 12 Aug. 2012.

Savitz, Andrew W., with Karl Weber. The Triple Bottom Line: How

Today’s Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social, and

Environmental Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006. Print.


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Question      1.       Mathematics


Applied Statistics homework through SNHU.





Question      2.       Finance



This assignment consists of two questions. Each question, in turn, consists of several related sub-questions. You are required to solve all problems.


International Finance – Assignment 1

General information: This assignment consists of two questions. Each question in turn consists of several related sub-questions. You are required to solve all problems. You can achieve a maximum of 100 points in this assignment. The maximum points for each question are indicated in brackets. Please provide your answers on the separate answer sheet that is available on Moodle. I will only accept answers written in the indicated areas on the answer sheet. Please carefully read the following notes:

•        Important: The answer sheet consists of two pages. Use a double-page printer to print on one paper sheet only (front and back side)!

•        If calculations are required, round your answer to two decimals and state the corresponding units.

•        You may use an electronic calculator to solve the problems.

•        Of course, you can also use the lecture notes and the textbook for support. But remember that this

won’t be allowed in the exam!

•        You can work in groups. But every student has to submit his own answer sheet. Also remember that

you are not allowed to work in groups during the exam so you might want to solve the problems by

yourself first.


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•        Write clearly! If I cannot read your answer, I cannot give you credit for it.

Question I: Debt Sustainability Analysis

The Bureau of Economic Analysis publishes data on the net international asset position and nominal GDP for the United States. Moreover, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) makes the forecasts for future growth rates and inflation rates, while the IMF provides estimates of future current account to GDP ratios. Here is an overview of the current data and estimates:

•        Net international asset position, end of year 2018: W2018 = −9717.1 billion USD

•        Nominal GDP in 2018: P Y2018 = 20494.1 billion USD

•        Projected real GDP growth gt: 2.3% (2019), 1.7% (2020), 1.6% (2021), 1.7% (each year from 2022)

•        Projected inflation rate πt: 2.0% (2019), 2.0% (2020), 2.0% (2021), 2.1% (each year from 2022)

•        Projected current account balance (relative to GDP) cat: -2.4% (2019), -2.6% (2020), -2.7% (2021), –

2.4% (each year from 2022)

Use this data to answer the following questions.

1.       Startfromtheassetaccumulationviewofthecurrentaccountandassumethattherearenovaluation effects. Show mathematically that the change in the external asset to GDP ratio wt over two years can be expressed by the following formula: (8)

2.       Calculate the external asset to GDP ratio of the United States for the end of year 2018. (3)

3.       Use the formula above to project the external asset to GDP ratios for the end of year 2019. (3)

4.       Use the formula above to project the external asset to GDP ratios for the end of year 2020. (3)

5.       Use the formula above to project the external asset to GDP ratios for the end of year 2021. (3)

6.       Based on the formula above, what is the long run equilibrium value of the external asset to GDP

ratio? (3)

7.       In the long run equilibrium: What is the minimum value of the real interest rate that is required for

debt sustainability (i.e. such that the transversality condition is not violated)? (3)

8.       In the long run equilibrium: Calculate the current account balance that is necessary to achieve an

external asset to GDP ratio of -25%. (3)

9.       Calculate the long run equilibrium value of the external asset to GDP ratio if the projected real GDP

growth rate drops to 1% (all else equal). (3)

10.     CalculatethelongrunequilibriumvalueoftheexternalassettoGDPratioiftheprojectedinflation

rate increases to 3% (all else equal). (3)

11.      CalculatethelongrunequilibriumvalueoftheexternalassettoGDPratioiftheprojectedcurrent

account deficit widens to -3.5% (all else equal). (3)

The following figure is from Gourinchas and Rey (2010) and shows the cumulated current account balances and the net international investment position (both relative to GDP) for the United States:

Based on this graph, answer the following question:

12. Explain in detail how we can interpret the difference between the two lines! How do the develop- ments in this figure affect the standard debt sustainability analysis for the United States? (12)

Question II: Intertemporal Theory of the Current Account

Consider a small economy that lasts for two periods (period 1 and period 2). In each period, households receive an exogenous endowment of the single consumption good. The endowment is given by Y1 = 100 and Y2 = 110 respectively. The initial wealth of households is zero, i.e. W0 = 0.

Households have preferences over consumption in period 1 (C1) and period 2 (C2). Their intertemporal utility function is given by:

Assume that the economy is initially closed and has no access to the international capital market. The autarky interest rate is denoted by rA.

1.     2. 3


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1.     .

What is the value of C1 in goods market equilibrium in the closed economy? (3) 2. What is the value of C2 in goods market equilibrium in the closed economy? (3) 3. Calculate the value of the autarky interest rate in the closed economy. (11)

Assume now that the economy opens up. Households have access to the international capital market and can borrow or lend at the world market interest rate r = 10%. The initial external wealth of households is still

zero, i.e. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


W0 = 0.

Using the transversality condition: What is the value of the net external asset position W2 at the end of period 2? (3)

Calculate the optimal consumption C1 in the open economy. (3)

Calculate the optimal consumption C2 in the open economy. (3)

Calculate the value of the trade balance in period 1. (3)

Calculate the value of the current account in period 1. (3)

Calculate the value of the trade balance in period 2. (3) Calculatethevalueofthecurrentaccountinperiod2.(3) Graphicallyillustratetheoptimalconsumptiondecisionofthehouseholdintheopeneconomy. Clearly indicate (i) the initial endowment, (ii) the budget constraint, (iii) the indifference curve, (iv) the optimal consumption point, (v) the trade balance in period 1 and (vi) the trade balance in period 2. (6)


Question I: Debt Sustainability Analysis


2)      3)      4)      5)      6)

7)      8)      9)      10)     11)


Question II: Intertemporal Theory of the Current Account

1)       2)      3)      4)      5)

6)      7)      8)      9)      10)



Question      3.       English


Essay Compare and contrast both stories “ The tale of the three brothers” (Harry Potter) the tale of the three brothers (harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1) and “ The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin https://archive.vcu.edu/english/engweb/webtexts/hour/ . * compare and contrast using the 4 lens : Marxist criticism , gender studies , Ecocriticism , & psychoanalytic criticism . https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/writing_in_literature/literary_theory_and_schools_of_criticism/index.html MLA format Please use 6 quotes & in text cites Intro – introducing the authors


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Question      4.       Other


graphic design adobe illustrator



Artboard Size One artboard at 17″ X 11″ inches This map must be drawn using the Pen tool in Illustrator. You do not have to recreate the whole city, just a section of the town where this hotel is (the location of the hotel is up to you) with attractions nearby. To help give you a visual idea, please google ‘city map given by hotels.’ How do I draw the map? To draw the map, I would recommend going to Google Maps and downloading or taking a screenshot of the city section you would like to recreate. You can import this map graphic into Illustrator and trace over it using the Pen tool. Your map needs to contain the following: Full color Map drawn using the Pen tool Ten icons that are created by you using the Pen and Shape tools only – no bitmap graphics From these 10 icons, you need to create the following: Three restaurants Four attractions 2 shopping locations The guest hotel A legend explaining what these 10 icons represent – You might want to break the legend up based on interest (Attractions, Shopping, Restaurants, etc… to make it easier to read) A marker to identify the current location on the map (hotel location) Text should be used for the names of the icons and major streets Submit the following: Compress the Ai and JPEG files into a single .zip file. For assistance in zipping and unzipping files, review the How to Compress Files and Save as .Zip document (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Submit the .zip file.

Question      5.       General


You have been working as a supervisor in a community service organisation for some time.

The organisation has a policy of recognising diversity—personal/ individual and cultural. The current workforce is, therefore, comprised of a number of people from different cultures, with a wide range of background experiences and skills.

Inclusivity policies are supported by the current workforce and there is very little conflict. All staff receives cross-cultural training which helps them accept workforce diversity and accommodate the diverse needs of the clients for whom they care.

Write a 2,500 word paper explaining:

•        the ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships

•        the benefits of diversity

•        the need for inclusivity, cultural safety and cultural competence

•        why it is necessary for staff to reflect on their own individual and cultural characteristics, biases and prejudices

•        how diversity should be valued and accommodated

•        how effective and mutually beneficial relationships can be built with work mates, clients and clients’ families

•        how to overcome communication barriers

•        how the individual and cultural needs of clients can be accommodated and respected

•        the methods that might be used to prevent, overcome or manage cultural conflicts

•        strategies that people can use to improve their own self and social awareness


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Question      6.       English


Create a short story.



-Your story should have ONE main character and a MAXIMUM of THREE supporting characters. -Your story must have a clear plot. -Your story could include effective dialogue. -Your story should include some type of conflict. -Length? It’s a short story…so 3 – 5 pages.

Question      7.       Literary Studies


Two papers I need done. Each paper is one page each. MLA formet. Essay response on African Amercian literature. Due by 3pm.



4. Consider Frances E. W. Harper’s short story “The Two Offers” (1859) and her poem “A Double Standard” (1895).  What message does Harper prioritize in the poem, and what message does she emphasize in her story?  In what ways might Harper’s messages be relevant in the lives of contemporary female readers? 


5. Read pages 105-107 of Alexander Crummell’s “The Black Woman of the South: Her Needs and Her Wants” (1883): https://archive.org/details/blackwomanofsout00crum.   Using textual evidence, discuss how Crummell’s characterizations of Black women’s experiences relate to the experiences of other characters or authors/orators we have read?    Additionally, does any other character or writer we have read present a possible remedy for the challenges Crummell identifies?  If not, do not answer this question.  If so, be sure to cite characters, persona, and/or speakers who proscribe solutions to the issues Crummell outlines


Question      8.       Mathematics


3.       information or is

“word of mouth” an acceptable practice.


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6/8/2019 Assignment 4

MCF3M: Functions and Applications, Grade 12, College and University Unit 4: Culminating Task

Activity 1: The Functional Fairground

Assignment Assignment 4

Complete one activity from each of the three fairground areas and submit your work to the dropbox.

Courtyard of Powers: 4 ¬ Fair Pay

4. In “Fair Pay” you visit the fairground administration building as a potential employee. You decide if the salary grid is fair today and in the future.

Table of Present Hourly Wages and their Future Growth

Years of Experience        Hourly Wage (present)    Hourly Wage (10 years)   Hourly Wage (20 years)          Hourly Wage (30 years)   Hourly Wage (40 years)

0        $6.00          $9.77          $15.92         $25.93        $

1        $6.50                                      

2        $7.00                                      

3        $7.50                                      

4        $8.00                                      

5        $8.50                                      

6        $9.00                                      

7        $9.50                                      

8        $10.00                                     

9        $10.50                                     

10      $11.00         $17.92         $29.19         $47.54        $


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To keep ahead of inflation the employees will get a yearly 5% increase. The minimum and maximum hourly wages after 10, 20, and 30 years are given.

A. Graph the minimum (0 year row) salary and the maximum (10 year row) salary growth as two




Assignment 4

separate curves on the same axes.

B. Create separate equations for the “0 year” data and “10 year” data using function notation to express your answer. Use the form W(t) = ?, where “W” is the hourly wage in dollars and “t” is the time in years.

C. i) Identify the input variable?

ii) Identify the output variable?

iii) Is W(t) a function? State your reasoning.

iv) If the domain is restricted to 0 = t = 30, what is the range on this interval for the maximum


D. i) Extrapolate from the given data set to find W(40) = ?, the hourly wage for both minimum and maximum experience after 40 years of 5% increases.

ii) Divide the 30 year hourly wage by the present hourly wage for both the “0 year” and “10 year” experience level.

iii) How many times bigger is the salary after 30 years?

iv) Subtract the present hourly wage from the 30 year hourly wage for both the “0 year” and “10

year” experience level.

v) What is the increase in each salary after 30 years?

vi) Do you think this method of increasing the salary grid is acceptable to all employees?

Explain with reference to your calculations as well as employee quality and type of job.


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6/8/2019 Assignment 5

MCF3M: Functions and Applications, Grade 12, College and University Unit 4: Culminating Task

Activity 1: The Functional Fairground

Assignment Assignment 5

Complete one activity from each of the three fairground areas and submit your work to the dropbox.

Courtyard of Powers: 5 ¬ Bearly Working

5. “Bearly Working” is a black bear animatronic sing¬along presentation that always seems to be breaking down. How long will it take for word to travel around the park?

To avoid people showing up to this non¬functional presentation, the presenters asked the first person that showed up to tell three other people in the park that the show will not be running. This must be done within one minute of leaving the area. Furthermore, they have asked that each of these three people pass on this information to three other people in the following minute and so on…

A. Graph the data from the table above.

B. Create an equation for the data using function notation to express your answer. Use the form P(t) = ?, where “P” is the number of people informed after “t” rounds of communication.

C. i) Identify the input variable?

ii) Identify the output variable?

iii) Is P(t) a function? State your reasoning.

iv) If the domain is restricted to 0 = t = 4, what is the range on this interval for the maximum


D. i) Extrapolate from the given data set to find P(8) = ?, the number of people informed of the broken presentation after 8 rounds of communication.

Table of Number of People Informed per Round of Messages

Round of messages (minutes)     0        1        2        3        4

# of people informed      1        3        9        27      81

ii) If attendance is approximately 19 000 on this day, how long will it take for everybody in the




Assignment 5

park to be informed. Support your answer.

3.       iii)  If the original instruction was changed so that you inform four people on each round, what

would the new equation become?

4.       iv)  At this different rate, approximately how long will it take to communicate with the same 19

000 people?

v)  Should the fairground management be responsible for communicating this


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Question      9.       Other



In order to give direction to your preliminary ideas for your business, your business plan, especially if you do not now have a business, or you do not know what business you would start if you did go into business for yourself this assignment is to conduct a 10 question interview with someone you know who is an entrepreneur, and/or has started and manages a small business. Here is the source to use for the interview:https://www.feedster.com/wisdom-strategy/10-questions-to-ask-an-entrepreneur/ Write a thorough report of you entire interview, with the question, and the response, be as detailed as possible to dig for explanations to each question. Give name of business owner, how you chose her/him, name of business, date of interview, and details of the business


Question      10.     Other.




You will write a 1,000-word book review of The King Jesus Gospel by Scot McKnight. This review will contain a short summary of the book, a personal response, a discussion of the book’s strengths and weaknesses and an application of the book in your life. You must follow the guidelines carefully. Use the following format in preparing your Book Review: 1. Summary: Summarize what you have read into 250 words. Prove that you comprehend the readings by writing a no-nonsense summary (picture a summary similar to reading the back cover of a book to decide if you want to read it). 2. Concrete responses: In at least 250 words, relate a personal life experience that this book connected with in your own life. Relate your story in first person, describing action, and quoting sentences you remember hearing or saying. You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. What video memory began to roll? This is your chance to tell your story and make new ideas found in the book your own. 3. Reflection: What new questions do you have in response to what you have read? Keep a rough note sheet at hand as you read. Begin with questions like: “What would I like further information on?” “Where do I disagree/strongly agree with the author?” “What bothers me/excites me about this content?” “What are the strengths and weaknesses of this book?” This section must be at least 250 words. 4. Application: How does information in the book influence how you are going to continue your own personal growth process? What actions or changes are you going to make in your life as a result of your learning? Your response here is a matter of obedience first, questions later. Be precise in summarizing your action steps (limit these comments to about 250 words). Note: Your grade for the Book Review depends on the quality and thoroughness of your response to each of these four headings. Include each heading in the body of your paper.


Question 11.           Education




Create a 5-page paper in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. 3) Use APA (6th edition) format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations. 4) To complete the assignment in this module, you will need to:  Locate research on brain development and early childhood.  Focus your paper on the typical process of brain development from conception to early preschool.  Discuss the role of attachment, developmentally appropriate interactions, and environmental factors in the developmental process.  Include at least three references, a mix of seminal and current research, to support your position. Cite the references in APA (6th edition) format. /early childhood education


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to 60 African American kindergarten children, half of low-income and half of middle-income status. Tasks were selected based on neuroimaging and lesion studies so that they taxed five neurocognitive systems that are involved in academic performance. The results indicated that there were no significant differ- ences between the income groups for the visual, spatial, and memory systems. However, SES differences were especially great in the areas of language and executive function, with indica- tions that some of the difference in executive function was associated with individual differences in language ability.

In a systematic replication, Farah et al. (2006) administered cognitive tasks to 60 African American children between the ages of 10 and 13 years, half of low-income and half of middle-income status; the children in the two groups were equivalent on health measures. Tasks were designed to provide information about abilities connected with seven specific neurocogni- tive systems. The results indicated that for the visual cognition, spatial cognition, and reward processing systems there were no significant differences between the groups. However, there were large differences in the areas of language and memory, including working memory, with a smaller difference in cognitive control. An explicit goal of this research group is to design more efficient interventions for low-income preschool children by targeting the neurocognitive systems that seem to be differentially impacted by variables that make up SES. For this purpose, it is better to use measures that are more specific than IQ or achievement tests. Thus, their goals are similar to those of Diamond et al. (2007).

Hackman, Farah, and Meaney (2010) stated that neuroscience can make an important contri- bution to society and human welfare by synthesizing the information that has resulted from dec- ades of research on socioeconomic differences in mental health, emotional functioning, and cognitive functioning in children and the environmental conditions related to those differences. The three studies described above are a few of the latest examples of those that have focused on cognition. The next step would be to identify the underlying cognitive and affective brain sys- tems that are influenced by SES, as illustrated by those studies, and then to identify the biologi- cal mechanisms by which environmental circumstances affect those brain systems. Hackman et al. (2010) discussed three such mechanisms, that is, influences on prenatal development, par- ental care, and cognitive stimulation in the home. For example, SES differences in parental care have been identified in a vast social science literature that associates family stress with harsh childrearing methods, conflict, insecure attachment, and decreased parental involvement as well as in studies indicating that high-quality parenting can promote resilience


Chemistry Formal Lab REport


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this laboratory the student will be able to:

1.       1)  Perform an acid-base titration accurately to an indicator endpoint.

2.       2)  Calculate moles from molarity and volume.

3.       3)  Write the complete, and net ionic equation for the neutralization of an acid with a base.

4.       4)  Calculate equivalent mass from total mass and moles of hydronium ion.

5.       5)  Write a formal scientific communication (laboratory report).

Introduction: Titration is a simple and very frequently used technique of quantitative volumetric analysis, which is able to achieve great precision and accuracy when it is done properly. The titration apparatus is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a Burette (A), a clamp (B), a stand (C) and a container (D) in which the titration reaction occurs. The Burette has a valve (E) that allows precise control of the flow of liquid from the burette, and it has a thin tip (F) that produces small and very uniform drops.

Figure 1, Titration Apparatus

There is a solution that has a very precisely known concentration of one of the reactants in the Burette. This is called the titrant. The flask has an unknown amount of the other reactant, called the analyte. The analyte can be a known volume of a solution of unknown concentration, or it can be a carefully weighed


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

solid compound or mixture dissolved in a solvent. In this lab you will titrate a solid that you have weighed to the nearest 1 mg and then dissolved in water.

Notice that the burette is marked the opposite way that a graduated cylinder is marked. It has the 0 mark at the top and the 50 mark at the bottom. Rather than being how much the burette contains, these marks represent how much has been removed from the burette, if the level starts at exactly 0.00 ml. What if you start titrating at some number other than 0? Then simply subtract your initial measurement from the final measurement.

When you are reading a burette, just as with any other instrument, your measurement precision should go 1 decimal place past the smallest tic mark (Figure 2)

Figure 2 How to read a burette

The smallest tic mark on our burettes is 0.1 ml. This means that you will read the burettes to the nearest 0.01 ml.


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CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

The number of moles of analyte present can be determined easily from the volume of the titrant, the concentration of the titrant in 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 (molarity, also abbreviated as M), and the balanced equation of the

reaction between the titrant and the analyte. This can tell you a number of things. If you know the formula and molar mass of the analyte, it can tell you how many grams are present, and the percent composition of a carefully weighed sample of the analyte material. If the volume of the analyte solution is known precisely, it can tell you the molar concentration of the analyte solution, and if you know the mass of a pure unknown compound, it can tell you the molar mass, of that compound.

The equation to obtain the moles of analyte from the volume of titrant is as follows:

𝑉 𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡 (𝑚𝑙) × 1𝐿 × 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡 × 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 = 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 1000𝑚𝑙 1 𝐿 𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡

Equation 1 calculation of moles of analyte

To find the mass, multiply by molar mass

𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 × 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 = 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 1 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒

Equation 2, calculation of mass of analyte

To find percent composition, divide by total grams mixture:

𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 ×100%=𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒

Equation 3, Calculation of percent composition of an analyte mixture

To find the molar mass of an analyte divide the mass of the analyte by the moles of analyte

𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 = 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠⁄1 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒

Equation 4 calculation af the molar mass of an analyte

Understanding the experiment: In this experiment we will perform an acid – base neutralization reaction, and use equations 1 and 4 to find the equivalent mass of an acid. Acids are broadly defined as sources of hydrogen ions, H+, also called protons. In water, acids will react with water to form hydronium ions, H3O+, by the following reaction, where HA stand for a generic acid. This reaction is also called acid dissociation.

𝐻𝐴 + 𝐻2𝑂 𝐻3𝑂+ + 𝐴

Equation 5 dissociation of a monoprotic acid in water

In fact, the proton, or H+ ion, never exists alone in a water solution. It always exists as the hydronium ion, H3O+. Often people will talk about the hydrogen ion and refer to it as H+, but what they really mean is hydronium ion.

Acids can be mono-protic, di-protic, tri-protic and even poly-protic, depending on how many hydrogen ions they can donate. The stoichiometric ratio of a mono-protic acid is 1 to 1; that of a diprotic acid is 1 to 2; that of a triprotic acid is 1 to 3 and so forth. The reaction of a strong di-protic acid with water would be:



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CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

𝐻2𝐴 + 2 𝐻2𝑂 2𝐻3𝑂+ + 𝐴2−

Equation 6, Dissociation of a diprotic acid in water

Notice the stoichiometric ratio of hydronium ion to acid is 2 to 1. The equivalent mass of the acid is the amount required to produce 1 mole of hydronium ion. It would take half as many moles of the acid in equation 2 to make a mole of hydronium ion as it would if it were a monoprotic acid.

From this, you can see that the equivalent mass of a monoprotic acid will be equal to its molar mass, while the equivalent mass of a diprotic acid will be 1⁄2 of its molar mass. For a triprotic acid it would be 1/3 and so forth. Examples of monoprotic, diprotic and triprotic organic acids are shown in Figure 3. The acidic proton is shown in bold.

Figure 3 Organic acid structures.

A base is broadly defined as a compound that absorbs hydrogen ions. Bases produce hydroxide ions, OH- , in water in one of two ways. They either dissociate in water to form hydroxide ions (These are called Arrhenius bases), or they react with water to produce hydroxide ions. The base that we will use in this laboratory, sodium hydroxide, is one of the ones that dissociates in water. The equation is below.

𝐻2𝑂− + 𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻(𝑠) 𝑂𝐻 (𝑎𝑞) + 𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞)

Equation 7, Dissociation of an Arrhenius base in water

Observe that sodium hydroxide will produce exactly as many moles of hydroxide ion as there are moles of sodium hydroxide that dissolve. Ammonia is an example of a base that react with water to form hydroxide ion. These bases are called Brønsted-Lowry bases. The equation for the reaction of ammonia is shown below:

𝑁 𝐻 3 + 𝐻 2 𝑂 𝑂 𝐻 − + 𝑁 𝐻 4+

Equation 8, Dissociation of a Brønsted Lowry base in water

A major simplification that is being made in this description of acids and bases is the assumption that they dissociate or react completely with the water to form hydroxide or hydronium ions. While this is true of strong acids and bases, there are many weak acids and bases that only react a little bit before the reaction starts going in the other direction to establish what is called an equilibrium with only a very low concentration of hydronium or hydroxide ion. A complete description of weak acids and weak bases is beyond the scope of this course. You will study this and other aspects of equilibrium in grueling detail, in CHM 2046. No worries, though; you will have a whole lot more chemistry under your belt by then.

Even though all of the acids that will be used in this laboratory are considered weak acids, they will completely dissociate through the course of the titration, because the sodium hydroxide is a strong base, and it will completely react with the small amount of hydronium produced by any aqueous acid, no matter


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

how weak it is. This will drive more of the acid to dissociate and make more hydronium ion, which will in turn be gobbled up by the hydroxide ion, until there is no acid left. This tendency is known as Le Chatelier’s principle. It is also a topic that will be covered extensively in CHM 2046.

The equations of acid and base add together as follows

𝐻𝐴 (𝑎𝑞) + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑙) 𝐻3𝑂+(𝑎𝑞) + 𝐴−(𝑎𝑞)


𝐻2𝑂− + 𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻(𝑠) 𝑂𝐻 (𝑎𝑞) + 𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞)


𝐻3𝑂+ + 𝑂𝐻 2𝐻2𝑂(𝑙)


𝐻2𝑂 + − 𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻(𝑠) + 𝐻𝐴 (𝑎𝑞) 𝐻2𝑂(𝑙) + 𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞) + 𝐴 (𝑎𝑞)

scheme 1, Reaction of an acid and a base

The third equation is called the net ionic equation for acid base neutralization. It can be derived by assuming that the acid and the base are present in their completely dissociated forms.

+ − − + 𝐻2𝑂 + − 𝐻3𝑂 (𝑎𝑞)+ 𝐴 (𝑎𝑞)+𝑂𝐻 (𝑎𝑞)+𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞) 𝐻2𝑂(𝑙)+ 𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞)+ 𝐴 (𝑎𝑞)

Equation 9, Total ionic equation of an acid base reaction

The ions that are crossed out are called spectator ions, because they appear on both sides of the arrow. Taking them out gives you the third equation in scheme 1.

You can Also see that the stoichiometric ratio for a dibasic acid is two to one, base to acid, and for a tribasic acid the stoichiometric ratio of base to acid is 3 to 1, as shown in equations 10 and 11.

𝐻2𝑂 + 2− 2𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻(𝑠) + 𝐻2𝐴 (𝑎𝑞) 2𝐻2𝑂(𝑙) + 2𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞) + 𝐴 (𝑎𝑞)

Equation 10 Reaction of a diprotic acid with sodium hydroxide

𝐻2𝑂 + 3− 3𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻(𝑠) + 𝐻3𝐴 (𝑎𝑞) 3𝐻2𝑂(𝑙) + 2𝑁𝑎 (𝑎𝑞) + 𝐴 (𝑎𝑞)

Equation 11, reaction of a triprotic acid with sodium hydroxide

Because 1 mole sodium hydroxide reacts with 1 mole hydronium ion, the equivalent mass of the acid is the mass of the acid divided by the moles of sodium hydroxide. In other words:

𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠(𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑙) = 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑 (𝑔) × 1000𝑚𝑙 × 1

𝑚𝑙 𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻 1 𝐿 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠𝐿 𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑚 h𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑥𝑖𝑑𝑒

In most cases, both reactants and products of acid base reactions are colorless. It would therefore be impossible to see when the reaction is complete. To determine this we need to add an indicator dye. Indicator dyes are dyes that react with something in the reaction mixture to change color when the reaction is done. We will use dye molecule called phenolphthalein, which is a very weak acid that is much less likely to give up its protons than the acids that we are titrating. When phenolphthalein does give up its protons, it turns pink, or red. When the very last molecule of the acid reacts, there is no more hydronium ion to react. This is called the equivalence point. When the equivalence point is reached, the hydroxide ion in the next drop of titrant will react with the phenolphthalein and turn it red.


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Figure 4 structure of phenolphthalein acidic hydrogens are shown in bold

This marks the endpoint of the titration. At the true end point, very little phenolphthalein will have reacted, so your solution will be a very light pink. If it turns dark pink, you will have added too much base. See Figure 5. The flask on the left is a perfect endpoint. The one on the right has too much base added.

Figure 5, Good endpoint (left) overshot endpoint(right)

It is important to continuously swirl your analyte solution. If you do not, you can get a false endpoint. The color will appear, but then disappear when you stir it. As you approach the endpoint clouds of pink color will appear briefly when you add the base, then disappear (figure 6).

Figure 6, transient pink cloud near endpoint


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid


1.       1)  Obtain a vial of unknown acid from the chemical stockroom.

2.       2)  Obtain the following equipment: burette clamp, ring stand, Burette with valve and tip, burette funnel, 3

clean 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks, a 250 ml beaker, 2 or 3 little squares of white paper, a squirt bottle, and a few plastic transfer pipettes. Make sure that the valve fits snugly in the burette and that the tip fits snugly in the valve.

3.       3)  Wash out the squirt bottle with deionized water and fill it with deionized water. Then wash the burette, two of the three flasks and the beaker with deionized water. Dry the beaker with a clean paper towel.

4.       4)  Dispense about 150 ml of the sodium hydroxide solution from the carboy into the beaker. Write down the molar concentration of this solution.


6) 7)

8) 9)

Caution! Sodium hydroxide is very caustic and it will permanently blind you if it gets in your eyes, even in low concentrations. Wear approved Safety glasses or goggles!

Assemble the burette in the burette clamp, and use a transfer pipette to run a few pipettes full of the sodium hydroxide solution down the inside walls of the burette. Put the unwashed Erlenmeyer flask under the burette, and drain out the sodium hydroxide solution into the Erlenmeyer flask. Repeat this process 2 more times.

Place the funnel in the top of the burette and carefully pour the sodium hydroxide until it reaches close to the 0.00 ml mark.

Open the valve and let a few drops of the sodium hydroxide titrant run into the waste flask. This will fill the tip of the burette with titrant.

Discard the waste solution in the sink and wash the flask thoroughly with deionized water.

Take the unknown sample of acid to the balance. Put a plastic weigh boat onto the balance and press “tare”. When the balance reads 0.000g, weigh out the amount of unknown acid that is indicated on the vial to the nearest 0.001g. Do not exceed this amount, or you might not be able to titrate it with only 1 burette full of sodium hydroxide solution. Write the mass down on your data sheet.


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10.     10)  Carefully pour the acid powder into one of the flasks. Use the corner of the weigh boat to pour from. With your squirt bottle, wash any solid that remains on the weigh boat into the flask. Mark this flask “rough”

11.      11)  Put about 50 ml of deionized water into the flask and then swirl the flask to dissolve as much of the acid as possible. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein solution to the flask.

12.     12)  Use a ruler or the edge of a notebook as a straight edge, and draw a thick dark line horizontally across one of the small pieces of white paper. Place the other piece under the burette, and place the flask with the acid solution on top of it.

13.     13)  Hold the paper with the line behind the burette, so that the line is horizontal, just underneath the meniscus. This will reflect off of the meniscus, making it easier to read (see Figure 7). With your eye at the level of the meniscus, read the burette to the nearest 0.01 ml.

14.     14)  While constantly swirling the flask of analyte, open the valve and rapidly titrate until the acid solution turns pink. Be ready to stop the flow when the color change occurs.

15.     15)  Write the initial volume, final volume and net volume (final – initial) in the “rough” section of the data sheet.

16.     16)  Refill the burette with sodium hydroxide solution and let a little run through the pipette tip into the titrated sample if it is necessary to refill the tip of the burette.

17.     17)  Repeat steps 9 through 11 with the other two flasks. Mark them “trial 1” and “trial 2”.


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

18.     18)  To help you to estimate the amount of titrant that will be needed for trials 1 and 2, you can do a proportional calculation as shown below. This will allow you to titrate quickly to just under the estimated volume, and then titrate slowly to get an accurate endpoint.

𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔h 𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 × 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔h 𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠

19.     19)  Read the initial volume as in step 13, and add the estimated net volume for Trial 1 to the initial volume to get the estimated final volume.

20.     20)  Titrate rapidly to about 5 ml before the estimated final volume for Trial 1. Then titrate the solution drop by drop, with constant swirling until it turns a very light pink.

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21.     21)  Measure the final volume as in step 13, and write down the measured initial volume and final volume in the “Trial 1” column of your data sheet.

22.     22)  Refill the burette and repeat steps 19 through 21 for trial 2.

23.     23)  Calculate the equivalent mass of the acid for trials 1 and 2, then calculate the average value.

24.     24)  Discard the titrated acid solutions and the excess sodium hydroxide solution in the sink with water.

Clean and return all the equipment. Return the acid sample to the stockroom, and clean up your work area.

Figure 7, reading the meniscus with a black line


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Report Sheet: Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Lab Partner(s):_____________________________________________________________________ Class period: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Data sheet: to be turned in only with full, formal lab report.

CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Prelab: Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Class period: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Show calculations and be mindful of significant figures for full credit.

The following data were observed in an equivalent mass of an acid experiment.

1.       1)  Fill in the blanks (2 points each). Show all calculations for full credit.

2.       2)  (3 points) How many moles of hydroxide ion were consumed in the titration?_________________

3.       3)  (3 points) How many moles of hydronium ion were available from the acid?___________________

4.       4)  (4 points) What is the equivalent molar mass of the acid? ____________

5.       5)  (4 points) If it happened that the acid in this experiment was one of the ones represented

in the table below, what is the most likely identity of this acid? ___________________

NaOH molarity

Acid mass


Initial volume (ml)

Final volume (ml)

Net volume (ml)

0.1000 M

Numerical value:

Acid name    Molar mass   Number of protons

Butanoic acid         88.11 g/mol 1

Tartaric acid         150.087 g/mol       2

Citric acid   192.124 g/mol        3


CHM 2045L- Equivalent Mass of an Acid

Formal Laboratory Report

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This lab requires a formal laboratory report that will be turned in online through Turnitin. Specific guidelines for writing the report are shown below:

Section        Requirements

Introduction (10 points) •        • Explain the objective of the experiment and describe how the stoichiometry of the acid base reaction can be used to volumetrically determine the equivalent mass of the acid.

•        • Provide an example of how titration is used in medicine, industry, or environmental protection.

•        • Write in passive voice for example: “The volume and concentration of the base solution are used to find the number of moles of acid present.” not “I will use the volume and concentration of the base solution to find the number of moles of acid present.”

•        • Cite any references with sufficient detail that your instructor can find them.

Procedure (20 points)      •        • Write the procedure in your own words. Do not copy the procedure in the lab manual

•        • The procedure should contain sufficient detail that a chemist of equal experience can duplicate the experiment

•        • Use passive voice past tense. For example: “The burette was filled to 1 cm above the 0 ml mark with a 0.097 M sodium hydroxide solution.” not “Fill the burette to 1 cm above the 0 ml mark with a 0.097 M sodium hydroxide solution.”


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Data and calculation (60 points)          •        • All quantitative results should be presented as tables or graphs, and also described in paragraph form.

•        • Volumes should be recorded to the 0.01 ml place, and masses should be recorded to within 0.001g.

•        • Use Passive voice past tense

•        • Show the calculations for net volume, moles base, moles acid, and equivalent

mass of the acid.

Results and discussion (30 points)       •        • List the values obtained for the equivalent mass of the acid for all titrations, and the average values.

•        • Compare the values of each titration to each other, and evaluate how closely they agree.

•        • Discuss whether or not your results are reasonable. The highest equivalent masses in this experiment are about 200 g/mol, and the lowest equivalent mass organic acid is oxalic acid, with an equivalent mass of 45 g/mol. Anything much less than this is probably not reasonable, and masses of more than 500 are also not reasonable in this experiment.

•        • Use passive voice in this section as well.

Conclusion (10 points)      •        • Discuss any experimental factors that could influence the reliability of your results

•        • Given the equipment provided and your evaluation of the results of this

experiment, discuss whether or not you could perform the titration in the practical example that you provided in the introduction with sufficient precision and accuracy


(20 points)  


Question      15.               Psychology


Psych/620:Multicultural And Social Issues in Psychology Week 6 Team Assignment.


Nipsey Hussel Story


Develop a 10- to 12-slide presentation that covers how to bring awareness to the conflict presented in the news story from the Week Four Learning Team assignment.

Include the following in your presentation:

•        An analysis of the social psychology and multicultural psychology aspects of the news story

•        Clear application of the principles of social psychology or multicultural psychology in your plan

•        The principles of multicultural psychology

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A resolution to the conflict in your plan

Include a minimum of five references from peer-reviewed journals.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Grading Criteria: Multiculturalism in the News


•        Center for Writing Excellence

•        Reference and Citation Generator

•        Grammar and Writing Guides

•        Learning Team Toolkit


Question 16. Psychology


Wk 6 Discussion 2.Phych/620:Multicultural And Social Issues In Psychology.



Students need to contribute three substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.


Sociopolitical Factors, Psychological Effect, and Diverse Populations


Please make sure to apply more than one resource to initial response. Properly cites (i.e., APA) course materials and outside scholarly readings in initial posting; citations as needed in responses to classmates.


Textbook sources:


Fiske, S. T. (2014). Social psychology: Core motives in social psychology (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [Available throughVital Bookshelf]


Keith,K. D. (2011). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Lott,B. E. (2010). Multiculturalism and diversity: A sociological perspective.

Malden, MA: Wiley & Blackwell. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Question      17.     Psychology


Wk 6 Discussion Psych/620:Multicultural And Social Issues In Psychology.




Students need to contribute three substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.


Pedersen (1999, p. 13) recognized the “profound consequences” for our discipline that arise from a “culture centered perspective. (Lott, 2010, p. 126).


What now? How will applying the information gained in class help with research, practice, and personal growth?


Please make sure to apply more than one resource to initial response. Properly cites (i.e., APA) course materials and outside scholarly readings in initial posting; citations as needed in responses to classmates.


Textbook sources:


Fiske, S. T. (2014). Social psychology: Core motives in social psychology (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Keith, K. D. (2011). Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives.

Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]


Lott, B. E. (2010). Multiculturalism and diversity: A sociological perspective.

Malden, MA: Wiley & Blackwell. [Available through Vital Bookshelf]

Question      18.     Finance.


A supplier is offering your firm a cash discount of 2 percent if purchases are paid for within ten days; otherwise, the bill is due at the end of 60 days. Would you recommend borrowing from a bank at an 18 percent annual interest rate to take advantage of the cash discount offer? Explain your answer.


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Question      19.     Psychology


PSYCH/620:Multicultural And Social Issues In Psychology week 5 discussion.


Classroom Engagement Expectations


Each week will have 3 graded Discussions provide:

•        Discussion 1 will have a prompt about one or more of the week’s objectives and require 3 substantive contributions.

•        Discussion 2 will have a prompt about one or more of the week’s objectives and require 3 substantive contributions.

•        Discussion 3 will be a more open ended, standard prompt that invites students to share in 2 substantive contributions about what they learned from course materials, how they will apply learning to their career, or muddiest points for which they need/want to learn more


Review this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in 150 to 300 words:

1.   Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

2.   Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.

3.   Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.


Students need to contribute two substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.


Question      20.     Physics


Unpolarized light traveling horizontally is incident normally (at a 90 degree angle) on an ideal polarizer. At a point

beyond the polarizer, the magnetic field of the light wave oscillates along a vertical axis. What is the polarization axis of the polarizer?


Question      21.     Other


How does transport create social cohesion and division?


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