School of Life Sciences
Coursework assessment for Assessment Cycle 2 (semester 1, 2023/24)
LIFE 315 Drug Metabolism and Drug Response
Module organiser: Dr Dan Carr
Maximum word count: 1,500 words
Please read all instructions (general and specific) carefully! Please also make sure to familiarise yourself with the student guidance for written assessments (Canvas > OX-LIFE-Sciences-202324 > Assessment).
General instructions to students:
1. Word count
• The word count is a maximum (not plus/minus 10%). There is no minimum word count.
• Please refer to the specific instructions below regarding what is and what isn’t included in the maximum word count for this assignment.
• Penalties will be applied for exceeding the word count as follows:
o Up to 1% (e.g. up to 2020 for a 2000 word maximum) no penalty
o Up to 10% (e.g. between 2021 and 2200 words) 5 % penalty
o Up to 20% (e.g. between 2201 and 2400 words) 10 % penalty
o Etc. (i.e. 5% penalty for every 10% above word count)
• Enter your word count at the bottom of your submission
2. Submission
• Your work should be submitted via the submission link in your module area in Canvas
• Please make sure that you follow the guidance on written assessments which can be found on the School Canvas Page.
• Also refer to the School Canvas pages in relation to the penalties for Late Submission and possible exemptions.
• If you have any technical problems submitting to Canvas by the deadline, you must email your work to the module organiser (copying in ) by the deadline, as evidence that you have submitted in time. You should also provide a screenshot of the error you are experiencing. You should then continue to attempt submitting via Canvas.
3. Academic Integrity
The University’s Academic Integrity policy and your annual Academic Integrity declaration
apply to this assessment. If necessary, the full range of penalties (Category A, B, C, D, and E)
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policy. You can consult the University’s Academic Integrity guide for students here:
Please remember you should follow the guidance given on making GAI Declarations by including the appropriate statement in your work:
Please note: Your answer should be written in your own words. Do not use any verbatim (word for word) quotes. Your assignment may not contain verbatim (copy-and-paste) material that you have submitted for another assessment, either on this or a different module.
In this assessment, we expect students to write a well-structured essay which correctly uses the appropriate terminology and referencing. To provide context, you should give background information based on the relevant module content. When you address the question, you should use your knowledge and understanding of the module content, but you should also use relevant literature to add a different perspective and/or more detail. At the higher end of the marking scheme, markers will also be looking for an element of criticality and synthesis. We will also expect a well-founded conclusion.
Specific instructions:
Please choose TWO out of the THREE questions below.
Coursework Question(s):
Question 1
Table 1 (below) shows some pharmacokinetic (PK) data for Drug A and Drug B, derived from a clinical study, which investigated the absolute bioavailability and impact of food on drug exposure.
a) For both drugs, calculate the absolute bioavailability. Examine any differences in PK following the different modes of administration. Discuss the mechanisms by which PK may be altered in these examples, relating to the processes of drug absorption. 30% (450 words)
b) Acid-modifying agents can also impact the oral PK of certain drugs. Using named drug examples, describe the different types of acid-modifying agents and evaluate how oral PK could be altered following co-administration. 20% (300 words).
Table 1 Pharmacokinetic data of Drug A and B following administration intravenously and orally under fasted and fed conditions.
Orally, fasted
Orally, fed
Drug A
Tmax (hr) – Median
(inter-quartile range)
Cmax (mg/L) – Geometric mean
AUC0-24 (mg.h/L) – Geometric mean
Bioavailability – F (%)
Drug B
Tmax (hr) – Median
(inter-quartile range)
Cmax (mg/L) – Geometric mean
AUC0-24 (mg.h/L) – Geometric mean
Bioavailability – F (%)
1 P-value calculated using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. P values ≤0.05 were considered significant
Question 2
A 65-year-old male is undergoing treatment for colorectal cancer. However, his treatment is paused owing to a severe adverse drug reaction. Using an appropriate example of a chemotherapeutic (anti-cancer) drug, describe the involvement of drug metabolism, drug-drug interactions and genetic variation in the development of such an adverse drug reaction. In your answer, evaluate how genetics can be utilised to predict and reduce the risk of an adverse reaction to your drug. 50% (750 words).
Question 3
Many physico-chemical characteristics are known to influence possible responses, whether adverse or efficacious, to nanotherapeutics that are based on nanoparticle formulations. Give examples of the techniques used to identify key characteristics that are linked to these responses. Your answer should include advantages and disadvantages of these techniques and how those characteristics relate to nano-bio interactions.
Tag: write my essay
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Question 1651 Three Strikes Law
Answer 2 questions Using all 3 articles as a basis of your argument, write a paper that discusses how a conflict theorist would find fault with the California “Three-strikes laws”. (HINT: How does the law promote social inequalities? How might it actually promote crime?)
Question 1652 When might it be most appropriate to use an experimental design
.) When might it be most appropriate to use an experimental design? What’s the benefit to having both an experimental group and a control group? How do researchers ensure that experimental and control groups are as similar as possible? 2.) What is the “Hawthorne effect,” and how might it impact an experimental design? What are some ways that researchers might control for this effect? 3.) What are the eight sources of internal invalidity? How might they affect the results of a study? With respect to your study, which sources, do you think, would be most problematic? Why? What actions will you take to address these issues? 4.) Why is generalizability a major issue when it comes to experimental designs? Is there anything that researchers can do to improve an experiment’s generalizability? If so, what? If not, why not? 5.) What do you think of Babbie’s (2016) notion of the “Pygmalion effect?” That is, “who we think we are” is “a function of how others see and treat us” (p. 238). Is there any truth to this statement? Why or why not? Below is an example of another students answers. Please direct all examples towards affordable housing in Charlotte, NC. 1.) When might it be most appropriate to use an experimental design? What’s the benefit to having both an experimental group and a control group? How do researchers ensure that experimental and control groups are as similar as possible? Experimental designs are most appropriate for “hypothesis testing, explanatory designs, the study of small-group interactions, and laboratory experiments” (Babbie, 2016, p. 225). According to Babbie, experimental designs are also being conducted more frequently using the Internet and natural experiments are discussed as part of this design (2016, p. 226). The benefit of using both an experimental group and control group is it allows the researcher to examine the true effect of the experimental stimulus on the experimental group (Babbie, 2016. pp. 227-228). According to Babbie, the control group also allows for things that could be occurring outside the experiment (2016, p. 228). Much like the prejudice example mentioned in the text, if a researcher wanted to determine the impact of viewing a sexual harassment module on subjects’ attitudes toward sexual harassment, they may have an experimental group and control group. The experimental group would be asked to view a brief online module regarding sexual harassment. The control group would not be administered the stimulus (module). If the control group and experimental group compare equally in all other aspects, the researcher should be able to determine if the module had any impact on participants’ attitudes of sexual harassment. Researchers ensure that experimental and control groups are similar through their selection of subjects. The researcher may “randomly assign subjects to control groups and experimental groups” by assigning subject’s numbers and then selecting groups by use of a “number table” or “even and odd” distribution (Babbie, 2016, p. 230). A matching technique may also be used in the assignment of subjects to experimental or control groups. In this technique, “pairs of subjects are matched on the basis of similarities of variables” (Babbie, 2016, p. 231). The experimental group would then be assigned one member from the pair and the control group the other (Babbie, 2016, p. 231). There are also cases where a combination of matching and randomization occur by creating strata and randomly assigning them to either experimental or control groups (Babbie, 2016, p. 232). 2.) What is the “Hawthorne effect,” and how might it impact an experimental design? What are some ways that researchers might control for this effect? The Hawthorne effect was named after an experiment conducted in Hawthorne, Illinois. To explore productivity as related to working conditions, F.J. Roethlisberger and W.J. Dickson conducted an experiment in the “bank wiring room” of Western Electric Works (Babbie, 2016, p. 228). This is considered “one of the most famous research projects in experimental psychology” (Jamieson & Wolter, 2016, p. 3). The researchers saw the more the workroom was brightened, productivity improved, but when the lights were dimmed again productivity went up as well (Babbie, 2016, p. 228). The increase in productivity was not a result of the working conditions (lighting) but the result of the increased attention given to the workers (Jamieson & Wolter, 2016, p. 3). Because of this study, researchers must be careful that the experiment itself doesn’t impact results (Babbie, 2016, p. 228). The Hawthorne effect might impact an experimental design by introducing unavoidable bias into the experiment (Shuttleworth, 2009). Subjects may behave differently just because they are being observed and because of the increased attention. Researches can control for this effect by having proper control groups to compare to the experimental group (Babbie, 2016, p. 228). Other ways to control for the effect include creating a long-term approach to the study to examine changes in productivity over a longer period, being more discrete in observations of employees and their behaviors, and possibly communicating to the employees how they may benefit from the experiment if this information does not compromise the experiment (Gaskell, 2012). Of these controls, the second recommendation seems especially important. If employees know they are being watched, they are likely to perform at a higher level than normal. 3.) What are the eight sources of internal invalidity? How might they affect the results of a study? With respect to your study, which sources, do you think, would be most problematic? Why? What actions will you take to address these issues? The eight sources of internal invalidity include: “history, maturation, testing, instrumentation, statistical regression, selection bias, experimental mortality, and demoralization” (Babbie, 2016, p. 234). History involves a historical event occurring during the experiment that could impact results (Babbie, 2016, p. 234). Maturation can be a contributing factor to internal invalidity if the subjects “change and grow” during the experiment (Babbie, 2016, p. 234). Testing can change the outcome if the subjects realize the purpose of the experiment and change the way they would answer questions between the pretest and posttest (Babbie, 2016, p. 234). Instrumentation affects internal invalidity if the outcome is changed based on “changes to the instruments or observers” (Ohlund & Yu, n.d.). Statistical regression can occur if subjects are already at extremes at the beginning of the experiment and would have shown change regardless of the stimulus (Babbie, 2016, p. 235). Selection bias can change outcomes if the control group and experimental group are not comparable in the beginning (Babbie, 2016, p. 235). Experimental mortality occurs through “loss of subjects” during the experiment (Ohlund & Yu, n.d.). Demoralization can affect the experiment if the control group stops performing because they believe the experimental group is being treated differently (Babbie, 2016, p. 235). These sources may affect the results of a study by introducing “the possibility of conclusions being drawn from the experiment that do not accurately represent what went on in the experiment” (Babbie, 2016, p. 234). With respect to my study of academically and intellectually gifted students, I think maturation, selection bias, and demoralization may be most problematic. Even though my experiment will not be long-term in nature, the subjects’ attitudes toward the gifted label may change as they progress to adulthood. Adults may answer questions differently based on this mature interpretation of the label as compared to students. Selection bias could be introduced if the experimental group and the control group were not comparable at the beginning of the experiment (Babbie, 2016, p. 235). Demoralization will likely affect my study the most. Students without the label may begin to perform poorly because they believe students with the label receive better instruction or attention from teachers. This may be especially true if they thought they would make it into the program and did not test in. To address these issues, I will need to carefully select and assign participants to groups, offer consistent questionnaires, and ensure the labeled students do not receive more attention that those without the label. 4.) Why is generalizability a major issue when it comes to experimental designs? Is there anything that researchers can do to improve an experiment’s generalizability? If so, what? If not, why not? In experimental designs, the researcher would like to generalize results to the entire population being studied, but that is not always obtainable. External invalidity occurs when “conclusions drawn from experimental results may not be generalizable to the real world” (Babbie, 2016, p. 236). Generalizability can become an issue if there is an “interaction between the testing situation and the stimulus in the experiment” (Babbie, 2016, p. 236). Researcher can improve generalizability by using the Solomon four-group design (Babbie, 2016, p. 236). This design allows variations among the four groups in pretest, stimulus, and posttest (Babbie, 2016, p. 237). It “rules out any interaction between the testing and the stimulus” and “provides data for comparisons to show how much of this interaction occurred in a classical experiment” (Babbie, 2016. p. 237). Researchers can also improve generalizability by making sure the sample is representative of the population (Babbie, 2016, p. 230). According to Babbie, results also seem to be more generalizable when “social processes and patterns of causal relationships” are being studied as compared to “specific characteristics” (2016, p. 230). Additionally, to improve generalizability, the researcher can replicate the experiment using different groups of subjects to see if results remain constant (Babbie, 2016, p. 243). 5.) What do you think of Babbie’s (2016) notion of the “Pygmalion effect?” That is, “who we think we are” is “a function of how others see and treat us” (p. 238). Is there any truth to this statement? Why or why not? I think there is truth in the statement, “who we think we are” is “a function of how others see and treat us” (Babbie, 2016, p. 238). According to Babbie, the Rosenthal-Jacobson study proved the effect with teachers’ expectations of students and increased attention given to them by the teachers, causing them to exceed their classmates in performance (2016, p. 238). The effect can also be seen in the Foschi, Warriner, and Hart experiment regarding how a person’s interpretation of their score on “pattern recognition ability” and that of their partners, affected their choice to change their answer to questions (Babbie, 2016, pp. 238-239). I think this effect can be seen in real-world scenarios throughout daily interactions. In one example, a child who is constantly told by their parent they are not smart and will never amount to anything will begin to embody that concept and will not try as hard to achieve. The child then begins to fall behind at school and has a hard time becoming a successful student. In another example, if a child is told they are great at a sport, they may begin to see themselves as great, even if it isn’t true. This may cause them to improve because of the attention by parents or coaches in encouraging participation in the sport instead of innate athletic ability. References Babbie, E. (2016). The practice of social research (14th Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Gaskell, A. (2012, March 7). How to overcome the Hawthorne effect. Retrieved from: Jamieson, L. & Wolter, S.A. (2016). Management functions, roles, and frameworks in parks and recreation. In M. Moiseichik (Ed.), Management of park and recreation agencies (4th ed.) (pp. 1-25). Ashburn, VA: National Recreation and Park Association. Ohlund, B. & Yu, C. (n.d.). Threats to validity of research design. Retrieved from: Shuttleworth, M. (2009). Hawthorne effect. Retrieved from:
Question 1653 How might social desirability play a role in the wording of survey questions? Why does the method by which a survey is administered
For this week, you should read Chapter #9 of the Babbie textbook. USE EXAMPLES PERTAINING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Individual Discussion Board Questions: 1.) What’s the difference between a closed-ended question and an open-ended question? What are the various strengths and weaknesses associated with both types? Which type will be most appropriate for your research? Why? Provide some specific questions that you will use. 2.) How might social desirability play a role in the wording of survey questions? Why does the method by which a survey is administered (e.g., face-to-face survey, personal telephone survey, automated/machine-based telephone survey, web-based survey) affect a person’s response? How might these different methods affect a question’s wording? Discuss why exactly stating a question’s original wording in a face-to-face survey (as opposed to paraphrasing) is so important. 3.) Some scholars contend that compensating survey respondents to complete a questionnaire is appropriate. What do you think? Describe both the positive and negative aspects associated with this approach. Are some forms of compensation better than others? Why or why not? Will you implement some form of compensation to elicit higher response rates in your study? Why or why not? 4.) One of the possible concerns with web-based surveys cited by Babbie (2016) is the notion that people who are surveyed in an online forum might not be representative of the general population. Is this a valid argument? Why or why not? Beyond representativeness, what are some additional issues that might become manifest with regard to surveying people via mobile technology (e.g., smartphones)? Is this a worthwhile endeavor? Why or why not? 5.) What is a double-barreled question? Provide an example. Why are double-barreled questions inappropriate for survey research? How does the introduction of contingency questions solve the double-barreled question problem? Take your previously constructed double-barreled question and design one or more contingency questions.
Question 1654 Applicability of the voluntary siting mechanism used in Swan Hills in the context of Hong Kong
General rules: You are required to submit a commentary of no more than 650 words Prescribed readings: Hans Tammemagi, The Waste Crisis: Landfills, incinerators, and the search for a sustainable future, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, chapter 12 (pp. 225-241) Baxter, J. (2007). Reassessing the voluntary citing process for a hazardous waste facility in Alberta, Canada 15 year later. In International Conference on Siting of Locally Unwanted Facilities: Challenges and Issues (December, 2007) (pp. 1-12) Suggested questions: Assuming that the government is trying to adopt the voluntary siting mechanism, do you think it is desirable and feasible?
Question 1655 Justice-Related Services
This assignment requires you to conduct an internet search on justice-related services. Identify an existing alternative measures program for adults in Canada. On occasion police and crown prosecutors choose to handle minor criminal charges for first time offenders outside of the court system using an alternative measure. These measures are often referred to as diversion or restorative justice. The top three alternatives are diversion, restorative justice and healing circles. There are over 90 Restorative Justice Programs in BC and over 30 Aboriginal Programs so there is a lot to choose from. To complete the requirements for this assignment, you need to identify a program and speak specifically about it, Identifying the following criteria; Organization in charge of its operation, Funding, Clientele, Mandate, Vision, Operational Philosophy, Information on success, Limitations and any other significant details you can find. The following are some examples of the types of alternative measures that these programs use: Paying restitution to victims of the offenders crime to compensate the victims for losses (ie, damage to property or the cost of replacing stolen property) Performing community services Writing an apology to victims Participating in counselling programs or courses. Search the internet or other sources (such as brochures etc.) for an existing alternative measures program for adults in Canada. Then, identify/discuss the following: the organization in charge of its operation funding clientele mandate vision operational philosophy information on success limitations any other details of significance It may be helpful to organize your paper using headings and subheadings. As Assignment 2, this is a formal academic paper. It must be submitted in formal American Psychological Association (APA) format. As Assignment 2, your paper must: Be submitted in 12 point font (Times Roman or Carrier); Include 1 inch margins; Include a formal title page; Include a separate References page;
Question 1656 Ethnographic Study: Field Research in a Workplace Setting
COURSE PROJECT OVERVIEW Ethnographic Study: Field Research in a Workplace Setting Objective An ethnography, also referred to as field research, is a qualitative research method in which the researcher can directly observe what goes on at the research site as well as participate, including asking questions. It is a useful method for studying small groups, such as work groups, in their natural setting. Ethnography is the term used by cultural anthropologists for conducting field research. Sociologists tend to use the term field research or participant observation. Ethno means “people” and graphy means “to describe something.” Ethnography is describing people and/or their culture from their perspectives. In other words, ethnography describes the meaning of the situation from the point of view of the participants. How do the participants under study make sense of the world in which they are participating? Ethnographers and field researchers are interested in explicit knowledge, which is a description of what happens, say, at a company holiday party. They are also interested in tacit knowledge, which includes the unspoken or taken-for-granted norms that govern a company holiday party, of which participants are usually unaware. In other words, field research takes place in a natural setting where the researcher attempts to understand the social meanings and different perspectives of the people whom the researcher is studying. Guidelines Suggested steps for carrying out an ethnographic project are as follows: Prepare yourself by reading the relevant scholarly literature. Discover what other researchers have to say about the topic you are researching. Decide what field research role you will play. Will you be a complete observer? That is, will you gain access to the department and watch what goes on? Will you participate as a worker in the department while you observe what is going on? Will you be both an observer and a participant, watching and interviewing department employees? Review the research ethics of conducting field research. Information is available in the textbook and you are encouraged to seek out research ethics for this purpose, as well, via Web research. Enter the research area and establish relations with the people you will be studying. Watch, listen, and collect data. Begin to analyze the data, generate a description of what the department is doing, and develop working hypotheses. Continue your field research, conducting focused interviews with relevant individuals. Disengage and leave the department. Complete your analysis and write your report. Additional Guidelines for the final paper: Papers must be between 6 to 8 pages in length (this would be roughly 1 page per area included in the report), 10 point font, double-spaced. Include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion, and works cited. Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment, and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. At least five authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable). These should be listed on the last page titled “Works Cited.” Appropriate citations are required. All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy. Papers are due during Week 7 of this course. Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q A Discussion topic. This paper is worth 125 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure. Milestones Week 1: Review the course project. Post any questions to the Course Q & A Forum in the Introduction and Resources module. Week 2: A proposal for your course project is due this week. This proposal should include the following: A description of the organization you have chosen and your relationship to it. This can be a workplace or an organization where you volunteer. (1-2 paragraphs) A discussion of your goals for conducting a cultural analysis of the organization you have chosen and the potential value of such an analysis. (1-2 paragraphs) An explanation of your strategy for conducting research. There are two kinds of research you will be doing: (1) examining secondary sources, such as scholarly books and articles, for relevant background information on organizational culture and communication, and (2) conducting your own ethnographic research, which can include observation, interviews, and qualitative surveys. For now, discuss your plan for researching secondary sources and which method or methods you plan to use for your ethnography (observation, interviews, and/or qualitative surveys, discussed in chapters 6 and 7 and “An Introduction to Step Three” in your text. (1-2 paragraphs) Please ensure your paper is in APA format, which requires double spacing and a title page. Include a working title for your project. Week 5: A progress report for your course project paper is due this week. This progress report should incorporate the following guidelines: Include an APA-formatted title page with your working title. Include a reference page with at least five scholarly sources, cited in APA format. Scholarly sources include your textbook and books and articles obtained through the DeVry library. Credible articles from news, government (.gov), or academic (.edu) websites can also be used; acceptable examples include NPR, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Business Week. In your report, discuss your progress on the project thus far, explaining what research you have conducted, the methods you have used, what remains to be done, and how you plan to organize and analyze your data. Also, discuss which concepts from the course material you plan to use in your analysis. Your report should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, in APA format. Week 7: Your final course project paper is due this week. See the “Guidelines” section above and “Best Practices” section below for a full list of items to include in your paper. Grading Rubrics Course Project Proposal (Week 2) Category Points % Description Content 24 80% Proposal includes description of selected organization and your relationship to the organization (12 points) Goals for conducting a cultural analysis outlined (12 points) Formatting 6 20% Proposal properly formatted to APA standards Total for Proposal 30 100% A quality proposal will meet or exceed all of the above requirements Course Project Progress Report (Week 5) Category Points % Description Content 15 33% Progress outlined including research conducted, methods used, organization, and data analysis References 15 33% At least five scholarly references included in progress report Formatting 15 33% Uses proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling Total for Progress Report 45 100% A quality proposal will meet or exceed all of the above requirements Course Project Final Paper (Week 7) Category Points % Description Content 75 60% Address each component of the assignment (discussion of methods used, review of previous literature, presentation of data, analysis and interpretation of data), integrating concrete examples and strategies and using information from observations and scholarly sources to support points Documentation & Formatting 15 12% Follows correct APA format, including a title and reference page with at least five credible scholarly sources Organization & Cohesiveness 15 12% Cohesive and well-organized, with a clear introduction and a conclusion that effectively summarizes the paper’s key points Editing 10 8% Uses proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling Length 10 8% Meets minimum length requirement of 6 to 8 pages Total for Final Paper 125 100% A quality final paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements Best Practices The following are the best practices in preparing your final paper: Cover Page – Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date. Table of Content – List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages in which they are located. The illustrations should be included separately. Introduction – Use a header on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper. The purpose of an introduction or opening: Introduce the subject and why the subject is important. Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered. Establish a tone of the document. Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.) Body of Your Report – Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: “The Development of Hotel X – A World Class Resort”. Then, proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate groups of paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation. Summary and Conclusion – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they effect the tourism industry. Works Cited – Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus. Additional hints on preparing the best possible project: Apply a three step process of writing: Plan, Write, and Complete. Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report: Example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.
Question 1657 Proposing Social Research: Unobtrusive Research
Again use the same research subject of affordable housing. Please use single space and no cover page or header is needed for homework. 12pt Times New Roman APA. Use a reference from Babbie and one other reference. For this week’s research proposal exercise, you will describe, in detail, how you plan to collect your data. For example, will you utilize an experimental approach, a survey research approach, a qualitative field research approach, or an unobtrusive research approach? Describe why your chosen approach is most appropriate. Here, you should complete the specific proposal exercise in the Babbie text that is most conducive to your selected approach (i.e., “Proposing Social Research: Experiments” [p. 245]; “Proposing Social Research: Survey Research” [p. 285]; “Proposing Social Research: Qualitative Field Research” [p. 321]; or “Proposing Social Research: Unobtrusive Research” [p. 349]). Again, I am not asking you to physically collect the data for this class. Instead, I would like to see you delineate a strategy for data collection. Responses for this exercise should be posted to this forum no later than 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 26th.
Question 1658 Gothic Subculture read this article and answer 2 questions. Answer these two questions. (1) Discuss reasons why this group has been labeled deviant. (2) Apply the labeling perspective to the gothic subculture by explaining how they follow primary, secondary and tertiary deviance.
Question 1659 Deviant Class
Answer these questions thoroughly: 1. Would using ex-deviants as counselors to help current deviants change their behavior, work in every case, and for every type of criminal or deviant behavior? 2. In what situations does it do a great job and in what situations would this approach not work or even backfire? 3. What about support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous – do they work for some and not other drinkers?
Question 1660 The Politics of EDucation: Georgia on My Mind
As the midterm elections near (and pass by the time this assignment is due), there are many policy issues that candidates have taken a firm (or not so firm) stance on. A few of the polarizing topics include health care, the economy, public safety and infrastructure. One policy issue that impacts a significant portion of the populace is education. In the gubernatorial race, Brian Kemp and Stacy Abrams have outlined their respective policies for Georgia with Kemp focusing on childhood literacy and pay raises for teachers, and Abrams focusing on a revision of the state funding formula for public schools, smaller class sizes, more school counselors, better teacher pay, and expanded early childhood education. Most Americans agree that school improvement is necessary in both rural and urban locales, but the method for achieving measurable growth can be illusive and the functions of institutions such as school boards, parent organizations, departments of educations, and even schools themselves is ever changing. With federal and state mandates for education systems, many often overlook the responsibilities of local elected officials. For this week’s discussion, we will take a look at the responsibility of the elected officials afforded the privilege of establishing and carrying out policies at the local level: School Board Members. The article by Angie Piefer titled, “The purpose of public education and the role of the school board” highlights the observations of various segments of society as it relates to the purpose of the school board and public education. Copy and paste the link below to read the short article. After reading the article, respond to the following questions: 1. First, summarize the main/central points made within the article. What is Peifer purporting as the purpose of public education and the responsibility of the school board? 2. Based on the main points of the article, what sociological theories/perspective do you find applicable or most closely associated? Describe in detail how the theories/perspectives help you to interpret and understand Peifer’s position. Are there any obvious contradictions or problems you see in this article as you think about the upcoming midterm elections and the education policies at stake? How would you challenge Peifer’s position or extend it? 3. As a student, parent, future educator, or person in the workforce, what do you believe the purpose of public education to be and what responsibilities do elected officials hold? 4. Finally, how does contemporary American schooling reflect societies values or priorities? In your observation and experience, do “we” really value education? Remember to explain! Note: RESPOND TO ALL PARTS OF THE DISCUSSION!!
Question 1661 Mean Girl – Movie
Watch Mean Girl – Movie and answer 5 questions 1. How does Marxist theory apply? Think about how the popular girls in the film (Regina George & her followers) oppress the characters that are considered “losers” or less popular. What would Marx say about the unpopular group (proletariat)? Do they revolt? Why or why not? 2. How does social interaction at the high school lead to phenomena such as groupthink? 3. How do the popular and unpopular groups in the film define their social reality differently? Discuss the elements of social structure such as status (achieved and ascribed), social roles, role conflict, and role strain. 4. Think about the in-groups and the out-groups in the film. How does the out-group experience alienation. 5. How does the Iron Law of Oligarchy apply? How does Regina George and her minions maintain their strong leadership?
Question 1662 Rumors & Riots: An Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Riots
Rumors and Riots: An Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Riot In 1921, a race riot ripped Tulsa, Oklahoma, apart. And it all began with a rumor (Gates 2004). Up to this time, Tulsa’s black community had been vibrant and prosperous. Many blacks owned their own businesses and competed successfully with whites. Then on May 31, everything changed after a black man was accused of assaulting a white girl. Buck Colbert Franklin (Franklin and Franklin 1997), a black attorney in Tulsa at the time, was there. Here is what he says: Hundreds of men with drawn guns were approaching from every direction, as far I could see as I stood at the steps of my office, and I was immediately arrested and taken to one of the many detention camps. Even then, airplanes were circling overhead dropping explosives upon the buildings that had been looted, and big trucks were hauling all sorts of furniture and household goods away. Unlike more recent U.S. riots, these were white looters who were breaking in and burning the homes and businesses of blacks. Franklin continues: Soon I was back upon the streets, but the buildings where I had my office was a smoldering ruin, and all my lawbooks and office fixtures had been consumed by flames. I went to where my roominghouse had stood a few short hours before, but it was in ashes, with all my clothes and the money to be used in moving my family. As far as one could see, not a Negro dwellinghouse or place of business stood…Negroes who yesterday were wealthy, living in beautiful homes in ease and comfort, were now beggars, public charges, living off alms. The rioters burned all black churches; including the imposing Zion Baptist church, which had just been completed. When they finished destroying homes and businesses, block after block lay in ruins, as though a tornado had swept through the area. And what about the young man who had been accused of assault, the event that precipitate the riot? Franklin say that the police investigated and found that there had been no assault. All the man had done was accidentally step on a lady’s foot in a crowded elevator, and, as Franklin says, “She became angry and slapped him, a fresh, cub newspaper reporter, without any experiences and no doubt anxious for a byline, gave out an erroneous report through his paper that a Negro had assaulted a white girl.” For Your Consideration It is difficult to place ourselves in such a historical mindset to imagine that stepping on someone’s foot could lead to such destruction, but it did. 1. Can you apply the sociological findings on both rumors and riots to explain the riot at Tulsa? 2. Why do you think that so many whites believed this rumor, and why were some of them so intent on destroying this thriving black community? 3. If “seething rage” underlies riots, it should apply to this one too. What “seething rage” (or resentments or feelings of injustice) do you think were involved?
Question 1663 Historical Voting Habits of Younger Eligible Voters
All through the 1960s, young people in the United States participated actively in a range of political issues, from pushing civil rights to protesting the Vietnam War. They were especially disturbed by the fact that young men were barred from voting but were being drafted to serve in the military and were dying for their country. In response to these concerns, the Twenty Sixth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1971, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. Now, more than 40 years later, we can consider the available research and see what happened. Frankly, what is remarkable is what did not happen. First, young voters have not united in any particular political sentiment. We can see in the way the young vote the same divisions in race, ethnicity, and gender that are apparent among older age groups. Second, while the momentum for lowering the voting age came from college campuses, the majority of young voters are not students. Third, and particularly troubling, is their relatively low turnout. The 2012 presidential election, held against the background of President Obama’s reelection bid and continuing global economic decline, did not pique the interest of voters ages 18 to 24. Only 41.2% of them voted, compared to 71.9% of those age 65 and older. What lies behind voter apathy among the young? The popular explanation is that people – especially young people – are alienated from the political system, turned off by the shallowness and negativity of candidates and campaigns. However, young people do vote as they age. Other explanations for the lower turnout among the young seem more plausible. First, the United States is virtually alone in requiring citizens to vote twice, in effect. They must first register to vote, often a time when issues are not on the front burner and candidates haven’t even declared. Second, though citizens in the United States tend to be more active in politics at the community level than those in other countries, young people often feel unmoved by local issues such as public school financing. Additionally, trends in voter turn out for local and/or state elections can be even lower when compared to national trends for presidential elections. Take the recent mayoral election in Atlanta. Many have speculated voter turnout to be around 20% in Fulton County. Further stratified by demographics like race, ethnicity, and age and the percentages are even lower for minorities and young people. Conversely, the midterm elections witnessed a surge in voter turnout that had not been seen in decades. According to Politically Georgia, about 57% of registered voters cast ballots in the midterm election. That equates to 3.9 million out of 6.7 million registered voters voted in Tuesday election (per the secretary of state records). Let’s discuss. 1. How often do you vote? Explain your position for voting (i.e. do you feel a responsibility to vote or do you believe in the impact that voting has on your community). 2. If you do not vote, what accounts for your apathy? Are you too busy to register? Are community issues uninteresting to you? 3. Do you think voter apathy is a serious social problem? Explain why you agree or disagree. 4. What might be done to increase voter participation in your age group and community?
Question 1664 Homosexuality vs heterosexuality?
Your textbook briefly mentions one or two “myths” or commonly-held, but wrong beliefs about what makes people homosexual. What are some of these myths? What evidence does the textbook provide to support that these are merely myths? What makes homosexuality similar to heterosexuality
Question 1665 McLean and Breen writing
Choose at least 1 category from McLean and Breen. What’s a specific experience you have / a specific part of your identity that relates to what they talk about in the section? Write a showing/descriptive 2-3 paragraphs, then explain in at least a paragraph what the connection is to what McLean and Breen are discussing.
Question 1666 Behaiovs in human sexuality
Assignment 2: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your assignment submission. Using a minimum of 1000 words, answer the following questions. Be sure to use two references, other than your media item, to support your work. Your job is to convince me that you have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding sexuality and the elderly. What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement? What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain.
Question 1667 Incidents of inequality
Search the GCU Library for articles that describe incidents of gender, age, racial, and ethnic discrimination. Choose two incidents of discrimination. Be sure each is of a different type of discrimination (age, gender, race, and/or ethnicity, etc.). Complete the “Incidents of Inequality” worksheet and submit it to your instructor. GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
Question 1668 Pillars of society
“Pillars of Society Matrix” worksheet. Use your assigned Readings and the GCU Library for research support. While GCU style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Question 1669 The Debate of Human Sexuality
“At what age should sexuality Education begin in a public school setting? Is public or community Education an appropriate manner to teach sexuality? What should the curriculum include or exclude? Who should be responsible for developing and approving the curriculum?” Respectfully debate these questions with your peers.
Question 1670 The National Human Genome Research Institute
Go to the website of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the following address: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Click on the link, “Issues in Genetics,” and then click on the link to one of the subcategories of issues listed, such as “Genetic Discrimination,” “Regulation of Genetic Tests,” “Intellectual Property and Genomics,” etc. Summarize the main points made about a specific issue within the category you select and give your opinion about what you have learned. Remember that this work must meet the university regulations regarding plagiarism. Be sure to include proper documentation. Posts must be written at the collegiate level (grammar, spelling, and content) and must be at least 2 full paragraphs
Question 1671 sexual orientation
Gender-based stereotypes are presented through the mass media. Locate an article, cartoon, or advertisement that conveys a gender message. Analyze the message by answering the following questions. Also, please attach your media or share the media’s url address. What is the message the media is trying to convey? What examples are used to convey this message? Does the message fit a gender-role stereotype? Why? Is the gender message consistent with your beliefs about gender?
Question 1672 Conditional Probability
Describe and or define in your own words, giving clear and concrete real-world examples, the following concepts as the relate to variables: Probability; Conditional Probability; False Negative; False Positive; Random Variable; Normal Curve or Normal Distribution; Positive Skew; Negative Skew; Standard Deviations in a Bell Curve; Bernoulli Distribution; Sampling Distribution; Margin of Error; 0.05 Threshold; Statistical Significance Be sure that your definition for each item is clear and practical. Make sure that your examples are visual (bars, graphs, charts, details, lists, etc.) so that I have a clear understanding of what you are trying to communicate. I am hoping that you have a clear grasp of the concepts and that you can illustrate that knowledge with clear representations/examples.
Question 1673 What supports you achieving the American dream
Think about your own education, family and work circumstances and reflect on what the American Dream means to you. Using (and properly referencing) a) ideas and terminology from C. Wright Mills’ The Sociological Imagination: The Promise, b) the terms micro and macro, c) Chapter 1, and d) Two American Families, answer these 3 questions: What supports you achieving the American dream? What inhibits you from achieving the American Dream? What is your impression of how sociology can be used to learn about the American Dream of today, tomorrow or yesterday? Your original post should be no less than 250 words and you must also post 2 responses to classmates’ posts by the due date. For quality engagement, make sure to post all original responses early.
Question 1674 Social inequality
I was just about to finish this to hand it in and all my work got deleted!! it is due at 11:59 can someone please answer these questions for me by 11pm? 1. Why do some view the U.S. as being classless? What encourages this perception? 2. Why is the concept of class so controversial in the U.S.? What encourages the idea that class does not exist? 3. What are the different ways of defining equality? How do these definitions relate to political arguments? 4. How has globalization affected how we think about inequality? 5. Discuss ways in which the recent economic downturn has been felt unevenly across the U.S. population.
Question 1675 Media and Society
Imagine that you are running for a state office (e.g., governor, senator, or Congressional representative) and you have to prepare a position paper for a debate on controversial issues in the news. (Select one (1) of the topics addressed in the first four weeks of this class.) Remember that you are addressing a significant segment of your state’s population and you want to be elected to public office, so your topic will have to have a broad appeal, such as the importance of family values, the fair treatment of women in the workplace (equal pay for equal work), the treatment of minorities, and the media and one’s self-image, among other topics from those chapters. You will want your position paper to demonstrate critical thinking, sound logic, valid claims, personal passion, and credible support that is cited correctly because the paper will be provided to the news media before the debate and will be scrutinized by the media and reported on regarding these criteria. Write a two to three (2-3) page (500 to 750 words) paper in which you: Introduce your position using a thesis statement in the first paragraph, including a quote, question, or statistic from your reliable sources and an overview of the main points you will cover. (It’s important to grab the audience’s interest and inform the audience of what the main and support points are.) Provide two or three (2-3) major points to support your thesis statement. (Put each major point in a separate paragraph.) Provide one (1) paragraph in which you identify and answer an expected argument against your view. Organize arguments and support your claims effectively. Demonstrate personal passion for your position and critical thinking with persuasive language, sound logic, valid claims, and credible support for the claims. Use the Strayer University Library at to locate and provide two to three (2-3) credible and reliable sources (in addition to the textbook) about current events, which have been published in the last five (5) years and are cited correctly in the position paper. (Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias are unacceptable and will not count toward your number of credible sources.) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow Strayer Writing Standards. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Question 1676 Sociology Coursework
Additional Pages needed. Writing Assignment Describe and give clear, practical examples (charts, graphs, lists, etc.) of the following concepts related to Statistical Inferences using a fictitious class distribution of grades: 100 students; 20 -A’s; 40 – B’s; 30 – C’s; 9 – D’s; 1 – F: Bar Chart; Histogram; Pie Chart; 5-column Data Set; Positive Skewed Sampling Distribution; Negatively Skewed Sampling Distribution; Scatter Plot
Question 1677 Social inequality
. Identify and discuss the major controversies relevant to defining poverty. 2. Critically analyze the perceptions of the poor and the theories of poverty. In so doing, identify the myths surrounding the U.S. poor and provide evidence as to why they are myths. 3. How have dominant social values and the perceptions of the non-poor about poor people affected the development and nature of U.S. poverty programs? 4. Is it possible to have significant economic inequality without poverty? How about the reverse: Is it possible to have poverty without significant economic inequality? Justify your responses. 5. What important functions do the poor serve in our society? Is it fair to say that our society has a vested interest in the perpetuation of poverty?
Question 1678 Social Inequality
What particular elements characterize status groups? Provide examples. 2. In what sense does Appalachia serve as an example of both economic and status inequality? 3. Discuss the ways in which physical appearance is related to social status. 4. How does social status intersect with economic inequality?
Question 1679 Protestant Denominational Belief Systems chart
Complete the “Protestant Denominational Belief Systems” chart. Provide a minimum of three to five scholarly sources to support your content. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED
Question 1680 dissection board
Conduct a half-hour field observation. Note any “signs” of peer pressure in action. These can include clothes, products, foods, games, activities, verbal interactions, forms of popular culture or entertainment, or anything else that is currently “in” because people think it is “cool.” Submit a 2 page paper and share your observations on the Discussion Board. How has peer pressure operated in your life? Think about something that you did, despite not wanting to, because of peer pressure.
Question 1681 Semester Discussion Project: Vilfredo Pareto and Political Irrationality
The assignment instructions are below. Your posting is due by 11:59PM on Saturday , March 9th. THE ASSIGNMENT: Access the reading entitled, Vilfredo Pareto and Political Irrationality, found under COURSE READINGS… and read it thoroughly… Remember for context, that Pareto was writing around the turn of the 20th century in a time of great political and economic evolution. This should be an extensive and detailed review of the following demonstrating great persuasive depth and specificity. (Grading will not only take into consideration the content produced, but following all expectations of the instructions as well as the stated formatting requirements.) For your posting, complete the following IN CLEARLY NUMBERED (OR TITLED) SECTIONS for your posting : 1. Mention the article and the author as you introduce the discussion. Explain in your own words what the author was conveying to the reader (in other words, write a brief summary of the article–including the purpose and goals of writing it–two or three paragraphs that explain the main idea[s].) Be sure to mention and analyze any empirical findings discussed in the selection. 2. List FIVE facts or revelations that surprised or interested you and why. What did you learn and/or find intriguing about what was written? Does Pareto seem a bit postmodern in his perspectives and why or why not? 3. Did you agree or disagree with any of the points made? Elaborate and critically discuss each. 4. Was the article compelling or convincing to you in any respect? Discuss any supporting historical or empirical evidence presented. 5. After reading the article, what do you believe the future of Western societies (or just America) is, given the issues and concerns mentioned in the article and why? What would a socially-responsible person recommend for the betterment and/or continuance of our society going forward? What should each individual citizen do behaviorally to demonstrate personal responsibility that may then collectively contribute to a better social future than the threatened one described in the article? Include any other comments or observations to conclude.
Question 1682 Social Inequality
. What factors have perpetuated sex segregation and inequality in the labor force and account for women’s distribution among occupations? What are some of the major barriers that have prevented women from obtaining more well-paying occupations? 2. What are some of the microinequalities that women face and how have they contributed to gender inequality? 3. In what ways has globalization impacted sex and gender inequality?
Question 1683 Media and Society
This is the second of two (2) position papers based on the following scenario to be completed in this course. Again, imagine that you are running for a state office (e.g., governor, senator, or Congressional representative) and you have to prepare a position paper for a debate on controversial issues in the news. [Select one (1) of the topics addressed in Weeks 5-9 of this class.] Remember that you are addressing a significant segment of your state’s population and you want to be elected to public office, so your topic will have to have a broad appeal, such as public trust and the media, the loss of privacy, safeguarding the First Amendment, online harassment, and the dangers of privatizing public information, among other topics from those chapters. You will want your position paper to demonstrate critical thinking, sound logic, valid claims, personal passion, and credible support that is cited correctly because the paper will be provided to the news media before the debate and will be scrutinized by the media and reported on regarding these criteria. Write a two to three (2-3) page (500 to 750 words) paper in which you: Introduce your position using a thesis statement in the first paragraph, including a quote, question, or statistic from your reliable sources and an overview of the main points you will cover. (It’s important to grab the audience’s interest and inform the audience of what the main and support points are.) Provide two or three (2-3) major points to support your thesis statement. (Put each major point in a separate paragraph.) Provide one (1) paragraph in which you identify and answer an expected argument against your view. Organize arguments and support your claims effectively. Demonstrate personal passion for your position and critical thinking with persuasive language, sound logic, valid claims, and credible support for the claims. Use the Strayer University Library at to locate and provide two to three (2-3) credible and reliable sources (in addition to the textbook) about current events, which have been published in the last five (5) years and are cited correctly in the position paper. (Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias are unacceptable and will not count toward your number of credible sources.) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow Strayer Writing Standards. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Question 1684 McDonalization in your own life assignment
rite about your own life and how the world around you has become McDonaldized. Responses must apply the principles of McDonaldization theory, and the following terms must also be used: rationalization, dehumanization (impersonality), “the iron cage”. 2-3 PAGES, DOUBLE SPACED, 12 PT FONT.
Question 1685 main theoretical schools of macrosociology are Structural Functionalist
q1 Macrosociology applies a wide angle lens to the study of social life. Its emphasis is on social institutions that form the Structure of everyday life– the market economy; education; organized religion; politics; technology– 2 main theoretical schools of macrosociology are Structural Functionalist– the view from the top of the power hierarchy or the elite perspective; and conversely the view from the bottom of the power hierarchy: the Conflict theoretical perspective. These are Structural Social Theories that either strive to maintain the status quo (from the top down) or agitate for social change (from the grassroots, bottom up). Microsociology emphasizes personal agency– it is face to face, a portrait lens, so to speak, up close and (inter) personal. Give examples of contributions of these major schools of sociological thought in everyday life. The agency–structure debate is theoretical and ontological. Examine the sociological tension between Structure (Macro) and Agency (Micro). q2 Examine the ethics of social research and how these ethics were abbreviated or violated in the Milgram experiment.
Question 1686 Discussion Board Post: Alcohol Abuse
Write 250 word discussion board post on Alcohol Abuse Topic: Alcohol Abuse Alcohol abuse continues to be the most serious drug problem on college campuses throughout the United States. Every year, drinking kills more than 1,700 students and injures about 500,000 more; it is also a factor in 600,000 assaults and 100,000 rapes on college campuses. Enzyme-mediated metabolic pathways break down the toxic ethanol in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol kills liver cells and interferes with normal metabolic processes. Long-term heavy drinking causes alcoholic hepatitis, inflammation and destruction of liver tissue, and cirrhosis. Cirrhosis prevents the liver from removing drugs and other toxins from the blood, so they accumulate in the brain where they impair mental functioning and alter personality. Restricted blood flow through the liver increases susceptibility to diabetes, liver cancer and death. Important Concepts from Chapter 3: Introduction: Ethyl Alcohol Liver cells detoxify most of the alcohol a person drinks, but in the long run this process may lead to alcohol-related hepatitis and cirrhosis. Long term heavy use also damages memory, reflexes, and other functions. Binge drinking can stop the heart. Section 3.13: Metabolism Series of enzymatic reactions in cells (metabolism) help cells acquire and use energy as they build, break down, or remodel organic molecules. Metabolism requires enzymes. Each kind of enzyme recognizes specific reactants, or substrates, and alters them in a specific way. Each enzyme functions best in a particular range of conditions that reflect the environment in which it evolved. Metabolic pathways can involve thousands of molecules and be quite complex. Assignment: 1. Visit WebMD to find out about 12 health risks of chronic heavy drinking. 2. Visit to read about the effects of alcohol on the body: 3. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website to find the Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) for your area. 4. Research what the Bible has to say about drinking. Prompt: Briefly describe three health risks and/or negative physical effects of heavy drinking. Is it a sin for a Christian to drink excessively? Why or why not (provide Biblical references)?
Question 1687 Racial Inequality
- What is the evidence that racial and ethnic inequality exist in contemporary U.S. society? 2. How have changes in the occupational structure resulted from the broader societal changes in the economy and polity? 3. How do race, class, and gender intersect in contributing to social inequality? 4. What are the various microinequalities that impact the lived experiences of racial and ethnic minorities? There is no need for any research or citations on this. It is coursework based on observations or experiences of racial inequality in society.
Question 1688 Cultural Differences
For this assignment, you will organize your response to each of the following prompts. It is appropriate to use headers in your paper to denote each part. Be sure to use in-text citations should be included and APA citations to support your claims. Part 1: Explain how cultural intelligence is important for success in your workplace. Be sure to consider both personal and collaborative success. Part 2: Give an example of a cultural difference that you have observed in a co-worker. Describe how your awareness of cultural difference can be used to strengthen your relationship with your co-worker. Part 3: Describe the power dynamic among those in leadership at your current or future job. Be sure to explain how this dynamic relates to both the personal and professional environments. Part 4: Reflect on your past experiences with cultural diversity in the workplace. Consider whether you would change your actions if you were to be in similar work places. Be sure to include any actions you want to take with regard to future places of employment.
Question 1689 Citizenship Virtues Essay
This individual assignment asks you to submit a 2 page essay on the following topic: Identify the citizenship virtues for a liberal society in Chapter 16 of the Politics of the Vernacular. Which one would you consider to be the most important one? Why. This assignment counts twenty-five (25) per cent towards the final course grade. You are asked to connect the following: the political philosophy espoused in modern liberal democracies like Canada, historical events in Canada since 1867, as well as philosophical concepts from the previous course, JUST303.
Question 1690 Globalization: A Closer Look
Target a multinational corporation/international company and the practice of “outsourcing” to third world countries. Some examples of MNCs (multinational corporations) would be Nike, General Motors, Ford, Qwest, and Fender Music. Research its effects on local culture. Write a summary and analysis of 500-750 words and include the following: How does global stratification impact local culture? What are the positive and negative effects? How does global stratification impact the United States? What are the positive and negative effects? Who is the biggest “winner” in this situation? Explain. Use the GCU Library to locate two to three academic sources to support your content.
Question 1691 Observation of Social Behavior
The purpose of this assignment is to identify common patterns of social behavior within a specific social event or a social setting. Your writing will illustrate your ability to interpret human interactions via a social lens, using the content from units intro to sociology, sociological research, social interactions, marriage and family, culture and socialization.
Question 1692 President’s Effect in Appointing Federal Judges and Analysis of the 2013 Decision Regarding DOMA
President’s Effect in Appointing Federal Judges and Analysis of the 2013 Decision Regarding DOMA” Please respond to the following: Referring to the study regarding the effect of presidential philosophy on the selection of judges in chapter 7, determine two (2) ways in which presidential philosophy can impact judicial decision making. Draw three (3) conclusions from the study. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. From the e-Activity, summarize three (3) key issues that the DOMA decision of 2013 addressed that fall under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indicate which of the three (3) issues you believe will have the greatest overall impact on society in the future. Justify your response.
Question 1693 Sociology essay about topic gender
Write a five page paper (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point type) about how your life has been affected by one of the following: Your race Your gender Your social class Your sexual orientation You should not write a paper that generally about women or blacks or any of the other groups mentioned, but about how your life has been affected by one of the above. You should not simply give a particular story about how you were fired or badly treated one time; that is relevant but does not really answer the question.
Question 1694 Culture and the Changing American Family
Choose any one trend from the Pew Center article on The American Family Today ( and provide a culturally critical analysis on the topic/trend using the sociological imagination tools in the UNM article. You can focus on any of the trends presented on the website. In your college-level, critically sound essay, include responses to three of the following questions with your analysis: • What do the numbers (statistics) say? • How does the trend reflect cultural changes in society? • What was most interesting to you about the findings, and why? • What is a real-world example of the findings? • What is a popular culture example of the findings? • How can you interpret the findings sociologically? Your assignment should be a paper 2-3 pages long, not including the required title and reference pages. Adhere to the APA. Include at least three scholarly sources (you may use the recommended readings) to support your answers.
Question 1695 Social Problems Paper
Social Problems Paper Instructions For this research paper, students are to write an essay (at least 1000 words long) on a social problem that relates to one of the sociological theories reviewed in this course: symbolic interactionism, class conflict theory, or functional analysis. A cover page, reference page, and citations, all required in the paper, must adhere to current APA formatting standards.
Question 1696 Subjectivities of the Subaltern
Choose one topic. 1. Why is it important to understand the relation between subjectivity and neoliberalism? Discuss. 2. Analyze instances of subaltern subjectivity in slums in other parts of the world. Discuss why they represent moments or aspects of subaltern subjectivity. Essays should use at least 5 sources (books, articles, etc.) in addition to any taken from the readings on the syllabus that are relevant to the essay topic. See syllabus for further requirements. attached are 3 readings from the syllabus that will help you. & a book analysis on katherine boo’s “behind the beautiful forevers” that you can incorporate in the essay. in addition you must find 5 external sources.
Question 1697 Sociology home work assignments
I have 4 short homework assignments. Each need to be 1 page long. 1) select a societal act of deviance and select how each 1) Functionalist, 2)Conflict, AND 3) Symbolic Interactionist Perspective would explain the phenomenon under investigation. 2) : What two agents of socialization have influenced you the most? Can you pinpoint their influence on your attitudes, beliefs, values, or other orientations to life? 3) How many races do your friends or family think there are? Do they think that one race is superior to the others? What do you think their reaction would be to the sociological position that racial categories are primarily social? 4) Why is religion likely to remain a strong feature of U.S. life—and remain strong in people’s lives around the globe
Question 1698 The State Judicial Selection Process
Each state within the United States has its own unique judicial selection process within its own court system. Using the Internet, research the judicial selection process for different court systems from different states within the U.S. Court System. Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you: Discuss the judicial selection process of your state. Include, at a minimum, the qualifications and steps that are taken in order to select judges for the different kinds of courts within your specific state. Choose a second state, and describe the qualifications and the selection process for judges within that state. Compare and contrast for both states the qualifications necessary for a prospective candidate to become a judge. Next, identify the steps that the relevant persons / entities need to take in order to remove a judge from office for disciplinary reasons for each state. Justify the selection process for the state that you believe has the best system in place. Justify the response. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Question 1699 Race and Ethnic Relations Paper
For this reflection paper, you should choose one of the topics listed below. Your paper should draw connections between the topicand the sociological considerationson race and ethnic relationscovered in this classProvide an introduction that briefly summarizes your topicand tells the reader what your paper is about. Next, give a thorough description of each concept or themewithin your topicusing course materials. You may use your own life experiences/story as an example, but make sure to always support your claims with existing research. You will also need to provide a conclusion that recaps your main points and closes your essay with a final thought.USE IN-TEXT CITATIONSand include a reference page. topic: Women and Colorism
Question 1700 Sociology Current Events Paper
Assignment Quality of writing and argument: 35 points -Proper length: 10 -Discussion of CoreAmericanValues: 15 -Clarity of argument: 10 Use of properly cited material to support argument: 30 points -Proper citations, including a works cited page: 15 -Argument based on evidence: 15 Spelling and grammar: 10 points Sociology Current Events Paper – Illegal Immigration WhatdoyousuggestwedowithfamiliesthatillegallycrosstheborderintotheUnitedStates?BesuretotakeasociologicalperspectiveandintegrateadiscussionofCoreAmericanValues(Williams,1965)whilecraftinga3‐pageargument.
Question 1701 Law and Society
Provide a sociological analysis of the OJ Simpson trial, drawing on terms, concepts, and ideas from The New Jim Crow and Chicago Hustle and Flow. The primary goal is to use theories and concepts from the two books to explain the trial. You are welcome to analyze any aspect from the trial, including the circumstances that led to the trial or the aftermath. In doing so, be sure to show the connections between the readings, particularly sociological terms, concepts, and ideas. Do not use class notes or other sources (other than Toobin’s book) to write the essay. You do not need to explain any part of the trial – assume your reader is familiar with every aspect of the case. Instead, focus on analyzing it from the viewpoint of a social scientist. Throughout the essay, strive to incorporate as many relevant sociological terms, theories, concepts, and/or ideas as possible. These should come exclusively from the readings. Which of these are relevant will depend on your analysis of the trial. Essays must contain a minimum of ten sociological terms, theories, concepts, or ideas (five from Alexander and five from Harkness). Basic terms like “race,” “ethnicity,” “social class,” “sex, and “gender” do not count as part of the ten terms. You are welcome to re-use terms from your major project paper, but they do not count towards the ten. For this paper, you do not need to define terms, but you must cite them properly. Be sure to use correct citation throughout the paper. Any citation style is fine, but please be consistent. You do not need to include a separate page for a bibliography or works cited. The essay should be at least five full pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font
Question 1702 The Smartest Guys in the Room film reflection
ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Links to an external site.) film reflection. After reading the Ritzer article (Links to an external site.) and watching the ENRON film, write an essay on any three of the following questions. Do not answer them one by one; you should craft a college-level essay with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion, using APA formatting. Whichever questions you use here, you must also connect them to the Ritzer article. What values did Ken Lay learn from his childhood that he brought to ENRON? What does it mean when it’s said that Ken Lay “wrapped himself in the cloak of moral rectitude”? Describe ENRON’s corporate culture. How did “rank and yank” and “executives engaging in extreme sports” serve to reinforce that culture? How did a particular perspective about bureaucracy fit into this model? What motivated Lou Pai? Why/how is The Titanic a metaphor for the ENRON scandal? What is meant by “Burn baby, burn!”? Who were “useful idiots” and why is that term used? Your assignment should be a paper 1-2 pages long, not including the required title and reference pages. APA format. Include at least three scholarly sources.
Question 1703 Media And Society
Imagine that you are running for a state office (e.g., governor, senator, or Congressional representative) and you have to prepare a position paper for a debate on controversial issues in the news. (Select one (1) of the topics addressed in the first four weeks of this class.) Remember that you are addressing a significant segment of your state’s population and you want to be elected to public office, so your topic will have to have a broad appeal, such as the importance of family values, the fair treatment of women in the workplace (equal pay for equal work), the treatment of minorities, and the media and one’s self-image, among other topics from those chapters. You will want your position paper to demonstrate critical thinking, sound logic, valid claims, personal passion, and credible support that is cited correctly because the paper will be provided to the news media before the debate and will be scrutinized by the media and reported on regarding these criteria. Write a two to three (2-3) page (500 to 750 words) paper in which you: Introduce your position using a thesis statement in the first paragraph, including a quote, question, or statistic from your reliable sources and an overview of the main points you will cover. (It’s important to grab the audience’s interest and inform the audience of what the main and support points are.) Provide two or three (2-3) major points to support your thesis statement. (Put each major point in a separate paragraph.) Provide one (1) paragraph in which you identify and answer an expected argument against your view. Organize arguments and support your claims effectively. Demonstrate personal passion for your position and critical thinking with persuasive language, sound logic, valid claims, and credible support for the claims. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow Strayer Writing Standards. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Question 1704 The Court as Representing Public Opinion
Describe key strategies that a judge would utilize in order to reconcile the discrepancy in perception of the George Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence; The key strategy that a judge can use to reconcile Mr Zimmerman’s iinnocence is doing both, following and enforcing the law and how it is read. In the video the woman stated this occurs many times in cases like this, she also stated there were strong feelings even thought they found Zimmerman guilty of killing Trayvon Martin. The results were neither proven self-defense or intentional. Another key strategy would be emotional restraint, given the judge is up front and center in court and hears all the testimonies and sees all the evidence. There should be a point when the judge needs to use his/her judgment and the thoughts of the jurors to decide the final decision, they can conclude whether the evidence proves the guilty party to face jail time or how the law is written, if the evidence is not available and leaves enough to decide innocence. Discuss whether or not you believe Attorney General Eric Holder should have challenged the voting laws in the state of Texas enacted after the Supreme Court struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. Analyze at least two (2) key issues related to Texas’s new voting laws that the Attorney General Highlighted; Before making changes to elections law, there are requirements that seek pre-clearance from the DOJ from 16 jurisdictions. Mr. Holder had every right to express his freedom to challenge the voting laws. It was a risky move to go first towards Texas because the state does hold power. If Holder started smaller, he would have had an advantage and would have had more firepower to work with, as the saying goes “go big or go home.” Mr. Holder also sought out and challenged was the requirement of the Voter ID law, over 500,000 individuals do not have the proper ID, and there has been a problem for some with providing proper certificates. This fight was delayed because it remained in the decision-making process.
Question 1705 Creating Your Dream Job
In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and appraisal performance. Write a paper in which you: 1.Create a job description and specifications for your dream job. 2.Design a compensation and benefits package related to your dream job. 3.Rationalize your compensation and benefits package. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the compensation and benefits package. 4. Imagine this is the only position of its kind in the organization. From this perspective, design a performance appraisal program to assess your job performance. 5.Rationalize your performance appraisal program. Be sure to indicate the research and considerations that went into the design of the performance appraisal program.
Question 1706 Role of the Jury
From the e-Activity, summarize at least two (2) arguments presented for and against granting Sandusky’s motion for a new criminal trial. Identify the most likely factors that you believe would support the judge’s decision to grant a new trial. Provide a rationale for your response. John, a married, law-abiding, father of two children is serving as a juror in a trial where a child had been murdered. From lecture 3, determine the significant impact that a juror from the described demographic could potentially have in the outcome of this particular criminal trial. Provide rationale in your response.
Question 1707 Poverty in the US
Take a deep dive into Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality’s website ( In a college-level, critically sound essay, draw on the website’s “Research” section and describe two significant aspects of poverty in the U.S. (You will find this on the main website’s left-hand menu. Hover over “Research” and then select “Research topics”.) Discuss why you chose these aspects of poverty, how they might intersect, and where you see them in society. Your assignment should be a paper 2-3 pages long, not including the required title and reference pages. Adhere to the APA. Include at least three scholarly sources.
Question 1708 Assesment session as part o Mentorng and Learning in the Practice Setting
As part of the Mentoring and learning in practice setting I need to complete Part 3: The assessment session. You will firstly plan and undertake an assessment. Following a brief introduction to relevant theory describe the assessment process you have undertaken. You are expected to focus on the key decisionsunderpinning your assessment, including the development of a future learning plan for the person you assessed. In this section you will critically reflect upon your own effectiveness as a mentor including a critique of your skills carrying out the assessor role . Please look at the attached files, the instructions and a lot of examples are there.
Question 1709 Public Health Nursing: Population Centered Health care in the community
Nursing Discussion PLEASE DO NOT PLACE BID UNLESS YOU HAVE A NURSING/MEDICAL BACKGROUND 250-350 WORDS. MINIMUM OF 2 PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES RECOMMENDED TEXT: Public Health Nursing: Population Centered Health care in the community. 9th edition 2016 by Stanhope & Lancaster 2016 A native American family of four lives in a trailer park outside of Tallahasee, Florida. The father is a construction worker and works 12 hour shifts, relaxing at the end of the day with a few cold beers. The mother works part-time at a gas sation until late afternoon. The 2 children ages 8 & 9 eat breakfast and lunch through the free meal program at their school and attend a free community out-reach tutoring program during the week. They stay with their grandmother on weekends, while their parents work. The grandmother suffers from diabetes, their paternal grandfather died six years ago from pancreatic cancer. Both parents smoke. As a community health nurse, you are conducting a home visit with this family. Answer the following questions How might the family’s culture and genetic history influence your communication and approach in addressing their health risk? How would you build trust with the family before and during their visit?
Question 1710 Create a possible Evidenced-based culturally appropriate intervention project to improve the health of your community
For Writer Nursepen 250-350 words Minimum 2 professional references. 1-2 websites maybe used in addition to the professional literatures Create a possible Evidenced-based culturally appropriate intervention project to improve the health of your community. Incorporate all information gathered from the community, the population itself, health data, professional from various disciplines in the community, community assessment, windshield survey and the literature to propose interventions, THEN RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING; Share at least 2 prevention strategies to improve the population at risk that you feel confident are evidenced based. Why do you think that? How would you modify the interventions to ensure it is culturally sensitive and meaningful? Think in terms of evaluation of outcomes-what outcomes would you expect to see once the intervention is in place?
Question 1712 populations health problem.
Discussion Powerpoint presentation Create a powerpoint presentation that summarizes your population based nursing care plan project. Include a minimum of 7 slides with the following information provided below. Requirement Describe your population group. Describe your populations health problem. Provide health data relevant to your population and health problem. Criteria Identify a population group at risk, population of interest, and/or vulnerable population in your community. Use health data to refine and limit population of interest/at risk for your community. Find and compare epidemiological data (national, state, and local) to refine population of interest/at risk through continued collaboration with professionals and considerations of health data. Requirement Describe the results of comprehensive community assessment showing collaboration with health care team members (system) and or individual families/groups that represent the population. Criteria Colloborate with professionals across the health care system in order to find the gap in care or other social determinant. Begin to take the lead to advocate and collaborate for the population. Informally interview at least one population who works on primary and secondary prevention at the community and system level of care. Include professional from disciplines outside of nursing. Informally interview family members of population of interest/at risk to identify culturally appropriate interventions. Volunteer at appropriate. Requirement Develop possible evidenced-based culturally competent interventions/programs aimed at primary preventions at the community and system level of care specific to your community. Criteria Consider primary prevention for key health concerns for population of interest/at risk in your community. (Do not include tertiary preventative measures). Consider nursing interventions at the community and system level of care aimed at primary prevention for population of interest/at risk. Include culturally competent assessment and interventions by interviewing family members of population/at risk. Support your ideas with scholarly literature. (Do not include care at the individual level) Criteria Choose a possible way to evaluate outcomes of your project. Requirements Use initial health data and interventions goals to choose 1 short-term and 1 long-term goal to evaluate outcomes of the intervention Criteria Presentation to community Professionals. Requirements Present your project ideas to at least one professional in the community. Include feedback received and important lessons learned. Criteria Described your role as a health care leader in your community. Requirements Descibe your role regardless of personal work setting. How will you promote positive social change as a health care leader in your community. Must have a minimum of 300 words with minimum of 3 professional literatures. PROOFREAD FOR ERRORS SUCH AS TYPOS, GRAMMARS, SPELLING, PUNCTUATIONS, SYNTAX AND INCORRECT APA FORMAT. MUST INCLUDE TITLE AND REFERENCE PAGE.
Question 1713 Complex care placement reflection
Refection piece – 1000words with min 10 references with 5 peer reviewed journals APA style references based on registered nurse standards of practice Placement at friendly society private hospital 80 hours of placement unit 4 orthopedic/general surgical/medical incorporating one of the reflective models Driscolls/Gibbs/Kolbs
Question 1714 Mental Health Clinical Placement Reflection
See attachments Write a reflection on mental health clinical placement of 80 hours. 1000 words. A of minimum 10 references with at least 5 peer reviewed journals using one of the reflective models Driscolls/Gibbs/Kolbs and the use of registered nurse standards for practice involving the skills of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation
Question 1715 Reducing Intraoperative Surgical Site Infections – Capstone Project
I represent a customer here. I need an extreme professional who has got deep knowledge in both statistical and medical areas. The project contains 2 parts. This is the first one – 7-8 pages. Total length of the project is 15 pages plus graphs and slides. The customer’s assignment. Don’t rush, scrutinize the content: The section I need help with is the statistics portion of my paper. This would be part 4 of my project including graphs and charts. The parts that I have completed are in red. I also have completed the data gathering process and will supply it when needed. The aim of the project is to understand if the use of preventive measures made any difference to the incidence of SSI. The questionnaire or survey sheet assesses if the preoperative measures were undertaken or not after the training. However, there is no visible statistical observations pertaining to the impact of such procedures on the sterility conditions among patients. Is there any data pertaining to ‘Comparison of results from patients prior infection rates compared to the infection rate of patients whose instruments were changed for skin closure. ‘ My part of the project pertains to the teachings that were done to reduce the incidence of SSI. Prior infections rates were elevated. I was part of this project that had the following results We queried the UHC, NSQIP, and NHSN databases from July 2012 to June 2014 for SSI after gynecologic surgery at our institution. Each organization uses different definitions and inclusion and exclusion criteria for SSI. The rate of SSI was also obtained from chart review from April 1 to June 30, 2014. SSI was classified as superficial, deep, or organ space infection. The rates reported by the agencies were compared with the rates obtained by chart review using Fisher’s exact test. Results: Overall SSI rates for the databases were as follows: UHC, 1.5%; NSQIP, 8.8%; and NHSN, 2.8% (P < .001). The individual databases had wide variation in the rate of deep infection (UHC, 0.7%; NSQIP, 4.7%; NHSN, 1.3%; P < .001) and organ space infection (UHC, 0.4%; NSQIP, 4.4%; NHSN, 1.4%; P < .001). In agreement with the variation in reporting methodology, only 19 cases (24.4%) were included in more than one database and only one case was included in all three databases (1.3%). We initiated a new protocol for how we perform skin closure for Gynecological surgery. The GYN team were educated on the new closing technique which consisted of the process listed on the checklist. After one month of performing the new technique, I was given the task of monitoring how the 20 individuals performed the task. Were they in compliance, did they have an issues or questions. I have not been told if there was or is a reduction based on data, however; the surgeons have stated that there has been improvement in SSI for our department. Thanks
Question 1716 Evidence base practice
In this Discussion, you focus on the role of theory and models in research and evidence-based practice. To prepare: •Review the information in Chapter 6 of the course text. Focus on the various conceptual theories and models that are currently used in nursing research. •Select one of the theories or models described that is of interest to you. •Using the Walden Library, search for and identify a research article that uses the theory or model you selected. •Reflect on how the theory or model provides structure to the research study described in the article. •Now, think about an issue in your practice area that you would be interested in exploring through research. •Review this week’s media presentation and consider strategies for locating and identifying a relevant theory or model for a research study.
Question 1717 Reflection of ISBAR recording
I was asked to make a handover recording based on a youtube case study for a mental health client. I am asking you to write a reflection on my ISBAR handover recording using Gibbs Reflective cycle. I have attached a written version of my submitted recording (i could not upload my recording to this site) along with a link to the youtube case study it is based on. Please use at least 5 references, including the Mental Health Act 2014 (vic). You can access the site through Please try and use Australian references You can access the youtube case study here: Thank you Nicky
Question 1718 Zero based budgeting
This is a discussion: Budgets are templates to provide a form of guidance and planning for the expenditures of funds. Budgets are useful before spending occurs (for planning) and after spending has taken place (to evaluate variances and learn why they occurred). Budgets are the best “guess” of anticipated expenditures based on prior periods and expected future activities. There are many facets of budgeting to consider and varied types of budgets available. . 5. What is “zero-based budgeting”? What are the advantages and downfalls to this method of budgeting in comparison to “traditional budgeting”? GRADING RUBRIC FOR HEALTHCARE BUDGET THREADED DISCUSSION: __3/3 Comprehensiveness of response. Demonstrates effort and attention to detail in both the initial post and cross posts. A level of excellence is present throughout. Organization of thought and logical progression of ideas. Communicates effectively all aspects of discussion. __2/2 Provides supportive arguments, evidence, examples and details. Originality and creativity is evident. __2/2 Appropriately acknowledges and documents sources. Correct APA, free of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice errors. __2/2 Informed, substantive, liberal referencing from quality professional resources, and well-organized responses to at least two classmates. __1/1 Actively engaged in conversation with classmates beyond the initial post and cross posts. 10/10 Possible points
Question 1719 Informatics database search
Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or a healthy fitness activity. -Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar. CINAHL and Google Scholar PubMed and Google Scholar -Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why? -How will using a database search facilitate your scholarly work; nursing work (evidence-based practice); and personal self-development? PLS I NEED THE ORDER BY 2PM THIS AFTERNOON.
Question 1720 Team charter
Requirements and Preparation 1. Successful teams begin with guidelines that help to manage their work. For this class, you and your teammates will create a set of rules called a Team Charter. a. As a team, complete all the sections listed below to build your team charter. b. One member of each team will be designated as the team leader. c. All team members will individually submit the completed Team Charter into their own Dropbox by the end of Week 2 as indicated in the Syllabus to indicate agreement on the charter by initialing understanding of the information within the charter. 2. Team members will have the opportunity to practice active respect for other team members, consideration of one another, and communication. Be aware that team members come from different backgrounds and have various schedules and time demands, so working collaboratively is crucial. a. Timely submission of assignment components by individual team members is also important to the success of the team. Be factual, professional, and supportive about participation or absence of participation when you communicate with each other. b. Teams who encounter occasions when team members have not submitted/completed assignments should communicate supportively and openly with those team members and faculty with the aim of caring for peers in completing the assignment. c. Communication is a major component of nursing and healthcare, and the foundation for this assignment. Developing good communication and team building skills is essential for nurses. Nurses work with many people who do not have the same thoughts and/or methods of approaching a task. Therefore, all team members must collaborate to be successful. Remember to use the TEAM Collaboration Discussion Area to communicate. d. Follow up with one another at least weekly to be sure that everyone is on track for the final submission of RUA assignment sections to the team leader, who will prepare the final presentation for submission/presentation. 3. Sections of the Team Charter a. Section A, Individual Characteristics: Each team member will list strengths or contributions planned for the project and describe areas that he or she plans to develop while participating in it. i. List potential conflicts that might arise between team members during this project. 1. Include the team’s plan for members who do not turn in work after the deadline and how the team will manage team members who do not participate, or do not participate in a timely manner 2. For each potential conflict, list the team’s method of resolving those conflicts. ii. Specifically address how the team will apply Chamberlain Care for peers during conflict resolution. b. Section C, Team Goals: This section lists the team’s goals and potential barriers that might prevent achieving them. i. List at least three (3) team goals for the Technology Presentation project (these may include project assignment goals, group process/Chamberlain Care goals, quality level goals, etc.) ii. List potential barriers to the achievement of these goals and outline how they will be managed. c. Section D, Project Plan: This section will include the team plan. i. Discuss the team’s process to designate the team leader and outline the responsibilities the team gives the team leader (include submitting required assignments). ii. Create a timeline for completion and submission of assignment components to the team leader and include the assignment due date. iii. Explain how the team members will distribute the workload for the assignment based on Section A. iv. For each project week, clearly outlines each team member’s tasks, including tentative due dates for rough drafts and completed project assignments. PLS TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE ATTACHMENT I WILL NEED THE PAPER BY THURSDAY 11/03/2016
Question 1721 See topic for instructions
choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision. Potential advantages of membership in the organization. Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization). Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Save Link Assignment Professional Associations Membership View Rubric Due Date: Nov 13, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 80 Details: Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision. Potential advantages of membership in the organization. Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization). Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the “Submit” button under “Final Submission” is clicked. New Attempt Title Attached Documents Turnitin Report Similarity Index Final Submission Click ‘New Attempt’ to start assignment or attach documents Apply Rubrics Professional Associations Membership 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 2 Less than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% 4 Good 89.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 80.0 %Content 20.0 %Organization Function, Mission and Vision. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision is not offered. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision is missing vital information. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision is offered and meets the basic assignment criteria. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision is complete and offered in detail The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision is complete, offered in detail, presented in a inspiring or persuasive manner. 20.0 %Potential Advantages of Membership Potential advantages of membership in the organization are not offered. Potential advantages of membership in the organization are incomplete, missing vital information. Potential advantages of membership in the organization are offered and meet the basic assignment criteria. Potential advantages of membership in the organization are offered in detail. Potential advantages of membership in the organization are complete, offered in detail, presented in a persuasive manner. 20.0 %Resource Information for New Members. Resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements, is not offered. Resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements, is missing vital information. Resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements, is offered and meets the basic assignment criteria. Resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements, is relevant and offered in detail. Resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements, is diverse, relevant, offered in detail. 20.0 %Topic for an Upcoming Meeting Topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience is not offered. Topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience is missing vital information. Topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience is offered and meets the basic assignment criteria. Topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience is offered and includes key areas of discussion. Topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience is offered and includes key areas of discussion and presented in an inspiring or persuasive manner. 15.0 %Orgnaization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Presentation The piece is not neat or organized, and it does not include all required elements. The work is not neat and includes minor flaws or omissions of required elements. The overall appearance is general, and major elements are missing. The presentation is good. The overall appearance is generally neat, with a few minor flaws or missing elements. The work is well presented and includes all required elements. The overall appearance is neat and professional. 5.0 %Appropriateness There is no evidence that the student has selected an effective tool, technique, or paradigm to achieve the goal as defined in the project or course guideline. Materials (photos, illustrations, etc.) are missing. Student selection of a tool, technique, or paradigm does not relate to the project or course goal. Student selects materials (photos, illustrations, etc.) that are not appropriate for the audience and the situation and are developed inadequately. Student selects a tool, technique, or paradigm that achieves a basic representation as defined in the project or course guideline. Student selects materials (photos, illustrations, etc.) that are appropriate for the audience and the situation, but some of the development of the material is inadequate. Student selects an effective tool, technique, or paradigm to achieve the desired goal as defined in the project or course guideline. Student selects materials (photos, illustrations, etc.) that are appropriate for the audience and the situation. Student shows a deep understanding of the audience and the situation by selecting material that enhances understanding. Student creates tools, techniques, or paradigms that effectively achieve the desired goal. 3.0 %Originality The work is an extensive collection and rehash of other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions. There is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness. The work is a minimal collection or rehash of other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions. There is no evidence of new thought. The product shows evidence of originality. While based on other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions, the work does offer some new insights. The product shows evidence of originality and inventiveness. While based on an extensive collection of other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions, the work extends beyond that collection to offer new insights. The product shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and sound research. 2.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 5.0 %Format 5.0 %Research No outside sources are used to support the assignment. Few outside sources are used to support the assignment. Limited research is apparent. Research is adequate. Sources are standard in relevance, quality of outside sources, and/or currentness. Research is current and relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. 100 %Total Weightage
Question 1722 Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations
Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program? Where would you locate public health data? What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program? How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally?
Question 1723 Scholarly Writing
Select a 5 scholarly published papers, summarize them in 350 words with citation and give five additional scholarly references (links) in support of the paper. Objective: 1. Analyze current research intiatives and peer reviewed publications using APA format 2. Synthesize evidence based practice and research in providing holistic nursing care to individuals, families, groups, and communities
Question 1724 Workarounds and Their Implications for Patient Safety
- What is a workaround? Identify a workaround (specific to technology used in a hospital setting) that you have used or perhaps seen someone else use, and analyze why you feel this risk-taking behavior was chosen over behavior that conforms to a safety culture. What are the risks? Are there benefits? Why or why not? B. Discuss the current patient safety characteristics used by your current workplace or clinical site. Identify at least three aspects of your workplace or clinical environment that need to be changed with regard to patient safety (including confidentiality), and then suggest strategies for change. include this in your textbook references
Question 1725 Health Promotion Purpose
It is a project paper. Research has to be made in order to get accurate information. There is a specific government website where the base of information comes from. Three scholar article has to be used as reference. I need those references. 3-4 pages. Don’t include front and reference page. APA format.
Question 1726 Initial discussion
able to know regarding Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and discussing as a nurse educator. see attach file for detail this is a discussion board. no style need , just like you do a professional/ educational talk , but do need reference ( prefer APA style) . ( do not need reference page) reference words don’t count
Question 1727 From Data to Knowledge and Wisdom
Am going to need it in 2 hrs time pls! How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom? Explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and wisdom. Then, provide examples from your clinical practice (or past work experiences) according to the following. -Examples of knowledge acquisition -Examples of knowledge generation -Examples of knowledge processing -Examples of knowledge dissemination -Examples of the use of feedback
Question 1728 WordPress (website)
Attached is the grading rubric on how to make a wordpress website regarding my topic type 2 diabetes. sources must be minimum of 6 sources from atleast 5 article/peered review journal and 1 consumer website. Need to have 5 pages on the website. 1. about the author (i will do the page) 2.what is diabetes 3. prevention 4. treatment 5. complications 6. statistics 7. References tips and directions on how to make the website will be send as well. Need to have a log in at HERE IS A SAMPLE OF A WEBPRESS WEBSITE: DEADLINE will be next tuesday november 29, 2016.
Question 1729 query letter
write a query letter on the topic diabetes and their prevalence in low income, low socioeconomic, immigrant/minority communities ? It is supposedly going to the Health Education Research Journal.
Question 1730 Nutrition project- self evaluation of dietary intake
NUTRITION 101 PROJECT: SELF EVALUATION OF DIETARY INTAKE Project due date is: _________. Include website printouts. The project will be downgraded for each class day that it is late. Project completion is a requirement of the course and must be submitted by the final exam date (at the latest!) or your grade automatically becomes an “F”. 1. Keep a record of all the food you eat and the beverages you drink (besides water) for THREE days, including one weekend day. Choose 3 days which are typical of your regular eating habits, they do not need to be consecutive. Then go to as demonstrated in class to enter your food intake for each day, following the website instructions provided. Print out all the required forms from the website before logging off. Then answer these questions. 2. RDA/AI Comparison (Nutrients Report): Using the 3-day average from “Nutrients Report”, compare your dietary intake with the RDA and AI’s for the following nutrients only: fiber, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, folate, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. Include AMDR for CHO, protein and fat. a. Which subgroup (age/gender/life stage) of the RDA’s best describes you? b. List the nutrient recommendations that you met (OK). c. List the nutrients that you fell below the recommended amount (Under). d. List the nutrients that you exceeded the recommended amount (Over). e. Compare your intake to the AMDR 3. Choose My Plate (Food Groups Report): Compare your dietary intake with Choose my Plate for these main groups: Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Protein, Oil, Empty calories. If you were under or over in a particular subgroup, address that as part of the main group. a. List all the foods you ate over the 3 days in their appropriate food groups. b. List the food groups that you met the recommended amounts (OK). c. List the food groups that you fell below the recommended amount (Under). d. List the food groups that you exceeded the recommended amounts (Over). 4. Dietary Guidelines for Americans Comparison: 8/17/2016 10  Compare yourself to the major themes of the Dietary Guidelines by answering these questions: a. Did you follow a healthy eating pattern? Explain. b. Did you focus on variety, nutrient density and amount? Explain c. Did you limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake? Explain. d. Did you shift to healthier food and beverage choices? Explain e. Did you support health eating patterns for all? Explain. 5. American Heart Association or National Cholesterol Education Program’s (NCEP) TLC Diet recommendations: Use or and/or your text/notes to list the recommendations for daily intake for each of the following nutrients then compare the recommendations to your average intake (met or exceeded). a. Total fat (%) b. Saturated fat (%) c. Cholesterol (mg) d. Sodium (mg) e. List all high sodium sources in your 3-day intake. Then list other high sodium foods which you typically eat, even if you did not eat them during the 3 days tracked. 6. Summary: Evaluate your overall diet in terms of the RDA/AI’s, AMDR’s, Choose My Plate, Dietary Guidelines for Americans and AHA recommendations. Explain what is excessive, what is deficient and which goals you met/did not meet. How will this affect your health, both now and in the future? What SPECIFIC changes can you make to improve your diet? The summary must be a well-developed essay, double-spaced, of at least 3 pages. 7. Bibliography: (5 pts) In proper MLA format, using reputable sources (at least 2). Please attach the project rubric to your project. Your grade will be determined using the project rubric which can also be used to double check that your project is complete. Instructions for Website Go to 1. 1. Click on “Super Tracker” 2. Click on “Create Profile” in the first paragraph on the right. 3. This takes you to a log in page. Your “User ID” must be your name, or points will be deducted from your grade. 4. Enter the information and create a password to create an account. Submit the information. 5. Click on “Food Tracker”. Make sure the date is correct for the day you are entering the foods. You will need to go back and change the date in order to enter your food intake for Day 2 and change it again for Day 3. 6. Enter all the foods you have eaten on Day 1. Do not forget condiments and foods added, such as dressing on your salad or sugar/milk in your coffee, salt and seasoning used in preparing and cooking. Include all drinks except water. a) Enter food in search and click “go” b) A list of different food items related to what you entered will appear. Choose the food that most closely resembles what you have eaten. If you had a combination meal, such as pizza, you may choose the type of pizza that is closest to the type you had (i.e. Frozen, size of pie, etc.). However, if you had a sandwich, you should enter the components of the sandwich individually (i.e. 2 slices wheat bread, 4 slices turkey breast, 2 Tbsp. light mayo). c) Click on the amount and serving size to choose an appropriate serving size. d) Select the meal or snack when the food was eaten. e) Click add. f) Keep entering food until you have entered all food and drinks for the entire day. Do this for all three days. Remember to change the date for each day. 7. When finished adding foods, click on “My Reports” on the top toolbar. 8. Click on “Meal Summary Report”. Enter date range for your three-day food record, and choose “all” meals. Click on ‘create report’. Export the 3-day food record into Word or pdf as preferred. This is the menu of foods and quantities eaten for the 3 days. 8/17/2016 11  9. Click on “Food Groups and Calorie Report”. Enter date range for your three-day food record, and choose “all” meals. Click on ‘create report’. Export the 3-day food record in Word or pdf as preferred. This is the comparison to Choose My Plate. 10. Click on “Nutrients”. Enter date range for your three-day food record, and choose “all” meals. Click on ‘create report’. Export the 3-day food record into Word or pdf as preferred. This is the comparison to DRI- RDA, AI, AMDR. These reports will be used to continue working on the project, and answering the questions. They must also be included when you turn in the project on the due date. Please note: To complete the Dietary Guidelines section and the American Heart Association section of the project you will need to use your textbook, lecture notes or the website noted in the project requirements section. Additionally, the three page final assessment of your intake is required. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books and References: American Heart Association Low Salt Cookbook: a complete guide to reducing sodium and fat in your diet. 3rd edition. New York: Clarkson Potter, 2006. DeBruyne, L, K. Pinna and E. Whitney. Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Berkoff, N. Nutrition for the Culinary Arts. New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. Clark, Nancy, Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 4th ed., Boston, 2008 Kittler, Pamela and Sucher, K., Food and Culture in America, 4th ed., Thomson Wadsworth, 4th ed., 2004. Lappe, Francis Moore, Diet for a Small Planet, New York: Ballantine Books, 20th Anniver. Ed.1991. Mahan, L. Kathleen, and Escott-Stump, S. Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 11th ed., W.B. Saunders Co., 2004 Pennington, J. and Douglass, J. Food Values of Portions Commonly Used. 18th ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Satter, Ellyn. Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense, 3rd ed., Bull Publishing Co., 1991 Weigley, E.S. “Nutrition in nursing education and beginning practice”. J Am Diet Assoc 94.6 (1994):654-6. Rolfes, S., K. Pinna and E. Whitney, Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 9th edition, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Periodic Nutrition Updates: ** * ** * ** * ** Nutrition Action Tufts Diet & Nutrition Newsletter Center for Science in the Public Interest Tufts University, School of Nutrition Dietetic Currents Ross Lab 625 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43216 Websites 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20009 203 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111
Question 1731 Expressing the Art of Nursing: I am Poem
Select one of the Images: Despair, Hope (newborn), The Last Day (women dying), Empty Chair, Journey (road through forest, fall season). While looking at images decide what the moment means to you, what the mood, and how this image is related to you as a nurse. Using the selected image, replace the parentheses below with your own words I am ( two special characteristics you have) I wonder (something you are curious about) I hear (an imaginary sound) I see (an imaginary sight) I want (an actual desire) I am (the first line of the poem repeated) I pretend (something you pretend to do) I feel (a felling about something imaginary) I touch (an imaginary touch) I worry (something that bothers you) I cry (something that makes you very sad) I am ( the first line of the poem repeated) I understand ( something you know is true) I say (something you believe) I dream (something you dream about ) I try (something you make an effort about) I hope (something you hope for) I am ( the first line of the poem repeated)
Question 1732 Community Teaching Plan
(Page 1) Due Date: Dec 04, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 100 Details: Note: This is an individual assignment. Based on the feedback offered by the provider, identify the best approach for teaching. Prepare a presentation to accompany the teaching plan and present the information to your community. Select ONE of the following options for delivery of the presentation: PowerPoint presentation – no more than 30 minutes Pamphlet presentation – 1 to 2 pages Poster presentation Appropriate community settings include: Public health clinic Community health center Long-term care facility Transitional care facility Home health center University/School health center Church community Adult/Child care center Before presenting information to the community, seek approval from an agency administrator or representative. Upon receiving approval from the agency, include the “Community Teaching Experience Form” as part of your assignment submission. APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. (Page 2) Due Date: Dec 04, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 100 Details: Note: This is an individual assignment. Applying what you have learned thus far, develop a community teaching proposal designed to address the needs of your community. Select one of the following as the focus for the teaching plan: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population Bioterrorism/Disaster Environmental Issues Complete the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal.” This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment. After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan with a community health and public health provider in your local community. Request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement) from the provider. Complete the “Community Teaching Experience” form. APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. (Page 3) Due Date: Dec 04, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 100 Details: Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: Summary of teaching plan Epidemiological rationale for topic Evaluation of teaching experience Community response to teaching Areas of strengths and areas of improvement Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Question 1733 Technology: Benefits and Future Trends
What technology do you find most beneficial to use in your work or school setting? Least beneficial? Why do you find this tool useful or not? Then, using your imagination, look to the future and think about how this tool could be enhanced even further. Describe your dream technology, with consideration for patient care and safety. With atleast 2 references and is due tonight.
Question 1734 Case Scenario Mr. C., a 32-year-old single man
Max Points: 20.0 The case scenario provided will be used to answer the discussion questions that follow. Case Scenario Mr. C., a 32-year-old single man, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, but he has gained about 100 pounds in the last 2–3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control with sodium restriction. He current works at a catalog telephone center. Objective Data Height: 68 inches; Weight 134.5 kg BP: 172/96, HR 88, RR 26 Fasting Blood Glucose: 146/mg/dL Total Cholesterol: 250mg/dL Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL HDL: 30 mg/dL Critical Thinking Questions What health risks associated with obesity does Mr. C. have? Is bariatric surgery an appropriate intervention? Why or why not? Mr. C. has been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and the following medications have been ordered: Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL PO 1 hour before bedtime and 3 hours after mealtime and at bedtime. Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime. Sucralfate/Carafate 1 g or 10ml suspension (500mg / 5mL) 1 hour before meals and at bedtime. The patient reports eating meals at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m., and a bedtime snack at 10 p.m. Plan an administration schedule that will be most therapeutic and acceptable to the patient. Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given. (Hint: Functional health patterns include health-perception – health management, nutritional – metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception – self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality – reproductive, coping – stress tolerance.) What actual or potential problems can you identify? Describe at least five problems and provide the rationale for each.
Question 1735 In burn patients, does use of Honey Dressing promotes faster healing than use of Silver sulfadiazine
My subject is: In burn patients, does use of Honey Dressing promotes faster healing than use of Silver sulfadiazine? Please make sure that you consider that my requested assignment is An academic written assignment, I am doing my BSE in Nursing in Cardiff university and I am doing Evidence Based Practice Module, I would like the assignment to be written by a writer who come from a Nursing field with competent writing skills in Evidence Based Practice, the assignment is requested to be in level 6 writing, Harvard referencing system, maximum 10 years old references. I have some research E-books and some references in relation with Evidence Based Practice and our local Authority regulations and Guidelines so the assignment is written in a way connected to our local authorities guidelines and regulations and the vision of 2015 of MOH in Oman along with 2 examples attached on the required format of writing level of academic writing is level 6, Undergraduate. Please do the writing with skills of analysis, synthesis and in good understanding of the RCTs in the subject. I am not requesting an Essay. It is an assignment, The 1st 500 words draft deadline is in less than 24 hrs from now. I might be able to ask for extenuation made for one more day only. At least let us finish the 1st 500 words within the 1st draft, which might be the introduction. The introduction should talk about the importance of Evidence based Practice Internationally and according to the Local Authorities Guidelines in Oman and brief introduction in burns, prevalence and most popular types of burns. Marking is considering analysis, synthesis as well as knowledge. Please use Controlled Randomized Studies to support the subject as well as met metanalysis studies. Do the research and send me the research list along with the 1st 500 words. The remaining of the assignment could be done in the next 10 days so the writer take his/her time to do the reading and analysis. attached some of the research books along with the local guidlines which are mandatory to be included in the wirting.
Question 1736 Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants
Part I: Pamphlet Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following: Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience. Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary: Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level). Description of parent response to teaching. Assessment of parent understanding. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved
Question 1737 Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment
In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following: Using the attached file, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.
Question 1738 Evidence Based Article Summary
EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE ARTICLE REVIEW SUMMARY Utilizing evidence-based research in your practice ensures that your patients receive the most effective care possible. It is necessary for practitioners to review the research literature and identify therapeutic modalities that have been tested empirically and proven to more effective (as effective, or less effective) than others. By providing the information below, you will begin to build a library of EBP resources for your practice. This article addresses which of the following aspects of treatment (indicate): · Medication management · Psychotherapeutic modality · Education · Monitoring and follow-up · Relapse prevention · Other: _________________________________ Note: If your article does not easily fit into one of the above categories, read it again to make sure it is an article that guides practice and not a theoretical or informational article. The article must be practice based in order to receive credit. Bibliographic citation (in APA format); attach a copy of the article to your assignment: Summary of the article in your own words—500 words or less; (do not copy the abstract): 2 How can the Psych NP incorporate the findings in this article into practice? How has this article changed your perceptive/view of the treatment discussed? Did you discuss the findings in this article with your preceptor? If so, what was their impression and how will it change their practice? Other comments/observations: ______ 10 Points
Question 1739 middle range theory
reflect on how these middle-range theories contribute to the knowledge base of nursing and how they impact clinical nursing practice. I have chosen the article by Kolcoba- The Effects of Guided Imagery on Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress of Psychiatric Inpatients with Depressive Disorders-available at
Question 1740 Theories
From the three articles below describe various types of theories and relate them to your own clinical nursing practice. For the author: 1) The posting directly addresses key issues, questions, or problems related to the topic of discussion. The posting applies course concepts with examples showing applied knowledge and understanding of topic with appropriate use of citations/references. 2) The posting offers original and thoughtful insight, synthesis, or observation that demonstrates a strong understanding of the concepts and ideas pertaining to the discussion topic (use of examples). Use of appropriate citations/references to support all claims and facts.
Question 1741 Patient Education on Stroke Prevention
Patient Education on Stroke Prevention A stroke is a serious disorder that impacts patients quickly, requiring immediate intervention and treatment. Due to implications of this disorder, patient education is essential for patient populations at an increased risk of stroke. According to the National Stroke Association, up to 80% of strokes can be prevented in patients (National Stroke Association, 2012). For this reason, it is essential that you provide patients with the education and tools necessary to reduce their risk as well as identify signs and symptoms of strokes. In this Assignment, you have the opportunity to give back to your practicum site by creating media to educate patients about stroke prevention. When designing patient education media such as flyers, posters, and music, it is important to consider strategies that meet the needs of the patient population you treat at your practicum site. To prepare: • Review the stroke prevention articles in this week’s Learning Resources. • Reflect on common lifestyle, behavioral, and cultural choices of the population that you treat within your practicum setting. Consider stroke prevention methods for this population. • Think about ways to educate patients on these prevention methods. Consider educational pieces such as flyers, posters, or other media that might be most effective with your patient population. To complete: Design a media piece to educate patients on stroke prevention. You may create a flyer, poster, or any other media that is suitable for your patient population. STROKE PREVENTION Prevention of Stroke Hypertension is the single most valuable risk factor to control in the prevention of stroke (Perry, 2012). Other benefits of reduced stroke risk, such as obesity also affect hypertension and I think a valuable community focus would include controlling hypertension and recognition of resolving TIA’s as a major red flag. Controlling hypertension minimizes the risk of both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. I chose to focus only on a few important pearls of knowledge so that patients reading the pamphlets would not be overwhelmed with too much information. I tried to make the font size as large as possible, because as early as 40 – 45, many people are already having difficulty with small print and will not read the information. I made my pamphlet to be clear, concise and self-explanatory. There will always be a majority of people who don’t read or keep their pamphlets, but if the message is short and simple, they may remember enough of the information to save a life one day, even after it gets thrown away. Reference Perry, M. (2012). Stroke prevention. Practice Nurse, 42(8), 14–18. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. I attached the flyer I created for your use. ****I also have a soap Note on Sprain Ankle**** (For your Information, I have sample of the soap note, your can rewrite this in your own personal words or create another, either one that is convenient for you. Thanks.
Question 1742 research paper
Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. You may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one. Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet. including: Biographical data Past health history Family history: Obstetrics history (if applicable) and well young adult behavioral health history screening Review of systems All components of the health history Three nursing diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening (one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, and one “risk for” nursing diagnosis) Rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis. A wellness plan for the adolescent/young adult client, using the three nursing diagnoses you have identified. solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA
Question 1743 Theory evaluation
Discuss the outcomes and results of the theory evaluation and critique you performed on your selected theory- Florence Nightingales Environmental theory Do you feel your theory requires further development and refinement? Explain your position. 2 references
Question 1744 Executive summary
In this assignment, you will select a program, quality improvement initiative, or other project from your place of employment. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (850-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which they will make their decision to fund your program or project. The summary should include: 1.The purpose of the program or project. 2.The target population or audience. 3.The benefits of the program or project 4.The cost or budget justification. 5.The basis upon which the program or project will be evaluated
Question 1745 Nutrition
In order to fully understand Hannah’s situation, please answer the following first: When are carbohydrates good for us? What are “good” versus “bad” carbohydrates? When are they not good for us or our bodies? What chemistry is involved in their breakdown, usage, and storage? Once you have discussed this, then consider Hannah and Rose’s situation, and think like a nurse! Hannah is a 12-year-old who has had Type I diabetes for a few years. Her mother, Rose, is a strict vegetarian and believes this is also the best diet plan for her daughter. Hannah says, “I just want to eat like all my friends do!” As a result, she often cheats, and lately, there has been a steady increase in Hannah’s blood sugars. What are the first steps you would take, as Hannah’s nurse, to assess her eating habits and understanding of diabetes mellitus? What did Hannah and Rose tell you (subjective) and what did you see (objective)? Atleast 2 references include this in your reference. Grodner, M., Escott-Stump, S., & Dorner, S. (2016). Nutritional foundations and clinical applications: A nursing approach (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby
Question 1746 Discussion board write up on Suicide
Posting # 4 Examine your personal feelings, thoughts and reactions towards suicidal clients. Do you think society has a right to prevent a person from committing suicide? Are there any situations where you think suicide is justifiable/ acceptable?
Question 1747 Treating Dementia with Music Therapy
Paper is an evidence based practice paper on treating dementia with music therapy. It has to be 3 pages excluding a reference page in all in APA format. The body of the paper has to include a running head, intro, significance of problem, literature review , best practice evidence ,conclusion/summary which includes how the evidence will impact practice . it is to be double spaced in times new roman in size 12 font. the references are attached in which have to be used. should be a total of 5. The paper should problem begin with defining dementia, the characteristics and current treatment that includes pharmacology and nonpharm interventions and than go into research.
Question 1748 Fundamentals of nursing{9th edition}
. identify the concept of caring as it relates to nursing practice 2. differentiate among values,beliefs,and attitudes. 3.Apply the phases of values clarification to common health issue. 4 Visit the ANA website(, search for ”caring”, and report at least two new facts on caring from the online articles.
Question 1749 Vulnerable Population Assessment paper using APA guidelines to assess a vulnerable population in community.
Vulnerable Population Assessment paper using APA guidelines to assess a vulnerable population in your community. The purpose of this paper is to utilize community assessment strategies to identify a vulnerable population in the community and describe a community health problem that impacts this vulnerable group. As a guide I have a completed community survey describing my direct observational assessment of my community.
Question 1750 Scholarly paper
Scholarly Paper 1. Compare and contrast the complimentary modality with traditional interventions 2. Discuss the benefits and risks of both the traditional and the complementary/integrative intervention. 3.Ascertain how you can combine traditional and holistic interventions/modalities to achieve optimal client outcomes in practice. 4.Experience the modality yourself, if possible. 5.The paper is to be written in APA style. The length is to be a maximum of 5 pages including the title page and references.
Question 1751 Person-centred Communication
SUMMATIVE Four thousand word reflective case study A four thousand word processed reflective case study on theoretical, ethical, professional and practical perspectives associated with person centred communication skills and approaches The module provides underpinning knowledge and opportunities for communication skills development for health care practitioners. The focus is the person centred approach to engaging, understanding and interaction with people. Students are enabled to explore the key practical and ethical issues involved in the use of the approach, practice models together with communication skills through practice and reflection upon their experiences. To enhance these processes, the module study days are presented mainly through active learning, exploration and discussion as well as live skills practice in which students are encouraged and enabled to apply their learning. To maximise student learning and promote self-awareness, skills work is undertaken, to enable skills development, to provide some understanding of the person’s experience and to develop observational and appraisal skills as well as confidence in the provision of constructive feedback. Students will be enabled to make decisions on the ethical and intentional use of communication skills and to recognise the limits of their abilities. Three weeks in full time clinical practice has been identified to enable the theory taught to be translated into practice. This will be followed by a 5 weeks study period to provide sufficient opportunity for critical reflection on professional practice. On completion of the module a student should be able to Critically evaluate a practice model and/or approach for use within the communication skills process. Identify and analyse own defences and limitations which hinder the development of the interpersonal relationships. Critically analyse and integrate learning gained from reflection on own practice and feedback from others. Critically analyse the evidence for the application of a person centred approach within health and social care settings. How the module will be delivered Based on the principles of adult learning this module will employ the philosophy of andragogy to guide teaching practice. As such the overall approach to the professional and personal development of the student is facilitative, where the support and guidance of a designated academic supervisor will encourage self-direction and intellectual independence. Such relationships, founded on mutual respect, will help students realise their potential. Teaching will be student centered, which takes account of the fact that students are mature individuals. Learning is a dynamic process and the student is expected to take responsibility for their individual learning and development. Students will be guided to identify their own learning needs and plan ways of achieving them with guidance from their academic supervisors. A variety of learning and teaching methods will be used and these will include lectures, discussion groups, practical exercises, student-led seminars and debates. The student will be given the opportunity to reflect on past clinical experiences using individual cases and guided to consider the implications for future practice. This will assist in the translation of theory into practice and offer an opportunity to crucially reflect on their clinical practice. Methods utilised for learning include: Presentation Demonstration Case scenarios Seminar and discussion Independent and guided study Throughout each study day students are given opportunities to discuss and analyse theoretical concepts, and to apply these in observed skills practice sessions. Critical self-appraisal, peer and tutor feedback together all enable the development of self-awareness and the purposeful use of communication skills and theory within the context of the professional helping relationship. Skills that will be practised and developed Transferable / Key Skills 1) Intellectual skills (thinking skills) – the ability to: integrate theory with professional nursing practice evaluate, analyse and synthesise information/ data from a variety of sources critique research 2) Management and development of self – the ability to: take responsibility for personal and professional learning and development project plan time and tasks work independently and meet deadlines 3) Application of technology – the ability to: word process, access the Web and internet and other databases participate in electronic discussion boards and student/staff supervision blogs 4) Utilise problem solving skills – the ability to: source a variety of relevant evidence analyse, interpret, synthesise and evaluate evidence problem solve and reach realistic conclusions (5) Literacy – the ability to: produce academic work that is accurate and conforms to the appropriate level communicate ideas in a clear concise manner How the module will be assessed Formative presentation. An informal presentation to peers discussing the topic, aim and the preliminary evidence base. This will provide individual feedback from OSNI staff and peers. First draft assessment. A 1000 word draft outlining the summative assessment reflective case study and assignment plan / structure. Feedback from your academic supervisor will be provided electronically Second draft assessment A further 1000 word draft of the assignment providing one section of the assignment for example the ‘analysis’ section or ‘So what’ section of the assignment in detail demonstrating the academic level and the provision of the structure for which this forms a part. Feedback from your academic supervisor will be provided electronically. SUMMATIVE Four thousand word reflective case study The student must complete a four thousand word assignment, which illustrates their knowledge and understanding of the communication process including its application to their clinical practice. The assignment will include exploration and discussion of theoretical concepts, practice models and approaches as well as relevant ethical considerations including the awareness of self. Reference to and relevance for the student’s clinical context and client groups will be expected. The work must be supported throughout by appropriate references and/or relevant sources of evidence. The discussion must be based upon sound evidence relevant to personal practice and experience, as well as a range of literature sources including appropriate research. The student will need to discuss their ability to adapt models, skills and strategies to best fit with their client’s needs, the context and their own role as a practitioner. In addition, the student will need to discuss their awareness of personal, professional and organisational barriers and/or hindrances to the development of the person centred approach in their practice. Also the student will need to support their discussion with a reflective model and/or approach that identifies and explores strategies for sustaining new developments and change in personal practice. The assignment must be submitted by 12.30 GMT on the last day of the module. It will be marked by academic staff using level 6 reflective rubric criteria . METHOD(S) OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Type CW % Contribution 100% Title A four thousand word processed reflective case study on theoretical, ethical, professional and practical perspectives associated with person centred communication skills and approaches Duration (if app) 4000 words Assessment Breakdown Type % Title Duration(hrs) Period Week Written Assessment 100 Person-Centred Communication (Reflective Assignment) N/A 1 N/A Syllabus content Theoretical content Person centred models and approaches. Professional, ethical and legal aspects of communication skills in practice. Demonstrate the application of enhanced self-awareness through self-appraisal and reflection on action Research evidence regarding effective styles of communication The application of person centred communication skills The communication skills process The application and principles of intentionality of person centred communication skills Reflective and analytical skill development The Integration of ethical, professional and legal issues in practice The application of approaches and/or skills to specialist areas of practice Essential Reading and Resource List Reading List E-Books Bach S, and Grant A., 2009 Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Nurses, Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd (e-book) Morrissey, J., Callaghan, P., 2011. Communication Skills for Mental Health Nurses. Berkshire; McGraw Hill Open University Press Sully, P., Dallas, J., 2010. Essential communication skills for nurses and midwifery. Edinburgh; Mosby Elsevier Journal articles Barker, S., Dowson, E., 2013. Caring for women experiencing mental health problems. Essentially MIDIRS. Vol 4 number 11 17-23 Barolia, R., Karmaliani, R., 2008. Caring in Nursing from an Islamic Perspective: A grounded Theory Approach. International Journal for Human Caring. Vol 12 no 1 pages 55-63 Burnard, P., 2003. Ordinary chat and therapeutic conversation: phatic communication and mental health nursing. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 1 678-682 Crawford, P., Brown, B., 2010. Fast healthcare: Brief communication, traps and opportunities. Patient Education and Counseling 82 (2011) 3–10 Galvin, K. T., Todres, L. 2011. Kinds of well-being: A conceptual framework that provides direction for caring. International Journal Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 6: 10362 Rassool, G.H. 2000. The crescent and Islam: healing, nursing and the spiritual dimension. Some considerations towards an understanding of the Islamic perspective on caring. Journal of Advanced Nursing 32 (6) 1476-1484 Stickley, T., 2011. From SOLER to SURETY for effective non-verbal communication. Nurse Education in Practice, 11 395-398 Street, R., Makoul, G., Neeraj,A., Epstein, R., 2009. How does communication heal? Pathways linking clinician-patient communication to health outcomes. Patient education and Counseling. 74 295-301 Thorne, S.,Armstrong E., McPherson, G., Harris, S., Hislop, T., 2005. ‘Being known’: patients perspectives of the dynamics of human connection in cancer care. Psychooncology. 14:887-898 Williams, A.M., Irurita, V. F., 2004. Therapeutic and non- therapeutic interpersonal interactions: the patient’s perspective. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13, 806-815 Websites Nursing Midwifery Council – National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence – The Health Foundation – Person centred care –
Question 1752 What basic statistical analysis might be run to determine statistical significance
dq1 -due on Wednesday 3/29/17, Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? What basic statistical analysis might be run to determine statistical significance? dq 2 due on Friday 3/30/17. Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Explain what clinical significance is, the difference between clinical and statistical significance, and how you might use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project.
Question 1753 Reflection Paper: Nursing Theorists
Application of Nightingale, Orem, Watson, and Leininger Write a short APA ” Reflection Paper” , 1 lengthy paragraph per theorist (10-12 sentences or about one third to one half of a page each). Relate the theorist’s nursing theory in terms of providing nursing care to a patient and how YOU can apply this nursing theory in your specific nursing setting. – INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY Application of the theory, in terms of nursing care for the patient, is KEY to the content of your paper. Therefore, you are encouraged to share experiences and specific examples of application of this theory.
Question 1754 Compare Contrast
This is not just a reflection paper but is a specific type. In this paper, please focus your thoughts on comparing and contrasting the role of an American nurse with the role of an Iranian nurse. Relate your thoughts on both the differences and similarities of the nurses of both countries. The paper should be written so the instructor can clearly see the writer (you) comparing things in common between American and Iranian nursing care, and also contrasting (noting the differences) between them. One page double spaced not including the title page.
Question 1755 Healthcare Bag Technique
Capstone project: The paper must be 8 pages long in APA format with at least 5 references. I can provide the references for you, if it will make it easier. The attached is a proposal that I submitted. The paper will need to expand all areas noted in the proposal. Please read attached in red, for some of the requirements. I will also need a 12-15(not including title pg or reference pg) slide powerpoint to go with this project and need it first. I hear you are really good with nursing projects!! Please contact me with questions before bidding as this will be two separate needs but I wanted to put them together, so everything needed would be understood.
Question 1756 DQ’S,
DQ1 FOR TONIGHT- Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations. Name one method for improvement for each of these, and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills. DQ2-FOR FRIDAY Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect the process and implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is hardwired so that it will thus continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may impact your EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results six months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers.
Question 1757 Nutrition
It has become common practice for people to supplement their diets with pills, smoothies, teas, herbals, and other complementary practices. Select 2 from the list below and locate an evidence-based article for each. Summarize the intended use, recommended dosage, and side effects and known interactions with over the counter and prescription medications. What if any contraindications are identified for a patient with liver and/or kidney disease? • Probiotics • Acai • Apple cider vinegar • Garlic • Green tea • Turmeric • Cinnamon • Omega-3 fish oils • DHA • Glucosamine • Melatonin • St. John’s wort • Capsacin • Black cohosh • Aloe Vera • Echinacea • Zinc oxide • Saw palmetto • Valerian root • Feverfew • Maca • Niacin • Red yeast rice • DHEA • Kava with atleast 2 references
Question 1758 Reflective Journal
Aug 12, 2017 23:59:59 Details: This course creates a base for the application of science into advanced nursing practice and includes philosophical, ethical, and historical foundations. Nursing science frames the development of theories and concepts to guide nursing practice and determine the nature and significance of health and health care delivery phenomena. Learners are expected to integrate and synthesize core program competencies and specialty practice requirements necessary to demonstrate proficiency in advanced nursing practice in the DNP Practice Immersion Workspace. Learners are required to maintain a reflective journal integrating leadership and inquiry into current practice. Your journal will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained in this course and should address a variable combination of the following: 1. New practice approaches 2. Intraprofessional collaboration 3. Health care delivery and clinical systems 4. Ethical considerations in health care 5. Population health concerns 6. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes 7. Health policy 8. Leadership and economic models 9. Health disparities Learners will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the learner met the competencies aligned to this course.
Question 1759 Mrs. Jones, a widow
1-)Mrs. Jones, a widow, is no longer able to live independently and is requiring more and more help with her self-care. Her daughter, Susie, who is married with three school-aged children, agrees to let her mother move in with her. Susie is concerned with balancing the demands of her career and the needs of her family, especially now that her elderly and chronically ill mother will need assistance. She is also unsure about how she feels with the reversal of roles, having to now be the primary caregiver of her mother. How can the nurse, caring for this family, assist with the changes they are about to undergo? How can both the family structural theory and the family developmental theory be applied to this scenario? How can health education enhance health promotion for this family? 2-)How could you use the family structural theory to determine if a family is dysfunctional or not? Provide evidence to support your answer.
Question 1760 Graduate Nursing Program – Elective Rotation letter
I am applying for a Graduate Nursing Program in Victoria, Australia and we are required to provide a letter of application for an elective rotation. I have chosen the Emergency Department of Peninsula Health. I have worked for Peninsula Health as an Enrolled Nurse for almost 8 years and i am soon to become a Registered Nurse. I have provided the specialty rotation instruction letter and i have also provided a letter that i have started writing. Please feel free to add, delete or re-word things as you see fit.
Question 1761 Lead Poisoning in Infants
Need a pamphlet front and back about the enviornmental health risk of Lead exposure and Lead poisoning in infants using 5th grade to 8th grade level literacy; and you must use the attached pamphlet template; and a 2 page written summary of teaching learning interaction with family Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Pamphlet: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants View Rubric which is attached Details: Part I: Pamphlet Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following: Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience. Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary: Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level). Description of parent response to teaching. Assessment of parent understanding. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved. Submit Part I and Part II of the Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants assignment by the end of Topic 1. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. NRS-434VN-R-Pamphlet-Template-Student.docx
Describe a single health promotion/disease prevention problem from the Healthy People 2020 Objectives Introduction to population or problem. Describe incidence, prevalence, epidemiology, cost burden etc., Description of specific population, program or organization Discuss how the policy is intended for a specific population, program or organization. Specific legislators involved Identify and discuss specific legislators involved in the policy development Policy, practice and outcomes Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes Policy, practice and the inter-professional team Examine how the policy can be used by the inter-professional team to ensure coordinated care
Question 1763 HEALTH POLICY
This written assignment requires the student to investigate his/her local, state and federal legislators and explore their assigned committees and legislative commitments. The student is expected to investigate current and actual legislative initiatives that have either passed or pending approval by the house, senate or Governor’s office. The student will draft a letter to a specific legislator and offer support or constructive argument against pending policy or legislation. The letter must be supported with a minimum of 3 evidence based primary citations. (See Rubric) Legislation Type State or federal, scope of practice, reimbursement, loan repayment etc. Review of the Literature Use a min of 3-4 primary sources of evidence. Not older than 5 years Current Policy What is the current policy or health policy issue and how might it impact nursing or healthcare? Proposed Policy or Pending Changes to Policy What are they? Be specific. You may have multiple changes in one piece of legislation Stakeholders Who benefits from the changes? Who supports the changes/legislation? Outcomes How will this impact nursing practice and the healthcare system
Question 1764 Health Policy
This written assignment requires the student to investigate his/her local, state and federal legislators and explore their assigned committees and legislative commitments. The student is expected to investigate current and actual legislative initiatives that have either passed or pending approval by the house, senate or Governor’s office. The student will draft a letter to a specific legislator and offer support or constructive argument against pending policy or legislation. The letter must be supported with a minimum of 3 evidence based primary citations. (See Rubric) Legislation Type State or federal, scope of practice, reimbursement, loan repayment etc. Review of the Literature Use a min of 3-4 primary sources of evidence. Not older than 5 years Current Policy What is the current policy or health policy issue and how might it impact nursing or healthcare? Proposed Policy or Pending Changes to Policy What are they? Be specific. You may have multiple changes in one piece of legislation Stakeholders Who benefits from the changes? Who supports the changes/legislation? Outcomes How will this impact nursing practice and the healthcare system
Question 1765 The Challenge of Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions
W2D1 Review The Challenge of Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions. Identify two challenges that you consider to be very difficult to manage. Explain how you will develop a plan to manage those two conditions in your patient group. Use at least two sources that are peer-reviewed and evidence-based, from the South University library. You may use additional sources, but your primary sources must be evidence-based. D2 Violence against nurses has increased over the last 10 years. Recently, a nurse in Utah was restrained, handcuffed and placed in a squad car for refusing to allow the police to draw blood from a patient without consent or a court order. How is violence against nurses by patients, families, coworkers and others being addressed – or is it being addressed? Are there policies or legislation in place? Are nurses involved in policy or legislation changes? Included is a short list of peer-reviewed articles on the topic. Use these articles (if you want to) and at least 3 more peer-reviewed articles to support your position. Berry, P.(2013). Stressful incidents of physical violence against emergency nurses. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(1), 76. Ebrahimi, H., Hassankhani, H., Negarandeh, R., Jeffrey, C., & Azizi, A. (2016). Violence against new graduated nurses in clinical settings: A qualitative study. Nursing Ethics, 0969733015624486. Edward, K. L., Ousey, K., Warelow, P., & Lui, S. (2014). Nursing and aggression in the workplace: a systematic review. British Journal of Nursing, 23(12), 653-659. Phillips, P. (2016). Workplace violence against health care workers in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine, 374(17), 1661-1669. Sun, S., Gerberich, S. G., & Ryan, A. D. (2017, May 1). The relationship between shiftwork and violence against nurses: A case control study. Workplace Health & Safety, 2165079917703409.
Question 1766 Ethical Considerations
Upload a presentation, based on your research proposal, to the with speaker notes or with voice over recording. Your presentation should include brief summaries of the following: Introduction. Including your problem statement and why your study needs to be done and how it will add to the current research. Literature Review. Include highlights from your literature review. Method. Include your method design, sample size/participants, research question, and how you plan to gather your data Limitations. Discuss limitations you found in the research and any obstacles you foresee in the research. Ethical Considerations. Discuss ethical considerations you have concerning your study. Reference List
Question 1767 How health policy and Advanced Practice Nurse
Topic :Discuss how health policy and initiatives are used to guide and direct your clinical practice as an Advanced Practice Nurse. APA format 1 – 2 pages The information provided should be accurate, providing an in-depth, well thought-out understanding of the topic(s) covered. An in-depth understanding provides an analysis of the information, synthesizing what is learned from the course/assigned readings. Course materials and additional scholarly resources are used to support important points
Question 1768 Legislative Matrix
Student will develop a Legislative Matrix based upon the specific legislators in a residential/geographical legislative district. State and Federal legislators will be identified: State Representatives, Senators, Congressman and Governor. Each legislator’s assigned committees and any active legislation bills and/or past legislative initiatives will be identified. This information will be used to assist in the development of the Legislative Communication assignment. See Rubric Submission Details: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.
Question 1769 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
D1 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and MACRA Legislation require provider transparency in quality and value care. As an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) enrolled in the Medicare reimbursement program, you will be expected to demonstrate competent, patient-centered outcomes. Describe how you plan to utilize and implement evidence-based practice protocols found from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to ensure competent and safe care for your patients. Use at least two references from the library to support your discussion. D2 Review this article by Dr. Jen Gunter. Would a system like this help your patients? Could you practice more effectively with this system? Provide at least two references from the library to support your discussion and thinking. Articles website link- Article is pasted below An American doctor experiences UK emergency care firsthand JENNIFER GUNTER, MD | PHYSICIAN | DECEMBER 5, 2016 7K SHARES Share Tweet Share Two years ago, I wrote about my experience in a London emergency department with my son Victor. That post has since been viewed over 450,000 times. There are over 800 comments with no trolls (a feat unto itself), and almost all of them express love for the National Health Service. I was in England again this week. And yes, I was back in an emergency department, but this time with my cousin, who is English. This is what happened: My cousin loves high heels. As a former model, she makes walking in the highest of heels look easy. However, cobblestone streets have challenges not found on catwalks, and so she twisted her ankle very badly. Despite ice and elevation, there was significant swelling and bruising, and she couldn’t put any weight on her foot. I suggested we call her doctor and explain the situation. I was worried about a fracture. I hoped to arrange an X-ray. If it was broken, we would arrange the needed care. If it wasn’t broken, I could bandage it just as well at home. “No,” she said. She’d have to ring for an appointment. It was Friday around 11 a.m. The chance of getting into her GP by the end of the day was apparently non-existent. She would have to wait until Monday. Even if she were lucky enough to be seen that day, there was no X-ray in his office so it would be a trip to see him and then a trip to the hospital. She was shocked when I suggested she call and just ask if he could order the X-ray. Apparently, that’s not how it’s done. It’s in person or nothing. As a gynecologist, I will admit feet are not my strong suit, but no medical degree was needed to say she needed an X-ray. She also has some health issues that could impact healing from a break or the timing of surgery (hopefully that wouldn’t be needed, but you never know). A timely diagnosis was more important for her than it would be for me. “We’re going to the emergency department,” I said. And off we went to Sunderland Hospital. Getting to the actual emergency room (ER) from the parking area required a background in orienteering. There was loads of construction, and we had to go down hallway after hallway with Hogwarts-worthy twists and turns. I managed to find a wheelchair, an unwieldy apparatus that only works in reverse — on purpose. This is to stop wheelchair theft, which is apparently a serious problem at Sunderland Hospital. My cousin was triaged immediately. Within two minutes, a nurse checked her ankle, gave her codeine and then sent her off to an urgent care clinic. She wasn’t even registered in the ER. A porter wheeled her to the urgent care clinic in another building some distance away, which required a trip outside. “What if it rains?” I asked the porter. “We get wet. This is the North,” he said. “Of course it rains. Almost every day.” Apparently, no one complains. The urgent care clinic had a few people ahead of us. It took about 10 minutes to check in and then no more than 15 minutes to be seen. A lovely nurse named Leslie triaged my cousin and agreed an X-ray was in order then made the arrangements. My cousin did not need to see a doctor or a nurse practitioner to get an X-ray. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that happen in the U.S. The X-ray and radiology report took 10 minutes. Then, a nurse practitioner (also very nice) did an appropriate history and exam. The diagnosis was a torn ligament (sprain) and possibly a small fracture of the lateral malleolus (outside ankle bone). An orthopedics consult was needed. She could have a bit of a wait and be squeezed into fracture clinic that afternoon or she could have a cast and come back to Saturday fracture clinic. The clinic didn’t start until 2 p.m. and we were done in urgent care by 1 p.m. so she opted to wait. She was seen around 2:15 pm. An orthopedic consultant did an exam and recommended a tight support bandage and gave her exercises and guidelines about how to follow-up if she wasn’t meeting milestones. My cousin was at the hospital for four hours, but over an hour was an unavoidable wait for fracture clinic and about 30 minutes of transport back and forth between the ER, urgent care and fracture clinic. To receive this care, all my cousin had to do was provide her name and birthdate. No copayments, no preauthorizations, no concerns about the radiologist or orthopedic surgeon being out of network. The nursing triage was wonderful and actually doing nursing (I hate seeing nurses relegated to charting). The nurse practitioner clearly knew what she was talking about and had reviewed the films with the radiologist. The surgeon only did the part of my cousin’s care that needed a specialist. It was a great use of resources. Everyone I spoke with at the hospital loved the NHS, and honestly, it showed. While the hospital was a veritable maze and in need of the updating, which they appeared to be doing, the equipment was all fine and the people — the things that really matter — were great. Everyone, from the porter to the orthopedic consultant, was hard-working, knowledgeable and friendly. What more could you ask for? I asked a few people what they would like to see changed. The only real issue was people who show up for care that is not even semi-urgent, never mind emergent. Might a tiny user fee change that? Did we have user fees in the U.S.? Did they work? Non-emergent care provided in the ER is obviously not the best use of health care funds, but in reality, it’s a tiny drop in the health care bucket. Extra emergency room doctors and nurses and the not needed CT scans and other testing that may be generated are nothing in comparison to things like chemotherapy, HIV medications or bone marrow transplants. We do have user fees in the U.S. in the form of copayments. Even low copayments can cause some people to delay necessary care. They also don’t seem to deter people who don’t need the emergency room but want to go. I’ve sat in the ER with Oliver waiting for a bed while he struggled with pneumonia and overheard many examples. A man bragging that he tells the ER staff he has chest pain so he gets seen first. He was happy to pay his $100 copayment to be seen promptly at his convenience. He had nothing even remotely urgent. I’ve listened to a mother who waited hours for a diaper rash. Not a bleeding diaper rash, just a rash. Her physician had a free 24/7 pediatrics advice nurse that went unused (we had the same pediatrician, so I knew). She could have saved $40 and most of her Saturday, never mind the exposure to Oliver’s influenza, with a phone call. If you want to change ER utilization, and yes it’s a worthy goal even though it’s not the major cost driver, it’s education and outreach that are needed not penalties. When I think of copayments, I think of a 60-year-old woman with breast cancer three years post-surgery and chemotherapy now in remission. She developed a cough and a fever so received a chest X-ray to look for pneumonia. The radiologist found something not quite right, a spot that was especially concerning given her breast cancer history. She needed a CT scan to see if this is a bit of scarring or if her cancer has metastasized to her lungs. When I asked her why she hasn’t yet had the CT scan she told me she couldn’t afford her $100 copayment. It will take her two months to save the $100 so she can get the CT scan to find out if her cancer has returned. She looked at me in the eyes for just a moment and then a mixture of embarrassment and fear that my eyes might tell her what she doesn’t want to know caused her to look away. And what if her CT scan is equivocal and she needs $100 (or more) for the copayment for a lung biopsy? If that’s not a circle of hell, I don’t know what it. Do you want to know what’s worse? I’ve heard a variation of this story more than once. Dear, U.K. — the NHS is awesome. Try to treat it a little better. Maybe teach kids in school how to use the health care system (hey, why not NHS ed alongside drivers’ ed or sex ed?). Have safe sex. Stop smoking. Try to lose weight if you need to (obesity causes 30 percent of cancers). Wear lower heels for dancing. And, for crying out loud, stop stealing wheelchairs. The next time anyone mentions privatization or user fees tell them in America there are people trying to save enough money for the copayment for the CT scan that will tell them if their cancer has returned or not. Thank you, NHS, for taking fantastic care of my cousin, of my son two years ago, and of everyone else. To the British government, stop trying to mess it up. Jennifer Gunter is an obstetrician-gynecologist and author of the Preemie Primer. She blogs at her self-titled site, Dr. Jen Gunter. Image credit:
Question 1770 Nursing Care Models Paper
Directions 1.Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116. 2.Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability. 3.Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model. 4.Write a 5-7 page paper that includes the following: 5.Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting. 6.Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting. 7.Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific. 8.Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific. 9.Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models. 10.Write your paper using APA format using Microsoft Office 2010 or later.
Question 1771 Importance of handwashing in childcare
This assignment has 3 component parts: A brief (1 page) Outline A Public Advocacy Ad or Public Service Announcement (PSA) – a multi-modal A 1 page analysis of your design choices and a discussion of how you considered and acknowledged ethos, pathos and logos in your ad or announcement. Part 1: Considering the health-related issue and what you have learned through your research, create a 1 page outline for a Communication Strategy designed to maximize the benefit of your presentation. Identify and describe the stakeholders* and the population vulnerable to the health issue you have researched. *Stakeholder: That group or entity who would have commissioned the research and educational presentation your employer assigned to you. Subject for Health Intervention (Brainstorming Activities) Goal: Identify the specific goal of your health intervention/education and create a communications strategy. Public Relations: Define the vulnerable population or target audience. (characteristics, what they want, motivations to change behavior) Planning Strategies: Who are the stakeholders? (affiliation with population, positions in the community, government, board, etc., age/gender/beliefs) Vulnerable Population: What is the objective of your communication? What channels will you use and why? What tactics will you use and why? Part 2: Create a Public Advocacy Ad or Public Service Announcement (PSA) You have created a presentation. Now, think of this Public Advocacy Ad as a way to grab your audience’s attention concerning the issue and its importance so that they will want to view the presentation or read auxiliary materials you could provide. Make sure to read appropriate pages in your text to learn how to execute design expectations effectively. Public Advocacy Ad: Create a flyer or a one-page still webpage that promotes your health issue. Consider such design elements as layout (organization of and balance between the written and visual text), spacing, font and image size, font style, color, clarity, and brevity of the text. (Written text must be error free.) If you don’t have an app or software you are comfortable using to design this piece, consider trying as a resource. Canva makes templates, backgrounds, fonts and images available for free. Public Service Announcement: Another option is a short video clip with voice-over (music optional), pictures, and written text, if appropriate. You can create this video by using YouTube, PowerPoint (with sound), AuthorStream, iMovie, Spotify, or any other program. As you produce the video, consider these design principles: technical quality (accessibility, audio quality, and viewability), audience engagement, timing (less than a minute), and completeness. (Written text must be error free.) Your ad should explain the topic or health issue and convince your target audience of its importance. Part 3: Write a 1 page analysis of your design choices and the use of the rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) in your ad/announcement.(maximum 2 pages)
Question 1772 Discuss One With the regulatory requirements for electronic health records
Discuss One With the regulatory requirements for electronic health records, most places where you will practice will have some level of electronic documentation. Currently, 98.4% of hospitals in the US have the minimum in sections of an electronic health record: laboratory, radiology and pharmacy. – and 32.4% have EHRs with physician/NP documentation, full clinical decision support software (this means using data collected in the EHR to support decisions about patient care.) and closed loop medication system – an electronic process from drug order entry to bar-code scanning at administration. With the passage of the Accountable Care Act (ACA) Health and Human Services (HHS) delegated the how, the what, the why of an electronic record was delegated to the newly-created department: The Office of the National Coordinator for Healthcare Information Technology. (Fondly referred to as ONC.) While HHS has delegated some functions to the ONC, the HITECH Act legislatively mandated the National Coordinator, as well as the entire division. (ONC, 2017). There is an Advisory Committee that includes patient advocates (can anyone say nursing!?) as well as other defined members. ONC supports many different programs. Review those programs, select a program that you think will apply to or affect your practice as a NP. How will that program affect your practice? Will it be a positive or negative impact. Will the program help you or your state improve patient outcomes? One of the positions in the ONC includes a Chief Nursing Officer – who represents nursing in this important federal department. Will Dr. Rebecca Freeman provide support to your selected ONC program? (A listing of ONC programs: ) While you will need to use information from the website, you still need to use peer-reviewed articles from the South library, so ensure that at least a total of 3 articles are from the library. Freeman, R. (2017, May 8 a). What does the comprehensive shared care plan mean for nursing?, Retrieved from blog/interoperability/comprehensive-shared-care-plan-nursing/ Freeman, R. (2017, May 11 b) Making health IT “usable” on the Frontlines. Retrieved from HIMSS Analytics. (2017, 2nd quarter) The HIMSS Analytics Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (ENRAM). Chicago, IL: Author. EHRs for NP’s 2nd Discussion Question Review the National Quality Forum measures that can be accessed and used in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) to ensure quality metrics from an EHR endorsed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. From the NQF measures, select two of the quality measures that can impact nursing practice or NP practice. 1 – Discuss how information about the two measures you selected are documented. Is the information documented on paper or in an EHR? Is the staff nurse, the NP or a different provider responsible for documenting that information? And – once it is documented, how is the information collected and reported? Is it a manual or electronic process? This article will get you off to a good start on your discussion – please use at least 3 peer-reviewed articles (in addition to this article) to support your discussion. (The attached article is an open access article and is freely available to all.) Balestra, M. L. (2017, February). Electronic health records: Patient care and ethical and legal implications for nurse practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(2), 105- 111.
Question 1773 Process of Care Paper
Access the Hospital Compare website ( and select a local hospital. Look at the hospital’s publically reported indicators for Process of Care. 2) Write a paper of 1,000-1,200 words that analyzes how the selected hospital performs on these indicators versus two of its competitors. Include your thoughts on the pros and cons of publically reporting these data sets. 3) Refer to the website and incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.
Question 1774 Reflective Memo
2 page single space In your memo, reflect upon the following questions: How did you define writing at the beginning of the course in your blog article? Based on your learning and your application of concepts in the course, how would you change your definition? How would you change your claims about writing as a hallmark of professionalism for health care professions? Explain why you have made these changes. How might your new definition of writing at the end of this course be applied to other writing situations in your upcoming courses AND your career as a health care professional? Be as specific as possible and give examples. What are your goals for developing your writing and communication skills (including research and the use of technology) as a health care professional? What is your action plan (outside of taking courses) to develop these skills? Be specific. How did your writing in this course meet course outcomes and competencies? Be specific: point to specific outcomes or competencies and explain exactly how you achieved them by pointing to examples in the assignments written for the course. Cite the outcomes and competencies and other reading/research as applicable to your reflection. Keep in mind this is a self-assessment and reflection about your learning based on course outcomes, not an evaluation of the course. As the video tells you, simply describing what you did is not reflective writing. You should provide an honest appraisal of what you have learned based on your understanding of course outcomes. Of course, an honest assessment means that you also discuss what you didn’t learn or what you struggled with. After all, part of learning is to make mistakes and to learn from them. As such, you might want to discuss how you improved; for example, how your ability to meet an outcome improved from the beginning of the course when you weren’t sure how to do something to the end of the course as you learned from readings, completing the assignments, and receiving feedback. Requirements: Length: 2-3 pages single-spaced memo addressed to your college or school department head Well-organized and thorough with an introduction, body, and conclusion Reflection articulates critical analysis and is supported by referring to other documents/assignments completed for the course Appropriate tone and style Free of mechanical errors Sources cited accurately in APA style, if used Related course objectives: Identify, articulate, and focus on a defined purpose Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating Understand that research and writing are a series of tasks, including accessing, retrieving, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate data and information Critique your own and others’ works Control surface features such as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling Apply legal and ethical uses of information Related inter-professional communication competencies: Recognize how one’s own uniqueness, including experience level, expertise, culture, power, and hierarchy within the healthcare team, contributes to effective communication and positive interprofessional working relationships Submission: Click the View/Complete link below to submit your memo. Assignments must be submitted as a Word or pdf document. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
Question 1775 Why is Nursing research important
create a one-page handout or brochure that takes your paper and translates it into usable information for the general public. For example, let’s say that I wrote my paper about childhood obesity. The handout could be dictating a physical activity and cooking class for youth in a community. Or, it could be discussing ways to combat childhood obesity at home aimed at parents. Can be informational or promotion an event/program.
Question 1776 Pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis in Children
- Create a cover page and reference page using APA format. Consider a topic that affects someone you know – for example your friend’s parents who has kid with cystic fibrosis ( for the interview) 2. Write an introduction, the pathophysiology of the topic and a literature review of your findings (at least 2 two articles and textbook: “Understanding Pathophysiology” Huether Sue E, McCance Kathryn L. 3. Conduct and interview to compare and contrast the person’s lived experiences to that of your findings. Write summary of your interview. 4. Write a conclusion, assemble, format. APA format must be followed. Paper must be 6 pages ( including the cover and reference page). The paper itself must include: A cover page, Listed headings, introduction, pathophysiology (of topic), literature review (focusing on current research including evidence-based practice, treatment, and prevention strategies), summary of interview (how did your research compare to the lived experience), conclusion, and reference page
Question 1777 critique article
find a nursing article published in journals and start critiquing. How to critique an article? Well you need to follow the following : You need to read the article first very well. In your introduction state the title of the article/the name of the publisher/year of publication/the name if the journal that published the article you have picked. You can start by saying: The article entitled “….” was written by ….. and published in the journal of ….. in the year of ….. .Then state the aim of this article; what it aims to find. In the second paragraph and the following paragraphs you need to provide a detailed summary of the article: the instrument used for data collection, the sample (participants of the study), and the findings and any other important information readers need to know before heading into the critique. Then in two paragraphs or less ; state the strengths points you have found after going through the paper. For example rich literature review is provided, the layout of the paper, and others depending on ur picked paper. In the following paragraphs, state the weaknesses points: poor Literature review, redundancy, and many negative points you can find. Then ends your essay with an overall opinion of the whole study.
Question 1778 Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies
Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, why do you think these competencies were selected? Which 2 of the 10 competencies will be most important to your future nursing practice and why?
Writing a reflection letter to college as a nursing student that withdrawal from program explaining how I have overcome my challenges and ready for readmission. • Explain how to balance school and life before readmission and how it helps when back to school • Extract study how it will help when readmitted into the program. • You can include extra steps to take in succeeding the program.
Question 1780 Critique a Research Article
Library Assignment Critique a Research Article A critique is a method of displaying a logical and organized analysis of a written or oral piece. Critique can provide the readers with both positive and negative outcomes depending on the author. The purpose of this assignment is for the student to perform a critique on a research article that deals with today’s health issues. In this paper the student must be diligent at what the author are claiming, taking into account the research methods being utilized and look for pros and cons of the researcher’s outcomes. The assignment must be a minimal of five pages, excluding title page and references. The assignment must be strictly following APA guidelines, points will be deducted if otherwise. Do not use first person throughout the paper until the section called evaluate the paper. It will be divided in the following manner: Title page: Give the name of the article, the authors name(s) and your name. Following APA Introduction: • Provide an overview of the author’s research problem, research questions and main point including how the author supports his or her point. • Explain what the author initial objectives (hypothesis) and results including the process he or she used to arrive at such conclusion. Evaluate the Research Methods: in paragraph form answer the following: • Does the author provide a literature review? • Is the research current and relevant to today existing health issues? • Describe the research type utilized?– experimental, non-experimental, quasi experimental, etc. • Evaluate the sample (size, composition, or in the way the sample was selected in relation to the purpose of the study? Was the sample appropriate for the research or was it bias? • How practical does this work seem to you? How does the author suggest research results could be applied and how do you believe they could be applied? • Could the study have been improved in your opinion? If so provide how you think it could have improved. • Is the writing in the article clear straightforward? • Can further research be conducted on this subject? Explain Conclusion: In your conclusion, try to synthesize the pieces of your critique to emphasize your own main points about the author’s work, relating the researcher’s work to your own knowledge or to topics being discussed in your course. Reference Page: APA style,
Question 1781 Community Windshield Survey
2.Watch Caring for Populations project overview and Milestone 1 tutorial (click this link or copy and paste it into your browser): (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (transcript (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) 5.Length: The completed form should be three to four pages in length (not including any optional references).
Question 1782 A History of Nursing
This is a critical thinking assignment. 12 point font . And use fundamentals of nursing 2nd edition by Judith and Leslie as reference. question List the similarities between European nursing and American nursing based on the nursing stories you read
Question 1783 Questions to Be Graded
Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercises 31 and 32” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.
Question 1784 Professional Associations Membership
Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: -The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision. -Potential advantages of membership in the organization. -Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization). -Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines.
Question 1785 Discussion Board
Select one of the conceptual models or theories described in chapter 6. Formulate a research question and one to two hypotheses that could be used empiraclly to test the utility of the conceptual framework or model in nursing practice.
Question 1786 Civil rights of mentally ill patients
What do you think about the civil rights of mentally ill patients? What problems might arise in matters, such as money management, receiving visitors, or telephoning others? How can patients be helped to use their rights prudently? Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format.
Question 1787 Vulnerable Population Assessment
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify and assess an aggregate or vulnerable population in your community. You will also describe one community health problem that impacts this group. This problem must be one that a community health nurse could positively impact. Based on your community assessment, including your windshield survey and the assessment information from your discussions, identify one aggregate or vulnerable population in your community that faces a community health problem. See units five (5) and six (6) in Nies and McEwen (2015) for examples of vulnerable populations and aggregates. Your community must be the area where you live or work. ◦Go to the Healthy People topic areas at Find a topic area that relates to your aggregate or vulnerable population. state the Healthy People 2020 specific numbered objective (not just a goal)
Question 1788 Mental Health
Based on the journal article below, discuss the difficulties that healthcare providers may encounter in diagnosing mental illness in chronically medically ill patients. Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format
Question 1789 Difficulties diagnosing mental illness in chronically medically ill patients
Based on the journal article below, discuss the difficulties that healthcare providers may encounter in diagnosing mental illness in chronically medically ill patients. Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format (you can go to purdue owl online if you have questions or use This post is Due 2/8/18 at 11:59pm. Peer Response Due 2/18/18 at 11:59pm. is a discussion board assigment
Question 1790 Evidence-Based Practice
this is a post I have to write back to this two classmate can you guys do this? classmate#1 when caring for human lives it is imperative to practice based on what evidence has shown us to be the best practice. Also this on e too Evidence-based practice (EBP) provides healthcare providers with a method to assess and support the use of scientific evidence in providing cost effective and exceptional health care to patients. A nurse’s intent should include lifelong learning. This nurse executive student understands a nurse’s intent includes lifelong learning and the importance to improve in the use of EBP at the point of care; recognizing it’s benefits in areas of compliance in medication administration and patient outcome. Nurse leaders carry a significant role in promoting EBP and providing their fellow nurses information of scientific knowledge available to guide point of care practice. Reports indicate many barriers with the implementation of EBP; including availability of information, poor skills, facility readiness to adopt new practice and belief in the benefits of EBP, by nurses (Hauck, Winsett, & Kuric, 2012). I feel bringing awareness to the obstacles nurses have that prevent use or knowledge of best EBP will encourage opportunities for implementation. Knowing that all types of barriers exist in providing the EBP point of care, this nurse executive student will help identify and eliminate barriers that are preventing nurses at the point of care from implementing the best evidence-based care. Hauck, S., Winsett, R., & Kuric, J. (2012). Leadership facilitation strategies to establish evidence-based practice in an acute care hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(3), 664-674. Tests have proved that using evidence based practice creates a better care for the patient, better costs, and happier nurses (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Stillwell, & Williamson, 2010). There are several steps involved for practicing evidence based practice. Melnyk et al. (2010) discusses the steps of evidence based practice through items such as investigation, asking a clinical question, researching the best evidence, critically appraising the evidence, using the evidence into practice, assessing the outcomes , and distributing conclusions. classmate #2.Evidence based practice is based on research, studies, results based on actual facts and evidence, that leads to practice in which patients are safest with the highest level of care. I am currently on the specialty track for nurse practitioner. In the position of nurse practitioner, evidence based practice is extremely important, as I will be caring for patients diagnosing and treating. Treatment plans that I will order need to be based upon what research shows to be the best practice available. I have chosen to seek education to be able to practice as a family nurse practitioner, because I wanted to be able to care for patients in the advanced practice role. As floor nurses we often see orders or order sets that we may or may not agree with. I think having hospital floor experience before taking on the role of a family nurse practitioner will help to better understand the patients wants and needs. One area where I am passionate about is pressure ulcer prevention. I believe that there is evidence that shows techniques available to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers among our patient populations. Over the past several years interventions have been utilized to decrease the quantity of pressure ulcers by using evidence based practice (Elsevier, 2015). An example of this would be through utilization of preventative techniques and understanding contributing factors to causation of pressure ulcers. Understanding things such as patient self-care, physical activity, and adequate nutritional status are items that put a patient at risk for a pressure ulcer (Elsevier, 2015). Taking this knowledge with me into practice as a family nurse practitioner I can assess patients in an holistic manner and determine what risk factors pertain to each of my patients, and recommend or prescribe adequate resources that may be available to the patients to avoid increased risk of obtaining a pressure ulcer. References Elsevier. (2015). Evidence-based practices in pressure ulcer prevention: lost in implementation. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 1655-1658. Melnyk, B., Fineout-Overholt, E., Stillwell, S., & Williamson, K. (2010). Evidence-based practice: step by step: the seven steps of evidence-based practice. American , 51-53.
Question 1791 Intervention and Evaluation
The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide an opportunity to develop a community health nursing intervention and evaluation plan for a community health problem that you identified in your community (described in Milestone 2: Vulnerable Population Assessment). You will apply the components of the nursing process to assist this vulnerable population and develop a proposal that could be presented to community leaders.
Question 1792 Patient Teaching Plan Guidelines
The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to apply information gathered from the Family Genetic History and Milestone 1 assignments to aid with identifying one modifiable risk factor and develop an evidence-based teaching plan that promotes health as well as improves patient outcomes. Remember, you are creating a patient teaching plan so be sure to include terms easily understood by the general population and limit your use of medical jargon. Slides should include the most important elements for them to know in short bullet-pointed phrases. You may add additional comments in the notes section to clarify information for your instructor
Question 1793 Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland
Microsoft Word document that needs to include: 1.Information about two health assessment histories. 2.The possible findings for the tympanic membrane. 3.Information on how to examine the thyroid gland using both the anterior and posterior methods. 4. A concise note in the subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) format with each patient’s encountered findings. 5.Information about laboratory tests that may be used for screening clients and the expected normal levels for each test. 6. Support your responses with examples.
Question 1794 Letter to Legislator & Policy Brief
State: New Jersey Zip: 07603 (Bogota) Purpose and Overview The purpose of this assignment is to apply knowledge of the health policy process to letter writing, policy research and dissemination. Directions Write a letter to your state member of the Legislature or a Member of Congress from your state regarding a national or state health policy. For pending bills: students:should utilize web references provided in the text and/or Associations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA): Nurses World. From the ANA homepage, the student can link to the Government Affairs page and search current legislation. The letter must be: in support of or in opposition to a current piece of legislation; one page, using a standard letter format; addressed properly to the student’s member of Congress or State Legislator; to identify members of Congress, the student should visit and enter his or her home zip code, to identify State Legislators the student should access his or her home state’s Legislative home page, include an additional one-page policy document (brief) that summarizes the student’s rationale for support or opposition; include at least two scholarly references, in APA format, that support the student’s position and include a concise overview of the rationale.
Question 1795 Clincal observations
This person should n=be detail oriented and able to follow every direction. read English. this is a bachelor level paper. In the paper I have written my entire clinical experience, I just need it put into order, making sure, grammar is all corr and all direction are followed. Paper is due in 9 hours no later. Nurses are prefer.
Question 1796 Written piece examining a public inquiry into a health system failure
Both nationally and internationally, there have been public inquiries into the failure of health systems to deliver safe and evidence based care. The recent investigation into the series of clinical incidents and clinical governance issues concerning the provision of maternity services at Djerriwarrh Health Services, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia is a high profile example. This assessment requires you to explore this prominent inquiry and to answer the question/s posed in two only of the four modules below; · Clinical Governance · Safety and Quality · Leadership and Management · Organisational Culture A brief introductory paragraph is required to identify which two modules you will address in your response (this paragraph is not included in the work limit). As a scholarly piece, please use a third person writing style. Your response for each module will be 500 words (1000 words in total). A brief list of resources has been provided in the assessment section of the LMS to assist you in beginning to explore the context of this health service inquiry. You must support your assertions with evidence from additional sources of contemporary literature. 1. Clinical Governance Clinical governance is defined in the Victorian Clinical Governance framework (2017) as: “..the integrated systems, processes, leadership and culture that are at the core of providing safe, effective, accountable and person-centered healthcare underpinned by continuous improvement. There are five domains in this refreshed clinical governance framework. Within the five domains, key systems and practices are required to support safe, effective, person-centred care for every consumer, every time. From the model above, identify two domains. Describe how these two domains may have influenced the system failure in the Bacchus Marsh healthcare service public inquiry. Use the literature to support your assertions. 2. Quality and Safety Identify and describe a risk management strategy that the Bacchus Marsh healthcare service could have undertaken to prevent the health system failure. Such strategies may include: · Credentialing · Reporting and acting upon near misses and incidents · Accreditation and benchmarking · Auditing · Monitoring and responding to complaints. How might the implementation of this risk management strategy have changed the outcome in your chosen inquiry? 3. Leadership and management Identify and describe two traits/characteristics of an open and transparent leader. Were the characteristics evident in the key figures in the Bacchus Marsh inquiry? Use the evidence from the inquiry to support this assertion. Briefly examine how these characteristics influence the delivery of safe patient care. Use evidence from contemporary literature to support your assertions. 4. Organisational culture Define the term Whistle-blower. Describe what influence the organisational culture have on the quality of care in your chosen inquiry? Did the culture of the Bacchus Marsh healthcare service help to hide or disclose the failure? Justify your response with evidence from the literature.
Question 1797 Nursing care plan
This is a nursing care plan. I need to come out with a care plan for the body system that I have pic up for my patient. I also have the patient background . Please come up with It can only have one risk for . it has to be three nursing diagnose , one goal for each, 6 nursing intervention with six rationale, and an evaluation.. please know time management, proper grammar, and really know how to do nursing diagnosis at a bachelor/college level.
Question 1798 Waiting time tolerance in ER Triage
proposal sitting 600 wards excluding the citation APA style it will be reviewed by Turntin start writing about the Alain city and it is population then ALAIN Hospital i will give you 2 links one of them is wikipedia down the page of Wikipedia there are Local government websites you can use them this is the hospital link where we are going to do the study in ER Tis is the City Alain
Question 1799 Explain and demonstrate the impact of conflict management in work place
editing powerpoint presentation Add introduction part for the presentation with adding three references and in text citation edit and review the whole presentation edit and review the citation Make the presentation look professional add photos change the them connect the three parts wit the introduction you are going to add in one presentation edit the language and any thing need to be edit and change the them add picture no certain number for the word count each part should be explained in 15 minutes connect the files in the following order introduction badrya file rehab file Rouda file the referances
Question 1800 Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants
To prepare for this assignment view the following brief video from the American Medical Association titled, “Health Literacy and Patient Safety: Help Patients Understand.” The video can be accessed through the following link: Part I: Pamphlet Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following: Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience. Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary: Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level). Description of parent response to teaching. Assessment of parent understanding. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved.
Question 1801 Professional Development Plan
Pages 3-8 in the PDF file apply specifically to this assignment, please ignore the rest of the pages. I have attached additional pages that provide instructions and examples of what the instructor is looking for. I also attached my strategic plan with instructor feedback for a long term goal.
Question 1802 Patient relationship boundaries
To complete this assignment, follow these steps: Choose from one of the following topics upon which to create your brochure: Nurse-Patient Relationship Boundaries Develop the brochure as if you were using it as a handout during an in-service for nursing professionals. In the brochure, briefly explain the legal and ethical implications related to the chosen topic The brochure can be tri-fold or half-fold (on two pages, front and back). It must cover two pages completely. You can find a template for a brochure, or you can create it on your own. Multiple templates can be found through Microsoft Word. the topic must be covered thoroughly without being overly wordy. Brochures should be simple and easy to read, while also being visually appealing. Cite and reference information per APA guidelines in the brochure. You must include three scholarly references at the end of the brochure (they do not have to be double-spaced, and they can be in very small print to preserve room). Remember, all citations must have a reference, and all references must have a citation. One reference can be your textbook. Provide correct APA citation/reference for all images/figures/tables used. Citation font size can be slightly smaller than other text on the brochure to conserve space, but it must be legible when the document is viewed at 100% size. Submit your final product to this drop box.
Question 1803 Poster presentation
this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to follow all of the different steps in a research project on an already published article and presented as a poster presentation. A poster session or poster presentation is the presentation of research information by an individual or representatives of research teams at a congress or conference with an academic or professional focus. The work is usually peer reviewed. Poster sessions are particularly prominent at scientific conferences such as medical congresses. Students will select a nursing research already published and following the article information you will create a poster presentation that include the below information: The outline of the poster should include the following tabs (minimum requirements) Abstract Outline: -Title of Project -Problem Statement: what is the problem that needs fixing? -Purpose of the Project -Research Question(s) -Hypothesis -Methodology (Qualitative vs. Quantitative) -Steps in implementing your project -Limitations Results (Pretend results) -Conclusion -References I have attached an example of a poster presentation for guidance. The due date for the poster presentation is WEEK 13. Please feel free to be artistic and provide graphs and data. You are welcome to use any poster template.
Question 1804 emergency plan
Preparing an emergency plan now, rather than wishing you had one during an actual disaster, will greatly increase your chances of survival and/or sustainability. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved one’s, and how to cope with potential disaster by planning ahead through use of this checklist (attached). Build your own disaster response plan and thoroughly discuss it with your family. Post the plan at strategic points in your home so that everyone can see it. Once your checklist is complete, please submit it to blackboard (all 4 pages). A simple scanned copy of the completed pdf is acceptable for this submission; however, if you choose to re-create in a word document instead, remember to follow our standard formatting requirements below. All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (i.e., one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include current APA or MLA in-text citations when appropriate, an appropriate APA title page or MLA first page, an APA reference page or MLA works cited page when appropriate, and should be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents. If your academic discipline utilizes another formatting style (e.g. Chicago/Turabian, etc.), it is your responsibility to make the course instructor aware of the style you will be following within the comments section of each assignment submission. Otherwise, the course instructor will grade your formatting according to APA/MLA standards. First, select one of the disasters listed below and imagine you find yourself in the middle of in it. Next, research images and news stories regarding the event you selected. Attempt to wrap your mind around the chaos that must have been involved. Finally, in approximately 2-pages (at minimum) discuss what your action steps would be if using your personal disaster plan. In your chosen scenario, consider that your family is accounted for and safe. In addition to your evacuation, is there anything else you can do to prepare your home for the disaster upon your departure? All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (i.e., one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include current APA or MLA in-text citations when appropriate, an appropriate APA title page or MLA first page, an APA reference page or MLA works cited page when appropriate, and should be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents. If your academic discipline utilizes another formatting style (e.g. Chicago/Turabian, etc.), it is your responsibility to make the course instructor aware of the style you will be following within the comments section of each assignment submission. Otherwise, the course instructor will grade your formatting according to APA/MLA standards. flood Hurricane Katrina A blackhawk helicopter crew airlifts and delivers you and your family to the Superdome with 10,000 other people. 1994 Northridge, CA. Earthquake Your neighborhood goes into flames due to ruptured gas lines. You have 30 minutes to evacuate. 2011 Joplin, MO. Tornadoes You emerge from your storm shelter in the darkness of night to find complete destruction of the town. Fire 2012 Waldo, CO. Wildfires You have been given 24 hours to evacuate your community. Tens of thousands of people flee their neighborhoods after the Waldo Canyon fire unleashes waves of flames that would destroy 346 homes.
Question 1805 Clinical experince and learning outcome
This paper is due in three(3 ) hours. no exception. please answer the following question from the document uploaded. these questions are to be address. 1.Describe your transition to the professional nurse role this day? What went well? What did not go well? How will you/can you improve your performance whether your day went well or not 2.Describe a Student Learning Outcome (SLO) that you met
Question 1806 When Death Is Near: Helping Patients, Families, & Nurses Cope With What Is To Come
am in need of an Evidence Based Practice paper for my 2nd semester of Nursing School. I need this to be completed today, for presentation tomorrow! The research article I’m using is titled: Perceptions of dying well and distressing death by acute care nurses. It must be done in APA format and the meet specific criteria enclosed. It is not required to be a specific length, and my professor subtly let it be known they “prefer” it on the shorter side. Two or three paragraphs for the analysis, nursing implications, and conclusion are perfectly acceptable, as long as the idea of the study is captured. A brief student view is perfectly fine, and can even be left open, so that I can add my own viewpoint in the end. Thank you!
Question 1807 nursing shortage
To take a proactive role in nursing policy, you will prepare an email to your legislator about any current nursing issue. You must first identify your legislators. Then you will write a concise, professionally worded e-mail to one of the state-level legislators about a current nursing issue that is important to you.
Question 1808 Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies
This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs). CO2 Demonstrate leadership strategies that promote safety and improve quality in nursing practice and increase collaboration with other disciplines when planning patient-centered care within systems-based practice. (PO 2) CO4 Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO 4) CO9 Demonstrate accountability for personal and professional development by assessing information and technology competence, implementing plans for upgrading technology skills, and using effective strategies for online student success using success resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO 5) Now that you have examined the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies, why do you think these competencies were selected? Which 2 of the 10 competencies will be most important to your future nursing practice and why?
Question 1809 Risk-Factor Perspective
Which theoretical perspective, that guides the nursing process with assessment of the family, do you find to be the most helpful and effective? Why is this theory more appealing to you than the others? the reference is already there for you to use. The perspective I picked is the title and just write why that topic was the best topic to use doing a family assessment. All the info for the Risk factor perspective is attached
Question 1810 Health Genogram
Attached is one sample genogram without names. 2. A second sample genogram with names, Ken and Mary. 3. Instructions and rubric about the Health genogram is attached, please read it thoroughly before attempting to create the health genogram. Follow the ruberic that follows the instructions. 4. After creating the health genogram, write a one page APA formatted summary of the genogram that includes one primary health promotion goal for the family, and a health risk analysis identification of familial trends, and a list of the most common health risks as refelected in the data of the genogram. (this is the part in blue text)
Question 1811 Windshield Survey – Hialeah
Prepare a report with a minimum of 700 words (not including title and reference pages), Times New Roman 12 font. Please include the following guidelines in the report. See bellow Environment: The age, nature, and condition of the community’s available housing Infrastructure needs-roads, bridges, streetlights, etc. The presence or absence of functioning businesses and industrial facilities. The location, condition, and use of public spaces. The amount of activity on the streets at various times of the day, week, or year. The noise level in various parts of the community. The amount and movement of traffic at various times of the day The location and condition of public buildings-the city or town hall, courthouse, etc. People: Demographics Healthy lifestyle behaviors Poverty indications Service: Health services Fire/Police Educational Park and Recreational Religious Key community needs: list three community needs and possible solutions to the problem.
Question 1812 Family Health DQ
. Mrs. Jones, a widow, is no longer able to live independently and is requiring more and more help with her self-care. Her daughter, Susie, who is married with three school-aged children, agrees to let her mother move in with her. Susie is concerned with balancing the demands of her career and the needs of her family, especially now that her elderly and chronically ill mother will need assistance. She is also unsure about how she feels with the reversal of roles, having to now be the primary caregiver of her mother. How can the nurse, caring for this family, assist with the changes they are about to undergo? How can both the family structural theory and the family developmental theory be applied to this scenario? How can health education enhance health promotion for this family? * 250 words, APA format. Both theories are attached. References are also in attached documents. 2. What characteristics would lead a provider to suspect domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse is taking place within a family? Discuss your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse. * 250 words, APA format. No attached documents. Intext citations and references included All together i need 500 words, all info is under each item. Attached document is for #1. I put it in a document with is from the book.
Question 1813 Windshield/Walking Survey.
One way to get a sense of a community and make a community assessment is to drive or walk around it, observing and taking note of its characteristics. These windshield and walking surveys can be an important part of a community assessment. Either or both can help you better understand the community in general as well as a specific condition or aspect of it. What are windshield and walking surveys? Windshield surveys are systematic observations made from a moving vehicle. Windshield surveys are particularly useful when the area you want to observe is large, and the aspects you’re interested in can be seen from the road. Walking surveys are systematic observations made on foot. A walking survey might be a better choice when you’re seeking to understand things that are harder to see from a moving vehicle. These surveys can be used to assess general community needs or to examine more specific facets of the community’s physical, social, or economic character. Assignment: Windshield/Walking Survey. Students will performed a Windshield/Walking Survey of their own community. You will prepare a report with a minimum of 700 words (not including title and reference pages), Times New Roman 12 font. The demographic data can be obtained online through the library, county or township administration buildings. Follow APA format. Please include the following guidelines in your report. See bellow Environment: o The age, nature, and condition of the community’s available housing o Infrastructure needs-roads, bridges, streetlights, etc. o The presence or absence of functioning businesses and industrial facilities. o The location, condition, and use of public spaces. o The amount of activity on the streets at various times of the day, week, or year. o The noise level in various parts of the community. o The amount and movement of traffic at various times of the day o The location and condition of public buildings-the city or town hall, courthouse, etc. People: o Demographics o Healthy lifestyle behaviors o Poverty indications Service: o Health services o Fire/Police o Educational o Park and Recreational o Religious Key community needs: based on your survey, list three community needs and possible solutions to the problem. You are going to present your project in classroom beginning on week seven so that you are plenty of time to develop your community project. Following the alphabetical order of the roster, two students per class encounter are assigned to present and discuss their projects. Along with the presentation you are required to write a paper following APA style rules as follow:
Question 1814 Curriculum and Instruction home exam for nursing
Part I – Read the following situation and answer the questions. Around the dawn of the twentieth century, the new field of educational psychology emerged and became a defining force for the scientific study of learning, teaching, and assessment (Berliner & Calfee, 1996; Gage & Berliner, 1998; Woolfolk, 2001). A learning theory is a coherent framework and set of integrated constructs and principles that describe, explain, or predict how people learn. Rather than offering a single theory of learning, educational psychology provides alternative theories and perspectives on how learning occurs and what motivates people to learn and change (Bigge & Shermis,1992; Hilgard & Bower, 1966; Hill, 1990). Q1: What are the five (5) major learning theories? Q2: What are the principal constructs of each of the five learning theories? Q3: How are the terms education, teaching, and instruction different from but interdependent with one another? Q4: How has teaching been a part of the professional nurse’s role? Q5: How are barriers to education different from obstacles to learning? Part II – Read and discuss the following statement You have been assigned as nurse educator for class NUR 589 at KSU. As any educator, before you start assignment you must know your students and what content you must deliver to them. You knew that the education process is a systematic, sequential, planned course of action consisting of two major interdependent operations, teaching and learning. In addition, learning needs can be defined as gaps in the knowledge that exist between a desired level of performance and the actual level of performance. In general, you understand that evaluation is a systematic process by which the worth or value of something is judged. In light of the introductory statement, discuss with delineation what you should do and how to prepare for your class. Starting with the fires step of need assessment to final step of evaluation. the answer will be from the book in this link and the attachment
Question 1815 DIABETES
Question 1 Details: Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children. In a paper of 750-1,000 words, summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. Research must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and the nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. Question 2 Details: Based on the summary of research findings identified from the Evidence-Based Project—Paper on Diabetes that describes a new diagnostic tool or intervention for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children, complete the following components of this assignment: Develop a PowerPoint presentation (a title slide, 6-12 slides, and a reference slide; no larger than 2 MB) that includes the following: A brief summary of the research conducted in the Evidence-Based Project – Paper on Diabetes. A descriptive and reflective discussion of how the new tool or intervention may be integrated into practice that is supported by sound research. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Question 1816 Medication Administration – Risk identification and Minimisation
Part 1 Describe a situation (either a drug error or near miss event) that you have been involved in or been witness to. The situation may be one since you commenced your program or one in your capacity as an Enrolled Nurse or student. – The situation i choose is when patients are in theatre, the nurses dont always document on the online medication administration system (that the rest of the hospital uses), so when we get them back on the ward post op, we have to dig through all of the theatre paper work to find where they have documented what meds have been given. If they put these meds straight on to the online system, this would radically reduce the risk of medication errors and near misses that occur on the ward. Part 2 Which specific component of Peninsula Health’s Medication Administration Policy was not adhered to? (even if the event did not occur at a Peninsula Health site) What were the contributing factors to the situation? On reflection, how has this situation affected the way in which you either administer or check medications Format Project should be no more than two x A4 pages When referring to the policy, “in text” referencing (with document name and page number) will be sufficient
Question 1817 Health Assessments
Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births. Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, on-going care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity). Identify at least one support service within your community for preterm infants and their family. Provide the link for your colleagues to view. Does the service adequately address needs of this population? Explain your answer. *Needs 250 words APA format with a reference and intext citations * The support service within my community for preterm infants and their family is Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida 2. You are the registered nurse performing a health assessment on a newborn infant. From the functional health pattern portion of the assessment, you learn the mother is reluctant to breastfeed her baby. How do you respond? Explain the approach you will take to ensure adequate nutrition for the newborn, with or without breastfeeding. Provide rationale for your answer. * Needs 250 words APA format with intext citations and a reference
Question 1818 What differentiates someone that is intrinsically motivated from someone that is extrinsically motivate
1-) You have an idea to improve patient care that you would like upper management to support and fund. What type of communication tool would you use to present your idea and why? 2-) What differentiates someone that is intrinsically motivated from someone that is extrinsically motivated? Give an example of how you would go about motivating an individual who is intrinsically motivated and one who is extrinsically motivated. What are the characteristics of a performance-driven team?
Question 1819 Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU Video Analysis/Reflection
Review the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU video at: Write a paper in which you identify and describe elements that you feel are of benefit or risk to both patients and nurses. Explain the benefits/risks and why you do or do not support this type of available technology. Your paper should be a minimum of three pages and written in APA format with at least two outside credible references.
Question 1820 Cultural Competence
This reflective paper demonstrates an analysis of the student’s own level of cultural competence based on course readings and other sources of evidence-based practice. Every nurse can find areas of development in their professional practice. The purpose of the paper is for the student to use the reflective analysis to develop a future learning plan outlining goals, strategies and resources that will lead to improved cultural awareness, sensitivity, and professional and cultural competence. 1. You are required to prepare a formal practice reflection paper. The purpose of this work is to have the student, through reflective analysis, develop a future learning plan outlining goals, strategies and resources that will lead to improved cultural awareness, sensitivity, and professional and cultural competence. 2. Students are not graded on the actual content of their assessment of their own cultural competence. Grading will be based on the depth, honesty, and concise reflective capability demonstrated by the student. Grading will also consider the organization, specificity, and realism of the student’s learning plan. 3. This work will assist the student to advance their skill of reflective practice, the mandatory component of the CNO’s QA program. Reflective practice is a foundational process used by nurses that requires rigorous and active evaluative thinking to reflect on past experiences for the purpose building knowledge (Dewey, 1933). The CNO’s mandatory requirement of nurses to be lifelong learners is built on the process of reflective practice. 4. Criteria for reflective analysis paper: a. Review the course readings regarding cultural competence. b. Identify one (1) highly significant learning experience about cultural competence and professionalism that occurred for you in your nursing practice. This experience can be either a singular event that occurred at one moment in time in either the clinical or lab setting OR a gradual, yet specific, process of learning that occurred over the term of one class. c. This learning experience can be of a positive or negative nature; however, the learning you obtained must have been beneficial for yourself, your colleagues, and/or your clients. d. Provide a clear and concise summary of your chosen learning experience. Discussion of Experience: i. Explain the significance of your experience in relation to your development of cultural competence, as well as your development as a professional. ii. What made this learning stand out in your memory compared to other experiences? iii. Be specific and detailed with regards to how this experience created learning for you. To do this, remember that learning is an act of change. e. Develop a sophisticated goal statement as to how you intend to further your learning in the area of cultural competence. Elaborate on how this learning will benefit you, your colleagues, and your clients. f. Provide and explain strategies and resources that will help you achieve your learning goal. Format: Minimum 3 pages, Maximum 4 pages, APA (6th Ed.) format. Language choice, spelling, and grammar must be appropriate to that of a regulated health professional and meet the college level.
Question 1821 Policy and Organizational Behavior
Format: Include a title page and references page. As this is an executive summary, do not use APA style and formatting. To determine the appropriate format, it may be helpful for you to review the documents used in your organization. How do they look? What kind of language is used in memos? These can help guide your development of this executive summary. Certainly, feel free to use bullet points as appropriate. Length: Write a 2-3-page (maximum) summary of your information, not including the title page and references page. References: You must still reference scholarly resources to support your work. Use at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
Question 1822 Personal affiliations and networking are important for nursing leaders
1-) A new director decides to reorganize the department you work in. This reorganization comes about without input from the employees and many of the nurses that you oversee are feeling resentful of the change. As a nurse leader, identify factors that may lead to conflict and ways you can manage them. 2-) Personal affiliations and networking are important for nursing leaders. Why are these important? How will they benefit you in your career future? Identify two affiliations or a situation in which you have networked for the health of a population or your community.
Question 1823 Child Abuse and Mistreatment
Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age and can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups (infant, toddler, preschool, or school age) and discuss the types of abuse that are most often seen in this age. Discuss warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse. 250 words APA format with intext citations and references 2.Research children’s health issues, focusing on environmental factors and links to poverty. The assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that predispose communities and populations to injury, illness, and death. What correlations did your research show between environmental and health issues in the school-aged child? Make sure to include references to the article(s) you consulted. 250 words APA format with intext citations and a references
Question 1824 Health Screening and Children Functional Pattern
Health Screening and History Adolescent Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one. Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet. Complete the assignment as outlined on the worksheet, including: Biographical data Past health history Family history: Obstetrics history (if applicable) and well young adult behavioral health history screening Review of systems All components of the health history Three nursing diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening (one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, and one “risk for” nursing diagnosis) Rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis. A wellness plan for the adolescent/young adult client, using the three nursing diagnoses you have identified. Format the write-up in a manner that is easily read, computer-generated, neat, and without spelling errors. Use correct acronyms or abbreviations when indicated. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines. Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following: Complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines,
Question 1825 article critique
nursing research; this assignment is a critique of three articles attached to this post. the articles are to be used for a research paper that would address the PICO question; How does adult patient will dementia will benefit from music therapy to decrease agitation compared to those who don’t participate in music therapy
Question 1826 Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions Topic 2 DQ 2 Select a global health issue impacting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger health care system (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). How can health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns?Who are some of the stakeholders that may work on these issues? Readings within your text covering international/global health and the following websites will assist you in answering these questions: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Global Health website: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Global Health website: Families USA – Why Global Health Matters—Here and Abroad website: World Health Organization (WHO) website: 10.0 Topic 2 DQ 1 What are social determinants of health? How do social determinants of health contribute to the development of illness? What is a communicable disease chain? Are there steps that a nurse can take to break a link within the communicable disease chain? Give a specific example. Readings within your text covering international/global health and the following websites will assist you in answering these questions: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Global Health website: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Global Health website: Families USA – Why Global Health Matters—Here and Abroad website: World Health Organization (WHO) website:
Question 1827 research proposal
edit according to the comments in edit mode the file is attached review the structure of the qualitative research not NOt quantitative change the sitting don’t change any thing not mentioned in the comments before asking me I have 12 hrs only mind the citation attached is ward file to give you information about ER there is link also
Question 1828 What is your idea of a healthy community?
-What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your community’s definition of a healthy community? 2-Consider the different communities to which you belong: What is the geopolitical community in you live? Why is it geopolitical? What is a phenomenological community to which you belong? Why is it a phenomenological community? What would some challenges and benefits be for community health nurses in providing care for different communities? For similar communities? For the same community? What are some possible solutions to the challenges? What, if any, global health issues are present in your community? Are there any ethnic subcommunities within your community? What considerations need to be addressed?
Question 1829 Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models
Details: As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals. Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics. Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes. In 800-1,000 words summarize the feedback shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform. A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Question 1830 Abstract and Position Paper
For this Assignment, Abstract and Position Paper, you will search for a scholarly journal to publish to. You will follow your selected journal’s guidelines for creating a position paper. You will write an abstract for your paper as if it were going to be published. (The abstract is not the type of abstract you would submit in a paper but one you would write if submitting a paper for publication.) If your selected journal has guidelines for the abstract, follow those guidelines. You must support your work with at least two scholarly peer reviewed articles. Your literature review must evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from research articles. In addition, you must gather and analyze data and make a valid assumptions based on reasoning.You must also link to the journal’s publishing guidelines, at the bottom of your paper. If there is no link, include a copy of the publishing guidelines in an Appendix to your paper. You will write your position paper on your chosen policy change as if you were writing for your chosen journal. Your paper must include the following topics: The chosen policy change is controlling the cost of drugs in America. Abstract per instructions Implementation strategies for controlling the cost of drug in America.
Question 1831 Children’s Functional Patterns
In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following: Complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines,
Question 1832 Clinical judgement and daily jurnal
Describe your transition to the professional nurse role this day? What went well? What did not go well? How will you/can you improve your performance whether your day went well or not? Describe a Student Learning Outcome (SLO) that you met. (Should use all SLO’s equally throughout the semester.)
Question 1833 Evidence base practice on NG-tube
This paper is due in 3 hours. By inserting a nasogastric tube, you are gaining access to the stomach and its contents. This enables you to drain gastric contents, decompress the stomach, obtain a specimen of the gastric contents, or introduce a passage into the GI tract. This will allow you to treat gastric immobility, and bowel obstruction. Answer this question 1. Value the concept of EBP as integral to determine best clinical practice of Nasogastric tube insertion and care as a Nurse
Question 1834 Nursing Clinical reflection paper
I need a total of 4 pages. 1st page is title with running head and page number 2nd-3rd Content with page numbers. I need 3 nursing references. APA format with citations 4th reference page. The topic is Leadership and Management Issues 1. Define either nursing leadership or nursing management 2. Describe at least two situations where nursing leadership or nursing management skills were evident during your clinical rotation ( I did my rotation in the hospital) 3. If you were the nurse leader or nurse manager of that unit, how will you handle these situations? Provide supporting evidence from the literature.
Question 1835 Physician Assisted Death
Critique Identify input that will strenghten the group work This could be clarity issues or Providing a further source of support. Please note, the advantage of posting a response is to get input -promoting success…So be kind and provide a professional critique which truly supports your colleagues.
Question 1836 Discussion Question
Schizophrenia affects not only the patient suffering from the symptoms, but the family members of the affected patient, community members and the nursing/ medical team caring for the affected patient. 1. What do you think a family goes through who has a member who is suffering from schizophrenia? 2. Do you think a patient’s diagnosis of schizophrenia is easily accepted, it’s treatment compliance and acceptance of the diagnosis by the patient’s family differs based on culture? If yes, give examples. If no, give a reason. 3. Why do you think some schizophrenics have a hard time staying on medication? Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format (you can go to purdue owl online if you have questions or use This post is due by day April 5th. Each student must respond to at least one student’s original post by day April 12th. This grade is a compilation of both the original post and the response post.
Question 1837 Nursing Critical Thinking Incident
This a critical thinking incident assignment , attached I have an example of what it is supposed to look like, My SBAR that I’m using for this assignment and the one i started off myself I need you to continue and edit the one i started , the final outcome has to be the patient becoming septic , as per my SBAR, please ask questions before assuming what to do
Question 1838 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper
This personal philosophy of nursing paper should be three typewritten double spaced pages following APA style guidelines. The paper should address the following: Introduction that includes who you are and where you practice nursing Definition of Nursing Assumptions or underlying beliefs Definitions and examples of the major domains (person, health, and environment) of nursing Summary that includes: How are the domains connected? What is your vision of nursing for the future? What are the challenges that you will face as a nurse? What are your goals for professional development? INSTRUCTIONS: Grading criteria for the Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper: Introduction 10% Definition of Nursing 20% Assumptions and beliefs 20% Definitions and examples of domains of nursing 30% Summary 20% Total 100% Your paper must be written in APA style; the last day to turn in this assignment is April 1, 2018 by midnight. The paper will be checked for plagiarism.
Question 1839 Learner record – personal journal
Personal journal of working in nursing Home as a healthcare assistant. Situations like arguments with colleagues or sudden situations where other members of staff act the way they act and how did I resolve the problem and what would I do different. Using Gibbs reflective cycle
Question 1840 Mental Health Discussion
You are interviewing Tom Stone, a 17-year-old who was admitted to a psychiatric unit after a suicide attempt. How would you best respond to each of the following patient requests and behaviors? •a.“I would feel so much better if you would sit closer to me and hold my hand.” •b.“I will tell you if I still feel like killing myself, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else. If you do, I just can’t trust you, ever.” •c.“I don’t want to talk to you. I have absolutely nothing to say.” •d.“I will be going home tomorrow, and you have been so helpful and good to me. I want you to have my watch to remember me by.” •e.Tom breaks down and starts sobbing. Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format (you can go to purdue owl online if you have questions or use This post is due by day March 29. Each student must respond to at least one other student’s original post by April 5th. This grade is a compilation of both the original post and the response post.
Question 1841 Discussion post
Discussion post: answer the question with a minimum of 250 words, answer all parts of the question, use minimum of 2 references for each discussion post Discussion post 1 Principalism, especially in the context of bioethics in the United States, has often been critiqued for raising the principle of autonomy to the highest place, such that it trumps all other principles or values. How would you rank the importance of each of the four principles? How do you believe they would be ordered in the context of the Christian biblical narrative? Refer to the lecture and topic readings in your response. Discussion post 2 What do the four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications.
Question 1842 Med surg case studies
An attached list of case studies is sent Complete each case study utilizing collegiate formatting (MLA or APA). Each chapter has 2 case studies to be completed; typed in Cambria or New Times Roman 12 point font in ONE document. Case studies are case specific. Your answers should reflect the assessment and your analysis of the information in the case study… no generalized answers of all matter regarding the content. Your answers should reflect the critical thinking and application of knowledge gained. These case studies count toward your Final Grade for Medical Surgical Nursing. Include the case study in your response. Write one Nursing Care Plan from each of the case studies : either case study 1 or case study 2 your choice. Total 9 NCPs The rubric you will be grade by is: Medical Diagnosis: 1) Definition of medical diagnosis ___________________________5 Etiology/pathophysiology 2) Common sign/symptoms ___________________________5 3) Potential complications ___________________________5 4) Expected assessment findings: __________________________10 Head to toe assessment 5) Diagnostic studies/labs __________________________5 Normal values Expected abnormalities 6) All NANDA Nursing Diagnoses _________________________10 7) Develop 3 NANDA Priority Nursing diagnosis __________________________10 8) State patient goals/plan nursing diagnosis __________________________10 9) Write interventions for your plan __________________________10 10) Scientific rationale for interventions __________________________5 11) Write how you would evaluate your plan what potentially may need revision __________________________10 12) List of medications typical for the __________________________15 medical diagnosis usual dosage side effect educational considerations 2 to 3 references including Brunner & suddarth textbook of medical surgical nursing 13th edition
Question 1843 Spiritual needs assessment and reflection
This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience. Part I: Interview Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview. Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients. Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses. The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided. Be sure to record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information through which the interviewee can be determined. Part II: Analysis Write a 500-750 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead, provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response: What went well? Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges? How can this tool assist you in providing appropriate interventions to meet the needs of your patient? Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee? Explain your answer with examples. Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your results. This should be submitted as one document. The interview transcript does not figure into the word count. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion Refer to “Spiritual Assessment” found in The Joint Commission website to complete the Spiritual Needs Assessment and Reflection assignment.
Question 1844 Improving wound care
Use the following steps to apply quality improvement principles in your current clinical situation. Identify a process or procedure that you perform routinely and wish to improve. Using a flowchart, delineate each step of the procedure. Identify the step in the flowchart where you would insert a change for quality improvement. Design a new flowchart that now shows the improved process. This paper needs no references or citations. You will need: an introductory paragraph which explains what you would like to improve another paragraph which explains the step where you hope to change the pattern and insert a quality improvement process another paragraph explaining the new flow after you make the change. Please add a cover page with the title of your QI project.
Question 1845 Nursing Professional studies and interprofessional practice
Section 1 Self-Reflection Using the website information for a graduate nurse program of your choice nominate a program and summarize the description of that program in your own words. Tell us about yourself and how your attributes enhance your application with particular reference to the key features and values of the program? 300 words Section 2. Clinical question. Choose one of the following: 2.1 You are caring for a male patient who has been admitted with seizures for investigation. You go into the bathroom and find him on the floor. What would your immediate actions be? 2.2 A patient admitted through the emergency department this morning requires assistance to reposition in bed. You note that she has a pressure injury (grade 2) on her sacrum that was not mentioned when handover was given. What actions should you take? 2.3 Your patient who was admitted with meleana and is currently only taking fluids has returned from the bathroom feeling dizzy and short of breath. What will your actions be? Explain your answer in detail including your assessment, hypotheses and rationales for actions. 500 words Section 3. Prioritization After morning handover of your 4 patients you have reviewed the charts and have entered the room to greet your patients. It is 0730 and breakfast is usually delivered at 0740. Before you can introduce yourself, the following demands on your time occur concurrently: Patient 1 Mrs Peterson is asking for help to the ensuite to use her bowels. You know Mrs Peterson had a stroke 2 weeks ago and has a moderate left hemiplegia and needs assistance to move. She is classified as a high falls risk. Patient 2 Mrs Walters is going to theatre at 0800 and is not yet ready Patient 3 Mr Young is nil by mouth and has IV therapy running at 167mls per hour. The infusion pump alarm is sounding and the IV flask appears to be close to empty, Mr Young is also complaining of pain. Patient 4 Mr Stavropoulous has been admitted for acute asthma. He is due for ventlin and prednisolone at 0800. His BGL at 0700 was 4.6mmol/l. The ANUM is searching for Mrs Walters pre-operative checklist and want to know if you have seen it. In what order would you address these requests? Describe your rationale for each decision. 500 words Section 4 Professional Choose one of the following: 4.1 A colleague is handing over her patients to you at 0715 and you are reviewing the medication chart. The patient has a past history of aortic valve replacement 2 years ago and is on warfarin. She also has arthritis and will require an arthroscopy later this week. She is due to start Clexane today to replace the warfarin pre-op. You note that she has been given ibuprofen and aspirin overnight for pain as nurse initiated medication. You think that NSAID’s and Aspirin are contraindicated for patients on warfarin. How will you manage this situation? Your colleague will be going home after handover. 4.2 You are collecting a patient from the theatre. Your patient tells you she has pain 6 out of 10. She has been given Morphine 2.5mg IV 20 minutes previously. The recovery RN asks you to sort out the pain relief on the ward as they are too busy and need the space. The drug chart has Panadol and Panadeine for pain relief. You suggest that the patient should not leave recovery with uncontrolled pain and the recovery RN says “I’ve already handed over to you I can’t do anything about that now”. How will you manage this situation? 4.3 Your patient Mr Stanley is having an ascitic tap on the ward today. You have reviewed the requirements of the procedure and understand that you need to assist by caring for the patient, managing analgesia and monitoring vital signs during the procedure. It is lunchtime in your busy ward. Your colleagues including the ANUM in charge, are off the ward having lunch. The ANUM handed over to you that Mr Stanley is having the ascitic tap after 1.30 when sufficient staff are available and that she has negotiated this with the resident medical officer (RMO). You are monitoring another patient with hypoglycaemia when you see the RMO with the procedure trolley going into Mr Stanley’s room. The procedure requires a nurse be in attendance. You have no available staff and you need to monitor your hypoglycaemic patient. How will you manage this RMO? Describe in detail your response to your chosen scenario drawing upon your knowledge and research of professional regulations and requirements, professional behaviour, conflict resolution techniques, education and provision of feedback. 700 words All written assessments must align to academic standards. Academic standards require: • the use of third person, unless specifically indicated otherwise; • APA 6th edition for in-text citations and reference list; • adherence to word count; • a 12 size font in either Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri; • 1.5 spacing; and • submitted using a MS word document only Appropriate use of references including in text citations and reference list
PROMOTE CULTURALLY COMPETENT CARE (COMMUNICATION SKILLS) COMPETENCY:( 5) Describe how diverse cultural, ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds function as sources of patient, family, and community values. (K) Collect data pertaining to a patient’s physical, physiological, spiritual and cultural function Interpret collected data to identify a patient’s health needs. (S) Seek learning opportunities with patients who represent all aspects of human diversity in the promotion of culturally competent care. (A)
Question 1847 Assess Health Promotion Need of a Family Competency
Once you have completed the cultural end-of-life scenario, please respond to the following statement: Value the professional nurse scope of practice related to health promotion needs of a family and/or community when developing a plan to assist with achievement of a health goal.
Question 1848 Reflective summary
Write a Reflective summary of your learning. (Use your imagination) Describe your learning journey in weeks 1 to 5 using Gibbs’ reflective model as the framework. Include: 1. A description of your learning 2. A discussion of your feelings and thinking 3. An evaluation of positive and negative experiences 4. An analysis of your learning in the unit 5. A conclusion identifying possible gaps in your knowledge 6. An action plan, outlining the way in which you will apply your knowledge and learning to your future profession, further study and/or personal life. Your summary should be no less than 750 words You must refer to the weekly powerpoints and use it to substantiate and/or problematise your thinking/writing. The Reflective Summary must refer to at least 5 sources.
Question 1849 Reflection (Nursing)
I hope you accept my invite. you don’t need to do any research. it all there for you. All the instructions are in the word doc. websites are already chosen. plaese do not use any other websites. please use APA referencing style. This is a serious university assessment task. It is a 1000 refection about the stolen generation of the aboriginal peoples. I have also send you a powerpoint lecture notes to help you. please only look at the stolen generation part of the lecture.
Question 1850 Interview with Tom
You are interviewing Tom Stone, a 17-year-old who was admitted to a psychiatric unit after a suicide attempt. How would you best respond to each of the following patient requests and behaviors? •a.“I would feel so much better if you would sit closer to me and hold my hand.” •b.“I will tell you if I still feel like killing myself, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else. If you do, I just can’t trust you, ever.” •c.“I don’t want to talk to you. I have absolutely nothing to say.” •d.“I will be going home tomorrow, and you have been so helpful and good to me. I want you to have my watch to remember me by.” •e.Tom breaks down and starts sobbing. Each initial discussion post must be between 300-400 words. You will be graded on grammar and writing style. You must use one acceptable reference source (Wikipedia is not permitted and your text book is considered as an acceptable source). Reference must be in APA format (you can go to purdue owl online if you have questions or use This post is due by day March 29. Each student must respond to at least one other student’s original post by April 5th. This grade is a compilation of both the original post and the response post.
Question 1851 Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership
Task 2: RCA and FMEA Introduction: Healthcare organizations accredited by the Joint Commission are required to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) in response to any sentinel event, such as the one described in the scenario attached below. Once the cause is identified and a plan of action established, it is useful to conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to reduce the likelihood that a process would fail. As a member of the healthcare team in the hospital described in this scenario, you have been selected as a member of the team investigating the incident. Scenario: You can find the scenario attached below in the attachment section. Requirements: Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. A. Explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (RCA). 1. Explain each of the six steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI. 2. Apply the RCA process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome. B. Propose a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the scenario outcome. 1. Discuss how each phase of Lewin’s change theory on the human side of change could be applied to the proposed improvement plan. C. Explain the general purpose of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) process. 1. Describe the seven steps of the FMEA process. 2. Apply the last four steps of the FMEA process by completing the attached “FMEA Table,” based on the proposed improvement plan and using the scales of severity, occurrence, and detection. Note: You are not expected to carry out the full FMEA. D. Explain how you would test the interventions from the process improvement plan from part B to improve care. E. Explain how a professional nurse can competently demonstrate leadership in each of the following areas: • promoting quality care • improving patient outcomes • influencing quality improvement activities 1. Discuss how the involvement of the professional nurse in the RCA and FMEA processes demonstrates leadership qualities. F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission
My nursing experience has been a milestone filled with new learning experiences. These experiences I had faced theoretically in class while some are completely new. Today I was in taking care of my patient I did not anticipate doing my morning assessment. After the morning me and my partner went into the patient room. We introduce our self to both the patient and family member. I am starting mom assessment. Since the patient was stable my main focus was to support her. From the patient chart I notice that she was suffering from post pattern depression. For example, I went in the room once and I saw that the baby was crying even when the patient tries to breastfeed, I told her she was doing and great job and to continue drinking and breastfeeding. This makes her smile. Over all day went well because the patient and the infant were doing well, and all vital was within normal limit. that she was Today I realized that I can manage and give excellent treatment under minimal pressure. But I also am aware that all nurse will have to work under immense press in sometime of their career.
Question 1853 Individual Success Plan
Details: Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and your overall program of study. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course mentor. You will need to establish a plan for successful completion of (1) deliverables associated with weekly course objectives, (2), required practice immersion hours, and (3) deliverables associated with your capstone project. Access the “Individual Success Plan” resource in the Topic Materials. Read the information in the resource, including student expectations and instructions for completing the ISP document. Use the “Individual Success Plan” to develop a personal plan for completing your practice hours and how topic objectives will be met. Include the number of hours you plan to set aside to meet your goals. A combination of 100 supervised clinical hours in community health and leadership areas will be obtained through the application of the objectives listed in the Guidelines for Undergraduate Field Experiences manual. Practicum immersion experiences are required in a community health setting. Community-based settings should encourage community integration and involvement; expand accessibility of services and supports; promote personal preference, strengths, dignity; and empower people to participate in the economic mainstream. According to, educational and community-based programs and strategies are designed to reach people outside of traditional health care settings. These settings may include schools, worksites, health care facilities, and communities. Community health and leadership practice immersion can occur in the same site and in conjunction with the evidence-based project in the NRS-490 course. If you are a registered nurse in Washington, your practicum experience must include a minimum of 50 hours in a community health setting. Students should apply concepts from prior courses to critically examine and improve their current practice. Students should also integrate scholarly readings to develop case reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficient practice. Consider the challenges you expect to encounter as you continue the practice hour and competency requirements throughout this course. How might you overcome these challenges? You can renegotiate these deliverables with your faculty and mentor throughout this course and update your ISP accordingly. Once your ISP has been developed and accepted by your course faculty, you will have your course mentor sign it at the beginning of, and upon completion of, each assignment that incorporates practice immersion hours. You will track all course practice immersion hours in the ISP. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. NRS-490-RS-IndividualSuccessPlan.docx
Question 1854 Discussion post
3 different discussion post. Each post minimum of 350 words with 2 difference references each. Make sure to answer all parts of discussion post. 1. Based on the scientific management theory, what are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? What examples of participative decision making exist in your workplace? Provide your rationale. 2. Describe how the concepts of leadership and management differ from each other. In what areas do they overlap? Explain how the goals of management and leadership may sometimes overlap. As a nurse leader, do you believe you can expand your influence to create change by taking advantage of this overlap? Explain your answer. 3.Review your state’s mandated reporter statute. Provide details about this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are the steps in reporting the issue? Create a mandated reporter scenario and post it. Respond to one of your peer’s scenarios using the guidelines for submission/reporting in your state. Be sure to include a reference to your state’s website related to mandated reporting.
Question 1855 Discuss current research that links patient safety outcomes to ADN and BSN nurses
1-) Discuss current research that links patient safety outcomes to ADN and BSN nurses. Based on some real-life experiences, do you agree or disagree with this research? 2-) What is the difference between a DNP and a PhD in nursing? Which of these would you choose to pursue if you decide to continue your education to the doctoral level?
Question 1856 Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval
Details: In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website. Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following: The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed. A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need. Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes. Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing. A proposed solution to the identified project topic You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. question 2 During your practicum, determine what clinical problem or issue the organization is facing. Discuss two implications for nursing. question 3 During your practicum, determine what clinical problem or issue the organization is facing. Discuss two implications for nursing
Question 1857 Discussion Question Resource: Chest X-Ray
Use the image in “Discussion Question Resource: Chest X-Ray” to answer the following Critical Thinking Questions. Examine the x-ray of a patient diagnosed with pneumonia due to infection with Mucor. Refer to the “Module 4 DQ Chest Xray” resource in order to complete the following questions. Critical Thinking Questions Explain what Mucor is and how a patient is likely to become infected with Mucor. Describe the pathophysiologic progression of the infection into pneumonia and at least two medical/nursing interventions that would be helpful in treating the patient. Examine the laboratory blood test results and arterial blood gases provided in “Discussion Question Resource: Laboratory Blood Test Results.” What laboratory values are considered abnormal? Explain each abnormality and discuss the probable causes from a pathophysiologic perspective. What medications and medical treatments are likely to be prescribed by the attending physician on this case? List at least three medications and three treatments. Provide rationale for each of the medications and treatments you suggest
Question 1858 What specific bill
I need this two questions separate in 200 words each one and the references need to be in APA style. 1-) Choose one legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse, and discuss the importance of their role as advocate for improving health care delivery. What specific bill(s) have they sponsored or supported that has/have influenced health care? 2-) Discuss how the CMS reimbursement rules for never events required a shift in the patient care delivery model in inpatient facilities.
Question 1859 Adult Nursing Course
Adult Nursing Course: Selection of health promotion issue from any individual / client/ or family and produce a leaflet that will be personalised to that individual/ client group Prepare a leaflet for a patient, a client, a family for somebody you have encountered as a student nurse. Select that person and devise a health promotion leaflet for them. it’s not about creating a patient that you’ve not encountered because it lacks authenticity, you can see right through it. It’s about seeing how you can give a patient or patient-centered leaflet that is focusing on their needs rather than a generic need. Do not implement the leaflet. Thinking about the issues you can select in relation to health promotion. Be specific in what you are addressing for that patient or family. Make it appropriate to the profile that your gonna offer to this person that you are intending this health promotion message to be given to. For the leaflet on a separate paper on one a4 side, you must offer a profile. I would be offering a pseudonym, their age, their condition, where they live, whos their family, their hobbies their interest; any relevant background detail about the patient or the family. Also, say why they need that health promotion and why they need that health promotion and why they have devised that leaflet. I would like a minimum of 5 references which should fit on the a4 side along with the patient profile. The Leaflet- Make sure the leaflet is inoffensive and ethically appropriate and maintain confidentiality. Make up the names even the hospital name. Next assignment which links with the leaflet Personalised care is essential in ensuring that healthcare is tailored to individual’s / clients/family needs and requirements. Discuss the statement in relation to the health promotion leaflet/tool devised (3000 words) Assignment guidelines ; -Introduction ( 5% ) -Provide an insight as to why it was necessary for the nurse to introduce a health promotion strategy ( 10% ) -Provide a rationale for the design and presentation of the leaflet ( 10% ) -Discuss the justification of the message conveyed in the health promotion leaflet ( 30%) -Demonstrate understanding and application of concepts and theories relating to health promotion that can apply to the choice and design of the leaflet / health promotion tool ( 20% ) -Discuss how the provision of services for your chosen health promotion subject may be influenced by health and social care policy / guidelines ( 10% ) -Conclusion ( 5% ) -Overall presentation and construction ( 10% )
Question 1860 E-poster on word
A major risk factor for coronary artery disease is hypertension. Therapeutic lifestyle changes such as reducing fat and sugar intake should begin early in people who are at risk of hypertension. I am disagree and I have to discuss the health impacts of my viewpoint using evidence based research.
Question 1861 Discussion and reflective essay
The first one: Visit the Healthy People 2020 website, Topics and Objectives page and explore some topics. Discuss how epidemiological methods are used to evaluate Healthy People 2020 objectives. Provide examples. Something around 250-300 words and with references from 2-3 scholarly articles. Another one is: typed 300-350 words reflective essay, APA format, on the article that is attached. Discuss your 1) reflections about the article, 2) discuss three things you learned from this article and 3) how you will apply this knowledge as a registered nursing student. Include cover sheet and provide word count on the cover sheet and reference page, using this article as your reference.
Question 1862 Practice Issue and Evidence Summary
Clear identification of the practice issue is the first step in evidence-based nursing. Next, the evidence is reviewed to determine the best intervention to change practice outcomes. Completion of the milestone will include identification of the practice issue using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a review of the evidence that will support an intervention that will change outcomes. The evidence summary will be conducted through the ‘breaking down’ of a systematic review on your topic for your change project. Type answers onto worksheet
Question 1863 Patient safety culture pamphlet
NEED WITHIN 12 HOURS Create a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue; for example, a currently aging adult and how to care for his/herself at home, medication-polypharmacy and how a patient can not make a self medication error, or other appropriate safety issues. If you have a question about a specific topic, check with your instructor. Your pamphlet must include the following items: Include at least 5 tips for preventive care for the patient. Include information that should be shared with family or caregivers. Include local resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern. Include at least 3 current (published less than 5 years ago) references, in APA format.
Question 1864 Guided review of nominated literature
All the instructions are in the word document. you must watch the youtube video from the university for instrctions. It’s a serious assessment worth 30%. Must repond to each of the question provided using the reviewed journal article. please watch the video review the powerpoint and tip sheet for instructions and help. I will give you the username and password to access the journal article.
Question 1865 Mandatory Discussion Question
The case scenario provided will be used to answer the discussion questions that follow. Case Scenario Mr. C., a 32-year-old single man, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, but he has gained about 100 pounds in the last 2–3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control with sodium restriction. He current works at a catalog telephone center. Objective Data Height: 68 inches; Weight 134.5 kg BP: 172/96, HR 88, RR 26 Fasting Blood Glucose: 146/mg/dL Total Cholesterol: 250mg/dL Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL HDL: 30 mg/dL Critical Thinking Questions What health risks associated with obesity does Mr. C. have? Is bariatric surgery an appropriate intervention? Why or why not? Mr. C. has been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and the following medications have been ordered: Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL PO 1 hour before bedtime and 3 hours after mealtime and at bedtime. Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime. Sucralfate/Carafate 1 g or 10ml suspension (500mg / 5mL) 1 hour before meals and at bedtime. The patient reports eating meals at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m., and a bedtime snack at 10 p.m. Plan an administration schedule that will be most therapeutic and acceptable to the patient. Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given. (Hint: Functional health patterns include health-perception – health management, nutritional – metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception – self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality – reproductive, coping – stress tolerance.) What actual or potential problems can you identify? Describe at least five problems and provide the rationale for each.
Question 1866 Design Proposal
You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your Practice Issue and Evidence Summary worksheet from your Capstone Project Milestone 1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced.
Question 1867 Letter of reccomendation
I will need a second opinion in editing Letters of reccomendation for my student who is applying to nurse residency program. hey fellow writers so I need assist with editing a Thank you Side Note: due to confidentiality reasons I’ve omitted students name, hospital and salutation. Thank you for your understanding.
Question 1868 PICOT/Evidence Appraisal
You are required to complete the form using Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad.4.Consider what is the nursing problem or issue that you have uncovered. Make sure it is related to nursing, i.e., one that a nurse can solve independently. Do not select a medical problem that is dependent upon a medical professional to resolve. You are required to use the assignment specific item(s) (article/systematic review/topic/form/templates) or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required item, as defined above, will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation.
Question 1869 Capstone Project: Milestone 1
You are required to use the assignment specific item(s) (article/systematic review/topic/form/templates) or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required item, as defined above, will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation
Question 1870 Milestone 2: Design Proposal
You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your Practice Issue and Evidence Summary worksheet from your Capstone Project Milestone 1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. -You are required to use the assignment specific item(s) (article/systematic review/topic/form/templates) or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required item, as defined above, will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation. -The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6 th edition. -The paper is to be three to five-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page. -Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. -Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper
Question 1871 Professional Resume and Cover Letter
Write an introductory cover letter of no more than 500 words in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant. Create a resume detailing your license(s), earned degree(s), certification(s), professional experiences, previous positions held, membership in professional organizations, publications, and skills. Both the cover letter and resume should be formally written using a professionally accepted format. Review “Resume Resources,” located at for for examples of approved formats; (PLEASE USE REGISTERED NURSE RESUME EXAMPLE)
Question 1872 SOAP NOTE pediatrics
SOAP note for a pediatric well child visit Overall Instructions: 1. Identified and collected the necessary data 2. Categorized and organized data using the appropriate format 3. Incorporated all pertinent data/facts 4. Used proper documentation 5. LIST at the end of your subjective section the billing level : Problem Focused, Expanded problem focused, detailed, comprehensive (use guidelines for new vs. established patient 6. Identify cultural influences on care *Use provided format and rubric for a well child pediatric visit, can choose from newborn to adolescence age range
Question 1873 A reflective journal on authentic leadership
rticle: Shirley, M. R. (2006). Authentic leaders creating healthy work environments for nursing practice. American Journal of Critical Care, 15(3), 256-267. 1. A 500-word reflective journal after reading the article: Provide a description and the characteristics of the Authentic Leadership. (~300 words) Reflect on learning points and how to become an Authentic Leader. (~200 words) Journal structure: Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. References: It is mandated to use American Psychological Association referencing style. Appropriate literature support is expected. AND 2. A reflective thinking exercise (CE Test): attached at the last page of the article. Please state your answer to the 12 multiple-choice questions at the end of the assignment paper. E.g. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d …………………..
Question 1874 Reading Research Literature
Retrieve the following research articles: Make sure you are viewing the full text PDF. If you view the article in HTML format, you may not be able to see the tables and figures that are referenced in the questions. Velayutham, S. G., Chandra, S. R., Bharath, S., & Shankar, R. G. (2017). Quantitative balance and gait measurement in patients with frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer diseases: A pilot study. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 39(2), 176-182. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.203132. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Pals, R. S., Hansen, U. M., Johansen, C. B., Hansen, C. S., Jørgensen, M. E., Fleischer, J., & Willaing, I. (2015). Making sense of a new technology in clinical practice: A qualitative study of patient and physician perspectives. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 1-10. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1071-1 Type answers to the questions directly onto the required form. Your required form does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and write in complete sentences.
Question 1875 Home visit with Sallie Mae Fisher
This is a CLC assignment. observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video ( Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment. Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment: Essay Portion After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 500-750-words in which you do the following: Identify, prioritize, and describe at least four problems. Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified. Identify and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions. Discuss your rationale for the interventions identified. Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Question 1876 Theoretical critique assignment
Choose a nurse theorist and utilize the following outline to analyze and evaluate the theoretical framework. The aim of this activity is to facilitate theory – guided nursing practice. Question 1. Significance of the theory 15 pts. ❖ Does the theory deal with a topic that is currently important to society? ❖ Does the theory offer new insights about the topic? ❖ Is the theory important to nursing? ❖ How has the theory been used to guide nursing education, administration, and/or practice? Question 2. C ontext of the theory development 15 pts. ❖ Who is the nursing theorist as a person and as a nurse? ❖ What are the major theoretical influences on this theory? ❖ What were major external influences on development of the theory? Question 3. The theory is internally consistent . 15 pts. ❖ Is the theory clea rly defined? ❖ Are the concepts of the theory clearly linked? ❖ Are all terms and definitions of the theory consistent in discussions of the theory? Question 4. Parsimony of the theory 15 pts. ❖ Is the theory stated as concisely as possible? Parsimony is met when the statements clarify rather than obscure the phenomena of interest. Question 5. Testability of the theory. 15 pts. ❖ Can the theory be empirically tested? ❖ Are the concepts of the theory measurable? Question 6. Pragmatic adequacy of the theory. 15 pts. ❖ Is the theory used in the real world? ❖ Are education and special skill training required to apply the theory? ❖ Is it feasible to implement this theory in nursing practice? ❖ Describe how you can apply this theory in your current or future n ursing practice. APA & Format 10 pts
Question 1877 Research Article Critique Paper
.Critique the required article found below and in your own words, describe the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each 2.Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. Do not just quote the author’s words. Paraphrase the information. You are required to use the assignment specific item(s) (article/systematic review/topic/form/templates) or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required item, as defined above, will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation
Question 1878 Educating Staff: Implementing Change
Create an educational presentation for staff before the launch of your change project. This should inform the staff of the problem, your potential solution, and their role in change project. 2.The format for this proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation. 3.The length of the PowerPoint presentation should be 15 slides; excluding the title and reference slides 4)You are required to use the assignment specific item(s) (article/systematic review/topic/form/templates) or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required item, as defined above, will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation.
Question 1879 Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective
Students are required to maintain weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to combine into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. The journal should address a variable combination of the following, depending on your specific practice immersion clinical experiences: New practice approaches Intraprofessional collaboration Health care delivery and clinical systems Ethical considerations in health care Population health concerns The role of technology in improving health care outcomes Health policy Leadership and economic models Health disparities Students will outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. question 2 Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.
Question 1880 Scholarly Activities
Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally. You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis. Submit, as the assignment, a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. You may use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. question 2 Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?
Question 1881 Clinical Exemplar
Double-spaced, typed. (Omit title page, references, abstract) 2. 1 to 2-page story of an incident that captures where you made a difference or what nursing is all about. Story must feature you. Example from clinical course or professional practice. 3. Can be an ordinary or unusually demanding incident that went well. 4. Use a pseudonym (false name) for patient. No patient initials, specific age, gender, ethnicity. Do not identify the agency. 5. See Ramsey (2000) for how to tell your story [at]
Question 1882 spiritual interview
select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview. Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients. Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses.
Question 1883 Childhood Obesity
it is now time to prepare your problem statement, research purpose, and research question. First share your refined problem and proposed solution (given your review of literature this may have changed depending on the evidence you were able to provide). Next, follow the steps to help define your research question. 1. Craft the problem statement and research purpose. 2. Design your research question aimed at solving (a part of) the problem and include the following components which will focus the literature review. PICOT Question: Patient, Population or Problem 1. What are the characteristics of the patient or population? 2. What is the condition or disease you are interested in? Intervention or exposure 3. What do you want to do with this patient (e.g. treat, diagnose, observe)? Comparison 4. What is the alternative to the intervention (e.g. placebo, different drug, surgery)? Outcome 5. What are the relevant outcomes (e.g. morbidity, death, complications)? 6. Ensure that the research question is answerable, feasible and clinically relevant post your response to the assigned discussion questions in the below Discussion Area. It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources. Include the South University Online Library in your research activities utilizing not only the nursing resource database, but also those pertaining to education, business, and human resources. This is a discussion post, no set word limit, just include all required material. Demographic area is Albany Ga
Question 1884 Health Care Timeline
Review the Topic Material, “Timeline for the History of Public Health and Epidemiology” to complete this assignment. Using this resource as an example, create your own timeline in a Word document with significant dates that influenced and changed the health care delivery systems. Your timeline should begin where the timeline in the topic material above ends (1988). Your timeline should end with the most current and significant information that you can find. You are required to add a minimum of 10 significant dates to this timeline in order to receive a passing grade. Provide a detailed description for each significant date and event you add to the timeline. Use appropriate and scholarly sources in order to complete this assignment successfully, such as peer-reviewed literature and web sources that have .edu, .gov, and .org domain addresses. Wikipedia, and most .com sources are not considered to be of sufficient scholarly rigor. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center
Application: PICO Analysis of DEMENTIA PLEASE USE THE TABLE FORMAT SPECIFY AT THE BOTTOM FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT PLEASE…IMPORTANT. A PICO analysis is used to pose a focused clinical question to which you find appropriate evidence-based answers. The PICO question should include the patient or population (P), anticipated intervention (I), comparison group or current standard (C), and outcome desired (O). In this Assignment, you develop a question related to dementia, delirium, or depression. Through your PICO analysis, you explore various resources and examine current evidence to answer the question you develop. To prepare: Select one of the following disorders as your topic:DEMENTIA Review the guidelines in the Literature Review Matrix document in this week’s Learning Resources. Think about a research question around your issue as indicated in Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic. Consider the resources you will use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings as indicated in Part II: Search Strategy. Using the Walden Library and other appropriate databases, locate five (5) articles related to your PICO question. At least one article must be a systematic review. All of the articles should be primary sources. Reflect on the five articles you selected as indicated in Part III: Analysis of Literature. Consider the conceptual framework/theory, main finding, methods, strengths of study, weaknesses, and level of evidence for each article. Consider how to use the summaries in Part III to create an evidence table. Use this evidence table to determine appropriate treatment options for patients who present with the disorder you selected as your topic. To complete: Formulate a question around the disorder you selected as indicated in Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic. Identify the resources you will use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings as indicated in Part II: Search Strategy. Summarize the five articles you selected as indicated in Part III: Analysis of Literature. Describe the conceptual framework/theory, main finding, research method, strengths of study, weaknesses, and level of evidence for each article. Create an evidence table based on the article summaries in Part III. Describe appropriate treatment options for patients based on this evidence table. Readings Flaherty, E., & Resnick, B. (Eds.). (2011). Geriatric nursing review syllabus: A core curriculum in advanced practice geriatric nursing (3rd ed.). New York, NY: American Geriatrics Society. Chapter 32, “Dementia†(pp. 245–255) This chapter examines the epidemiology and societal impact of dementia. It also presents guidelines for assessing, diagnosing, treating, and managing dementia in addition to providing pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment options. Chapter 33, “Behavioral Problems in Dementia†(pp. 256–264) This chapter explores clinical features of behavioral and psychologic symptoms related to dementia, as well as guidelines for assessment, differential diagnosis, and treatment. It also examines treatment for mood disturbances, manic-like behaviors, delusions and hallucinations, disturbances of sleep, hypersexuality, and intermittent aggression or agitation. Chapter 34, “Delirium†(pp. 264–272) This chapter explores the spectrum of delirium including the incidence and prognosis, risk factors, and diagnostic criteria for delirium. It also presents guidelines for diagnosing, treating, and managing patients with delirium, including pharmacologic therapy and drugs to reduce or eliminate as part of delirium management. Chapter 37, “Depression and Other Mood Disorders†(pp. 295–306) This chapter explores treatment strategies for depression and other mood disorders affecting older adults. It examines types of pharmacotherapy, antidepressants, as well as other treatment options such as electroconvulsive therapy and psychosocial interventions. Holroyd-Leduc, J., & Reddy, M. (Eds.). (2012). Evidence-based geriatric medicine: A practical clinical guide. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Chapter 6, “Clarifying confusion: preventing and managing delirium†(pp. 65–72) This chapter examines strategies for screening, prevention, and management of delirium among older adults in hospital settings. Chapter 7, “Preserving the memories: managing dementia†(pp. 73–93) This chapter examines dementia risk factors and screening tools for dementia. It also presents strategies for managing patients with dementia, focusing on pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. Chapter 8, “Enjoying the golden years: diagnosing and treating depression†(pp. 94–104) This chapter defines depression and identifies causes and risk factors that make older adults more susceptible to depression. It also examines treatment options for managing older adults with depression. Document: Literature Review Matrix (Word document) PLEASE USE THE FF TABLE FORMAT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT PLEASE. Literature Review Matrix Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic P: Patient or Population I: Anticipated Intervention C: Comparison group or Current standard O: Outcome desired Source: Adapted from Elkins (2010) Step 1: Frame your clinical question using the PICO method. P: I: C: O: Part II: Search Strategy Using the Walden Library and other appropriate databases, locate five scholarly articles that pertain to a practice issue of interest to you and that is appropriate for an evidence-based practice project. Step 1: Identify the resources you will utilize, or utilized, to find articles that pertain to your topic. Electronic Databases Research or Professional Organizations Experts in the Field to Consult Books, Encyclopedias, Handbooks Step 2: Identify search terms and criteria. Keywords & Phrases Major Authors Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Step 3: Identify Boolean search strings. Part III: Analysis of Literature Step 1: Summarize the five (5) articles you select from your search efforts completing the table below. Summary Table of Analyzed Articles (you may determine your own headings) Citation Conceptual Framework/ Theory Main Finding Research Method Strengths of Study Weaknesses Level of Evidence Step 2: Briefly summarize the history and purpose of your research question. Step 3: Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of existing literature. Strengths Weaknesses Step 4: What gap exists in the current literature? Explain. Elkins, M. Y. (2010). Using PICO and the brief report to answer clinical questions. Nursing, 40(4), 59–60.
Question 1886 Ethical Considerations Project
Step in Solving an Ethical dilemmas: The ethical dilemma paperwork must contain an establish steps you utilized in solving the ethical dilemma. The steps are: a. State the problem b. Check the facts of the case c. Identify relevant factors d. Develop a list of options e. Test the options utilizing establish moral theories f. Make a choice g. Review your decision and identify your conclusion
Question 1887 Professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area
Due Date: Jul 08, 2018 23:59:59 Max Points: 80 Details: Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision. Potential advantages of membership in the organization. Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization). Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Question 1888 Public health issues that affects your population, community, or global health environment
This topic is on public health. a) DQ #1: Look at a current public health issue that affects your population, community or global health environment, including understanding of the causes, effects on the public, and possible solutions. Write a complete discussion post that could be posted to your local newspaper discussing this problem. Significantly respond to at least two other students.
Question 1889 Health Disparity and Structural Violence
According to the assigned article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes,” narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. Thematically, the issue of fear is a dominant feature that affects how an individual approaches day-to-day living and health. Explain the relationship between fear and health identified by the researchers in the article. Do you agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity? site your references, and also at the end of the discussion.
Question 1890 Nursing classroom Paper
Startegic Planning Develop a 5–10-year strategic plan for achieving specific health care quality and safety improvements, based on the analysis you completed in Assessment 1. Use either an AI approach or your SWOT analysis and a chosen strategic planning model. Instructions: The feedback you received on your care setting environmental analysis has been positive. Consequently, you have been asked by CEO to select one of the potential improvement projects you noted in your analysis and create a full, 5–10-year strategic plan to achieve the desired quality and safety improvement outcomes. You will develop your strategic plan, using either an AI approach (addressing the design stage), or by building on your SWOT analysis and applying a strategic planning model of your choice.How you structure your plan should be based on whether you are taking an appreciative inquiry approach or using a specific strategic planning model. Regardless of the approach you choose, the requester of the plan has asked that you address the key points outlined below in the strategic plan requirements. In addition, your plan should be 5 pages, 3 recent resources, APA. Strategic Plan • Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that reflect specific quality and safety improvements for your care setting. You should have at least one short-term goal (just-in-time to one year) and one long-term goal (five years or longer). o Determine realistic timelines for achieving your goals. o Explain how your short-term goals support your long-term goals. Note: For plans based on an AI approach, the goal statements and outcomes are provocative propositions that may be refinements of the positive, yet attainable, goals that you proposed during the dream phase of your inquiry. For plans based on a SWOT analysis, the goal statements and outcomes are specific, measurable, and applicable to the area of concern in your analysis for which you proposed pursuing improvements. • Justify the relevance of your proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of your care setting. • Analyze the extent to which your strategic goals and outcomes, and your approach to achieving them, address: o The ethical environment. o The cultural environment. o The use of technology. o Applicable health care policies, laws, and regulations. • Explain, in general, how you will use relevant leadership and health care theories to help achieve your proposed strategic goals and outcomes. o Consider whether different theories are more applicable to the short-term or long-term goals of your strategic plan. • Evaluate the leadership qualities and skills that are most important to successfully implementing your proposed plan and sustaining strategic direction. o Identify those leadership qualities and skills that are essential to achieving your goals and outcomes and sustaining strategic direction. o Identify those leadership qualities and skills that will have the greatest effect on the success of your plan. • Competency 1: Evaluate qualities and skills that promote effective leadership within health care organizations. o Evaluate the leadership qualities and skills that will be most important to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. • Competency 2: Apply strategies to lead high-performing health care teams to meet organizational quality and safety goals. o Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting. o Justify the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting. • Competency 3: Apply cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations to leadership decision making. o Analyze the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments. • Competency 4: Integrate leadership and health care theories into the role of the nurse leader. o Explain how relevant leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strategic goals and objectives. • Competency 5: Communicate with stakeholders and constituencies to build collaborative partnerships and create inclusive work environments. o Communicate analyses clearly and in a way that demonstrates professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues. o Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions. Minimum 3 refernces, APA. • Note: You will use your care setting environmental analysis as the basis for developing your strategic plan in this assessment.
Question 1891 nursing slide paper
Strategic visioning with stakeholders Prepare a 10-slide presentation of the strategic plan you developed in Assessment 2, to be delivered to key stakeholders at a strategic visioning session. The implementation and success of a strategic plan depends on the support of key stakeholders. This in turn depends on your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with decision makers and to sell your vision of the future. You must also be able to lead the initiative and sustain strategic direction. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to showcase your strategic thinking and exercise the communication skills necessary to move your strategic plan forward toward implementation. • • Competency 1: Evaluate qualities and skills that promote effective leadership within health care organizations. o Explain why one’s leadership qualities and skills are well suited to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. • Competency 2: Apply strategies to lead high-performing health care teams to meet organizational quality and safety goals. o Summarize a strategic plan aimed at achieving desired quality or safety improvements within a care setting. o Describe the necessary actions for aligning the structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills of a care setting with strategic goals. o Explain how the implementation and outcomes of a strategic plan will be evaluated against current performance benchmarks. • Competency 3: Apply cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations to leadership decision making. o Explain how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influence the design of a strategic plan and strategies for its implementation. • Competency 4: Integrate leadership and health care theories into the role of the nurse leader. o Explain one’s role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. • Competency 5: Communicate with stakeholders and constituencies to build collaborative partnerships and create inclusive work environments. o Explain a strategy for communicating with stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction. o 10 slides, minimum 3 recent references, within 5 yrs. Or so. o Address stakeholders’ needs and concerns. o Communicate the need to work collaboratively on implementation. • Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support your assertions. o Cite at least 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence. • Apply correct APA formatting to all in-text citations and references. • Add a references slide to your slide deck. • Proofread your slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your presentation. Presentation • Summarize your plan for achieving 2–3 main short term and long term goals. Include corresponding metrics, targets, and initiatives to help achieve the desired quality or safety improvements in the care setting. Note: It may be useful to think about what you hoped to achieve in addressing your care setting’s positive core or specific area of concern in Assessment 1. For example: • Progress toward achieving the Triple Aim. • Better patient safety outcomes. • Lower readmission rates. • Higher volume of patients and care. • Increased financial gain. • Minimizing staff burnout. • Improved relationship and trust with the community or a specific population. In addition, remember to consult the literature, research studies, and resources from professional and governmental organizations when developing metrics, targets, and initiatives. • Explain how you will communicate your plan to those stakeholders and constituencies who are essential to implementing your plan and sustaining strategic direction. o Identify the key individuals or groups with whom you must communicate. o Identify the cultural or ethical factors, if any, that are relevant to the design of your communication plan, including how key individuals or groups typically prefer to be contacted. • Describe the actions you will take to align your care setting’s structure, systems, shared values, management style, staff, and skills with your strategic goals. o Describe the changes that are needed to achieve your goals. o Describe the goals and processes for on-boarding relevant individuals or groups. • Explain how you will evaluate the success of your strategic plan. o Define successful implementation. o Describe the successful outcomes for this project. o Explain how will you compare outcomes to current performance benchmarks. o Explain how will you collect data to evaluate whether you have achieved specific goals and outcomes. o Identify your priorities, assuming you cannot accomplish everything. • Explain how relevant cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations influenced the design of your strategic plan and strategies for its implementation. • Explain your role, as a nurse leader, in successfully implementing your proposed plan and sustaining strategic direction. o Explain how leadership and health care theories support your role. • Explain why your leadership qualities and skills will enable you to successfully implement your plan and sustain strategic direction. o Explain why should you be the one to lead this initiative. o Explain how have you demonstrated some or all of these qualities in past work.
Question 1892 Plan (Paper) and Community Health Promotion mount greenwood community
I also attached the community assessment I did as well on the community ( a sample paper is also attached to documents) Write an APA formatted paper which describes and analyzes the assessment data and health promotion initiative for your identified community. Once the community has been briefly described, identify the significant issue or community health problem that you are focusing upon and the pertinent assessment data regarding the problem. Include the appropriate nursing diagnosis and then describe in detail development of your comprehensive health promotion plan to address the identified problem. The paper should be referenced and in the proper APA format. Find a creative and engaging method to convey your promotion plan to the community members. Create a format which can be utilized at a community health fair, such as a trifold poster. On your poster or project presentation, include the names of all group members, the name of your institution (Resurrection University), and include your APA cited references. During the Health Promotion Project Fair, be prepared to answer questions or provide additional information to your audience as needed. GRADING RUBRIC FOR HEALTH PROMOTION PLAN (PAPER) Critique Guidelines Possible Points Points Earned Appropriate Assessment Academic Paper Description of the community and the collected community assessment data 5 Analysis of the data into meaningful information, identification of problems 5 Appropriate Outcomes Community Goals/Outcomes 10 Appropriate Interventions Nursing Management and Promotion Plan Description of intended health promotion program, purpose, intended audience, and how it is offered, and how persons will be referred to the program. 10 Description of sponsoring organization(s), funding processes, politics/policy/and stakeholder investment. 10 Report of case management (e.g. how is the current problem monitored, what local, state, or federal agencies are involved, what methods of reporting are required). 10 Explanation of the educational needs and teaching plan necessary to implement the program successfully. 10 Evaluation Evaluation Methods 5 Sustainability 5 Written communication skills Content, format, general flow of paper, etc. 1 Terminology, spelling, grammar, etc. 2 APA format 2 Total Possible Points 75
Question 1893 health promotion
Student will develop a Legislative Matrix based upon the specific legislators in a residential/geographical legislative district. State and Federal legislators will be identified: State Representatives, Senators, Congressman and Governor. Each legislator’s assigned committees and any active legislation bills and/or past legislative initiatives will be identified. This information will be used to assist in the development of the Legislative Communication assignment. See Rubric Submission Details: Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.
Question 1894 APA Synthesis table
Using references on pages 18-24 of attached create A synthesis Table in APA format. Only title to be added is article by Bleustein I forgot to add it….Review and correct levels of evidence using Melnyk Hierarchy of evidence. I already made one but… Professor said ” Synthesis table not APA formatted and content does not correlate with what you have as titles, level of evidence incorrect “
Question 1895 Privacy Training Plan
Part One: Training Plan You are to create a privacy training plan as the healthcare manager of a facility. Your training plan should include: Timeliness of training (when training should be completed by for new hires) Who is the trainer? How long training will be (how many days and how long each day)? The method of training (in person, online, etc…) Who should have training? How you will verify attendance of trainees? This is part one of the project. The training plan must be submitted as a one page APA formatted document. Part Two: Create the Training For part two of the assignment you will create a powerpoint presentation used for the training. Examples of scenarios your employees would encounter, regarding each content item listed below, should be included. Follow proper formatting for a powerpoint (at least 22 point font, do not overcrowd slides – about 7 lines to a slide). Use the notes section to indicate script for each slide. The presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides including a title slide and reference slide. The content of the training should be as follows: What is HIPAA and how does it affect me as an employee? What is the Notice of Privacy Practices, who gets a copy and what does it cover? What is protected health information? How do patients obtain copies of records? What is the purpose of a confidentiality agreement and why do I have to sign one as an employee? What is included in a confidentiality agreement? This is part two of the project. The training presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides with speaker notes and be submitted as a powerpoint presentation. Part Three: Create a Confidentiality Agreement For part three of the assignment you will create a one page confidentiality agreement using the guidelines that you just presented in your training.. The agreement must contain appropriate spacing and signature lines. The confidentially agreements must be submitted as a word document.
Question 1896 Health Information Flyer
Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected. Include a cover page. Include an introduction to the flyer (using APA format of Intro, Intro to Flyer, Summary) that provides: An explanation of your issue and why you selected it A description of the audience you are addressing In the handout itself: Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience. Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.). Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic. Note: Remember to keep the information in your health handout and its design at the appropriate level for the audience you are seeking to inform. Submit your Assignment as a Word document.
Question 1897 Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations
Choose a current issue/trend topic from the following list: Technology in health care Collective bargaining The impaired nurse The global nurse workforce Mentoring and coaching in nursing The trimodal model of 21st-century effective nurse leaders Other instructor-approved topic Create a 6- to 8-page paper in APA format including a minimum of 4 to 5 references. Explain how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funds to support your issue or trend. Include the following elements in your paper: share why you chose the specific topic, the current relevance of material, how it is integrated into clinical practice, and how the information is used in clinical setting.
Question 1898 Personal Nursing philosophy
You will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals. Be sure to use the resources listed to ensure you are using the proper APA formatting, title page, and scholarly language Performance Objectives • Compose a personal philosophy of nursing. • Correlate historical, ethical, and/or political factors influencing professional nursing practice with what you believe the core of nursing is and should be. • Apply professional practice standards. • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.
Question 1899 Family Health Assessment
select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.) Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns: Values, Health Perception Nutrition Sleep/Rest Elimination Activity/Exercise Cognitive Sensory-Perception Self-Perception Role Relationship Sexuality Coping NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment. After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses. In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected. Identify two wellness problems based on your family assessment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Rubric 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 2 Less than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% 4 Good 89.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 80.0 %Content 20.0 %Develops Open-Minded, Family-Focused Questions for Each of the 11 Identified Health Patterns The development of open minded, family-focused questions for each of the 11 Identified Health Patterns is not offered. The development of two to three open minded, family-focused questions for each of the 11 Identified Health Patterns is offered, but may be lacking in quality to elicit needed information. The development of two to three open minded, family-focused questions for each of the 11 Identified Health Patterns meet the requirements of the assignment and appropriate for eliciting needed information. The development of two to three open minded, family-focused questions for each of the 11 Identified Health Patterns meet the requirements of the assignment and are appropriate while structured in a way that shows sensitivity to the patient’s culture and beliefs. The development of two to three open minded, family-focused questions for each of the 11 Identified Health Patterns that are both thoughtful in content and in how they support each other in eliciting a holistic view of the patient. 30.0 %Summarizes the Findings for Each Functional Health Pattern Brief summarization of the findings for each functional health pattern for your family is not offered. Brief summarization of the findings for each functional health pattern for your family is offered, but incomplete, lacking relevant information. Brief summarization of the findings for each functional health pattern for your family meets the requirements of the assignment. Brief summarization of the findings for each functional health pattern for your family is supported by accurate details. Brief summarization of the findings for each functional health pattern for your family is supported by accurate details along with thoughtful reflection. 30.0 %Wellness Problems Identification of two wellness problems based on your family assessment is not offered. Identification of two wellness problems that you identified about your family based on your assessment are offered, but incomplete, lacking relevant information. Identification of two wellness problems that you identified about your family based on your assessment meet the requirements of the assignment. Identification of two wellness problems that you identified about your family based on your assessment are supported by accurate details. Identification of two wellness problems that you identified about your family based on your assessment are supported by accurate details along with thoughtful reflection. 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Paragraph Development and Transitions Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs are established. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed. Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident. Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other. A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 5.0 %Format 2.0 %Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct. 3.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are incoansistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and GCU style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error. 100 %Total Weightage
Question 1900 Policy Analysis Paper
This assignment requires students to complete a comprehensive health policy analysis of their selected policy. This is a culmination of the course, and should include analysis of a policy in the students’ area of interest based on a theoretical approach, pros and cons for the policy, and development of a plan of action to impact policy change. A section on implications for nursing leaders is required. This paper is built throughout the course and will contain parts of your position paper. My policy is TN Code 33-6-404 Certificate of need for emergency treatment and involuntary commitment.
Question 1901 Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project
Refer to to open the Healthy People 2020 home page. Select the “Topics & Objectives” tab to access the 2020 Topics & Objectives – Objectives A-Z page. Select one of the Healthy People “Topic Areas” for improving health. Submit the proposed area to the instructor for approval. No group may work on the same focus area as another group. Develop a PowerPoint presentation (15-20 slides) with accompanying speaker’s notes and citations. For help designing PowerPoint slides, refer to the “Create Your First Presentation” PowerPoint tutorial, located on the Microsoft website: In the presentation, address the following: State the objective of the presentation. State the Healthy People 2020 focus area your group has selected and the rationale for selection of the specific focus area. Explain how the focus area relates to the individual, the family, and the community, as well as to all age groups throughout the life span. Identify ways to enhance or optimize health in the selected focus area using evidence-based research. A minimum of three peer-reviewed articles must be utilized. Address the health disparity among different segments of the population for the selected focus area. Provide a brief description of at least two community resources and at least two website resources for professionals and clients. Provide a brief profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus area. APA style is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options, documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. I chose Nutrition and Weight Status
Question 1902 Cultural competence
Understanding cultural competence and ways to communicate with people of cultures different from our own is essential to providing appropriate health care. Please respond to the following questions as a way to help us all understand how we can provide care that meets the needs of people from different cultures from our own: 1. What is cultural competence? 2. Communication is an essential component of health care. Please discuss at least 2 mechanisms or supports you can use to communicate with patients who do not speak English ( or your primary language). What are some ways you can improve your ability to care for individuals from different cultures, including as related to communication? Please view this from the use of social interactions, not just spoken language. **Although these topics are touched on in the book, these questions also require you to give thought to what you can do. You may need to do a bit of a search for ideas. Be sure to provide references in APA format.
Question 1903 Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion 4 Parents/Caregivers of Infants
To prepare for this assignment view the following brief video from the American Medical Association titled, “Health Literacy and Patient Safety: Help Patients Understand.” The video can be accessed through the following link: Part I: Pamphlet Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants. Use the “Pamphlet Template” document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following: Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource. In developing your pamphlet, take into consideration the healthcare literacy level of your target audience. Part II: Pamphlet Sharing Experience Share the pamphlet you have developed with a parent of an infant child. The parent may be a person from your neighborhood, a parent of an infant from a child-care center in your community, or a parent from another organization, such as a church group with which you have an affiliation. Provide a written summary of the teaching / learning interaction. Include in your summary: Demographical information of the parent and child (age, gender, ethnicity, educational level). Description of parent response to teaching. Assessment of parent understanding. Your impressions of the experience; what went well, what can be improved. Submit Part I and Part II of the Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants assignment by the end of Topic 1. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion………… rubric 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 2 Less than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% 4 Good 89.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 75.0 %Content 15.0 %Explanation of Potential Effect Explanation of how the selected environmental factor can potentially affect the health or safety of infants is not given. Explanation of how the selected environmental factor can potentially affect the health or safety of infants is minimal and/or inaccurate. Explanation of how the selected environmental factor can potentially affect the health or safety of infants is accurate. Explanation of how the selected environmental factor can potentially affect the health or safety of infants is accurate and supported with detail. Explanation of how the selected environmental factor can potentially affect the health or safety of infants is accurate and supported with detail and thoughtful insight. 20.0 %Recommendations Pamphlet does not offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants. Recommendations offered on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants are minimal or inaccurate. Recommendations offered on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants are accurate. Recommendations offered on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants are accurate and supported with detail. Recommendations offered on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants are accurate and supported with detail and thoughtful insight. 10.0 %Examples, Interventions, and Suggestions Pamphlet does not offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. Pamphlet offers minimal examples, interventions, and suggestions, or examples are offered but they are inaccurate or not from evidence-based research. Pamphlet offers accurate examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. Pamphlet offers accurate examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research and is supported with detail. Pamphlet offers accurate examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research and is supported with detail and thoughtful insight. 10.0 %Written Summary of Teaching / Learning Interaction Summary of teaching / learning experience is not offered. Summary of teaching / learning interaction is offered but lacks detail and is missing two or more components. Summary includes student’s reflection on teaching experience but is missing details of the experience and an assessment of learning with the parent. Summary includes demographic information, description of parent response to teaching, and assessment of parent understanding but does not include student’s reflection on teaching experience. Summary includes demographic information, description of parent response to teaching, assessment of parent understanding, and student’s impressions of teaching. 20.0 %Resources Pamphlet does not provide readers with community, national, and Web-based resources. Pamphlet does not provide readers with all the resources indicated by the assignment (community, national, and Web-based resources), or resources provided do not adequately address selected environmental factor or are missing descriptions and contact information. Pamphlet provides readers all the resources indicated by the assignment (community, national, and Web-based resources), including brief descriptions of resource and contact information. Pamphlet provides readers all the resources indicated by the assignment (community, national, and Web-based resources), including brief descriptions of resource and contact information. Qualities of resources selected indicate thoughtful consideration. Pamphlet provides readers all the resources indicated by the assignment (community, national, and Web-based resources), including brief descriptions of resource and contact information. Quality of resources selected and the accompanying descriptions indicate thoughtful consideration. 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Presentation The piece is not neat or organized, and it does not include all required elements. The work is not neat and includes minor flaws or omissions of required elements. The overall appearance is neat, but major elements are missing. The presentation is good. The overall appearance is neat, with a few minor flaws or missing elements. The work is well presented and includes all required elements. The overall appearance is neat and professional. 5.0 %Originality The work is an extensive collection and rehash of other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions. There is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness. The work is a minimal collection or rehash of other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions. There is no evidence of new thought. The product shows evidence of originality. While based on other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions, the work does offer some new insights. The product shows evidence of originality and inventiveness. While based on an extensive collection of other people’s ideas, products, images, or inventions, the work extends beyond that collection to offer new insights. The product shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original, inventive, and based upon logical conclusions and sound research. 5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 10.0 %Format 5.0 %Research No outside sources were used to support the assignment. Few outside sources were used to support the assignment. Limited research is apparent. Research is adequate. Sources are standard in relevance, quality of outside sources, and/or timeliness. Research is timely and relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. 5.0 %Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct. 100 %Total Weightage
Question 1904 Trends and Issues in Professional Nursing
Discussion #2 a) Discuss the impact of nursing theory to your current practice b) Based on your assigned readings, select one nursing theory that interests you, discuss how that theory can help you in your current clinical practice. Why is it relevant? How can you introduce that theory to your co-workers who are not familiar with nursing theory and show them that it is useful for their practice also? 1. Students are required to respond significantly to all discussion questions. Student responses to discussion questions must be substantive, that is, thoughtful and analytical. The student will be expected to follow APA guidelines for online submissions. Initial responses to discussion will require a minimum of TWO citations while subsequent responseswill require a minimum of ONE citation. All responses should include a reference list at the end of the discussion. The student is held to academic standards of writing style and the use of proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Question 1905 Assessment of the Child: Functional Health Pattern Analysis Worksheet
In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following: Using the textbook, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment. Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, Rubric See below 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 2 Less than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% 4 Good 89.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 90.0 %Content 30.0 %Lists Two Assessment Findings Characteristic of Each Age Group and Describes Two Potential Problems That a Nurse May Discover in an Assessment of Each Age Group for Each Pattern Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and/or description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are not given. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and/or description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are incomplete, as relevant information is missing. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given in detail. Two assessment findings characteristic of each age group and description of two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group are given in detail and demonstrate thoughtful reflection. 30.0 %Short Answer Question 1: Compares and Contrasts Identified Similarities as Well as Differences In Expected Assessment Across the Childhood Age Groups No compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are incomplete, as relevant information is missing. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered in detail. Compare and contrast viewpoints of identified similarities or differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups are offered in detail and demonstrate thoughtful reflection. 30.0 %Short Answer Question 2: Summarizes How a Nurse Would Handle Physical Assessments, Examinations, Education, and Communication Differently With Children Vs. Adults; Considers Spirituality and Cultural Differences No summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given, but is incomplete, lacking relevant information, or does not consider spirituality and cultural differences. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary is detailed. Summary of how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults is given. Spirituality and cultural differences are addressed. Summary is detailed and demonstrates thoughtful reflection. 5.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (Includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use.) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors/typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 5.0 %Format 5.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment.) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and GCU style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error. 100 %Total Weightage
Question 1906 Scholarly Activities
Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally. You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis. Submit, as the assignment, a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. You may use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Question 1907 Nursing Assignment
Compare Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) and Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Make sure to compare the following areas of practice in your graphic organizer: Ethics Education Leadership Public Health Health Care Administration Informatics Business/Finance Specialty (e.g., Family, Acute Care)
Question 1908 research article with an ethical issue.
Discussion post: Select a current health-related case involving research ethics. (If none come to mind, browse the Internet to familiarize yourself with recent cases.) As you review the case that you have selected, reflect on the ethical principles discussed in “What Are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research?” article found in this week’s Learning Resources. Which principles were breached in the case you have identified?
Question 1909 Discussion board How might the concepts of Transforming Care at the Bedside improve the care in a unit with which you are familiar? What would be the barriers to implementation of the TCAB? No less than 500 words, apa format. 2 references.
Question 1910 Health Promotion Presentation: Adult Clients With Childhood Diseases
This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. In this group assignment, you will be developing a presentation on childhood diseases that exist in adults. To complete this assignment, access the “Collaborative Learning Community: Health Promotion Presentation” resource. While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Cerebral palsy is the childhood disease I am responsible for, explanation of the disease in adults, evaluation of impact on adult clients and health screening
Question 1911 Health Assessment
Read: • Health Assessment- Lab manual Chapter 2 1. Complete study guide questions 1-9 (pages 8-9) (30 points) 2a. Complete pages 15 and 16 Health and Illness Beliefs from your perspective, then ask interviewee to answer the same questions. See how they differ. b.(compare and contrast in a narrative writing form 1-2 pages) Utilize the CLAS standards to determine how best to accommodate the cultural beliefs and/or concerns of your interviewee. Use APA format. Include references as appropriate. (40 points) due 09/25/19 11:59
Question 1912 Reading a research report
Review pp. 61–63, including Box 3.3: Additional Questions for a Preliminary Review of the Study, in Ch. 3 of Nursing Research to help you identify the structure of research articles. Develop a flowchart diagram using shapes and arrows of a stepwise process to reading a research study. Utilize accurate research terminology to describe the process you will use. For example, use the words research problem to describe how you will identify the research problem, and don’t substitute words that are less precise. Write a 700-word summary detailing the process you will follow for reading a research study.
Question 1913 Self-perception exercise and reflection paper
Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to explore how you perceive yourself compared to how other people perceive you and what may be influencing these perceptions. Procedure: (Do not show the recruits your lists or read their lists before writing your own lists!) First: • Think about your self-concept, “the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself” (Interplay, pg.70). • Create a list of 10 adjectives that describes your self-concept. Examples: generous, honest, organized, quiet, shy, talkative, messy, humorous … Second: Recruit two people to participate in this assignment. Ask each person to write a list of 10 adjectives on how they would describe you. (see examples above). Third: Before you receive the two lists from your recruits, generate one list for each recruit of 10 adjectives you predict each recruit will write about you. You will end up with a total of 5 lists. All five lists are about you. Next, you will fill out the “Adjective Form” and compare/contrast the lists. Finally, you will write the reflection paper. Adjective Form: State the relationships to your recruits (mother, friend, partner, co-worker, etc.). Write all the lists on the form provided in their appropriate sections. Next, compare the lists to each other and sort the adjectives into the appropriate sections (similarities and differences). Analyze the results. Ask yourself, “why do the lists match or don’t match?” Reflection Paper: Answer the following questions to create the reflection paper. Section A: Describe – Compare – Contrast the descriptions. At least one paragraph should be devoted to each question. Section A is focused on the descriptions. Section B will focus on explaining the lists. Q1: How did you describe yourself? What type of person are you? Q2: How did Person A describe you? What type of person does he/she believe you to be? How is their description similar to your description? How is the description different? Q3: How did Person B describe you? What type of person does he/she believe you to be? How is their description similar to your description? How is the description different? Q4: Did you accurately predict Person A’s list? How is your prediction different/similar? Q5: Did you accurately predict Person B’s list? How is your prediction different/similar? Section B: What concepts explain why all the perceptions of you do or do not match? ● Review Chapters 3 & 4 and reflect on the concepts in these chapters. ● Identify three (3) concepts that explain why these perceptions do or do not match. ● For each concept write one or more paragraphs covering the following: ● First, state the concept (include page number). ● Second, give the definition of the concept (try to use your own words). ● Third, write about how the concept explains why your self-concept (perceptions of yourself) and your recruit’s perceptions (views of you) match or do not match. You are explaining why the lists match or do not match. You must include specific adjectives from the lists to support your answers. Examples of some chapter concepts: Self-Disclosure, Impression Management, Perceived Self, Presenting Self, First & Second Order Realities, Obsolete Information, Reflected Appraisal, Social Comparison, Access to Information, Occupational Roles, Relational Roles, Cultural Influences, Snap Judgments (stereotyping), First Impressions … etc. Section C: What did this assignment teach you about the perception process? In this section write what you learned about how perception works and the influence perception has upon how people perceive others. Student’s Name:____________________________________ ______ /30pts. Section:___ Turn in: Your Five Lists; Adjective Form; Reflection Paper Five Lists: 0 1 Adjective Form: Complete: _____ Relationships labeled: _____ Adjective Form: 0 1 2 Section A. Does the paper contain a well-developed analysis section comparing and contrasting the perceptions? Q1: Student described himself/herself: _____ Q2: Person A: Description _____ Different/Similar _____ Q3: Person B: Description _____ Different/Similar _____ Q4: Prediction for person A: _____ Different/Similar _____ Q5: Prediction for person B: _____ Different/Similar _____ _____/9 Section A: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Section B. Does the paper have three concepts from Chapters 3 & 4 that explain why the perceptions (lists) do or don’t match? Did the student demonstrate understanding of the concepts? Were adjectives included to support the answers. Concept #1: _________________________________ Definition: _______ Concept & Definition: 0 1 2 Explanation: Adjectives: Demonstrated Understanding: 0 1 2 3 4 Concept #2: _________________________________ Definition: _______ Concept & Definition: 0 1 2 Explanation: Adjectives: Demonstrated Understanding: 0 1 2 3 4 Concept #3: _________________________________ Definition: _______ Concept & Definition: 0 1 2 Explanation: Adjectives: Demonstrated Understanding: 0 1 2 3 4 Section C. Does the paper include a section on what he/she learned about the perception process? Insights: 0 1 2 3
Question 1914 Letter to Legislator & Policy Brief
Letter to Legislator & Policy Brief 1. Write a letter to your state legislator or a congressperson from your state regarding a national or state health policy. a. You may utilize web references provided in the text and/or professional groups such as the American Nurses Association (ANA). From the ANA home page, link to the State Government Affairs page and search current legislation. b. To identify state legislators, access your state’s legislative home page. c. To identify members of Congress, visit and enter your home zip code. 2. Satisfy the following requirements in your assignment: . The letter must express support for or opposition to a current piece of legislation. i. The letter must request a specific appropriate action. Support your “ask” with at least two convincing reasons/rationales. ii. Reasons or rationales must be supported explicitly by evidence. a. The letter must indicate where the bill is in the legislative process and should demonstrate knowledge of the policy-making process. b. The letter should fit on one (1) page, using a standard letter format. c. Address the letter properly to your state legislator or member of Congress (see Step 1 above). d. Include with your assignment an additional one-page policy document (a brief) that summarizes your reason or rationale for support or opposition. Provide a concise overview of your rationale. Reasons/rationales should indicate the effect of the legislation on healthcare quality, safety, or outcomes. e. Within the brief, include at least two scholarly references, in APA format, that support your position. (Note: Scholarly references include journal articles and information from reputable websites and may include position papers from professional organizations.) 3. It is important to maintain a professional writing style when advocating with an official body, such as the legislature. A well-written letter presented in a professional manner is persuasive. For that reason, writing mechanics are weighted more heavily in this assignment than in the previous one.
Question 1915 Improving nursing care on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Introduction: Capstone You will design and develop an evidenced-based practice change, quality improvement, or innovation that demonstrates the synthesis of WGU graduate competencies. This project is not primary research but should be focused on scholarly evidence in support of practice improvements, innovation, or general practice change. It will not require an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. You will be required to conduct a comprehensive literature review that defines the evidence in support of your project. The literature review represents a collection of primary research studies that have already been conducted and that provide guidance for best practices. Once your project plan is complete, you will create a professional presentation that outlines your plan and then present it to your stakeholder group and preceptor. Before you start your project, you will first need to secure organizational approval and obtain a letter of agreement from your preceptor. In this task, you will be required to develop a plan for your capstone project that describes your problem and proposed solution. The topic is improving nursing care on ALS patients on Rehab unit C. Summarize your project by doing the following: 1. Identify the clinical or organizational problem. 2. Describe why the problem you have identified requires a practice change, quality improvement, or innovation, including supporting evidence. Note: Evidence can be internal, based on clinical expertise, and/or from scholarly literature. 3. Explain the causes of the problem. 4. Identify the stakeholders. a. Discuss each stakeholder’s interest, power, and influence in relation to the project. D. Explain the purpose of your project. E. Explain your proposed solution for your project. F. Provide an evidence summary to support your proposed change. 1. Provide a reference list for your evidence summary in APA format that includes a minimum of five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years. Note: This reference list refers specifically to your evidence summary only. G. Explain your proposed implementation plan, which includes the following: 1. plan of action 2. timeline 3. needed resources and personnel 4. proposed change theory 5. barriers to implementation H. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. Chapter 1: Introduction A. Provide an introduction (suggested length of 4–6 pages) that explains the rationale for your project by doing the following: 1. Explain the background of the problem. 2. Provide your problem statement. 3. Summarize the scope of the project by doing the following: a. Describe the practice change, quality improvement, or innovation. b. Provide a rationale for the practice change, quality improvement, or innovation. Chapter 2: Literature Review B. Provide a thorough and well-organized literature review on your topic by doing the following: 1. Review a minimum of 30 credible sources that were published within the last five years. Note: In order to prove that you have reviewed 30 credible sources, you will need to provide a list, in APA format, of the sources you reviewed for part B1. 2. Identify best practices for your topic based on the review of literature. 3. Provide an evidence summary of the literature relevant to the topic you have chosen. C. Recommend a practice change, quality improvement, or innovation based on the findings of the literature review and evidence summary from parts A and B. D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Question 1916 research designs
Review the following research questions. Is the use of soap and water or alcohol-based rubs more effective in preventing nosocomial infections? How effective are anti-depressive medications on anxiety and depression? For patients of 70 years and older, how effective is the use of the influenza vaccine at preventing flu as compared to patients who have not received the vaccine? What is the relationship between alcohol and breast cancer? What is the difference between self-efficacy scores in older adults who exercise and the scores of those who do not? What is the difference in attitudes of male and female college students toward condoms? Next, select 3 of the above questions and address the following: Identify an appropriate research design. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design. Provide a rationale for the design you selected
Question 1917 Gender and Leadership
Using one of the three articles listed below as a starting point, write a 1000 to 1500 word white paper. A white paper is typically written to advocate for a particular position or solution to a problem, Lantz, P. M. & Maryland, P. A. (2008). Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(5), 291-301; discussion 302-3. You may take your research in any direction that you think makes sense given your chosen starting point. Include a minimum of 4-5 additional scholarly/professional resources. Submit your assignment on the date given by the instructor. Parameters: The paper should be 1000 to 1500 words. Be in the appropriate format for a white paper, utilize the APA, 6th Edition, format for citations and references as appropriate. All facts should be supported by references: The article that you have chosen as a starting point and a minimum of 4-5 additional scholarly/professional references. Sources may not include, other wikis, ASK or ABOUT – or any other site that gives you an answer. Please submit your completed assignment as a WORD document by clicking on the link above.
Question 1918 Gender and Leadership
Using one of the three articles listed below as a starting point, write a 1000 to 1500 word white paper. A white paper is typically written to advocate for a particular position or solution to a problem, Lantz, P. M. & Maryland, P. A. (2008). Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(5), 291-301; discussion 302-3. You may take your research in any direction that you think makes sense given your chosen starting point. Include a minimum of 4-5 additional scholarly/professional resources. Submit your assignment on the date given by the instructor. Parameters: The paper should be 1000 to 1500 words. Be in the appropriate format for a white paper, utilize the APA, 6th Edition, format for citations and references as appropriate. All facts should be supported by references: The article that you have chosen as a starting point and a minimum of 4-5 additional scholarly/professional references. Sources may not include, other wikis, ASK or ABOUT – or any other site that gives you an answer. Please submit your completed assignment as a WORD document by clicking on the link above.
Question 1919 Policy Analysis
Directions Review the rubric for Written Assignment 5 before selecting your topic/bill. Select a legislative bill, either federal or state, that you would like to analyze in your policy analysis paper (Written Assignment 5). Choose a bill that is significant enough and for which there is sufficient supporting literature to satisfy the requirements of Written Assignment 5. The topic can be: A particular health issue that is not yet addressed in a policy A policy in debate A policy in place that requires modification An existing policy that you feel can be evaluated from a different perspective The focus of the paper should be the role of the nursing profession and nurses themselves in the health policy arena. Your paper will also examine the impact of this bill or policy on the nursing profession and on the healthcare delivery system as a whole. Prepare a brief explanation of why you chose this bill and be sure to include the name of the bill and its number. The elements of this assignment are a cover page, a 1-page explanation, and a reference page including at least two references, one indicating the location of the bill on the state or national website. H.R.1628 – American Health Care Act of 2017
Question 1920 Health Promotion Presentation: Adult Clients With Childhood Diseases
This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. In this group assignment, you will be developing a presentation on childhood diseases that exist in adults. To complete this assignment, access the “Collaborative Learning Community: Health Promotion Presentation” resource. While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Cerebral palsy is the childhood disease I am responsible for, explanation of the disease in adults, evaluation of impact on adult clients and health screening
Question 1921 Health Assessment
Read: • Health Assessment- Lab manual Chapter 2 1. Complete study guide questions 1-9 (pages 8-9) (30 points) 2a. Complete pages 15 and 16 Health and Illness Beliefs from your perspective, then ask interviewee to answer the same questions. See how they differ. b.(compare and contrast in a narrative writing form 1-2 pages) Utilize the CLAS standards to determine how best to accommodate the cultural beliefs and/or concerns of your interviewee. Use APA format. Include references as appropriate. (40 points) due 09/25/19 11:59
Question 1922 Health Assessment
Read: • Health Assessment- Lab manual Chapter 2 1. Complete study guide questions 1-9 (pages 8-9) (30 points) 2a. Complete pages 15 and 16 Health and Illness Beliefs from your perspective, then ask interviewee to answer the same questions. See how they differ. b.(compare and contrast in a narrative writing form 1-2 pages) Utilize the CLAS standards to determine how best to accommodate the cultural beliefs and/or concerns of your interviewee. Use APA format. Include references as appropriate. (40 points) due 09/25/19 11:59
Question 1923 Reading a research report
Review pp. 61–63, including Box 3.3: Additional Questions for a Preliminary Review of the Study, in Ch. 3 of Nursing Research to help you identify the structure of research articles. Develop a flowchart diagram using shapes and arrows of a stepwise process to reading a research study. Utilize accurate research terminology to describe the process you will use. For example, use the words research problem to describe how you will identify the research problem, and don’t substitute words that are less precise. Write a 700-word summary detailing the process you will follow for reading a research study.
Question 1924 What do you see as the challenges of implementing holistic integrative medicine
i have to see these video1. 2. 3. total time for video is it 15 min , i have to answer to these question for each question 1 paragraph 1.How do you see holistic integrative medicine incorporated into the role of an advanced practice nurse? 2.What do you see as the challenges of implementing holistic integrative medicine? 3.How do you see holistic integrative medicine integrated into health assessment?
Question 1925 Define clinical significance
I need this two questions separated in 200 words each one and APA style. 1-) Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why? 2-) Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project?
Question 1926 Problem statesment
I need 3 problem statements Using the following examples, develop a problem statement, research question and/or hypothese for each item. 1). Which information has been used to determine the method of catheterizing a laboring mother? 2). Which information serves as the basis of the range of blood sugars within newly diagnosed elderly diabetics? 3). Which items need to be included in the formation of a problem statement, research question and hypothesis?
Question 1927 infection control
Write a 2-to-3 summary paper (Not including the cover & Reference pages) that discusses important information to be included in the; 1 Contact precautions 2 Droplet precautions 3 Airborne precautions 4 Step by step process of opening a sterile package 5 Safeguarding a sterile field
Question 1928 Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Locate one peer-reviewed journal article no longer than 4-5 pages related to advanced nursing practice and the student’s chosen specialty track (Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner). Articles should be less than five years old and peer-reviewed as verified in Ulrich Periodical Directory. (I will send you attached the Article in PDF because maybe you don’t have access to Ulrichs website) Post a short one paragraph summary of the article Include one paraphrase and in-text citation ***Cite using correct APA format Include the reference for the article in APA format REQUIRED WORD COUNT: (250-350 words)
Question 1929 Barriers that have slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing and strategies to help overcome
Describe three barriers that have slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing and strategies to help overcome these barriers. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points. You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Please post your initial response by 23:59 Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 Sunday. You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Question 1930 Describe Three barriers
Describe three barriers that have slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing and strategies to help overcome these barriers Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points. You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.) All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Please post your initial response by 23:59 Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 Sunday. Grading Rubric Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric. Discussion Rubric Criteria Ratings Points Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts 5 points Distinguished Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. 4 points Excellent Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. 2 points Fair Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. 1 points Poor Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. 5 points Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines 3 points Distinguished Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. 2 points Excellent Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. 1 point Fair Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. 0 point Poor Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. 3 points Response to Posts of Peers 2 points Distinguished Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each. 1 points Fair Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal. 0 point Poor Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
Question 1931 the master’s prepared nurse
First Assignment 1. Explore principles of communication and interdisciplinary collaboration the master’s prepared nurse leader can incorporate to improve patient and health outcomes Second Assignment 2.Discuss barriers and challenges the master’s prepared nurse may encounter in the promotion of interprofessional/interdisciplinary collaboration strategies More instructions attached.
Question 1932 Elected Official Mock Interview
Select an elected state or federal official (legislator) and examine this legislator’s position on a current health care bill of your choice. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop an interview paper as if you were going to interview the legislator. Please note: A current health bill is a bill that is actively going through the legislative process and has not become law yet. Your mock interview paper should include: A description of the legislator’s background and history of political involvement A detailed summary of the legislator’s current political involvement, constituent groups, number of terms in office, committee responsibilities, and other leadership experiences A description of the legislator’s current policy agenda or judicial interest 3–4 key interview questions that relate to the health care bill (legislation) you have chosen Mock answers to your interview questions. Investigate the answers to your interview questions by looking at the legislator’s website, calling the legislator’s office and speaking with a member of the staff, and/or looking for information and quotes that relate to the legislator’s position on the legislation Critical insights, analysis, and personal reflection APA format (6th ed.), proper grammar, and references as appropriate The mock interview paper should be at least 3–4 pages of content (excluding the title and reference pages), typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. The cover page and references are not counted as content pages.
Question 1933 Systematic Review Critique
Wk 5 Group Systematic Review Critique Assignment Content article used for the group assignment. Capacity for care: meta-ethnography of acute care nurses’ experiences of the nurse-patient relationship file:///C:/Users/vctr1969/Downloads/Bridges_et_al-2013-Journal_of_Advanced_Nursing%20(1).pdf Please use the red that is my assignment. DATA ANALYSIS–QUALITATIVE 1. Systematic reviews are the pillars of evidence-based health care and are secondary research, which is the development of a study based on prior research. Researchers compile studies into one review and conduct a thorough analysis of an issue. These reviews allow researchers to judge the quality of studies and make suggestions after replicating the research methods used. This method of research is popular in the healthcare industry, because it identifies solutions to complex issues, increases accuracy, and resolves discrepancies. Read the open-access article assigned to your team using the link provided in the Ch. 29 toolkit. o Atlantis, E., Fahey, P., & Foster, J. (2014). Collaborative care for comorbid depression and diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 4, e004706. o Bridges, J., Nicholson, C., Maben, J., Pope, C., Flatley, M., Wilkinson, C., … Tziggili, M. (2013). Capacity for care: Meta-ethnography of acute care nurses’ experiences of the nurse-patient relationship. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 760-772. o Li, Z. Z., Li, Y., Lei, X., Zhang, D., Liu, L., Tang, S., & Chen, L. (2014). Prevalence of suicidal ideation in Chinese college students: A meta-analysis. PLoS One, 9, e104368. Utilize the resources in the Chapter 29 Systematic Reviews of Research Evidence: Meta-Analysis, Meta-synthesis, and Mixed Studies Review toolkit as a guide to complete your systematic review critique. Box 29.1 in the toolkit provides critiquing guidelines. Prepare an 8- to 12-slide presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or a presentation tool of your choice summarizing your findings.
Question 1934 Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography This assignment is intended to help students make connections between theory, desired clinical practice outcomes and research that demonstrates theory-based practice. Students will add to this annotated bibliography with two entries for each module as indicated on the syllabus. Use published work in the form of journal articles or book chapters. The topics may be related to the topic of the week (health promotion, quality of life, family theories etc.) OR related to your group project or concept analysis paper. When writing, imagine that you are collaborating with another professional providing primary care to a patient or family. How will the information found in the research literature support or not support using a particular approach based in a theory? Each annotated bibliography entry will include the following elements: 1. Complete reference citation in APA format 2. Description of the main research question or hypothesis (one sentence) 3. Description of the theory base utilized in the study (1-2 sentences) 4. Discussion of how the theory relates to the measurement of concepts studied (1-2 sentences) 5. Discussion of whether the results of the study support practice improvements in line with the theory (2-3 sentences)
First, read chapters 14 and 15 see Attachments, in your textbook, Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care. Links to these chapters can be found by clicking on the instructional material folder and then required reading folder for this module. Then, answer the following questions: • Describe ethical dilemmas associated with the current state of population health and health disparities. • Discuss the cultural underpinnings supporting pros and cons of health care reform and the Affordable Care Act in the United States. • Explain how the principles of social justice and human rights protection reduce health disparities. Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts. Below must be one of the References: Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, Joyceen S. Boyle & Margaret M. Andrews. (2015), 7th edition. Due Dates: Initial Post: Thurs, Feb 12 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US. References: Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references. Words Limits Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page) Note: Since it is difficult to edit the APA reference in the Blackboard discussion area, you can copy and paste APA references from your Word document to the Blackboard discussion area. Points will not be deducted because of format changes in spacing.
Question 1936 2-Day Diabetes simulation
2-DAY DIABETES SIMULATION EXPERIENCE Adapted from: Jenkins, P. & Turick-Gibson, T. (1999). An exercise in critical thinking using role playing. Nurse Educator, 24(6), 11-14. 1. Review Diabetes Mellitus content from NSG 330: Pathophysiology. 2. Guidelines for 2-Day Diabetes Mellitus Simulation: Follow this schedule each day: 7-9 AM Finger stick – before eating (pretend if you have no monitor) Simulate that you administered NPH 20 units SQ and regular 5 units SQ after finger stick testing Eat breakfast: Record what you ate Calculate approximate calories and document exchanges used 12-1 PM Eat lunch: Record what you ate Calculate approximate calories and document exchanges used 4 PM Finger stick 5-6 PM Eat dinner: Record what you ate. Calculate approximate calories and document exchanges used 3. Document in Journal: -Consider amount of exercise – approximate number of calories used—and its impact on blood sugar and insulin needs. Also, consider daily activity and diet in relation to NPH and regular insulin peak times. -List time and activities performed. -Arrange calorie distribution for well-balanced meals. -Don’t forget snacks at appropriate times for insulin peaks. -How well did you adhere to the expected regimen? -What changes would you need to make in your lifestyle to accommodate a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus? a) Keep a daily triple-entry journal. A template (Word doc) for this journal is under “Study Resources” under Week 6 of the course site. b) In the first column of the journal, describe in chronological order of your activities and your behaviors over the 2 days. c) In the second column of the journal, reflect on the impact of your actions on the disease process. Document insights, ideas, or thoughts you wish to share. d) In the third column, document from the patient perspective what teaching you would need to manage this disease successfully. What teaching methods do you think would be most effective? In addition, analyze the impact of the professional nurse’s role in patient/family education on readmissions, quality patient outcomes, and health care costs. NOTE: the triple entry template is attached to this order
Question 1937 Health Assessment and Communication
Conduct a health assessment of a population of your choice as you complete the following: Describe the key elements that make up a health assessment at each of the following levels: Community. Group. Individual. Explain the process for completing a comprehensive health assessment. Summarize the findings of the health assessment you conducted. Be sure you include a brief description of the population you selected. Additional Requirements Format: Include a title page and reference. Use APA style and formatting. Length: This assessment should be approximately 3–5 pages in length. References: Cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources. Font: Use double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. Overview Conduct a health assessment of a population of your choice. Explain the process and summarize the results. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: SHOW LESS Competency 1: Health Assessment – Conduct comprehensive and focused assessments of health and illness parameters in individuals, groups, and vulnerable populations. Describe the key elements that make up a health assessment at the community, group, and individual levels. Explain the process involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment. Summarize the findings of a health assessment for a specific population. Competency 3: Nursing Research and Informatics – Incorporate evidence-based practice interventions (for example, information systems and patient care technologies) as appropriate for managing the acute and chronic care of patients, promoting health across the lifespan. Use valid, scholarly research resources relevant to the field of nursing to support information presented. Competency 5: Communication – Communicate effectively with all members of the health care team, including interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration for quality outcomes. Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a nursing professional.
Question 1938 12 step meetings
compare the 2 different 12-step meetings.. Im running out of time on typing all my papers. Due in 12 hours!! If somebody can help me built a solid foundation, I can add in the fine details of what I saw. I have attended the following for school: Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Students will write a brief summary (750-1,500) of the 12-step groups attended in APA style format. The paper content will include ((but is not limited to) location, events, and important activities of each meeting. Students may summarize, compare and contrast group differences in venue, member composition, location, etc. Also include discussions, personal insights, additional concepts learned and application while ensuring anonymity of subjects.
Question 1939 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Part I To prepare for the first part of the assessment, complete the following: 1.Review the literature or use health assessments to determine health care needs of a diverse population in your community. 2.Explore things that could influence success, such as cultural attitudes toward alternative forms of healing, religious beliefs, or other individuals. 3.Examine the impact of current health promotion and wellness initiatives on health outcomes and health disparities. 4.Review the literature to identify best practices. Once you have identified a diverse population, develop an educational program, event, or piece of literature that promotes wellness and disease prevention. If you choose an educational program or event, be sure you outline the basic content of the program or event, as well as how you would structure it. If you choose a piece of literature, be deliberate in the points you highlight. Be sure that your choice is appropriate for the population. •For an educational program or event, prepare and submit an outline of the content and structure. •For a brochure or pamphlet, prepare and submit the brochure or pamphlet using a simple Word document or a Microsoft Publisher document, if you have that software available. Part II Explain how you developed your educational program, event, or piece of literature and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion for the population. Complete the following: 1.Explain why you chose the particular educational strategy. Why is it an effective strategy for the population? 2.Describe cultural barriers to disease prevention and health promotion in the population. This might include things such as CAM, language, religious beliefs, and so on. 3.Explain how your educational strategy can help overcome some of the barriers you described. 4.Support your work with valid scholarly resources. Additional Requirements (Part II only) •Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use APA format. •References: Cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources. •Font: Use double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. Overview Create an educational program, event, or piece of literature (for example, a pamphlet) that incorporates best practices in health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population. Then, explain how you developed your educational program, event, or piece of literature and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion for the population. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: •Competency 3: Nursing Research and Informatics – Incorporate evidence-based practice interventions (for example, information systems and patient care technologies) as appropriate for managing the acute and chronic care of patients, promoting health across the lifespan. ◦Use valid, scholarly research resources relevant to the field of nursing to support information presented. •Competency 5: Communication – Communicate effectively with all members of the health care team, including interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration for quality outcomes. ◦Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate APA format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a nursing professional. •Competency 7: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention – Apply and incorporate a basic understanding of the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention as a means of improving health at the individual, population, and community level. ◦Develop an educational program, event, or piece of literature to address health concerns of a diverse population. ◦Explain how a specific educational approach to a health concern can overcome barriers to health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population. •Competency 8: Diversity – Incorporate a holistic, caring, culturally appropriate nursing approach that contributes to the wellness and the health of individuals, groups, and vulnerable populations. ◦Describe barriers to health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population.
Question 1940 Development of Measures of Organizational Leadership for Health Promotion
I am forced by prof to use this scale but I did not know how to write an objectives or a research problem that enables me to use this scale I want you to write a goal and a research problem suitable for the scale My initial idea is to study the relationship between leadership and the effectiviness of health promtion activites in primay health centre
Question 1941 Organizational Culture
Organizational Culture Part 1 Leaders have several strategies that they can use to create a culture of change in an organization. Leaders can utilize the mechanisms identified by Schein to educate current and prospective staff about the organization’s culture and how to maintain that cultural awareness. Evaluate the primary embedding mechanisms and the secondary articulation and reinforcement mechanisms discussed in Ch. 9: Challenges of Change on p. 229 of the Leadership for Health Professionals textbook. • Click the Presentation tab for a link to the textbook. Create a 700-word leadership development plan explaining how you would address each weakness. Consider combining several theories and models for developing your plan. Include the following in your plan: • The organization’s mission and vision • Weaknesses that prevent the organization from achieving its mission and vision • Potential threats if weaknesses are not addressed • How you can use the strengths identified in your personal SWOT analysis as an opportunity to help the organization improve in this area • Competencies (managerial and leadership) you possess and can use to address the issue • The leadership theory that is appropriate to address the organization’s weaknesses • The primary mechanisms that can be used within the organization to refine, maintain, or change the organization’s culture • The secondary mechanisms that can be used to reinforce the primary embedding mechanisms • The affect the organization’s culture has on the ability of a leader to drive change Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. Part 2 The purpose of a leadership development plan is for leaders to develop competencies that can bridge levels and functionalities in the organization. This allows leaders to promote team engagement, and provide purpose and direction for achieving their goals. Leadership development programs are essential to managing a team when it comes to planning and making the right decisions regarding functionality across the organization. By developing a plan, leaders are able to determine the skills of each staff member. As a result, leadership can utilize the skills of the staff strategically when putting the plan into action. Create a 6-slide presentation to present to your staff that includes a SWOT analysis of your organization. If you currently do not work for a health care organization, use a health care facility where you have worked. Your presentation should be informative and persuade staff that change must take place to address the organization’s weaknesses. Consider the implications if change is not implemented to address the organization’s weaknesses. Include speaker notes for each slide. Submit your assignment.
Introduction A teaching plan is an organized, written account of what the client will learn and how you will provide the instruction. There are many different formats for writing a teaching plan. Although formats vary, all teaching plans generally consist of the same elements: Statements of the learning objectives, an outline of the content that will be taught, a selection of teaching and materials/supplies, and a means of evaluating the results. Purpose Introduce students to the assessment and planning phases of creating a teaching plan. Teaching Plan Assignment: Work in your assigned groups and complete the following assignment. Scenario: The local senior citizen center is embarking upon a health promotion and disease prevention campaign for older adults. The center’s program director solicited the assistance of the county’s community health nurses who specialize in planning and implementing health education programs. The community health nurses conducted a needs assessment survey of persons who regularly attend the center. The survey revealed three broad topics of interests to the older adults ages 60 – 75. Group Task: Assume the role of the community health nurses. Identify a health topic of interest to this population and develop a teaching plan for the topic of interest selected by your group. The plan will be used by the community nurses to teach a group of 12 older adults who indicated that they plan to attend the presentation. My topic is falls in elderly . What questions would you like to ask the program director to learn more about the target population? The questions you aska are expected to provide responses that will assist you in planning for target population ( learners ).
Question 1943 Effective assessment for a critically ill patient
Assessment in the ICU (NM.ICU_001a) The aim of this case is to explore effective assessment for a critically ill patient. Learning Outcomes After working through this case, you will be able to: 1. Develop systematic skills for initial assessment of ICU patients 2. Identify problems arising from inadequate assessment 3. Consider outcomes to patient/staff/organisation as a consequence of these problems 4. Recognise strategies for maximising patient-centred care. SCENARIO: BACKGROUND You are the nurse who will look after Ms Johnson for the day shift. You can tell that Ms Johnson’s case is complicated, and you want to ensure she receives quality, patient-centred care. CLINICAL ACTION PLAN In preparing your Clinical Action Plan, please ensure that you address the following, based on the information you have collected from viewing the video and Ms Johnson’s charts: 1. Develop a concept map based on ICU patient assessment. Make sure you include core assessment components observed in the video, as well as noting any that were omitted. Also include concepts relating to patient/staff/organisational/legal and ethical considerations arising from the patient assessment presented in the case. (400 words equivalent*) 2. From your concept map, determine what you think are the two most significant issues. Write a brief summary identifying the likely causes and potential outcomes of these issues for the patient, healthcare staff involved in their care, and the hospital as an organisation. (800 words total, informed by 6-8 references). * Word equivalence: This is indicative of effort required, rather than the exact number of words needed. It is more important that you demonstrate understanding of the concepts rather than writing an exact number of words. You should focus on including all relevant concepts clearly in your concept map, rather than counting the number of words used. The most important thing is that your concept map captures all the key ideas and information that you need to consider about ICU patient assessment, as well as the issues related to effective or poor assessment. The relationships between concepts and issues should be clear too. You can (neatly) hand draw your concept map on paper or a whiteboard, or use software such as PowerPoint, or Tufts to create your map. (In some cases you might need to save screenshots or create an account). Submitting your work Include a copy of your concept map (this can be a clear photo or scan if it is hand drawn) in the same document with your 800-word summary. Upload the file to the dropbox linked to this iSAP case book. Your written summary should be referenced according to American Psychological Society (APA) 6th edition requirements. Please refer to the library’s APA 6th guide. Resources ReadingStarting references are provided below to assist you with beginning your student report/CAP. Please note, however, that you are expected to find and include additional references in your report. Aberdeen, S. (2015). Concept mapping: a tool for improving patient care. Nursing Standard, 29(48), 49-58. Retrieved from Focus on “Creating a concept map: a hypothetical case study” & Activity 4 (page 53) Collins, S. A., Cato, K., Albers, D., Scott, K., Stetson, P. D., Bakken, S., & Vawdrey D.K. (2013). Relationship between nursing documentation and patients’ mortality. American Journal of Critical Care, 22(4), 306-313. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2013426 Ely, W. E. (2017). The ABCDEF Bundle: Science and philosophy of how ICU liberation serves patients and families. Critical Care Medicine, 45(2), 321-330. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002175 Karlsson, V., Bergbom, I., & Forsberg, A., (2012). The lived experiences of adult intensive care patients who were conscious during mechanical ventilation: A phenomenological-hermeneutic study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 28(1), 6-15. doi: 10.1016/j.iccn.2011.11.002 Rushton, C.H., & Turner, K. (2016). Ethics in everyday practice: pick up your stethoscope. AACN Advanced Critical Care. 27(4), 482-464. doi: 10.4037/aacnacc2016663 Vincent, J. (2005). Give your patient a fast hug (at least) once a day. Critical Care Medicine, 33 (6), 1225-1229. doi: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000165962.16682.46 Vincent, W. R. & Schwartz, A. (2009). Critically ill patients need FAST HUGS BID (an updated mnemonic) Critical Care Medicine, 37(7), 2326-2327. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181a9eefb
Question 1944 Systems Integration Wire Diagram
Systems Integration Wire Diagram Advances in technology have made it possible to incorporate systems within the functions of health care to improve efficiency across an organization. Integration of functions can be incorporated in the way inventory is kept, supplies are ordered, how patients are billed, and in many other areas. Innovation is key because it drives productivity, reduces errors, and increases profitability. Identify an area within your current organization or one in which you have worked where there is a need for systems integration that will improve quality care and outcomes in the organization. Create a wire diagram of the area needing systems integration. Illustrate and label how the processes and functions within the chosen area are connected and how they can be integrated. You may choose the software program you use to create the diagram. You can use PowerPoint to create your wire diagram. Insert required information in the speaker notes area. Utilize your research from the Systems Research activity and consider the below components as you develop the wire diagram: • How the system can be used to improve the organization’s processes and quality • Stakeholders that will be affected by the new integration • How and when integration will be communicated • Empowerment strategies to influence change • Leader versus manager roles during the process Note: Reference the sample wire diagram located in Figure 14-5 on p. 361 of the Leadership for Health Professionals textbook.
Question 1945 Patient Satisfaction
Patient Satisfaction Assignment Content 1. Because nurses interact with patients more than any other medical personnel do, they play a key role in influencing patient satisfaction. In most cases, nurses have no control over the internal and external factors that cause patient discontent, are usually the recipients of the feedback, and are expected to make improvements. In this assignment, your team will research and assess the metrics for quality improvement in patient satisfaction. Read the following example of a quality measure nurses face but do not have control over: You are a bedside nurse working in a hospital; one of your patients is expecting to be released that day. The patient’s doctor visits him every day before noon to check his status. The previous day, he had asked the doctor if he would be allowed to go home the next day, to which his doctor responded that he might be able to but it would depend on his progress. The following day, the patient believed he was going be released by noon, since the doctor always made his rounds before then. Unfortunately, the doctor had an emergency and wasn’t able to check on the patient until later that evening. Because of the doctor’s absence, the patient’s perception of the quality of care he was receiving was distorted, and he took his frustration out on the nurse. As a team, identify a quality measure nurses commonly face but do not have control over Use the questions below to drive a team discussion about how you would manage the issue: o In what ways would the issue your team identified have a negative impact on patient satisfaction? o What two decision-making models would you use to address the quality measure and improve patient satisfaction? o Which leadership and managerial competencies will promote quality improvement and organizational outcomes? o What strategies will promote interrelationship between leadership, excellence, and professional integrity? o Which leadership theories, styles, and approaches would a nurse leader need to employ to be successful in the current health care field and in the future? As a team, create 6- to 8-slide presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or a presentation tool of your choice. Include the following in your presentation: o How the quality measure your team selected could undermine a patient’s perception of the quality of care they are receiving o Your team’s strategy to defuse the situation or to keep it from escalating o A summary of your team’s discussion Include speaker notes for each slide. Provide in-text citations and a slide with APA-formatted references for all sources cited. The two questions below are mine 3, and 5 are my contribution so two slides should be good enough for the PP for speaker notes you don’t have to do the slides just speaker notes. I will also send you are team members for questions 1, and 6 done already, Issue quality measures the other download will have a picture of question 1 and 6 answered. 1. issue we came up with and negative impact. 2. 2 decision-making models we could use ___________________ 3. Leadership and managerial competencies _x_______________ 4. What strategies will promote interrelationship _____________________ 5. Leadership Theories, styles and approaches __x_________________ 6. How the quality measures your team selected 7. Team strategy to defuse situation __________ 8. Summary _____________ Please put in a word document, include speaker notes and references
Question 1946 Group Process analysis
GROUP PROCESS ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT Introduction Learning to work in groups and with groups is an essential part of the nursing role and the nursing practice environment. Developing the skills that facilitate effective group work begins with understanding basic group dynamics and developing an awareness of one’s group behavior. Purpose. The purpose of this assignment is to: identify the key aspects of group process reflect upon one’s behavior when engaged in group work. Assignment Read the assigned required reading. Reflect upon the dynamics that occurred in your NS 300 assigned group. Answer the following questions. Do not discuss your responses with others. Your responses should reflect your perception of the group’s interaction. Your responses to these questions may be written in paragraph format or submitted in a question and answer format. If you choose the latter, please include the question, followed by your response and use complete sentences. 1. To complete the ‘Teaching Plan’ assignment, you worked with other members of your assigned NS 300 group. What type of group is the NS 300 assigned group? 2. Define task role and maintenance role. Identify one task role behavior and one maintenance role behavior that you performed. How would you describe yourself: primarily task-oriented, or primarily maintenance-oriented? 3. Cite evidence of self-interest roles that group members(s) exhibited. (Do NOT give names.) 4. Did a leader emerge in the group? If so, why do you think this person emerged as a leader? What was the leadership style? 5. How were decisions made in the group? 6. What aspects of your group process did you find satisfying? Dissatisfying? 7. On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied), rate the group process? 8. Respond to the following: a. When I work in groups, the thing I would most like to change about myself is… b. Identify specific steps you will take in the future to initiate this change. Evaluation Criteria (70 pts) 1. Thoroughness/Reflective Thinking. Explain your responses. 2. Integration of assigned readings. (This means that I expect to see evidence that you have integrated content from the assigned course readings in your response to the question). Evidence must be appropriately cited. 3. Submission of completed Peer Evaluation form. Papers submitted without a completed Peer Evaluation form will be assessed a 15 point grade deduction. (See Peer Evaluation form) (30 pts) 1. Adheres to standards of good writing; APA documentation, as appropriate (This means that you are expected to adhere to APA editorial style, which includes conventions of good writing) 2. Typed; double-spaced; name on paper; no cover sheet required. Note: You may answer each question individually by listing the question and then your response or you may answer the questions in paragraph format. The important consideration is that you respond according to the criteria for evaluation listed above.
Question 1947 How do you feel the course prepared you to meet each of the student learning outcomes
Discussion: How do you feel the course prepared you to meet each of the student learning outcomes? Provide an example for each of the 6 outcomes above. • 250-word minimum • At least 1 reference (the course textbook must be a reference) • Must address topic • Must respond to 1 other discussion question with a minimum of 100 words
Question 1948 Healthcare Policy Analysis
Develop a policy analysis using the process outlined below. Use the literature to find possible solutions to the problem. This should be a paper of 4 to 6 pages in length, counting title page and references. I. Policy description A. A clear, concise statement of the policy issue (define the problem) B. A brief history of the policy issue (provide background information to frame the issue) II. Policy environment A. A description of the social, ethical and legal factors affecting the origin, development and implementation of the policy (describe influencing factors i.e. cost, resources, cultural barriers etc) III. Effectiveness and efficiency of the current policy A. How well the existing policy does what it was designed to do (evaluate existing policy – where does it fall short of its intent) B. How well the policy performs in relation to the effort and resources committed to it (why does it fall short and fail to do what it is intended to do?) IV. Policy alternatives (what recommendation you have to address the policy issue – be sure to use the literature to support your recommendations) A. Possible options/alterations of the present policy with benefits of each (what is your recommendation to address the issue and how would it be beneficial) V. Summary of your recommendations
Question 1949 Research problem
NSTRUCTIONS Selecting a research problem is the initial step in the research process. Research problems may evolve from clinical experience, quality improvement efforts, nursing literature, social issues theories, or ideas from external sources. Chapter 4 in Polit and Beck (2017) will be a good guide for this discussion. Develop a research problem of interest related to the chosen specialty track (education, informatics, administration or practice) and include the following criteria. • Describe the research problem in 2-3 sentences • Develop a problem statement • Develop one (1) research question related to the research problem • Propose whether a quantitative or a qualitative research design could be used for this research question Support posting with two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format
Question 1950 Research design/approach
*SEE ATTACHEMENT FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND SAMPLE*** There are many factors that need to be considered in choosing a research design/approach. Based on the research problem identified in the Week 4 discussion posting: ***(I WILL ATTACH HERE MY PAPER FOR LAST WEEK #4)*** · Select one research design/approach (descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, review, meta-analytic, descriptive-longitudinal case study, ethnographic, grounded theory, etc.) that could be used for the chosen topic · Elaborate on why the chosen approach is appropriate • APA Style • Support posting with two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format.
Question 1952 Health Care Delivery and Cost Comparison
Health Care Delivery and Cost Comparison Read “U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective” from The Commonwealth Fund. Research the health care delivery systems of at least two countries other than the United States. Compare and contrast the health care delivery systems you researched with that of the United States. Investigate the following: · Structure of the health care system · Expenditures · Allocation of resources · Quality indicators · Outcomes Organize your research in a matrix (table) comparing the United States and the selected countries. Create an infographic that includes: · The information from your matrix · A brief section addressing possible barriers to achieving lower-cost, better-quality care the United States · Source citations *You will need both a table and infographic for this assignment. If you are unfamiliar with how to create infographics, please conduct an Internet search for examples/templates. Cite at least three scholarly sources, one of which can be Health Policy and Politics.
Question 1952 Ethics of Internet Research
SEE ATTACHMENTS FOR MORE INSTRUCTIONS*** Based on the Williams (2012) article:( Article will be attached) • Describe two (2) information technology concepts from the article that could impact evidence in a positive or negative way • APA Style • Support posting with two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format (You can use the attached article as reference, so you need to find another article)
Question 1953 Teamwork and Leadership in Emergency Department
The assignment is a poster about the team work and leadership in emergency department, so in the files attached you’re going to find in the first file, all the information and structure. in the second file I attached an example about the structure of the poster that may help to guide you. I need less than 2000 words for the poster. in addition, I need extra page that explain, and answer the questions that being provided. I need 16 references in APA 6th edition style. finally, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me ASAP.
Question 1954 Health Assessment Assignment
Infographic Assignment + 700 word paper. Pls don’t bid if you don’t know how to do an infographic Choose one older adult community population and create an infographic on a topic of preventative screenings or vaccines for this population. You may choose to focus on one specific preventative screening (like colonoscopy) or one specific vaccine (like pneumovax). You will create a one page infographic and then write an essay on the topic you chose. View websites on How to create Infographics: * * Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic on the importance of one of the concepts found in one of the assigned websites. Include a detailed description of the infographic and the APA references in an APA-formatted essay. The description part of the essay assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 750 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials. Assignment Expectations: Length: One-page infographic PLUS essay of 750 to 1000 words in length Structure: Infographic: One-page. Essay: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion. References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.
Question 1955 Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Question 1956 Tort Reforms
Tort Reforms
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Tort reforms is defined as the proposed changes that reduces the tort damages and litigation in the civil justice system. The establishment of tort system was carried out with an aim of outlining compensation methods and fees for harms and wrongs done by one person to another’s protected interests and properties. In the United States, tort reforms is a political issues occurring as a result of the avocation of limits of filing a claim and putting up a ceiling on the compensation or awards of damages. In the commonwealth countries any person filing a lawsuit pays court fees together with the legal expenses in case they lose the claim. The main purpose of tort law is awarding compensation, and it is important to implement reforms in order to make sure that victims filing claims are served properly.
The reform advocates for tort law believe that more than 15 million tort cases filed each year in U.S are superfluous and frivolous. Frivolous lawsuits does not only include over saturation of the claims filed but also cases filed without merit or demanding high award for damages. Such claims aim to frustrate the person causing harm by giving out high damage compensation. The notion by the reform advocates places blame on the court system foundation in U.S and the ability for the members of public to file personal tort claim of personal injury claim in effort of seeking monetary award. The problem with the reforms is determined by the true purpose of the tort laws. The law serves the purpose of compensating victims and also the threat of liability helps in deterring the offenders in causing harm or the incidents in future (Rahdert 39). The tort law gives the affected party a chance to gain or restore their financial states by placing financial obligation to an individual who causes harm.
Necessity for Reforms
Tort reforms are necessary in order to ensure fairness in the civil justice system. In the United States, big business, insurance companies, big medical interests, big pharma and unscrupulous irresponsible entities needs protections of the law and court. The big companies need to be protected by tort laws in order to make obscene profit and face no risk in case of causing harm to people through intentional acts and negligence that are determined by the judge to be a foreseeable reason for causing harm. In absence of the reforms, the companies can suffer high loss while the affected people end up without compensation (Statsky 71). Reforms are important, because they will guarantee the harmed or affected person is compensated according to the loss or damaged caused. The trial judge is in a position to dismiss any case or set aside any case with unsupportable jury verdicts. The court of appeal has the power to reverse the results of the trial that are considered to be unreasonable. Proper reforms will help in making sure that people causing harm do not suffer in the hand of unreasonable judge (Daniels and Joanne 58). The aim of the tort should not be mainly compensation of victims but preventing the harm from taking place.
Tort reforms is necessary since members of the public go to the court to seek redress of wrongs done against them by other parties. It is a constitutional right for individual to seek compensation in court and reforms should be done in order to ensure justice to the victims.
Works Cited
Daniels, Stephen, and Joanne Martin. Tort Reform, Plaintiffs’ Lawyers, and Access to Justice. Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2015. Print.
Rahdert, Mark C. Covering Accident Costs: Insurance, Liability, and Tort Reform. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2011. Print.
Statsky, William P. Essentials of Torts. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, 2012. Print.
Question 1957 Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
The role of knowledge management systems
Knowledge management system (KMS) is defined as the processes, technologies and behaviors set up to manage information in order to improve decision making, innovation, learning and other factors to business success. In a business setup, knowledge management plays different roles such as improving the processes of a business, ensuring better communication in an organization, supporting the growth and development of employees, increasing the innovation rate and solving problem quickly among others. KMS help an organization in retrieving and storing knowledge, locating the source of information or knowledge, capturing knowledge and mining the hidden information (Hashem et el., 2015). A company that uses KMS is always in a position to gather accurate and current information.
The Meaning of Expert Systems
Expert software is described as a software that offers advice or make decision while using expert knowledge database. It is a computer system that help an organization to match decision making ability of human professional. The system solves complex situation and problem experienced by an organization through reasoning of knowledge bodies. The software is coded in a way that it simulates the behavior and knowledge of an organization or an individual (Thao et el., 2015). Medical diagnosis and check game are two examples of the expert system.
Content Management Systems
Content management system (CMS) is described as a software that effects editing, creating, publishing and organizing content in any form of media. A good example of CMS is WordPress that helps in publishing and creating content on web. When the information is accessed and stored via computer, it is referred to as digital content (Hashem et el., 2015). Through the use of CMS, an employee is in a position to share knowledge or information with other employees or other companies.
Benefits to Acquire form the Expert System and Content Management System
The content management system and the expert system will be beneficial and applicable to the engine repair shop in scenario A. Some of the attendant understand how to repair the engine, while others do not have the knowledge at times. The expert system will help in making sure that knowledge or information is available to the technician who do not understand how to fix the engine. The expert system will emulate decision just like human engine expert and help the technician who do not have an idea on how to fix the engine. On the other hand, CMS will help in publishing and organizing content for fixing engine (Thao et el., 2015). The process for fixing the engine will be created and published to be used by all shop attendant all the time.
The use of Social Media to Share Information
The engine repair shop can use social media to not only obtain knowledge and information but also share the information. The company can share the information and knowledge through social media and ensure that all the shop attendants have access to the information. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Watsup and Google among others have tools that can be used to share information among groups (Hashem et el., 2015). A good example of how the company can share information is through the use of Watsup. The company can form a Watsup group where the information on how to fix engine will be shared and accessed by the group members or the shop attendant. Another example, is creation of Facebook page or group and share the information for the shop attendants to access.
Hashem I. T., Yaqoob I., Anuar N., Mokhtar S. Khan S. and Gani A. (2015). The Rise if Big Data on Cloud Computing: Review and Open Research Issues. Science Direct, 47 (12): 98-115.
Thao L., Maggi M. Montali M. Rinderle S. and Aalst W. (2015). Compliance Monitoring in Business Processes: Functionalities, Application and Tool-Support. Science Direct, 54(1): 209-234.
Question 1958 Health Assessment Assignment
Infographic Assignment + 700 word paper. Pls don’t bid if you don’t know how to do an infographic Choose one older adult community population and create an infographic on a topic of preventative screenings or vaccines for this population. You may choose to focus on one specific preventative screening (like colonoscopy) or one specific vaccine (like pneumovax). You will create a one page infographic and then write an essay on the topic you chose. View websites on How to create Infographics: * * Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic on the importance of one of the concepts found in one of the assigned websites. Include a detailed description of the infographic and the APA references in an APA-formatted essay. The description part of the essay assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 750 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials. Assignment Expectations: Length: One-page infographic PLUS essay of 750 to 1000 words in length Structure: Infographic: One-page. Essay: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion. References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.
Question 1959 Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Institutional Affiliation
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
The role of knowledge management systems
Knowledge management system (KMS) is defined as the processes, technologies and behaviors set up to manage information in order to improve decision making, innovation, learning and other factors to business success. In a business setup, knowledge management plays different roles such as improving the processes of a business, ensuring better communication in an organization, supporting the growth and development of employees, increasing the innovation rate and solving problem quickly among others. KMS help an organization in retrieving and storing knowledge, locating the source of information or knowledge, capturing knowledge and mining the hidden information (Hashem et el., 2015). A company that uses KMS is always in a position to gather accurate and current information.
The Meaning of Expert Systems
Expert software is described as a software that offers advice or make decision while using expert knowledge database. It is a computer system that help an organization to match decision making ability of human professional. The system solves complex situation and problem experienced by an organization through reasoning of knowledge bodies. The software is coded in a way that it simulates the behavior and knowledge of an organization or an individual (Thao et el., 2015). Medical diagnosis and check game are two examples of the expert system.
Content Management Systems
Content management system (CMS) is described as a software that effects editing, creating, publishing and organizing content in any form of media. A good example of CMS is WordPress that helps in publishing and creating content on web. When the information is accessed and stored via computer, it is referred to as digital content (Hashem et el., 2015). Through the use of CMS, an employee is in a position to share knowledge or information with other employees or other companies.
Benefits to Acquire form the Expert System and Content Management System
The content management system and the expert system will be beneficial and applicable to the engine repair shop in scenario A. Some of the attendant understand how to repair the engine, while others do not have the knowledge at times. The expert system will help in making sure that knowledge or information is available to the technician who do not understand how to fix the engine. The expert system will emulate decision just like human engine expert and help the technician who do not have an idea on how to fix the engine. On the other hand, CMS will help in publishing and organizing content for fixing engine (Thao et el., 2015). The process for fixing the engine will be created and published to be used by all shop attendant all the time.
The use of Social Media to Share Information
The engine repair shop can use social media to not only obtain knowledge and information but also share the information. The company can share the information and knowledge through social media and ensure that all the shop attendants have access to the information. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Watsup and Google among others have tools that can be used to share information among groups (Hashem et el., 2015). A good example of how the company can share information is through the use of Watsup. The company can form a Watsup group where the information on how to fix engine will be shared and accessed by the group members or the shop attendant. Another example, is creation of Facebook page or group and share the information for the shop attendants to access.
Hashem I. T., Yaqoob I., Anuar N., Mokhtar S. Khan S. and Gani A. (2015). The Rise if Big Data on Cloud Computing: Review and Open Research Issues. Science Direct, 47 (12): 98-115.
Thao L., Maggi M. Montali M. Rinderle S. and Aalst W. (2015). Compliance Monitoring in Business Processes: Functionalities, Application and Tool-Support. Science Direct, 54(1): 209-234
Question 1960 Health Assessment Assignment
Infographic Assignment + 700 word paper. Pls don’t bid if you don’t know how to do an infographic Choose one older adult community population and create an infographic on a topic of preventative screenings or vaccines for this population. You may choose to focus on one specific preventative screening (like colonoscopy) or one specific vaccine (like pneumovax). You will create a one page infographic and then write an essay on the topic you chose. View websites on How to create Infographics: * * Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic on the importance of one of the concepts found in one of the assigned websites. Include a detailed description of the infographic and the APA references in an APA-formatted essay. The description part of the essay assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 750 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials. Assignment Expectations: Length: One-page infographic PLUS essay of 750 to 1000 words in length Structure: Infographic: One-page. Essay: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion. References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.
Question 1961 Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
Institutional Affiliation
Scenario A: Local Small Engine Repair Shop
The role of knowledge management systems
Knowledge management system (KMS) is defined as the processes, technologies and behaviors set up to manage information in order to improve decision making, innovation, learning and other factors to business success. In a business setup, knowledge management plays different roles such as improving the processes of a business, ensuring better communication in an organization, supporting the growth and development of employees, increasing the innovation rate and solving problem quickly among others. KMS help an organization in retrieving and storing knowledge, locating the source of information or knowledge, capturing knowledge and mining the hidden information (Hashem et el., 2015). A company that uses KMS is always in a position to gather accurate and current information.
The Meaning of Expert Systems
Expert software is described as a software that offers advice or make decision while using expert knowledge database. It is a computer system that help an organization to match decision making ability of human professional. The system solves complex situation and problem experienced by an organization through reasoning of knowledge bodies. The software is coded in a way that it simulates the behavior and knowledge of an organization or an individual (Thao et el., 2015). Medical diagnosis and check game are two examples of the expert system.
Content Management Systems
Content management system (CMS) is described as a software that effects editing, creating, publishing and organizing content in any form of media. A good example of CMS is WordPress that helps in publishing and creating content on web. When the information is accessed and stored via computer, it is referred to as digital content (Hashem et el., 2015). Through the use of CMS, an employee is in a position to share knowledge or information with other employees or other companies.
Benefits to Acquire form the Expert System and Content Management System
The content management system and the expert system will be beneficial and applicable to the engine repair shop in scenario A. Some of the attendant understand how to repair the engine, while others do not have the knowledge at times. The expert system will help in making sure that knowledge or information is available to the technician who do not understand how to fix the engine. The expert system will emulate decision just like human engine expert and help the technician who do not have an idea on how to fix the engine. On the other hand, CMS will help in publishing and organizing content for fixing engine (Thao et el., 2015). The process for fixing the engine will be created and published to be used by all shop attendant all the time.
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The use of Social Media to Share Information
The engine repair shop can use social media to not only obtain knowledge and information but also share the information. The company can share the information and knowledge through social media and ensure that all the shop attendants have access to the information. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Watsup and Google among others have tools that can be used to share information among groups (Hashem et el., 2015). A good example of how the company can share information is through the use of Watsup. The company can form a Watsup group where the information on how to fix engine will be shared and accessed by the group members or the shop attendant. Another example, is creation of Facebook page or group and share the information for the shop attendants to access.
Hashem I. T., Yaqoob I., Anuar N., Mokhtar S. Khan S. and Gani A. (2015). The Rise if Big Data on Cloud Computing: Review and Open Research Issues. Science Direct, 47 (12): 98-115.
Thao L., Maggi M. Montali M. Rinderle S. and Aalst W. (2015). Compliance Monitoring in Business Processes: Functionalities, Application and Tool-Support. Science Direct, 54(1): 209-234.
Question 1962 PICOT questions
Please critique the structure of each PICOT question. Is it in the correct PICOT format? Is the question specific enough? Is the patient population specific? Is the intervention a nursing intervention (No medical interventions)? Are there too many outcomes? Does the question make sense? 1- PICOT question: (P) For patients with alcohol dependency, (I) is the use of Psychological treatment and therapy more effective than the use of medications, Pharmacotherapy (O) for the maintenance of sobriety (T) Long term? 2- PICOT question: In pre-operative patients how does the use of lidocaine cream for placement of intravenous access affect patient’s satisfaction versus intravenous access obtained without the use of lidocaine cream within a three month period? 3- PICOT question: In the adolescent addiction patient population how effective is inpatient treatment compared to intensive outpatient treatment in controlling relapse within five years of recovery time?
Question 1963 Discussion topic for e-poster
Therapeutic lifestyle changes such as reducing fat and sugar intake should begin early in people who are at risk of hypertension. Agree/disagree and discuss the health impacts. You have to disagree on the fact that Therapeutic lifestyle changes such as reducing fat and sugar intake should begin early in people who are at risk of hypertension is not the only major RISK FACTOR leading to hypertension. Focus on other important non-modifiable risk factors and find statistical evidence to prove that there are other important risk factor associated with hypertension than just only Therapeutic lifestyle changes such as reducing fat and sugar intake.
Question 1964 What is the dilemma presented in the article? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In your initial post I would like you to respond to the following: What is the dilemma presented in the article? Do you agree with what the parents did? Why or why not? What are the reasons why our government opposes the legalization of marijuana? What other conditions/symptoms has marijuana been shown to treat? How would cannabis therapy impact patients? Nurses?
Question 1965 Introduction to Health Promotion
please respond to at least two of the following items. Remember to include an APA formatted in-text citation AND corresponding reference from a recent (within last 5 years), professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.). (Failure to include BOTH an in-text citation AND a corresponding reference will result in a significant point deduction. Please contact your coach if you have any questions about this BEFORE submitting your post to the discussion board this week.) Do you recommend journaling to your patients? Why, or why not? Why do you think many people are so open to complementary, alternative, or integrative approaches to health? If you have discussed any complementary, alternative, or integrative interventions with patients within the last month, please share the highlights of your discussion. Do you feel it is part of your professional responsibility to educate yourself on the major complementary, alternative, or integrative modalities? Why, or why not? Post your responses to at least two of the items above, then engage at least two of your online colleagues in a discussion about his/her responses by responding to their posts. Therefore, you should have at least one original posting and one response to each of two colleagues
Question 1966 Evidence Based Research
Australia has the second highest rate of obesity for males and the fifth highest rate for females in the world. Research evidence suggests that managing childhood obesity is key to reducing obesity in adults.” You will be required to provide an argument in support of the above topic and discuss the related health impacts in 400 words. Justify with evidences and appropriate data why you Agree with the above topic and discuss the related health impacts of your viewpoint using evidence based research. After your discussion, present it on one page e-poster.
Question 1967 nursing clinical project
Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) Purpose: What is the purpose of CBI? In what situations would CBI be ordered? Pre-, intra-, and immediate post-procedure care: What supplies are needed for CBI setup and maintenance? Ongoing post-procedure care: What monitoring is needed during CBI? What are the nursing interventions for abnormal findings during CBI? Documentation: Provide an end-of-shift SOAP note for CBI in which the patient experienced no complications.
Question 1968 The advantages of using clinical practice guidelines to guide evidence-based practice in organizations
Discuss the advantages of using clinical practice guidelines to guide evidence-based practice in organizations • Select a specific practice guideline that supports the intervention formulated in the Week 1 PICOT question and summarize briefly why the selected practice guideline supports the chosen intervention (post the link of the guideline in your references) Support initial posting with two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format
Question 1969 Professional Codes of Ethics and Ethical Principles
Write 400–600 words with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) to provide examples of 2 issues or dilemmas in which a Code of Ethics may be applied. Additionally, the CEO asked that you conduct research on any organization (e.g., American Medical Association [AMA], the Joint Commission [TJC]) that accredits health care organizations or provides ethical guidance to the health care professional and discuss how that organization might influence the ethics practices of the hospital or health care professional.
Question 1970 Changing Health Care Environment
250-word initial post; 100 words per peer response Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource, in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Part 1 Technology is continuing to evolve in health care. This evolution of technology keeps nurses continuously learning. Describe a technological change in your workplace and how this change has affected your everyday nursing practice. What new technology would you like to see implemented in your workplace? Explain your choice. Part 2 Health care reform in the United States has been largely controversial. Choose one of the following topics, and visit the corresponding Web site to review the implications of the current legislature that may be important for nurses to know: Pre-Existing Conditions Locate information about pre-existing conditions under the Related Links column on the left-hand side of the page. Discuss how this information may affect the practice of nursing overall and more specifically, in your workplace. Strengthening Medicare Explore the benefits of these services. Discuss how this information may affect the practice of nursing overall and more specifically, in your workplace. Reducing Health Disparities Choose a program designed to reduce health disparities and review the information. Discuss how this information may affect the practice of nursing overall and more specifically, in your workplace. After you have selected 1 of the above topics, address the following: Summarize this area of the law in your own words. Discuss how it may affect the practice of nursing overall and more specifically, in your workplace
Question 1971 Nursing in Contemporary Society
250-word initial post As the nursing profession has changed over the decades, it is important to reflect on how those changes have affected the day-to-day activities of the nurse. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource, in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Part One: Explain how the role of the nurse has evolved through the years. How have the responsibilities of the nurse changed? Discuss how your role as a nurse has changed throughout your career. Are those changes based on experience or changes in the health care system? Part Two: Nursing is a scientific discipline and is based on theoretical foundations for practice. Describe 1 nursing theory, and provide 2–3 specific examples of how it applies to your own nursing practice
Question 1972 Nursing Workforce
discussion board 250-word initial. postPrimary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource, in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Part One: Search the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Web site for information about the nursing shortage. In 75–100 words, summarize what you found about the issues related to the nursing shortage. What has your employer or health care system done to prevent a nursing shortage? Part Two: Search the university library for articles discussing the nursing shortage. Look for articles published in the last 5 years. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource in addition to your textbook. What does the literature say about the perils of short staffing for nurses? Discuss methods used in the workplace to prevent staff shortages.
Question 1973 how associational thinking, evidence-based leadership, and innovation are interrelated
Discuss how associational thinking, evidence-based leadership, and innovation are interrelated Instructions: • Support posting with 2 professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format Synthesize the readings into your own words (you may use quotes and paraphrasing from the articles as needed) to support your postings. Expand on your insights and reflect on the material. Be sure to follow APA standards
Question 1974 discussion board
PROMPT Answer the following questions with evidence-based research: (Modules 2-7 Discussions must have citations and references) Why topic was chosen? Importance of topic? Who will benefit from research? What cultural/spiritual issues influence your chosen area of interest? GUIDELINES Post 1 article synopsis; defining key words and how article relates to chosen area of interest. Post your initial response by Wednesday 2359. Reply to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by Saturday 2359 of Module 2. Please go to the Group Discussions area on the left to post to the discussion board. Please follow the discussion rubric (available in My Grades) to receive maximum points for all original and reply posts.
Question 1975 Ethical Decision Making
Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Chief executive officer Beranger has appointed you to the Ethics Committee of Silver Creek Hospital. She would like you to discuss one ethical issue with which you are familiar and share the process used by the Ethics committee to make a decision when individuals do not agree. Include information on how the ethical decision-making process is useful when issues may challenge the principles held by individuals.
Question 1976 Role of Evidence Based Leadership
Describe how the unique role of evidence-based leadership (EBL) can facilitate an organization change to the new paradigm of EBP • Discuss two characteristics an evidence-based leader must possess to create, change and sustain a practice environment of evidence-based care Instructions: Support posting with 2 professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format Synthesize the readings into your own words (you may use quotes and paraphrasing from the articles as needed) to support your postings. Expand on your insights and reflect on the material. Be sure to follow APA standards
Question 1977 Translate the Evidence into Practice
The next steps in the evidence-based practice (EBP) process include implementing and translating the intervention chosen in the PICOT question (Week 1) (ATTACHED IN THIS PAPER) into the clinical setting. Pilot projects are often used before implementation to an entire organization. Discuss the following questions related to implementing the chosen PICOT intervention as if a pilot test project was being facilitated by the masters prepared nurse: Assignment Criteria: 1. Discuss two (2) strategies the masters prepared nurse would implement to create a vision for change related to the new intervention. 2. Describe the stakeholders in the pilot project. 3. Propose two (2) strategies that would promote engagement of the stakeholders in the project. 4. Discuss how the barriers of the project would be assessed. 5. Discuss how the identified barriers would be eliminated. 6. Identify major organizational resources needed for the pilot project. 7. Discuss how the outcome of the intervention will be measured. 8. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 4 to 5 pages excluding the title and reference page. 9. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion. 10. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper. 11. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. 12. Include a minimum of four (4) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old. 13. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-tex t citations).
Question 1978 Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony
Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice. Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of course, doing so means entering the less familiar world of policy and politics. While many nurses do not initially feel prepared to operate in this space effectively, the reward is the opportunity to shape and influence future health policy. To Prepare: Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources. The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement) Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Comparison Grid Template. Be sure to address the following: Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed. Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill. Identify the target populations addressed by the bill. Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees? Is it receiving press coverage? Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following: Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position. Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples. Recommend at least one amendment to the bill in support of your position.
Question 1979 Ethical Decision Making
Chief executive officer Beranger has appointed you to the Ethics Committee of Silver Creek Hospital. She would like you to examine the decision making process used by the committee and report back on the steps involved in ethical decision making. She also asks that you identify components involved in each of the steps of the ethical decision making process and discuss the purpose of each step. Lastly, Chief Beranger would like you to select one step that you think is the most important in making an ethical decision and discuss why.
Question 1980 Ethical Decision Making
Chief executive officer Beranger has appointed you to the Ethics Committee of Silver Creek Hospital. She would like you to examine the decision making process used by the committee and report back on the steps involved in ethical decision making. She also asks that you identify components involved in each of the steps of the ethical decision making process and discuss the purpose of each step. Lastly, Chief Beranger would like you to select one step that you think is the most important in making an ethical decision and discuss why.
Question 1981 Organizational Analysis
Introduction of the Organization Provide a concise description of the healthcare organization, including type of agency, size, geographic location, services provided, target clientele, accreditation status, and community relationships. Examination of the Organization Identify the organization’s mission, philosophy, and the administrative structure. Identify the type of organizational structure the facility represents (functional, matrix reporting, joint practice, etc.). Give examples that support the type you selected. Strengths and Limitations Discuss major strengths and limitations of the organization. Care Delivery System Describe the nursing care delivery system(s) used. Include delegation examples of manager, charge nurse, licensed staff to unlicensed staff. Outcomes and Measurements Discuss two specific patient outcomes and explain how they are measured and monitored. Include one system–wide outcome and one nurse–sensitive clinical indicator.
Question 1982 Organizational Analysis
Introduction of the Organization Provide a concise description of the healthcare organization, including type of agency, size, geographic location, services provided, target clientele, accreditation status, and community relationships. Examination of the Organization Identify the organization’s mission, philosophy, and the administrative structure. Identify the type of organizational structure the facility represents (functional, matrix reporting, joint practice, etc.). Give examples that support the type you selected. Strengths and Limitations Discuss major strengths and limitations of the organization. Care Delivery System Describe the nursing care delivery system(s) used. Include delegation examples of manager, charge nurse, licensed staff to unlicensed staff. Outcomes and Measurements Discuss two specific patient outcomes and explain how they are measured and monitored. Include one system–wide outcome and one nurse–sensitive clinical indicator.
Question 1983 How to disseminate the evidence
Leeman & Sandelowski (2012) discuss multiple methodologies for use in qualitative research that contribute to increasing the body of practice-based evidence. • Select one methodology discussed in the article and compose a PICOT question from the work environment that an advanced practice nurse could amend to the selected methodology for qualitative inquiry • Propose one strategy related to how to disseminate the evidence to this PICOT question Article Leeman, J., & Sandelowski, M. (2012). Practice-based evidence and qualitative inquiry. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(2), 171-179. Include two scholarly peer-reviewed reference Please address the question as much as possible. All writing and references must follow current American Psychological Association (APA) standards. Support discussion with two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal. References properly cited in APA format. Discussion should be substantive demonstrating critical thinking and thoughts delving deeper into the discussion topic. All articles must be within a five-year timeframe. No less than 250 words. No more than one page. 1page only. No title page needed.
Question 1984 Nursing Patient Advocacy
The nursing process is commonly used to manage change or to problem-solve. Using the nursing process, apply the steps of the nursing process (assessment, analysis and diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation) to describe your change topic to your peers.
Question 1985 Lifespan Development
Develop a 2-page informational pamphlet/brochure or flyer designed to help perspective parents understand how to avoid the effects of teratogens and their potential impact on the developing fetus. Use at least four professional sources of information (of which two must be Web site resources) to write and develop in the pamphlet. List these sources in a reference list at the end of the pamphlet or flyer. Include links to at least two Web site resources in the flyer or pamphlet to help potential parents better understand teratogens and their risks. The information in the pamphlet or flyer should be written using “family friendly” language and terminology appropriate for all parents. The pamphlet or flyer will be designed for professionals in a variety of careers to disseminate to parents. There are several software options available for creating this brochure/flyer. If you have Microsoft Word, follow the instructions below. 1. Open new Word document. 2. In Search window, type Brochure or Flyer. 3. Select among the many templates provided. 4. Download the brochure or flyer of your choice. 5. In each template, you may enter the text and links you selected to complete this assignment. Graphics are optional; however, they do add appealing visuals to the pamphlet or flyer If you do not have Microsoft Word, you can use Google Docs. You will have to establish a free account with Google in order to use their documents. Once on the site, search for Brochure or Flyer.
Question 1986 Management of Perioperative Patients
- What is the difference between a minor surgery and a major surgery? Give at least 5 examples of each. (20 points) 2. What is the importance of medical clearance in an individual before submitting the patient to a major surgery? (5 points) 3. As a registered nurse how are you going to prepare the patient physically and emotionally before surgery? (10 points) 4. A patient was admitted to Unit 4 less than 24 hours who is status post abdominal surgery. Give at least three possible complications post-operatively as a result of poor nursing care. As a nurse how would you be able to perform an adequate care in order to prevent this complications? (10 points)
Question 1987 Disorders of Veins and Arteries
Select a policy initiative in the student’s practice setting affecting patients, service, or staff at the institutional level. * Explain the policy initiative and identify its stakeholders * Describe perceived outcomes resulting from the selected initiative and how it might effectively address the health care issue * Identify pros and cons to the initiative and how these might effect stakeholders. Support posting with 2 professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format
Question 1988 Nursing Home Workforce Quality Act
My chosen topic for Assignment 1 is regarding nursing home workforce. Bill Number: H.R. 1265 Bill Title: Nursing Home Workforce Quality Instructions: Research and choose a state or federal bill (see above the bill I chose) related to the healthcare policy issue 3- Post a brief description of the bill a. Identify if it is a state or federal bill b. Include the bill’s number (H.R.# or S#), title, purpose, intended group/population, and outcome (if already determined). c. Provide a reason for selecting the bill. d. Identify the bill’s legislative sponsors. e. Include the full name, party affiliations, and districts Creditable Internet websites include .org, .edu, .gov or Health On the Net (HON) approved sites Scholarly professional online journals retrieved from the library using bibliographic databases or national professional organizations are aceptable APA STYLE
Question 1989 Mock Bioethics Committee Activity
we have a group presentation we have to take each other depend on role that we have my rule is nurse , and submit the word document , i submit the instruction . i need the note that i have to speak with another people and i need the word that i explan in file
Question 1990 Community health nursing
Answer the following questions? 1. As a nurse how will you contribute in the prevention of polypharmacy in an elderly patient receiving cardiac medications? 1. Discuss the influence of aging process on inflammation and immunity and how these increase health risks for older adults. (10 points) 2. As a nurse how do you collaborate with other interdisciplinary team to ensure quality care for patients with connective tissue disease (CTD)? (10 points) 3. How do you maintain safe and effective care environment in the acute care setting and at home for older patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? (10 points) 4. As a nurse, how do you educate patients diagnosed with HIV+ in the community in order to live a normal and healthy life? (10 points) 5. As a nurse, how do you educate patients on how to protect themselves against harm from a hypersensitivity reaction? (10 points)
Question 1991 Patients’ Readmission
My topic or area for improvement or issue of concern is: (Nursing interventions on how to minimize patient’s readmission into the behavioral health unit). I have attached a sample paper that demonstrates how and what an excellent paper must looks like.
Question 1992 Policy Analysis Scholarly Paper
students will examine the selected bill from Assignment 2 (IT WILL BE ATTACHED), and critically analyze, and evaluate the context in which the area of concern or issue relates to the policymaking process. Assignment Criteria: Develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria: 1. State the selected bill including the bill number and title. 2. Identity the area of concern or issue clarifying the underlying and related concerns. 3. Describe the background of the area of concern or issue – assess economic, legal, and regulatory processes that prompted the writing of the bill 4. Identify all direct and/or indirect stakeholders and stakeholder position on the area of concern. 5. Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to the bill. 6. Evaluate how issues in the bill will affect stakeholders at an institutional, local, state, and/or federal level. 7. Using the Essentials of Master’s Education, propose two ways the master’s prepared nurse leader can act as a change agent, contribute to the policy-making process, and advocate for quality, cost-effective care. 8. The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, 5 to 6 pages excluding the title and reference page. 9. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion. 10. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper. 11. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used. 12. Include a minimum of five (5) professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references to support the paper (review in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old. Instructor can revise these guidelines to include websites. 13. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
Question 1993 Work force planning
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health has stimulated much discussion – favorable and unfavorable. Key Message 4 states that, “Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure.” Offer an analysis on this key message. • Discuss the meaning of ’work force planning’ • Explain legislative or other initiatives implemented and/or recommended to advance this key message • Describe the role of the local and state nursing organizations in advancing this message Support initial posting with two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal references properly cited in American Psychological Association (APA) format
Question 1994 nurse prioritize
- As a community health nurse, how do you promote health in a 56 year old man with no significant medical history and with a body mechanic index (BMI) of 36. 2. As a community health nurse, how do you promote health in pregnant women? 3. As a community health nurse what effective method will you utilize in order to provide health teachings/health education to families in a community where you are assign? Explain why? 1. As a nurse how can you educate client/patient to identify behaviors to reduce the risk for cancer development and cancer death? (10 points) 2. As a nurse how will you prioritize nursing care for the patient receiving radiation therapy? (10 points) 3. As a nurse how will you prioritize nursing care for the patient receiving biological response modifiers and growth factors as supportive therapy in the treatment for cancers? (10 points) 4. As a nurse how will you prioritize nursing care for patient receiving chemotherapy? (10 points) 5. As a nurse how do you discuss end of life care to the family with a patient diagnosed with terminal cancer?
Question 1995 Nursing Research In Practice
In the essay, to summarise, evaluate and critique three sources relevant to the case study. Section 1: Annotated Bibliography (600 words), given articles Section 2: Justification (700 words) Section 3: Recommendations (200 words), 10 referencing for section 2 and 3.
Question 1996 Answer the following questions
- Give at least three causes of anemia and explain further the common manifestations of the disorder, diagnostic findings, and what education the nurse should give to the patient. (5 points) 2. What is diabetes mellitus? Discuss the action and use of insulin to control diabetes mellitus. Discuss the action and use of oral hypoglycemic agents to control dm. (5 points) 3. Identify the major nursing considerations associated with management of patient with dm2 (e.g nutrition, dietary prescription, activity, and psychological consideration). (5 points) 4. Discuss the role of pituitary gland and the hormone that it secretes and what organ or tissue is affected. (5 points) 5. Discuss the difference between estrogen and progesterone and it’s effect in women. (5 points) 6. What are androgens? What are the therapeutic effects of androgen to men with androgen deficiency? (5 points) 7. What is erectile dysfunction. What is the medical management for erectile dysfunction? Provide nursing implications for men with erectile dysfunction? (10 points) 8. Provide at least two examples of respiratory airway diseases. Discuss the causes and clinical management both medical and nursing perspective. (10 points) 1. Discuss the action and use of insulin to control diabetes mellitus. (5 points) 2. Discuss the action and uses of oral hypoglycemic agents to control diabetes mellitus. (5 points) 3. Explain the effects of thyroid replacement hormones for the treatment of hypothyroidism on doses of warfarin and digoxin as well as oral hypoglycemic agents. (10 points). 4. Cite the actions of antithyroid medications on the formation and release of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. (5 points) 5. Discuss the clinical uses and potential adverse effects associated with corticosteroids. (5 points) 6. Explain why all decongestants products should be used cautiously by people with hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, cardiac disease, increased intraocular pressure or prostatic disease. (10 points) 7. Explain the major actions (effects) of sympathomimetic, antihistaminic, corticosteroid decongestants and cromolyn. (10 points) 8. Identify important aspects of patient education for patients receiving drug therapy for lower respiratory diseases. (5 points). (5 points) 9. Discuss the nursing assessments needed to monitor therapeutic response and the development of adverse effects from beta-adrenergic bronchodilator therapy. (5 points) 10. Discuss the nursing assessments needed to monitor therapeutic response and the development of adverse effects from anticholinergic bronchodilator therapy. (5 points) 1. How do you provide adequate education on a patient receiving chemotherapy? (10) 2. Give at least 3 major side effect of chemotherapy and how do you intervene to a patient experiencing this adverse effects? (15)
Question 1997 Definition
Define each of the following nine concepts in your own word and reference: 1- Authority 2- Responsibility 3- Delegating 4-Chain of Command 5-Line Authority 6-Support departments 7-Organizational designs 8-Organizational chart 9- Organization skills
Question 1998 Definiciones y Conceitos
Defina cada uno de los echo conceptos 1. Tipos de liderazgo 2. Gerente vs. Líder 3. Procesos de control en las organizaciones 4. Gerencia de operaciones 5. Procesos de control en el departamento de compras 6. Procesos de control en el departamento de recursos humanos 7. Procesos de control en el departamento de ventas 8. Control de calidad Este trabajo tine que ser en Español
Question 1999 Leadership
write one page about that: _what are the leadership lessons and insights learned from the debate between Trump and Clinton? _what strategies use to impact the studies you learned?
Question 2000 Weekly reflection
COMPLETE IN 2 HOURS The first paragraph (collectively between 150 – 200 words maximum) should provide a reflective analysis on how various activities (e.g. completing prescribed reading, completing online quizzes and receiving automated feedback, discussing review/critical thinking questions with peers, listening to recorded/live lecture) undertaken prior to, during, and/or post tutorials/lectures either supported, hindered and/or made no difference to your learning and understanding of the topics assigned for a given period. · The second paragraph (collectively between 150 – 200 words maximum) should provide a reflective analysis on how and why the topic(s) assigned for a given period will or will not assist you in performing your current job and/or future chosen career.
Question 2001 Obama Health Care Con
Obama Health Care Con paper due 24 hours from now, the paper should be clear to debate with Pro side. I will present Con perspective, and i need to be clear ideas with strong support ideas. This is an argumentative paper and the writing is from your own ideas (not overuse citation). I appreciate if my paper is understandable, knowledgeable, and agreeable. The most important thing is i want other students agree with my ideas. Human Resource Management BUS 335 Junior and Senior
Question 2002 Risk Management in International Business.
Its is a kind of course work.I would like to get my work in 5 different parts; 1) References list (minimum of 15-20) as per APA format Locate a minimum of 15 appropriate external sources related to your research topic. Of these sources, a minimum of 12 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals. Wikipedia and other related web sites/sources are not appropriate and will not count towards the required minimum. The external sources are not limited to 15. 2)Introduction (2 pages)& Literature review(minimum of 1 page) Introduction of the research problem – Discussion of the relevant literature (Literature Review). The literature review will include references and citations to all or a portion of the sources found in week 6 & 7. All sources cited in the text must be included in the References section. Likewise, any source listed in the references section must be cited in the text. – Research question. 3)Method, Results, & Discussion(all the comes under methods) (minimum of 5 pages with 1500-600 words) During this phase, students will complete the following elements of the project: – Each student will develop and write the Methods section of the research paper. – Each student will develop and write the Results/Findings section of the research paper. – Each student will develop and write the Discussion/Conclusion section of the research paper. Methods: This section describes show the study was conducted. It should include the participants or study subjects and research design. For this project, you are expected to review existing studies and utilize pre-existing published results to answer your research question. Results: This section summarizes the data collected and analyses performed to reach the conclusions in the study. For this project, you are expected to extract data from published studies and analyze/summarize the results. Discussion: The Discussion section presents the position taken or conclusions drawn from the study. For this study you are expected to answer “what is” as it relates to your research question. Method, Results, & Discussion Deliverables: 1. Completed sub-sections of the paper including: 1) title page, 2) methods section, 3) results/findings section, 4) discussion/conclusion section, and 5) references page. 4) now comes to Abstract(150-250 words) – Each student will develop and write an abstract for the article or research proposal based upon the specifications provided by the journal/periodical. If the selected publication does not provide specific requirements for the abstract, the default criteria provided in the Manual Preparation document. The abstract shall be limited to 150 250 words, unless specified otherwise by the journal or publication. Abstract: An abstract is to be a brief summary of the article. It should describe the research problem, summarize the importance of the study, summarize the results/findings, and summarize the conclusions of the study. 5) conclusion(minimum of 400words) This is how my work to be done. for each part i will give you 5 days of time here I’am attaching just a sample document my work should be kind of this type but here all documents are attached together.with you writing skill for 100% result by week I will get to know your work and start posting different orders for you
Question 2003 Obama health care con
Just listen and take a note for speech (If you want to add, please do) This paper for con, but i’ll give you 3-5mins speech video for cons. So it is going to easy for you. I need a paper within 15mins from now, but you can make it
Question 2004 Common Principles and Practices Used to Successfully Manage the 21st Century Technology-Intensive Organization
Sections of the Paper: • TITLE PAGE: Refer to the title page template provided in this course syllabus. • ABSTRACT: The abstract will be on page two (2) and has a limit of 150 words, single-spaced. • INTRODUCTION: The introduction will begin on page 3 and will have the heading of introduction centered under the paper title (refer to page 12 of this syllabus). An introduction is necessary to introduce your reader to the topic that you are discussing in the paper they are about to read. The introduction provides the reader supporting information about your topic, the significance, the rationale, your objectives or generally what you will be discussing in your paper. The introduction will not contain detailed information; this will be done in the body of the paper. Some would say that the introduction should contain your thesis statement and introduce your reader to your purpose of writing the paper. The introduction should be ¼ to ¾ of a standard page in length. • BODY of the PAPER: This part of the paper should contain your detailed research findings and information you gained from your research and readings that relate directly to the topic of the class assignment. Layout this part of the paper in sections, with headings/sub-headings that organize your presented research findings, and that will assist the reader in their understanding of your methodology and discussion. You are to state, discuss, support and document your research findings in this section of the paper. • CONCLUSION: In this section you summarize your findings and tie back to your introduction statement. In the conclusion, the reader should be able to (if they only read the conclusion) gain 70-80% of the data and/or main points presented in your paper in a summary format. • The conclusion is the most important part of the paper and you must treat it as such, so spend time developing and organizing an outstanding, concise and well written conclusion. The conclusion should be at least one-page in length, with two standard text pages the maximum length. • REFERENCES: The reference page(s) will follow the papers conclusion section beginning on a new page. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition for style, format and organization of elements not addressed in this syllabus. General Writing and Formatting Guidelines for Your Paper (Reference APA Manual, section 8.03 and sample papers, Chapter 2) – Paper size: Papers shall be typewritten on 8.5” x 11” paper, one side only. – Line Spacing: Double-space between all text lines of the manuscript, does not include the abstract. – Margins: One inch margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, right). – Font type and size: Times New Roman, 12 point. – Paragraph indention: Indent the first line of every paragraph 5-7 spaces (1/2 inch), with the exception of the Abstract and reference list entries. – Alignment: Align text left (uneven right edges), not justified (even left and right edges). – Spacing after punctuation: Use 1 space after commas, colons, and semicolons within sentences and 2 spaces after punctuation marks at the end of sentences. – Pagination: Number all pages consecutively, beginning with number Page1 of ? on the title page. Page numbers shall be flush-right on the first line of every page (use the header function found in WORD) one inch from the right edge of the paper. – Running head: In this course of study, the running head on each page (other than the title page) is to consist of the following information: In this order: your last, your CWID number, and the assignment number. The running head shall be flush left in all uppercase letters using 12 point font and on the same line as the page numbers. Do not bold the running head. – Heading levels: Follow guidelines in the APA Manual, section 3.03. Abstract (Reference APA Manual, section 2.04, 8.03, and sample papers, chapter 2) – Pagination: The abstract shall begin on a new page (page 2). – Heading: The label “Abstract” shall be typed using uppercase and lowercase letters. The heading shall be centered on the page on the first line (Do not bold). Double-space between the heading and the text. – Length: The abstract is a brief summary (maximum of 150 words) of the contents of the assignment/manuscript. Refer to APA 2.04. – Format: The abstract shall be typed as a single paragraph with no indention, aligned flush-left. Do not italicize. – Line Spacing: The abstract must be single-spaced for this course. Note: Keywords, as shown in the APA Manual sample paper, are not to be included in this paper. Manuscript Body (Reference APA Manual, section 2.05-2.08, 8.03, and sample papers, chapter 2) – Pagination: The body of the paper shall begin on a new page (page 3). – Subsections of the manuscript body do not begin on a new page. – Title: The paper title shall be centered on the first line of page 3. The paper title shall be boldfaced and is typed in uppercase and lowercase letters. – Introduction: The first section of your paper’s body is to be an introduction. The heading Introduction is to be centered and double-spaced beneath the paper title on page 3. – Headings: The remaining sections and subsections of the paper shall all be titled appropriately using headings and sub-heading that will benefit the reader. Refer to 3.03 Levels of Heading in the APA Manual. – The body of your paper must include an identifiable introduction and conclusion sections with headings. • Hint: Research and compare traditional business management principles and practices with those found in today’s technology-intensive organizations. Be sure you can support your reported findings with valid sources/citations. • To support your narrative, you may want to consider creating a matrix that will illustrate/compare your research findings. • Your manuscript is to have a title page, abstract, introduction, body with a well-developed conclusion and reference page. • Your total manuscript is to be between 1800 and 2000 words including the title page, abstract, introduction, body, and reference page (s). • Your manuscript is to have a minimum of eight (8) cited references obtained from articles found in refereed journals, articles from edited magazines published by professional organizations or societies, articles from refereed proceedings of professional conferences and/or published textbooks. • NOTE: No article published on the Internet that is not directly connected to an established peer-reviewed professional conference, journal or magazine is acceptable as a cited reference source. Published textbooks are also acceptable. The course textbook may be used as one reference source.
Question 2005 managment
I have presentation and i have 4 questions i already answer it but i need it related to the chapters if you check the attach you will get what i need you should answer it from theories in the chapters, i will upload the questions and the instruction and voice record of meeting the company and chapters please make sure easy vocabulary and basic grammar
Question 2006 Gender and Leadership
Based on your research, present an article that discusses gender issues in business. Analyze the key points of the article and make suggestions as to areas that need improvement. Examine key aspects of the country being discussed and the impact the culture may have on any gaps that may contribute to the concept of the glass ceiling.
Question 2007 Concepts
This is Leadership and Supervision class. please write a paragraph for each point below: 1) Self- management 2) Direct and indirect leadership styles 3) Group think 4) HR skills 5) Supervisory plans 6) Making ethical decision include in each paragraph these: -Difinision – practice – example – what is it and what is not –
Question 2008 Management decision paper to your employee.
It is a management decision paper about foodservice design issues, like the kitchen design, and how you arrange your equipments.. You need to begin with a scenario for around 400 words then discuss specific problems for around 450 words, solutions and recommendations for around 450 words each, so total will be around 1850 words. This is intended be a management decision paper NOT a term or research paper, which means you are to think of or develop an opportunity where a decision must be made to correct a problem, address a critical issue, or suggest an improvement. The subject should be realistic as possible and have critical issues that can be discussed. The best management decision papers come from real-life situations so feel free to draw from your internship, work or personal experiences. Think of yourself in a meeting with the “boss” and others. A subject comes up that is a perceived problem. After some discussion you realize that you may have an answer or solution to the problem. You speak up and the “boss” likes your ideas and asks you (assigns you) to come up with some answers or solutions that he/she can use to make a decision. You are writing this report for the “boss”. In reality of course you are writing this report for me so the first part of your report should be the scenario. Specifically who are you, what is the situation, what type of company or facility is involved? Then you state the specific problem(s). Next use research to come up with some specific solutions or answers to the problem. Try to concentrate on three to five specific aspect of the problem for which you can offer solutions. Your report is about YOUR part of the solution not necessarily the complete answer to the problem. Then finally make specific recommendations and tell the “boss” exactly what specific decisions need to be made based on your research and suggestions. You should have a cover page with the title of your report and your name. You need a minimum of 3 references from your research. You are to use APA format for references and in-text citations. The report must be a minimum of 1800 word in length not counting the references. If you have trouble finding a way to write about your problem just go back to the meeting and think about how best to present and report your solutions to the boss so he/she can make a decision.
Question 2009 Learning and research book
it’s an assignment in which u have to write 2550 words and first u have to read the instructions that i send to u then u have to write your own word in your own language. also u have to put reference list, direct quotes, tables, figures, but it can not count in the 2550 words so make sure u first read the instruction and then make an assignment. and please please 100% plagiarize free assignment i need.
Question 2010 How Behaving Unethically Hurts Your Company
Assume you are an employee who has discovered some actions within your company that you believe are unethical. Write a 3 page MEMO to the CEO of the company addressing the following topics: Describe the unethical actions. Analyze the benefits and costs to the company of conducting business in an ethical way. Assess the company’s unethical action(s) in terms of how the unethical behavior may hurt the company.
Question 2011 Relational leadership
Analysis of a text which should include:1. Contents: The purpose of this part of the analysis is to give an overall introduction to the text. What is the title and topic? Who is the author? What is it about? Basically, what is it for a case (e.g. issue, purpose) the text is about? Which subject area or overall theoretical perspective within the organization field is the text made from? 2. Theoretical terms: The purpose of this part of the analysis is to fold out the theoretical key terms of the text. The analysis might contain a reflection of the following questions: Witch theoretical key terms are the text containing? How must these key terms be understood? Are there arguments for a correlation between the key terms? Feel free to give examples on how the text uses references to other texts to support these arguments. 3. Scientific theoretical position: The purpose of this part of the analysis is to identify and document what the scientific perspective of the text is. The analysis might contain a reflection of the following questions: Which ontological and epistemological assumptions permeate the text? How is it shown in the text? How is it shown in the way the text is handling the theoretical terms and consideration of methods? 4. Evaluation and discussion: The purpose of this part of the analysis is to analyse, discuss and evaluate the contributions, the author of the text believe, could create our understandings of organizations. The analysis might contain a reflection on the following questions: What is highlighted as results, findings, points or contributions in the text? Are the contributions fully argued? Discuss how the contributions might be used in a practical correlation (relate for example to one or several of the companies we are working with this semester. Evaluate the context in the text: Does it give any occasion to raise new questions and new challenges?
Question 2012 thresd Discussion
Click the link above to respond to the discussion. If you need help with completing discussions please click here for more information. “IT…What is it Good For?” Explain the importance of information technology and systems in businesses today. Include at least one (1) real-world industry example where you believe information technology has changed the way that business is performed in that industry. Read the article titled “Using Email Safely”. Next, identify the greatest potential threat to computer users when people and businesses send emails to communicate. Then, imagine that you are to educate a group of people on the threat you have identified. Explicate one (1) way in which you would explain the threat and suggest one (1) security control strategy to mitigate the threat in question.
Question 2013 definition of volunteering
Come up with your own definition of volunteering that (1) describes volunteering; (2) addresses the “boundaries” of volunteering – for example, is watching your cousin’s toddler for free volunteering? Is helping your buddy move volunteering? Is it volunteering if you are a counselor at a summer camp and they give you gas money to drive to and from the facility? Is it volunteering if your employer makes you do it as part of the company’s corporate social responsibility program?
Question 2014 Assignment
READ Volunteering & Society 21st Century, ch. 2 (Rochester, Paine, Howlett, & Zimmeck, 2009) (S McCurley & Lynch, 2011) pp 8 – 21 o WEEK TWO WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Thinking about your readings, (1) how have the Rochester & McCurley readings enlarged your understanding of volunteering and its boundaries? (2) Rochester lays out four values said to underlie volunteering. Which of those four values do you most closely associate your own volunteering efforts with? Can you pinpoint the place where you first learned those values, and the first time you decided to act on them as a volunteer?
Question 2015 chapter 2
First Due for this assignment is today I need with 9 hours In the Course Content folder is a document called “The Chapter Write-Up Template,” and also a “Sample Chapter Write-Up.” Before you do anything, study the sample write-up. Then, using the Template, write up Ch. 2 of McCurley and also add one or two important ideas about how to value Volunteers, from the Blair article. MASTER this format & you will be ahead of the game! It will be the same every time, from here on out. Turn your finished Write-Up in to Drop Box. DUE by 8 am Monday Jan 30. TIPS: 1. Read through, highlighting or jotting notes of ideas that feel important. 2. Go through your notes and narrow or consolidate into 4 or 5 big ideas. 3. Go through the chapter looking for best practices associated with those ideas. How much time should this take you? Not more than a couple of hours total (reading & writing) if you take notes, depending on your reading and writing strength.
Question 2016 The Template
The Template,” write up Chapter 4 of the McCurley book, following the same instructions for highlighting In the Course Content folder is a document called The Chapter Write-Up Template and also a Sample Chapter Write-Up Before you do anything, study the sample write-up. Then, using the Template, write up Ch. 4 of McCurley and also add one or two important ideas about how to value Volunteers, from the Blair article. MASTER this format you will be ahead of the game! It will be the same every time, from here on out. TIPS: Read through, highlighting or jotting notes of ideas that feel important. Go through your notes and narrow or consolidate into 4 or 5 big ideas. Go through the chapter looking for best practices associated with those ideas. How much time should this take you? Not more than a couple of hours total (reading & writing) if you take notes, depending on your reading and writing strength. It took me 65 min.
Question 2017 Phase 4 assignment paper
THIS IS A 3 PART ASSIGNMENT PLEASE SEPARATE WORK BY SECTIONS WORK CAN ALL BE ON THE SAME PAGES JUST MAKE A SEPARATION AS TO WHICH SECTION IT IS FOR AT THE BEGINNING OF THE WORK! **PART 1** INSTRUCTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWED: provide brief responses to the following questions. List your responses in numerical order. Be thoughtful in your responses and show me that you have completed assigned reading and viewed the supplemental material. 1.Who has power in your life? Who do you have power over? 2.Assume you were studying to be a member of Plato’s guardian class. What things would you need to know to be an effective ruler? 3.Read the preamble to the U.S. Constitution at exhibits/charters/constitution_transcript.html (It won’t take you long to read the whole thing.) Based on what you know about American government, is the nation living up to this? 4.Imagine Karl Marx’s ideal state, run by and for workers. What could be better about this? What might be worse? Could this work? 5.What seems to be different between? American conservatives and liberals at present? In what ways would you say you are conservative or liberal in your political beliefs? ** PART 2 ** INSTRUCTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWED For this second Project Discussion, let’s probe deeper into right-wing populism in the US and Europe. I’d like you all to read an article titled “The ruthlessly effective rebranding of Europe’s new far right,” published by the British news source The Guardian: (Links to an external site.) Your discussions should consider the similarities and differences you can detect between what is going on in Europe’s far right parties and what is going on in the United States today. You should discuss collaboratively and then prepare and submit your own essay that addresses the prompt. This short response should be a minimum of 200 words written in academic English. I hope you continue your discussion beyond your graded posting, as sharing your ideas with colleagues is part of learning. Remember, we are a diverse group and I expect everyone to be respectful in your discussions. **PART 3 ** INSTRUCTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWED I’d like you to write about what grabbed your attention this week that you did not know about political science before class started. Then, in a 150 word (minimum) response, share your thoughts with the class. Be as specific as you can, but do not quote, paraphrase, or plagiarize. Just write in your own words. Academic English is important, so proofread your response before posting.
Question 2018 Organzattional Behavior
In The News OR In My Experience This discussion allows you to share a newsworthy story OR a workplace experience with the class. Your post must use EITHER a workplace scenario that you experienced personally OR a practical, everyday work related story. Your post must provide a brief summary of your story (personal or news related) so that what you are discussing is clear. Whether you discuss a personal workplace scenario or use a work related article, at least one core concept from each of the chapters covered this week MUST BE PRESENT AND a clear connection to the course material being covered MUST BE EVIDENT. It is your responsibility to show how your personal work scenario or work related article links to the core concepts in the course material from each chapter. As a matter of fact, you must clearly elaborate on the linkage and relevance of your post and be able to justify why it is applicable and related to material in both chapters which are being covered. As food for thought, we are covering chapters 10 and 13 this week, and as you read the course material, be cognizant of any linkages between the chapters. This will hopefully be helpful to you when attempting to find a news story or identify a workplace occurrence that integrates some aspect of the material from both chapters. · If your discussion post uses a work related article, a link to the main work related article used in your discussion forum response must be included at the end of your post. ·Your work related article must be from a reputable source and dated within the last 2 years. ·Wikipedia and other open source sites are NOT reputable sources. ·Your post must also include external sources which serve as supporting evidence to substantiate your arguments. When introducing a workplace scenario that you have dealt with or are dealing with at present, please be mindful of sharing confidential or proprietary information with the class.
Question 2019 interviewing
little back ground of the company, that is being interviewed! the questions should not only be the one on the attached paper it can be something you are interested of knowing !!! I am looking 1 1/2 page paper of each 2 interviews with a little 2 paragrph of the company detail
Question 2020 Capstone Final Project and Presentation
This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a final capstone project plan and a closing process PowerPoint presentation. They are to be separate files for the completion of this assignment. Each file needs to be labeled according to the section of the assignment it is written. I am attaching all the requirement details.
Question 2021 Safety Plan
You are the safety and occupational health professional for your city’s health department. You received a call from a major food-distribution warehouse about some employees who are complaining of dizziness and feeling sick. The scene is a very large warehouse; a significant portion is refrigerated. The illnesses are being reported from a refrigerated section (about 40 degrees F), where workers are blister packing food products on a production line. The warehouse has 20 loading docks, two railroad car lines that end directly inside the warehouse (in close proximity to the production area), a dozen or so gas powered forklifts, and no sensors or environmental monitors of any kind except those associated with the refrigeration systems. The warehouse manager is cooperative, but he points out that he is in the middle of contract negotiations with the union. He is also very proud of the fact that they have special seals on the loading dock doors and throughout the warehouse to keep the cold in and the heat out. You cannot identify any discernible odors other than the exhaust from the forklifts when they move by you. There are four women waiting for you in the break room complaining of dizziness and lightheadedness. They are all comparing and complaining about their symptoms. There are 14 employees who work in this area of the warehouse: 12 women and 2 men. Instructions: Based on the given scenario, develop a plan of action that includes how you would conduct the investigation, how you would identify possible sources of the problem, and your opinion on the likely source. BOS 3001, Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health 4 Discuss the standards applicable to possible sources. Include several recommendations you would make to the manager to help solve the problem based on your research into documented best practices for similar situations. Note: You may make assumptions about the scenario in order to propose solutions (be certain to state your assumptions clearly). Your Case Study must be four to six pages in length, double spaced. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Question 2022 Management
Review your completed innovator or executor quiz from Unit 1. Use this assessment to generate insight regarding your own innovative leadership skills. Specifically, summarize the results and reflect on how your own strengths equip you—and how your weaknesses hinder you—in supporting innovation in the global context. Select and analyze at least two leadership practices and how they support innovation in organizations; see the articles you read for Units 1 and 2. Assess how you might develop these practices based on your personal innovative skills. Explain the relevance of these practices to your chosen exemplar leader or your own work environment. You will be evaluated on how well you communicate your insights and analysis. It is expected that you will communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions. To aid you in doing this, follow these guidelines: •Carefully organize your assignment so each section is labeled with a heading and devoted to each of the following topics. Make sure that the reader can easily find: A section that explores your own strengths and area of opportunity in innovative leadership skills, and how they help or hinder your ability to support innovation in organizations. A section that analyzes how at least two leadership practices support innovation in organizations. A section that analyzes how your exemplar leader used their skills and practices to create and support innovation.
Question 2023 Leadership competencies
For the first part of your paper, provide an overview of the leadership competencies associated with two different academic models of emotional intelligence and evaluate whether relationship-building is a substantive part of the definitions. Next, assess some of the social and economic consequences for failing to use emotional intelligence and relationship-building while leading an organization toward achieving its mission and goal achievement. Be sure to support assessment with academically credible research. Finally, defend three best practices or recommendations for leaders to build emotional intelligence and enhance relationship building in leadership activities. Make sure to defend your recommendations with research.
Question 2024 Write about a company
Answer questions about a company. For example: Based upon this trend, what role will this company play? What are its growth prospects, and where do you see the company in the next five years?
Question 2025 Strategic Audit of Chick-Fil-a
3-4 page single spaced paper. The full instructions will be in the attached file section. There are two parts to this paper, so if you do well on the part 1 paper I will guarantee you will receive the part 2 job.
Question 2026 Portfolio using Powerpoint
I need a 3000 words portfolio using powerpoint slides. I have attached the template which our lecture send to us for your reference. The topic I am going to write is culture organisations. How culture different in an organisations can affect so much. How to overcome them. Please help me to work on this. Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you.
Question 2027 Statutory workplace policies & Procedure
Reflective essay on legislation, polices and procedure. Personal reflection on implenting policies and procedures within a healthcare setting such as a nursing home. the challenges , positives and negatives aspects in terms of personal life and work. Should refer to Irish legislation and HIQA policies and themes
Question 2028 Executive Summary
Please read through full report Executive Summary (5 marks) • Introduction includes a brief description of the consulting company you have created to win this RFP, along with an executive summary of your ability to meet the RFP requirements (1 page maximum)
Question 2029 8 Ways to Build Collaborative Teams
.Executive Summary for this reading. . 2. Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail … . 3. Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail … . 4. Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail … Answer these questions in order
Question 2030 HR Generalist position for a small private university
This assignment will involve putting together a full recruitment/selection proposal to fill a mock position of: an entry-level HR Generalist position for a small private university located in the Southwest United States. This project will include your team creating and writing the following (this needs to be original content that you have researched and created…not copied and pasted from other sources!!!): 1. Industry/position overview 2. List of interview questions you will use ( 5 Questions ). 3. Benefit package 4. Salary scale (This one aspect of the project does need to be researched from a number of sources. Please include your reference/sources from where you gained this information.)
Question 2031 Field Experiment
Field Experiment*** Locate and Identify five (5) signs/notices/advertisements that are posted for the public to view, which pertain to an area of HR. These signs/notices can pertain to any of the areas of HR, which we covered thus far. Take photos of each sign/notice and provide a brief note as to what area of HR the sign/notice pertains to. You will then submit your answer by April 12th.***
Question 2032 Business Whistleblowing Incident
Business Whistle-blowing Incident: Provide a summary of a whistle-blowing incident not mentioned the course readings that you have found discussed in news sources. Evaluate whether whistle-blowing was justified, and whether the whistle-blower took the appropriate actions. Provide citations.
Question 2033 assignment
If you were the director of marketing at a community college, what would your promotion mix look and why? this assignment due tonight! 2.) Which tools in the mix wouldn’t make sense and why? Make sure to focus on discussing key elements of the promotion mix (i.e. advertising, sales promotion, etc.) and justifying your answers. Remember to respond to at least two other students on the forum.
Question 2034 mangment
due in 8 h DO section 2 (week 5,11,12 and 13) only do part 2 and part 3. they should all be action oriented. Like week 3,and broken into parts Part II: Current Client Practices. Describe which of those best practices your client organization is already doing, or what they are doing instead. In some cases, it will be nothing, because they don’t yet use volunteers or because they just don’t. It is ok to say something polite like, “client has not yet instituted any of these best practices. Part III: Consultant Recommendations. (that’s your opinion!): At this point, consider the type of organization, their needs and situations, and decide which of the best practices apply to them. Recommend whatever you think will help them.
Question 2035 International Management Research Report
This is not an essay, it is a REPORT. It is your responsibility to understand the format of a report. 2500 word (plus or minus 250 words) research report, based on the set research topic. Each group will be required to critically address the research topic (see below) providing supporting examples where appropriate. Students should be prepared to draw from different sources and provide an evaluation of relevant scholarly perspectives pertaining to each question covered. Your assessment research topic is: ‘Cross-border mergers are a useful means of overseas expansion for multinational enterprises (MNEs). What are cross-border mergers? What are the circumstances under which MNEs internationalise using cross-border mergers? Using a case study approach, research one successful and one unsuccessful cross-border merger. Identify and discuss the reasons why one succeeded and the other one failed. Based on your findings, make recommendations on how MNEs can successfully manage cross-border mergers.’ The following sections must be included in your report: Executive summary, introduction, main body (use subsections/headings), concluding recommendations and reference list. Further assessment information is available on the Blackboard including the key rubric and the marking guide.
Question 2036 Case Memo
You are a mid-level manager in a government agency. Your boss has asked you to weigh in on a current public policy challenge facing the agency. The boss wants to see how you are defining the problem and your proposed solution in a concise memo. The boss also wants to know why your proposed solution is better than the status quo or an alternative policy position that is being described. It is important that you recognize the challenges facing the agency when crafting your solution. Research Questions: For this assignment, students are asked to identify a current public policy challenge occurring in the United States, or internationally. The student will identify the following items in this assignment: 1) What is the current policy? 3) What is the new policy, or proposed policy? (if appropriate) 4) What are the anticipated outcomes? 5) How would you improve the policy? Why? Parameters: 1) This assignment is due in class by April 25th. 2) The case memo should be one-page single spaced. 3) Students are strongly encouraged to submit their case memo ideas to the instructor before April 13th. 4) All sources used for this assignment need to be appropriately cited. Rubric: This assignment is worth 50 points. A – The paper clearly and thoroughly addresses each question with an overall emphasis of articulating a new approach to a particular problem. Paper meets citation and length guidelines. The recommendations are well thought out, plausible/actionable, and potential problems with the proposed policy are identified. The memo identifies the agency and crafts a solution that considers the political realities of that agency. B – The paper addresses each question thoroughly but is less oriented toward problem solving. Paper meets citation and length guidelines. The recommendations are well thought out, plausible/actionable, and potential problems with the proposed policy are identified. The paper may not take into consideration political realities facing the agency. C – The paper does not address each area or only focuses on the problem. Paper meets citation and length guidelines. The recommendation is not well thought out. The definition of justice is incoherent. Not mention of the agency from the perspective they are approaching the problem.
Question 2037 Management
It is a survey assignment U need to follow the given textbook and just a little out source like 80% text book and 20% out source I have attached the sample assignment it has most common errors and their cut off marks Its just a sample one for format. Dont just rewrite it its just to give an idea Required Textbook: Required text books: Art and Science of Leadership. Afsaneh Nahavandi. Prentice-Hall, 7th Edition. ISBN-10:0133546764 ISBN-13: 9780133546767
Question 2038 Description of a Fictional Large Company of Choice and HR Mission
HR Mission Statement By now, from your textbook readings and lesson, you should have a firm grasp on the different types of human resource values and strategies that are commonplace in the workforce. From this information (this is a two-part assignment): Part One: A. Create and briefly describe a fictional large company of your choice. This is your company and it should preferably be in your current or desired future industry. This company and the HR mission statement you create will be used as a foundation for future assignments in this course. B. Compare and contrast the three Sample Mission Statements below. Evaluate them for overall effectiveness addressing what is strong, weak, effective, or ineffective and state your reasons.
Question 2039 Doordash
The endeavor should be an in-depth creative analysis of a leadership issue that you have personally experienced and that personally impacts you. In your paper, please describe the case and explain how.For example, you may select a business dilemma that you are facing at work, conduct work for a client, or select a futuristic topic of interest that personally affects you. I have attached the power point presentation that i did for the paper. the paper is due may 2nd. Please follow the format of the powerpoint and the points aswell as the issues i presented on the powerpoint.
Question 2040 Management
Answer the following question using 5 scholarly sources (academic journals): The content must be 100% free of plagiarism and top quality (A++ work). 1. What can an organization do to ensure that merit pay and other incentives are administered fairly? What kind of data would you gather to ensure that the pay-for-performance system is not biased in favor of any particular group? Would linking pay to objective criteria that are important to the organization, such as quality control measures, profitability, and low turnover, help or hurt in administering pay? 2. Why are employers implementing policies that require employees to adopt healthier lifestyles
Question 2041 Reflective Essays
I would like to ask your help to do my assignment, the discipline is Accommodation Management, this assignment have 3 questions that you need to answer in the 4 Rs model of reflective thinking which are : reporting, relating, reasoning, reconstructing. so each question need to use the 4Rs model to answer of them. i will attach the file of the 4Rs model of reflective thinking & my assignment files. coz its assignment is reflective essay thats why need to answer 3 questions in the 4Rs model of reflective thinking. and please provide 6 references for this essay.
Question 2042 Management
Discussion Board #1Reflection paper & Critical Thinking Challenge (CTC) (Chapters 1 – 4) Please each assignment it very detail. When opening the Attachment just answer the question as they are on the assignment.
Question 2043 Write a reflective analysis of the issues
Management 1 – Managing People Guidance Notes for Assignment 3 – Individual reflective analysis The task: You are required to write a reflective analysis of the issues discussed in your group report and in two of the other presentations. The questions to address: • Compare and contrast the key ‘managing people’ issues discussed in your three (3) chosen cases. How did the teams vary in their analysis of their case, and the issues they identified? • How similar or different were the positive and negative effects for employees and employers that were identified in the different presentations? Do you agree that the three suggested changes would create a positive experience for those managing and those being managed? Explain why. • How helpful were the posters in communicating the key points? • How could you use these insights in your development as a reflective practitioner? The criteria used in the assessment of the reflection: • clear demonstration of insight into the issues identified by the groups; • appropriate and effective use of the selected examples; • degree of evaluation of learning and how that learning can affect personal and/or workplace practice; • clear and concise writing style, correct spelling and grammar, and • correct use of the Harvard system of citation. When thinking about how to analyse what you have found out in your group and heard about from other groups, use these questions as a way of building your analysis: • Focus on something that may change your thinking (or be important for you) that you or your group hadn’t realised. • Think about what the significance of this new insight might be for your learning and future practice, how it may contribute to being a reflective practitioner. • Identify the significance of your new learning: question why it is important. • Detect connections between this idea and other ideas or material in the course or program – locate possible course material and other sources of information that support/explain your insight/s. So, I need to write 1000 words. The steps are: * D – Describeobjectivelywhatyou learned Choose a new insight. It might be something that you understand now (that you didn’t before). Focus on what you learned and give the details of what happened. Answer the question: ‘What did I learn?’ Some suggested startingphrases: The most interesting (surprising/ important/ significant/ …) (insight/ theory/ thing …) I read (saw/ heard/ realised/ learned…) this week is that … One thing I realise (understand …) now is that … A significant issue I have not addressed in my previous writing is … Continue the paragraph with details of what, where, when, etc. * I – Interpret theinsight (in one or more paragraphs) Explain the meaning of the new insight: your understanding/ hypotheses/ conclusions/ connections with other learning/ possible complexities/ questions unanswered/ etc. You can refer to ideas and theory in your course material, in research literature and from other sources to support your explanation of the insight/s. Answer the questions: ‘What might it mean?’ ‘How might this affect other perceptions, concepts, etc.?’ Some suggested startingphrases: This realisation may have important relevance for three reasons. First, it implies … A possible implication/meaning of this new idea/understanding is that … This (new) understanding of … is likely to mean three things. It could be … * E– Evaluate what you have learned (inone ormoreparagraphs) Make judgments about the value of what you have learned connected to observations you have made. Refer to theory from your courses and the literature here too, to show how your insight is connected to discipline knowledge and how your thinking has changed for the better. Answer the question: ‘How is this useful for my deeper understanding of the topic?’ Some suggested starting phrases: This concept of … is valuable for …/ will change the way I approach … This understanding is important in a number of ways. First it … This insight is connected with (theoretical approaches to …/ theories/ concepts/ Having realised that …, I wonder if …/ I intend to develop … * P– Plan how this learning will be applied in practice Comment on relevance to your course, program, future profession, life… Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in my future?’ Use future tense in this paragraph to show transfer of knowledge to the future. A suggested starting phrase: This (new insight) will be useful in this course, in the (bachelor) degree, in my future career as a …, and in my life. In this course, (understanding …) could … I will send 3 poster my group poster is a pink one and the second group is the same topic with mine but the third group is the hotel. I need general style, using I think and I believe not academic style.
Question 2044 IBM Questions & GSK Report
There are 2 parts to this order – 4 questions for case study IBM & Long report for GSK case study. IBM Case Study: Critical analysis of 4 questions based on case study of IBM. Answer each question separately with 1 page to each question (excluding reference & appendix). Apply relevant models and frameworks to answer each question (I have listed a few to be used). MBA level so needs extensive research (I have added a list which can be used). Ensure citation within main-body of answers and add reference in havard style. Question 1: Is IBM really still an American company? Models/Frameworks to be used; • Michael Porter’s framework of the diamond of national advantage • Eclectic paradigm (Dunning, J. 1988) • Rugman’s double diamond • PESTEL analysis (Kelly and Ashwin, 2013) Reference which can be used; Chang Moon, H., Rugman, A. and Verbeke, A. (1998). A generalized double diamond approach to the global competitiveness of Korea and Singapore. International Business Review, 7(2), pp.135-150. Dunning, J. (1988). The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production: A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions. Journal of International Business Studies, 19(1), pp.1-31. Hollensen, S. (2014). Global marketing. 6th ed. Harlow: Pearson. IBM Annual Report 2015. (2015). 1st ed. [ebook] IBM. Available at:, . (2016). Summary of Diamond model – Michael Porter. Abstract. [online] Available at: Rugman, A. and Oh, C. (2008). Korea’s multinationals in a regional world. Journal of World Business, 43(1), pp.5-15. Rugman, A., Verbeke, A. and Nguyen, Q. (2011). Fifty Years of International Business Theory and Beyond. Management International Review, 51(6), pp.755-786. YouTube. (2016). IBM Centennial Film: 100 X 100 – A century of achievements have changed the world. [online] Barnett, W. (1988) Four steps to forecast total market demand. Available at: Grant, RM 1991, ‘PORTER’S `COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF NATIONS’: AN ASSESSMENT’, Strategic Management Journal, 12, 7, pp. 535-548, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 8 December 2016. Grant, Tidd and Liedtka (2015) Global Strategy and Innovation. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. IBM (2011) IBM centennial film: 100 X 100 – A century of achievements have changed the world. Available at: Harreld, J. B., O’Reilly, C. A. and Tushman, M. L. (2007) ‘Dynamic capabilities at IBM: Driving strategy into action’, California Management Review, 49(4), pp.21-43. Porter, M. E. (1990) ‘The competitive advantage of nations’, Harvard Business Review, 68(2), pp.73-93. Wright, Gavin (2007), ‘Historical Foundations of American Technology’, Stanford University, Available at: IBM (2016), ‘History of IBM, available at: Computer History Museum (2016), ‘Mainframe computers’, available at: Miller, Michael J. (2011), ‘Why the IBM PC used an Intel 8088’, PC Mag, August 11, available at: (unknown), ‘IBM and Microsoft: Antitrust then and now’, available at: Forbes (2016), ‘The World Biggest Companies’, available at: Blockchain. Available at Featured research areas. Available at Governance. Available at IBM. Available at IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs. Available at . Porter, Michael E. “The competitive advantage of nations.” Harvard business review 68.2 (1990): 73-93. Supply chain Available at The art and science of transformation. Available at at Kelly, P. and Ashwin, A. (2013) The business environment. Andover: Cengage Learning. Aghion, P., Bouston, L., Hoxby, C. and Vandenbusche, J. (2009) ‘causal_impact_of_education.pdf’. Porter, M. E. (1990) ‘The Competitive Advantage of Nations. (cover story)’, Harvard Business Review, 68(2), pp. 73-93. IBM – Archives – History of IBM – United States (2003) [TS200]. Available at: IBM100 – System 360 (2012): IBM Corporation [CTB14]. Available at: Burns, P. (2013). Corporate entrepreneurship. 3rd ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Chang Moon, H., Rugman, A. and Verbeke, A. (1998). A generalized double diamond approach to the global competitiveness of Korea and Singapore. International Business Review, 7(2), pp.135-150. (Chang Moon, Rugman and Verbeke, 1998) Harreld, J., O’Reilly, C. and Tushman, M. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: Driving Strategy into Action. California Management Review, 49(4), pp.21-43. Porter, M. (1990). Competitive Advantage of Nations. Harvard business review, 68(2), pp.73-93. (2016). IBM – Archives – History of IBM – United States. [online] Available at: Question 2: How does strategy, internationalization and innovation relate to each other ? Models/Frameworks to be used; Strategy; • Generic strategy of differentiation (Porter, 1980) • Ansoff Growth Matrix (Ansoff, 1957) • Barney’s Resource Based View (1995) • effective implementation (Grant, Tidd and Liedtka, 2015). Internationalisation; • The Uppsala model of internationalisation (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977) Innovation; • orchestra model of open innovation (Grant, Liedtka and Tidd, 2015) • 3 factors identified to influence the innovation process by Grant, Tidd and Leita (2015): References which can be used; Ansoff, H. Igor, 1957. ‘Strategies for Diversification’, Harvard Business Review. Sep/Oct57, Vol. 35 Issue 5, pp 113-124 Grant, Tidd and Liedtka (2015) Global Strategy and Innovation. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kim, C.W., Mauborgne, R. and Chan, K.W. (2005) Blue ocean strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. IBM (2011) IBM centennial film: 100 X 100 – A century of achievements have changed the world. Available at: IBM (no date) IBM Annual report. Available at: IBM PartnerWorld – IBM innovation centers – worldwide locations (2014) Available at: Eisenhardt, K. and Martin, J. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: what are they?. Strategic Management Journal, 21(10-11), pp.1105-1121. Grant, Tidd, and Liedtka, (2015). Global Strategy & Innovation. 1st ed. Oxford: Wiley. Harreld, J., O’Reilly, C. and Tushman, M. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: Driving Strategy into Action. California Management Review, 49(4), pp.21-43. Porter, M. E. (1980) ‘Generic Competitive Strategies’, pp. 34-46. IBM – Archives – History of IBM – United States (2003) [TS200]. Available at: Ansoff, H. I. (1957) ‘Strategies for Diversification’, Harvard Business Review, 35(5), pp. 113-124. Suárez, F. F. and Utterback, J. M. (1995) ‘DOMINANT DESIGNS AND THE SURVIVAL OF FIRMS’, Strategic Management Journal, 16(6), pp. 415-430. Barney, J. B. (1996) ‘The Resource-based Theory of the Firm’, Organization Science, 7(5), pp. 469-469. Johanson, J. and Vahlne, J.-E. (1977) ‘THE INTERNATIONALIZATION PROCESS OF THE FIRM–A MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT AND INCREASING FOREIGN MARKET COMMITMENTS’, Journal of International Business Studies, 8(1), pp. 25-34. IBM History FAQ (2016). Available at: Grant, R. M., Liedtka, J. M. and Tidd, J. (2015) Global Strategy and Innovation. Porter, Michael E. (1987). From competitive advantage to corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review, 65(3), pp.43-59. TEECE, D. and PISANO, G. (1994). The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: an Introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), pp.537-556. (2016). IBM – Archives – History of IBM – United States. [online] Available at: YouTube. (2016). IBM Centennial Film: 100 X 100 – A century of achievements have changed the world. [online] Bartlett, C.A., Ghoshal, S. (1989) Managing across borders: The transnational solution. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Haberberg, A. and Rieple, A. (2008) Strategic management: Theory and application. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harreld, J. B., O’Reilly, C. A. and Tushman, M. L. (2007) ‘Dynamic capabilities at IBM: Driving strategy into action’, California Management Review, 49(4), pp.21-43. IBM website (no date) ‘The creation of the World Trade Corporation’, Available at: Mills, D.Q. (1996) ‘The decline and rise of IBM’, Sloan Management Review, 37(4), pp.78-82. Oxford Brookes (2015) Global strategy and innovation. Available at: Question 3: How has the national environment in the United States contributed to IBM’s global success over the years? Question 4: Explain IBM’s competitive success over the years using the theories of strategy, internationalization and innovation. How do these theories relate to each other? GSK Case Study: GlaxoSmithKline and the global pharmaceutical industry (patented-drug segment) Carry out an analysis of GlaxoSmithKline in the global pharmaceutical industry (patented-drug segment) . Should be written in a report format, word count of which should not be more than 5000 (excluding reference list) The report should cover the following themes 1. An analysis of the competitive and international business strategies pursued by GlaxoSmithKlineover the years as a player in the global pharmaceutical industry (patented-drug segment) 2. An analysis of the innovations that have characterised the global pharmaceutical industry (patented-drug segment) 3. An analysis of the specific innovation strategies adopted by GlaxoSmithKine in the global pharmaceutical industry (patented-drug segment) 4. The impact of the national environment on the international competitiveness of GlaxoSmithKline 5. An analysis of the interrelationships between the business strategy, innovation strategy and internationalisation strategy of GlaxoSmithKline in the global pharmaceutical industry (patented-drug segment) Ensure good use of relevant theories, examples and data. • Ensure coverage of all aspects of the assignment questions • Exhibit understanding and knowledge of relevant theories and empirical evidence • Ensures answer demonstrates consistent and coherent analysis and purposeful structure • Provide evidence of the use of a variety of sources • Show clarity of explanation • Show critical analysis • conclusions to be supported by the discussion • appropriate citing and referencing of material used IMPORTANT NOTES: a. Must be in the form of a report. It must not exceed 5000 words (excluding references and tables) and must use double line spacing. You must provide a word count on the first page of your assignment. b. You should avoid plagiarism by citing all the papers that you have used within the text and listing them at the end of your work. If you quote what others have said, you should place these within quotation marks and cite the source. You should cite and reference your work in accordance to the guide produced by the Business School. This is available electronically on the library website c. Should be based on academic books, articles and studies (e.g. journal articles). Newspaper articles and web links should be avoided particularly when referring to sources for academic theories and concepts. You can use credible newspaper sources for collecting data on the industry and on the firms referred to in the assignment but you should always reference them properly A reading list to help you start work on this assignment is given on the next page. However, you are expected to find additional information on your own. It is not possible to get a good mark on this assignment without doing this. Journal Articles Barney, Jay B. “The resource-based theory of the firm.” Organization science 7 (1996): 469-469. Collins, Christopher J., and Kevin D. Clark. “Strategic human resource practices, top management team social networks, and firm performance: The role of human resource practices in creating organizational competitive advantage.” Academy of management Journal 46, no. 6 (2003): 740-751. Dunning, John H. “The eclectic paradigm of international production: a restatement and some possible extensions.” Journal of international business studies (1988): 1-31. Dyer, Jeffrey H., and Harbir Singh. “The relational view: Cooperative strategy and sources of interorganizational competitive advantage.” Academy of management review 23, no. 4 (1998): 660-679. Elsenhardt, Kathleen M., and Jeffrey A. Martin. “Dynamic capabilities: What are they.” Strategic management journal 21, no. 1 (2000): 1105-1121. Henderson, Rebecca M., and Kim B. Clark. “Architectural innovation: The reconfiguration of existing product technologies and the failure of established firms.” Administrative science quarterly (1990): 9-30. Rugman, Alan M., and Chang Hoon Oh. “Korea’s multinationals in a regional world.” Journal of World Business 43, no. 1 (2008): 5-15. Suarez, Fernando F., and James M. Utterback. “Dominant designs and the survival of firms.” Strategic management journal 16, no. 6 (1995): 415-430. Teece, David, and Gary Pisano. “The dynamic capabilities of firms: an introduction.” Industrial and corporate change 3, no. 3 (1994): 537-556. Books Chesbrough, Henry William. Open innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology. Harvard Business Press, 2003. Geroski, Paul A., and P. A. Geroski. Innovation and competitive advantage. No. 159. Gerosky: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1995. (available at this link ) Mintzberg, Henry, Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel. Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through The Wilds of Strategic Mangament. Simon and Schuster, 2005.
Question 2045 security measures in TLM
What security measures are currently in place? Are they effective? Why or why not? What are the challenges that exist in continuous process improvement? How do these security measures effect transportation and logistics management? You will have to conduct online research to complete this assignment. Likewise, you will need to select one mode of transportation to effectively discuss this topic in specific detail. Discuss in detail and provide sources to support your thoughts, insights, ideas, and statements.
Question 2046 Strategic management
Please follow all the instructions Answer all the questions from the given case study ( sharp shape fitness) No any introduction No any references Be specific with answers Make sure all answers find correctly Fill all the tables correctly
Question 2047 Personal Reflection Assignment
This part of personal leadership reflection assignment is designed to have you relate the course materials to leaders who inspire you and to your own leadership assessment/development. This assignment will take some reflective and concise thinking. Please write your reflection based on the following four sections (use these points as headings in your submission). 1. Identify two leaders that you admire the most (These leaders should be individuals who are NOT discussed in our text) – DON’T USE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Indra Nooyi, Nelson Mandela, George Washington, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Terry Fox, Rosalie Giffoniello, Meg Whitman, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Buffet, Bill Courtney. One leader should be a public figure about whom you can access news items, research, etc. You will need to include 3-4 pieces of outside research to support your analysis; the other could be someone you know personally – a coach, manager, volunteer leader, family member, etc. What makes/made them great leaders? Base your analysis on textbook chapters such as vision, leadership approach, leadership traits,etc. 2. Reflect upon your own experiences being a leader and being a follower. What have you learned? 3. What kind of leader do you think you want to be? What things will be most important to you? Please base your answer to this question on factors such as experiences, strengths, values, leadership approaches, etc. 4. What have you learned in this course that will help hone your leadership abilities? 6-8 pages, double spaced, 1” margins, 12-point font, Times New Roman; Include references using APA format. Course Textbook: Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Question 2048 Identify Fallacies
In this assignment, learn about fallacies and how to avoid them in your own critical thinking process. Review the fallacies of thinking presented in the “Reasoning Badly” video and Ch. 13 of Critical Thinking to help prepare you to complete this assignment. Complete the Fallacies worksheet. Format your worksheet responses according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.
Question 2049 How can parent dispel their child better
prposal planning, Pleas see the attachment for instruction as well as a sample of the project that is done by previous student.. any question pleas give me a call or text on my cell 863-738-0815. You impress me with this, and I have many more to come you way
Question 2050 Intervention- Changes
In a two- to three- page paper (not including the title and reference pages) select a, b, or c from the list below and compare and contrast the change interventions. A. Transitional and Transformational Change B. First and Second Order Change C. Operational and Strategic Change You must use at least two scholarly journal articles that reference the selected change interventions, in addition to the text, and format your paper according to APA style guidelines as outlined
Question 2051 The difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation? Give some examples of outcomes associated with each of these. Are you more motivated by extrinsic or intrinsic outcomes? Explain, using examples from your own life.
Question 2052 The devil wears Prada
Please watch the movie “The devil wears Prada”. Apply the knowledge you acquired in chapter 9, 10, and 11 and answer the following question, as well as follow up on your class-mates answers: – In terms of the Big-Five and Holand’s RAISEC model, how would you describe a) Miranda, b) Andy, and c) Emily? – According to Hofstede’s taxonomy of culture, how would you describe the culture at “Runway”? – How would you describe the type of team in which Miranda, Emily, and Andy interact? I do not have a link to the movie
Question 2053 Customer Relationship Action Plan
You will design a CRM strategy explaining how your hypothetical business venture will stay in front of your customers. The goal it to create top of mind awareness. Compete and save the attached Annual Customer Relationship Action Plan and Schedule of CRM Activities fillable PDF documents for your new business venture. The idea is to include specific activities and supporting notes. You are expected to include specific touch points with your customer base(s). For example, it should be an appropriate blend of eMails, social media, traditional marketing, print, postcards, phone calls, face-to-face, etc activities. Each month should be a unique mix of activities. Your grade will be based on the thoroughness and quality of your CRM Action Plan.
Question 2054 management
In a long paragraph, describe how managers might motivate professional workers. 2- In a long paragraph, identify and describe three traits associated with leadership. 3- In a long paragraph, explain the ways that groups can “meet” through technology to communicate and share information. 4- In a long paragraph, explain why employers feel the need to monitor employee behavior.
Question 2055 Management Theories
Select management theories from those discussed in class and in the text. Prepare a 400-500 -word analysis of management theories and include the following: Discuss how specific management theories apply to a current or prior work environment. Examine the development of key management theories over time. Evaluate the most effective management competencies and styles based your work environment. Cite a minimum of 2 scholarly sources. Forma the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Question 2056 External Environment Analysis
to identify and describe forces that can or will drive change in the U.S. residential housing construction industry ( SIC 1521, NAICS 23611 & 236117). To ascertain whether some companies in that industry will be affected differently than others. 2- prepare this report for decision makers in management who are responsible for the overall direction pf the company. 3- I would like you to organize the report as a memorandum. 4- single spaced pages.
Question 2057 Training project
Consider the scenario of Fred the Training Consultant. Several potential solutions were provided to address the issues in manufacturing at the plastic container business. Now it is your turn to weigh in on the issues in the customer service or sales departments. Read the “Incumbent Interview” and job description from the customer service employees that Fred talks to during his needs analysis. The files are attached. Propose different solutions to the issues discussed in the original scenario and in the interview document. Be sure to discuss how realistically your solutions could be implemented based on costs, person-hours and convenience. Discuss whether your solutions are training-based or non-training-based, or a combination of both, and why you made the decisions you did. Expect to take approximately 3-4 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) to complete this assignment.
Question 2058 Unit I Assessment
How can Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) help in reducing trade barriers and in improving global economy? What roles can multinationals play to further the objectives of RTAs? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. Identify the recent developments in technology affecting business and propelling globalization. What problems/challenges have arisen regarding use of the Internet for the global business environment and what probable solutions can you suggest? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 3. How could a multinational company’s poor adaptation to the cultural environment of a nation lead to the company’s failure in management? Provide suggestions for ways to prevent the failure. Your response should be at least 200 words in length 4. The operations of multinational managers are made complex given the diverse cultural environments in which they operate. Discuss the three diagnostic models available to help the multinational manager. What impacts would these have on your management operations? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Question 2059 Unit 2 Assignment
Discuss how the social institutions and their basic forms could help you as the Vice President of International Operations in a Fortune 500 company to choose which target country in which to establish your subsidiary Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. What factors do you think are responsible for Africa’s slow economic development? What can the multinationals do to help? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 3. The gradual demise of communism has become obvious within the past two decades. Write a brief summary of the implications of transitions to capitalism that formerly communist countries may be experiencing. What kinds of socio-economic challenges do you think multinationals face in those countries? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 4. When should you use ethical relativism, and when should you use ethical universalism? What are problems of each? As a multinational manager, what should you do to eliminate or reduce the problems? Your response should be at least 200 words in length
Question 2060 Management Analysis
Analyze the different management perspectives: Discuss scientific/classic management, human relations, human resources etc. and system theories– tie this into leadership styles and communication approaches. (A minimum of six sources in this section) – Then interview two managers (people who perform management/communication tasks for at least half of their job). (a) What types of communication do they do? How much communicating about tasks and procedures do they do? Do they communicate about performance? What rewards and recognition do they give employees, members, or volunteers to help motivate them? What types of communication do they have with other departments or offices within the organization? What types of communication do they have with people outside the organization, such as customers, suppliers, vendors, contractors, and colleagues? (b) What do they think about what they do and about communication in their organization? (c) How are their jobs and points of view similar and how are they different? – Compare their jobs to the tasks and theories discussed in the Chapters 4 (Human Relations and Human Resource theories. You’ll learn about the famous Hawthorne Studies, Theory X and Theory Y, participative decision making, and the role of communication in organizational climate.) and 5(looks at system theories, which assume that an organization is something like a living organism. These theories explain that organizations continually interact with the environment and that situational factors play important roles for organizations). Do they seem to use scientific/classical theories, human resources, human relations, and/or system theories? – Write summary/concluding remarks. – Include a works cited page following APA format. Be sure to list all references including your textbook, the POSDCORB handout, the Managerial Grid handout, the two additional sources, and the two interviewees
Question 2061 Unit 3 Assessment
As a major form of political risks, the world has witnessed the impact of terrorism on the operations of multinationals, especially within the past decade. Explain the different kinds of political risks and tools multinationals use in fighting them. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. Explain basic and generic strategies multinationals use in competing locally and internationally. How can generic strategies strengthen competitive advantage in multinational business? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 3. MNCs face a fundamental strategic dilemma when competing internationally. Explain the complexities of the global-local dilemma facing multinational organizations. Compare and contrast local-responsiveness solution and global integration solution. Do not forget to mention multidomestic strategy, transnational strategy, international strategy, and regional strategy in your answer. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 4. Some MNCs operate a single business. However, many MNCs have more than one type of business strategy. What are the basics of multinational diversification? How do they choose their mix of different businesses? Explain both related and unrelated diversification. Your response should be at least 200 words in length
Question 2062 Business Ethics
MAterials: Howitt, M., & McManus, J. (2012). Stakeholder management: An instrument for decision making. Management Services, 56(3), 29-34. Harrison, J. S., & Wicks, A. C. (2013). Stakeholder Theory, Value, and Firm Performance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(1), 97-12 Assignment Instructions: In this assignment you will be asked to apply stakeholder management theory to the following scenario: A public corporation of 980 employees manufactures a popular brand of garments (mostly jeans) that are primarily made and sold in America nation-wide. It has a large contingent of employees in several small rural communities in the Eastern US and is the primary employer in all of those communities. Two if its 5 shops are unionized but the union and management have a good working relationship. The company has traditionally marketed its clothing line as “Made in the USA” and attracted a bit of a “cult like” following as a result, but an outside consulting firm has suggested that significantly greater profits are possible if a different strategy is employed. The corporation is subsequently considering whether to off-shore its manufacturing facilities to a poor nation to save money on labor. It would also discretely discontinue its “Made in the USA” marketing ads and hopefully ride the wave of its previous marketing campaigns for a while. It is estimated that total cost per unit of production will be decreased by one third which equates to tens of millions of dollars. Please write a 3-page paper in which you respond to the following: 1. Provide a paragraph summarizing the concept of stakeholder management based on your readings. 2. How do you think the following stakeholder groups in the above scenario will be impacted? Employees/unions Communities Stockholders 3. What would you recommend the employer described above should do?
Question 2063 Business Ethics Long PRo
eading Materials: De Cremer, D., & de Bettignies, H. (2013). Pragmatic business ethics. Business Strategy Review, 24(2), 64-67. Snell, R. (2013). Teaching rules-based and values-based ethics. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 15(1), 29-32 Ethical Decisions in the Workplace After reading your background readings, please review the following scenario and address the questions at the end. Jerry Stevens heads up an excavation crew for the municipal utilities district in a city in Nebraska. A sewer line needs to be replaced and it has been excavated with a back-hoe. The trench is 7 feet deep. The municipality’s safety rules indicate that employees should not go into the trench without a trench box. This rule is to prevent employees from being buried if the trench walls collapse. People die every year from trench cave-ins. The trench box won’t arrive on site for another 6 hours and the city promised residents that the sewer would be fixed by the end of the day, which now seems impossible. The City Administrator called Jerry on his cell phone and indicated that it was imperative that the sewer be fixed as soon as conceivably possible because a City Council member is served by that sewer line and will raise a fuss if it’s not fixed by the promised time. One of the more experienced workers states, “It’s only going to take 30 minutes to dig under the pipe and loosen the fittings. We don’t need the trench box. We used to do this all the time before we were required to use one of those darn things.” Jerry knows he’s right. He used to do it himself before the rule was put in place. Also, the soil is clearly a cohesive soil and it’s highly unlikely that it will collapse. And although there is an organizational policy to use a trench box for trenches deeper than 5 feet, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have Jurisdiction over municipalities in Nebraska because municipalities are political subdivisions of the State. The only entity regulating safety policies is the City’s Safety Director and he took the day off. In this scenario, to what extent do you think allowing the crew into the trench without a trench box would be pushing (or exceeding) the limit? Discuss any ethical grey areas in this scenario? What in your mind is the right thing to do? What is the value of having an ethics program (and related programs like safety programs) and what are the responsibilities of front line leaders/supervisors and the workers when they face dilemmas such as the one described? Please take some time to review the materials and take a position on the issue. Write a 2- to 3-page assessment of the authors’ claims, and your assessment of what might be done in a place of business to prevent the “moral amnesia” phenomenon from taking a foothold in a place of business.
Question 2064 Ethics 3-2
Reading MAterials: Gnazzo, P. J. (2011). The Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer: A Test of Endurance. Business & Society Review (00453609), 116(4) ihelic, K. K., Lipicnik, B., & Tekavcic, M., (2010). Ethical leadership. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 14(5), 31-41 Oates, V., & Dalmau, Tim,. (2013). Instilling ethical leadership. Accountancy SA, 38-41 ASsignemtn: n this assignment you will be asked to consider the role of organizational leaders with respect to ensuring companies work to create an ethical workplace culture. It is important for all upper level leaders to ‘walk the talk’ so to speak. In addition, many larger companies have a Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer who provides leadership and oversight to the company’s business ethics related endeavors. Recall that Lockheed Martin has such an executive level position. However, not all companies have such a position. In this assignment you will be asked to discuss the contributions of executive leaders and of the Ethics Officer with respect to building an organization that values workplace ethics. What do you believe are the most important characteristics of ethical leadership? Describe the relationship between the ethical leader and the follower. Why is this relationship important for organizations that are attempting to do the right thing? Based on your readings (both the articles provided and Terris’ text), what is the role of the Chief Ethics Officer and how does the role of this person relate to the success of the ethics related endeavors within large organizations?
Question 2065 Management
Put together your own recipe for employers to follow on how to retain their best talent. Discuss why you recommend what you do and back up your recommendations from your background materials and valid sources you have found on websites. Write a 2- to 3-page journal article that is similar in style to what you might find in HRMagazine or TD (ATD’s Talent Development magazine).
Question 2066 Management
In your initial post, describe how you approached the course assignments, including the final project. Describe the positive experiences you have had in this course and reflect on how you arrived at these experiences through the activities in the course. What management techniques did you find to be the most effective? As a future manager, how will you apply the effective principles of management that you have learned about in this course?
Question 2067 Software development
As a project manager, what do you believe to be the most valuable skills that you should possess to lead successful projects? Discuss why. 2- What is a data dictionary? How is it useful and to whom? When should you consider including one in a project? 3- List what you believe to be the three (3) most valuable “good practices” to employ in managing a software development project and discuss why you chose them over the others in the list. 4- What are some primary reasons that software development projects are not completed successfully and on-time? Identify at least three (3) reasons and explain how you recommend avoiding or overcoming them. (Your answer should use Wiegers & Beatty as a starting point.) 5- Contrast a use case with a functional requirement. Provide one (1) example of each from the online bookstore project discussed in the online course content. Also, discuss the relationship between use-cases and functional requirements as part of your answer. 6- Provide a definition for “Cloud Computing” and discuss its implications on commercial software development. 7- What do the following terms mean in the context of software development? a. Portability, b. Interoperability, c. Maintainability, d. Robustness 8- Define the following terms and describe their relevance to the management of software development: Gold Plating, Commercial-off-the-shelf, Software Requirements Specification, Unified Modeling Language. 9- (a) define each of them and (b) describe the context in which you would use them. As part of your overall answer to this question also discuss why you think visual requirements models may (or may not) be a potentially effective tool in requirements gathering. 10- What is a “prototype”?, Why might you want to use one in a project? no introducton, no conclusion. just respond ti the questions
Question 2068 Job Description Essay
Choose a job description from O*Net. (You can type in a job description or search the various industries offered on the site.) After reviewing the job description, write a paper that addresses the following. • What are the determinants of performance for the job? For example, what declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge are needed to perform the job? • What factors within the work environment might influence performance of the job? • Describe the job’s performance in context. Give examples of traits, behaviors, and results that could be used to measure job performance. • Include the job description as an appendix. • Paper should be 3 complete pages NOT counting title or reference page and double spaced • Must be in APA format • Must have 4 scholarly sources
Question 2069 Mission, Goals and Performance Management
An organization’s mission and goals embody the reasons why the organization exists, where the organization is going, and how it’s going to get there. Performance management systems should be aligned with—and support—the mission and goals. Instructions: Choose an organization. It can be one you currently work for, one you have worked for, or one you choose to research, for example, Wells Fargo, Starbucks, or PepsiCo. Write a paper addressing the following questions. 1. Identify the organization’s mission, vision, goals, and strategies. How do you think the organization’s mission, vision, goals, and strategies impact its performance management system? 2. Specifically, how might the organization’s mission, vision, goals, and strategies be linked to individual and team performance? 3. Why is it important to consider the organization’s mission, vision, goals, and strategies when making decisions about performance management system design? 4. Paper must be 3 pages in APA NOT including cover or reference page 5. Must have 4 scholarly sources
Question 2070 Steryotyping
Write a page summarizing stereotyping, and a one to two page analysis of how stereotyping is involved in the movie Money Ball Film (2011)
Question 2071 Unit VIII Assessment
. Discuss culturally inappropriate leadership behavior that might be counterproductive. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. Do you think that transformational leaders are similar regardless of cultural background or are there different types of transformational leaders for each cultural group? Explain to support your answer. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 3. Do you think that multinational managers must understand subordinate expectations in order to lead effectively? For a country with high power distance, which leadership style would you recommend? Why? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 4. Explain the leadership traits and behaviors you think may negatively impact organizational effectiveness in multinational companies. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Question 2072 Management
Graduate level work***** The student will complete the assigned readings and post a thread of at least 350 words, including at least 2 citations in current APA format from at least 2 different resources. An issue that will always be of interest to those that manage criminal justice organizations is one of continual hiring. There is always a certain amount of personnel that leave an organization each year, prompting the need for new hires. With this in mind, discuss how the known generational differences might influence the hiring. Also discuss how you believe the different generations will affect the criminal justice organization in which you are employed, provide counseling for, serve as a chaplain for, consult for, are affiliated with, and/or administrate or manage.
Question 2073 Management
1- what are the major differences between rational decision making and bounded rationality? 2- how has emotional intelligence been found to be beneficial in the work setting?
Question 2074 Socratic Skill Builder
INSTRUCTIONS: Simply write answers to the questions below and submit your answers. Write a minimum of 100 words for each question. For Skill Builder assignments, focus on thoughts and reasoning . This is a Socratic exercise – an opportunity for you to think and express your thoughts. Question #1: This question asks you to define business. Based on (1) your personal life experience, (2) personal business experience, (3) your formal and informal education, and (4) the videos and materials assigned this week; what is business and why does it exist? Why do people participate in business (engage in commerce, transactions, exchange)? This is NOT a question looking for you to provide a “right or wrong” answer (or copy a definition via a Google search), but rather an opportunity for you to reflect on what you (and others) think about business. Before we can have a conversation about strategic management, we need to discuss the context in which strategic management exists: BUSINESS. Question #2: What are the five most pressing issues facing businesses in America today; and what can be done to prevent, resolve, or lessen the impact of these issues on individual companies? This is NOT a question looking for you to provide a “right or wrong” answer, but rather an opportunity for you to reflect on what you (and others) think about business in general, and about the “things” individual businesses face every day. This is an opportunity for you to describe your thoughts, and again, an opportunity to begin our semester-long conversation about strategic management by first framing the context. Question #3: What three factors MOST influence the success of a business (list in order of priority and explain)? These are often referred to as Key Success Factors (KSFs), or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? This question is intended for you to THINK & REFLECT about what drives performance in companies. Try to avoid cowardice here (or worse, impudence) with the ridiculously unacceptable answer of “it depends.” The question is written to provide you an opportunity to DEMONSTRATE that you are engaged and interested and thinking. The answer of “it depends” simply demonstrates the opposite (apathy and disengagement). If you are an “it depends” person, then answer this question (and similar Socratic questions) with a specific example of a business or industry (or compare several companies or industries in your answer). Question #4: Summarize and expand on Chapter #1 of the textbook (Art & Science of Strategic Management), and explain why you think strategic management is more an art than a science (or argue the opposite)? Use your own words and take a position. Question #5: This week there were videos (and readings) covering somewhat disparate topics in business and strategic management. Which of these videos most resonated with you in regards to understanding business and strategic management (and why – why did they catch your eye – why did they resonate with you – why do you believe the video(s) were relevant/important)? I’ll Complete! Question #6: In the past two weeks you have read the following from the book, Playing To Win: The introduction, Chapter 1 about choice, chapter 2 about aspirations, and chapter 3 about where to play. Provide a summary of these readings and concisely describe what the authors are trying to sell (what is their message – what is their perspective). Reflect on the readings and critique (i.e. share some insight). Do you agree or disagree with their perspective? Do you believe their model and approach is valuable (and why)? Question #7: Based on your own personal experience, education (including the videos and materials assigned this week), and knowledge, how would you best define firm performance (aka company or organization performance)? What does “firm performance” mean? What measure/metric should be used to measure firm performance? This week we introduce two new concepts — Triple Bottom Line and Balanced Scorecard — how do these ideas influence how YOU feel we best define/measure firm performance, and why. Question #8: Summarize and expand on Chapter #2 of the textbook (Leading Strategically), and describe what YOU think about the role and responsibilities of the CEO (I’m curious as to how you feel Emotional Intelligence plays into the art of being a CEO – is it important, and why or why not)? Question #9: Summarize and expand on Chapter #3 of the textbook (External Analysis), and explain why you think Porter or PESTEL is important (think about it: Porter is an economist, so he looks at the world of business by examining industries; so do you think his five forces model makes sense, or serves as a fundamental platform for CEOs to use to analyze their firm’s strategic position)? Question #10: Briefly summarize the Netflix case/company from YOUR perspective (not your team’s perspective). What are the key issues, what are key success factors in this industry, what really matters to this company? Describe how you believe technology businesses differ from non-technology businesses, and the impact of technology issues on the Netflix Company.
Question 2075 Global Product Organization
- Read the Assignment Sheet carefully. 2. Read the PowerPoint attached. 3. watch a brief video about Whirlpool at 4. Assume that a Whirlpool plant will employ a mix of skilled managers and engineers, along with semi and unskilled workers. 5. get a sense of the size of a Whirlpool manufacturing facility and find out how much industrial property would cost in Australia versus the U.S. 6. Compare utility costs in Australia and the U.S. 7. review those things that should nhgmnbe considered when engaging in foreign expansion, such as Porter’s diamond. 8. what is the stat of the rule of law and the ease of doing business in the proposed country? 9. what other political, economic or management risks might arise? 10. keep in mind this is primarily a country analysis not market or company analysis, although market considerations will arise. 11. Write 3 pages- single spaced.
Question 2076 Reliability and Decision Theory
the supplement to Chapter 5 in your textbook describes and develops several decision trees. In a 3-4-page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, develop a decision tree for a work or personal decision that you must make. Explain the process of developing a decision tree, and your specific case. You must have at least three Decision Points, and three Chance Events. As shown in the Risk Precis video in your module lecture, make sure to parameterize the outcomes, determine the expected value, and defend your final decision based on your decision tree. Be sure to use at least two current, scholarly references beyond any required course readings. Current sources are those published within the most recent five-year period, and scholarly sources are those from peer-reviewed journals. Make certain for each listed reference that you have at least one supporting citation in the body of your content. Your reference page is always the last page of the submission where all individual references get listed. The Saudi Digital Library is a good resource to search for these references. Submit your presentation into the Assignment Dropbox.
Question 2077 personality Type
This paper has three components to it. You will only be able to email this paper if you attach a copy of your personality test results to it. Or you can hand in the personality test results with your name on it and email your paper later. EEOC: Go to the website for the EEOC Read about two recent or ongoing cases of job discrimination posted on their website. For each case, summarize the following information—what organization is accused of discrimination? What employment act(s) did these organizations violate? What exactly was done to violate these acts? Has the case been settled? If it has, what was the final ruling? ADA: Go to the website What are some news items on the ADA site? Discuss two items which could include new regulations, proposed regulations, what is going on in the ADA, issues they note in the workplace, etc. Write a summary of the two items that you found. Personality Type: Take the FREE on-line Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test at This is a 72 question test that should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to take. Submit the test and find out what personality type you are. Print out the sheet that shows your type to attach to this paper. Do further investigating into your type—characteristics—strengths and weaknesses and possible careers with this personality type. For the paper comment on whether or not you agree with your type. Do you think this describes you well or not? Anything surprise you about your type? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses and possible careers as part of this assessment. For the paper do the summaries for each section and then attach a copy of the results of the personality type test. The paper will be judged based upon following directions, grammar, spelling and punctuation. The paper should be 10-12 font, double spaced. The paper needs to be at a minimum 4 FULL pages. If you go over this length it is not a problem. The test results DO NOT count toward your paper length. Please put your name on the first page in either upper corner.
Question 2078 Db response to question2
Q2 Question-Define what you believe leadership to be in any criminal justice organization. Explain how your definitions could best be applied to improve your own criminal justice organization or any others you have researched. Answer- Leadership is an individual at the top of the chain of command of an criminal justice organization. This person has worked their way through the ranks with the excellent performance, loyalty and authority. Leadership rests in the personal qualities and characteristics of a designated individual (Crawforth, 2011) This person can adapt to new work environment and changes in operational procedures. A leader will have the power to influence their employees to produce a particular behavior (More, Vito & Walsh, 2012). As stated law enforcement cannot afford a leader who has fail to lead. I think that is in any department or career path anyone takes. This leader will learn and gain knowledge from different techniques to make their organization successful. Leadership has to be built on the foundation of integrity throughout the agency. It is important that all departments in the agency see their leader lead by example. To have an effective organization their leader has high moral and ethical standards. Another skill that a leadership should have is open communication throughout their departments. This open communication should allow deal with concerns and also motivate to keep up the morale. All employees should want to come to work knowing they are working with a great leader that will have their back through challenges. Leadership should have a backbone at the same time that his/her employees would not walk all over them. If they are direct, productive when it comes to decision making they become a powerful influential leader. On page 71, there are ten traits that were listed that would be required to be a successful leader. Those traits I would use or to seek in a leader of my department. That leader would be able to teach throughout their experience and their knowledge that they have gain over the years. A leader would know the difference of human behavior and personality of their employees. Any department would need a leader that is more intelligent than the average follower (More, Vito & Walsh, 2010). To be an effective leader the mission of the department should be for them and the followers to accomplish goals and objectives of the job. Please give either 2 weaknesses with their post or 2 additional supporting points. Graduate level responses
Question 2079 Management
Q3 Question—What do you believe have been the major changes in human resource management over the years? What circumstances or other intervening items or systems have caused those major changes to occur? Answer— Globalization, technological changes, and tougher competition have all been driving forces behind changes in human resource management (May, 2017). One of the major changes that have impacted human resource management is the reality that people are living longer and working longer. Many of these people are in the workforce and are now retiring, or prolonging their retirements. This segment of the workforce has joined forces with three other generations. “This will be the first time in history that four generations have been in the workplace at the same time” (Riccicci, 2012, p.30). These younger workers come from a different generation and have divergent views on work principles than their predecessors. This challenge has created a need for human resource managers to identify and understand generational differences in work ethics, and ways to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. The change in generational views of society and how it functions has in part, led to fundamental changes in attitudes about employment. The economic climate in which different generations have grown up in has also influenced the attitudes of this faction. Generations that have weathered economic recession have come to appreciate the repercussions of corporate downsizing, restructuring, and cutbacks. These circumstances, in my opinion, have made it more difficult for unskilled or less educated workers to find employment that pays well, has good benefits, and provides job security. This reality, out of necessity, has led job seekers to consider working 2 or 3 jobs, and perceive the corporate world as unstable, competitive, and temporary. Other factors such as wars, or other hostile or police actions by the federal government, have created voids in both public and private corporations, due to the absence of employees through overseas deployment orders. These unfilled “ghost” positions are a management challenge since they must be held until the deployed personnel return home from their deployments. In the interim, vacant positions place corporations in a production deficit situation. Other challenges human resource managers have, come from federal laws that have mandated specific criterion for companies, organizations, and businesses to comply with. These changes have come about through compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal laws that protect employees with special legal needs. These laws have forced business and government entities to provide a workplace that is accommodating to disabled persons and other unique need requirements that they may have. Please give either 2 weaknesses with their post or 2 additional supporting points. Graduate level responses
Question 2080 Employee Performance Appraisal
You are to create an employee performance appraisal form based on a job you hold or have held or on a job held by a friend or family member. Include in your appraisal the following effective-performance components: -Basic employee information -Accountabilities, objectives, and standards -Competencies and indicators -Developmental achievements -Developmental needs, plans, and goals -Stakeholder input -Employee comments -Signatures Write a 1-2 page paper (not counting the title page, reference page, or appraisal form, which you must include) that describes the components of the form and the possible negative consequences for not including these components.
Question 2081 Communication Management Plan
Resources Piscopo, M. (2017). Communications management plan [Blog post]. Retrieved from Instructions 1. Review the Communications Management Plan template referenced above. a. Review the areas that discuss what the Communications Management Plan defines, the Communications Management Approach, the Communications Management Constraints, and the Stakeholder Communication Requirements. 2. In the discussion forum, show how these areas will impact the successful completion of your class project. a. Identify those aspects that you think will present the most challenges to effective communication. 3. Post your responses in the discussion forum titled 4.4 Communication Management Plan Discussion. 4. Use the Discussion Rubric earlier in this document to ensure you have met all the criteria for this assignment.
Question 2082 Casino management
critique on the article given, show positive, negative and balance view do not write the introduction and conclusion, i do not need it. avoid explaining what is the article about but do critique well. just critique on “methodology of data collection and analysis” in page 5 to page 11 ignore and skip abtract, introduction and literature review remember right away critique do not give me introduction summary of the article as well as the conclusion.
Question 2083 Article Review
locate and review an article that describes how an organization’s structure can shape the roles of a project manager and project team throughout the duration of a project. The article you select must be at least five pages long, and no more than five years old. Write a summary of the article. Include the purpose for the article, how research was conducted (if any), the results, and other pertinent information. How does the article relate to what you are learning in this course? In other words, describe how the structure of the organization discussed in the article helped to shape the project manager and project team member roles throughout the duration of the project. Discuss the meaning or implications of the article’s contents, as well as any flaws you find in the article. What could have made the article better? Was any information left out? How could the author expand on the results? Does the article’s information relate to your professional or personal life? How? Your review must be at least two pages long, not counting cover page and reference page. Use proper APA formatting for all sources, including the textbook.
Question 2084 How do organizations determine the need for organizational change?
. How do organizations determine the need for organizational change? What process do they follow? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 2. Describe each of the six steps involved in developing a project strategy. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
Question 2085 Strategic Analysis
. The company you have to analyse is General Motors. 2. Your questions you must answer are highlighted with yellow color in Word docx, “team template”. (Total 4 questions) 3. You can see the list of countries which is related in GM company (png file). That means you have to analyse each questions with the countries in the list. I really need to finish it in 2 days…
Question 2086 Skill Builder 3
Question #1: Based on your experience, education (including the videos and materials assigned this week), and knowledge, how would you best incorporate the following concepts into your view of how to get the best performance out of an organization: Blue Ocean Strategy, Bricolage, Disruptive Technology, and Hypercompetition. How do these concepts apply to Netflix. Question #2: Summarize and expand on Chapter #6 of the textbook (Competitive and Cooperative Moves), and describe what YOU think about the competitive and cooperative moves of an organization. Is competition good or bad? What competitive moves can a company use to increase their firm performance and how do they react to competitive actions by their competition. What can a firm do to cooperate with other firms to benefit all? Use personal examples/experience of competitive and cooperative moves if you can (or apply the concepts to Netflix). Question #3: Summarize and expand on Chapter #7 of the textbook (Competing in International Markets), and explain the benefits and risks of competing in international markets. What are the various global strategies that a firm can adopt? How might Netflix better compete in international markets, and why do you believe this is or is not a good strategy? Question #4: This week there were videos (and readings) covering somewhat disparate topics in business and strategic management. Which of these videos most resonated with you in regards to understanding business and strategic management (and why)? Question #5: In the book, “Playing to Win,” the authors claim the primary reason that executives and organizations do not have a strategy is because in today’s fast-moving, hypercompetitive, rapidly-changing, information-overloaded, and overwhelming business world, that executives and managers focus too much on urgent matters rather than important matters. Do you agree with the authors that the lack of strategy is a matter of urgency rather than importance (expand on your answer – why or why not)? Do you feel Netflix has conquered this strategic challenge? Explain why, or why not. Question #6: This is a “connect-the-dots” overarching question. Thus far, you have reviewed 6 chapters in the PLAYING-TO-WIN book. Chapter 1 provided the foundation of the book suggesting strategy is all about choices. Chapter 2 addressed the need to develop WINNING aspirations. Chapter 3 examined the WHERE-TO-PLAY choice, while Chapter 4 looked at the strategies of HOW-TO-WIN. Chapter 5 argued the importance of playing to one’s strengths, and building capabilities. Chapter 6 dives into the development and management of systems and communications. Based on your reading and review of these 6 chapters, and your own personal experience/education, synthesize the aforementioned material into an explanation as to the value of Strategic Management in an organization. Basically, you are being asked to demonstrate that you (1) actually reviewed and understand the materials, and (2) are capable of connecting the dots (forming conceptual interconnections into a meaningful and useful model).
Question 2087 Personal Statement For UK Univ Application
Im applying one of the highest institution in UK So I need you to edit my draft to a rellay high-level statement. The first file I attatched is for reference. It’s not mine and for mathematics application, but I put it that it has an appropriate structure and form for UK application. The second file is the statement I want you to advance. you can edit it in any way that you think would make it logical, concise and dense you can change the order of the contents, You can add content if you need, but please be sure to contain all existing contents.
Question 2088 cipd adjustment
AC1.1 Your last example here is copy and pasted from an internet source, and it isn’t really relevant. Please delete ‘change of legislation’ paragraph and give another example and describe how it might impact on the employment relationship. Eg nationalisation
Question 2089 What is the impact and scope of the situation
Develop a 750-1000 word Briefing statement providing the information about the managerial situation that provides background information on the case. In your narrative, you will need to include the following: · A brief description of the severity of the managerial issue. · What is the impact and scope of the situation? · At least two (healthcare) related unique characteristics of this case. · What would you group need to know about the situation from the perspective of your role? · A description of minimum two policies, laws, and/or regulations as well as the government agencies responsible for the governance and enforcement of the identified managerial issue (may not be directly Healthcare related but applicable to the healthcare organization). Make sure to provide the full name and main points applicable to your job role in this managerial issue.
Question 2090 External analysis for Amazon
Apply Porter’s five forces model to the industry in which your company is based. What does this model tell you about the nature of competition in the industry? Identify changes taking place in the macro-environment that might have an impact, positive or negative, on the industry in which your company is based? What are these changes, and how are they affecting the industry? Identify strategic groups that might exist in the industry. How does the intensity of competition differ across these strategic groups? In what stage of life cycle is the industry in which your company is based? What are the implications of this for the intensity of competition both now and in the future?
Question 2091 Application Exercise
This is a management class. The subject is Organizational behavior. Cite everything including the attached reading. I will send the pages of chapter 4 and 6 soon. Font size is 12 Times New Roman Double spaced Everything else is in the attachments. Please follow all instructions carefully
Question 2092 SWOT Analysis
Select a company with which you are familiar with. List two examples of Strengths and Opportunities (SO) within the organization. Provide an example of SO strategy and explain how an internal strength can be matched with an external opportunity to create a strategy. List two examples of Weaknesses and Threats (WT). Provide an example of WT strategy and explain how an internal weakness can be matched with an external threat to create a strategy. See examples provided on pages 172-173 of your textbook on how to construct SO and WT strategies. Ensure to show which strength and which opportunity were match; for example, (S1, O1); (W1, T1). from the book Strategic Management: Concepts and cases by Forest R. David. Publisher: Pearson. 16th Edition.
Question 2093 Powerpoint Presentation
This week’s assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be 12 – 15 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide. Cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Quotes should always be rare and properly cited. Slides or notes with excessive quotes will have deductions. Use your own words. Assignment – Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership Prepare a presentation as if you were a leadership instructor. You are to prepare it so you will be able to teach a lesson to a class. Using the five approaches/theories of leadership we have discussed in the first three weeks of class, document what the approach or theory is based on, how it is different than the others, and when it is best used. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Give examples of when each theory would work best. For example, consider different positions like a construction plant manager or a school principal or a nurse. What approach would work best for different positions? Incorporate that into your lesson. Your goal is to have your audience (students) understand the five approaches and when to use them. Do not copy definitions from the book. Use your own words to get your students to understand the different aspects of the theories. Use the 12 – 15 slides for the five approaches/theories, approximately two- three pages for each one. Format: Title Slide – Include a title page with your name, student number, title of your paper, course number, course name, & date. Introductory Slide – Include a short introduction of your agenda/topics. Length – 12 – 15 slides plus the title page and citation page. Make sure you have at least 150 words in the note section of each page. Do not include any quotes in your notes. Reference Page – Include at least two outside sources in addition to your textbook and other course articles on a separate reference page. Use references with authors, not websites. All references must have citations within your paper. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference. Proof read your work well to ensure spelling/grammar/punctuation and sentence structure are in good order. Review the Grading Rubric attached here for detailed information about the grading criteria
Question 2094 Styles of Leadership
Indicate and explain in writing what style of leadership adapts the most to the following types of employees, and why: 1. aggressive 2. insecure 3. creative 4. impulsive Remember to utilize APA style
Question 2095 Indicate and explain what style of leadership
Indicate and explain in writing what style of leadership adapts the most to the following types of employees, and why: • 1. aggressive • 2. insecure • 3. creative • 4. impulsive • Remember to utilize APA style.
Question 2096 Management and coordinating the HR function
Q1 – ‘must be mentioned’ · Building organisational capability for people and performance · Job design · Setting performance objectives · How the role of hr has evolved Q2 – ‘must be mentioned’ · Shared services · Outsourcing · Consultancies Part 2 – comparison between small businesses and large ones Q3 – ‘must be mentioned’ · Metrics, benchmarking, balance scorecards, surveys
Question 2097 Management Topics
Write a definition or brief information and upload your work to Blackboard. Group supervision: formal and informal. Work teams vs. Work groups. Leaders that emerge. Recognition of performance: supervisory methods and role. Safety in the work environment. The role of the supervisor in the prevention of accidents and violence in the workplace. Stress management Conflict management Discipline process
Question 2098 Corporate policies
The rubric provides detailed criteria for evaluating your submission. You are expected to use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. A. Create three corporate policies that reflect the organization’s culture and ethical viewpoints. 1. Explain the rationale behind the policies, including how they align with the organization’s culture. 2. Distingush between ethical and legal issues. 3. Analyze the ethical issues at stake in the scenario (e.g., conflict of interest, misuse of resources, whistleblowing). 4. Describe the purpose of the ethics officer. B. Describe corporate social responsibility and how it applies to the scenario. 1. Explain the ethical desirability of improving the company’s reputation in the community based on the scenario. The explanation should include three supporting examples of what the company has done or failed to do that has harmed its image in the community. 2. Describe an ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible course of action to address each example from part B1 based on the company’s culture and core values. 3. Explain how the course of action from part B2 is ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible. C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Question 2099 IT offshoring is a very controversial issue because it shifts jobs to other countries.
IT offshoring is a very controversial issue because it shifts jobs to other countries. At the same time, it has the potential to decrease the organization’s costs significantly. 2) Whether offshoring is good or bad for the people of affected countries is an issue of constant controversy. Discuss how you feel about this issue? Answer Discussion questions in APA format with Introduction(12 to 15 lines), body(12 to 15 lines), conclusion and references I need answers for two discussion questions with 2 pages. For each separate question there should be a first paragraph which introduces the topic, your second-third paragraph would be the body of your response where you answer the question with research from credible sources and your final paragraph would be your summary paragraph which restates the main ideas of your response. There was the need to incorporate your numbered points into paragraphs that are substantial.
Question 2100 Master Data Management
Master Data Management. Chapter 5 discussed the issues with Master Data Management. The attached file describes the issues faced by Pitt Ohio Express with regard to the list of customers. In light of the details given there, answer the following questions. a. How would you think an “Information Architecture” would have helped with issues in managing the customer data? b. What benefits did they see by managing the customer data better? c. Do you think EDW could have served as the default MDM? Briefly explain your reasoning
Question 2101 Master Data Management
Master Data Management. Chapter 5 discussed the issues with Master Data Management. The attached file describes the issues faced by Pitt Ohio Express with regard to the list of customers. In light of the details given there, answer the following questions. a. How would you think an “Information Architecture” would have helped with issues in managing the customer data? b. What benefits did they see by managing the customer data better? c. Do you think EDW could have served as the default MDM? Briefly explain your reasoning
Question 2102 Ethics and Governance Research
There have 3 statements to choose for my assignment. However, I want you to write on the Topic 3 statement. The SMRT stands for Singapore Mass rapid transit. For the references I need 6 quality reference from the 4 lecture notes I attached and another 6 references from journal peer review which is essential reading.
Question 2103 Becoming Hewle Packard
Introduction: (The length of the introduction is generally approximately 10% of your total word count). The opening paragraph, like the concluding one, is in a position of emphasis and usually sets the tone of the essay through allowing your readers to know what the review will say. Introductions can vary depending on the topic and the writer. Following are some of the various points you may want to include: a. a brief description – not a summary – of the book’s contents b. notification of the book’s genre c. a statement of the author’s purpose or audience d. a statement about the topicality of the work or its significance e. a comparison of the work to others by the same author or within the same genre f. an assessment of the author’s authority/biases g. a comment of your response and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the book III. Main Body: (The length of the main body is generally approximately 80% of your total word count). The main body of the review should logically develop your thesis/main points as organised by your preparation and notes. The aim of your main body should be toward logical development of what you have decided is your central point. How you build upon your ideas, and in what order is up to you, but here are some ideas to include: a. Background information: incorporate this into the earlier stages of your review to help place the book in context and, if necessary, further discuss the criteria for judging the book. b. Summary: spend some time summarising the main points of the book, including quotes and paraphrasing key phrases from the author. Quoted material should be put in quotation marks and properly footnoted or referenced. c. Response: discuss what you agree and disagree with regarding the innovation journey / journeys presented in the book. d. Evaluation: focus on your response to the book and what can be learned about innovation management? (model S, R and C) e. There is, of course, no set formula, but a general rule of thumb is that the first half to two-thirds of the review should summarise the book’s main ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the innovation journey. IV. Conclusion: Like other essays, book reviews usually end with a conclusion which ties together issues raised in the review and provides a concise comment on the innovation journey. This paragraph may sum up or restate your main points or thesis, or may make the final judgement regarding the management of innovation. No new information or ideas should be introduced in the conclusion.
Question 2104 A Change Is Coming
Prepare a 1 page agenda with supervisory notes to announce and interpret this memo to your department of 10 employees and meet that goal of 10% savings. Be creative. Explore ways to get employees to brainstorm, explore alternatives such as flexible schedules, creating new products or services, and so on.
Question 2105 Collective Leadership, Where are we Going?
Directions: Write a 1,050–1,200-word paper discussing the relationship between an organization’s vision, structure, and strategic decision-making process. Include the following: 1. Explain how a vision influences an organization’s structure. 2. Identify how vision and organizational structure guide an organization’s decision-making. 3. Evaluate the connection between the organization’s vision and structure with a leader’s behavioral style applied to the organizations’ development. **Need 5 references within the last 3 to 7 years. -Turnitin report of 15 percent or less
Question 2106 Performance management system in the UAE
The goal of this individual project is to give you exposure to a real performance management system in the UAE. You are asked to interview an employee regarding his/her organization’s performance management system and write a three-page double-spaced paper. The paper should describe and critique the performance management system’s strengths and weaknesses and also offer recommendations to improve it. Your paper should be based on the material covered in this course.
Question 2107 EHR Proposal Summary
Imagine you are currently working at a doctor’s office. You are approached by the office manager who asks you to develop an effective way of storing patient information. Write a 350- to 700-word summary to your office manager informing him or her of the advantages of using electronic health records (EHRs) to store patient information. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use examples to support your responses. Include the following in your response: Discuss the functions and advantages of using EHRs. Discuss three to four forms used to keep patient information in EHRs. What is the purpose of each form? Cite any outside sources
Question 2108 demographic trends of the United States and the global workforce
Considering the demographic trends of the United States and the global workforce, apply the most important principles of management to the context of diversity and its ethical implications in the workforce. List those principles, in order of importance, according to the knowledge you have gained through the readings this week and your personal experiences. Provide one example from popular media (newspaper, radio, television, internet, podcast, etc.) and one from your own experience to illustrate your points. 1-2 paragraphs no cover page needed
Question 2109 Corporate assignment
Select any mid to large company. Research the following about your company. Your response should be in full APA format 10-12 pages. Use peer reviewed journal articles only for your research no Wikipedia, textbooks or internet articles Determine its mission, vision, and goals. Discuss its IT architecture. Describe its databases, data warehouse, and data mining. Discuss it network system. Discuss its security system—vulnerabilities, threats, etc. Describe its e-business or e-commerce. Discuss its mobile technologies. Describe how it uses Web 2.0 and social media. Discuss its enterprise system and applications. Describe its IT strategy, sourcing, and vendor relationships. Discuss its IT ethics and responsibilities. Compete your paper
Question 2110 crisis communication plan outline
Submit a three-page (minimum 750 words) crisis communication plan outline. The plan can be for an organization of your choice. This is an outline for a crisis communication plan and not a crisis plan. (You will use this outline to complete a plan in Unit VII.) The plan outline should, at a minimum, include the following items: The introduction should engage the reader in the crisis communication plan and clearly present a summary of the main points. Explain the purpose, scope and goal of the plan. Include assumptions or assumed situations, which is a result of assessing risk for your organization. Define expected audiences—both internal and external. Include a communication strategy. Include a concept of operations for communications. Discuss the human dynamics and communications aspects of the blame game and the resolution stages you plan to implement in your crisis communication plan. Assign tasks to key leaders and staff. Provide resource management details. Include planned scripts, which can be placed in an appendix. Research sources to link your plan’s elements to theories, and support your ideas. You must include a minimum of two sources
Question 2111 Recruiting Project
You are the Recruiting manager for this position as will need to create the following: -Create a job description for this position. This should be a full-fledged job description. You know what information belongs in a job description. -Create a job posting +Where or how are you going to post/recruit for this position and why did you choose that method? +Provide an example of what the posting will look like. For example, if you are distributing a flyer, then create that flyer. -What interview questions would you ask of the candidates? 5 or 6 questions that you would ask of every applicant, knowing you may ask other questions based on their experience, but there should be some questions that are asked of every applicant. -What selection criteria would you use? Create a selection rubric to go with at least 3 criteria for which you would make your hiring decision.
Question 2112 Competitive Advantage
Write a 1,050–1,200-word paper discussing prevailing social, cultural and political conditions or trends within organizations and strategic decision-making methods to assure competitive advantage. Include the following: 1. Identify and analyze one prevailing social, cultural, and political condition or trend within organizations. (Note: Identify one of each.) 2. Evaluate different organizational structures that you have discovered in your reading and research and the feasibility of the structure in keeping a competitive advantage. 3. Recommend decision-making methods that assure competitive advantage. **Need to also have 5 references within the last 3 to 7 years
Question 2113 Strategy and Ethics
Write a 1,000–1,200-word paper discussing the leader’s role in assuring organizational strategic and ethical decisions in collocated and in virtual global environments. Include the following: Explain the leader’s role in the organization’s strategic decision-making Evaluate the leadership style that most effectively assures organizational strategic and ethical decisions to achieve competitive advantage. What behavioral theories support this style? Describe at least two differences in strategic decision-making in collocated versus cross-cultural virtual organizations. ***Must have 5 -7 Reference within the last 7-10 years (REQUIRED)
Question 2114 Negotiation, culture & communication
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: What are the most important cross-cultural differences between U.S. and Chinese businesspeople? How might these cultural differences impact diplomatic negotiations between U.S. and Chinese leaders? Assigned readings: Graham, John L. and N. Mark Lam, “The Chinese Negotiation,” Harvard Business Review, October 2003, 82-91. Gries, Peter Hays, “Problems of Misperception in U.S.-China Relations,” Orbis, Spring 2009, 229-232. “Free enterprise cowboys: Adam Smith, John Wayne and the American negotiating style,” Chapter 6 in N. Mark Lam and John L. Graham, China Now: Doing Business in the World’s Most Dynamic Market, 113-130. Pfeiffer, John, “How not to lose trade wars by cultural gaffes,” Smithsonian, vol. 18, January 1988, 145-156.
Question 2115 Reflection paper
I attended a training/short course about management with a broad range of topic, from Emotional intelligence, systems thinking, innovation, understansding customers, planning and allignment, communication, and others. I can send the handouts and course outline I have needed for the assignment.
Question 2116 What Does an Inclusive Work Environment Look Like
“What Does an Inclusive Work Environment Look Like?” consider your own workplace. Each will naturally be unique. Do you have any ideas that might improve the level of inclusiveness you experience? 250 words 2. Hiring Non-Citizens Respond with 250-words. You want to offer a job to a non-citizen located here in the United States. What documents will you need to see to ensure that this person can legally perform the job? Note: There are different rules for seasonal farm laborers. You may address this aspect if you prefer. 3. What is Progressive Discipline in regards to employment and have you ever witness this on your job? 4. What is Reverse discrimination on the job and provide an example? 5. Discuss what affirmative action is and why it was created. 6. Name and explain the three types of affirmative action. 7. Define “reverse discrimination” and tell how it relates to affirmative action. 8. What are your thoughts on Affirmative Action’s Misunderstandings.
Question 2117 The Economics of Multilateralism & Protectionism
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: How does Peter Navarro’s economic advice to President Trump measure up against countervailing evidence? What are the implications of sacrificing multilateralism? Assigned readings: Catherine Yuk-Ping Lo, “China’s Rise and the U.S Pivot to Asia: The Implications of Trans-Pacific Partnership on the Regional Economic Architecture,” in Fröhlich S., Loewen H., eds, The Changing East Asian Security Landscape, 83-103. Chaisse, Julien and Mitsuo Matsushita, 2018. “China’s ‘Belt And Road’ Initiative: Mapping the World Trade Normative and Strategic Implications,” Journal of World Trade 52, no. 1 (2018): 163–186. Daniel C. K. Chow, Ian Sheldon and William McGuire, 2017, “A Legal and Economic Critique of President Trump’s China Trade Policies,” University of Pittsburgh Law Review, Ohio State Public Law Working Paper No. 393.
Question 2118 Generational Differences Interview
To better understand generational differences, conduct an interveiw with someone from an age group different from your own. As a minimum, ask the questions below to get a sense of his or her experiences. Your instructor may add additional questions, and you may find it necessary to add appropriate follow-up questions based upon the interviewee’s answers to help you understand how this person’s life experieinces as part of a particular generation may have contributed to shaping who he or she is today. From the interview material, (a) write a three page paper that analyzes how these experiences have impacted that person’s life. The emphasis here should be on learning if your subject had life experiences that may have shaped him or her in some significant ways as Holtzman, Kruger, and Srock suggest in the article(Generational Diversityin the Workplace pg. 111-117); (b) examine how these generational differences could impact workplace commuication and understanding. Be careful not to simply list questions and answers. Questions 1. Besides family members who were your roles models when you were growing up? 2. As a child and a teenager, did you have any close friends who were of a different race or religion than you? 3. Describe your first job in terms of salary, benefits, work schedule, and responsibilities. 4. How long did you stay in this position? 5. Approximately how many organizations have you worked (in a full-time capacity) for in your lifetime?
Question 2119 Being an “Only
Identify a situation where you would be an “only” based on a social identity definition that you think matters in the given situation. Write a 3-4 page typed report tha analyzes your field experieince from the persepctive of the consequences of being an “O.” Consider the following questions in your essay: How does it feel? How did you act differently in this situation? How did people treat you differently? What did you learn about yourself and others? What aspects of the “Tale of O” applied to your experience? Try to relate your experiences closely to the information presented in the video.
Question 2120 Rewarding through Performance Management
Create a presentation of an ideal performance management system (PMS) that you would implement as the human resources (HR) manager of an organization (fictional or real). Be sure to include information that addresses the following aspects of your PMS: Organizational Strategy including description of the organization’s purpose, vision, mission Systems including defining and measuring results, appraisals, compensation Implementation Factors including communication plan, appeal process Employee Development Considerations Each of the above areas and their subcategories must be addressed. Assume you are presenting the paper to the senior management team of your organization. Your final paper should be 7 pages in length (not including the cover and reference pages in your page count). The project should follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. It should contain concepts from the course reading materials and textbook, reflect your insight and analysis of the course materials, and use external information, providing an original and thoughtful presentation. Be sure to cite and integrate at least three credible, academic sources.
Question 2121 Japan & Alliance Systems
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: 1) How do the views that U.S. and Chinese leaders have toward security alliances differ? 2) What does this mean for regional stability now and in the future? 3) Is there room for convergence of these differing views? Assigned readings: 1) Shin Kawashima, 2017. “Japan–US–China Relations during the Trump Administration and the Outlook for East Asia,” Asia-Pacific Review, vol. 24, no. 1, 2017, 23-36. 2) Adam P. Liff, 2017. “China and the US Alliance System” The China Quarterly. 3) and the instructor’s post that I attached here
Question 2122 South China Sea
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: 1) Will norms of international maritime law prevail in the South China Sea, or is the region doomed to disputes? 2) How can mediator nations—primarily the U.S.—help ease the region into conformity with international law? Or is it likely not possible? Assigned Readings; 1) Lyle Goldstein, “The US–China Naval Balance in the Asia-Pacific: An Overview,” The China Quarterly, 2017, vol. 232, 904-931. 2) Joseph Chinyong Liow, “The South China Sea Disputes: Some Blindspots and Misperceptions,” In Gilbert Rozman, and J. Liow, eds., International Relations and Asia’s Southern Tier, 159-171. 3) Tom Plate, “Duterte’s ‘pivot’ to China,” South China Morning Post, October 24, 2016. 4) and the instructor’s post that I attached here
Question 2123 The Taiwan Strait
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: U.S. & Taiwan: Stability through strategic ambiguity or conflict in waiting? Assigned Readings; 1) Cohen, Jerome, “The Shanghai Communique Forty Years Later: A Job Well Done,” South China Morning Post, February 22, 2012. 2) Russel Hsiao, “Can City Diplomacy Promote the New Southbound Policy and Taiwan’s International Space?” The Global Taiwan Brief, vol. 2, no. 29, 3) Attached file here 4) Instructor’s post
Question 2124 managment class
Read Chapter 1. 2.Get acquainted with HR through HR blogging. Check out one or more of the HR blogs listed below. 3.Write a reflection paper. In this paper, you will write about the following:Share your answers in Discussion Board #1 before Tuesday @ 11:59 PM. (There will be a 10 point deduction for late work). a.Four main points from Chapter 1. For each point, write a paragraph of at least 4 sentences. (4 points) b.What you learned about HR that you did not know before this exercise. Write at least 3 main points. For each point, write a paragraph of at least 4 sentences. (6 points) c.Describe HR experiences you have had at any job. Write at least 3 main points. For each point, write a paragraph of at least 4 sentences. (6 points) d.How does this form of social media (i.e., blogging) provide you with insights into HR practices? Write at least 3 main points. For each point, write a paragraph of at least 4 sentences. (6 points) 4. 5.Reply/Comment on two classmates posts before Friday @ 11:59 PM. For each reply/comment, write a paragraph of at least 4 sentences. (8 points) 6.Type/paste your answers in the submission box. Please do not attach documents. INSTRUCTIONS Your first post should be available by Wednesday. Once several classmates post their responses, select two posts that are of interest to you. Then, comment on your classmate’s answers about any strong points or flaws in his or her answers. Beyond the parameters above, you may show your own self-expression, initiative, and creativity to the content and style of your answers. Please do not attach a document with your answers. You will NOT receive credit for documents attached to your discussion board post. DISCUSSION BOARD INSTRUCTIONS: Post one (1) original response to ALL of the QUESTIONS noted above AND at least two (2) replies to a classmate’s post in this discussion forum by the Syllabus deadline for this assignment (Each reply should be at least of one paragraph with 4 sentences). A total of three (3) posts (as defined above) are required to receive credit for this discussion. DO NOT START A NEW THREAD—ALWAYS REPLY ONLY TO ME OR A CLASSMATE’S POST. Set your browser to “Show All”, “Threaded” to help in figuring out what is and is not ‘starting a new thread.’ Formulate and post your original response BEFORE reading anyone else’s post(s). After posting your original response, read all other posts and reply to one or more of them. Remember that this is a public forum—YOU CANNOT RETRACT (take back) a Discussion Post. Key Points Covered in the Instructions above: A. three (3) posts are required; B. Number your answers; and C. double space between answers. DUE DATES: Please check syllabus for due dates: First post with your answers due Tuesday @ 11:59 PM: Two reply posts due Friday @ 11:59 PM
Question 2125 Non-Traditional Diplomacy
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: To what extent can non-traditional diplomacy—from people-to-people relations, to commercial capacity building, and other cooperation types—help prevent U.S.-China conflict, or at least reduce the probability of it? How? Assigned Readings: 1) Wenshan Jia and Benjamin Leffel, “From MAD to MAG: Remaking U.S.-China Relations at the Subnational Level,” China-US Focus. 2) David Pak Yue Leon, “Economic Interdependence and International Conflict: Situating China’s Economic and Military Rise,” Asian Politics & Policy, vol. 9, no. 1, 2017, 9-30. 3) Attached file 4) Instructor’s post
Question 2126 Reflective Assignment
Review the Gibbs (1988) reflective processes b) Use the processes to reflect on how to integrate Research Topic, Research Question and Sub questions and Rationale for research. c) Write a 1000 word review on the lessons you have learnt about research so far. In your paper you should use the Gibbs (1988) processes of Description, Feeling, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion and Action plan to describe your journey thus far on creating the foundation for your research project. d) In your reflection you should explain your new understanding of the relationship between Research Topic, Research Questions and Research Objectives. Do also consider the views of various scholars on the role these components should play in the research process.
Question 2127 Global Climate Change Governance
Reflection should incorporate ideas drawn both from the assigned readings and the posts on weekly readings made by the Instructor. These reflections are to be more than a repetition of the content of the week’s materials, but rather an argument of the position taken by the student on the posed question, using evidence from the week’s materials to defend their position. Discussion prompt for reflection: To what extent can China and subnational governments around the world fill the leadership gap in global climate change governance left by the U.S.? How? Assigned readings: 1) Changjian Wang and Fei Wang, 2017. “China can lead on climate change,” Science, 357, Issue 6353, 201, 764. 2) Gordon, David, Divya P. Reddy and Elizabeth Rosenberg, 2017. “After Paris A Climate Agenda that Serves U.S. Interests,” 3) Attached file 4) Professor’s post
Question 2128 Nonprofit/association scenarios
Answer each question directly and succinctly. Review your response for spelling and grammatical errors. If you use a source to answer a question, it is important that you cite the source (APA format). If you don’t, no credit will be allowed. Label your response (i.e., 1, 2) Submit your assignment to your Assignment Folder. 1. Assume that you have been appointed the executive director of the Golf Tees Manufacturers Association. The association has never had a professional association executive. Up until now, the association has been staffed by a part-time administrator with some full-time clerical support. The association has grown in recent years, and you were just hired for your association management expertise. Your chairperson has asked that you prepare a brief document that outlines your views on what you believe would be a positive staff-board working relationship and, specifically, how you would like to work with her. She’d like it to be a one-page, series of bullet points so it would be easier to discuss at an upcoming luncheon meeting. 2. You had a very good discussion at the luncheon meeting. For the most part, the chairperson concurred with the points you made in your document. However, after lunch, the chairperson explained that she has a great idea for an association-published book on golf tees manufacturing. She explains that from her vantage point the book will be a “winner” and she would like to be the author. You’re not convinced that the book is a “winner” but, as the new executive director you feel compelled to comply with the chairperson’s request. Explain your ethical dilemma and how you might address it.
Question 2129 Expatriate Packet
Please see attached. It should be on Sydney, Australia. It is a group project so I am only responsible for the following sections that need to be very detailed: Political Structure, Family Assistance Programs and Cultural Information. I need this ASAP
Question 2130 Strategic Managment: A Case Analysis
This report is to be a comprehensive report of about 3,000 words (about 12+ pages) plus exhibits, using size 12, Times New Roman font, double spacing. References must be done using MLA citation style. The analysis of the Tesla Motors case should be prepared as “reports to management” with an emphasis on ACTION-ORIENTED STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS
Question 2131 Management and Organisations in a Global Environment
Week ?? – Activity ?? – Activity Title Insert here your discussion of the e-learning activity. Either answer the two questions at the top of every e-learning activity (summarise the activity and discuss an application or your experience of what the activity is about) OR answer the questions contained within the activity. Between 400 and 450 words in total. Delete all highlighted text. 1Summary around 50 words for each activity. 2 Activity needs to explain with reference and statistical data. 3 At the last conclusion: Summarise and draw conclusions from your two e-learning activities. About 50 words per activity.
Question 2132 Effective and Ineffective Leadership
After reading Chapter 12 and based on your personal experiences, how would you define effective leadership? How would you define ineffective leadership? Examine the leadership in your organization. How would you define it? Can you think of any areas where the leadership can improve? Write a 2 – 3-page reflection using a scholarly critical approach to discuss your responses. Use a minimum of three references, include the textbook as one of those references. Remember to follow the rubric for written assignments
Question 2133 Definition and Summary
– Define the following concepts: a. Functions of the Human Resources Department b. Styles of Human Resources Administration c. The changing environment (diversity) and its challenges d. Laws and Equal Opportunity (EEO & EEOC) e. Affirmative Action Programs Write a Summary about: Functions of the Human Resources Department
Question 2134 Legal Aspects of International Business and Enterprise
The assignment consists of 3 questions, which must be answered in essay form. All questions are required The total word limit for the assignment is 2,000 words (+/- 10% allowed). Each the question has a specific word counts; please follow these individual word counts. Word count limits are strictly enforced. Each answer must have a minimum of 3 scholarly, academic references (minimum of 9 in total for the entire assignment) which are appropriate for a Masters Level assignment. b) Assignments are expected to observe proper referencing in accordance with a generally accepted system of citation (ex, Harvard System; Australian Guide to Legal Citation). A properly referenced assignment showing in-text citation is critical to passing the group assignment.
Question 2135 Discussions Leadership
Provide the definition of leadership that you have researched. Discuss the topic of leadership including the purpose, lack of, and importance. Discuss the controversial topic of whether leaders born or made? Support all answers with proper scholarly research. Review this video on leadership as a starting point.
Question 2136 Self Awareness and Growth
I need a summary of the chapters 2-6. Each summary has to be a page long. I also need a page long reflection on those chapters resonates with my current job. I’m a Manager for the staff that registers patients in the hospital. They update patient demographics and verify insurances.
Question 2137 Elevator Speech
The elevator speech can be based on an actual idea you have for a business, the business where you conducted your interview or a small business you researched. Elevator pitches are useful when leaders are providing a quick yet effective synopsis of their business. Though everyone has different ideas of what makes a great elevator pitch, when we get back to basics the following three items are recommended to consider: It should be 2 minutes or less. Description of your business (may include purpose, vision/mission, product or service offerings) and the need that it meets to interest the potential customer or investor. There should be a goal (or ask). Determine the ask pending if you are with an investor or potential customer.
Question 2138 Supply and Demand In Your Life
This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 100–200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. 1.Choose an article on a topic (product/good/service) that affects your daily life. *For example, I found an article in the Chicago Tribune about coffee prices. 2. Briefly tell us what your article is about. *My article reported that although coffee prices are high, the price being paid to the coffee producers in Brazil has remained constant. 3.Which aspect of the article’s discussion affects your daily life? *Coffee growers are threatening to cut production in order to force the prices higher. This means that my $6 cup of coffee at Starbucks could become even more expensive. 4.What factors do you think are influencing the supply and demand of the product/good/service that is the subject of your article? *Americans have been conditioned by marketing to agree to pay $5 for a cup of coffee, so there is no reason for retailers to charge less. 5.Include the URL of the Web site where you found the article
Question 2139 Organizations and organization theory
Take 5 different definitions from Chapter 1 and apply them to an organization for which you have worked in the past or for which you are currently employed. This does not mean that each student applies one definition to each of his/her companies. This means that you take use five different concepts and definitions and apply them to your organizations. Each definition should be applied to only one organization and you are allowed to use different organizations for different definitions.
Question 2140 Narrative of 5 Articles to support dissertation thesis
Write a narrative (3,750-4,000 words) that summarizes the important information about 5 peer reviewed articles that describe how the studies form the research gap that your dissertation will fill. Your narrative should include the following: A summary of the key points of each article (purpose, research method, research design, sample, data collection instrument, results). A description of how these studies individually lead to the research gap that your dissertation study will fill.
Question 2141 Mediation reflection
You have to be familiar with reflection by the 4 Rs Please answer question by question. No need to use reference. The steps of negotiation, you can find it in the attached power point. I was party B You have to be familiar with the 4 Rs (please note there are 5Rs) Please note at the end we agreed to solute all the problems in the paper, and the mediator was very professional and helped us to expressing our feelings
Question 2142 summarize chapter
Read the chapter in the e-textbook, read other resources about the topic. • Write a brief with your own language – aligned with the same structure, you may have some additions if u recommend. • Word file is around 2000-3000 words • Make PowerPoint (15 slides) based on the word file The PowerPoint structure (slides) can be: Slide 1: Contents: Topic to be covered in the LO Slide 2: Introduction Slide 3: Why this topic – Market your topic (get participant buy-in) – you may ask couple of questions to raise participant curiosity Slide 4: Provide brief answers to your questions Slide 5-end: Your presentation body (12-15 slides) Last slide: Summary Please don’t use copyrighted figures, tables , drawings, etc.
Question 2143 Wac Final Paper
WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) is a university program that requires students to write between 3,000 and 5,000 words (10-20 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1” margins) in writing assignments (which may include drafts). NOTE: The assignment below can only be completed by individuals OR pairs (another WAC requirement). The Final Paper The final paper will start by selecting an industry. After you pick an industry, think about the major players in the industry and select one of them as your “client”. The client may be a U.S. based or an internationally based firm, but make sure that sufficient industry and firm-level information is available from secondary sources to enable in-depth analyses. Companies that are not listed on any stock market will probably not have enough secondary sources to complete the paper. Furthermore, your selection should NOT be a company that is featured in a case study in any edition of our textbook. Next, you should analyze your client’s generic strategy, business model, mission and/or vision statements, corporate governance and any pending legal issues, such as anti-trust issues. You should use appropriate concepts, tools and etc. from the textbook (or elsewhere) to analyze your client’s external environment (for example: PESTEL, 5 Forces, competitor analysis etc.) and your client’s internal environment (such as: SWOT, risk analysis, longitudinal analysis of financial performance, competitive matrix). Further items of interest should be 3~5 year trends in ratios from its financial statements and operational statements, such as earnings per share, stock price, ROA, ROI etc. Don’t just tell us what is going on, but what are the consequences and options for correcting poor results Similarly, examine credit and image ratings, labor and production issues, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, market segments and market share) in order to justify their (generic strategy and business model AND/OR possibly designing future actions to improve your client’s business. By way of preparing for the final project, you should pay special attention to media reports about current and potential mergers, acquisitions, divestment, joint ventures or strategic other major announcements about your ‘client’. Note: This project should include significant use of business/accounting/financial ratios. The number of companies that are listed on the NYSE or the NASDAQ is well over 6000. The best venue to get reliable financial data for companies is the SEC Edgar Company Fillings
Question 2144 Chapter summary
Read the chapter in the e-textbook, read other resources about the topic. • Write a brief with your own language – aligned with the same structure, you may have some additions if u recommend. • Word file is around 2000-3000 words • Make PowerPoint (15 slides) based on the word file The PowerPoint structure (slides) can be: Slide 1: Contents: Topic to be covered in the LO Slide 2: Introduction Slide 3: Why this topic – Market your topic (get participant buy-in) – you may ask couple of questions to raise participant curiosity Slide 4: Provide brief answers to your questions Slide 5-end: Your presentation body (12-15 slides) Last slide: Summary Please don’t use copyrighted figures, tables , drawings, etc.
Question 2145 effective and ineffective leader
Think about one effective and one ineffective leader who you have encountered. Determine how each leader was effective or ineffective in his or her leadership styles and explain your reasoning with support from sources and actual examples. Incorporate in your response materials to justify your assessment of leader effectiveness and ineffectiveness such as leader traits, leader skills, leader behaviors and leadership theories such as situational leadership, contingency leadership, path-goal theory or leader-member exchange theory. In the case of the ineffective leader, make suggestions as to how he or she could improve his or her individual leadership style. Embed course material concepts, principles and theories (require supporting citations) along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article.
Question 2146 Lean on Me
Lean on Me” Discussion Please watch the movie, “Lean on Me” (Morgan Freeman is the main character) or find a detailed summary of the film online. Then respond with an analysis of the video from a leader’s perspective. Consider the school’s values, philosophies and actions of the leaders, before and after Joe Clark took over. What were Joe Clark’s values and philosophies and how did that shape his decisions? you do not need to site any references
Question 2147 What Leaders Do
Read the Harvard Business Review document that is posted in the Theme 2, Materials Content Area (Reading: What Leaders Do). brief that captures the key points about leadership that are presented in the article.
Question 2148 Hospitality Career
Prepare a 700-800-word paper in which you identify at least three career opportunities within the hospitality industry that are of interest you. In your paper be sure to address the following: 1.a. Describe each one of your identified careers. 2.b. Identify the different characteristics and traits needed by each career. 3.c. Outline a career path for each of your identified careers – using flowcharts will help. 4.d. Include your notes from your interview within the appropriate career (see Center for Writing Excellence for details on sourcing interviews) You will post this assignment to your Assignments folder. Note from Colleen to Class: This assignment should be in alignment with the formatting set forth in your syllabus – meaning proper grammar and use two in-text sources. Remember that this assignment needs to be written in third person and try to avoid using phrases such as “in this paper” or “below you will find”… This assignment is looking for you to explore, in an academic context, career choices that may match up to your particular skill set (subjects we’ve talked about in Week One), thus you will not want to make this a personal journal.
Question 2149 Social Network interview
Resource: Interview Guidelines Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word interview. Identify whom you interviewed, their title, and years of working experience in the area of Operations Management. Provide insights into your subject’s role and why Operations Management is vital to his/her organization. Provide the reason for selecting the individual you chose to interview. List the questions you asked. Include a summary of the organization. Give a summary of what you learned as a result of this interview. Provide a reflection of what is important about this assignment. Discuss any follow-up activities the person you interviewed suggested.
Question 2150 Twitter Assignment
To receive full credits for this assignment you need to include in your tweet: • Link to the article – 40%: o The selected article is accessible through the provided link, it leads to a business article not a video or a course, or any other content. o It is a recent article (not more than 3 years old). o It is clearly related to the selected exhibit. o The article should not be about explaining the model you are assigned! It should be about a product or a brand of a company ONLY! • Hashtag #MKT4820 and the Exhibit Number – 20%: o The hashtag and exhibit number are stated in the tweet. • Relating the Exhibit to the Article – 40%: o Clearly state to what part of the exhibit the article is related. If you don’t relate the article to a SPECIFIC part of the exhibit you won’t get credits for this part. o You also need to CORRECTLY relate the article to the exhibit. If you choose a wrong article for the assigned exhibit you will not get credits for this part. o Stating the TITLE of the Exhibit will result in ZERO for this part! o If you can’t fit the relationship between the article and the exhibit in your tweet, please state it in the assignment on Bb. Example of how to tweet (PLEASE DON’T USE THIS EXAMPLE FOR YOUR TWEET): If you are assigned Exhibit 2.11 your tweet should look like this: Hawaiian Airlines takes on East Coast as it seeks to expand via USA TODAY #MKT4820 – relates to market development strategy in Exhibit 2.11 2. You will enter the link to your tweet in the Twitter Assignment 1 on Bb. 3. If you don’t have a Twitter account, I strongly recommend opening one. But if you decide you don’t want to open a Twitter account, please include in the Twitter Assignment 1 the article link with the relevant hashtag, exhibit number, and stated relationship
Question 2151 Accident management
Informal writing not academic 1800 words Clear and easy to understand Harvard style ….. You can use book name/ Introduction to health and safety at work Fourth editions …. Please find the attached document to write on it … And you can use legislation that attached but cite it
Question 2152 Make job description and one job advertisement
As a group, you are members of a HR Graduate Program with the North West Regional Hospital (a fictitious health service, located in North West Queensland). The North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) is a purpose built, 180-bed inpatient facility and the largest regional hospital in the state. NWRH also has 15 outreach sites located throughout tropical, northern Australia, each of which employs approximately 17 individuals. In total, NWRH currently employs 700 people, including administrators, nurses, allied health staff and doctors. As part of the graduate program you are required to make a formal 10 minute presentation on a HRM topic to the NWRH Director of Human Resources and Chief Operations Officer (COO), both members of the NWRH executive team.
this is the question. Explain the characteristics of financial capital, human capital and social capital in the Japanese business system. PPT presentation on discussion question (10 mins content, not too descriptive) Written response to discussion question (1500 word written response
Question 2154 individual assignment
The initial stages of the research proposal are illustrated in Figure 6.2 of the text book (Collis & Hussey, 2013, p. 100). This week you will present your topic (keeping in mind the criteria mentioned in your text book Box 6.1 p. 101) research motivation, and pertinent literature reading so far. Discuss the feasibility of the study and explain how you can gain access to the data that you need to collect By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to the Turnitin Link provided. Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing. This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria. To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the “View/Complete” link for Week 3 Individual Assignment — Turnitin.
Question 2155 Benefits of Health Insurance
You have been asked by your employer to create a handout to educate its employees on the benefits and requirements of health insurance. Be sure to include the following information: • health impacts; • financial advantages, including risk pools; • access; • avoiding sanctions or fines; and • figures and statistics supporting your findings. Your assignment should meet the following structural requirements. • 2-page handout, not including the cover sheet and reference page • Include headings titled “Introduction”; “Health Impacts”; “Financial Advantages”; “Sanctions”; and “Conclusion” • Be sure to include an informational paragraph under each heading and a citation to the resource utilized • Formatted according to APA and Saudi Electronic University writing standards • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles
Question 2156 Pepsi Co strategy case
The guidelines are for the external environment of Pepsi Co. 1- do not use the powerpoint for writing its just for you to go back and understand if there unclear things. 2- Read the guidelines for the external environment and follow them. 3- Check figure 2.1 & figure 3.3 to link to Pepsi CO. 4- Read my notes and follow them. 5- paraphrase (never copy). 6- do not use any other website. just use the case of Pepsi Co.
Question 2157 Literature Review
The review of literature should begin with an introduction featuring an overview of what it is in a “nutshell”; and a preview that gives the reader insights as to what you intend to cover in the following review of literature. BODY OF LIT REVIEW: The ROUGH DRAFT of the Literature Review can be a complete written paper utilizing ALL sources from the annotated bibliography per the final draft description below. The draft should, at the least consist of 10 – 15 pages in length – covering the initial phases/theme (s) of the review of literature (does not include the cover page, research design introduction, etc.). The draft should review at least 10 key published, scholarly reviewed sources (the U Mary library online/website is an excellent source for such sources!). CONCLUSION summarize/conclude the key points covered in your review of literature. When thinking of key points, consider those key areas of literature reviewed i.e. bold subheads/themes. 20 articles to be uploaded once assignment is awarded
Question 2158 Discussion board
At this point you are a longtime observer, and perhaps an expert in higher education with a minimum of 6 years experience. Further, you almost have an MBA. Based on your expertise and and education, analyze the higher education industry in terms of potential blind spots. As part of this analysis provide me with a specific set of recommendations that guide the university toward a more robust strategic analysis and help The university become more competitive. Please reference article and 1-2 other references
Question 2159 Pepsi Co case
Please use the Pepsi Co case only, do not use any other website. Read the case and do the company situation and the swot analysis. (read the guidelines) Start doing the swot analysis first. Check the power point ( the value of swot analysis and the Factors to Consider When Identifying a Company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). SWOT analysis should be written in paragraphs, and it should be done in a diagram (you decorate your own) as well. Moreover, the number of points can differ. For example: strength can have 5 points but the weakness can have 3. and each point in the diagram should be from 10-12 words only. Please make sure its written clearly and with no spelling mistakes.
Question 2160 Should Parents Help Their Children with Homework?
In you Critical Thinking class, Your “Room for Debate” paper will be a multi-modal writing assignment. You will summarize, analyze, and state your views, all based on reading an editorial from the New York Times. Your final paper will be a minimum of 3 typed pages, double-spaced with a font no larger than 12.
i want answer each questions in (4 sentence): as you think ENTREPRENEUR/NEW VENTURE DEV : Answer each questions in (4 sentence): as you think 1)What are the most important things you learned during your customer development inquiries that improved or changed your thinking about your original business model? 2) As an undercapitalized, cash-starved start-up, what are some techniques you could use to ensure proper cash flow? 3)All business is led by sales. No sales = no business. Describe the techniques you will use to get that most important first sale. 4)There are a variety of legal forms of organization used in business. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of C-corporations, S-corporations, and LLCs. 5)Exit Strategy – Startups that seek external venture investment must have an exit strategy. What will be your firm’s exit strategy?
Question 2162 tips for good resume writing
Please create and submit a resume’, after researching what makes a resume good (I’d suggest you conduct a web search on “tips for good resume writing”). If you choose not to use a reverse order chronological resume and go for one of the more exotic styles, please tell me why you made that choice in the comment section. Some fields have their own styles (graphic design, modeling and theatre all come to mind), but usually, a good solid resume’ is pretty straightforward.
Question 2163 Apply to non-benchmark jobs
read through the file and then do # 6 which is: 6. Apply to non-benchmark jobs -create grades and ranges (and consider overlap of ranges) -Put the benchmark and non-benchmark jobs into grades and ranges – Apply them to your regression line from 1 to 5 is already done, so I want to do just number 6 which is in the instruction paper.
Question 2164 Leadership Skills and Ability
After reading Chapter 9 – Leadership from Owens & Valesky (2015), watch the video clip of Dalton Sherman’s Keynote speech in Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources and complete the following: Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast this very creative Opening of School speech to similar speeches and other opening school events. The Venn diagram should reflect ideas about leadership and communication. Along with your Venn diagram, include a 200 – 300 words explanation of your diagram. Your paper should be: -APA 6th style -no less than 2 peer-reviewed scholarly sources that have been published within the last five years. -Your Venn diagram should be in color, easy to read and should be easily understood by itself.
Question 2165 Leading and managing change and crisis
The assignment is divided into two parts.The first part is to write the meeting minutes (unlimited) for 8 weeks. I will update the examples.Your group work reflection paper is a written assessment of Your individual learning based on the material in the group reflection journal and must be:A thoughtful, detailed analysis of the reflections in your journal and therefore your individual experience of working in groups this termWord processed, spell-and grammar checkedWithan 1,500 words in lengthPlease ensure you put the word count on your paper10 percent either way is acceptableWord count does not include images, diagrams, drawings, bibliography, appendix, or anything else you would like to include. Creativity is highly encouraged.You do not need to cite scholarly references, this is a reflection paper. Or if You do wish to include quotes, they must be properly cited.You must clearly address all three of the following questions.Select two different group activities with two different groups (or composed of different group members) from your reflection journal entries — one good and one not-so-good group experience for you.Please identify where the entries for these two groups appear in your group reflection journal (or date, group activity, page #, etc.)Compare and contrast these different groups and analyze why you think one group worked well and one worked less well, in your opinion.With reference to your answer to question 1, reflect on how you grouped – up [or formed your team] in these two company’s groups and how that process subsequently impacted your group ‘s performance.1. In hindsight, what did you learn and what might you do differently next time you are in a work group?
Question 2166 cipd adjustment
AC1.1 Your last example here is copy and pasted from an internet source, and it isn’t really relevant. Please delete ‘change of legislation’ paragraph and give another example and describe how it might impact on the employment relationship. Eg nationalisation.
Question 2167 Wrinting assignment
Develop a 750-1000 word Briefing statement providing the information about the managerial situation that provides background information on the case. In your narrative, you will need to include the following: · A brief description of the severity of the managerial issue. · What is the impact and scope of the situation? · At least two (healthcare) related unique characteristics of this case. · What would you group need to know about the situation from the perspective of your role? · A description of minimum two policies, laws, and/or regulations as well as the government agencies responsible for the governance and enforcement of the identified managerial issue (may not be directly Healthcare related but applicable to the healthcare organization). Make sure to provide the full name and main points applicable to your job role in this managerial issue.
Question 2168 Application Exercise
This is a management class. The subject is Organizational behavior. Cite everything including the attached reading. I will send the pages of chapter 4 and 6 soon. Font size is 12 Times New Roman Double spaced Everything else is in the attachments. Please follow all instructions carefully
Question 2169 Statistical Knowledge Application in Health Care
In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:
Question 2170 Gresham V. Peterson Case: Standards for Organized Charities
Must be at least 300 word count
Regarding the case of Gresham v. Peterson, should there be a different standard for organized charities as opposed to individual beggars under the ordinance? Make sure you back up your position with a legal and factual basis.
The full decision can be found here:
Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899 (7th Cir. 2000). Retrieved from
Question 2171 Prevention Of Intradialytic Hypotension In Haemodialysis Patients
This essay represents about intradialytic hypotension in haemodialysis patients. It is a one of the issues during the hemodialysis. The other issues are Cramps, febrile reactions, arrhythmia, haemolysis hypoxemia. ( http://classes. kumc. edu/). I am currently employed in a haemodialysis device with 15 channels with a complete of 90 patients. Patients with founded renal failing (ERF) starting treatment of haemodialysis (HD) frequently have side effects during treatment of haemodialysis such as nausea, dizziness, cramps, throwing up, and cardiac condition. The most frequent problem in the dialysis is an intradialytic hypotension (IDH). ) Shows of hypotension are unpleasant and distressing for an individual that contributes to morbidity, sometimes contribute to cardiovascular mortality. (Levy, Morgan and Brown 2004)
Question 2172 capital punishment
For this assignment you will draft a problem statement and research questions that will help guide your research proposal. A successful problem statement will do two things: Define clearly the problem or issue to be studied. Address a gap in the current knowledge base. Use the sources from your annotated bibliography and organize your problem statement in the following format: “A is known (referenced study).” “B is known (referenced study).” “C is known (referenced study).” “What is not known is D.” “D,” or what is not known, should be the focus of your study. Provide a clear statement of the problem in 3–5 sentences. After writing your problem statement, include 2–3 research questions that need to be answered based on the problem statement. Make sure to make the research question something that can be studied. You do not want the question to be too broad or too narrow. After writing your problem statement and the 2–3 research questions answer the following questions. Include in-text citations. Describe how this study is new or different from other studies. Describe the practical applications of your research. How would you use this information to inform your job skills. Analyze how your research findings might impact your field of interest. How will others who study in the field find it interesting? The statement I chose is is to understand and examine whether sociodemographic characteristics are related to attitudes about capital punishment.
Question 2173 What is my philosophy of Justice
Microsoft Word Document a one page (single-spaced) document regarding your philosophy of criminal justice. You might want to consider such things as system structures, cops, courts, corrections. This is purely your personal stance on the topic based upon your education, training, and experience. In doing so, consider how you feel about deviance and the criminal justice response to it.
Question 2174 What is my philosophy of Justice
Microsoft Word Document one page (single-spaced) document regarding your philosophy of criminal justice. You might want to consider such things as system structures, cops, courts, corrections. This is purely your personal stance on the topic based upon your education, training, and experience. In doing so, consider how you feel about deviance and the criminal justice response to it.
Question 2175 Crime Control or Due Process
While crime control focuses on reducing crime by making punishment swift and harsh in a bid to deter crime, due process preaches protecting the rights of individuals by making sure that government does not become tyrannical and infringe on citizens constitutional rights. Due process wants to guarantee the rights of a suspect, assuming that he or she is innocent until proven guilty, even if that individual is a suspected terrorist. (Presumption of Innocence) Considering the not too long foiled terror attempts at the United States, what side are you on: Due Process or Crime Control? Support your argument with evidence and good logic.
Question 2176 Crime
Pick any three crimes of your choice, for example, rape, homicide, etc., and use any of the criminological theories we already studied to explain why you think people commit these crimes. You can use any theory or combination of different theories to explain any crime or crimes you picked. The question might ask for your opinion, but your opinion and proposals must be both logically related and consistent with facts you have learned in this course.
Question 2177 The ghettoiazation of blacks in Los Angeles: the emergence of street gangs
Just need a summary of the article “The ghettoiazation of blacks in Los Angeles: the emergence of street gangs” by Gregory Christopher brown, James Diego vigil, and Eric Robert Taylor
Question 2178 Deconstructing the Crime
Got a two hour exam week beginning 16th Jan Need to answer 2 questions (50mins each) Need to prepare for 3 questions out of 6 in order to answer 2 The following questions are: 1. What influence does the media have on our perception of crime? 2.Outline what is meant be `Social Class` and explain the links between class and crime 3.To what extent is offending by young people considered a serious problem in society today? I need revision notes, a plan and introductions to remember points/evidences which can support my points. Please use the following again: criminolgy – tim newburn the problems in crime the oxford handbook of criminology
Question 2179 Immigration
Respond to the two discussion posts by my friends. Number the responses os that I can know which one belongs to what post. Take a look a the guide on how to respond to articles and use it to make good responses.
Question 2180 Qualitative research
Read these two articles first, then read the article report and just answer those two questions within the article report which I uploaded. 1. Blandisi, I.M., Clow, K.A., & Ricciardelli, R. (2015). Public perceptions of the stigmatization of wrongly convicted individuals: Findings from semi-structured interviews (Links to an external site.). The Qualitative Report, 20(11), 1881–1904. Retrieved from 2. Dixon, C.S. (2015). Interviewing adolescent females in qualitative research (Links to an external site.). The Qualitative Report, 20(12), 2067–2077. Retrieved from
Question 2181 John Rawls’ Influence on Justice
VIDEO ATTACHMENT An Introduction to John Rawls’s Theory of Justice – A Macat Politics Video (Links to an external site.) “How can a society make sure it is just? The theory known as “justice as fairness” sets out two main principles to ensure this.” ASSIGNMENT The above video posits that John Rawls’s Theory of Justice is “the most important moral philosophy since World War II.” Watch the video. Conduct research. Provide basic biographical data on Rawls. Use print media resource materials to discuss, describe, and define Rawls’ thoughts reference the following: Justice as Fairness Original Position Distributive Justice Veil of Ignorance Discuss how Rawls’ notions apply to society and, more specifically, criminal justice. Do you agree with Rawls? Yes or no? If you agree, argue your position using data driven and documented research to support your position. If you do not, do the same thing. Be specific. MINIMUM MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be 750 words of narrative submitted in APA format, include citations, and have properly formatted Title, Abstract, and References pages. Failure to meet any of the above minimum mandatory requirements may, at the Facilitator’s discretion, result in a failing grade.
Question 2182 cybercrime exercise
The cybercrime section of the LAw Management and Enforcement (LAME) has been tracking a major spammer and is analyzing some of the spam received from them. You, as a local LAw Management and Enforcement Representative (LAMER), have been assigned to investigate the spam coming from this spammer. Review the sample of 10 emails contained in the appendix of this document. You are to analyze each email, and for each email, report on the following questions (you will either have to conduct a bit of external research, or hypothesize to answer some of these questions): Is this a spam email? What is this email trying to accomplish? What is the likely end result if you were to believe the contents and act on them? Money loss? Personal Information/Identity theft? Describe some flaws in the message that you observed that would indicate to you that this message is not real? If this information is not evident from the screenshots attached, what would you do further to find out if the email is real? Reporting Requirements: Use screenshots or images liberally, and explain what you did using point form. I’m looking to see your thought process, creativity and logic. No need to be formal. Do not do a formal write-up. This is supposed to be an exercise, not a research paper.
Question 2183 Exposes Police Culture of Corruption & Abuse
VIDEO ATTACHMENT Ex-Baltimore Cop…Exposes Police Culture of Corruption & Abuse (Links to an external site.) Published on Jul 10, 2015 “Former U.S. Marine and Baltimore police officer Michael A. Wood, Jr. made headlines when he Tweeted about the abuses he witnessed fellow Baltimore police officers perpetrating. In this interview with The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur Wood reveals the truth behind the “us vs. them” siege mentality pervading urban police forces that leads to a culture of corruption, racism and abuse, and what can be done to bring change for the better to policing in the United States.” ASSIGNMENT In the above video, former police officer Michael Wood posits that a culture of corruption, racism, and abuse exists in his former agency? Watch the video. It’s long but worth the time investment. After watching the video, discuss the following: Do you believe the former officer’s story? If so, why? If not, why not? Be specific. “Culture.” Define it. What separates isolated incidents of misbehavior from a pervasive culture of wrongdoing? How are cultural norms developed and reinforced? How do law enforcement executives change the culture? What can line officers do when confronted with illegal and/or unethical behavior within their organization? Mr. Wood asserts there is an “us vs. them” mentality within the police department. True or false? Discuss and defend. Defend your “opinions” with documented research, using citable incidents (in Baltimore or other departments) to support/prove your points. MINIMUM MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be 750 words of narrative submitted in APA format, include in-text citations, headers and footers; and have properly formatted Title, Abstract, and References pages. Failure to meet any of the above minimum mandatory requirements may, at the Facilitator’s discretion, result in a failing grade.
Question 2184 Invisible punishment
Identify at least four invisible punishments. What makes these punishments invisible? Why should it matter if punishments are invisible?
Question 2185 Is the death penalty a deterrent?
Anottated bibliography needed 5 pages from 5 diffent sources explain what was written in source an if the stace you took is agree apon
Question 2186 Situational Awareness
You are to read the following article regarding “Situational Awareness.” Choose one of the five tips and discuss why this is so important to Police Officer safety. Be sure to be analytical and use at least one source as a reference. 5 Tips to Enhance a Situational Awareness Mindset By Christopher Tarantino MEP CMCP, Sep 15, 2015, The world is a dangerous place and situational awareness matters now, more than ever before. But, there is no denying that the game has changed. With new technologies evolving all around us, it’s easy to see that distractions can take their toll and impact our safety and the safety of those around us. For more information, take a look at our white paper: ‘At the Intersection of Situational Awareness and Technology.’ When used effectively, technology can improve an officer’s situational awareness – provided he/she is in the right location, the right situation, and embraces the right mindset. How much technology is actually in the patrol car? View Situational Awareness [Infographic]. So how does the 21st Century law enforcement professional ensure they apply a ‘Situational Awareness Mindset’ and utilize the technology tools at hand to their benefit? The key is in understanding how to train your mind to be situationally aware. Understanding not only that you need to be aware, but understanding what you should be aware of: Internal Awareness External Awareness Be aware of your own level of alertness or distraction to enhance personal safety Watch your surroundings and those around you for trends, triggers, and behaviors We frequently discuss the external elements of situational awareness, but can sometimes neglect or undervalue those internal aspects that make a big difference. Whether you prefer Cooper’s Color Code, the OODA Loop, or any other method you might have learned in recruit training, below are 5 tips to enhance your situational awareness mindset: 1. Continuously assess your mental sharpness & avoid tunnel-vision and distractions. Use Cooper’s Color Code here and understand the subtle differences between the different levels of self-awareness (white – relaxed/oblivious, yellow – relaxed/alert, orange – heightened/alert, and red – survival mode). Use all of your senses; you should never be oblivious to your surroundings! 2. Anticipate and understand your own tendencies, as well as the tendencies of others. For many in this age of technology, a ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to a lull in conversation or even stopping at a red light is to check a mobile phone or some other technology. If you’ve ever noticed yourself engaging in similar habits, make it a point to identify your triggers and test your level of situational awareness regularly throughout your shift. 3. Modify your routines, work practices, and other tactics. Ensure that situational awareness is built into each and every thing you do (both on the job and off). Many dangerous habits and distractions are not that obvious and frequently disguised as important tasks. For instance, you would never drive your patrol car with your head down and the radio blasting. An example of a best practice is looking straight ahead to keep your eyes on the person ahead, as shown below. 4. Use technology appropriately. Do everything you can to ensure technology is aiding you in your mission and not taking time, energy, and attention away from the task(s) at hand. Training before using technology and following manufacturer’s instructions are key. In this VIDEO CLIP, an officer shares a best practice safety tip when scanning a driver’s license. 5. Be ready to adapt to changing conditions at all times. A critical element highlighted through the use of the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) is the ability to act and modify approaches based on results and expected outcomes. So the questions is: are you being mindful of your surroundings and also maintaining a situational awareness mindset in this age of technology to prevent distractions? About the Author Christopher Tarantino MEP CMCP partners with L-Tron and has ten years’ experience in public safety. He currently holds positions at the volunteer, local, county, state and federal levels. Mr. Tarantino serves as a Subject Matter Expert/Instructor for the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center; a Digital Communications Specialist for FEMA; is the Vice-Chair of the International Association of Emergency Managers’ Emerging Technology Caucus; is part of the Command Staff in the New York State Incident Management Team (Public Information Officer-T); and maintains volunteer roles at the local/county level as a Red Cross DAT and DPAT member, EMT, Hazardous Materials Technician and Rescue Specialist.
Question 2187 Analysis of Conceptual
Use the article by Green from this unit’s studies to help you address the following questions and issues: Provide an analysis of the framework from the PhD project presented in the article. Identify anything about conceptual frameworks you found confusing in the article. Answer the following: What is a theory and how is it useful to researchers? Why do most researchers find it useful to develop a conceptual model?
Question 2188 Cybercrime
the text discusses several types of Computer Crime (ID theft, Hacking, Cyberstalking, Fraud, Viruses, DDoS attacks, Cyberterrorism). Which of these do you think has the most impact? Which would you least like to be the victim of, and why?
Question 2189 JUSTICE BLIND
Identify at least oneIdentify at least one theoretical framework for your research proposal. Briefly discuss how this theory aligns with your proposed research questions. How might your study confirm or add to existing theory? How difficult was it for you to identify a theoretical framework? for your research proposal. Briefly discuss how this theory aligns with your proposed research questions. How might your study confirm or add to existing theory? How difficult was it for you to identify a theoretical framework?
Question 2190 Cybercrime
Read the required readings and answer the question below, need around 350 words Research an update on the Teksavvy case. Comment on the details of the case, and answer the following issues: If the information is collected without a warrant, is it still usable? Were the defendants and their equipment “in plain sight”? What excuses could the defendants use to defend themselves?
Question 2191 Research design type
part one While new designs are being developed and refined, you should understand that a basic set of qualitative research designs includes phenomenology, grounded theory, case study, ethnography, or narrative. Describe what qualitative design would most effectively address your research question. Provide a 250–300 word write-up of a possible qualitative design. Describe the ethical considerations involved in obtaining a sample. Be sure to consider the need for anonymity and confidentiality and for preventing a conflict of interest. part 2 Beyond the broad approaches of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, there are many research designs. While the broader research approach decision is often based on what you want to know, the research design informs how you will get it. In this unit, you will choose a research design for your topic. In your 3–4 page write up, make sure to include the following: Describe the research design chosen and include the variables and concepts (for example, phenomenology, ethnography, case study, correlational, experimental, or survey research). Describe why you chose the proposed design over the other options, including the advantages that this type of study has over the other options. Propose a data collection strategy. Consider the ethical and legal considerations in the proposed data collection. Be sure to support your decisions with academic and scholarly literature. You may use the textbook to help you support your design decisions. Additional Requirements Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA current edition style and formatting. Length of paper: 3–4 typed double-spaced pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Question 2192 Biological explanation of crime
read those materials and the discussion post I uploaded, answer those discussion questions below 350 words needed Anderson, G. (2007). Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior. Chapter 1. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press and Simon Fraser University Publications. Christiansen, K.O. (1977). A preliminary study of criminality among twins. In S.A. Mednick & K.O. Christiansen (Eds.), Biosocial bases of criminal behavior (pp. 89-108). New York, NY: Halsted Press. Walters, G.D., & White, T.W. (1989). Heredity and crime: Bad genes or bad research? Criminology, 27(3), 455–485. doi:10.1111/j.1745-9125.1989.tb01042.
Question 2193 Theory and Methods of Forensic Anthropology
Develop an overview of the Theory and Methods of Forensic Anthropology and identifies assumptions that connect the theory to practice. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the theory through empirical support from the literature Articulate how the theory is utilized to inform policy Show how the theory informs research References = at least 3 peer-reviewed resources formatted following APA
Question 2194 You be the judge
You’re the Judge This week, you are a judge in a federal district court where a man has been charged with possessing and distributing cocaine. The police obtained the evidence of his drug possession and sale by searching his home. Police arrived at the defendant’s house without a warrant, and the defendant and his wife were at home. The officers knocked, and the wife answered the door and consented to the search. The defendant objected to the search. The defendant has filed a motion to have the evidence excluded from his trial. Decide if the evidence should be admitted, and provide the best arguments both the prosecutor and defendant can make to win the motion.
Question 2195 Bullying Prevention Program
I need a brochure made based off a made up Bullying Prevention Program. The brochure must discuss what types of things my program offers, as well as bullying statistics. Must look professional and give lots of information. This is a program that has to be original not a copy of another pre existing program.
Question 2196 Scenario Based Action Plan
No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. As tolerances grow for the personal possession and use of marijuana, there is a need for purposeful and well-grounded discussions on the impact the relaxation of criminal sanctions involving marijuana may have. Do laws prohibiting the growing, manufacturing, harvesting, processing, transporting, sale, distribution, possession and/or use of marijuana in any quantity reflect the socio-political values of the community; whether that community is a local town/city, a state, or the nation? Do these laws keep us safe? If prohibitions against marijuana are lifted, what’s next? For the Final Project the student will compose a three-part position paper addressing the pros and cons of marijuana tolerance. •Part 1- How are the initial relaxations of the laws against marijuana an indication of a growing tolerance that should be fully adopted? All current restrictions against marijuana should be rescinded. •Part 2 – How are the initial relaxations of the laws against marijuana compromising the safety, security and “quality of life” in American communities? Prohibitions that have been modified should be re-enacted to their former restrictive level. •Part 3 – What impact will Part 1 and Part 2 have on the current prohibitions on other controlled dangerous substances (e.g., heroin, cocaine, meth-amphetamines, etc.)? NOTE: This is not a position paper for the expression of your personal feelings regarding the topic. The paper should objective and identify legitimate and balanced arguments for all sides of the topic. Format •Cover page ◦Student’s name ◦Program title ◦Class title and number ◦Date of submission •A minimum of eight (8) narrative pages (maximum of 12 pages) ◦12 font, double spaces, 1 inch margins ◦APA formatted citations for quoted materials in the narrative •References Page(s) ◦Citations for all quoted (non-original) materials in APA format ◦Minimum 4 outside sources ◦The course materials must be cited and referenced in the body of the paper
Question 21197 reflective writing
Critically reflect on one or more ethical issues related to research on illegal activities OR paying drug users in research studies. You should base your reflections on the two readings below that relate to your chosen topic. Word limit: 500 words Due date: 9 August 2017 Research on Illegal Activities Feenan, D. (2002). Legal Issues in Acquiring Information about Illegal Behaviour through Criminological Research. British Journal of Criminology, 42(4), 762-781. doi:10.1093/bjc/42.4.762 Roberts, L., & Indermaur, D. (2008). The Ethics of Research with Prisoners. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 19(3), 309-326. Drug Research Festinger, D. S., & Dugosh, K. L. (2012). Paying substance abusers in research studies: where does the money go? American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 38(1), 43-48. Fry, C., Hall, W., Ritter, A., & Jenkinson, R. (2006). The ethics of paying drug users who participate in research: A review and practical recommendations. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 1(4), 21-36.
Question 2198 Impossible mandate
Firstly discuss in detail the argument forwarded by the author that culminates in the fact that the law enforcement agencies, if burdened with a crime prevention responsibility, are in fact burdened with an impossible mandate as far as expectations (from the community and /or politicians?) is concerned. Secondly, supply a thoroughly validated argument whether you agree with the “impossible mandate” or not. In essence, answer the following question: Can the law enforcement agencies prevent crime or not? Thirdly, discuss corruption and the influence thereof on policing in particular the effect on crime prevention.
Question 2199 Public Punishment
Give examples of how public punishment has been used as a deterrent to criminal activity since the early beginnings of society. Using the EC Library Criminal Justice Research Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ( search of examples of modern day public punishment, cite and provide a brief summary of one example you found.
Question 2200 Get tough laws
Discuss the impact “get tough” laws have on corrections. Describe the pros and cons of rehabilitative ideology and preventive ideology? Which ideology do you think is most effective in reducing recidivism? Why?
Question 2201 The California Penal Code
Discussion Question: The California Penal Code has thousands of crimes and complex rules for penalties. Is it fair that the law presumes that all of us have clear notice and knowledge of the different crimes and penalties? E.g. if there is not speed limit posted we cannot be penalized for speeding but we are expected and presumed to know every law on the books at anytime.
Question 2202 Traffic Citation or not
Use the diagram you drew and the calculations in the Traffic Accident Reconstruction on pages 23 – 30, and determine if any driver should be issued a ticket. Back up your decision with evidence from the calculations You are required to draw an accident scene diagram. Re-draw the diagram on page 24 of the book (PDF pages may differ) Traffic Accident Reconstruction linked below. Submit your drawing to Blackboard by selecting the Assignments tab above, then on the new page which opens select Accident scene diagram. There you can paste, attach or send a picture of your drawing. Reading: Traffic Accident Reconstruction, by Elvin Aycock, PE, pages 25-30, Case study Nissan Stanza Copy and paste URL below
Question 2203 Cannabis abuse and public attitudes towards cannabis
3-4 pages including: – A brief summary of research question or topic, and how this interview helps to answer that research question or topic. – A list of the questions will use in the interview. – A rationale for the questions use in the interview, which should include both a methodological rationale and a thematic rationale. – The bibliography for the topic. APA style for referencing is preferred. – An informed consent form.
Question 2204 Trait theory or find article in Course Material Week 5 Daphne Abdela Babyface Killer DB: Read Inside Story: No one knows why Daphne and her friend did what they did in Central Park. Only Michael McMorrow. But he’s dead As Jonesboro grieves, Joanna Coles details another teenage atrocity that shocked even hardened New Yorkers. • Discuss her behavior using psychodynamic theory, social learning or cognitive theory.\ • Should Daphne be tried as an adult or juvenile (explain your answer)? • Discuss whether Daphne’s underling issues (describe) would be amenable to treatment (what type of treatment)?
Question 2205 Strain Theory
Watch the video “Hard Times Generation: Homeless Kids” at Summarize the information from the video. Discussion:(1) Discuss the causes and consequences of homelessness. Imagine you are a policy makers: (2) What would you recommend to help these children and reduce child poverty?
Question 2206 Alternative Perspectives in Criminology
Imagine your supervisor has been asked to speak at a national convention on the future of criminology. Your supervisor has asked you to help gather information on alternative perspectives in criminology. You have been asked to research the following: Critical criminology Restorative justice Peacemaking criminology One additional perspective of your choice. Write a 350- to 700-word report on each of the four perspectives including support for or against the perspective from two peer-reviewed articles from the University Library. Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Question 2207 The Innocence Project
The Innocence Project only takes cases involving DNA evidence. Is this a miscarriage of justice itself? In other words, is it unfair they will not consider investigating other wrongful conviction cases? In 2-3 pages, write an argument, including the counterargument and rebuttal, making a case for or against the Innocence Project’s stance on only taking DNA cases. Use your readings and their website ( as a starting point, but also include a minimum of 2 empirical or legal sources as well.
Question 2208 Balancing crime
1.Discuss the importance of balancing safety and security with individual rights. Which is more important in constitutional democracy? Explain why within our historical context. Provide one example where you see public safety and individual rights balanced and another example where public safety has infringed upon individual rights. 2.Discuss why in the “real world” of criminal justice, lower federal courts and, more frequently, state trial courts have been allowed the final word on the law of criminal procedure.
Question 2209 Mass Shooting Prevention Task Force
The U.S. continues to experience mass shootings, with the deadliest attack happening on October 1, 2017 in Las Vegas. Your assignment is to identify who you would enlist to be on a federal task force to combat mass shootings in the United States. These should be positions, rather than actual names of individuals holding the positions. Provide 7 positions you would invite to your task force and articulate why these positions would be a good asset to your task force. In addition to the task force positions, explain in a one-page document your specific task force focus in detail. This assignment should be turned in on two type written pages all references should be cited on a work cited page. Use APA format. 12 font / Times New Roman.
Question 2210 Neomarxism Critical Criminology
Please watch YouTube and it is entitled, “Neomarxism Critical Criminology,” MrClinePsy. Summarize critical criminology according to the video provide at least two examples of criminal laws or policies that are suppressing the poor. Explain why and how these laws protect the powerful, be sure to include a description of who the powerful are. how can the poor be protected?
Question 2211 Components of a Court Opinion
Choose any cases and explain it with each of the following 1. The facts that gave rise to the legal dispute before the court. 2. The procedural history and posture of the case; that is, what happened in the lower court and who appealed the decision and why. 3. The issue(s) addressed and resolved by the court. 4. The rule of law that governs the dispute. 5. The application of the rule of law to the facts-in other words, the holding. 6. The reason(s) supporting the court’s application of the rule of law to the fact; that is, why the court decided the way it did. 7. The relief granted or denied; for example, “The judgement of the court is upheld.”
Question 2212 Case Law Analysis
SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA et al. v. HELLER Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit No. 07–290. Argued March 18, 2008—Decided June 26, 2008 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. What is the applicable law? What is the legal question? What are the Key Facts? Is there a single issue or are multiple issues involved? What is (are) the issue(s)? Did this case impact precedent (Stare decicis)? If so how? Was a new principle of law created in this case?
Question 2213 Discretion in decision making is exercised by the various courthouse actors
Discretion in decision making is exercised by the various courthouse actors. Provide examples of the types of decisions an actor might make, and how discretion plays a role in coming to their decision. Is this discretion good for individuals processed through the criminal justice system? Why or why not? Remember to support your position.
Question 2214 No Hero, No Villain Book
Analysis of the book: NO HEROES NO VILLAINS This book report will be graded on the following: 1) Describe or summarize what happens in the book, 2) Describe how this book relate to this course in any way, and 3) Expand or focus on a particular aspect, theme, or idea in the book that particularly interests you. You may bring in outside material for this if you like. (Minimum of 2.5 pages/maximum of 4 pages) Ø The narrative will be neatly typed using 12 point black print, Ø either Times New Roman or Arial font, Ø double-spaced on clean unlined 8½ x 11 white paper, Ø default margins. Ø College level written communications skills including grammar, spelling, neatness and appearance are required. Failure to adhere to these standards will result in reduction of grade or complete rejection with a grade of zero recorded. (-1 point per error) Ø Please provide a title page to your book report with your name, title of the book, CRJ 101, and date.
Question 2215 Indiana prosecuting Chinese woman for suicide attempt that killed her foetus
Indiana prosecuting Chinese woman for suicide attempt that killed her foetus o https://www.theguardian.c om/world/2012/may/30/in diana-prosecuting-chinesewoman-suicide-foetus o Discuss whether Shuai committed homicide or whether it was an accident. o Is a certain time during the pregnancy where feticide would not be homicide?
Question 2216 Enforcing the Fourth Amendment
For this discussion, read the articles in Annotation 6 – Fourth Amendment,“Enforcing the Fourth Amendment: The Exclusionary Rule (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ,” and Heien v. North Carolina, 603 S. Ct. 13 (2014), and then respond to the following: Based upon your interpretation of the articles, do you think court decisions regarding the application of the exclusionary rule are narrowing its application? Explain your answer in full to support your position.
Question 2217 Identify the five exceptions to the exclusionary rule
Identify the five exceptions to the exclusionary rule. Explain each and how it applies to cases. The most common accountability procedure for all kinds of police misconduct is administrative review and discipline outside the courts. Describe the two types of administrative review, and discuss any significant differences between the two types.
Question 2218 Colleen stan the girl in the box
The intent of forming a coalition is twofold: To assess the effectiveness of each stakeholder in fulfilling the responsibilities prior to, during, and after the incident. What were the successes and failures? To build a blueprint of appropriate actions to prevent or reduce the severity of another incident of this nature. Successfully building a coalition to discuss the incident requires effective leadership—public service leadership that has the influence to garner the participation of policy makers from each of the disciplines. In this assignment, identify all the disciplines that were, or should have been, involved with the incident. Include the following: Identify the forensic disciplines that would be involved in a coalition for the incident. Construct an organizational structure of this coalition that will most effectively examine the specifics of the response from each discipline. Identify the leaders (policy or decision makers) for each agency in the coalition. Who is the most logical and influential person to serve as the chair of this coalition? Explain. Identify the stakeholders (disciplines and agencies) that may be in conflict with each other. Explain the conflicts. Collen Stan
Question 2219 How can “office politics” contribute to workplace conflicts
.How can “office politics” contribute to workplace conflicts? Identify and explain which particular conflict management processes and interventions might best address certain conflicts arising from office politics. 2.Discuss how critical thinking and problem solving can improve the rational decision-making process for criminal justice professionals. Provide and discuss several examples. 3.Present a well-reasoned and persuasive argument for and against the use of grand juries in criminal procedure. Provide an alternative procedure for using a grand jury or a suggestion on how it can be improved. Provide some recent examples to support your post. 4. Present a well-reasoned and persuasive argument for and against the use of plea bargaining. Provide at least two U.S. Supreme Court rulings regarding plea bargaining to support both sides of your argument.
Question 2220 Discuss who is the final assessor of an organization’s effectiveness
Within the context of organizational effectiveness, discuss the relevance and importance of the question: effectiveness for whom? Discuss who is the final assessor of an organization’s effectiveness? Why? 2. Within the context of organizational effectiveness, discuss the relevance and importance of the question: effectiveness for whom? Discuss who is the final assessor of an organization’s effectiveness? Why? 3.Discuss the full balancing of interests that habeas corpus proceedings require. Assess the merits of the other interests that also need to be considered, according to the Rehnquist Court. How do you think social change has broadened the interests that must be considered?
Question 2221 Why is it that criminal justice practitioners generally do not adopt and employ social science research in their organization
Question 2222 Thought paper Read this article and one other you find about the riots that occurred in Ferguson, Missouri after an officer-involved shooting of an unarmed black citizen. What caused these riots to erupt? Apply the concepts of frustration induced criminality to this story. The thought paper will be no less than 1000 words of content (not including the title page and references page) The paper will be written in APA format with references correctly cited.
Question 2223 Criminal Justice Today
You will post a thread of 400 words or more. Three additional sources beyond the course material (i.e. textbook, readings, and presentations) are required for the thread. Schmalleger: ch. 1 Criminal Justice Today Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order) the police, courts, and correctional components must operate within a multicultural society; a society that embraces lifestyle diversity. Beginning with the material conveyed in the assigned reading and presentation, discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, and correctional) charged with achieving justice. Expand upon the provided material with scholarly research to support your position. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the implementation of criminal justice to today’s society.
Question 2224 Rehabilitation program
Do rehabilitative programs work? Are they more successful than tough on crime tactics and programs? Recently there has been a shift from tough on crime approaches to rehabilitative programs intended on changing behavior rather than solely concentrating on punishing the individual. Watch the video attached which will provide you information regarding rehabilitation programs of offenders/inmates. Perform your own research on the topic and provide an informed opinion on whether these programs work or if we should continue the tough on crime tactics we’ve used for the last few decades. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. Research should derive from scholarly reports, university research papers, and research performed by government agencies. Here is the link to 11 minutes youtube video.
Question 2225 Overcrowded Prisons
it is a policy paper, over the prison overcrowding in America. Must identify the problem, what has been done in the previous years, and what your solution will be
Question 2226 Serial Killers and the Media
Serial Killers and the Media The many questions associated with serial murder investigation bring about criticism and public and media pressure. There is a globalization perspective to serial murder investigation. Identify and discuss some of the factors that affect investigative tools and approaches used by law enforcement here and abroad. Is this affected by media pressure and actions or by public criticism? Your response should include current and credible research to support your claims and should be 1000 words or more in length (3–4 pages). The paper should: Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date. Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. Be double-spaced in Arial or Times New Roman in 12 point font size. Use examples to support your discussion. Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format. Here is a site to start off with.
Question 2227 Drug Courts
Drug Courts have been a promising alternative to imprisonment. Drug Courts provide alternative rehabilitative services for individuals who are addicted to drugs. Watch the video attached and provide your opinion on these court programs. Do you believe expanding these programs will reduce inmate recidivism? If the defendant/offender is not successful in drug court, what can be done in prison in order to correct the behavior/addiction? Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. video link
Question 2228 Concept Map and Short Paragraph
Career is Private Investigator) Using your career interest topic, create a concept map OR an outline to define the task in your research process. Use the process of outlining or mapping the topic for your final project so that you can focus your topic and determine the nature and types of information you will need later in our course. This assignment is a brainstorming activity, not a research task. In your outline OR concept map, include the following: One (1) topic sentence stating which career interest/discipline you will explore Four (4) or more specific, critical thinking questions about your career interest that can be later answered through source searching and presented in your final project For each question, two or more supporting detail statements that describe the type of information needed to answer the question (the actual answers are not yet needed) For each detail statement or statement pair, a description of what kinds of sources might be helpful in providing the information you need Format appropriately designed for either an outline or concept map Formal, detailed outlines are useful organizational strategies–the more detail you include, the easier the final project will come together. If you choose to use an outline, it must be very detailed. Consider searching outlining strategies and designs. Concept maps can be developed through one of several available websites: CMAP Tools This tool allows you to move between devices. This site allows concept map creation and has a companion app. This site includes a free trial. Free mind mapping software. Gliffy X-mind Mindmeister Mindmoto PART 2: Write one paragraph (5-6 sentences) describing the information you listed in your concept map. Your paragraph should describe the career interest topic you chose, the questions you will answer in your project, the types of information needed to answer those questions, and your predictions of source types you might need. SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENT: PART 1—Your Concept Map or Outline should be submitted as a .doc, .docx, .jpg, .pdf as appropriate for the document you have created. The document should be attached to your assignment submission
Question 2229 Annotated Bibliography
State the format style you are using: Chicago, APA, MLA, or Bluebook. The annotated bibliography can easily be built from the source search worksheet used in week 3 of this course and additional sources you have selected. List at least four (4), different types of credible sources (not just four websites) you will use in your final career interest project. Two (2) of these sources should be scholarly and from the APUS library. Provide the essential information for each source including author name(s) title of the source and other details required by your chosen citation style. For each source, write an original paragraph of five to eight (5-8) sentences summarizing the source information (annotations) evaluating the sources and explaining why the source could be relevant to your project Write the summary in your own words rather than providing a copy of the abstract. information about creating an annotated bibliography and what one looks like can be found in the APUS library: Remember: Select ONE citation method you want to use based on your academic degree program. Return to Lesson 4 if you need to see the list of disciplines and their corresponding citation styles. The majority of students will probably use APA, but MLA, but Chicago/Turabian may also be used.
Question 2230 Warrior and Guardian Style of Policing
For this critical analysis you will need to using the articles and videos from this week you will need to analyze both warrior and guardian style of policing. You will need to decided if the warrior style can foster legitimacy and if so, how? and if not, why not? does the warrior style foster cooperation and/or compliance from the community? Does foster engagement? You will to answer the same question for the guardian style of policing. You will also want to discuss why community perceptions of police are important and how it is best to gain both compliance and cooperation from the community. You will maximize points on this discussion, if you cite and use the materials (articles and videos) from this module. Feel free to reference materials from earlier weeks as well. Attached you will find an article that discusses difference between the two styles of policing in some more depth. New Perspective in Policing-WarriortoGuardian(1).pdf
Question 2231 Inmate Suicides
Preventing inmate suicides is a priority for prison/jail officials, staff and officers who are responsible for their safety. This issue has received a great deal of media exposure who question if enough is being done to prevent inmates from hurting themselves or taking their own lives. Watch the video below which provides you information about preventive tactics used by prisons/jails. After you research the topic provide an informed opinion of what’s being done across the nation to address this problem. Remember to post at least three times on three different days. link to video
Question 2232 Probation Revocations
Individuals placed on probation are subject to rules, regulations, sanctions and treatment programs. Offenders who fail to adhere to the rules and regulations of their probation can face probation revocation which may result in a prison sentence. Watch the video attached, which outlines what offenders must do to avoid probation revocations. The attorney in the video explains that there are often situations in which an offender is about to expire their sentence and commits a new crime or violation. It is their job to argue that the offender should have their sentenced reduced, dismissed or have the offender reinstated? Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. After you perform your research explain what supporting information you discovered to support your opinion. Should the court reduce, dismiss or reinstate an offender who commits a crime when he/she is arrested shortly before expiring their probation term? Remember to post at least three times on three different days during the week. link to the video
Question 2233 Analysis and Recommendations
For this assignment, the third component of your final project, integrate the results of your literature review to complete an analysis of the problem and the groups or populations affected by the problem. Evaluate high-quality, peer-reviewed, and relevant public service research to critically examine the groups or populations. It is important to consider multicultural perspectives in your examination and in the selection of sources you use to support your analysis. In your assignment, be sure to address the following critical elements that align with the grading criteria: Explain solutions to the problem and the impact of each solution on the public service organization and organizational policies and practices. Identify and discuss the impacts of diversity, ethics, and cultural competency on the decision-making process related to your selected problem. Evaluate the aspects of effective communication styles as applied to individual and group collaboration. Evaluate the concepts of collaborative and communication techniques that have affected the development of relationships, partnerships, and alliances. Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Number of resources: Minimum of 5 peer-reviewed resources formatted following APA guidelines. Length of paper: At least 4 typed, double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running header. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Question 2234 Prison Privatization
The prison privatization movement has gained strong support in many states. This is due to budget shortfalls by many states who have faced recent financial crisis. You’ll need to perform thorough research on this topic as much of the information you’ll find are individuals who criticize the prison privatization movement. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. The video attached will provide you information on the topic, but as stated above you’ll need to perform additional research. Link to 10 minutes This is for discussion area I need three different response half page each and one source for each, please.
Question 2235 Prison Re-Entry Programs
Prisoner re-entry programs are designed to assist inmates to transition from prison to live in the society. Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. Do you believe these programs are important in improving the inmates’ chances of avoiding the criminal life? Do these programs work or is it the individual who makes the decision to abstain from criminal activity? Link to 7-minute video
Question 2236 Female Offenders
Female offenders have not always been considered threatening or having the ability to commit extreme violence. Ms. Angela Simpson is an example of an individual who is capable of being violent and of being extremely dangerous. Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. Watch the attached video and provide your opinion of inmate Angela Simpson who was sentenced to life in prison for murdering a man. After you complete your research of female offenders, provide your opinion of Ms. Simpson’s responses to the questions she was asked. What do you think of her demeanor and the opinion she has regarding her prison sentence? link to a video
Question 2237 progress assignment
In about 200 words for each question answer the following: Discuss the importance of the electromagnetic spectrum and the collection of intelligence. Focus especially on matter/energy interaction: emission, reflection, refraction, and absorption. Describe resolution and define the principle measures used to analyze and evaluate collections. Describe the four types of satellite orbits (LEO, MEO, GEO, HEO) and their potential uses in collecting information. How does synthetic aperture radar work and what advantages does it have over optical imagery? Describe the three major branches of ELINT Please use the assigned course readings. To earn points you MUST demonstrate that you’ve read and comprehended the content of the material linked below! Electromagnetic Spectrum and Resolution Remote Sensing Orbits Air Force Orbit Youtube Youtube technical IMINT Satellite resolution Resolution basics: Principles of Remote Sensing book: SAR SAR article: Youtube primer, Synthetic Aperture Radar: Of Bats and Flying Pianos: ELINT NSA brochure:
Question 2238 Juveniles in Prison
Serious juvenile criminal activity has been a largely controversial and often a hot media topic. Some of these juveniles have committed absolutely terrible crimes. I’ve provided you two videos this week for your review. These videos are hard to watch because they either provide a great deal of information regarding serious crimes committed by juveniles or they demonstrate how juveniles are housed if convicted in an adult prison. Watch both videos and then perform research on juveniles in prison.
Question 2239 A partir de la lectura asignada conteste
A partir de la lectura asignada conteste 1. ¿Qué plantea la teoría de “anomia mertoniana” sobre las causas del crimen por aquellos que se encuentran en la “base de la pirámide social”? Rubrica: a) Ser gramaticalmente correctas b) Contener al menos entre 400 y 600 palabras c) Contener referencias y citas correctas
Question 2240 Offenders with Infectious Diseases
Prison security levels are used to distinguish the level of care for inmates while they serve out their sentences. This also includes separating inmates who have communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, Hep C and other dangerous and often deadly diseases. Perform your own research on the topic and provide an informal opinion of whether prison officials are appropriately handling this issue or if the inmates are right.
Question 2241 Annotate references
annotate 15 references that summarizes and assesses the book in the citation. The first paragraph provides a brief summary of the author’s project in the book, covering the main points of the work. The second paragraph points out the project’s strengths and evaluates its methods and presentation.
Question 2242 Inmate Discipline and Segregation
Inmate discipline and segregation are necessary in order to protect inmates against harm and ensure order in a jail/prison setting. Read the article attached from the American Civil Liberties Union who argues that prison segregation is not humane treatment. Also, watch the video attached, which will provide you some information of reasons why segregation is used by prison/jail officials. Do you agree with the ACLU or do you believe that segregation is necessary for our prisons? Is this counterproductive to the rehabilitative process? Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. Article link Video link
Question 2243 A Day in the Life of a Correctional Officer
Prison staff/correctional officers must often deal with some of the most dangerous individuals in our society. Watch the video attached which will provide you information about the responsibilities correctional officers must perform. What do you think of the officers’ demeanor and attitude? Why is it important that he address inmates the way he does? Perform research on the topic and provide an informed opinion. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. video link
Question 2244 Special Emergency Response Teams
Prison security is extremely important in order to protect staff and the inmates housed within its walls. Special Emergency Response Teams have been created in order to control dangerous situations involving inmates. Watch the video attached and perform research on Special Emergency Response Teams. Why were these teams created? What are some of the requirements for joining these teams? How can these teams prevent a dangerous situation from escalating out of control? Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. video link
Question 2245 Prison Work Programs
Prison work programs provide inmates an opportunity to learn a new trade, receive good time credit and provide a service for society at a low cost. Do you agree with these programs or do you agree with the complaints expressed by several civil rights advocates who believe that these programs can be abusive? I provided you several articles for your review as well as a video supporting these programs. You’ll need to perform further research on both sides of the topic in order to draft your response and discuss the issue with your fellow classmates. Make sure to cite your sources in order to legitimize your opinion. Post at least three times on three different days throughout the week. Follow the link below for the discussion rubric in order to understand what will be expected of you. video link
Question 2246 Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is still being used in the United States. Many believe that our country is moving away from this form of punishment. Watch the video below which provides you a historical account of capital punishment in our country. Do you believe that capital punishment will be abolished? Is this still a necessary form of punishment? Post at least three times on three different days. This is a serious topic which often creates strong opinions. Please be sure to remain courteous and respectful when posting. video link
Question 2247 The Impact of Corrections on My Family
Please write a reflection essay (2-3 pages) on one of the following 1- “The Impact of Corrections on My Family.” Do you have a family member or a close family friend who has been or still incarcerated? If so, please write an essay (2-3 pages) on the impact that their incarceration has had on your view of crime and/or criminal justice.
Question 2248 Psychopathy, Biogenetics, and the Social Construction of Serial Murder
According to Chapter Three of the book, psychopaths are not amenable to treatment “because they do not believe they need it, and if subjected to treatment, they will simply add that information to their arsenal of psychological tools they can later use to control others” (p. 98). Assuming this is true, what should prison officials do with individuals who are suspected of being psychopaths? If there are rehabilitation programs/anger management programs in a prison facility, should some individuals be excluded from these programs, if they are suspected of being psychopaths? Also, who should ultimately be the final arbitrator to decide whether or not any given incarcerated person is a psychopath? What factors should officials use to assess whether or not someone is a psychopath? Next, provide a significant discussion and reflect upon one aspect of either Chapter Three and/or the presentation, “Exploring the Biological Foundations of Serial Murder” that you found to be of interest. Next, after reading Chapter Four, consider the various sociological theories that provide insights into the phenomenon of serial murder (109-117). Which theory do you feel does the best job of explaining why some individuals become serial murderers? Be sure to fully elaborate and/or provide examples to illustrate your point. Finally, once you have answered all of the above questions, please pose an original thinking question to the class.
Question 2249 There has been much debate about evolutionary theories
There has been much debate about evolutionary theories (textbook on pages 73-74), broadly speaking, in the United States. Discuss what impact this may have on how criminological perspectives view the evolution of criminal behavior and how this may shape research in this area. Please watch the following link Why Are We Using Prisons to Treat Mental Illness? After you watched the film clip, from what you have learned and what you think on this topic, to discuss how should the CJS or the society in general should do to deal with thid type of (potential) criminals.
Question 2250 Trafficking in Persons
Write a 600 word – double-spaced response paper. These papers should be thoughtful reactions to or evaluations of the readings for the unit. Give a brief summary (75-100 words) first and then give your response. Examples of topics to cover (but not limited to these) in your reaction papers include the following: Critical evaluations of the authors’ questions, methods or conclusions. An analysis of the authors’ perspectives and biases, including a discussion of what points they did not discuss that might have been relevant. Implications of the authors’ points. Similarities or differences between the readings and other readings we have done in this class. Similarities or differences between the readings and readings you have done in other classes. Links between the readings and your own experiences. Links between the readings and events in news. Your question about points in the article that might have been unclear. Your ideas about future studies that would follow up on the authors’ point. Keep in mind that you do not have to answer all of these questions in your response. These are just examples of ways you can respond to the readings. This is the link to the reading:
Question 2251 Summary/Analysis
Students will find a primary or secondary peer reviewed article on their research problem/question for each SA. In the upper left-hand corner of the paper include a) your name, b) the course and section, c) which paper it is (e.g., SA #1) Include a complete citation for your article (not just a URL) in APA or MLA style, and submit paper and Bb copies. Cover pages are not necessary. SA #1 Due: Monday, July 2
Question 2252 Compare Nietzsche’s ethics (Chapter 2) with Aristotle’s ethics of virtue
Discuss the following In 500 – 700 substantive (thoughtful, insightful) and well written words: 1. Compare Nietzsche’s ethics (Chapter 2) with Aristotle’s ethics of virtue. What are the similarities and differences? How might Aristotle respond to the charge that his ethics are really a “gentleman’s” version of Nietzche’s more shocking ideas? or 2. Examine the significance of the Great Stone Face in Hawthorne’s story. How does it affect the values and virtues of the people of the valley? What virtues does Ernest manifest? Fully explain your answers.
Question 2253 When examining serial murder globally, U.S. profiles of serial murder cannot be applied cross-culturally
Serial Murder from a Global Perspective and Responding to Serial Killers When examining serial murder globally, U.S. profiles of serial murder cannot be applied cross-culturally. Provide at least one example from Chapter Eleven which illustrates this point. Once someone in the class has cited one aspect of Chapter Eleven, try not to replicate this point in order to avoid any redundancy. Next, according to the book, as Japan’s pornography industry expands, the number of sex crimes has markedly decreased. Does this finding surprise you? Does pornography lead to an increase in sexual violence or does it, in fact, give would-be offenders a sexual outlet and decrease acts of sexual violence, such as rape? Take a position either way and fully support it. Next, please point to one aspect of Chapter Twelve that you found to be of interest and explain why. Once someone has alluded to a particular aspect of Chapter Twelve, please avoid replicating this in order to avoid any redundancy. Finally, once you have answered all of the above questions, please pose an original thinking question to the class.
Question 2254 Critical Analysis
Need analysis of the American made movie New Jack City. 5 paragraphs. No need to use or cite references. Paragraph format: 1. Introduce topic, ffacts,and issues. State what you will analyze from a criminological perspective Paragraph 2. Provide facts relevant to rge the analysis Paragraph 3. Provide relevant issues to be addressed Paragraph 4. Analyze the issues you addressed in context and provide independent analysis 5. Provide final of what you believe are the core explanations you feel were worthy of analysis.
Question 2255 Expository Writing
This task will require you to write a 500 word reflection based on the following question: “What do you think the key role of the NSW Police Force is, and what skills do you bring to the organisation in order to execute that role?” This assessment will be worth 20% of the overall mark for this unit, and will address learning outcomes 2 and 3. This assessment is due by midnight on Friday Week 3. It is important that you undertake some research for this assessment. Students who only include why they wish to be in the NSW Police Force and what skills they will bring to the organisation are not likely to pass. As such, you must integrate academic literature into your reflection. There are a number of resources you should access in order to complete this task. These resources include the set readings for this subject (in particular the readings from Week 1 – 4) and lecture and tutorial materials. You should also familiarise yourself with the NSW Police Force website,, which contains information on the organisation, its key role and responsibilities, professional standards and recruitment requirements. If you need further assistance please seek guidance from your teacher. Please click here to access the UWS Library Policing and Criminology e-resources page, where you can find a wealth of information on policing related topics.
Question 2256 Criminology discussion
Consider discussing drug use in countries such as the Netherlands, where drugs have been legally obtainable since 1976. The rate of addictions in the Netherlands is low compared to other European countries and the crime rate has decreased significantly since 1976. On the other hand, although Spain decriminalized some drugs and tolerates the use of heroin and cocaine, it still has the highest AIDS death rate in Europe, with approximately 75% of these deaths related to the use of intravenous drugs. Please search this topic online and share your results with the class. The text focuses primarily on female prostitutes engaging in sex with male customers. While this is the most common type of prostitution, male prostitution is also a considerable business; male prostitutes are generally engaged by male customers for various types of homosexual activity. Please search online information to share with the class what you found in regards to this topic in more detail. Computer crimes require offenders to have a much greater level of technical proficiency and skill than do street crimes. What are their differences in criminal commitment and crime control (so to be effectively reduce their crime rate)?
Question 2257 Push And Pull Factors
Please consider this note from my professor. as I have told others who selected this as one of their topics, make sure that you are researching the involuntary servitude as a result of human trafficking, as opposed to those who do it voluntarily and or to repay or support drug habits, etc. The term we would want to use is “sex trafficking” as opposed to prostitution.
Question 2258 Police study of Canadian corrections
This assessment is worth 40% of your final grade (Section A worth 25% and Section B worth 15%); • You are responsible for answering ALL short answer questions in Section A and ONE long answer question in Section B; • There is no length requirement for your answers. The only requirement is that you answer the question effectively; • Answers should be double-spaced in 12 font; • The questions cover all Instructor’s notes, section readings and required readings; • You are expected to answer the questions using the required course content. No sources outside of required course content are required to answer questions; • Materials should be referenced where necessary using APA or MLA; and • Answers should be well organized, coherent, exhibit critical thinking skills and incorporate theory wherever possible. Should anyone have any questions regarding the above guidelines please do not hesitate to contact me. Leanne SECTION A: Answer ALL questions below. Worth 25% 1. Identify and explain some types of early release options for both provincial and federal inmates. 2. Discuss how classification relates to inmate placement and movement inside of prisons. 3. Explain solitary confinement and institutionalization. 4. Define and discuss the goals of correctional case management. 5. Discuss the importance of an interaction between police and corrections. SECTION B: Answer ONE question below. Worth 15% 1. Sam is currently serving a term of 245 days for impaired driving, theft over $5,000 and breach of probation. He has been found guilty of assaulting another inmate and, as a result, was charged institutionally and served a week in a segregated unit of the prison. What are some early release options available to him? What factors and assessments would you consider in rendering a decision to support or deny his early release application? 2. Discuss the origins and basic tenets of the inmate code.
Question 2259 Female serial murderers
This is a reaction paper to these two videos. Discus the role of gender plays in the development of the female serial offender. How are the motivations for the crimes similar and different to male offenders? Be sure to give examples to support your findings.
Question 2260 Combating Juvenile Delinquency
Due Week 7 and worth 120 points Use the Internet and Strayer databases to research your community’s current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency through incarceration programs or other sanctions. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Identify at least two (2) juvenile delinquency reduction efforts / programs currently in operation in your community. Determine the main sociological theories that underlie these interventions that shape your community’s public policy for delinquency prevention. Propose one to two (1–2) ideas that you believe would improve your community’s juvenile delinquency prevention efforts. Justify the response with examples that illustrate your ideas being used successfully in other communities. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Differentiate between various theoretical explanations for delinquent behavior. Explicate the types of prevention programs that are likely to work with high-risk youngsters. Use technology and information resources to research issues in juvenile delinquency and justice. Write clearly and concisely about juvenile delinquency and justice using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric found here
Question 2261 Quantative techniques
Secondary analysis of quantitative data. conduct a small exercise in secondary quantaive data analysis data from the crime survey for England and Wales. identify a resarch question that considers the relationship between two or three variables. provide summary and statistics of the individual variables then explore the relationship between them drawing on appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. include in your portfolio the details of ypur research question, summary and interpretation of the statistics you produce and your conclusion. commentary needs to be 500 words.
Question 2262 Expressing Your Ideas for a Professional Audience
Identify a problem or issue in your chosen career field. Imagine you are now working in your dream job. You have, however, noticed a problem in the organization, business, or nonprofit you work for and want to use your problem-solving skills to help address the issue. Locate one source which addresses this problem and could be integrated into your professional memo to support your ideas. Write a 3–4-paragraph memo to a decision maker within this organization, addressing the problem and the solution you propose. Integrate one source which addresses this problem and could be integrated into your professional memo to support your ideas.
Question 2263 The nature of crime and victimization
reflect on what information on crime is collected and how. Discuss what you see as the shortcomings of the crime statistics currently available to the public and the data itself (note: that includes the methods of collecting the data as well as the type of information collected for crime statistics and crime trends), and offer some realistic solutions to overcome these flaws. Make sure to document your opinion with evidence (Can be links to official documents, articles, research, statistics. Please do not use opinions without clear evidentiary foundations).
Question 2264 What are the chief distinctions between the civil law and the criminal law
Please answer the following four questions for your research response. 1) What are the chief distinctions between the civil law and the criminal law? 2) Why do criminal and civil law sometimes overlap? (Provide an example). 3) What are some of the societal interests served by the criminal law mentioned in your book? (List four with examples). 4) Should certain categories like public health and the natural environment be subject only to civil, rather than criminal sanctions, and why or why not? This assignment should be 2-4 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins all around. Please submit this assignment as a word document and cite all of your references.
Put the following measures in order from best idea to the worst idea to reduce prison overcrowding, based on available evidence. Explain why you selected your “top” choice and your “last resort” choice. 1) Shortening Sentences, 2) Allowing prisoners early release for good behavior and participation in educational and work programs, 3) Developing local programs to keep more nonviolent and first-time offenders active and working in the community, 4) Giving the parole board more authority to release offenders early, 5) Increasing taxes to build more prisons. Discuss and document your opinion with evidence, and be specific in your recommendations. (Evidence can be links to official documents, articles, research, statistics. Please do not use opinions without clear evidentiary foundations).
Question 2266 Mind of a Murderer
What you need to do is to download the attached file (video transcript) below, read through the video transcript, then use “concepts” you learned from this chapter and put down your analysis in writing. The more concepts you can apply, the higher points you may earn from this assignment. The transcript is about a mass murderer–Kenneth Bianchi, the man who came to be known as the Hillside Strangler. Please notice that plagiarism examination is performed by the Blackboard program.
Question 2267 Mind of a Murderer
What you need to do is to download the attached file (video transcript) below, read through the video transcript, then use “concepts” you learned from this chapter and put down your analysis in writing. The more concepts you can apply, the higher points you may earn from this assignment. The transcript is about a mass murderer–Kenneth Bianchi, the man who came to be known as the Hillside Strangler. Please notice that plagiarism examination is performed by the Blackboard program.
Question 2268 critical discuss six media articles from broadsheets on crime
Critical Media Diary (3600 words): 100% Assignment: Critical Media Diary: 100% The assignment for this module will take the form of a critical media diary. For this assignment, you are required to make 6 diary entries – 2 on street crime; 2 on suite crime, and two and state crime. Each entry should be a maximum of 600 words, excluding references. The total length of the critical media diary should not exceed 3600 words, excluding references. For each diary entry, you are required to source a newspaper article from a broadsheet newspaper which is related to either street, suite or state crime and to discuss its key points in relation to the academic literature on that particular form of crime. You should also review what you have learnt during the lectures and tutorials. This could include, for example, the difficulty of accurately measuring crime; conceptions or misconceptions concerning rape; how powerful corporations may evade sanction for criminal activities; how state crime may be denied or reframed. These themes are, however, only brief suggestions – there is considerable scope to develop your own critical analysis depending on the articles you choose. You may choose newspaper articles from 1 September 2017 onwards.
Question 2269 Moral Issue Case Summary
Write a 2-page summary paper (full APA reference must be utilized) whereby you will summarize the author’s points of the case. Additionally, you must include and write the premise(s) and argument(s) of the case you are summarizing. Moral issue case will be race. Which is in my book I will scan and send.
Question 2270 Explain the possible consequences of polydrug use and mental health issues
Discuss how alcoholism and heredity, environment, and psychoactive drugs play a part in this chronic disease. 2 Explain the potential withdrawal symptoms that occur when a person is dependent on alcohol. 3 Discuss the effects of alcohol abuse during pregnancy can have on the fetus, newborn, and a child’s development. 4 Explain the possible consequences of polydrug use and mental health issues.
Question 2271 Manslaughter v. Murder
Is it legitimate for a jury to find a defendant guilty of manslaughter in a case where there is evidence of premeditation, simply because members of the jury feel that the defendant was somewhat justified in taking the life of the victim? Please post your reply to the above question of at least 150 words
Question 2272 Research Response
Please answer the following questions. 1) What is the difference between first-degree murder, felony murder, and second-degree murder? (Provide an example for each). 2) What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter? Should voluntary manslaughter be used to lower charges from murder in certain cases? Is this justified, and how could this be justified? 3) What are the differences between simple and aggravated assault, and simple and aggravated battery? From your readings, are these definitions always easy to apply to the facts of any given case, especially when determining what is a “deadly weapon” and what is “great bodily harm”? Please type your response in word format, 2-4 pages in length. They should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point font, with one-inch margins all around. Please cite your book and other resources.
Question 2273 Deviant behavior Discussion
Question(s): Would you consider socially and self-destructive behaviors discussed in this section as a sociologically anomic response to rapidly changing society? In what way do the processes of deviance ascription reflect lifestyle class-based biases? Take into consideration how differences are socially constructed and defined; where street whores are bad but call girls not so bad and have a code of’ ethics’, crack ‘addiction’ is bad but cocaine ‘abuse’ is not so bad, human racialized preferences are color-coded etc… Is the imposition of mainstream standards unfair to marginal groups in light of the different conditions attached to social location and the resources that characterize non-mainstream social environments? Most significantly how do social boundaries and non-conformity functionally promote unity and simultaneously tear at the fabric that holds society together? In your opinion, does imposing a narrow and at times difficult to match expectation of normative conduct, achievement, and lifestyle tautologically create the grounds for exclusion and inequality that characterizes marginal lifestyles in a society characterized by diversity and individual sovereignty?
Question 2274 Project Timeline
Assume that you are a member of a city-wide task force appointed by your mayor for the purpose of addressing the issue of homeless persons in your area. You have been tasked with developing a grant or foundation-funded proposal for a project to assist homeless persons in your community. Develop a project timeline that lists the following: The persons responsible for the project and their job titles Tasks, goals, or duties Projected dates when each part of the implementation of the grant will occur Include a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that explains your timeline in detail.
Question 2275 Discourse Community
Audience: Your instructor and other members of your discourse community. Purpose: Answer the research questions: “How does my discourse community communicate? What are commonly used genres in my community?” Length: 6+ pages and References Instructions: Research a minimum of five different genres used by an organization within your discourse community – a non-profit, a social justice organization, a health care system, a judicial system, etc. Examples could include: press releases, advertising materials (build boards, print ads, video ads), websites, memos, reports, scholarly articles, Twitter feeds of major figures or institutions, Facebook pages, job ads, descriptions for majors at colleges, and so on. Include a References page in the style of your field. Step One: Locate an organization or institution in your field. Our library session will help with this step. Step Two: Examine the genres used by the organization. For example, in a higher education discourse community, you could look at the following genres associated with the University of Baltimore: the school’s website, the school’s Twitter feed, an article about the school from a newspaper, a job ad from UB, and a scholarly article dealing with the school’s policy on sexual harassment program. Each of these constitutes a different genre. Step Three: Draft an informative paper showcasing your research. A. Identify each type of genre. What genre is it? What are the general conventions associated with this genre? In other words, what expectations do we have surrounding this communication? Explain it as though you’re explaining it to someone who has never seen this type of text before. B. How does your discourse community adopt this genre in order for the purposes of spreading information for members? What is the purpose of the piece? What information does it present? How do we know it is part of your discourse community – jargon, content, or both? Include textual evidence and a citation from your specific examples. C. In your conclusion, reflect on how your discourse community spreads information to members.
Question 2276 Discussion Questions Chapter 6
1 Explain some of the physical and mental effects of psychedelics. 2 What classifies as an “all arounder”? 3 Discuss the benefit rational for and against medical marijuana. 4 With the legalization of marijuana, what does research show regarding driving under the influence? 5 Explain the effects of marijuana on the brain of a juvenile. 6 Discuss addiction and marijuana.
Question 2277 The death penalty
Writing Prompt: The Death Penalty According to the US Supreme Court and the US Constitution, capital punishment is acceptable when the severity of the sentence has been deemed to be appropriate to the severity of the crime. Some people believe the death penalty is a just form of capital punishment for the crime of first degree murder. As of January 2018, 31 states permit capital punishment. On the other hand, some people believe the death penalty is unjust because it violates the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution, which forbids “cruel and unusual punishment.” Write a minimum of two pages (1” margins, 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, APA Formatting) in which you explain whether or not you believe the death penalty is a just form of capital punishment to be permitted in your state. You may use the following information, your own experiences, observations, and/or readings (should have 2 references/citations to support your position). Arguments in favor of the death penalty: • The death penalty prevents future murders • A just society requires the death penalty for the taking of a life • Death penalty is more humane than life imprisonment • Death penalty is more economical than life imprisonment • The death penalty is usually applied fairly • Executing the innocent is a rare but acceptable risk of the death penalty Arguments against the death penalty: • The death penalty is not a proven deterrent to future murders • The death penalty is not a just response for the taking of a life • Death penalty precludes the chance for guilty person to reform and “pay-back” society • The death penalty is sometimes applied unfairly • There is a risk of executing people who are actually innocent “If a punishment is unusually severe, if there is a strong probability that it is inflicted arbitrarily, if it is substantially rejected by contemporary society, and if there is no reason to believe that it serves any penal purpose more effectively than some less severe punishment, then the continued infliction of that punishment violates the command of the Clause that the State may not inflict inhuman and uncivilized punishments upon those convicted of crimes. Under these principles and this test, death is today a ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment.” -US Supreme Court Justice William Brennan “How come life in prison doesn’t mean life? Until it does, we’re not ready to do away with the death penalty. Stop thinking in terms of “punishment” for a minute and think in terms of safeguarding innocent people from incorrigible murderers.” -Jesse Ventura, Former Governor of Minnesota “In the last 30 years, 124 inmates were found to be innocent and released from death row.” -American Civil Liberties Union website As you write your paper, remember to: � Consider the purpose, audience, and context of your message/paper � Organize your paper so that your ideas progress logically � Include relevant details that clearly develop your message/paper � Paper should be APA formatting, minimum 2 pages, and academic language
Question 2278 Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
1 What are inhalants and how do they affect the body and mind? 2 How does the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) classify Inhalant-Related Disorders? 3Discuss performance-enhancing drugs and how they have affected the sports world. 4 Explain some of the side effects of these performance-enhancing drugs? 5 Name one of the other “compulsive behaviors” mentioned in Chapter 7 and speak to its dangers. Examples; compulsive gambling, compulsive buying disorder, hoarding, eating disorders, electronic addictions.
Question 2279 What regions, or parts of the country, would you say have cultures that are more conducive to crime
Please answer the following questions: Provide a modern-day example(s) of different cultures and subcultures in the United States. What regions, or parts of the country, would you say have cultures that are more conducive to crime? Explain. What areas in Miami are conducive to crime? Explain. Make sure to: Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words. Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities. Address all questions. Use proper grammar and punctuation. If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
Question 2280 Criminology scholarly activity
Instructions In this unit, we looked at the biological theories of crime. For this scholarly activity, you will explain four theories of crime from Chapters 3 and 4. Some of the biosocial theories focus on internal factors, such as low blood sugar, hormonal differences, and atavistic features. In your explanation of each theory, include responses to the following items: Explain the basic concepts of the theory. How is the theory related to crime? Do you personally feel that the theory is acceptable as a potential reason for crime? Explain your answer. Is there research to substantiate this theory? In accordance with APA style, format your scholarly activity with level one headings for each theory, and then answer the questions pertaining to that theory. Your scholarly activity (a combination of all four theories) must be two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one outside source; however, you may need to use more in order to successfully complete this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced. Resources The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.
Question 2281 Explain the effects of drugs on maturation
Explain concepts of prevention and some of the challenges. 2 Speak to some of the fetal and neonatal complications caused by alcohol. 3 Do class and race play a role in drug use and addiction? If so, why? 4 Explain the effects of drugs on maturation. 5 What are some of the conditions that put adolescents more at risk for substance abuse?
Question 2282 Community Oriented Policing
The text discussed three types of police strategies to address and reduce crime: Problem Oriented Policing (POP), Community Oriented Policing (COP) and Zero Tolerance Policing. If you were a Sheriff/Police Chief in Northern Nevada, which strategy or strategies would you use and why? little more than half page finish it up in next 15 hours, please.
Question 2283 Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act is one of several Federal laws governing the environment and wildlife covered in your book. Is the ESA necessary to protect endangered species, or should states have the ultimate authority here? Are the effects sometimes too far-reaching, or are these results and penalties equitable when considering the effect on the environment? Please respond to the above question with at least 150 words. finish in next 17 hours please
Question 2284 Discuss the California Drug and Alcohol Treatment Assessment.
Discuss the California Drug and Alcohol Treatment Assessment. List the concepts that support practices in the field. 2 Name two different types of treatment facilities mentioned in Chapter 9 and which you would believe to be the most beneficial to clients and why. The two most effective treatment facilities mentioned in chapter nine are the medical model detoxification program and social model recovery. 3 Discuss “recognition and acceptance” concepts that go along with treatment 4 Explain “group therapy” and how it can benefit treatment 5 What are the four goals of family treatment? 6 When treating addiction, why is cultural awareness important?
Question 2285 Do you think today’s law enforcement officer’s abuse their discretion?
Do you think today’s law enforcement officer’s abuse their discretion? If you were a Sheriff/Police Chief how would you monitor your officer’s use of discretion? What steps would you take to ensure it wasn’t abused?
Question 2286 What is a person’s “reasonable expectation of privacy
Please answer the following questions. 1) What is a person’s “reasonable expectation of privacy”? (Include the factors from Justice Harlan’s concurrence in Katz). 2) Why is it important in the area of search and seizure law? 3) Should one have a reasonable expectation of privacy from infrared detectors and other high tech devices that enable law enforcement officers to “see” heat emanating from inside our homes? Why or why not? 4) Should it matter whether these devices are “currently in public use,” and why or why not? Is this a useful standard? 5) Would it matter what kind of images these devices can “see” and why or why not? Please write your response in word format, 2-4 pages in length. They should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point font, with one-inch margins all around. Please cite your sources. if you do 3 and a half page, “not including a cover page and work citation page” that would be grate
Question 2287 Criminal Justice
Apply what you have learned in this course and provide an answer to the following question.Base your answer on the law, facts, Rules of Evidence, and academic learning, not emotion. Your answer should be between 500 – 700 words. Be concise, write clearly and academically. Question: a. Define, discuss and provide examples of the special populations found within the state prison system, and then answer the following questions related to these populations: b. What aspects of a prisoner’s background require they be confined outside the the general prison population. c. Describe concerns with placement of inmates who have a know gang affiliation. d. Upon her return to the community, what challenges might a former female inmate face? Submissions: 1) Your answer should be well-written, concise, detailed, and academic. 2) Answer shall be between 500 – 700 words. 3) Give a thorough explanation of the question. Expand on your thoughts. Provide examples. 4) Be mindful of due date and time. 5) Be very specific and give specific examples from readings and other class materials.
Question 2288 Scholarly Activity
For this scholarly activity, you will explain the link between crime patterns, trends, and theory. Referencing Chapters 7 and 8, you will focus on social criminological theories and their relation to crime rates. Select two theories (one from Chapter 7 and one from Chapter 8), and include responses to the following points in your scholarly activity: Explain the theories (one to two paragraphs for each theory). In your explanation, include how these would either raise or lower the crime rate and your rationale as to why. Explain how peer groups, families, and social organizations positively or negatively affect your theory. Explain your thoughts on the theories as far as their applicability to explain crime. Do you think these are relevant? Why, or why not? Is there anything missing that would make them explain crime better? Your scholarly activity must be a minimum of two pages in length. Outside sources are not a requirement; however, if you choose to use outside sources, they must be cited and referenced.
Question 2289 Private Security Company for Boundary Protection in HK
Imagine you are a law enforcement officer (i.e. customs officer) in Hong Kong working in boundary protection duties, provide your personal views by answering the attached list of questions (please elaborate as far as practicable whether you answered Yes or No to each question.
Question 2290 Research Response
Sentencing theory and practice have changed over time. Please answer the following questions. (As always, the book provides a good start but you may need to access some outside sources). 1) Define indeterminate and determinate sentencing and explain the difference. 2) Do you agree with removing discretion from the judge in sentencing, and why or why not? 3) Discuss at least two pros and two cons of mandatory minimum sentencing. 4) Does mandatory minimum sentencing vest too much discretion in the prosecutor, and why or why not? Please type your response in word format, 2-4 pages in length, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, with one-inch margins all around. Please cite your sources in text and in the references section.
Question 2291 Probation and Parole
Discuss the following: What are the greatest benefits or strengths of probation for the community and what are its greatest costs or weaknesses? How does the offender benefit from Probation and how does the community benefit from Probation? Give examples of how the community and the criminal justice system can benefit from the use of Probation/Parole. How can greater use of these programs hurt the community?
Question 2292 Why is the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution particularly important to evidence law
For this weeks discussion please answer the following the questions. 1) What is evidence law and what is its purpose? 2) Why is the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution particularly important to evidence law? 3) In your opinion, what other Amendment or Amendments are highly important to evidence law, and why? These discussions are worth 20 points each and will be graded on form and content. Because this is an online setting these discussions offer an excellent opportunity to be engaged in the class. Discussion responses must be thought-provoking, well thought out, and at least 250 words in length.
Question 2293 Ethical and Cultural Relativism Compared and Contrasted with Ethical Absolutism
Ethical and Cultural Relativism Compared and Contrasted with Ethical Absolutism Length: 3 pages, 12 point font APA format. Your paper must have a cover page, a running head, introduction, conclusion, and source list. An abstract is not necessary. Due February 1. Late papers will lose points, and no papers will be accepted after February 11. Guidelines: Define each of the following terms: Ethical relativism, cultural relativism, and ethical absolutism. Cite your sources (author, title, publication, year) for each definition. Per APA guidelines, use a short, parenthetical citation immediately after you provide information that is not original, and a full citation in a source list at the end of the paper. DO NOT use wikipedia or other unreliable sources. Explain how ethical relativism and ethical absolutism are related to one another. What word would you use to characterize their relationship? In general terms, how would a person practicing ethical relativism evaluate the morality of the customs or practices of people from a different culture? Whose moral standards would the ethical relativist apply? In general terms how would a person practicing ethical absolutism evaluate the morality of the customs or practices of people from a different culture? What moral standard would the ethical absolutist apply? What is your cultural or ethnic background? Discuss one practice from this culture that may be viewed as controversial. How would a person practicing ethical relativism evaluate the morality of this practice? Whose moral standard would the ethical relativist apply? What would the ethical relativist’s conclusion about the morality of the act or practice be? How would a person practicing ethical absolutism evaluate the morality of this practice? What moral standard would the ethical relativist apply? What would the ethical absolutist’s conclusion about the morality of the act or practice be? Discuss one practice from U.S. culture that may be viewed as controversial by people of other cultures. How would a person practicing ethical relativism evaluate the morality of this practice? Whose moral standard would the ethical relativist apply? What would the ethical relativist’s conclusion about the morality of the act or practice be? How would a person practicing ethical absolutism evaluate the morality of this practice? What moral standard would the ethical relativist apply? What would the ethical absolutist’s conclusion about the morality of the act or practice be? Grading Rubric: Student defines ethical relativism (1 point) Student defines cultural relativism (1 point) Student defines ethical absolutism (1 point) Student explains the relationship between relativism and absolutism accurately (1 point) Student explains practicing relativism in general terms (1 point) Student explains practicing absolutism in general terms (1 point) Student discusses at least 1 American custom in the context of relativism and absolutism (2 points) Student discusses at least 1 custom from another culture in the context of absolutism and relativism (2 points)
Question 2294 Cremen v. Harrah’s Marina Hotel Casino, 680 F. Supp. 150 AND Di Cosala v. Kay, 91 N.J. 159
In this assignment you are required to: 1: Read the provided material on the cases of: Cremen v. Harrah’s Marina Hotel Casino, 680 F. Supp. 150 Di Cosala v. Kay, 91 N.J. 159 2: Do any independent research on the subject that may be necessary or desirable. 3. Produce a reaction paper that meets the academic requirements to wit: a. All submissions must be typed on a Word document, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. b. Put class, name, and date at top 1st page c. Students may not submit course work from other classes. d. Papers should exhibit originality, content, clarity, and proper use of references. e. Papers must be submitted through canvas before or on the paper’s due date. REACTION PAPER GUIDANCE GOAL: Show that you understand the thesis, main ideas, and supporting ideas in the material you are writing about, then state it in your own words. Then apply the material to our course work and offer your opinion. The paper consists of two parts: PART 1 Identify all of the “basic information: about the material that you can, including: • the author of the material, the title of the material; • the topic or subject of the material—for example, “The study of security” or “The concepts of security.” In other words, tell what the material is about in a word or a phrase; • the author’s purpose or motive for writing the material—for example, “to expose the dangerous conditions regarding national security” or “to show how the government is taking measures to increase security”; • the author’s thesis statement (might be similar to the purpose, but not necessarily). PART 2 Write about what you gained from reading the material including: • What the author is trying to convey in the material. • YOUR opinion about what the material says, in your own language. The reaction paper should be no less than 350 words. Double spaced and written to a college level work product.
Question 2295 Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment
What was the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment? How was it conducted? Who conducted it? How does it represent a step forward for quantitative research in criminal justice? Using this model, design an experiment to study a specific type of crime other than domestic violence. file:///M:/publicpc/Desktop/Minneapolis%20Domestic%20Violence%20Experiment.pdf
Question 2296 Criminological theory article review
The review should include a summary of the article and a brief discussion including your opinion on the topic in general and the article itself. The summary and opinion piece should be no longer than 3 pages. Use 12pt. Times New Roman type. Papers should be formatted to be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and formatted using APA guidelines. Remember the paper can be on any criminological theory covered in the text. I will provide the article for this assignment.
Question 2297 Three Strikes Legislation
Define three strikes legislation, and cite your source. (not wikipedia or any other source without an author) Research a “three stikes law” (statute) of any state, and write the citation and the entire text of the law in your paper. Give three statistical examples (with citations) that show a reduction in crime in a jurisdiction that has enacted a three strikes law. ( but not Washington state) Write and explain (or support with statistics or financial figures) three reasons why some people oppose three strikes legislation. Do you support or oppose three strikes legislation? Why ? Do you feel that three strikes legislation is ethical? Why or why not?
Question 2298 A Case of Deadly Force, Deconstructed
A Case of Deadly Force, Deconstructed Choose an event that took place in the U.S. in which police used force and caused the death of a person. Read about the event in three different sources, and also watch any video recordings of the even that have been released. Write about the incident, and be sure to include the following: The name of the subject of the deadly force, and the day, time, and place where he/she was subjected to the force. How many officers allegedly used the force against the person, the names of those officers, the type of force that was used, and how many officers allegedly used the force against the person What was the cause of the initial encounter between the subject of the deadly force and the police? What were the four goals of the police with respect to the person against whom the force was used, themselves, and the general public? What are the facts that lead to the use of force? What happened during the 10 seconds that immediately preceded the use of deadly force by police? According to the account given by the officers involved, why did they use the amount of force that they used? What, if anything could the officers have done differently, and still achieved each of their goals with respect to the subject of the deadly force, themselves and the general public. Be sure to mention each of the four goals that you mentioned in response to guideline #4. What was the outcome of the deadly force? Were criminal charges brought against the officers? Were they indicted? Were they tried in a criminal court? If yes, what was the verdict? Was a civil complaint filed for the violation of the civil or constitutional rights of the person against whom they used deadly physical force? If yes, By whom? What was the outcome of that lawsuit? Do you believe the use of force by the police during this incident was ethical? Please evaluate the force used by applying the five factors that we discussed in class regarding whether the use of force was ethical. Be sure to address each and every factor to earn full credit for this guideline. Don’t forget to write a conclusion Cite at least three sources
Question 2299 Factory Farming
Factory Farming Describe the conditions under which chickens, pigs and cattle are raised in modern factory farms. Describe the impact factory farming has on the animals? Describe the impact factory farming has on the environment? Describe the impact factory farming has on world hunger? Is there any moral justification for subjecting animals to the practices of factory farming? If yes, what is the justification? Is it ethically wrong to raise and slaughter animals under these conditions? Is it necessary to slaughter animals for food? Under Utilitarian theory, is it ethically right to raise and slaughter animals for food? What actions can an individual take to end the practices of factory farming?
Question 2300 Courts, Prosecution, and the Defense
The courts have one of the most important roles in the criminal justice system. They are responsible for the interpretation and application of law when crimes are committed, They exert some of their greatest influence when it involves due process under the law. The due process model argues that the greatest concern of the justice system should be providing fair and equitable treatment to those accused of crime. This perspective is demonstrated through the courts’ involvement with the police in controlling search and seizure and interrogation, protecting the rights of the accused, in cases like Miranda v. Arizona and Weeks v. United States. Have concerns over due process and protecting the “allegedly” innocent led to the guilty also being spared, as the crime control model would argue? Criminologist Herbert Packer’s assembly line concept finds that although there are many people who commit crime and are arrested and charged, only about 21 adults are incarcerated for every 1000 serious crimes committed. Additionally, 80 percent of all felony cases and over 90 percent of misdemeanors are settled without trial. On the other hand, over time, the Supreme Court has been diminishing the scope of the exclusionary rule. This normally excludes improperly obtained evidence by permitting more exceptions, thus allowing more “improperly obtained evidence” into court. For example, evidence is now admissible in court if the police officers acted in good faith by first obtaining court approval for their search, even if the warrant they received was deficient or faulty. This has come to be known as the good faith exception. Based on your understanding from the readings in chapters 6-8, and keeping in mind the due process and crime control models, write a 2- page paper in which you discuss: Have criminals been given too many rights by the courts? Should courts be more concerned with the rights of victims or the rights of the offenders? Should illegally seized evidence be excluded from trial, even though it is conclusive proof of a person’s criminal acts?
Question 2301 Psychology survey questions
I am looking for survey questions using likert-scale questions regarding the big 5 and prejudice. These questions will be examined statistically through a statistician. These questions will examine how the big 5 personality traits can uncover any deep-rooted psychological attitudes, prejudice, and implicit biases towards differing segments of the population. These questions will be asked to future/current police officers.
Question 2302 Administrative and Special Needs Searches
Using Nexis Uni, find a TEXAS case (a case decided by a Texas court, not a federal court) and a news article from any news source on Nexis Uni dealing with one of the search issues discussed (Administrative and Special Needs Searches) . Next, summarize the case and news story and generate post citations for both. Your discussion should include a description of how you located the case and news article, the search features you used, a summary of the case and article, a feature you found helpful on Nexis Uni, a feature you found difficult, and how you think you could use Nexis-Uni in the future.
Question 2303 poster presentation
Create a Poster Presentation which outlines your Personal and Professional Development Plan, focussing on your Leadership competence and capability. This should be undertaken using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed) criteria, include the outcome of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, supporting references and reflect Covey’s model, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. my area is public health
Question 2304 Foundation of professional Nursing practice
APA 6 referencing is must. first paragraph would be why did i choose to become nurse? its ok to use Quotation and paraphrasing. pls NO foot notes. DOI is required for journal article. you can include some scenario of ” Florence Nintingale”. should be around 800 to 900 words.
Question 2305 Reflect on the communication and professionalism skills
I am a dietetic student working within NHS and i need a reflective piece of writing as if i was looking back over a one – one consultation with a service user when i was taking BMI, Waist measurements and food choices with the patient and general ability to communicate effectively as shown in attached coursework brief. Please make sure learning outcomes are met. 1, 4 and 5.
Question 2306 Data Policies and Initiatives
POWER POINT!!!! As the Office Manager for a large physician practice, you are charged with revising all the practice’s policies and procedures due the recent implementation of a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Based on your research, you want to recommend the appropriate policy initiatives that will positively influence the data integrity of the new EHR. In addition to revising existing policies, you need to develop and implement new policies and technologies to protect data integrity and validity. Recommend appropriate policy initiatives that influence data integrity. Develop and implement policies and technologies to protect data integrity and validity. Create a 10–15 slide PowerPoint presentation that details your recommendations, revisions, policy development and implementation plan. 4 references
Question 2307 Reflective journal
Learners are required to maintain a Reflective Journal integrating leadership and inquiry into current practice. In your journal, you will reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained in the current course addressing a variable combination of the following: new practice approaches, intraprofessional collaboration, health care delivery and clinical systems, ethical considerations in health care, population health concerns, the role of technology in improving health care outcomes, health policy, leadership and economic models, and/or health disparities. Outline what you discovered about your professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced, what additional resources and abilities could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and finally how you met the competencies aligned to this course.
Question 2308 Social determinants of health
1.Describe the population and health issue you selected, including why both the population and issue are important for the health profession. ( lesbian, gay, bisexual community and depression) 2. Explain which two social determinants of health most impact the health issue for this population and why. Choose 2: •Social support •Social norms and attitudes (e.g., discrimination, racism, and distrust of government) •Exposure to crime, violence, and social disorder (e.g., presence of trash and lack of cooperation in a community) 3. Explain how the social determinants of health that you selected impact the health behavior of your population and why.
Question 2309 Employee Initiative
Create a project focused on generating employee participation in a cause or movement in the MEDICAL office (ex. influenza immunizations, hand washing). You may utilize one of the appropriate platforms for the project: PowerPoint, research paper, or pamphlet. Select any topic focused on enhancing the safety or quality of the workplace. The project must include at least 4 scholarly resources and the course textbook in current APA format to support the goal of the project and any assertions. Option 1: PowerPoint Presentation The presentation must include 8–10 slides. Each slide must have at least 150 words in the notes area detailing what is on each slide. An additional slide listing all references in current APA format must be included. Images may be incorporated where appropriate, but they must be cited. Option 2: Research Paper The Research Paper must be between 4–5 pages, not including the title page and the reference page. This paper must be in current APA format. Use sources to fully support your assertions and conclusions. Option 3: Pamphlet Create a unique pamphlet highlighting the focus of your project. There must be at least 750 words of text. A separate reference page in current APA format must be submitted with the pamphlet. Images may be incorporated where appropriate, but they must be cited. If the program the pamphlet is created in is not Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, save the file as a PDF document. Your instructor may not have the program you create your pamphlet in and if that is the case, will not be able to open the document. Therefore, PDF format is required for any pamphlet not created in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
Question 2310 discussion board
When the patient was admitted to the hospital following a cerebral hemorrhage, her physician, who was not an employee of the hospital – he was a physician working with an emergency medicine group used by the hospital to run its emergency department – determined that she should be given a specific drug to reduce her blood pressure and make her condition operable, and he directed its administration. For an unexplained reason, the drug was not administered. The patient’s blood pressure rose, and after another hemorrhage the patient died. Selected Questions for Case Discussions Are all the elements required in a negligence suit present? What standard of care is required? Who would you consider to be the potential plaintiff and defendant? What legal theories came into play when making your decision? How would you argue for the plaintiff? What evidence would you present? How would you defend the defendant? What are your defense options? If you were on the jury, what would your finding be, based on only the facts as presented and the classroom discussion? If you find the defendant responsible, what damages would you award, and for what reasons? —————————————————————— second discussion board Read the article below. This represents an example of a corporate compliance plan gone wrong. After you read the article, refer to pages 332 and 333 for 11th edition and 189 for 12th edition in your book. They indicate what needs to be part of a corporate compliance plan. Explain what went wrong in this case; what the outcome was; what you suspect could have been different had an appropriate plan been in place and lastly, what would that plan contain? Date of Article: October 26, 2010 Glaxo to Pay $750 Million for Sale of Bad Products By GARDINER HARRIS and DUFF WILSON GlaxoSmithKline, the British drug giant, has agreed to pay $750 million to settle criminal and civil complaints that the company for years knowingly sold contaminated baby ointment and an ineffective antidepressant — the latest in a growing number of whistle-blower lawsuits that drug makers have settled with multimillion-dollar fines. Altogether, GlaxoSmithKline sold 20 drugs with questionable safety that were made at a huge plant in Puerto Rico that for years was rife with contamination. Cheryl D. Eckard, the company’s quality manager, asserted in her whistle-blower suit that she had warned Glaxo of the problems but the company fired her instead of addressing them. Among the drugs affected were Paxil, an antidepressant; Bactroban, an ointment; Avandia, a troubled diabetes drug; Coreg, a heart drug; and Tagamet, an acid reflux drug. No patients were known to have been sickened, although such cases would be difficult to trace. In a rising wave, recent lawsuits have asserted that drug makers misled patients and defrauded federal and state governments that, through Medicare and Medicaid, pay for much of health care. Using claims from industry insiders, federal prosecutors are not only demanding record fines but are hinting at more severe actions. Suffering a research drought, drug makers have laid off thousands of employees. Some of those dispatched have in turn filed whistle-blower lawsuits that can lead to criminal investigations. Justice Department officials announced the settlement in a news conference Tuesday afternoon in Boston, saying a $150 million payment to settle criminal charges was the largest such payment ever by a manufacturer of adulterated drugs. The outcome also provides $600 million in civil penalties. The share to the whistle-blower will be $96 million, one of the highest such awards in a health care fraud case. When asked whether any individual could be charged in addition to the corporation charges, Carmen M. Ortiz, the United States attorney for Massachusetts, would say only that the investigation was not yet complete. GlaxoSmithKline released a statement saying that it regretted operating the Puerto Rico plant in violation of good manufacturing practices. The company said the problem had involved only one plant that was closed in 2009. American shares in the company fell 0.35 percent on Tuesday. Tony West, the assistant attorney general in charge of the department’s civil division, said hundreds of such lawsuits were awaiting federal review. “We’ve opened more investigations, we’ve recovered more taxpayer dollars lost to fraud, we’ve had more convictions, higher penalties and fines in the last two years than we’ve had in any other two-year period,” Mr. West said in an interview. Whistle-blowers who win earn a cut of the eventual fine. Ms. Eckard will collect $96 million from the federal government, and she will collect additional millions from states. The suits, all filed under seal, have for years been rising in size and scope, but the collective threat to the industry has been largely unnoticed because the growing mountain is obscured by a wall of judicial secrecy. Each successful claim begets more suits, with more being filed almost every week. The suits are filed under a federal law originally intended to stop Civil War hucksters from selling rancid meat to the Union Army by paying bounties to tipsters. The pharmaceutical industry has become the law’s most successful target because the government now buys far more pills than bullets, and because fraud in health care is common. Health care cases accounted for some 80 percent of the $3.1 billion recovered by the Justice Department under the false claims act last year, the Taxpayers Against Fraud Education Fund, a nonprofit whistle-blower advocacy group in Washington, reported on Monday. Most of the money is typically returned to the programs in which false claims were filed, like Medicaid and Medicare. The Food and Drug Administration and the inspector general of the Health and Human Services Department both announced recently that they would pursue charges against executives personally under a strict liability provision of the law, something that has not been done since 2007 when the three top executives of Purdue Pharma were convicted, sentenced to probation and personally fined $34 million while Purdue paid $600 million. The rule allows executives to be prosecuted and barred from government sales even if they were not aware of specific violations. Legislation could make such claims easier to win. Last month, the House of Representatives passed a bill that permits executives to be barred even if they have left the company where the fraud occurred and that permits the inspector general to prosecute parent companies for the sins of subsidiaries. Pfizer alone has settled four whistle-blower cases since 2002, and it paid a $2.3 billion fine last year, the largest in history. Whistle-blower cases have become so routine that Wall Street no longer takes much notice of individual suits, while the growing trend remains hidden. When GlaxoSmithKline announced in July that it was setting aside $2.4 billion for legal costs, including enough to pay for the investigation into its Puerto Rico problems, the announcement was greeted with a yawn. Still, the case may lead to a collective industry shiver because it opens a new frontier for whistle-blower suits. Nearly all previous cases against the industry involved illegal marketing. This is the first successful case ever to assert that a drug maker knowingly sold contaminated products. “This case will change the way drug makers run their factories,” Ms. Eckard’s lawyer, Neil Getnick, said. Some of the antidepressant Paxil CR produced at the plant was ineffective because a layer of active ingredient split from a layer of a barrier chemical during manufacturing, the government said, and some lots contained only the barrier chemical. “The harm is really in the public’s confidence in the health care industry,” Ms. Ortiz said. “When you go to a pharmacy and you buy a drug, you expect that drug is what it purports to be and you don’t expect it to have any micro-organisms or not be sterile or not have the power or have too much power.” Ms. Eckard’s role in the case began in August 2002 when GlaxoSmithKline sent her to Cidra, south of San Juan, to lead a team of 100 quality experts to fix problems cited by an F.D.A. warning letter a month earlier. This was GlaxoSmithKline’s premier manufacturing facility, producing $5.5 billion of product each year. But Ms. Eckard soon discovered that quality control was a mess: the water system was contaminated; the air system allowed for cross-contamination between products; the warehouse was so overcrowded that rented vans were used for storage; the plant could not ensure the sterility of intravenous drugs for cancer; and pills of differing strengths were sometimes mixed in the same bottles. Although F.D.A. inspectors had spotted some problems, most were missed. And the company abandoned even the limited fixes it promised to conduct, the unsealed lawsuit says. Ms. Eckard complained repeatedly to senior managers; little was done. She recommended recalls of defective products; recalls were not authorized. In May 2003, she was terminated as a “redundancy.” She complained to top company executives, but she was ignored even after warning that she would call the F.D.A. So she called the F.D.A. and sued. The agency began a criminal investigation and used armed federal marshals in 2005 to seize nearly $2 billion worth of products, the largest such seizure in history. Unable to fix the plant, GlaxoSmithKline closed it in 2009. ————————————————————- the reply used i agree or disagree 1- COLLAPSE Are all the elements required in a negligence suit present? Yes, all of the elements are presented. Perhaps, the physicians weren’t doing no harm to the patient to cause death on purpose. Such as, he failed to do a follow up on the patient and causing the patient to lose their life. Finally, making sure the nurse’s administrated the drug in a timely manner could’ve prevented patient from losing their life. What standard of care is required? Making sure the patient receives the correct care while under the influence of nurses and physicians. In addition, a doctor requests a medicine for a patient it should be administrate right there in then to stable their health, and due to the fact the patient had two previous hemorrhage should have been aware of the patient sign and symptoms. Such as, a physician needed to following up on his patient care and make sure everything was flowing correctly. Who would you consider to be the potential plaintiff and defendant? What legal theories came into play when making your decision? The potential plaintiff would be the patient that passed away and Physicians and Hospital who played a responsibility in making decision for the patient health issue. Perhaps, didn’t administrate the drug in time could prevented the patient from dying. How would you argue for the plaintiff? Physician was aware of the patient health and requested it to be done and the hospital didn’t take it into their hands to make sure the patient was receiving the correct care while in their hands at that time. What evidence would you present? Medical records, showing a statement he signed to administrate the drugs to the patient. Due to the circumstance. How would you defend the defendant? He administered the drugs for the patient to become stable before starting the procedure but the nurses didn’t give the medication to the patient causing them to hemorrhage and passed away. Perhaps, some of the fault can also fall on the nurses. What are your defense options? Being sued, or having his licensee provoke with a settlement from the hospital and physician wrongdoing. If you were on the jury, what would your finding be, based on only the facts as presented and the classroom discussion? The physician not going into depth with the person medical history and what is causing this to happen numerously, and not beware of patient dying from not being treated in a timely matter. If you find the defendant responsible, what damages would you award, and for what reasons? ——————————————————— the reply used i agree or disagree 2- In the case presented, GlaxoSmithKline Company knowingly sold contaminated drugs even after being warned by the company’s quality manager who was sacked after revealing the deal. The justice department officials fined the company 600 million for civil penalties apart from $150 million to settle criminal charges from which the whistle blower was awarded $96 million as an incentive to encourage cases of whistle blowing. It eventually set aside $2.4 billion for legal and investigative costs. As a blow to the company, the federal shares fell drastically by 0.35%. In 2007, top executives of Purdue Pharma were sentenced and fined $34 million each and the company itself paid $600 million. If an appropriate corporate compliance program would have been adopted, the American shares would not have dropped and the company’s image would not have been tainted and eventual closure. Glaxo’s would not have made such losses both economically and in terms of customers. Glaxo would have established compliance standards and procedures followed by employees to reduce cases of criminal conduct with the top officials being assigned responsibility to keep an eye on the standards. Moreover, the company would have put in place disciplinary mechanisms for failure to detect offenses/problems. Finally, the organization would have taken necessary steps to deal with the offense rather than assuming it. please used easy vocabulary and basic grammar
Question 2311 Describe malpractice risks for radiologists and attending physicians
enter to this website sign in my user name is ; i will send it to you password is i will send it to you go to my books and you will find the book and answer with short answer the questions Read Chapter 10 and 23 in the 12th Edition Answer the following review questions: 2. Why is it important that the governing body approve the appointment and reappointment of physicians to the medical staff? 4. Under what circumstances should a hospital be liable for a physician’s negligence? 7. Describe malpractice risks for radiologists and attending physicians. 8. Is a poor outcome always an indication of a negligent act? Explain. 9. When is a physician considered to have abandoned his or her patient? 10. What types of claims does liability insurance cover? What does it NOT cover? Save your answers as a separate document in a .docx or .pdf format and submit using this link. Read Chapter 11 in the 12th Edition. Read the “It’s Your Gavel” case on pages 259 – 260 and answer the following questions: 1. What are the facts of the case? 2. Are all the elements required in a negligence suit present? 3. What standard of care is required? 4. Who would you consider to be the potential plaintiff and defendant? 5. How would you argue for the plaintiff? 6. What evidence would you present? 7. How would you defend the defendant? 8. What are your defense options? 9. If you were on the jury, what would your finding be, based on only the facts as presented and the classroom discussion? 10. If you find the defendant responsible, what damages would you award, and for what reasons? 11. What are your options if you, as plaintiff or defendant, are unhappy with the jury’s decision?
Question 2312 Journal entries two seperate entrie labled one and two
#1.Leadership Approaches to Complex Problems Problems often come in bunches. As the HR Director of a large health system, you are beset with a wide variety of difficult situations. You have been served notice by a union representative that they are expecting contract negotiations to start and therefore you need to start preparing. You anticipate this will be a major challenge due to anticipated demands for increases across the board. You also have other items to deal with, including: •A disciplinary action to oversee concerning a nurse accused of stealing drugs. •A board committee is seeking direction on establishing new policies on smoking and obesity. •Implementation of a diversity program for the faculty is requiring a lot of your attention. How would you go about handling each of these situations and what approach would you use? Describe your answer in detail, citing 2 references in APA format where appropriate. Your Journal entry should be at least 400 words. #2 Leadership Throughout History History is filled with tales of leaders who were brave, selfless, and achieved glorious accomplishments. Your text discusses how leadership theory has been categorized throughout time, from the culture of ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, to the “toolbox” style of today. The first category, known as the “Great Man” phase, focused on the traits that make an effective leader. This period ranges from circa 450 B.C. to the 1940s, and includes classic examples such as the aforementioned Egyptian period and the expansive influence of the Roman Empire. The second category, known as the Behavior phase, spanned the 1940s to the 1960s, and focused on determining the types of behavior that leaders utilized to influence and affect others. The final category is the Situational phase. This line of research began in the 1970s and is still present today. It suggests that leaders have a broad understanding of the various types of leadership styles, and can choose the appropriate one to handle a given situation. In this Journal, discuss each phase, do research and provide examples of influential leaders from each phase, and explain how and why they were so influential. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words, and cite 2 references in APA format
Question 2313 Conduct a literature and prepare three senior level leadership
1 -200 words one reference Identify data sources and the data extraction methodology that you plan to use in your Unit 3 research project proposal Assignment that would optimize administrative, clinical, financial, and public health outcomes. Include the impact that economics would have on your choice of extraction methods. #2- 200 words one reference After conducting a literature review, explain the impact ethics, standards, and the law have on the ability to optimize financial and clinical outcomes. #3-200 words one reference Conduct a literature and prepare three senior level leadership, and cultural transformation models you plan to include in your research proposal that would force innovative change based on strategies to improve healthcare costs, quality, safety, and clinical outcomes. #4-200 words one reference Research the difference between federal public policy that was mandated between 2009 and 2010 (ARRA HITECH and Pl 111-148) and healthcare policy and procedures. Prepare an explanation for how public policy mandates cause policy and procedure to change. These are 4 separate entries must be 200 words each and have a reference, they can have the same reference
Question 2314 LEADERSHIP 3
Team Building Jack Elliott heads a key department at your hospital. Robert Corning heads another key department. Jack and Robert truly despise each other. Robert had an affair with Jack’s wife, resulting in a divorce from Jack, and Robert’s marriage to Jack’s former wife. During the course of the ending marriage, separation with attempts to reconcile, and eventual divorce, Robert and Jack even got into two fistfights—one at the home of Jack and his (then) wife, and one at work. This history becomes important because you must address a major problem confronting your hospital, and it is essential that the departments headed by Jack and Robert be key parts of the matrix team that you are developing. It is obviously vital that all of the requisite components work well together. Representation on the leadership team is supposed to be at the department head level. What problems are presented here? How do you propose to deal with those problems? Present a checklist for building your team. Be sure to address the following: •Any legal issues •Institutional policy issues •Documentation Describe your answer in detail, citing references. #2- 415 WORDS -Complexities in Leadership At your hospital, the Committee on Medical Ethics is a medical staff committee. It answers to the Medical Executive Committee and the medical staff president, and its members are jointly appointed by the president of the Medical Staff and committee chair. Although it is a Medical Staff Committee, its membership is multidisciplinary, including physicians, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and members of the lay public (for community representation). Most members of the committee have received training in clinical ethics consultation, and were chosen because of their interest in resolution of ethical issues and their interpersonal qualities with patients and staff. The hospital administration has engaged a consulting firm to “modernize” its structure. The consultants have advised converting the “old” social worker approach to the contemporary position of case manager. The consultants note that three social workers sit on the Ethics Committee. The social worker members of the Ethics Committee were advised that they will no longer serve on said committee, and that their place will be taken by the manager of case management, who has no experience in ethics consultation, nor does she know anything about the history of Ethics Committee activities at your hospital. The chair of the Ethics Committee is informed that three of his committee members are “out.” The chair is livid, and there is also an immediate reaction from all the rest of the committee members, most especially the medical staff members of the committee— something about separation of powers is mentioned. You have been assigned by the hospital administrator to “handle this mess.” How would you go about doing so? If you had been told to handle the proposed committee reconfiguration from the very beginning, what would you have done differently from what was done? What change management practices would you have implemented to have these adjustments be handled better?
Question 2315 Cardiovascular diseases
Post a summary of how the five population health determinants (access to health care, individual behavior, social environment, physical environment, and genetics) affect your selected health issue, and which determinants you think are most impactful for that particular issue and why. Explain how epidemiologic data supports the significance of your issue, and explain how this data has been used in designing population health measures and policy initiatives. To prepare: Review the article “A Population Health Framework for Setting National and State Health Goals,” focusing on population health determinants. Review the information in the blog post “What Is Population Health?” With this information in mind, elect a population health issue that is of interest to you. Using this week’s Learning Resources, the Walden Library, and other relevant resources, conduct a search to locate current data on your population health issue. Consider how epidemiologic data has been used to design population health measures and policy initiatives in addressing this issue.
Question 2316 Family Presence During Resuscitation
Practicum Experience Time Log Create a cumulative time log that includes the date, time interval (start and finish), total hours for each week, a brief notation of what you did or observed during each time interval, and the objectives that relate to each time interval. Draw the objectives from the practicum-experience objectives. The journal entry should be week-based and sequential so that all journal entries are contained in one file. • Describe the observed activity (no more than ½ page). (1 point) • Using an evidence-based approach, analyze the problem, issue, or situation. (2 points) • Address questions posed in the weekly Practicum pages. (2 points) • Reveal how the real-world might mirror or diverge from program-related evidence, concepts, and/or theories. (2 points) Sources of support for your analysis may include your Learning Resources (texts, articles, videos) but should also include journal articles from nursing and other professional literature. Use these sources to support the observations and conclusions you reach, and cite them in the appropriate place in your journal. Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles along with other sources. The goal is to analyze what you observed and relate it to your identified practicum objectives, course objectives, your area of specialty practice, and applications cited in the professional literature. Note: Journal entries must be submitted using APA style. PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT PROVIDED.
Question 2317 Mini Change Part 2
Mini Change Paper Part #2: Discuss your mini change paper. Answer the questions 6 and 7 in the discussion What worked well, what was a challenge. Refer to your resources from Part 1. No APA or MLA required. Will you continue this change? Length 1-2 pages double spaced. Charts and Tables to explain progress are helpful to show progress and trends. An honest evaluation, not level of success is the objective
Question 2318 Intro to human anatomy and physiology
Need course work done for the next two weeks. I’m unavailable to complete any of the work. You need knowledge on human anatomy and physiology, it’s best if you use the text book. There are discussion posts left (2), online multiple choice test (2) , and (2) assignments left as well that you will have to go into my blackboard and complete these assignments. I will give more information on class. It’s easy. I’m just not able to access this course do to work for the next month. Please read the instructions carefully before I entrust you with this order.
Read the case attached to the Course Documents for this week Moses v. Providence. This case is related to EMTALA. It is a Michigan case that was decided recently. It expands EMTALA beyond what your book indicates. Identify for your discussion board: 1. The elements of the Tort case that exist. 2. Discuss the expansion that the court gives to EMTALA in this case. Do you agree with the court’s interpretation? What impact do you feel this could have on hospital behavior? Hospitals face risk management head-on August 27, 2007 | Patty Enrado, Contributing Editor WASHINGTON – When the landmark 1999 Institute of Medicine report To Err is Human revealed that tens of thousands of people die each year from medical errors, the news was not a surprise to the profession, said Elizabeth Summy, executive director of the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM). The news, however, drove hospitals to articulate to themselves, policymakers and the public how they could contribute to delivering safer quality healthcare services, she said. Hospitals took to proactively surveying their risk and protecting against any liability. The focus on risk management (RM) is especially keen, given the “incredibly slim margins” on which hospitals are operating, said Summy. Risk managers and chief risk officers (CROs) have since taken on a larger role, impacting their hospitals’ financial picture. Risk managers and CROs wear many hats, overseeing patient safety and clinical malpractice; business processes, including workers compensation and business interruption; and financial management, processes and strategies. The University of Michigan Health System has developed a proactive RM program based on “common sense,” said Richard Boothman, JD, chief risk officer. His more than two decades of experience as a trial lawyer defending healthcare providers taught him that learning from patient complaints could reduce future patient claims for UMHS. Commitment to improved patient safety, accountability and patient communication is the major reason why UMHS has seen a huge drop in claims, claims to resolution and outside attorney fees. “We don’t wait for litigation to happen,” he said. Patient complaints are routed to quality improvement measures and peer review opportunities. Claim decisions are dealt with under UMHS’s set of principles: 1. We will compensate quickly and fairly when inappropriate medical care causes injury. 2. We will defend medically appropriate care vigorously. 3. We will reduce patient injuries (and therefore claims) by learning from mistakes. Since August 2005, the medical center’s claims have dropped below 100. “Our average claims processing time dropped from 20.3 months to 9.5; total reserves on medical malpractice claims dropped by more than two thirds; average litigation costs have been more than halved,” Boothman said. He did not employ risk management consulting firms or technology, but relied on his past expertise and contacts. “It was a lot of hard work,” he admitted, but it paid off, with UMHS’ risk management initiatives being nationally recognized. Stanford University Medical Center also has a well-known risk management program, with numerous patient safety initiatives. It’s headed by Jeff Driver, CRO of SUMC and executive vice president for SUMIT. Working with RMF Strategies, a subsidiary of the Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions, Stanford uses accident causation taxonomy to analyze its closed claims. “This allows Stanford to understand from a very fundamental perspective, exactly what driving forces are behind human and financial losses,” Driver said. The Stanford University Medical Indemnity & Trust Insurance Company (SUMIT) is the captive liability insurance company that covers medical malpractice, general, employment and miscellaneous liability of the entities and employees of Stanford’s numerous medical facilities. SUMIT premiums are 15 percent to 40 percent below market, allowing it to invest part of that premium on RM initiatives to reduce financial loss. “Success in these efforts breeds financial success, which therefore causes a continuous performance improvement cycle,” Driver said. Stanford’s two cornerstone safety initiatives rely on technology. EMMI Solutions provides an online education system that facilitates communication between patient and physician. “Studies show that better informed patients have better outcomes and are less likely to pursue litigation,” Driver said. Stanford Hospital and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital employ on-site high-fidelity simulation centers to enhance physicians’ clinical judgment and technical skills. Over the past three years SUMIT’s strategies have resulted in improved loss ratios. “We can count hundreds of system improvements that have been designed to avoid accidents,” Driver said. “Patients are better informed about their procedures and clinicians are even better prepared for the complexities of providing medical care by receiving advanced training utilizing on-site simulation technology.” Overall, Summy said, “Hospital leaders today get it. They understand that any incident creates a huge impact on the community.” Despite the advances, Summy said the industry is “just scratching the surface” of risk management. After reading the article above, why do you feel that managing risk ends up in reducing it for patients, for hospitals/health care organizations, for the community? Why do you feel is meant by the statement, “the industry is ‘just scratching the surface’ of risk management” at the end of the article? (PLEASE I WANT THEM IN 3 HOURS ) WITHOUT PLAGIARISM PROBLEM
Question 2320 Case Study( Public)
Answer the following questions pertaining to the case.(WELFARE REFORM IN WASHINGTON STATE) 1. What do you think are the most significant challenges Clare faces in addressing welfare reform? 2. What is your assessment of the most important stakeholders and what are their incentives to take action? 3. What criteria should Clare and other stakeholders use to make a policy decision? Criteria selection should consider and reflect the broad nature of welfare reform. It may be helpful to utilize the strategic triangle as a means for defining specific objectives. Students should consider the capacity of Clare and her team to affect change, the nature of broad policy reform, and the diverse interests of the stakeholders involved. 4. What is the best policy alternative? How can this policy solution be implemented, i.e., what is an appropriate programmatic response? 5. What are the desired outcomes or elements of a stable solution? What are the most significant risks and problems that can interfere with meeting the identified objectives? 6. Propose and describe an evaluation that could effectively determine the success of any reform efforts and achieve the goals identified above. The following questions might be used to prompt consideration of a research methodology that could help to answer the question above: a) What is the main evaluation question you are exploring? What are the information needs of various stakeholders? b) What are appropriate indicators of success? c) What general quasi-experimental evaluation design should be used? d) How might you create a project and a control or comparison group as part of your analysis? e) At what time points are you measuring outcomes? f) What is the “intervention” and how are you measuring it? Which data are available for analysis? Which data will need to be collected? How? g) What other factors are you accounting for and how? h) What other factors can you NOT account for? How does this affect your conclusions? The Post-Instructional Portfolio Assignment is a required element of this course. Students may not earn a passing grade in the course, nor complete the MPA program, without completing it
REPORT: SMOKING, A WISE CHOICE? Despite the widespread publication of the adverse health effects of smoke, many people, both young and old, choose to smoke. In the last ten years, the demand for cigarettes has dropped. In 2000, 430 billion cigarettes were consumed in the United States, but in 2006 that number has dropped to 380 billion. This data is based on smokers older than 18 years old. American teenagers are one of the consumer groups. In 1997, the number of teenagers that smoked approached 36%, These numbers have dropped in recent years and the last data collected in 2009 suggests that about 20% of teenagers smoke. The percentage of adults on average is about 21%. This is good news, but, the question still stands, if people know that smoking is bad for them, why do they choose to do it? In this activity, you will need to analyze the reasons that people give for smoking. This may be done by interviewing some people you know that smoke or by going online and researching reasons persons give for smoking. Below, list three reasons why people smoke. Weigh each reason against the facts. In other words, prove that the reasons not to smoke far outweigh the reasons to smoke. Information on smoking can be found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC Information on Smoking and Tobacco Use 1. Reason: Opposing Argument/Contradictory Facts: 2. Reason: Opposing Argument/Contradictory Facts: 3. Reason: Opposing Argument/Contradictory Facts:
Question 2322 AIR POLLUTION
AIR POLLUTION In the previous lesson, you learned about different sources of air pollution and their effects on the environment and human health. Now it’s time to use that knowledge to educate others. In the space below, design an educational flyer on air pollution in order to present to your peers. You may create the flyer about general topics of air pollution or a specific topic of air pollution such as ozone, carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide emissions, or any other air pollution topic that interests you. Your flyer should include the following information: The type(s) of air pollution you will be discussing The sources of that/those type(s) of pollution The effects of the pollutant on the environment The effects of the pollutant on human health Ways we can reduce the amount(s) of that/those pollutant(s) generated You should use outside resources in order to assist you with this report. Remember that this is a flyer. Use your creativity to spread your message!
Question 2323 Nutritional Needs Ad
The FDA has tasked you with developing an educational flyer on Nutritional Needs for a specific stage of life. There are 5 LIFE STAGEs which have particular NUTRITIONAL needs** *See Chapter 14 for excellent info on this topic* These include: (1) infants, (2) children, (3) adolescents, (4) adults, (5) the elderly. Your FLYER must relate to one of these 5 life stages– include the AGE RANGE ** Use the following guidelines to include in your written flyer: Define the life stage and the age range in years which it includes–put this info in your initial statement. •Identify the nutritional needs for your chosen LIFE STAGE. Include nutrients, serving sizes recommended, RDA for this age group, etc– details for the reader are important to share* • •Identify health concerns & major diseases associated with poor nutrition at this stage of life. • •Provide 5+ SPECIFIC examples of good and poor nutritional choices. • •Offer 2 websites or other sources for where your readers can go for more information regarding nutrition. **choose professional / credible sources of nutritional information** Include 2 references (in APA format) used as you developed this ‘public service’ flyer Format the ad (WORD has a ‘flyer’ option for those choosing to use it). Format is one point* *** Ask questions in this area — everyone benefits from the Q & A !! Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ……Hi Everyone, Be sure to choose ONE stage of life to develop the ‘ad’ for….. one from the 5 lifestages I have listed….define the stage & state what years this life stage includes. This is to be a one-page ‘handout’/ flyer, like any other you have seen in medical clinics, medical offices, hospitals, or anywhere health info is taught. Be creative & reflect your best research. Many students use the word program for ‘FLYER’ to create this assignment.
Question 2324 Standards of Care and Medical Practice
View the video “The Quality Gap: Medicine’s Secret Killer.” Compose an 800-1,200 word written review in which you: 1.Define the standards and parameters that health care professionals must have in order to work within their scope of practice. 2.Describe the responsibility health care professionals must have in order to work within their scope of practice. 3.Explain the impact of negligence, malpractice, and litigation on the relationship between patient and provider. 4.The video describes approaches health care providers can take to minimize error, reduce risk, and improve communication and collaboration among provider. Summarize these approaches. Explain how these approaches can improve quality of health care.
Question 2325 Model responses to common interview
please answer the questions number 3,5, and 7. do not use “if”, “I think”, “I feel” and “I wish”. you can use “When”, “I am”, and “I would”, and use the action words i attached the paper that has examples of action words. my weaknesses are i can not mange my money i spend it if i see something i like, and another weakness is that i can not mange my sleep. also i stay on the phone a lot. please check the attached there is also my resume it could help you my major is healthcare administration . after i graduate i would like to go back home to work in hospital in saudi Arabia
Question 2326 make study guide
want you to look at the power point to each slide and search for each slide in the book if its long answer please make it short point chapter 4 has power point but chapter 5 doesn’t have so i want you to did the same thing for chapter 5 please ask me if u doesn’t understand what i want please make sure easy vocabulary and basic grammar
Question 2327 Health Management
Topic:Health Management: What are the key components of Canada’s health care system?Discuss the issues to access to pharmaceutical and wait list for care.The issue of Pharmacare and User Fees problems that need to be addressed in Canada’s health care system.Why are this issues important?What are some proposed solutions?
Question 2328 Traumatic Injuries in Sports Policy Position
am required to write a cogent paper describing a position on a professional issue related to health care. This is not an essay, it is a policy position paper that should be supported by intensive research. I am attaching two documents. 1) I provided the introduction to the paper (thesis statement ) (NEEDS TO BE REVISED) I included track changes from the professor. The rest of the paper should be written under it. 2) Detailed directions on how to write a policy position paper
Question 2329 fighting flu
I have presentation with my groups and we chose our topic, our topic is about (Fighting the Flu (Vaccine & Other Health Protecting Measures). And we are going to present to children school so that’s mean I need easy information about this topic please make it as point and give example, our teacher asks us to make it funny and interesting to the kids so, please put some pic related to the topic and Using reliable health data, information, and recommendations, create a poster/flyer template for students to use to reinforce PSA message. Please make the poster/ flyer template with green and white color. Please easy because it’s for children. My offer is $10 my deadline is 15hours. Please use word I don’t need PowerPoint.
Question 2330 Reflection paper
Reflection Papers” — very short (no more than a total of one double-spaced, typed page -12- point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins all round). Every Thursday (starting 22 September) you will submit this. In these papers students will respond (separately) to each of two different questions: (1) What, to your mind, is the most interesting or important unanswered question raised in or by the class meeting prior to the day the paper is due, and why? ( taking care) (2) What, to your mind, is the most interesting or important point raised in or by the assigned reading for the day the paper is due, and why? ( MC Michael) Part of the idea here is that you are preparing something to bring up in class.)
Question 2331 Computerized nutrition assignment
Attached you will find Project #1-Diet & Wellness, a computerized diet analysis and the Grading Rubric. You will need Cengage MindTap to complete this project. You will have to register your Access Card Code and Course Key and login to MindTap. You will find the Course Key in Materials “How to Access Cengage MindTap” . Click on Materials from your main screen. Please read the project carefully and completely before you begin it. Do not wait until the last minute to do this project in case you encounter a problem…..I do have to mail this to the teacher so I am looking for someone I can give the online access code to and who can go on the website and do the assignment for me as well as a few others to come!
Question 2332 Discussion Board
Post a 300-word statement that consists of: 1) a 150-word summary of the film and 2) your 150-word reaction to the film. For example, when describing your reaction, share any similar or different experiences with the health care system that you or others you know have had. You may choose to refer to a newspaper article that discusses topics similar to those of the film; if discussing an article, provide its title and source. the link of the film you will find it in the file please watch it and write about it
Question 2333 Pilot Program
For this Assignment, in 4-6 pages design a pilot program and evaluation to address community needs for your Final Project initiative proposal. In your Assignment, be sure to include the following items: Description of your proposed program that you developed in Weeks 3 and 6 Description of your proposed pilot program Describe a small scale program that will help to determine the feasibility of your final project Describe how many participants, staff, volunteers, and organizations will be involved Description of your proposed evaluation of the pilot program including a tool (Six Sigma, TQM, etc…) to improve the proposed piloted processes You may also develop a survey, use focus groups, or interviews for the evaluation process Description of what other health care organizations and/or nongovernmental organizations have done to address your initiative
General Instructions write a brief reflection essay (up to four paragraphs in length) about the following prompt. Please type your essay draft as a Word 2010 document and No citations or bibliographic references are necessary. Essay Prompt – It has been documented that some doctors perform surgeries while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Currently, the ability to track the abuse of controlled substances by healthcare workers in the United States is very limited. What new policies would you propose to eradicate this practice at the national level?
Question 2335 Reflective Paper
Reflective Paper 20% (Due: January 29, 2017) The reflective paper will focus on the role of values in policy. In this short paper students are required to do three things: 1) Identify a major issue in Canadian health policy currently and discuss why it is important; 2) Identify several social determinants/equity issues that you think are relevant to the issue the policy is trying to address and; 3) Discuss what role you think values have played in shaping the policy issue. This paper should reflect your own views and as such you do not need to use any references. This assignment should be 900 words (approximately 3 pages). This paper will be submitted via Moodle but not to Turnitin. This assignment will be marked on the following: writing style, organization, how clearly you express your views. No references are necessary unless you are making factual statements, e.g., a statement such as “newborn infants are only being screened for 28 genetic disorders” would need a reference. Formatting requirements: · 12-point font · Double spaced · 1 inch margins · Spell-checked · Title page must have the following: o Your full name & student number o Course number and instructor name o Date of submission o Word count If the paper does not follow this style, then 1 mark will automatically be deducted. The Reflective Paper is worth 10% and the breakdown of the mark is as follows: · 5% writing style & organization (paper is clearly written and has proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure) · 5% content (you are able to identify several social determinants/equity issues of relevance to the topic and you discuss the values you think have shaped the understanding of the policy issue)
Question 2336 Fetal Development
There are two parts to this assignment. In the first part you will create a presentation or chart showing the stages of fetal development. Then, for the second part, you will answer questions about genetic testing and the ethical decisions involved. Part 1: Create a presentation or chart explaining the stages of fetal development. Each developmental period should be identified and briefly explain the development taking place. Part 2: Use the document “Genetic Testing” to access short answer questions regarding genetic testing and the ethical decisions involved in genetic testing. Use two to four scholarly resources to support your chart and short answer claims. Include an APA reference page for both parts of the assignment. Refer to the document “Submitting Multiple Attachments” to assist in submitting multiple documents in the dropbox.
Question 2337 Incentivizing Health Using Behavioral Economics
The Case for Incentivising Health Using Behavioral Economics comes from Australia, but the challenges of combating chronic disease there are similar to (if not worse than) the challenges present in the United States. Read the case carefully and consider the list of behavioral economic cues listed in the executive summary (page 7 of 32). Which of these do you consider to be most impactful in terms of changing healthcare behaviors of the patient? Which of them would you most readily respond to as a patient? Which are most likely to be adopted by providers and insurance companies?
Question 2338 System Support
write 1 page ONLY Discuss the risks to a health care organization in failing to allocate sufficient support and resources to a newly implemented health care information system.
Question 2339 Evolving Technology
Technology is changing and evolving. Conduct a search if the Internet or print literature to identify 1 new or emerging technologies. Write a 1/2 to 1 page summary and describe each technology and discuss its potential use in the management of health care information or the development if health care information systems.
Question 2340 Validity of a diagnosis
You are asked about a diagnosis with which you are unfamiliar. Where would you start looking for information? How you determine the validity of the information?
Question 2341 Social Media Memo
Your assignment is to assume you are the manager of a Health Care facility. Write a memo (Microsoft Word templates) to your employees outlining the guidelines for accessing Social Media in your health care facility. Start by conducting research on the Internet to identify articles and information regarding Social Media in the workplace. In your memo you should cite past problems other health care facilities have experienced related to employees using Social Media and HIPAA violations. Some questions to ponder when writing the summary: Should your employees have access to Social Media in the workplace? If so, what times are appropriate? Should your employees be able to comment about their workplace on Social Media? As a Manager where will you draw the line for allowing your employees to access Facebook, Twitter, etc. during the workday? The assignment is worth 100 points, 70 points for content (past citations, questions answered), 10 points for using proper memo format and 20 points for execution (grammar, spelling, and cited references). Points will be deducted for grammatical or spelling errors, so proofread carefully. Remember to cite all references using APA format.
Question 2342 HCR305 discussion board
Review the literature available by google sites (…. be sure to check the State of site) related to Michigan’s (or other states) decision to expand the Medicaid Program. Take a position on the legislators action. Do you think it was a good decision to expand the Medicaid program? How has it grown in membership? If not, and you disagree with the expansion …. why? What has happened in other states? Be sure to include in your assessment to address why many legislators (particularly Republicans) have fought the expansion of Medicaid at the state level.
Question 2343 HIPAA Security Violations
Visit the Office of Civil Rights Enforcement Activities and Results web site. Read at least 3- 5 case examples involving HIPAA security violations. What do these cases have in common? What are their differences? Do all of the Security Rule violations you read also involve Privacy Rule violations? What were your impressions of the types of cases you read and their resolutions? Write a 1/2 to 1 page summary to answer these questions.
Question 2344 Database, Data Warehouse, and Data Mining
Reflect or research the following terms: database, data warehouse, and data mining. What do they have in common? How do they differ?
Question 2345 Discussion Board HCR 411
You need to find an article about your topic that you picked. This article has to be about the cost effectiveness of a way to fix your topic. You have to post 250 words or more and do this inside your post: make a summary of what the article is about and what it says, what do you recommend to the policy making people as a good intervention to help the cost effectiveness of your topic, answer how the article helps you write your paper and provide the reference. I have upload my article but I need u to find another article related to my article please check the files there is article and description of what I want you to do
Question 2346 Global Awareness Power Point Presentation
Global Awareness PowerPoint Presentation: Students will select a culture and compare and contrast, while considering the health belief model, and corresponding practices to those of the American culture. Students should have an understanding of the health belief model and use the basic tenets of said model as a guide with consideration to this assignment. Topics a student could potentially choose from are as follows, diabetes, hypertension, strokes, cancer, HIV/aids, a specific type of cancer, obesity, nutrition, and the list continues. Students should choose a topic which they possess an interest. Students will identify a topic of choice, which must be approved by instructor, which relates to the health of the people. The approval of topic is incorporated as means to assist student with being focused on their topic selection. However, if the student feels that their topic is appropriate for the course, which typically they have been in the past, this instructor has not requested anyone to change their topic, then they do not need to acquire my permission. However, if one feels that they are unsure if the topic is appropriate for this course, then please seek this professor’s guidance. Therefore, this instructor would recommend that you seek guidance at least a week before your presentation at the latest. Yet, sooner rather than later would be better. Deliverable: Students will prepare a Global Awareness PowerPoint Presentation for instructor evaluation; presentation will be delivered in 10-15 slides. Presentations will be graded on aesthetics, accuracy of information, completeness, proper APA formatting for in text citations and reference list, creativity, and meeting the assignment requirements. The presentation is to compare another culture or country to the US. Each student is to pick a topic related to this course such as water sanitation, CVA’s (stroke), MI (heart attack), cancer, diabetes mellitus, HTN, teen pregnancy, various mental health concerns, and discuss the health related concerns of said topic. This list is not all inclusive. Additionally, one is to identify what the condition is or the causes, what are signs and symptoms, what are the treatements/interventions, mortality and morbidity rates, are there programs available to address the issue. The topic can be something that you desire to further your knowledge or maybe someone you know is contending with an issue and you wish to learn more about said issue. You pick what resonates with you. You can include charts, graphs, pictures, you tube videos, and whatever you deem appropriate that will support and enhance your topic of discussion. The presentation is to compare another culture or country to the US. Each student is to pick a topic related to this course such as water sanitation, CVA’s (stroke), MI (heart attack), cancer, diabetes mellitus, HTN, teen pregnancy, various mental health concerns, and discuss the health related concerns of said topic. This list is not all inclusive. Additionally, one is to identify what the condition is or the causes, what are signs and symptoms, what are the treatements/interventions, mortality and morbidity rates, are there programs available to address the issue. The topic can be something that you desire to further your knowledge or maybe someone you know is contending with an issue and you wish to learn more about said issue. You pick what resonates with you. You can include charts, graphs, pictures, you tube videos, and whatever you deem appropriate that will support and enhance your topic of discussion. Global Awareness PowerPoint Presentation: Students will select a culture and compare and contrast, while considering the health belief model, and corresponding practices to those of the American culture. Students should have an understanding of the health belief model and use the basic tenets of said model as a guide with consideration to this assignment. Topics a student could potentially choose from are as follows, diabetes, hypertension, strokes, cancer, HIV/aids, a specific type of cancer, obesity, nutrition, and the list continues. Students should choose a topic which they possess an interest. Students will identify a topic of choice, which must be approved by instructor, which relates to the health of the people. The approval of topic is incorporated as means to assist student with being focused on their topic selection. However, if the student feels that their topic is appropriate for the course, which typically they have been in the past, this instructor has not requested anyone to change their topic, then they do not need to acquire my permission. However, if one feels that they are unsure if the topic is appropriate for this course, then please seek this professor’s guidance. Therefore, this instructor would recommend that you seek guidance at least a week before your presentation at the latest. Yet, sooner rather than later would be better. Deliverable: Students will prepare a Global Awareness PowerPoint Presentation for instructor evaluation; presentation will be delivered in 10-15 slides. Presentations will be graded on aesthetics, accuracy of information, completeness, proper APA formatting for in text citations and reference list, creativity, and meeting the assignment requirements. Please use american references I can access without a membership Please include reference list APA
Question 2347 email to a friend
Write a 350- to 700-word email to a friend that describes the purpose of the BSHA program and how you believe it will help you achieve your goals. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Question 2348 Fat Chance
Forum Format: Each person posts one discussion – Each student can post exactly one new discussion topic, which everyone can then reply to. Subscription Format: Forced subscription – Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe Please read the article titled “Fat Chance” discuss the following: What is your overall impression of this article? (1.5 point) Identify one important concept that you learned while reading this article? (1 point) Mechanics (reference if any, word limit) (.5 points) DO: Explain why you agree or disagree, and add some examples to support your belief. Relate your personal or work experiences to the topic at hand. Make connections between the topics and the readings in the text.
Question 2349 Leadership and Change Management on NHS Child and Adolescents Mental Health Services
A poster (one A4 Powerpoint Slide) demonstrating leadership and change management on NHS Child and Adolescents Mental Health Services. Another slide contains list of at least 10 references. (So, total just two slides). With some information from:
Question 2350 the government’s impact on health reform in the U.S. healthcare delivery system
write an executive summary that outlines the government’s impact on health reform in the U.S. healthcare delivery system. provide a brief analysis of the ethical principles thatmust be addressed within health reform in order to create a more equitable healthcare system
Question 2351 Hospice
Typed Annotated Bibliography of 5 resources found so far for your research paper, including APA formatted references. Note: Do NOT copy and paste abstracts to produce your annotated bibliography (this would be plagiarism). An annotated bibliography is your understanding of the resource and how it might relate to your research, with proper APA reference, in your own words. My topic is hospice . .SO im writing a research paper about hospice and i need 5 good resources to use. Once you find the resources you basically right an abstract for each resources you find i will attach an example .
Student will create a one page fact sheet on any health or aging issue they are interested in. Utilize accurate health information from a viable professional source. List your sources on separate sheet if needed or incorporate the sources into the message! Identify and promote optimal health practices in a format that is easy to read and understand for all! One accommodation for the elderly could be using large print.
Question 2353 Is healthcare in the United States is a right or a privilege
The student will write an 1,800-word paper in current APA format stating his or her position as to whether healthcare in the United States is a right or a privilege. The student’s position must be supported by at least 3 rationales. The paper must also provide definition and details associated with the position. Finally, the paper must relate the student’s position to his or her Christian worldview. The paper must include at least 12 scholarly, researched references
Question 2354 Obamacare a bane or boon?
The student will write a 600-word paper in current APA format that summarizes the Affordable Care Act and defines the specific aspect of the act that he or she will address in the form of a problem statement. The problem statement will outline the basic facts of the problem and explain why the problem matters.
Question 2355 Epidemiology
This is considered a secondary trial since the patients already have the disease. Our population: People with cardiovascular disease Sample population: People with cardiovascular disease without sleep apnea How will we find them: Through screenings and test Our intervention: The c-pap machine What will the control group get: no treatment Can we do this as a blind study: no because people know whether or not they are using a c-pap* machine Our outcome goal: To see if using a c-pap machine improves the patients cardiovascular health. write only one paper using this information. it won’t be exactly right because it’s a study but you have to do your best to answer all the questions in the attachment in one paper.
Question 2356 Outline of Plan and Peer Review for Individual Project
READ here This forum asks that you post your plan for the written or text part of the individual project, which is about needs assessment. First, make sure you have read and reviewed Chapter 6 and see how needs assessment fits into evaluation plans and actions. Next, think about how you would do this for a project. Remember that the actual individual project that considers needs assessment will also have two outside references to support it as well as a visual accompaniment in the form of a powerpoint slide or a poster (that has been made into a jpeg.). Please also read the Individual Project Description file on the Course Content tab. For this forum: Post your outline in as much detail as you have at this point. Your plan or outline of it should include your program evaluation subject (the specific program) and your plan of assessing or documenting the need. Second, review another student’s plan or outline offering one positive comment about the prospective needs assessment and also either one suggestion of a way to develop the needs assessment or one suggestion about a content area in which to do a literature search for supporting materials. Posting the outline earns 20 participation points and the peer review 10 additional points. If someone else has already reviewed all the outlines in the forum, you can do a second review of a plan. Please check the files I have upload the description of the outline and chapter6 and the book to find chapter 6in the book please click CTRL+F and write Chapter 6
Question 2357 Patient Safety Analysis
Question 2358 It is A case which is attached and there is 10 question which you have to find the answer by analyzing a case. 1. Start by providing a short 4-6 line synopsis of the key elements of the case – and discuss what kind of incident occurred (week 1). 2. What defenses in the system failed in this case? Can you construct a Swiss cheese analysis of the system defenses and what occurred? 3. What was the culture like in this care setting(s)? What was the leadership like? How do you know? 4. Analyze issues pertaining to human factors, teamwork and communication that arise in this case? Speaking up? Vulnerability around handoffs? 5. To what extent do other concepts like apology, learning, violations, patient engagement & empowerment fit into this case? 6. Is use of any patient safety tools evident? Which ones, could others be used? L. Ginsburg | HLST 3400 – Assignment 2 3 7. Do you see evidence of biases in decision making contributing to the error in this case? (we didn’t discuss this much in class so you may have to read a bit on it)! 8. Does anything else need to be done by those involved in the case? If so, briefly outline what needs to happen and discuss issues or challenges people should be aware of as they try to implement changes. 9. Discuss the extent to which there are systems problems versus accountability problems in this particular case. 10. Discuss any other aspects of the case in the context of course concepts not included in the above questions.
Question 2359 Professional development
How can computer software help health care professionals engage in professional development, collaboration, and knowledge dissemination activities at their own pace and leisure?.
Question 2360 Professional development
How can computer software help health care professionals engage in professional development, collaboration, and knowledge dissemination activities at their own pace and leisure?. One page only
Question 2361 Energy Metabolism & Diet Supplements
Module Six Assignment #2 Energy Metabolism & Diet Supplements Must be submitted by Sunday, April 9th 11 pm. Design a Tri Fold Brochure (Microsoft Publisher) or Prezi (copy & paste the Prezi link on the Assignment Link Page) Research and promote 1 popular Diet Supplement (such as fat burners, fat elimination pills not protein supplements or meal replacement products) that you use, have used or have heard about: Claims made about this product Describe how the product works Who is the product appropriate for Benefits of the product Suggested dose Price of the product Side effects How is this product regulated
Question 2362 Lifestyle & uncontrollable factors and obesity
please find a peer reviewed journal article on one of these areas: 1. Health benefits of physical activity 2. Physical inactivity and prevalence of chronic diseases (CVD, obesity, Cancer, etc.) 3. Lifestyle & uncontrollable factors and obesity 4. Briefly describe how each of the following may be a factor related to an individual’s obesity dilemma: a.) gender (such as being female) and ethnicity (African Americans and Hispanics)
SWOT Analysis HCS/449 Version 8 2 University of Phoenix Material SWOT Analysis Review the SWOT Analysis Microsoft® PowerPoint® prior to completing this assignment. Based on a review of the performance analysis of Community Hospital discussed in the Business Plan scenario, consider what you perceive to be the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for this hospital. • Strengths and weaknesses are traits internal to the hospital (e.g., strong physician loyalty to hospital, aging building, and availability of financial resources). • Opportunities and threats are external to the hospital (e.g., a mall facility available for lease or a competitor hospital opening two physician practices in your market). Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis that incorporates the key components of a SWOT analysis for the scenario described in Week One to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analysis will include the following: • Analyze how this SWOT analysis will be used to form a final recommendation in the full business plan. • Analyze the limitations and advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis on your own (versus with a group of stakeholders). • Use the table provided to record your analysis of the information from the strategic planning scenario and generate two factors for each of the SWOT categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Table 1: SWOT Analysis Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived strength (internal) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived strength (internal) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived weakness (internal) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived weakness (internal) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived opportunity (external) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived opportunity (external) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived threat (external) Analysis of existing information from Community Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived threat (external) Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Question 2364 Telemedicine
Read the Wall Street Journal article “How Telemedicine is Transforming Health Care” by Melinda Beck. Consider your position on telemedicine. Do you agree with it from a patient’s perspective? Why or why not? Do you agree with it from a health technologies professional’s perspective? Why or why not?
Question 2365 Data Policies and Initiatives
As the Office Manager for a large physician practice, you are charged with revising all the practice’s policies and procedures due the recent implementation of a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Based on your research, you want to recommend the appropriate policy initiatives that will positively influence the data integrity of the new EHR. In addition to revising existing policies, you need to develop and implement new policies and technologies to protect data integrity and validity
Question 2367 marketing strategy
Communication/Marketing Strategy: (2 pages – future tense) A. Page 1- Describe your communication/marketing strategy using the three out of the four Ps of marketing (Price, Placement and Promotion). Product was already described in the wellness program section. B. Page 2- Create a sample marketing poster or flyer for employee distribution and include a copy in your final project under the Appendix section. Your flyer must include the following: 1. Title of your program 2. Who: State who can attend – employee, family, retirees 3. What: Type of program, i.e., exercise class, walking program, lecture, etc 4. Where: Location of the program 5. When: Dates and meeting times including a start and end time 6. Contact information in case participants have questions
Question 2368 Hypodermic Needle Exchange
The purpose of this two-part midterm assignment is to assist you in defending both sides of an issue. Doing so requires the ability to critically analyze all potential arguments for or against an issue. A well-prepared defense is to understand both sides of an argument. The issue is as follows: The exchange of dirty hypodermic needles for clean ones, or the sale of clean ones, is legal in many states. In such states, the transmission of HIV and hepatitis from dirty needles is down dramatically. But bills [in the California legislature] to legalize clean-needle exchanges have been stymied by the last two governors, who earnestly but incorrectly believed that the availability of clean needles would increase drug abuse. Our state, like every other state that has not yet done it, should immediately approve legislation to make clean needles available. (Adapted from an editorial by Marsha N. Cohen, professor of law at Hastings College of Law). The first part of your midterm assignment is to write an essay using APA format, except don’t include the abstract & leave your name off the paper (put something generic like “Jane Doe” as the student name) in which you clearly argue supporting the exchange of dirty hypodermic needles for clean ones. The second part of your midterm assignment is to write another essay using APA format, except don’t include the abstract & leave your name off the paper (put something generic like “Jane Doe” as the student name) in which you clearly argue against the exchange of dirty hypodermic needles for clean ones. Be sure to review the rubric below that will be used to assess you paper for details. When you’re ready, submit both your papers here by following the instructions below.
Question 2369 Macronutrients
create 3 flowcharts, one for each macronutrient, that describes how carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are digested and absorbed. Start with the events that occur in the mouth and work your way through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract by explaining what happens to each macronutrient in the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Include the contributions of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas to digestion, and be specific about which molecules are absorbed. For example, carbohydrates must be broken down into monosaccharides in order to be absorbed. By working in Collaborations, you’ll be able to benefit from each other’s comments. 2. Then, create a 1-2 page written summary of how all 3 macronutrients are digested and absorbed, including a discussion of the events in each compartment of the GI tract.
Question 2370 social media
Pick a social media method from slide n n diagram on slide 19 that you are familiar with NOT Typed one page summary of: – – – – – Type of method Benefits vs. cons Usage statistics Examples of use Personal opinion or probability of use
Question 2371 Press release
Press Release Assignment choose a health topic and write a mock press release. You are encouraged to use a news article and work backward to draft something an agency would have released. It should be typed, double spaced, portrait layout, and size 11-12 font. It must include all the required formatting items that are discussed in class. Points will be deducted for poor grammar, lack of editing, poor formatting and missing components necessary for a press release.
Question 2372 Nutrition view the article on “The Inuit Paradox” from Discover magazine, and it discusses the diet of people who live in the Arctic region of the world. It contrasts the foods they eat with many of the foods we eat, and makes some excellent points about nutrition. Please read the article to become familiar with the concepts, and then discuss: Why there are essential nutrients but not essential foods The differences between the fats in wild animals and those in farm animals, and how that relates to the Atkins diet
Question 2373 first aid
This papers will have three topics. Each topic should be at about one page long, so this module will be around three pages. You must locate at least two relevant references (book, magazine, other) and site your references. This is not a copy, cut, and paste activity. If your paper is tagged for plagiarism, you will not get credit for this activity. I want your own work. With your research, you can expect to spend between 2-5 hours on this module. 1. Introduction to First Aid 2. Basic Anatomy of the Human Body 3. Victim Assessment
Question 2374 Organizational director
It is expected that as you consider your potential critical issues and strategies, that you will document you thought process. (e.g., what are the various issues and scenarios you are considering, and what was your criteria to eliminate some ideas, while accepting others). You may submit your thoughts in a bullet format and/or narrative. Whatever you think provides a comprehensive explanation of your thought process.
Question 2375 Strategy
First assignment: There are templates available for the four different tables shown in the exhibit for the BSC Model. To complete this assignment, you must select two different tables (templates) for each strategy, filling in the table fully. That means you will show three objectives with three tactics per objective for each strategy. When you are done you will have a total of six different tables, again, two for each strategy. Use only the template to complete this assignment. This tool is extremely helpful in developing objectives and tactics that you may use in your final strategic plan. Second assignment: As with the Organizational Direction Assignment, this assignment is intended to capture your decision making thoughts that brought you to your final decisions on critical issues and strategies
Choose a patient from your clinical experience. Discuss and justify the approaches taken by the anaesthetic, surgical and post anaesthetic care teams in delivering the care and treatment to your patient, from their admission into the theatre suite until their handover to the ward. To enable you to complete this assignment, you will be required to discuss an actual patient’s journey through the Perioperative phase. This assignment aims to cover learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4 SUMMARY OF AIMS: The aim of this assignment is to introduce the student to the principles of Operating Department Practice in relation to anaesthetics, surgery and post anaesthetic care. ANTICIPATED LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion of this module the successful student will be able to: 1. Explain different principles and approaches to anaesthetic, surgical and post anaesthetic care. 2. Identify and discuss the fundamental principles of safe and effective perioperative care. 3. Discuss how effective care planning and communication in the perioperative setting enhances safety and patient experience. 4. Demonstrate an evidence based approach to the perioperative patient journey. Assignment requirements: 1. The assignment is to be 3000 words in length (maximum), not including bibliography, acknowledgements, references, annexes and appendices. 2. All work should be word-processed using Arial font size 12 and double spaced. Please leave a 2.5 cm margin on the left and right side of the page. 3. The assignment should be produced in accordance with guidelines found within your student handbooks. 4. The title page should reflect the layout and information provided on the front cover of this guide. 5. Marks will be awarded for the structure and content of your assignment together with relevant resources used, spelling and grammar. 3 Advice for assignment writing To produce the best assignment possible, it is essential to spend some time planning. Read the assignment question through carefully and decide which approach to take. You can write in either the first or third person, both are acceptable. You may find it easier to write in the first person since this assignment asks you to reflect on an actual patient’s journey. A good assignment answers the question posed and deals in detail with the specific issues the topic raises. You should refer to the assignment question at regular intervals to make sure you have not deviated from the intended focus. This particular assignment has several aspects and you must be sure to include them all and your assignment should have a logical order of content. You must also decide how many words you are going to apportion to each topic. Accurate English is expected in coursework; errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation should be avoided. Poor expression may lead to underachievement through failure to communicate meaning. All good assignments comprise of three main parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. Introduction · Word allocation should be approximately 500 words. · State the topic and purpose of your assignment. · Let the reader know clearly what the essay is about. · Provide a map of the discussion that follows. · You may want to include a bold/controversial statement, an amazing statistic or an anecdote which focuses on some key element of your essay and which captures the reader’s attention. Main Body This is where you set out the main part your discussion/evidence. Arrange topics for discussion in a logical order and place in separate paragraphs. Try to link the paragraphs. You could use phrases such as …. From a different prospective…… A similar explanation…….The next stage of care involves…… You can use headings for clarity and structure if you so wish. Once again be certain you are answering the question posed and make sure you are not diversifying too far. 4 Conclusion · You should summarise your discussion here. · Word allocation should be approximately 500 words. · Perhaps you can identify some good practice or plans to improve care should the same situation arise in the future. · Do not introduce new material. · Your conclusion should relate logically to the introduction. Referencing Although some of your work will involve you reflecting on something that has happened in practice, you still need to use references to substantiate your observations or actions and to help you analyse those events. The references used in the text must be annotated using the Harvard system and must comply with BCU referencing guidelines. (Available from the library) · If a patient`s/client`s name or that of a Trust member of staff is included in any part of your work including appendices (if they are not available to the general public), you will fail. The work will be deemed a “technical fail” and will receive a 1% mark. Success in the resubmitted work will be subject to capping, as for any resubmission. See the full policy in your student handbook for further guidance. · It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment is kept secure and confidentiality is maintained from 3rd parties at all times prior to the submission for marking SUPPORTING NOTES: 1. Explain different principles and approaches to anaesthetic, surgical and post anaesthetic care. Anaesthetic GA, LA, Regional, Anaesthetic equipment, Pharmacology, Monitoring, AAGBI guidelines. Surgery Background to chosen procedure, open/closed, Specialist instrumentation, Swab/needles count, Patient positioning, Normothermia, VTE prophylaxis. PACU Patient monitoring, AVPU, MEWS, PONV, Pain relief, Discharge criteria. 2. Identify and discuss the fundamental principles of safe and effective perioperative care. WHO, Local/National guidelines, AAGBI, NICE, Health & Safety, Manual handling. 3. Discuss how effective care planning and communication in the perioperative setting enhances safety and patient experience. Individualised care, Holistic care, Principles of care, Models of care, Team brief, Handovers, barriers to communication. 4. Demonstrate an evidence based approach to the perioperative patient journey. Best practice, WHO, Local/National guidelines, AAGBI, NICE, Health & Safety, Manual handling.
Question 2377 Carbohydrate Pamphlet
Create a 2-page pamphlet/brochure using the Microsoft® Publisher, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Brochure Builder, or another brochure building tool. Include the following details: A title. Define carbohydrates and outline the basic functions of sugars, starches and fiber in the body. Describe the differences between simple and complex carbohydrates, stating healthy carbohydrate sources. Describe how sugars are broken down and used in the body. Explain the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers, stating how the difference can be applied to food selection and consumption so as to improve health. Includeinformation on one of the following disorders related to carbohydrates: lactose intolerance, diabetes, or hypoglycemia. Include a definition, how it affects the body, and some courses of action used to treat and manage the disorder. Include a reference with citations in APA format. Include clip art and a background image.
Question 2378 Incident Case Report
Assignment Instructions Case Study 2: Incident Case Report Your Case Study 2 assignment: You are an epidemiologist at the state health department. A poultry farm in the south has reported a sudden and significant death rate among poultry at the facility. In addition, just a few hours later, you receive reports of 6 persons hospitalized for severe flu-like illness, and 2 are in critical condition – all work at a local bakery. Subsequent investigation reveals that the infection of poultry is an influenza virus but is limited to the southern farm versus widespread in the state. Rapid testing on the 6 ill people also shows infection with influenza A, but the exact strain won’t be known for several days. The two critically ill patients have died. The farmer of the poultry farm is now reporting flu-like symptoms, and another 4 bakery workers are ill. Hint: You must define what type of influenza virus in order to answer the questions. • Who is considered exposed to the virus? • Who would you isolate and for how long? • Who would you quarantine and for how long? • What other control measures would you take at this point? (create sub-headers under sections as needed to organize your paper and to ensure that you address all items above) Your response must be at least 2 pages in length and YOU MUST USE THE CASE STUDY 2 PAPER TEMPLATE PROVIDED. Your Case Study (and all assignments) must follow American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. Refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed). 2001. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. Other APA websites are available through the Library. Once you must submit your Case Study please review your Turnitin score. Your Turnitn score should be ≤20%. Please refer to the section on Turnitin in the Academic Resources section of this syllabus. Please be aware that Turnitin is a site that checks for plagiarism. The University Library offers tools in the Research Center to help you analyze your papers for possible plagiarism violations. Online Library Research Center ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Assignment Instructions: Please review the Weekly Assignment Grading Rubric prior to submission (Click on View IRubric in the main Assignment List page). Assignments are due in the Assignment portion of the classroom by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. EST each week. Make sure you read and understand the directions and requirements for each Assignment. Please ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 3 references (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 2 academic outside references). Assignment will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, and organization of ideas and format. Refer to Library Online Resource Center for any research assistance. Refer to the Student Handbook for policies relevant to academic honesty and other procedures and policies related to this course. Assignments submitted late without advance notice will receive a 5% per day late penalty and will not be accepted for grading five (5) days past the due date. Supporting Materials • PBHE605 Case Study 2- Incident Case Report_Template.doc (27 KB) Submission To submit your assignment, attach one or more files and then click Submit. Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.Attachments
Question 2379 Relationship model/theory
Develop a relationship model or theory based on research on one aspect of a relationship. The model/theory will delineate the value of human sexuality and intimate relationships based on science, experience, and creativity on the part of the student. A graphic depiction will be constructed with an explanation detailing the components of the model/theory. Each model/theory will become the property of the student and could be used as a basis for a thesis, research proposal, or professional presentation. I have attached the guidelines as well as two examples.
Question 2380 Community Nutrition Project
Instructions for the assignment can be found on page 4 of the syllabus (attached), under the title, “Community Nutrition Project”. In addition to the 7 page paper, I will need an abstract and topic proposal as well as a works cited page in APA format.
Question 2381 Health Administration Services
Final Project (The Profile) Instructions My professional field is “Health Administration Services” Journalistic Profile This is your final project—Due in Week 13. There will be a proposal for this assignment (due in Week 12) and a rough draft peer review (in Week 12) Implementing the techniques and devices we’ll study in the various modes of literary journalism, you will compose a 5 page journalistic profile of a person working in the professional field you wish to enter. This is NOT to resemble a biography; it is to be a work of creative nonfiction—more specifically, a work of reportage that, as Lincoln Steffens once wrote of journalism endeavors to represent its subject “so humanely that the reader will see himself in the other fellow’s place.” To be clear, the person you choose to write about—your profile subject—must be someone to whom you have real access. In other words, it is someone you’ll be able to interview and observe directly.
Question 2382 Health Care
prepare a one (1) Pager, comparing/contrasting between the United States and another country of your choice, one of the following sectors of health care delivery: Long-term Care, Mental Health Inpatient Care, Acute Care Hospital or Preventive Care Services. You may use any sources to prepare your 1 Pager: websites, interviews, etc. Please cite your sources on a second page. In your 1 Pager please address: -access to care (20 points) -cost (20 points) -quality (20 points) -consumer perspective (20 points) -Based on all the information you are able to recover and your review, what are the three (3) overall conclusions you have drawn about the health delivery sector you chose?
Question 2383 Discussion Board
For your original posting, find a journal article from a peer-reviewed journal on one of the following topics: Fiber Carbohydrate metabolism Protein metabolism Fat metabolim Protein requirements Fed vs. fasting Cardiovascular disease Metabolic syndrome Functional Foods Dietary supplementation DRIs Nutritional deficiencies EFAs Bariatrics Please provide a short synposes of your chosen article and pose one question to your classmates from your reading. Attached is a document that will assist you in determining if your article chose is peer reviewed or not. You can also choose peer reviewed as an option within your search criteria when utilizing the UH library search engine. Possible original discussion board format: Citation: (APA Format is preferred) Synopsis: Question:
Question 2384 Population Summary Report
I would like to hire you to write a summary about asthma. Please note you need to write Population Outline and Population Bullet Point List. Please look at attachments, all you need is there. let me know if you need anything else.
Question 2385 What was the tone of the PSA?
Initial Post: Find a public services announcement (PSA) on a billboard. Then, in a 250-300 word post, explain the PSA (you may include a photo in your post) and discuss the following: Who was the intended audience? Was it created appropriately for them? What was the tone of the PSA? The style? Explain the overall message of the PSA. Did you feel the PSA was effective? Why or why not? Evaluation Criteria for Individual Assignment- initial response (6 points): 1. Answers are correct (1 point). 2. Answers are thorough in discussion of each aspect of the topic(s) (2 points). 3. Answers show analysis of the issue about which the response is being written (2 points). 4. Written Homework assignments are submitted in typed, double-spaced format, adhere to page limit, and are free of typographical, spelling, syntax, grammatical, and other errors; sources are cited and referenced using APA formatting (1 point).
Question 2386 Journal Article Critique
Journal Article Critique Assignment Guide The Assignment: The students will write a 2-3-page critique of the journal article that they summarized. Specific Details of the Assignment: To complete this writing assignment, the students will: Annotate the article a second time. This time the annotation should be evaluative and keep in mind the questions on pp. 249-250 on the textbook. Use and fill out p. 1 of the APA template. Provide the APA citation of the article (i.e. References) at the outset. (See the sample critiques under Canvas/Files/Journal Article Critique.) Begin writing the critique by using one of the starters for the first sentence of a critique on p. 268. Organize your critique by following each section of the article in the order in which it appears, except the Abstract or the Lit Review. Use evaluative language throughout the critique to include; should have, could have, and various parts of speech, especially adjectives-p.242, p. 259, & pp. 262-264; boosted (strengthened) and hedged (softened) language-pp. 239-241; unreal conditionals-pp. 260-262; inversions-p. 269; and scare quotes-pp. 274-275. Express criticisms appropriately, (i.e. maintain fairness and reasonableness). See pp. 228-229, p. 235, pp. 243-244, & pp. 265-267.
Question 2387 Policy Memorandum
Your policy memorandum with recommendations paper should not exceed 12 pages, including a one-page executive summary. It should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA guidelines. see attached
EFFECT OF OBESITY ON BREAST CANCER Purpose OF THE RESEARCH(1 PAGE) Significance OF THE RESEARCH THEORETICAL Framework (1 PAGE) Research Questions Nature of the Study Possible Types and Sources of Data References Chan, D. S. M., et al. “Body mass index and survival in women with breast cancer—systematic literature review and meta-analysis of 82 follow-up studies.” Annals of Oncology 25.10 (2014): 1901-1914. James, F. R., et al. “Obesity in breast cancer–what is the risk factor?.” European journal of cancer 51.6 (2015): 705-720. Chan, Doris SM, and Teresa Norat. “Obesity and breast cancer: not only a risk factor of the disease.” Current treatment options in oncology 16.5 (2015): 1-17.
Question 2389 Masters in Leadership
a statement of intent for my admissions to Royal Roads University for my Master of Arts in Leadership with Health Specialization My personal Statement should consist of 1 or 2 page letter indicating your motivation for seeking entrance to the program. Statement should comment upon your personal and career goals, the expectation I have for the program in relation to the achievement of your goals, and the strengths you feel you bring to the program. I have attached my resume and the Personal Statement of what is required. If you write me the POS and highlight where I need to add information or comment on something personal that would be great
Question 2390 Ashford General Hospital Proposal
Ashford General Hospital is a 263-bed regional hospital located in California, serving its community for more than 50 years. The hospital maintains the only 24-hour emergency department in the area and an “extended hours” urgent care clinic. Similar to other hospitals in the United States, Ashford General Hospital is encountering a nursing shortage. Sixty-eight percent of the nursing staff is over the age of 45, facing retirement. The retention rate on nurses is 61%, compared to 65% nationwide. Many of the nursing staff find the work too physically demanding and have a feeling of emotional burn-out as well. In the past two years, the hospital has used both per diem nurses and traveling nurses who sign short-term contracts to fill individual shifts and accommodate short-term staffing needs arising from staff vacations or medical leaves. This has not only driven up personnel costs but also resulted in lower scores on patient satisfaction surveys. Ashford General Hospital faces significant challenges in nurse staffing ahead as it grapples with these issues, and the hospital board is very concerned. They know there must be some changes made in order to prevent a major financial and human resources crisis in the future. As the newly hired CEO, you are asked to present a proposal in the next board meeting. For your Final Paper, you will create a 10 to 15 page proposal (excluding title and reference pages) for the Ashford General Hospital Board of Directors. In your proposal, you will: Include an executive summary. Research and describe solutions implemented at five other hospitals in the US that were dealing with these same issues. Based on your research, describe two solutions that are the most viable for Ashford General Hospital to implement within the next two years. Create a total of two stakeholder group analyses for two solutions you select. Each analysis should include at least five stakeholder groups involved (e.g. patients, hospital executive administration, accounting, Human Resources (HR), marketing, third-party payers, etc.). As part of your analysis, address the following questions: Who is impacted? What change processes may be required? What fiscal impact would occur? What are the ethical, legal, and diversity risk factors involved? Based upon the stakeholder group analyses, recommend the best solution for Ashford General Hospital with detailed justification. Explain why you feel it is the most viable and appropriate solution given the financial impact, HR issues, and interpersonal dynamics of hospital personnel, cultural shift, and change management. To prepare your board proposal, including the textbook, utilize at least 10-to-12 scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years, as well as hospital or foundation websites. All sources must be cited according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be 10-to-15 double-spaced pages (excluding title page and references page) in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an executive summary. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Including the textbook, must utilize a minimum of 10 to 12 scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years, as well as hospital or foundation websites. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined
Question 2391 develop and evaluate health promotion and community development programs
There are your parts to this project, 1.Develop a plan for a health promotion activity. 2.Develop an impact and outcome evaluation plan for the health promotion activity. 3. Write a report to provide feedback to the indigenous communities. 4. Describe what steps will be needed to ensure sustainability. What you have to demonstrate! 1.Assessing community health needs 2.Identifying strategies,goals,activities and key performance indicators. 3.observing, obtaining and interpreting client information in relation to health issues, behaviour and health services.
Question 2392 Planning, decision making & training aid in developing organizational culture in health organizations
How can planning, decision making, and training aid in developing organizational culture in health organizations? What are potential consequences if a health organization does not have proper planning, does not utilize effective decision making models, and does not provide necessary training?
Question 2393 Contemporary Leadership Models
How would you apply at least one contemporary leadership model from this chapter to a real (or hypothesized) health leadership situation or case? Explain the rationale for your decisions, actions, and behaviors.
Question 2394 Tobacco Prevention and Control
I will be focusing on the “Introduction” & “Determinants of Health on Tobacco prevention and control. Introduction will contain: Summarize the evidence based program. Briefly describe the target population for the Evidence Based Program. State the goals of the Evidence Based Program. Proposes a key question(s), similar to a thesis statement, that will be the focus of the presentation. Determinants of Health Factors: Which factors surrounding the target audience impact the effectiveness of the program? Describe why or how. Consider the target population’s diverse perspectives. How might the program incorporate these perspectives into its development? In what ways do you think the developers ensured that that program appealed to diverse perspectives? How did your chosen program address public health priorities of the community? Discuss how the chosen program helped promote the desired change in the community. References: Horn KA, Dino GA, Kalsekar ID, Fernandes AW. Appalachian Teen Smokers: Not On Tobacco 15 Months Later. American Journal of Public Health. 2004;94:181-184. Anesetti-Rothermel A, Noerachmanto N, Horn K, Dino G. Beyond Reach and Effectiveness: Evaluating the Not-On-Tobacco (N-O-T) Program in West Virginia From 2000 to 2005. Health Promotion Practice. 2012;2011;13:506-514- . Curry SJ, Emery S, Sporer AK, et al. A National Survey of Tobacco Cessation Programs for Youths. American Journal of Public Health. 2007;97:171-177. •Dino, G., Horn, K., Goldcamp, J., Fernandes, A., Kalsekar, I., & Massey, C. (2001). A 2-year efficacy study of not on tobacco in florida: An overview of program successes in changing teen smoking behavior. Preventive Medicine, 33(6), 600-605. doi:10.1006/pmed.2001.0932
Question 2395 Complexities in Leadership
At your hospital, the Committee on Medical Ethics is a medical staff committee. It answers to the Medical Executive Committee and the medical staff president, and its members are jointly appointed by the president of the Medical Staff and committee chair. Although it is a Medical Staff Committee, its membership is multidisciplinary, including physicians, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and members of the lay public (for community representation). Most members of the committee have received training in clinical ethics consultation, and were chosen because of their interest in resolution of ethical issues and their interpersonal qualities with patients and staff. The hospital administration has engaged a consulting firm to “modernize” its structure. The consultants have advised converting the “old” social worker approach to the contemporary position of case manager. The consultants note that three social workers sit on the Ethics Committee. The social worker members of the Ethics Committee were advised that they will no longer serve on said committee, and that their place will be taken by the manager of case management, who has no experience in ethics consultation, nor does she know anything about the history of Ethics Committee activities at your hospital. The chair of the Ethics Committee is informed that three of his committee members are “out.” The chair is livid, and there is also an immediate reaction from all the rest of the committee members, most especially the medical staff members of the committee— something about separation of powers is mentioned. You have been assigned by the hospital administrator to “handle this mess.” How would you go about doing so? If you had been told to handle the proposed committee reconfiguration from the very beginning, what would you have done differently from what was done? What change management practices would you have implemented to have these adjustments be handled better?
Question 2396 Discussion Board
In your post please discuss the research presented in each of the following videos: Fat Head, A to Z Battle of the diets and Gary Taubes, and Westman vs. Campbell. Your discussion should include the validity of the research that was presented the videos. Specifically what did you determine to be valid /not valid and why? Cite specific examples in your discussion. Include such things as the type of research, recency, credentials of the speaker, methodology etc.
Question 2397 LIFE ACTION PLAN
Using the SMART Goal strategy-complete Life Action Plan worksheet that includes the following: Use my Personality Assessment paper Identify an aspect of your life, we have discussed in class, you feel needs to be improved. Consider selecting an area that will provide the greatest opportunity for growth or an area that can make the biggest impact on your success. Complete the Life Action Plan. Use the readings provided for Topics 1–7 to assist you in completing this assignment.
Question 2398 Buying decisions
Watch the following video on How to Make Choosing Easier: (full transcript available at website) How do you think choice overload impacts customers’ buying decisions? Consider a product or service you might sell to a customer. How would you prepare to dialogue with customers about that product or service? How would you guide the customer to make a wise, informed choice
Question 2399 Journal Article Critique
This is a journal article critique. The project has a three-page minimum length so 4 to 5 pages will be fine. Attached are all instructions, rubric, and template. They do need to be followed to the letter. Also attached is the link to the article to critique. The project does not appear to be very difficult and is not due until 9-30-17.
Question 2400 Conflict Resolution at the St. Clare Hospital
The St. Clare Hospital was founded in 1988. In the past few years, the revenues have dropped steadily to a point where CEO James Edwards is considering cost control to improve the organization’s bottom line. Mr. Edwards understands physicians play a critical role in controlling cost, but they do not have a great interest in cooperating with him to sustain the viability of the hospital. Mr. Edwards decides to hire Wendy Jones as the chief operating officer and empower her to cut costs for the hospital. The first measure taken by Ms. Jones is to outsource the interpretation of imaging readings and fire the radiologist Dr. Harris. By doing so, the hospital would save $160,000 per year. However, after two weeks, the hospital sees 18% inaccuracy rates in outsourced reading reports. The hospital might face legal liabilities from inaccurate readings. Mr. Edwards and Ms. Jones want to stay with the plan to control costs, but the physicians are furious. The medical director, Dr. Wiseman, gathers all staff physicians to a call for action. Write a four-to six-page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference pages), addressing the following: • Describe types of conflict identified in this case. • Explain conflict management styles evidenced in this case. • Propose a conflict resolution strategy to be used. • Recommend strategies to reduce cost and legal liabilities. Including an introduction and conclusion paragraph, your paper must be four to six double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. Utilize a minimum of three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources, including the textbook, that were published within the last five years. Document all references in APA style Textbook Frates, J. (2014). Health Care Management: Theory In Action. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc
Question 2401 Nonperforming Employees
You have been promoted to the role of office manager of a healthcare administration company. Prior to your assuming this role, you learn that the previous manager was lackluster and allowed employee morale and performance to go downhill. In your first few days on the job, you notice this behavior firsthand; there are a number of unproductive and nonperforming employees. Some employees perform their job functions slowly and inefficiently, while others perform as little work as possible. Some come in late to work, or take long breaks and lunches. There is no system of accountability, nor are there rewards in place for excellent performance. The overall culture of the department has become sour and lazy. What steps would you take to attempt to turn office morale and employee performance around? Be sure to discuss opportunities for employee education and training, and how the promotion of lifelong learning in the workplace for both you and your employees could bring about a positive change. Write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.
Question 2402 Exploring Your Local Health Department
Visit your local health department either in person or via their website and find out how it is structured. In addition, please describe how the department in addressing a local health issue. Document your findings as a 250 word essay that includes the following information: What is the structure of the department, organizational chart List the activities and services of the department Give details of one of their programs Discuss any resources the department has for the community
Question 2403 Legal Decision-Making Informatics Disaster Plan
Write Part 3, the final section of the Proposal, adding the following critical elements: •The proposal begins with the revised Unit 3 and Unit 5 Assignment based on all instructor feedback. •Includes a detailed explanation of the role of the senior level informatacist in disaster planning, implementation, public education, and disaster plan evaluation. •Includes the operational and financial change model, including a budget and funding source. •Ends with a conclusion about how the disaster plan will be put to work in the real world.
Question 2404 Ethics in the Workplace
You are a member of the senior hospital administration. You become aware of a problem involving a long-time and well-respected employee, as well as the supervisor of said employee. The employee in question is a social worker; a very competent and very conscientious professional. His wife has recently suffered a stroke with significant residual neurological deficit. This has resulted in the necessity that the social worker take days off to care for her; come in late or leave early to take her to medical, physical, or occupational therapy appointments; etc. It is thought that, because of these demands on his time—and the taxing emotional overlay of dealing with the critical illness of a loved one, while simultaneously dealing with patients and families in similar situations—that his charting fell behind. In fact, it was discovered that he was writing social work notes 1–2 days after the fact, back-dating the notes, and placing them in the patients chart between notes of the same time frame as the date on the note. When the social worker’s immediate supervisor became aware of this, she told him that such behavior must stop immediately. Given the circumstances, however, she opted to take no further action, did not document this in his personnel file, nor did she advise her superiors. Other members of the staff became aware of this, and someone reported it to the CEO via a “Tell Us About Problems” Dropbox. You have been assigned to address these multiple issues of ethics, standards of conduct, truth, and fairness. Also describe what concepts of change management theory you would apply in this situation. Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words
Question 2405 Summary Patient Safety Culture and Health Care Ethics
Search and select two scholarly and/or peer-reviewed articles within the scope of patient safety culture and/or health care ethics. Summarize each article in one to two pages. Your paper must be two to four pages in length, with one to two pages for each article, excluding title page and reference pages. Utilize two scholarly and/or peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last five years. Document all references in APA style
Question 2406 Health Leader Evaluation
Explain the importance of measurement and developing criteria for efficiency, effectiveness, performance, efficacy, and quality in health organizations. Why is this important to health leader evaluation?
Question 2407 Medical forms useage
Create a scenario in which the HIPAA Notice of Breach of Confidentiality form would be used. 2. Create a scenario in which the affidavit of medical records form would be used. 3. Create a scenario in which the certificate of destruction of medical records form would be used. 4. Create a scenario in which the subpoena duces teum form would be used. 5. Create a scenario in which the release of information form would be used. 6. Create a scenario in which the specialized patient record release of information form would be used. 7. Create a scenario in which the advanced directive and medical power of attorney form would be used. 8. Create a scenario in which the informed consent/consent to treat form would be used.
Question 2408 Changes in Hospital Quality Associated with Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
Changes in Hospital Quality Associated with Hospital Value-Based Purchasing The final project will be a seven (7) page (content) written case analysis and article critique/paper on paying for health services (Chapter 3) and cost allocation (Chapter 4). The article is provided as supplemental material to gain insight on one of the many payment methods for health services. Cost allocation is a health care financial management process. The critique/paper is assigned because writing skills are important for managers, even if graphs, tables, charts, and many figures are manipulated, calculated, and possibly solved in health care organizations. The final project case and article may be found in eLearn, or through the TSU online Library using the following link: . The article is titled “Changes in hospital quality associated with hospital value-based purchasing” The New England Journal of Medicine, Ryan & et al, (2017), pages 2358-2366. The article pdf will be uploaded into the ‘Final Project’ module in eLearn. Additionally, a case titled ‘Houston Dialysis Center’ will be analyzed as part of the final project on cost allocation. The case study will be uploaded into the “Final Project” module in eLearn. The final directions and supporting documents (i.e. outline example, finished critique example, the article and case) will be uploaded into the eLearn final project module.
Question 2409 Importance for a health organization to adopt an overall information system architectur
Discuss why it is important for a health organization to adopt an overall information system architecture. Discuss the challenges that are associated with adopting an overall information architecture. Look at your fellow classmates’ responses and explain how their challenge can be overcome or how they can turn that challenge into something meaningful for the organization
Question 2410 Concepts of Information Technology
Instructions Technology is changing and evolving. Conduct a search of the Library and internet to identify several new or emerging technologies. Describe each technology and discuss its potential use in the management of health care information or the development of health care information systems. Identify some of the major issues in the adoption of these technologies that have been discussed in the paper. Requirements •The Assignment should be a minimum of four to five pages in length, prepared in a Microsoft Word document. •Include a title page and reference page. Length requirements do not include the title page, and the reference page. •Follow APA style format and citation guidelines, including Times New Roman 12 point font and double spacing. •This Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English featuring correct grammar, punctuation, style, and mechanics. •All sources must be scholarly. Wikipedia is not acceptable. Use APA style for all citations including course materials. •Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Question 2411 Health Insurance and the ACA
Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act Due Week 8 and worth 150 points Suppose you have been tasked with purchasing health insurance for your organization that has fifty full-time employees. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research different types of health insurance. Write a 2 page paper in which you: Suggest one (1) plan that you would use to purchase health insurance for your organization. Determine the extent to which employee lifestyle choices and health economics would factor in to your chosen plan. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze the implication of the Affordable Care Act on your decision to purchase insurance. Debate two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of purchasing health insurance for your employees, as opposed to having your employees receive governmental insurance. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost. Analyze the influence of health policy and health reform on healthcare access, quality, and cost in the U.S. Use technology and information resources to research issues in healthcare policy, law, and ethics. Write clearly and concisely about healthcare policy and law using proper writing mechanics.
Question 2412 Impact on social media in healthcare
I Need one and half the most two pages written assignment The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare According to Davenport (2014) social media and health care are collaborating in meeting the needs of health care providers and patients. Social media is taking a step towards focusing on an analytic model to evaluate the value of social media in healthcare. For this assignment you research and investigate the areas of social media that might embrace and benefit from an analytic model combining acquired data and value-based analytics. You will then evaluate the resource addressing the following points: Five major stakeholder roles of social media—patients, physicians (and other outpatient care), hospitals, payers (employers, health plans), and health information technology (IT) Will social media improve a practice? How so? Provide a thorough rationale. Provide a conclusion with the main points of the pape