How to Stay Motivated and Succeed in College: Fall Homework Help for Students

How to Stay Motivated and Succeed in College: Fall Homework Help for Students

When you first get to college, it can be hard to keep up with your classes and homework. However, if you set up a routine and work hard at keeping your grades up, you’ll find that life in college is much easier than you might have thought. Here are some tips on how to stay motivated and succeed in college this fall: Getting ready for your first day of class isn’t easy. Between registering for classes and buying textbooks, it can feel like there are a million things to consider before you even walk onto campus as a freshman. However, once you get into the swing of things, getting through school as quickly and efficiently as possible will become much easier. After all, with the right motivation and a few insider tricks from other students who have been there before you – getting through school in your first year as a freshman is actually not that hard!

Create a schedule and stick to it

Even if you’re taking lighter classes, it’s important to make time for studying and focusing on your grades. Make sure to create a daily schedule that allows for plenty of time for schoolwork as well as time to relax and unwind. If you don’t create a schedule for yourself and make sure to stick to it, you’ll find that you don’t have enough time to do everything you need to do. How many hours a day you should be studying depends on your major; some majors require more hours than others. If you have a full load of four classes, you should be studying about 12 hours a week. If you have a lighter load, you can study less. Obviously, if you have a lot going on in your personal life, it’s also crucial that you make time to rest.

Find the best days for each class

Make note of the days and times that each of your classes are held, and then look at your own schedule to see where you could fit them in. You’ll want to find the days and times that work the best for you. For example, if one of your classes is held first thing in the morning, it might be a good idea to schedule a different class for that day. This way, you’ll be able to get everything done that you need to without feeling overwhelmed. If one of your classes is held very near to the cafeteria, you might want to schedule another class near there as well so that you have a little break in-between. This way, you won’t have to rush from one place to the next.

Organize your notes already

If you’re taking classes like biology or chemistry, you’ll probably be taking a lot of notes. It’s best to organize your notes as you take them so that you don’t have to sort through a big stack of papers later on. Try keeping all of your classes’ notes in a single notebook so that you can flip through them easily. You can also use things like color-coding and sticky notes to make your notes easier to navigate. You should also consider using an online note-taking website, such as Evernote or Google Keep. Not only are these excellent tools for taking notes, but they’re also great for collaboration.

Make use of the study spaces on campus

There are plenty of places to study on campus, whether you prefer to meet friends at a coffee shop or enjoy the quiet of the library. Many schools have a designated study room or library that is available to students 24/7. Not only will this help you get more studying done, but you’ll also meet other people who are in the same boat as you. You can also meet friends at a coffee shop and take advantage of the free Wi-Fi. If you’re not sure where to go, ask other students for their favorite study spots. You can also look online for a map of the best study spots on campus.

Get an unlimited data plan

Whether you plan on studying online or using your phone to access course materials, you’ll likely need to have an unlimited data plan. The last thing you want is to get a huge bill after downloading a bunch of materials from your class. If you’re unsure what your school offers, ask the IT department about data plans. They’ll be able to help you figure out the best plan for your needs. You might also want to check with your parents to see if they have any discounts through their work. Many companies offer reduced rates for employees’ children.

Set up an email reminder for homework due dates!

If you struggle with remembering when your assignments are due, you can set up an email reminder. With many email services, you can set up a timer that will send you a reminder when your paper is due. If you use Gmail, you can set up a recurring reminder by clicking the gear icon, selecting “settings,” clicking the “general” tab, clicking the “schedule” tab, clicking “create new schedule,” and then choosing “every X hours.” For example, you can set a reminder to send yourself a message every two days reminding you to keep on top of your homework. This will help you complete everything on time without having to constantly worry about forgetting about your assignments.


Getting through college is not an easy feat. You’ll be faced with a lot of challenges that you may not have prepared for. However, if you set up a routine, make use of the study spaces on campus, and find ways to stay organized, you’ll find that it’s not that hard to succeed. Remember, no matter what major you choose, it’s important to have fun while you’re in school. Don’t forget to make time for yourself and your friends. and if you ever need coursework help, Homeworknest is a one stop website for college help

Sociology Evaluation and Crime Prevention

Question 1591 marriage & family

A Venn Diagram will be used to explore the similarities and differences between expectations of men and women in the workplace. This diagram will serve as the basis for your Video Discussion Board Post. Create a video response to share the results of your Venn Diagram. You will be asked to propose a policy change. Students are responsible for responding to at least two of their peers. craft a letter to their elected representation arguing for their proposed policy change Create a Kaltura video presentation to share the findings of your Venn Diagram. Answer the following questions: What are the similarities and differences between men’s work and family roles and women’s work and family roles? What can be done to bridge the gap? How does the dynamic change if you have two female partners or two male partners? Describe one way policy can change to help families.

Question 1592 Social problem evals

.You will be applying the social problems model to an article on economic inequality. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Your eval should be around 1 page long. Include the different pieces of the model and a very brief discussion of what pieces of the model are best represented by the article. For this eval you will provide your own article. You will be applying the social problems model to an article on racial and ethnic relations in the United states. Please keep these articles very current, past six months is best. I will not accept articles that are older than one year. This topic has been discussed in various ways in the media over the past year and there will be no shortage
of articles on the topic. Make sure you use main stream media sources. Do not use scholarly journals. Do not use fringe media outlets, like mother jones or breitbart. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC news, The New York Times, USA Today, etc are all examples of main stream media sources. ******2.Your eval
should be around 1 to 2 pages long, double spaced. Include the different pieces of the model and a very brief discussion of what pieces of the model are best represented by the article. Include the full title of the article used as well as an active link to the article. Double check your link before you submit your

Question 1593 Sexual Scripts

Pick three T.V. shows of your choice from three different decades. One show can be current but the other two should be from past decades. What sexual scripts (ideas taught to us about what is acceptable sexual behavior for a person of our gender) are in the shows? How have they changed over the decades? HINT: The ME TV network often rebroadcasts older shows. Some examples you could use
include: 1950s – The Donna Reed Show, I Love Lucy, M*A*S*H (broadcast in the 1970s but about the 1950s) 1960s – Andy Griffith Show, That Girl 1970s – Brady Bunch, Chips, Emergency 1980s – Cheers 1990s – Saved By The Bell

Question 1594 Socioloigcal Research on Prosperity Gospel

–Find 2 scholarly articles on the prosperity gospel tv evangelism written by sociologists AND complete an annotated bibliography for each. (You can use Google Scholar) 2) -Search for sermons/ interviews/ readings that reveal arguments Christians are making in favor of the prosperity gospel. -Then, complete a 450 word write up summarizing what you found. 3) In 300 words, List 4-5 key elements or features of the prosperity gospel and then connect each to a theoretical concept in Sociology. (Exp. Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx all explore the relationship between religion and social order.

Question 1595 Movie Love 5

Discussion Board #5: Movie Love 5 5 unread replies. 5 5 replies. Assigned readings for this chapter: Great Expectations.pdfPreview the document, The science of love.docPreview the document This exercise helps us to connect the theories, concepts, and social patterns presented in the course. Select
any movie that features a romantic plot. I think selecting your favorite movie would be a great choice! This discussion demonstrates concepts from cutlure, socialization, symbolic interactionism, functional theory, and our in class discussions about romantic love. Pick a romantic film and watch it with someone
of the opposite sex. I have made suggestions at the bottom. After the movie, you can each discuss the following questions. Take notes on the answers or you can each write your responses down separately, then compare notes. Question 4 and 5 are not related to the movie, but will help illustrate the ideas of the above listed concepts. Summarize what happened in the movie. What are the scenes that stick out most to you? Which character do you relate to the most? What are the 3 most important aspects of a relationship?

Define cheating. Now, let’s analyze the responses of a male and a female who watched the same movie. In your write up, compare and contrast the two sets of responses (male versus female responses ). How are the answers different? How are the answer similar? What are the values that are most important to men? to women? How does gender socialization play a role in how men and women define (symbolic interactionism) romance, cheating, etc? What are the dysfunctions of American love? What are functions? How do romantic relationships add to social stability? How can it create social instability? Movie suggestions: Pride & Prejudice, A Walk to Remember, Titantic, What a Girl Wants, Just Like Heaven, Twilight

Question 1596 Gender And Sexuality

This week covers Gender Inequality. I have two options for this assignment, so just pick the one that interests you. OPTION #1 Often, our discussions about this topic examine how females experience inequality. This discussion will focus on how males may experience inequality. Here are your instructions: Go to A Call To Men’s website and spend a few minutes reading about their organization. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Watch the TED Talk of founder Tony Porter at In your 300 word+ post answer the following: What is the man-box? What are some ways that you think males are placed in this box? Do
you place males in this man-box? What are the dysfunctions of putting males into this man-box? What do you think is the role of our females in promoting the rigid idea of a “real man”? How is men’s liberation from the man-box tied to women’s liberation? What changes would you make in socializing children so that both males are females can develop qualities that are healthy rather than qualities that fit rigid stereotypes?

Question 1597 Race and Ethnicity

With nearly seven billion people on the planet, the world offers a fascinating array of human characteristics. Race refers to the inherited physical characteristics that distinguish one group from another. These distinguishing characteristics include a variety of complexions, colors, and shapes.
Although there have been significant strides in the understanding of race and racial equality, two myths of race are still common. One is the perception that some races are superior to others; the other is that “pure” races exist. The idea of race remains a very real and powerful force throughout the world, shaping basic relationships between people in the United States and elsewhere. Select one set of questions to respond to: Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups

1a)Why do you think the term “minority” has persisted when the word “subordinate” is more descriptive?

1b)How do you describe your ethnicity? Do you include your family’s country of origin? Do you consider yourself multiethnic? How does your ethnicity compare to that of the people you spend most of your time with? Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination

2a) How does racial steering contribute to institutionalized racism?

2b)Give an example of stereotyping that you see in everyday life. Explain what would need to happen for this to be eliminated. Theories of Race and Ethnicity 3a)Give three examples of white privilege. Do you know people who have experienced this? From what perspective?

3b)What is the worst example of culture of prejudice you can think of? What are your reasons for thinking it is the worst? Intergroup Relationships

4a)Do you believe immigration laws should foster an approach of pluralism, assimilation, or amalgamation? Which perspective do you think is most supported by current U.S. immigration policies?

4b)Which intergroup relation do you think is the most beneficial to the subordinate group? To society as a whole? Why? Race and Ethnicity in the United States

5a)In your opinion, which group had the easiest time coming to this country? Which group had the hardest time? Why?

5b)Which group has made the most socioeconomic gains? Why do you think that group has had more success than others?

Question 1598 Culture in your textbook


1. Read Chapter 3: Culture in your textbook.

2. Use the information from the text to answer the questions (your response must be informed by the material you’ve learned rather than offering opinions).

3. Include APA formatted citations and a reference (no outside sources, please).

4. Write at least 250 words about this topic. Post your word count at the end of your essay. 5. Save your essay as a Word document and upload it by clicking on the assignment title before the close of the week on Sunday. Think about a television show you’ve recently watched (or take a break and go watch a TV
show!). In what ways can you use the terms or concepts from chapter three to explain what happened in the show? In other words, what from Chapter 3 on Culture can you relate to the show? Describe any part of the program using KEY CONCEPTS from Chapter 3, (or Chapter 3 Lecture/PowerPoint if your
textbook is delayed). For example, if you watched an episode of Law & Order, you might discuss norms (folkways, mores, laws), subcultures, values, beliefs, etc. including the behaviors of any of the characters. Please present your response in paragraphs with clear sentences, proper spelling, grammar,
sentence structure, tense agreement, etc. You will be graded on both content (did you respond to each prompt and provide a citation/reference for the article you found?) and format (have you followed all structural requirements like proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure, tense agreement?) BOOK !!!!!!!! Schaefer, R.T. 2017. Introduction to Sociology, 12th ed. McGraw Hill.

Question 1599 Sociology in the news

Due Today at 10pm * I need a copy of the source so a online article needs to be used and pasted within the paper *

She is using Turnitin to check for Plagiarism ——————————— Sociology In The News Paper Format (example) Rachel A. Koons 1 Sociology In The News Paper #1 October 4, 2017

Title of Article Review Begin paper here…. ————————- Sociology In The News Essays (SITN’s) Each student will
write two Sociology in the News (SITN) essays. Each essay is to be turned in by the due dates listed on your Weekly Schedule. Please read the following information/instructions before writing and submitting your SITN essays. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding this writing assignment.
**What are Sociology in the News Essays?** Most of what you’ll find in the news headlines deal with potentially Sociological topics—the same topics you discuss with friends at the coffee shop, with your family around the dinner table, or in the breakroom at work. What sets Sociology apart from most breakroom conversations is not the topics themselves, but the perspective that Sociologists bring to them….. The purpose of these essays is to develop the ability to look at everyday events and debates with a Sociological eye—that is, to unpack the taken-for-granted ways of thinking about the world that usually frame our discussions about current events, and look for ways to understand them more deeply as Sociological issues. **You will write two SITN essays this semester. For each one:

1) Choose a recent article from a regional or national news source that deals with a topic that interests you, or that you think might interest a sociologist. (Good sources include The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Missoulian, Arkansas Democrat Gazette, U.S. News & World Report, ABC News, Fox News, Christian Science Monitor,,,, any Sociological current journal, and etc.) **The article should be no more than a few years old if possible…

2) Photocopy, clip, copy and paste, or print your article, and turn it in with your essay. Or you may provide the web link at the bottom of your paper.

3) In 2-4 pages, discuss the sociological ramifications of your article. In so
doing, you will want to set your paper up using the following 3 steps: step 1: in your own words, introduce your article and summarize its major points (1-2 paragraphs). step 2: describe, in detail, how the article relates to either a theory, concept or sociological idea from your textbook (1-2 paragraphs). step 3: discuss at least two questions sociologists might ask about the article’s content, and state briefly how they might go about answering them. You will also need to include your own personal thoughts and opinions regarding the content of your article (1-2 paragraphs).

*Papers should be formatted using Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Please see next page for paper setup. *

These papers will be graded as follows: full points: An outstanding, ground-breaking, perfectly polished and beautifully written essay that makes interesting and insightful points. (Essentially, an A or A-.) Partial points: A good essay (about a B+-B-). It is perhaps well-written, certainly free of spelling and stylistic
errors, but not especially original. Low points: A paper that was turned in on time, but is underdeveloped, riddled with errors, or both. (About a C.) You can figure out what happens below this….

Question 1600 Sociology

Describe the different forms of racial and sex inequality. What are some of the ways that we can see institutionalized inequality within nursing or your chosen profession? After reading the articles “Who Rides the Glass Elevator?” and “Forget about the Stigma”, are all nurses/nursing assistants treated equally?

Question 1601 Watch a documentary

Must Watch a video and discuss these questions How are both ideologies represented in this week’s documentary in contradictory ways? Serano discusses how homophobia, transphobia and traditional sexism are all results of oppositional sexism—how were these issues represented in this week’s documentary?

Question 1602 Race, Ethnicity, Prejudice,Discrimination

Please write a 1 page response for the following topics (each topic should be 1 page for a total of four pages): Race Ethnicity Prejudice Discrimination In your response, please do the following: a-Define the term b-Describe one theory/idea discussed in class that relates to the topic c-Include your personal views about the topic d-Describe a common issue or problem associated with the topic

Question 1603 Watch a documentary

Must watch two documentaries and (Watch parts 1-3) 500 words min Must list academic sources Answer these questions Note the use of value laden medical terminology such as “disorders” and “malfunctions” how would Fausto-Sterling analyze the use of such language? The narrator of “Intersex” asserts that gender differences in terms of aggressive versus passive behavior is rooted in biology then asserts that gender is “almost entirely” learned behaviors; while the casual viewer may miss this ideological contradiction, how could we, as social scientists, explain why the narrator confuses ideologies on gender and sex using what we have learned from Fausto-Sterling? Note the doctor in “Interex” who is being interviewed throughout the documentary, how do his comments on gender and sexual identities of the intersexed, that he vaguely says is “backed by studies,” seem absurd from the perspective of Fausto-Sterling? What social effects can we see resulting from Western culture’s
insistence on the Gender Dichotomy?

Question 1604 Watch a documentary

Must watch two documentaries and (Watch parts 1-3) 500 words min Must list academic sources Answer these questions Note the use of value laden medical terminology such as “disorders” and “malfunctions” how would Fausto-Sterling analyze the use of such language? The narrator of
“Intersex” asserts that gender differences in terms of aggressive versus passive behavior is rooted in biology then asserts that gender is “almost entirely” learned behaviors; while the casual viewer may miss this ideological contradiction, how could we, as social scientists, explain why the narrator confuses ideologies on gender and sex using what we have learned from Fausto-Sterling? Note the doctor in “Interex” who is being interviewed throughout the documentary, how do his comments on gender and sexual identities of the intersexed, that he vaguely says is “backed by studies,” seem absurd from the perspective of Fausto-Sterling? What social effects can we see resulting from Western culture’s
insistence on the Gender Dichotomy?

Question 1605 Course work questions

Answer the following questions: 1. Why didn’t authors end their research after analyzing the results of the ProQOL? (Hint: What else were they looking to answer? or what crucial question was left unanswered by the ProQOL?) 2. Do you believe the author’s study has construct validity? Why, or why not?

Question 1606 Watch Video for Discussion

Min of 500 words Must cite academic source Video for Discussion: “Stonewall Uprising” Discussion Question: Considering the history of the Homophile Movement, how can we see the rejection of their accommodationist approach for the more active politics of Gay Liberation as a response to political and social realities of the mid-twentieth century? Considering the inclusiveness expressed by activists in Gay
Liberation, why is the history of Lesbian Feminism ironic?

Question 1607 The vignette provided below illustrates ethical dilemma

The vignette provided below illustrates ethical dilemma(s) human services workers can encounter. Questions follow that provide an opportunity for you to ”apply” ethical standards and ethical decision- making as you think about what you would do in that situation. VIGNETTE: I WORK IN A VOLUNTEER-
DRIVEN ORGANIZATION. It is a local chapter of a national organization. We depend on volunteers for numerous activities: fund-raising, clerical tasks, service delivery, etc. One particular valuable volunteer had great computer skills and was creating a database for the local chapter. Unbeknown to the director
or the staff, this person had used the computer and the organization’s logo and letterhead to solicit gifts, donations, event passes, and who knows what else from all over the area for her own use. One company representative called to check out a solicitation from this person because it was different from previous organization contacts and it raised suspicions. POST YOUR ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. Describe the Ethical Dilemma How might you use “ethical reasoning” in this situation? What action would you take, as an agency administrator, if you became aware of this situation? Identify which of the six (6) ethical principles that underlie codes or standards would apply to this situation
(McClam, pp. 270-271) book Texts: Woodside, Marianne R. & McClam, T. (2013). An introduction to human services (8th ed.). CA: Thompson Brooks/Cole, ISBN-13: 978-1285-74990-7


points You’ve learned about the importance of research and the steps of the sociological research process. For your first assignment, you will begin to work with this process by carefully reviewing an article about a research study. The goal is to have you analyze the article to see how the steps of the research process informed the research presented in the piece. This assignment will also encourage you to make connections between the research and your own life. To analyze your article, follow the Ask, Research, Learn, Do process that is outlined below. This process was introduced in your webtext as a simplified version of the sociological research process. It’s a useful tool to help you think critically,
answer questions, and solve problems. Instructions: Complete both parts of the assignment by following the instructions below. 2 PART A: REVIEW THE RESEARCH 1) Review Articles a) Prepare to complete your assignment by reviewing the articles below. Select one for the focus of your first assignment. • “What ‘Personal Space’ Looks Like Around the World” worldviews/wp/2017/04/24/how-close-istoo-close-depends-on-where-you-live/?utm_ term=.8f70ef8686ad • “Millennials aren’t job-hopping any faster than Generation X did” generation-x-did/ • 6 facts about the U.S. military and its changing demographics demographics/ 2) Use the research information presented in the article to answer the questions below.
You should write four paragraphs, one for each step listed in bold. Refer to  Chapter 2 of the webtext as necessary.

a) Ask: • What was the topic of the research? • Who was studied in the research? • What was the research question that was answered by the information in the article? 3

b) Research: • What research methods were used? • Summarize the process researchers used to collect data.

c) Learn: • What were the key findings of the research? • What conclusion was drawn from the research?

d) Do: • What follow-up question would you now like to ask and research based on this article? • Why did you choose this follow-up question? PART B: MAKE CONNECTIONS

1) Use your article review to help answer the questions below. You should write two paragraphs, one for each question.

a) How can you apply the key research findings to your own life?

b) What are two additional questions that you have about society based on this research? Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Use Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

• Use section headers (Ask, Research, Learn, Do, and Make Connections) and write left indented paragraphs under each corresponding section.

• References are not required for this assignment as you will use one of the assigned articles and your webtext.

4 • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Question 1609 Religion and Education

Read Chapter 13: Religion and Education Write at least 250 words about this topic. Post your word count at the end of your essay. Include APA citations and a reference to the textbook (no outside sources, please). Save your essay as a Word document and click on the Title above to upload it before the close of the week on Sunday. Assignment What elements of bureaucracy can you note from your
experience in school (examples from elementary through college are fine)? What would you do to make it less bureaucratic? Remember that journal responses must be informed by the material in Chapter 13. Include APA citations and a reference.

Question 1610 Social problems evaluation

social problems eval #7 Apply the social problems model to the documentary: Frontline: Sick Around the World. The documentary covers all four aspects of the social problems model. It is 56 minutes long and can be viewed for free here: PBS Frontline: Sick Around the World (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. PBS Frontline: Sick Around the World Your eval should be around 1 to 2 pages long. Include the different pieces of the model and a very brief discussion of what you thought of the different healthcare systems presented in the film. Make sure you reference your article. must watch hour long documentary and write paper based off that PBS Frontline: Sick Around the World (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Question 1611 Article Analysis

Williams, L. M. (2015). Beyond Enforcement: Welcomeness, Local Law Enforcement, and Immigrants. – ATTACHED. Please read William’s article and answer the following questions:

1)Does the author find support for her/their research purpose?

2)Can you detect a particular worldview in the author (s) research question, discussion, and conclusion? (This question asks you to apply your learning about
worldviews – Apply Creswell, Chapter 1- to this article-attached.)

3)Comment on whether you think the author’s/authors’ research question and findings are relevant to

1) the field of public administration, and

2) applicable to public administration in Western New York

Question 1612 Must watch 2 videos for a discussion

500 word min. Must watch these two videos “Queer Spawn” AND Love Is All You Need?” After watching the videos, what is “queer” about? What does it mean? How did the videos change your understanding? Must list sources

Question 1613 Sociology Discussion

500 words min. Dallas is the city you need to use which is located in the of Texas What are the connections between social capital and the physical and social well-being of community residents in your city? 3. You have described the inequalities in your city, now compare to New Orleans. Compare and contrast the social causes of the disaster, the concepts of environmental injustice and racism, and
the social and economic factors that will shape the long-term effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Question 1614 Service-Learning experience

At the end of the semester, you will submit a detailed formal essay/reflection of the SL that you completed. You must adhere to all APA criteria. Combine Parts 1, 2, & 3 along with an introduction and summary to compile your final service learning project report. A critical piece to the Service-Learning
experience is taking time to reflect and connect. This is your opportunity to compile the three components of your service learning project in a concise and cohesive manner. The idea is for you to synthesize your learning experience and demonstrate how you implemented content covered in the course. A minimum of 5 references and sources must be included in APA format. See Blackboard Learn
for Components of Final SL Project Report document.

Question 1615 How does social class affect the kinds of work-family challenges people experience

Prompt: How does social class affect the kinds of work-family challenges people experience? How are these challenges affected by gender, race, and the intersections between race and gender Using the readings from the textbook and blackboard, answer the following prompt. This post should be 750 words minimum and reference at least four readings from the course and one outside source. You need to use in-text citations and provide a reference list at the end. Citations need to be in APA style. book Wharton, A. (2015). Working in America: Continuity, conflict, and change in a new economic era (4th ed.). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.

Question 1616 Why is it Eichmann’s “banality” or stupidity so much worse than the monstrosity she (and the rest of the world) expected


1. You will answer THREE questions.

2. You can only pick ONE question per section. However, you MUST answer a question from section 5. Every other section is optional.


4. Cut and paste the questions of your choice and write the answer underneath it in Word or another word processing program. I prefer Word/ PDF format but if–for whatever reason–you must write your exam by hand, clearly scan your document and send it as a PDF.

5. I will grade this exam as if you spent 1.5hrs on it (30 minutes per question).

6. Write in full sentences but this is not an essay. I do not need an introduction, conclusion etc. Just answer the question.

7. Each response should be 300 words.


1. How did Arendt describe Eichmann? Why is it Eichmann’s “banality” or stupidity so much worse than the monstrosity she (and the rest of the world) expected?

2. How does racism work? How does stupidity manifest itself in terms of race? (use Charles W. Mills and/ or Nancy Tuana)

3. Several theorists argued that medicine has become a form of social power. Using at least one theorist, discuss the role of medicine in modern society.


1. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer claimed the Enlightenment was “myth radicalized.” Explicate their critique of the Enlightenment.

2. Explicate Parson’s concept of “institutionalization” and explain how people are
motivated to act in a way that is favorable to society.

3. What are “manifest” and “latent” functions? Which one should sociologists look at and why does sociology need that distinction to begin with?


1. According to Goffman, individuals have a “self.” This “self” is mutilated or curtailed by total institutions. How do total institutions work on the self?

2. According to Mills, what is the “sociological imagination”?

3. What is a cyborg? What does it say about the relationship between humans and technology?


1. Using two theorists (Parsons and Merton), define “deviance” or “strain.” What is cause of deviance/ strain?

2. According to Louis Althusser, there are two types of ideological apparatuses. A. What are they? B. How does Althusser define ideology (you must include a discussion of “hailing” and “interpellation”)?

3. What were the causes of Hurricane Katrina? (You must discuss the
notion of “agency”)

Question 1617 Gathering material

The overviews are to cover the reading from our texts that week. Identify what you believe are the major key themes and highlights of each week’s reading, and write a 250-500-word synopsis. A 1-2-page essay will not be able to cover everything from that week’s reading; it is your job to make choices in what you think are the most important themes from the chapter(s). Also, excellent responses will include the practical uses of the week’s reading. (I am not looking for each term to be defined; instead, tell me what it is worthy to know these things!) I will attach the remaining photos after hiring.

Question 1618 A Bloody Sunday in Brentwood

Understanding School Violence -1 PAGE ONLY – School is a place of growth before a person steps into the uncertainties of adulthood. However, for a few individuals school is a stressful, negative environment, which may result in them becoming violent. In terms of student victimization, the United States does not have the highest rate of violence compared with other nations. Although US schools are occasionally sites of horrific attacks, on a day-to-day basis, US public schools appear about as safe (or unsafe) as those in other nations. The impact of widespread coverage of these violent incidents is difficult to measure, but surveys of student and teacher concerns show a pervasive pattern of fear of
violence. School violence has been a topic of national concern throughout the past decade as the public has repeatedly witnessed horrifying shooting incidents in US public schools.

When studying violence in schools, it is important to consider both offenders and victims. Many studies have found a positive relationship between physical abuse and suicide. In light of these factors, it is important for you to understand the impact of violence in schools on victims, their families, and the public. Task: Use the textbook readings, the Argosy University online library, and any other outside sources to research school shootings and select a school-shooting incident. Submission Details: By the due date assigned, in a minimum of 250 wordS. Provide a summary of the school-shooting incident you selected. Describe any risk factors and warning signs that were present in the case prior to the violent act. Identify the security measures that, had they been implemented prior to the tragedy, might have either prevented or lessened the casualties. Give your reasoning.

A Bloody Sunday in Brentwood – 3 PAGES ONLY- Here’s What Happened . . . The chief of police in Centervale is becoming more concerned with victims’ rights. He worries that law enforcement officers do not have enough real-world opportunities to review cases of victimology. As practice, you and your fellow officers have been asked to evaluate the Nicole Simpson case from the time she first reported intimate violence by O. J. Simpson to the time of her death. Assess from a victimology standpoint and under the assumption that O. J. Simpson was the perpetrator of the murder. Here’s What You Need to Do . . . Using APA-formatted in-text citations and external sources that are referred to on a corresponding reference page, prepare a report on the Simpson case, evaluate what resources could have been used to prevent the murder, and then suggest improvements. Your report should include the following: In the recent decades, we have seen stalking laws, as well as intimate partner-violence laws, undergo vast improvements due to more awareness and education for those who make, enforce, and interpret laws.

Make a flowchart that identifies these critical stages in the laws for stalking and intimate violence. Research the laws, policies and procedures, and operational techniques pertaining to victims’ rights and victim protection. Compare and contrast your research with the processes found in the Simpson case. What can you recommend to law enforcement officers to prevent similar results in future cases? Analyze and interpret statistical data using basic research methods. Illustrate any correlations between stalking, intimate violence, and homicide. How can you compare your findings with the facts of the Simpson case? Apply the victimology or criminology theory, or theories that best fits this case. Express your reasoning for your comparison of comparison of the victimology v. criminological theory. Research lethality or danger assessments used by law enforcement agencies and victim advocacy centers. Describe what the assessments are used for. What facts can you select to show the lethality signs that were present before Nicole’s murder? Create your own lethality or
danger assessment containing at least five questions that you feel would be the most relevant questions to ask a victim in a dangerous intimate relationship in order to assist in determining the threat level of the partner. Describe your reasoning in your concluding remarks.

Question 1619 Human Services Organizations as Systems

For this Assignment, consider how administrators of human services organizations may apply systems theory in their work. Also, consider what you have discovered about the roles of leadership and management and how these contribute to an organization’s overall functioning. Assignment (2–3 pages
in APA format): Explain how systems theory can help administrators understand the relationships between human services organizations and their environments. Provide specific examples of ways administrators might apply systems theory to their work. Finally, explain how leadership and management roles within human services organizations contribute to their overall functioning.

Question 1620 Crime Prevention

: Victims’ Rights and the Dos and Don’ts of Interviewing Crime Victims – 1 PAGE- You are a police investigator in Centervale. Recently, there have been complaints from prosecutors, as well as several victims, about the interview techniques used by law enforcement (both first responders and investigators). The prosecution is losing cases because of inadmissible statements made to law enforcement by victims and witnesses in response to improper questioning. Because of their bad
experiences early in the investigations, some victims refuse to come to court and testify. There are continuous complaints by victim services specialists that first responders do not provide victims with all their rights as governed by law. The chief of police in Centervale is concerned about lawsuits and unsatisfied victims and asks you, one of the most experienced detectives of the Centervale Police
Department, to attend patrol briefings and train officers in some dos and don’ts of interviewing victims of crime, especially women and children. You are also asked to go over some of the most important victims’ rights that could cause the most legal trouble if not followed properly by the Centervale Police Department. You realize that a proper interviewing lesson could take eight to sixteen hours, and you know law enforcement must strictly follow numerous victims’ rights, but you have been given only fifteen to twenty minutes in which to teach, what you feel is the most important information. Submission Details: By the due date assigned, in a minimum of 250 words, post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following: Identify and describe the training information you feel would be most important, if you had only ten minutes to teach law enforcement officers about: Interviewing women and children Crime victims’ rights Give your reasoning for the training information that you identified as most important for both training programs.

2: Crime Prevention – 2 PAGES – The property crime rate in Centervale has increased by 50% in the past five years. The citizens have been complaining about the rise in property crimes and nothing being done about it.  The Centerville City Council approves a new position of Crime Analyst for the Centerville Police Department. Your application is accepted, and your
interview date and time are set. You have been asked to prepare a written document containing a crime prevention strategy that you feel would make a big difference in the city’s crime rate. Task: Use the textbook readings, the Argosy University online library, and any other outside sources to prepare a 2–3-
page report. In your report: Explain a proactive crime prevention strategy that will most likely substantially decrease victimization in Centerville for all types of crimes, specifically property crimes. Analyze and explain the victimology theory from your prior readings that best fits your strategy and explain how. Also, include which crime victim theory best fits crimes on campus. Explain how the crime rate is determined and define the dark figure of crime. Include an APA-formatted reference page that links back to your in-text citations and supports your recommendations. Remember, you cannot have only in-text citations or only references. You must have both because in-text citations and references
link to each other.

Social Pyscology discussion Questions

Question 1561 Body Ritual of the Nacirema

Please use the web link below to read the article: “Body Ritual of the Nacirema”, and post your personal views on their culture.

Question 1562 seeing the general in the particular

Short Answer Response:

1. What did Peter Berger mean when he said the sociological perspective is “seeing the general in the particular”? Why, in individualistic North America, can the sociological perspective be described as “seeing the strange in the familiar”? 2. What did C. Wright Mills mean by “the sociological imagination”? How does this point of view reveal a limitation of what members of our society call “common sense”? How does it change the way we see personal problems?

3. Name the three social changes in European history that were especially important to the development of sociology. Why did change spark the development of sociology? Which social change do you believe had the greatest impact on the development of sociology as a discipline/science? Why?

4. Explain the focus of the structural-functional approach. Please give an example of this theoretical paradigm. Distinguish between manifest and latent functions. Please give an example of each in relation to your personal life.
5. Explain the focus of the social-conflict approach. Please give an example of this theoretical paradigm. What is social structure? How do the structural-functional and social-conflict approaches understand social structure differently?

6. Explain the focus of the gender-conflict or feminist approach. Compare
and contrast this approach to the race-conflict approach. Using each of these approaches, provide several sentences that offer a critical analysis of our society. 7. Discuss the contributions of W. E. D. Du Bois. Why are his works in the field of sociology is so significant. Discuss Max Weber idea of ‘value-free
research. Why is this idea so important in understanding sociological research? 8. Explain the focus of the Symbolic-Interactionist approach. Explain the difference between a macro-level and micro-level theoretical orientation. Give an example of each. Why would it be important to understand the interactions of society from both perspectives? In your opinion which does the better job of explaining society in general?

Question 1563 Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life

A reaction paper is a written paper in which students use critical thinking to illustrate their understanding of a particular subject matter. On the topic “Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life” and express your opinion. I, as the instructor, am not looking for anything in particular in the reaction papers, I simply use them to determine how you apply critical thinking skills to different topics. Papers
can be either objective or subjective. Feel free to use other sources to complete the assignment. (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE!) Must be ONE full page


Evaluate the following website:

***APA format*** ***AMERICAN

ENGLISH PLEASE!*** ***minimum five references…one will be the actual website…one will be this textbook: Harvey, C., & Allard, M. (2015). Understanding and Managing Diversity Readings, Cases, and Exercises (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. …plus minimum of 3 other additional sources ***refer to the Diversity and Inclusion Awards: A Critical Examination on page 353 of the textbook ***must use attached outline***

Question 1565 Thinking About Diversity

Students choose the topic ” Thinking About Diversity” topic found in any of the chapters covered this semester to write what I call a “reaction paper” A reaction paper is a written paper in which students use critical thinking to illustrate their understanding of a particular subject matter. Select a topic and express your opinion. I, as the instructor, am not looking for anything in particular in the reaction papers, I simply use them to determine how you apply critical thinking skills to different topics. Papers can be either objective or subjective. Feel free to use other sources to complete the assignment. (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE!)

Question 1566 Controversy and Debate

On the topic ” Controversy and Debate” topic found in any of the chapters covered this semester to write what I call a “reaction paper” A reaction paper is a written paper in which students use critical thinking to illustrate their understanding of a particular subject matter. Select a topic and express your
opinion. I, as the instructor, am not looking for anything in particular in the reaction papers, I simply use them to determine how you apply critical thinking skills to different topics. Papers can be either objective or subjective. Feel free to use other sources to complete the assignment. (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE!)

Question 1567 Social Interactions in Everyday Life

Part of understanding social interaction in everyday life is understanding when and why we lie. Do you believe the average American is a liar? Do you believe you are an average American who lies? Do you believe there is ever a right time to lie?

Question 1568 Explain the difference between an ascribed status and an achieved status

1. Explain the difference between an ascribed status and an achieved status. Give examples of statuses that are mostly ascribed and those that are mostly achieved. Detail a situation where one may have to transition from one to the other

2. What is the Thomas theorem? Provide an example of how it works. How is this theorem an example of the process we call the “social construction of reality”?

3. Explain the basic approach called dramaturgical analysis. From this point of view, explain how we engage in the “presentation of self.”

4. Stan claims that gender has nothing to do with patterns of social interaction.
To him, men and women in the same settings behave in the same ways. Use material from this chapter to evaluate this assertion. Identify several ways gender affects personal performances.

5. What is nonverbal communication? How do people use it in everyday life? Give an example when nonverbal communication will work better than verbal communication.

6. In a short essay, identify a number of your own statuses. What roles correspond to each? Do any operate as master statuses? How? Identify
which statuses are mostly ascribed and which are mostly achieved. Use one or more examples to explain why many statuses are both ascribed and achieved.

7. Explain Erving Goffman’s ideas on the presentation of self. What are the elements of “presentations?” For example, how does a college professor engage in a scripted presentation of self to a class? What about a professor’s office? What features of the office are used to convey information to an observer?

8. What makes something funny? Explain the foundation of humor and what is involved in “getting” a joke. Does the American sense of humor differ from other countries, societies, or cultures? Please explain. Please Number your response
to each question. You do not have to write the questions

Question 1569 Sociological Imagination/Research Methods

After reading about the Sociological Imagination (chapter 1) and the blog Hoarding and the Sociology of Consumption (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., answer the following questions — Describe the aspects of culture (i.e. beliefs and values) in U.S. society that contribute to the obsession
with obtaining more and more material goods. How might this consumerism be described as a “personal trouble??” How might it be understood as a “public issue??”

Question 1570 The Social Construction Of Illness

This must be at least 3 paragraphs. Briefly describe qualitative and quantitative research. Please include the benefits and consequences of each of these research methodologies. Is the data in the article “The Social Construction of Illness,” based on qualitative or quantitative research? Can you observe any
commonalities between the social construction of reality discussed in the article or in The New York Times video “Revisiting the ‘Crack Babies’ Epidemic That Was Not”?

Question 1571 This must be at least 3 paragraphs.

Briefly describe qualitative and quantitative research.
Please include the benefits and consequences of each of these research methodologies. Is the data in the article “The Social Construction of Illness,” based on qualitative or quantitative research? Can you observe any commonalities between the social construction of reality discussed in the article or in The New York Times video “Revisiting the ‘Crack Babies’ Epidemic That Was Not”?

Question 1572 discussion post

Discussion post needed. -Symbolic interactionists point to symbols as having the power to shape attitudes and behaviors. Symbols possess the ability to shape norms and create new normative behavior. This is particularly relevant for how families originate. In your post, analyze a cross-cultural symbolic rite of same-sex or traditional marriage and a dating rite for its role in gender construction
within the United States and compare it to an example from another culture.

Question 1573 Introduction to Social Science

2 page Detailed summaries for all the mentioned article topics. 1.5-2 page article Font Times new roman Font size 12. Following are the topics and Articles are listed under the topic name with author as well:

  1. Topic: Eurocentrism: Deconstructing the neocolonial gaze C. Lutz and J. Collins, “The Color of Sex: Postwar Photographic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazine.” in R. Lancaster & M. di Leonardo, The Gender Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. New York: Routledge. 1997. 291-304. Recommended website: The Secret Museum of Mankind
  2. 2. Topic: Neo/imperialism, body politics and whiteness: Eurocentric
    beauty standards Readings: 1) Amina Mire, “The Emerging Skin-Whitening Industry” July 2005. (online) 3) 2) Himani Bannerji, “Popular Images of South Asian Women,” in H. Bannerji, ed., Returning the Gaze: Essays on
    Racism, Feminism and Politics. Toronto: Sister Vision Press. 1993. Pp. 144-166. 3. Topic: The persistence of white supremacy in the current “post-race” era Readings (19+ pages): 1) Ian Honey Lopez, “The Social Construction of Race,” in Inderpal Grewal, Caren Kaplan, eds., An Introduction to Women’s Studies:
    Gender in a Transnational World. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 52-57. 2) Ruth Hubbard, “Race and Sex as Biological Categories.” 3) K. Oka, “Racism “Renewed.” Nationalist Practices, Citizenship and Fantasy, Post9/11. Engaging Equity: New Perspectives on Anti-racist Education. 27-41. 4) Courtney Ariel, “For Our
    White Friends Desiring to Be Allies” in Soujourners, August 16, 2017. Available here: 4. Topic: #BlackLivesMatter: vigilantism to racist police violence Readings (20 pages): 1) Annette L. Bickford, “The Merciful Executioner: Spectacles of Sexual Danger and National Reunification in the case of George Stinney, 1944.” Southern
    Anthropologist 35(1):41-61. Special issue on race and ethnicity. Recommended film:

The Murder of Emmett Till. 5. Topic: Racialized criminalization:
Neoliberal capitalism and the prison industrial complex Readings (40 pages): 1) Michelle Alexander. The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. New York: New Press, 2010. 173-209. 2)
Paul Butler, “Racially Based Jury Nullification: Black Power in the Criminal Justice System,” in Thomas Hickey, Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Crime and Criminology, 7 th Edition. Iowa: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series. 2006. 363-367. 6. Topic: Aggression, masculinity and the nature-nurture debate Readings: 1)Robert Salpolsky, “Testosterone Rules” available here: Recommended film:

•Jackson Katz, Tough Guise 7. Topic: Applying biological determinism: Christian abstinence and the “coy female” Readings: 1) Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, “Empathy, Polyandry, and the Myth of the Coy Female,” in Ruth Bleier, ed., Feminist Approaches to Science. New York: Permagon Press. 1986. 119- 146. 2) Neela
Banerjee, “Dancing the Night Away, With a Higher Purpose” New York Times. May 19, 2008. 3) Nancy Gibbs, “The Pursuit of Teen Girl Purity” Time Magazine. Jul. 17, 2008. March 5 WEEK 22 8. Topic: Scientific Heteropatriarchy at Work: Technologies of Orgasm Readings: 1) R. Maines, The Technology of
Orgasm: Hysteria, the Vibrator, and Women’s Sexual Satisfaction. Baltimore. The John Hopkins University Press. 1999. 1- 48. Recommended films: • Passion & Power: The Technology of Orgasm (2008) 9. Topic: Reproductive rights, racism, and national belonging Readings: 1) Dorothy Roberts, “Killing the Black Body” in Andrea O’Reilly, Maternal Theory: Essential Readings. Toronto: Demeter Press. 2007. 482-500. 2) Linda Gordon, “Malthusianism” pp. 57-59. 3) Anna Davin, “Imperialism and Motherhood” 60-65. 4) F. Dikotter, “Race Culture: Recent Perspectives on the History of Eugenics.” 66-68. 5) Evelynn M. Hammonds, “New Technologies of Race.” 69-74 10. Topic: Challenging binaries: gender variance and
sexual diversity Readings: 1) Anne Fausto-Sterling, “The five sexes revisited: The emerging recognition that people come in bewildering sexual varieties is testing medical values and social norms.” The Sciences, July/August 2000. 18-23. 11. Topic: Challenging nature-culture binaries to better address climate change Readings: 1) Tony Weis, “Introduction,” The Ecological Hoofprint: The Global Burden of Industrial Livestock. London: Zed Books, 2013.

Question 1574 Sociological imagination

1) Read C. Wright Mills on the “Sociological Imagination”/ perspective. Paying attention to the following themes; Biography History The intersection of biography and history.

2) Interview someone ( or pretend you interviewed someone) and write up the story of that person incorporating or using the idea of ” sociological imagination” ( biography and history) 3) Once you are done with your interview, write up
your own story ( pretending you are a male, 20-22 yrs, African-American ). Apply the same ideas of the ” sociological imagination” above.

Question 1575 settling down

Historically, the path toward the American dream normally involved “settling down” and getting married. This was a socially desirable status. However, as you can see from the data shared on the Contemporary Families website, the trend over the last 30 years has been a decline in marital status and a rise in individuals who are living alone. Name two cultural and economic forces you think are driving this trend. What are the positive and negative implications upon society? What sociological perspective best reflects these changing notions?

Question 1576

Reaction paper Students can choose any one topic found in any of the chapters covered this semester to write what I call a “reaction paper”. A reaction paper is a written paper in which students use critical thinking to illustrate their understanding of a particular subject matter. Select a topic and express your opinion. I, as the instructor, am not looking for anything in particular in the reaction papers, I simply use them to determine how you apply critical thinking skills to different topics. Papers can be either objective or subjective. Feel free to use other sources to complete the assignment. (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE!)

Question 1578 Strategies of Emotion Management

After reading the articles “Strategies of Emotion Management” and “Integrating Dark Humor and Compassion…”

1. How do intensive care nurses and hospice workers use emotion management/front stage/back stage behavior to protect their own psychological and emotional well being?

2. Why is it important to be able to maintain appropriate front stage and back stage behaviors in the medical field or in your chosen profession?

3. What are some of the consequences if these performances are not
maintained? Due Date: February 22nd, at 10:00 P.M.

Question 1579 Have you read this book? Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?

Must be 4 pages Do not place any numbers on your paper. Each number basically represents a different paragraph. *A thesis (#1) is a statement that reflects a position that can be defended. For example, “The author’s major thesis was that the criminal justice system is extremely unfair.” Please present the thesis
statement as it was presented in the example. Do not state “the author’s main idea was……” A main idea and a thesis are two DIFFERENT things. Remember to add at leas t one direct quote from the author that substantiates your assertion. Do you feel the author is effectively supporting his thesis? Here, you need
to explain whether or not you believed the author effectively supported his thesis. Buttress your position wi th a supporting quote or two. Thoroughly explain yourself in this paragraph. *Which theoretical perspective is best reflected? Here, you state, based on the examples provided in the instructions, which sociological perspective you believe the author is spe aking from. Use the definitions provided of each perspective and explain yourself thoroughly with examples. It is possible to assert that the author is speaking from more than one perspective. This is okay. Just support your position(s) with information fr om the text. *Are there any biases? What I mean by “bias” is does the author make an
assertion (e.g., the criminal justice system is racist) without presenting data or research to back up the claim. If according to the definition of “bias” you believe the author is biased, use quotes to support this position with a thorough explanation. If you believe the author is not biased, give some examples of
information that he presents that is non – biased. Remember my definition of “bias.” *Is there anything you disa greed with? Here, state if you disagreed with anything. Give succinct examples and thoroughly explain yourself. If you agreed with everything, provide several examples of information/data that you
agreed with. *Your comments, opinion, etc. Here, you give y our thorough assessment of the CHAPTER, and I do mean thorough. ****** Grading guidelines/format will be seriously applied. Also, use a 12 point font “Times New Roman ” with 1 inch width in all margins .

Question 1580 Sociology one page paper

Personal Ad HomeworkFor this assignment you will create a “Personal Ad” and pretend you are uploading it to a dating website. You must include a photo of yourself, a description of who you are, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. and a section on what you are looking for in a person.

Question 1581 Discussion Innocent Bystander?

Research regarding social responsibility (Chapter 9) suggests that a bystander is less likely to help in an emergency if there are other onlookers present. Post your response on each of the questions below. Please include the question number in your response so that we know which question you are addressing. Does the research regarding social responsibility surprise you? Why or why not? (Please use examples to support your answer.) If you were to be a person in need (in an emergency situation), would you want many or few bystanders present who could potentially help you? Why? Describe a time when you noticed someone in need but you failed to act because you noticed others present who could
help instead. Or, describe a time when the presence of others gave the illusion that help was not necessary. How do Christian principles relate to social responsibility? What does scripture say about helping those in need?

Question 1582 Christian Perspective: Marriage

Write two to four insightful paragraphs comparing and contrasting your experiences (yours or marriages you have observed, teaching you have encountered about marriage) with Chapter 8 of your text. This assignment is an exercise in critical thinking and spiritual growth. As such, there are no wrong answers. As long as you can back up your assertion with literature (the assigned text, other academic sources, and/or Scripture), then your likelihood of success and growth is greatly increased. Some topics which could be discussed in the paper are: Divorce versus Commitment Selflessness versus Selfishness
Communication Write your paper in Microsoft Word and format it according to APA standards. Use the link above to submit your paper

Question 1583 Article Reflection Essay

Homework Writing Assignment # 3 Due in Class Wed. Feb. 28, 2018 (Two pages typed, double-spaced) Read the following articles and answer the questions relating to them in one unified essay. After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here’s Why. – Ann Jones Write a reaction paper to this article
including the following: What made the most impact on you as you read about the comparisons here between the U.S. and Norway? What differences stood out to you the most? What do you think of the differences outlined in the chart titled the: Welfare State? Could we be more like Denmark in the U.S.? Explain. I’m Insanely Jealous of Sweden’s Work-Family Policies. You Should Be Too Jonathan Cohn Do you agree or disagree with the author here? What facts, data and arguments does he offer to support his view? To what extent do you agree or disagree with him? Explain. What do you think it would it take for the U.S. to adopt work-family policies like they have in Sweden?

Question 1584 Sociology questions 1-8

I have midterms need the questions answered in the document attached. Doesn’t necessarily have to be 2 pages. It is just when the questions are answered COMPLETELY & in full sentences. Answers are all provided in the free book link. Provided a link to the book online. For question #3 , the video is on youtube if you search for it.

Question 1585 Deviant Behavior

OPTIONS #2 – THE MARSHMALLOW TEST Ever wonder why people can’t resist a temptation? Whether the temptation is buying something new than we can’t afford or ditching class to sleep in, these deviant behaviors are linked to one’s ability to delay gratification. This fascinating article and video highlight
research on delayed gratification and deviant behaviors. Read the article on the Stanford Marshmallow Study. Then, watch the clip below. Marshmallow Study Video:–w Respond to the a few of the following questions to start an interesting discussion on this topic. What does this study reveal about deviant behavior? What does the statement “eat the marshmallow” mean in reference to our culture? What are some values
and norms that promote eating the marshmallow? What are some values and norms that promote delayed gratification? How do “people who eat the marshmallow” contribute to social instability? How can society strive to regain balance? What are some ways that you have recently eaten the marshmallow? How have you also delayed gratification? After reading the details of the study and watching the clip, how will you discipline your children or teach them self control, (if plan on having any children)?

Question 1586 Gender Socialization

Answer the following as best you can. You do not need to answer all the questions, but your paper should address the major points of gender socialization.

1. From what you know about your own upbringing, what were the major socializing agents in your childhood? Discuss what behaviors, attitudes,
beliefs, etc. you learned from these agents and how your socialization has influenced the person you are today.

2. Toys for female children often socialize them to be talkative, relational, expressive, and domestic. Toys for male children often socialize them to minimize talking while focus on strategizing (army toys), on physical aggression (guns, actions figures), on thinking (building blocks), on danger (swords, grenades). Think of your experience as child and what toys helped to socialize you. Describe what toys, items, or activities you think had a significant influence on your present adult behaviors, attitudes, values, etc. and how/why. I tend to agree with research in that both sexes lack characteristics due to gender socialization. For instance, females may focus too much on relationships while males have difficulty discussing their feelings. Do you think the way our culture socializes girls and boys is positive or negative? Both? How do you think you might socialize a child if you were the parent? Would you do it the same or differently from the way you were raised? Why?

Question 1587 Sociological Theories

1. From what you know about your own upbringing, what were the major socializing agents in your childhood? Discuss what behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, etc. you learned from these agents and how your socialization has influenced the person you are today.

2. Toys for female children often socialize them to be talkative, relational, expressive, and domestic. Toys for male children often socialize them to
minimize talking while focus on strategizing (army toys), on physical aggression (guns, actions figures), on thinking (building blocks), on danger (swords, grenades). Think of your experience as child and what toys helped to socialize you. Describe what toys, items, or activities you think had a significant influence on your present adult behaviors, attitudes, values, etc. and how/why. I tend to agree with research in that both sexes lack characteristics due to gender socialization. For instance, females may focus too much on relationships while males have difficulty discussing their feelings. Do you think the way our
culture socializes girls and boys is positive or negative? Both? How do you think you might socialize a child if you were the parent? Would you do it the same or differently from the way you were raised? Why? watch the ad

Question 1588 Social Pyscology discussion

what do you find useful about social psychology in your life and in our society? Can you think of other fields which benefit from social psychology beyond business, medicine, and law? Are there ways that social psychology can be helpful to other fields but currently is failing to do so? Explain. As Christians,
what can we learn from the field of social psychology? As Christians, what can we offer to the field of social psychology?

Question 1589 Absolute Poverty

Assigned reading for this chapter: Human Rights, Sex Trafficking and prostitution.pdfPreview the document Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution by Alice Leutchag End Demand: End Demand Campaign (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Clip is on home page of website. Read the
article and watch the clip above and respond to the questions below. You can also use other sources which offer information about trafficking to respond to the questions.

1. Describe the economic situation of some of the world’s most impoverished areas where sex trafficking occurs (like in the article).

2. Explain the cyclical impact of the consequences of poverty. How is trafficking fueled by poverty?

Question 1590 Social problems evaluation

You will be applying the social problems model to an article on economic inequality. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Your eval should be around 1 page long. Include the different pieces of the model and a very brief discussion of what pieces of the model are best represented by the article. For this eval you will provide your own article. You will be applying the social problems model to an article on racial and ethnic relations in the United states. Please keep these articles very current, past six months is best. I will not accept articles that are older than one year. This topic has been discussed in various ways in the media over the past year and there will be no shortage
of articles on the topic. Make sure you use main stream media sources. Do not use scholarly journals. Do not use fringe media outlets, like mother jones or breitbart. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC news, The New York Times, USA Today, etc are all examples of main stream media sources.

2.Your eval should be around 1 to 2 pages long, double spaced. Include the different pieces of the model and a very brief discussion of what pieces of the model are best represented by the article. Include the full title of the article used as well as an active link to the article. Double check your link before you submit your work. attached is a blank eval to fill out Objective conditions are facts about a problem or issue that cannot be disputed. They are sometimes stats, but do not have to be. Subjective concerns or competing viewpoints are the feelings people have about an issue. Dynamic aspects are the chances over time an issue or
problem has.

The relative aspects are comparisons between groups or places. If we use abortion as an example, the objective conditions would be hotter many women get abortions, the fact that abortions are legal in the US, some women want to be able to have an abortion, etc. The subjective concerns could be the pro-life verse pro-choice perspectives. How some people think abortion is murder while others think it’s a person’s right to do with their body as they please. The dynamic aspects could be how laws have changed over time and continued to change. Or how people’s opinions about abortion continued to change. The relative aspects could be how it’s legal in there’s US but illegal in other done other countries. Or how different states have different laws regulating it. Or how’s different generations have different opinions, our how men have different opinions about abortion than women. above^ is an explanation of the social problems mode.

social change and social movements

Question 1531 Story of Stuff

Chapter 5 What other questions could you ask girls to engage their minds and not just their physical appearance? Why would you ask these questions? Chapter 6 Write about 3 things you learned from the “Story of Stuff” youtube video. Are there values in the United States that need to be changed? Why or Why not? Chapter 7 How would you use Conflict Theory to explain John Kiriakou’s behavior?

Question 1532 working poor

Chapter 8 Assignment Use your imagination to create a bumper sticker that summarizes what you learned in Chapter 8. Use images and words to get your point across. Do NOT use bumper stickers already created. Take a picture and attached to document. Chapter 9 Assignment Explain the following quote using one or all three theories: functionalism, symbolic-interactionism and conflict theory. List the theory(ies) you used. The “working poor” … are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own children so that the children of others will be cared for; they live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny and perfect; they endure privation [poverty] so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone else. – Barbara Ehrenreich, Public Citizen, December 29 Chapter 10 Assignment Using Tony Talbott’s video (Ted Video, Modern Day Slavery U.S. & World) how do our
cultural values contribute to global stratification?

Question 1533 abortion

Indiana prosecuting Chinese woman for suicide attempt that killed her foetus o
https://www.theguardian.c om/world/2012/may/30/in diana-prosecuting-chinesewoman-suicide- foetus o Discuss whether Shuai committed homicide or whether it was an accident. o Is a certain time during the pregnancy where feticide would not be homicide?

Question 1534 Peer Review of Application

Students will be assigned to review two (2) of their classmates application presentations and provide additional insight. After reviewing your classmates assignment, briefly identify and describe the movie. Use a different theoretical perspective (theory in your textbook) that was not used in the student’s
paper. Your paper should include the following: APA format Cover page for each paper review Paper should be 2-3 pages in length. You must cover all aspects of the assignment. Please use this list as your checklist prior to submitting assignment Description and use of at least one (1) theory in your review.
Make sure to use in-text citations for this and other areas of your review In-text citations and references Double spaced Correct grammar Book : White, J. M., Klein, D. M., & Martin, T. F. (Eds.) (2015). Family theories: An introduction (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Question 1535 describe the United States

CH 11 According to the videos, describe the United States’ relationship to its Indigenous population. Do you agree/disagree with this perspective? Why do you think you have these values? If the United States were to apply your values, what would be the result/outcome of implementing your point of view? Are
there cultural differences between the mainstream culture and the indigenous culture? Defend your answers by providing examples. Chapter 12 Because women are socialized to be submissive and men to be aggressive, there are certain behaviors that result from those values. What can you do to change the
culture of violence pushed upon girls and boys? Chapter 13 Using the readings and videos, in what ways are the elderly better off today? Using the readings and videos, in what ways are the elderly worst off today?

Question 1536 Mate Selection Reflection

After reading the chapter(s) from Lamanna, Riedmann, and Stewart (2017) and Balswick and Balswick (2014), how does the sociological view of mate selection compare to the Biblical view? How has this impacted your personal view of the mate selection process? Papers must be 2-3 pages attached is the assigned readings and sources

Question 1537 What type of research does this group conduct?

Please read the attached WORD document on research types and the attached PDF on participation research. Once you have read both attachments Please either watch several of the videos AND/OR read any of the information on the website below. Using what you learned from the website and your assigned readings write a post that addresses the following: What type of research does this group conduct? Basic? Applied? Social change? Combination? Some of each? What is your impression of this type of research? Why? Think up a social situation where you might use social change research. What type of social change research would you use? How would you do it? Why would you do it that way? You MUST provide in-text citations from the PDF or word document you can cite the word document as (CITATION) I will fill it in later. I need it in 20 hours.

Question 1538 Blog Post

Read the attached documents and write a blog post, a little less formal than essay, on the topic of social change and participatory research. The content of the blog can be up to you just have to Define key terms and their associated pieces so that the reader can see that you understand the theories and concepts. Synthesize the ideas; how do they fit together or contrast? In other words, do they complement one another or describe different aspects of an idea?

Question 1539 two working parents, rise in divorce, single parent families

Which of the three structural changes ( two working parents, rise in divorce, single parent families) do you feel has the greater negative impact on quality of life for childhood and beyond? Be sure to compare to the changes you did not choose and support your stance. At least 300 words and show a clear understanding of the topic. A consistent record of major posts can help if you have a borderline grade at the end of the term.

Question 1540 Predictors of divorce

The ending of a marriage may be necessary, but nonetheless a devastating experience. Examine the “predictors of divorce” and identify those you may find surprising and explain why. Also to what extent do you believe the media plays in reinforcing the correlates of divorce? Please write a 1 page response. Please be sure to use the text and properly document your sources.

Question 1541 Sociology

Reflection on the Writing and Revision Process the discussion has 2 parts for you to address. First, now that you have written your Research Paper, describe your experience. What did you find challenging? What was easier than you expected? Second, using Appendix A from the Kibbe text, identify any mistakes or errors you think you’ve made in the paper that you’ll need to edit out and explain this to
your peers.

Question 1542 less powerful

The final exam consists of 4 essay questions. Responses should incorporate relevant references to the course readings and/or additional sources. Each response should be at least 250 words in length.

  1. “Since organic products cost more than processed foods or pesticide-laden products, this could be considered a case of Better Health for the Well-Off. Low-income families are in poorer health because of more exposure to industrial pollution because of the jobs the adults do and the poor quality housing.”
    Evaluate these statements using course readings or additional sources. What proposal could you make, and who would you make it to, to redress this disparity in quality of foods available?
  2. Compare various definitions of overweight and obese: compare US government definitions vs. the social construction of obese. What clothing size is a Plus size for men and women? How are overweight people portrayed in the media; what characteristics do these characters share? What is the research on how overweight people are treated? What are their experiences of discrimination and verbal abuse?
  3. Chef Samuelson is ethnically Ethiopian but was adopted and raised by Swedish parents and grandparents from whom he learned Scandinavian cookery. What is known as International Fusion Cuisine includes components of two or more distinct cookery traditions. Some hail this development. Others bewail the loss of cultural integrity that they fear will occur if the fusions “crowd out” the original distinctions of the “less powerful” culture’s cuisine. Thus we have a political power struggle played out in cultural terms, in this case, food. Provide one solid, logical argument, based on the hegemony theory you have learned, in favor of EACH point of view. Provide one solid, logical rebuttal to each argument.
  4. What do Harris and others suggest as a hypothesis to explain patterns of people-eating and insect-eating? Why is it more common in certain societies than in others? References required. *At least 1 reference for each essay question*
  5. Question 1543 Discussion about social change and social movements

    This is not a research paper, only direct answers to the following questions: First, watch Turkish Sociologist Zeynep Tufekci’s talk nize_hard_to_win#t-820095 and then answer the questions below. Include as much detail as possible (and examples, where applicable). Questions: 1) Do you agree with Zeynep Tufekci that in “embracing digital platforms for activism and politics, (we are) overlooking some of the benefits of doing things the hard way?” Why or why not? 2) How does the mass media cover social problems and social movements? 3) What social movements are important to you? Are there significant social movements happening right now that have caught your interest? What grabs your attention and makes you want to do something about an issue?

Question 1544 Discussion Post

Min of 300 words

1.Describe the three stages of adult development,

2.Provide an example from a personal relationship or media/TV/movie personage of each stage.

3.Describe the emotional development of adults, following Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages, from the youthful balancing of individuality with intimacy through to the inner conflicts of middle age and the emotional reckoning of
elderly adults.

4.Provide an example from a personal relationship or media/TV/movie personage of each stage.

Question 1545 Journal Entry

Present factors that influence health and wellness as we age including lifestyle choices, religious participation and religiosity, gender differences, and environmental conditions. 2. Critique how these factors are included or excluded in global health and long-term care policies

Question 1546 Sociology, Coursework

Hello I am needing help with my Sociology Units Unit III Scholarly Activity -Exploring My Digital Footprint Part A, B, C wish is due 11-28-17 Tuesday before Midnight Unit IV Scholarly Activity -Breaking A Norm Experiment, Part A & B due 12-05-17 Unit V Project- Photo Essay with 4 Photos & Description due 12-12- 17 Unit VI Scholarly Activity- Discrimination in Society Part A, B, C., D due 12-19-17 Unit VII Early American Health Care Essay part A, B, C, D due 01-02-18 Unit VIII Reflection Paper- due 01-16-18 Attach is an upload of the Sociology Syllabus

Question 1547 Do you agree with this distinction

Choose either poverty or teen pregnancy addressed in the chapter: How is this issue a social problem and not an individual problem? Do you agree with this distinction? How has this issue impacted children in your hometown or in the Denton/North Texas area? Look up resources and statistics for a specific
area. Book Corsaro, William A. 2017. The Sociology of Childhood. SAGE. ISBN: 978-1506339900

Question 1548 Journal Entry

500 Words Min. Must cite Sources 1.critique of aging in place versus aging in a long term care facility. Present options for additional innovations for aging in place: asset mapping, naturally occurring retirement communities (NORC), village, cohousing, intentional (or niche) communities, elder cottages,
mother-in-law units, home sharing. 2.Compare technology assistance to assist aging in place: remote patient monitoring means collecting patient data to monitor health status, monitoring daily activities such as medication use, trends in ADLs, assisting elders’ communication, and medical alert systems.

Question 1549 Do you agree with the values expressed in the video

After seeing the video about Mexico, what two messages are different from what you have heard through the mainstream media? Do you agree with the values expressed in the video?

Question 1550 Family Theories

Summarize volunteering experience at “Wilmer Hutchinson Elementary School” Family Night for 3 hours with the families giving out Thanksgiving dinner to different families in low income community. Please connect their experience to the knowledge gained in CDFS Family Theories. This is a reflection paper
BOOk; White, J. M., Klein, D. M., & Martin, T. F. (Eds.) (2015). Family theories: An introduction (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Question 1551 Relflection

BOOK=Corsaro, William A. 2017. The Sociology of Childhood. Reflection Assignment #4 Childhood and Adolescence extended into Young Adulthood Furstenberg Jr, Frank F., Sheela Kennedy, Vonnie C. McLoyd, Ruben G. Rumbaut, and Richard A. Settersten Jr. 2004. ”Growing up is harder to do.” Contexts
no. 3: 33-41. Harvard

Question 1552 Obesity In America

Due Week 9 and worth 65 points Obesity in America is considered an epidemic. There are many contributing factors to obesity (both childhood and adult), such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors. Review the information on obesity on pages 419 to 421 in the textbook. You may also use the Internet or Strayer Library to research obesity and its causes. Suggested Reading: “What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?” located at topics/topics/obe/risks.html Write a one to two page (1-2) page essay in which you: Describe the effect that obesity (childhood and / or adult) has had on you personally or your community. Select one

(1) contributing factor to childhood or adult obesity. Recommend two

(2) preventative measures related to the selected factor that people can take in order to reduce their chance of becoming obese.

Discuss one (1) sociological theory that relates to the selected contributing factor to obesity. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. To keep
this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the article from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology. Explain the major theoretical paradigms of sociology. Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology. Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

Question 1553 Do you think the next generation of children will be better or worse off than previous generations

Do you think the next generation of children will be better or worse off than previous generations? Why do you think the way you do? Remember to address specific issues like poverty, family structure, teen pregnancy, sex education, media, technology, etc. Support your opinion with the textbook and additional facts.

Question 1554 Cohabitation, Divorce and Remarriage

Students must compare and contrast cohabitation, divorce, and remarriage from a Christian and sociological world view. How is the Christian world view similar to and different from the sociological view? Students will write a 3-4 page (not including title and references) APA style paper that integrates faith and learning with the sociological perspective . Students must utilize their textbook as well as
biblical scripture in their analysis. Note: In text citations should look like this: (Verse Edition of the bible you are using). Ex: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17 King James Version). This citation should fall at the very end of the sentence in which the scripture is used. Reference list entries are not required for ancient Greek and Roman works or classical religious works, but are expected for scholarly works (e.g. your textbook). PLEASE USE CH 14 OF THE TEXT BOOK THAT I HAVE PROVIDED AND ANY BIBLICAL SOURCE OR OTHER SOURCE NEEDED TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT

Question 1555 social policy issue

How can you advocate for children and/or families? What is an issue you see, and what can you do about it? Think of a plan. ONE full page , no double space , no grammar mistake, simple and easy to undrerstand correct language. relevant answer.

Question 1556 Qualitative Analysis, sociology familes/relationships interview

Students will evaluate and analyze the interview data collected from a sociological perspective.( attached is the interview notes that are to be used). Students must evaluate the dynamics as well as specific problems/issues that the couple or family have faced or are currently facing. Since each interview is different, the types of sociological concepts that are applicable will also be different. Examples of concepts to incorporate include: courtship patterns, communication in the relationship/family, conflict resolution strategies, family and/or gendered roles, balancing work and family, coping with stress, etc. Please BOLD the concepts used and make sure terms are properly defined and/or explained before applying it to examples.

Students must also utilize the textbook and 3-4 additional peer reviewed journal articles ( is recommended) to address these issues from a sociological perspective and how these problems are affecting couples and families more broadly in society. Finally, students should incorporate the Christian worldview by incorporating the Biblical perspective by way of solutions and/or guidance. Papers must be at least 5-7 pages (not including title and references) and in APA format. this paper is to be based off the interview i have supplied with notes please reference chapters 5 and 14 which are supplied from the text book additional sources to be used: there should be a total of 4 sources used including chapter 5 and 14

Question 1557 Epigenesis

Group Assignment 2 Review the definition and example of epigenesis in the text. Next, create two scenarios—one that would likely enhance gene expression and one that would likely dampen gene expression. For example, providing an economically at-risk preschooler with intensive early intervention promotes cognitive, social, and emotional growth, which translates into better academic performance and peer relations on entering school, thereby transforming gene expression. In contrast, not providing the same preschooler with early intervention and denying that child appropriate environmental stimulation can dampen gene expression so severely that later intervention has little impact. As this example illustrates, environment–gene exchanges can contribute to vastly different outcomes in the same child. Create one scenario for a child and another for an adult. For this assigment you will need to acess chapter 2 to form your scenarios. I will provide you with the link to the book

Question 1558 Research Flaws

Even professional sociologists can fall into a trap of poorly conducted research projects. Read the article “video games and porn are destroying men” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and identify at least five errors the author points out in Zimbardo’s research. Then suggest what Zimbardo
could have done differently to increase the validity of his research.

Question 1559 Define and explain the importance of each of the five common components of all human culture:

symbols, language, values, beliefs, and norms.
Short Answer Response;

1. Define and explain the importance of each of the five common components
of all human culture: symbols, language, values, beliefs, and norms. Which component do you believe is the most important? Why?

2. What are five of the key values in U.S. culture? What quality do these
values seem to have in common? In your opinion which value is the most important to the average person? Why?

3. What difference is found in cultural values when comparing low-income nations and high-income nations? Explain this pattern.

4. Explain Gerhard Lenski’s “sociocultural evolution” ideas? Why does he argue that technology shapes every aspect of society? Define and provide an example of
subculture and counterculture? Are both necessary for a stable society? Please explain.

5. Describe the societal evolutions: hunting and gathering, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, and industrial, and post-industrial development. (You may not find information concerning post-industrial societies in your textbook) 6. What is the difference between high culture and popular culture? Explain how the development of hip-hop music demonstrates the fact that even people of low social position play a part in creating culture

7. What basic view of culture underlies the structural-functional approach? What is one weakness or limitation of this approach? What is one strength found in this approach?

8. What basic view of culture underlies the social-conflict approach? What is one weakness or limitation of this approach? What is one strength found in this approach?

Question 1560 Why are the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie important to social scientists

Short Answer Response:

1. Why are the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie important to social scientists?
Which case gives the best argument for the need humans have for socialization? 2. What differences did Carol Gilligan find in how males and females make moral judgments? Do you agree or disagree with her assessment? Why?

3. What did George Herbert Mead mean by “self”? What are the steps in the development of the self? Explain why George Herbert Mead’s theory of self can be described as completely social.

4. Cite several ways in which the family is central to the process of socialization.
Explain how a family’s social class position shapes the process of socialization.

5. List and discuss thec“life stages”. Provide evidence in support of the position that stages of the life course are socially constructed. Which stage do you believe is the most important? Why?

6. Why is defining adulthood difficult for people living in the United States? Do you believe “adulthood” starts earlier, or later in other cultures? Please explain

7. What does industrialization do for life expectancy? What does it do to the
relative social standing of the oldest people in a society? Please explain.

8. Explain and give examples of Erving Goffman’s “Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. What key traits define a total institution?

Marketing weekly discussion problem

Question 1501 Sales Letter on Personalized Customer Service

Using the information on pp.170-172, or 169/172 write a sales letter trying to convince your possible patron that your project idea is a good one. Be sure to look at the 14 points to create the best letter possible.. Follow the directions except cite your research according to APA style. Upload your assignment here in Microsoft word. Attached are previous assignments leading up to this current sales letter. If possible please have done by 11 pm.

Question 1502 Marketing weekly discussion problem

Go to the Northeastern University’s external affairs brand guidelines: Click on the Guide link in the upper right. Click on two each of the Editorial Content and Design Elements links. Read the criteria for your selected elements.

1. Post what you found interesting and/or surprising.
2. Cite examples of where you have seen these guidelines used effectively or poorly. Question 1503 UNIVERSITIES WITH Online Business PROGRAMS Advantages Compare to In class Attendee
Discuss market competitors of universities that has online business course to in class attendees using marking terminology. Discuss its benefits to include in the school of business at the University of the Bahamas. Discuss the success rate from other universities. Also name all universities throughtout the paper that is being compared too.

Question 1504 Marketing and Distribution Channel Letter

This assignment challenges the student to think creatively. The deliverable is a single-page letter addressed to a hypothetical website development company. Place yourself in the role of a marketing executive in a hypothetical firm who is launching a new product that needs to be marketed. Your firm has agreed to hire a professional website development company to market your product. The website developer needs the following information: A brief description of the product A description of the market and distribution channels A description of the marketing activities APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Question 1505 Sales Strategy

Begin your paper with: your original thoughts and propositions (which you initially shared in discussion forums) regarding:

1) generalized consumer expectations about sales encounters,

2) the importance of consumer trust, and

3)basic stereotypes of sellers/salespeople in the sales industry. —–How could a
buyer or customer’s (previously conceived) beliefs/opinions about a typical “salesperson” or “sales experience” potentially influence their buying behavior in a new sales experience? ——What is YOUR OWN level of trust vs. skepticism when it comes to sales encounters? ——-Have the readings or course material had any influence on changing or evolving your opinions/ideas about these concepts since the time that you wrote your initial thoughts about the subject? Be sure to provide explanation and examples (from your own life experience if possible). Next, identify which marketing platforms/mediums that you believe are the most impactful in today’s sales industry, given the competitive climate.
—–What type of sales promotions are most effective with individuals in your generation? —–What sales strategies would help encourage long-term customer loyalty with individuals in your generation? —–Are additional shifts and trends in social media and online selling gaining relevance to sales professionals? If
so, which ones, and how? —–Additionally, DO TODAY’S CONSUMERS TRUST word-of-mouth, usergenerated content, and buzz marketing more than other marketing platforms? Why? Finally, summarize your insights and ideas about the future of the sales industry from your Course Project. Propose your own “TOP FIVE MOST IMPORTANT SALES STRATEGIES IN TOMORROW’S TECHNOLOGICAL

Question 1506 EVOLV graduate accelerator programm

2000 characters max per question Job description We’ve built the world’s most successful cigarette company, with the world’s most popular and iconic brands. Now we’ve made a dramatic decision. We will be far more than a leading cigarette company. We’re building PMI’s future on smoke-free products
that are a much better choice than cigarette smoking. Our company is changing dramatically. Be part of the biggest transformation in the history of our company. You can be part of a truly dynamic worldwide team dedicated to a bold new vision We’re looking for Graduates who have a desire to be part of one of
the largest global changes introduced at PMI. We want Graduates who – Enjoy a challenge – Are results- driven – Entrepreneurial in spirit – Commercially astute, – Strong in problem-solving to join our Evolv Graduate Accelerator Programme. We can only accept applications from recent graduates, i.e. those
who are due to graduate on 2019 or have graduated in 2018. EVOLV is our 18-month graduate accelerator program that’s designed to fast-track your career. You’ll carry out three assignments to provide you with a real understanding of our business. You’ll get experience in the commercial function, strategic functions and within a management role to give you the full rounded business experience. We’ll tailor your path to match your aspirations and experience. Industry Consumer Goods Tobacco Employment Type Full-time Job Functions Marketing

Question 1507

The benefits and drawbacks of a company moving its production operations to a developing country

Need to make a poster, where the poster needs to include the chart, and the data analysis of the chart. I uploaded just an example, for reference only. I need to make a two-minute speech through this poster, so I need you to write the speech, about two minutes. You also need to ask 2 questions and give answers to the questions based on the poster

Question 1508 Value Creation in business markets

Assignment Max length: 4000 words Think about Unilever as a company and identify one particular relationship that it has with a customer (or supplier). Provide a brief description and background of the relationship and the key actors involved (max 500 words). Then 1- 5 Ques frame work and models refer to attachment

Question 1509 Analyze Branding and Fundraising Efforts

Instructions For this assignment, search the Internet for nonprofit organizations that have either an innovative or a highly recognized brand and choose five for this project. Research your five chosen organizations and compare them in a table with the following column headings: Column One: Name of the NPO Column Two: Describe the Brand Column Three: Briefly describe the purpose of the NPO Column Four: Explain the way the NPO conducts fundraising efforts Your table should have five rows (one for each NPO) and four columns (as noted above) Immediately following the table that you create, provide one paragraph for each NPO you chose. In each paragraph, evaluate the brand and the
fundraising efforts. Are they effective? Why and how are they effective? Are they ineffective? Why and how are they ineffective? Length: 8–10 pages, not including the title and reference pages References: Support your work with a minimum of five scholarly resources. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Question 1510 Research Volunteerism

INSTRUCTION-WEEK 4 Pre-Assignment: As soon as possible, identify a problem related to the recruitment of volunteers. Find literature related to the identified problem—at least 8 studies. Diagnose a gap in the literature (a problem that has yet to be researched) that will drive your recommendations in your paper this week. For this assignment, use the literature from your research to write a paper with a topic statement, problem statement, and conclusions. This paper should be structured as follows:

1. Thesis statement – This is the introduction statement, not to be confused with an abstract. Do not include an abstract.

2. Problem statement

3. Literature analysis

4. Recommendations Length:

10–12 pages, not including the title and reference pages References: Minimum of eight scholarly resources. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the
course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. https://onlinelibrary-wiley-

Question 1511 Prepping a Client for Group

Given the client’s reaction in the video clip, what could Ms. Van der Grift have done differently? Support your suggestions with citations from the unit readings. Transcript provided instead of video- see attached file…..

Question 1512 Prepping Your Own Client for Group

After reading Chapter 3 of TIP 41: Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy, describe how you would begin a session with an African American client named Lalitha, and outline what you would address. What would you want her to take away from the session? Readings for assignment are provided: See attachment

Question 1513 Journal Entry

Demonstrate how the law, especially family law, is gender biased and how this is disadvantageous to both men and women. Compare the arguments about the marketplace that defend or attack comparable worth’s efforts to reduce gender differences in employment and earnings. From your knowledge of the impact of gender on workplace roles, which has the stronger argument? What have
been the successes and problems associated Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 in regard to females? How have men also been impacted by this legislation? Given the fact that most people support the Equal Rights Amendment, why was it defeated? Based on this discussion, what are
the chances of ERA being ratified in the near future?

Question 1514 Was I Born this Way

Textbook- Welch. 20123. Family Now. Boston: Allyn & Bacon (At least 200 words and use the remaining word count to respond to both classmates) On page 281 Welch states “You don’t become sexual at a certain point in your lifespan….you are continuously becoming a sexual being.” If this is true then is it
possible that overtime one can change their sexual orientation? Also, do you believe that someone can engage in a homosexual experience and not identify as homosexual? Be sure to read the text and support your answers. Respond to at least 2 classmates.

Push each other to challenge your perspectives. Classmate 1-I believe that our very first teachers in life are our parents. Therefore, the views of our parents alter the way we accept or view a given topic. As our lives go on, we are exposed to people of different costumes and cultures. I believe that Welch statement “You don’t become sexual at a certain point in your lifespan….you are continuously becoming a sexual being” is true. Every person experiences different forms of sexuality throughout the span of their lives. I feel that the possibility of a person changing their sexual orientation overtime is possible. Experiences within a person’s life can cause them
to want to change their sexual orientation.

I feel that a person who identified as heterosexual at a point of their lives may not have had that encounter before to know that they are homosexual and will in fact change orientation. There have been cases where a person will get married to a heterosexual spouse and have children because it was not socially acceptable to be heterosexual. Overtime, society has changed their views on this issue and then that person divorced to pursue a homosexual partner. Others are exposed to a variety of different social medias that display different behaviors. They may feel that because certain behaviors are exhibited in social media that they are “curious” and will in fact engage in homosexual experiences without identifying as homosexual. Classmate 2- I believe it is possible to change your sexual orientation overtime, even more-so if the person has been in denial about their sexual orientation due to judgments from society. The fact is sexual orientation isnt even as clear cut as
we’d like it to be so asking this question comes with the assumption that sexual orientation is clear cut. We as the society determine what is considered sexual and how to behave sexually so it is all a social construct .

The book talks about “sexual scripts” which refer to the “shared, gender-specific social and cultural expectations that guide our beliefs, attitudes, and sexual conduct” (Welch, 2012). Within the sexual script is the sexual orientation which means it is also socially constructed in the same way. Therefore one can assume that your sexual orientation can change even depending on where you are standing in the world. Since sexual orientation isnt clear cut, this means that sexual attraction is not specific to any specific gender all the time either.This means that one can identify as heterosexual and still find someone of the same sex sexually attractive. In addition to that, theres also the fact that you dont have to be sexually attracted to someone to have sex with them. We see this happen alot in prostitution and with men who work in the homosexual pornography business for the money and still
consider themselves to be straight.

Question 1515 Personal Qualities of Group Leaders

Review the personal qualities for group leaders that are described in Chapter 6 of TIP 41: Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy. Choose two of the personal qualities that best reflect your strengths and two that would be most challenging to you. Discuss how these strengths and weaknesses might affect groups you lead.

Question 1516 Cultural Scenarios

After watching “Cultural Scenarios” in this unit’s studies, select one of the scenarios and discuss what an ethical group counselor would need to consider when working with the selected client in a group setting. Assume that the client selected is the only group member representing that cultural subgroup.

Question 1517 Working Poor and the Subprime Crisis

Assignment 2: Working Poor and the Subprime Crisis Housing is a critical issue for the working poor. Key findings of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (2000) analysis show the following: From 1993 to 1998, the number of subprime refinancing loans increased ten-fold. Subprime loans are three times more likely in low-income neighborhoods than in high-income neighborhoods. Subprime loans are five times more likely in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods.

Homeowners in high-income black areas are twice as likely as homeowners in low-income white areas to have subprime loans. and the Internet, research the subprime crisis. Then, answer the following: How much is housing related to the “American Dream”? How did this housing crisis affect the working poor?
Identify any new policies in place to help the working poor find affordable housing. Write a 2–4-page paper in Microsoft Word format, following current APA formatting. Include a separate page for your references. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. For example, if
your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M3_A2.doc. By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2000). Unequal burden: Income and racial disparities in subprime lending in America.
Retrieved from

Question 1518 Child Free

Assignment 1 Answer question with at least 200 words and use the remaining word count to respond to classmate. Should the federal government or individual states determine access to abortions services? Please respond to at least one classmates. Classmate-I think the federal government and individual
states should not be allowed to regulate abortion services. Abortions are a woman’s choice and I don’t think anyone should have the opportunity to tell any woman what they can and can’t do with their bodies. I may be pro life for myself but every women should have the chance to choose what they do with their body. The government is comprised of mostly men.

Men who will never experience pregnancy or the thoughts that race through a woman’s head when she has to decide if she wants to have that baby or not. They will never understand the pain that a woman will go through if doctors deem her pregnancy to be too harmful to her and she has to have an abortion. How can anyone who will never experience anything that a woman’s body will go through be allowed to regulate it? Assignment 2 To Be Childfree Are “Childfree-by-Choice Couples” Selfish? What are are the advantages and/or disadvantages of choosing not to have children? Write a 1 page response to this question. Be sure to use the text to support your perspective. Cite all sources for full credit.

Question 1519 The Initial Stage of Group Development

For this discussion, refer to the “Initial Stage” segment of the Group Evolution media piece from your unit studies. Select one of the clients in the segment. How does the client describe early experiences in the group? What would you would want to cover with this client in preparing for group treatment, based on the details provided? Identify the skills the group leaders demonstrate to support group development. Provide specific examples. Use the readings for this unit to support your analysis.

Question 1520 Journal

1.Explain the demographic divide as the dichotomy between the needs of young and old between developed and developing countries.

2.Integrate Fries argument about the compression of mortality, and the dependent and active life expectancy into expectation for serving an aging population.
3.Compare disability and active life expectancy globally.

Question 1521 American Dream or American Myth?

Assignment 1: American Dream or American Myth? Throughout this course, you have seen that one of the plights of the working poor is their inability to achieve social mobility. A value that all Americans have is equal opportunity for success, but this value does not necessarily translate to ability or ease to climb the social ladder. Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the reasons why the working poor are able or not able to realize the American Dream. Then, address the following questions: Define the “American Dream,” and then apply the concepts from the previous modules to either support or refute the idea that individual merits can dictate success or
failure. Include the topics of race, gender, housing, job opportunities, and social services to decide whether the American Dream is a reality or a myth. Use the articles, film, library resources, Internet sources, and your own personal experiences to support your arguments. Write a 4–6-page paper in Word format, following current APA formatting. Include a separate page for your references.

Assignment 2: Discussion—How to Eliminate Poverty? According to Beeghley (2008), the poor in America serve an important role in society. He claims that the poor provide services by working in jobs no one else wants, keep prices down, create jobs for other social classes, and buy goods and services no one else desires. Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the need to eliminate poverty in America. Then answer the following: Can poverty be eliminated from America? What ideas do you have that could help the working poor improve their opportunities? Write your initial response in approximately 200–300 words. Apply APA standards to the citation of sources. Click the Citing Sources button on the Academic Resources page of this course to learn how to cite sources using APA standards. By the due date assigned, post your response to the Discussion Area. Through the end of the module, review the postings of your peers and respond to at least two of them. Consider commenting on the following: What are the different solutions to help the working poor? How practical are these proposed solutions? Ideas that have worked in your own town to improve the condition of the working poor. Beeghley, L. (2008). The structure of social stratification in the United States. Boston, MA: Pearson.

Question 1522 Bullying

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 2: Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying Due Week 6 and worth 65 points Bullying is a difficult concept to understand and reconcile the consequences. This assignment focuses on the critical thinking skills that are needed to analyze an emotionally charged topic. Student Success Tips Review the Student’s Guide to Research section of the textbook (Chapter 2) Take notes as you watch the video below.

Watch the video titled, “From school yard bullying to genocide: Barbara Coloroso at TEDxCalgary” (19 min 5 s) located below. You may also view the video at Write a one to two (1-2) page essay in which you: Identify the most important step in the student’s guide to research that you would need in order to analyze bullying. Define the identified critical step of research in your words. Explain how bullying relates to one (1) of the following topics: the agents of socialization (i.e., family, teachers and school, peers), formal organizations (i.e., conformity to groups), different types of deviance (i.e., everyday deviance, sexual deviance, or criminal deviance). Provide a rationale for your response.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. To keep this essay short and manageable, your only sources for the essay should be the
TED video and the sections noted in your text. For this reason, APA citations or references are not required for this assignment. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Define the basic concepts used in the discipline of sociology. Define the various methodologies for sociological research. Identify the sociological perspective to the inequalities of class, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomics, and political aspects. Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology. Write clearly and concisely about sociology using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

Question 1523 My Family Journal

Sociology: Marriage and the Family Students will evaluate their own families using two sociologicalctheories from chapter 2 of the textbook (Lamanna, Riedmann, and Stewart 2017). Students must first describe the basic principles of each theory in detail and then utilize the theories to evaluate their own families. Names of family members may be substituted with aliases if the student wishes. Papers must be 3-4 pages (not including title and references) and in APA format.

Question 1524 Look! It’s a Bird, It’s Plane, It’s SUPERMOM!

Answer question with at leaset 200 words and respond to both classmates. Please number classmate 1 and classmate 2 Western culture socializes women to believe that they can “do it all!” One of the the many roles women have is that of mother, and “intensive mothering” is a standard. So much so that if a mother falls short of this standard they are viewed as doing something “wrong.” Do you agree or disagree with this ideology? Is this type of sacrificial mothering good for children, or not?

Classmate 1- I happen to disagree with this thought. I think as long as a mother is putting in her best efforts and her children are well cared for then there should be no other outside negativity invading that. A mother already has a hard enough job. Adding pressure from everyone’s opinions does nothing for them. I also think that seeing their mom work hard to care for them is good for children. I know personally I saw my mom and grandma work hard to care for all of their children. It made me appreciate them more. What made me appreciate them 10 times more is when they asked for help. They didn’t let us see them struggle but instead they showed us that at times every mother needs outside help and there’s nothing wrong with getting it. Every mother has her down day and I think it’s okay for them to show that to their children. It lets them know that nobody is invincible. I just have always had the thought that mother’s are strong because they can do it alone but they are smart enough to know when to ask other’s for help.

Classmate 2- I don’t agree with this thought at all. I believe that mothers do the best they can and at times you will drop the ball no matter how bad you try not to. The problem is people forget that even though you are a mother you are still human and you will make mistakes and that’s the best lesson you can teach your kids is that its ok to make a mistake. Nobody is perfect. Mothers are very strong
individuals. My mother made many mistakes but she didn’t let that stop her from dong what she needed to for her kids. If she needed help she would ask. She wouldn’t let the pride of “I’m the mother” get in the way. Because of this she let me know that now that I’m a mom to do only what I can and what I can’t ask for help. She also taught me not to force things and let things be how they will be. My son never sees me struggle but he knows I don’t have it all. Being a mother is a great thing but you can’t let it take over your whole life. You are allowed to have down days or off days like anyone else because you are more than a mom again you are human.

Question 1525 Coursework

Read the attached PDF’s Using the Information from the readings

• What do Latane and Nida (1981) tell us about the ambiguity of an event and how it affects the bystander effect?

• Integrating the research by Latane and Nida (1981) with the idea of stimulus overload, which of the 6 types of psychological retreat could influence diffusion of responsibility and why?

• Based on your knowledge of the Beaman, Barnes, Klentz, & McQuirk (1978), at least one type of intervention decreased the bystander effect.
Suggest and intervention that could influence people to be more helpful on a wider stance than students who take social psychology. • After completing the assigned readings, do you think you are as likely to experience diffusion of responsibility in an emergency situation? Why or why not? How would you engage other bystanders in helping if you were in an emergency situation?

Question 1526 24 hours

Answer the following questions using the information you collected in your 3-day media watch. Your answers for questions 1-5 need to be complete sentences. 1. In your 3-day watch, did you observe more thin women than average-sized or heavy women? If so, what differences did you notice in the characters they played/products they sold?

2. Did you detect more average-sized men than heavy men? Were there more muscular men than average-sized or heavy men? If so, what differences did you notice in the characters they played/products they sold?

3. In your 3-day media watch, did you notice a relationship between types of shows and the types of bodies depicted? For example, were there more thin or muscular bodies depicted on programming aimed at young people (e.g., music television) as opposed to programming aimed at older viewers (e.g., television magazine shows)?

4. What effects do you believe the media (ads, television shows, movies, etc.) has on individuals in our society?

5. Some of today’s researchers contend that women are depicted in the popular media not only as being unrealistically thin, but also are more often depicted in a sexualized manner than men (that is, wearing “sexy” clothes, speaking in a suggestive manner, appearing to be undressed). Did you find this to be true
in your 3-day watch? Do you think this is related to the emphasis on unrealistic body types? In 250-500 words, analyze the various behavior patterns you have seen that could lead to anorexia or bulimia; as well as, listing some treatments available for those who suffer from eating disorders. Use the information collected in your 3-day media study, your textbook, and the library to answer and support your claims. APA format is not required for this short essay, but solid academic writing is expected along with a reference page

Question 1527 Blog post

Blog post on online community something around ” As was discussed in the media lesson, online interactions may be a way of accomplishing a sense of community. Modern cities have a way of isolating people as people try to shut out much of what is going on around them to protect their cognitive and
emotional well-being. The online “virtual communities” allow people to pick and choose who they socialize with, what they socialize about, and even how much they socialize.” It doesnt have to be very formal just any event or topic relating to online communities.

Question 1528 Term analysis

List each term numbered in order.

• Define each term (located in your glossary at the end of your textbook).

• The final paragraph is the paradigm you selected from the first three terms. (Keep these in order).

Save it as doc or docx file types, Times New Roman 12 font. The term used for your analysis must be underlined and boldfaced as a subheading for each of the 10 paragraphs using only 1 term in each paragraph. The paragraph will explain the term from the textbook and then how it applies in the book you read, citing three examples for each term. Discuss the final paragraph in which your analysis
must also explain which paradigm (structural functionalism, social conflict and symbolic interaction) you think explains the story and why the others do not.

1. Structural Functionalism

2. Social Conflict

3. Symbolic Interaction

4. Culture

5. Society

6. Socialization

7. Conformity

8. Deviance

9. Social Control

10. Inequality

11. Paradigm

(Point-of-view from one of the first three terms) Each paragraph will count up to
8.5 points and the paradigm paragraph should be twice as long and will count up to 15 points, for up to 100 points total, as 20% of your final grade.

Question 1529 Mental health care around the world

watch the following three videos that offer snapshots of mental health care around the world.

Questions: Reflect on

The different approaches to mental health and healthcare seen in the videos and what you have observed in Canada.

1) What form does stigmatization of mental health issues take here? Give examples (from media, personal experience, pop culture, etc).

2) Are there positive representations of mental health and mental health care in our culture? If so, give examples.

3) What can be done to challenge stigma around mental health? What can individuals do? What can communities do?

Question 1530 To Stay Home or Not to Stay Home

 Part 1 Answer question with at least 200 words “To Stay Home or Not to Stay Home?” Should Their be a Question? “Opting Out” or “Leaving the Workforce” What is the best decision for a well-balanced family life? Is the mom staying home the answer? Or Is the shift of the dad from “breadwinner to bread-
maker” the most optimal choice for family life? What is your opinion on this subject? Explain your views and use evidence to support your answers. Part 2 Respond to both classmates separately with remaining word count. Classmate 1 I think doing what is best for the household is all that matters. I know plenty of
working moms because they have to work.

 It is hard now to live on just one salary. If they had the choice they would stay home but they don’t have that option. I also know a few mother’s who prefer to work. I think whatever the family needs is what is better. My aunt told me about a woman at her job who loved to work and had an okay income. However, her and her husbands job combined income was just enough to cover bills and food and left them with about $100 at the end of the month. They made a few dollars over the qualifying amount for a link card. When they had a child all of her income went towards
childcare and bus fare.

They decided that she would quit her job and he would keep his. Financially it was the best decision for them and their child. They were able to get a link card, have extra cash for incidentals and it gave her the opportunity to stay home with her child. I personally would love to be a stay at home mom until my child is of school age. Then I wouldn’t mind going back to work. I just think the first 4-5 years of a child’s life are impressionable and I want them to have as much time with me and learn from me as possible. I think that as long as it works for that household then it is the right thing. Classmate 2 I believe that this issue, much like several others that we have covered in the book, do not
have a right or wrong answer. It is based on the needs of every family and the circumstances they encounter which can be a temporary or permanent decision. In my family, my parents choose for my father to be in the workforce while my mother was a stay-at-home parent.

This may not be the case for every family, but it is what worked for them. Some people especially those who have children, they may feel that it is necessary to leave the workforce to raise their children. In some cases, it is more expensive for a spouse or partner to be a part of the workforce and pay a babysitter than it is for them to be a stay-at-home parent. We live in a day and age where women have more opportunities to work than before and with that being said, a woman may have a better paying job than her husband so for that family it is most convenient for the husband to stay home. There are several ways for a family to get around their personal lives and needs while still working. For instance, one spouse can work during the day and the other at night. Some spouses can choose to work weekends or also find jobs that allow them to work out of their homes.


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