History of Arab-Israeli conflict

Question 4342: The Arab-Israeli conflict is steeped in historical roots

M2 Discussion The Arab-Israeli conflict is steeped in historical roots. As a result, there are numerous

issues affecting the conflict. Below are three contentious topics which have been heavily covered in the
media. Choose at least TWO of the topics below and discuss in a thorough manner using citations.
Secondly, respond to at least two of your classmates postings with in-depth comments. Your response
should be in the form of furthering their points and or ask questions that will allow for a well rounded
discussion. Be sure to refer to the book and readings when posting in the discussion forum. 1) Begin by
considering and discussing what part the UN played/plays in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Then move on and
choose at least two (2) questions from each section (Israeli settlements and Western Influence) below
and post your discussion based on the readings. You are also required to respond to at least two
postings of others in the course. Israeli settlements Relying on the resources as well as other legitimate
sources discuss some of the historic and ongoing issues of the Israeli housing settlements in Palestinian
territory. Who tends to live in these settlements and why? Why are they such a point of contention in
peace negotiations? What is the role of Israel and why have they been unsuccessful in freezing the
settlement. Israel security fence along west bank. the brutality of boundaries by conskeptical, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License by conskepticalOpens
in a new window Israel security fence along West Bank. What do you see as having been achieved
through Israel’s construction of a security fence or wall between Israel and the West Bank? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of the security fence? Western influence & media in the Arab-Israel
conflict It’s long been argued that western support for Israel and the media’s coverage of the conflict
has served to affect and shape events in the conflict. For example, it’s been stated by American foreign
policy makers that support for Israel will usually be determined by US public support towards sympathy
and attitudes towards Jews (“Still Special? The U.S.-Israel Relationship, 1998). In recent years,
Palestinians have challenged the West by stating that the media coverage is affecting such perceptions
and have been fighting back to promote their side of the story via their own PR campaigns and media
slants. Using examples, discuss: What do you think of this importance of the role of the West in this
conflict and why does the media play such a heavy role? How does the media affect public support for
the Israeli’s or the Palestinians & to what degree? Are media depictions accurate? How can we inform
ourselves to insure we have accurate information?

Question 4343:

How did women react to the language of freedom and liberty being used to support the
American Revolution
Topic : How did women react to the language of freedom and liberty being used to support the
American Revolution? Be sure to include in your response Abigail Adams’s opinions that appear in the
Voices of Freedom. Discussion 1 Around the American Revolution women did not have much
opportunity. While they had more opportunity than women in Europe did they also needed more
education. There was a struggle that women endured for their freedom and liberty. Abigail Adam was an
evolutionary woman when it came to opportunity for women. She taught herself to read since
education for girls was very limited. She couldn’t understand how people could have a passion for
liberty yet deprive fellow citizens of theirs. She felt as though women needed full freedom although her
freedom was much different than modern freedom. She believed a woman’s primary responsibility was
to her family but she also believed a husband should not have absolute power over his wife. I wonder

how prosperous women would be today if they had the same opportunities men had during that era?
Discussion 2 Mrs. Abigail Adam was a very influential and bold woman during the revolutionary time.
She taught herself to read during the time where education was limited for women. Her husband John
Adams was president during this time which it stated that he relied on her opinion and advice very much
during his time in office. At this time of freedom being denied to many including women, Mrs. Adams
was an advocate for women’s rights. Adam’s wanted equal rights, she stated how could the passion for
Liberty be so strong and equal when those that received liberty could deprive others of their liberty. Not
all people supported the freedom of slaves, servants, religious groups and women. The struggle
remained but with Adams she felt it was a time where women and other Americans that were denied
freedom, a time to enjoy the same freedom as others. A time to rest and a time to reap the goodness of
what the world is offering. Adam wants her husband to remember the women during this time, to be
generous and favorable to them. For education to be offered, employment opportunities, to be given
the opportunity of education before marriage, equal share in liberty, ability to dance and so much more.
For the women to have a stand when it came to their husbands. For the husbands to not have complete
control of their wives. Deborah Sampson displayed courage and bravery as she dressed as a man and
enlisted and battled as a man in the Continental army and was later awarded the soldiers pensions.
Women wanted to be able to have education or employment opportunities just as well as any man and
clearly, they weren’t afraid to fight for it. If you were a women in that time frame, do you think you
could of done what Deborah Sampson did? – You must write a discussion of at least 100 words or more
for the topic presented. Also, you must end your first post with a question. – You must write at least 75
words each for the two discussion questions below.

Question 4344:

U.S history discussion & response to 2 peers’s posts
For my own discussion post: Prompt: According to the slave documents, how did slave owners control
and oppress slaves? How did slaves resist slavery and slave oppression? Use the primary sources to
answer these questions. For replying to 2 of my classmates’ posts: Just reply them (around 70words
for each response) I have already attached the 2 posts from my peers that need to reply! (if you are
not sure how to do this assignment, you may look at my classmate’s work) P.S: plz read all the file that
I attached below !!!!

Question 4345:

Enlightenment, the Birth of Race, and Racial Thinking
Buffon, Hume, and Kant are Enlightenment thinkers who used race as a concept to view human
development … In reading Buffon, consider how he relates to color, form and size, and disposition. How
does Buffon address gender differences within racial groups? How does Hume dismiss the importance of
African and African descent peoples? In what way does Kant explain racial differences? How does Kant
create a hierarchy of these differences? What role does climate and geography play in Kant’s analysis?

Question 4346: The Souls of Black Folk

This a book review, not a book report. The book review cannot have any outside sources other than the
book itself. The book is The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois. There cannot be ANY grammar or

spelling mistakes, the instructor is very picky. It must make sense. There should be at least 5 quotes
from the book to support your evidence. It must be APA style.

Question 4347: American Democracy

Your responses should be between 400-500 words (3-5 substantial paragraphs) in length and should be
written with proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. Be sure to address each part of the
prompt. The Lessons of Unit III are incredibly diverse. We begin with Jefferson’s vision for America and
travel through the Market Revolution. Andrew Jackson then presents a vision of American Democracy
which may or may not agree with Jefferson. As if this was not enough, we are subsequently introduced
to the incredibly complex institutions of Southern society (namely slavery) and the efforts of various
social reformers of the mid-nineteenth century to perfect this nation. This Unit culminates in the efforts
to manifest America’s “destiny” through westward expansion and a war with Mexico. All of these topics
are important to telling the story of America’s evolution from fledgling Republic to continental Empire.
In this discussion, I would like for you to suppose you are a member of one of these groups currently
living in or travelling to the West: Explorers Californios Mountain men Missionaries Pioneer women
Mormon Forty-niners You will write your post from the perspective of the “character” you choose. You
are going to write about your experience in moving westward and either what life is now like where you
settled or what you hope life is going to be like once you arrive. In your response, (from a first person
perspective) be sure to include the following: Who are you? (name, age, sex, occupation, religion, etc.)
Describe your family (marital status, children, extended family, etc.) Where you are from? Motivations
for moving West? Who or what are you leaving behind? Final destination? Important (historic) people
involved, why they are significant, contributions Important (historic) events that occurred during your
experience Hardships you faced along the way and once you arrived at your destination? Describe what
life is like once you have finally reached your destination and are settled. How do you think your journey
and arrival in the West will impact future generations?
Question 4348: What issues did the newly formed government have to contend with in the first 20 years
as a nation
you sould use these sources and include reference. Prince Hall, A Free African-American Petitions the
Government for Emancipation of All Slaves; Daniel Gray, Massachusetts Farmers Take Up Arms in Revolt
Against Taxes; Federalist Paper #10; Alexander Hamilton, An Opinion on the Constitutionality of an Act
to Establish a Bank; George Washington, Farewell Address; Madison and Jefferson, The Virginia and
Kentucky Resolutions

Question 4349: American Perspectives

You will select three questions to answer (no more than one question per period). You will only use
evidence from my lectures, either of the two required textbooks, and American Perspectives in each of
your three answers. You will not use any other sources. Each response must be at least 500 words. You
will cite as footnotes using the Chicago Manual of Style. You will include a Bibliography for each
response. Place all three responses on a single Word document. Title the document Final Exam. I need a
Bibliography for each response. Submit your exam as a single Word file. Do NOT use any source besides

the three noted above. This is not a research paper. Rather this is a test to see how closely and carefully
you listened to and taken notes on my lectures and read the assigned textbooks and American
Perspectives. A. Manifest Destiny Realized and the Gilded Age (1877-1900) 1. What were women’s rights
in American society at this time? 2. How did class effect women’s rights? 3. How did the Gilded Age
affect women? B. The Rise of Modern America (1880-1920) 4. Describe the push for universal suffrage.
5. Identify and discuss the significance of three female reformers. 6. How was the Triangle Shirtwaist fire
an example of the intersection of women and industrialization? 7. How did the New Jim Crow affect
African American women? 8. Describe the relationship between black and white women in the New
South. 9. How did women participate in the Populist movement? 10. Examine female Progressive
reformers. Were they successful? Why or why not? 11. How did women participate or support US
actions in or during World War I? C. An Unregulated Economy (1920-1939) 12. What was new about the
“New Negro”? 13. How did women fit into the “New Negro”? 14. What were the underlying weaknesses
of the US economy and why did the Great Depression happen when it did? 15. Why or how did the
Great Depression particularly impact women? D. World War II. 16. Examine the WAVES, WAFs, WACs, or
any other “female” military. 17. How did World War II affect women domestically? 18. Who was Oveta
Culp Hobby or Nancy Harkness Love? How did they participate in the war effort? E. Civil Rights and
Foreign Policy during the Cold War (1945-1990) 19. How was Eleanor Roosevelt ahead of her time when
it came to equal rights? 20. Based on the age, gender, and ethnicity of your mother today, describe her
liberties if her had lived during the long 1950s. 21. How did women participate in the 20th century civil
rights movement? F. The Cold War at Home (1945-1990) 22. Examine domestic legislation of any Cold
War president and demonstrate how those examples personally affect women in your family today. 23.
How did gender roles change from World War II to the 1950s? 24. How did the Cold War effect popular
expectations of motherhood? 25. Examine gender relations during the long 1950s. 26. What did
television shows such as Queen for a Day say about consumerism in general and women in particular?
27. How and why did gender relations change from the 1950s to the 1970s? 28. Describe the rise of
feminism in the 1960s. 29. Describe the Chicana movement. Who were or are its leaders? 30. Explore
some of the American women’s responses to the United Nation’s Decade for Women (1975-1985). G.
The Rise of Conservatism and the Age of Paranoia (1964-Present) 31. Examine the rise of conservatism
in American politics between Goldwater and Reagan. 32. How does political conservatism affect
women? 33. The Cold War never really ended. Rather, the enemies shifted from Communism to Radical
Islam and the battle front from Europe to the Middle East. Argue for or against this assertion. 34.
Compare and contrast national liberties during the long 1950s with the period between 2001 and 2016.
Where national liberties more similar or more different? Why? 35. During the Civil Rights era, Christian
leaders fought for equality. Today, Christian leaders demand the right to promote inequality. What
explains that shift? 36. What is “Queer Theory”? 37. How has feminism changed over the last 50 years?
38. What is a bigger issue for women since the end of the Cold War: reproductive rights or economic
parity? Why?
Question 4350: American history reflection
In order to reflect on the above(the documents) idea think about these questions: Why did northern
states fight in the Civil War? Why did northern soldiers fight in the Civil War? Where do these ideas and

definitions connect to the social significance of frontier fighting (Gorn), even though this kind of fighting
was not about the Civil War itself? When you respond to classmates, respond to people who did not
answer the same questions you did.
Question 4351: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
You will be expected to analyze and critique the book in addition to describing the content. The paper
must be at least 1400 words and contain at least 3 but no more than 5 quotations. Please include your
Works Cited page at the end of your paper. The title page and Works Cited page do NOT count toward
the 1400 word minimum.You may use MLA, APA or Chicago style formatting. 1. Introduction (10 pts.)
First identify the name and author of the book, identify the type of book, and describe the overall theme
of the book. The first sentence should grab the reader’s attention.Last sentence of the Introduction
should explain goal/purpose of the paper. 2. Overview (30 pts.) Summarize the book, explaining the
main points. 3. Review of the book (50 pts.) This is the major section of the paper. Be sure to describe
how the book affected you. Tell the reader if you liked the book or not. Be specific: Does the book leave
out something it should have included? Would you recommend this book to someone else? What did
you learn from the book? These are some of the questions you should consider. Remember – this is your
opinion – I do not want you to research what anyone else has to say about the book. You may use
quotes from the book, but I do not want to read about what anyone else thought of the book. You do
not need to go to outside sources to develop your own views. Include an explanation of how the book
relates to this course, identifying specific course themes that relate to your reading. 4. Conclusion (10
pts.) Present a summary of your paper and add any final thoughts. AFTER READING YOUR PAPER, THE
READER SHOULD BE ABLE TO: —Know the author’s name and book name. —be able to identify your
thesis sentence at the end of the first paragraph. —Have a general overview of the story. —Know your
thoughts on the questions listed in the review. —understand your conclusion as a brief restatement of
the thesis as well as concluding and supporting information. It is your responsibility to ensure your
paper has proper spacing and is at least 1400 words long. IF YOUR PAPER IS LESS THAN 1400 WORDS, IT
INTO The Link within the course!!!!!!!! Failure to submit your paper into The Link within the course will
result in a ZERO. DO NOT EMAIL ME YOUR PAPER. 3. If your paper is over 30% plagiarized (ACCORDING
a ZERO. You are allowed to submit your paper more than one time until the due date. 4. ABSOLUTELY
NO LATE PAPERS! Papers can be submitted at any time before the due date. 5. Students are encouraged
to submit papers early in order to avoid unexpected emergencies and unexpected problems. DO NOT
OFFER EXCUSES! Computer problems are not an acceptable excuse! DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT
IGNORED AND DISREGARDED. 6. Avoid using informal language. This is a college paper and should be
written for a college audience. Do not write this paper as if you were speaking to a classmate. 7.
ABSOLUTELY NO misspelled words. 8. Begin sentences with capitals and end with proper punctuation. 9.

Use punctuation correctly. 10. Use capitalization correctly. 11. Indent paragraphs. 12. Use proper noun-
verb agreement. 13. Make sure sentences are complete and make sense. 14. Do not use run-on
sentences nor sentence fragments/incomplete sentences. 15. Review rules on commas and semi-colons.
16. Vary the wording…avoid using words repetitiously. 17. Vary the beginning of sentences…avoid “The
author said…The author did…The theme was…” 18. Do not begin sentences with: But, So, And, Because
19. Do not use contractions. 20. Avoid using quotes without citing them. 21. Minimum 1400 words. 22.
Put a Header on the paper with your name, course #, page number 23. Put a Title on the paper. 24.
Make sure that your paper includes an Introductory Paragraph and a Concluding Paragraph. 25. The first
sentence of the Introductory Paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. 26. The last sentence of the
Introductory Paragraph should explain the goal or purpose of the paper. 27. The concluding paragraph
should sum up the paper and add any final thoughts. 28. Avoid writing in first and second person as
much as possible. I realize this is an opinion paper, so get creative and vary your wording. The review
section is the only area that first person is acceptable. 29. Avoid using questions in the paper. Phrase
them as statements. 30. Write the paper in past tense.
question 4352: Black Snake Killaz
Watch this 2017 documentary and other materials listed below, then write an essay of at least 300
words. In this essay, be sure to follow these instructions: In addition to writing a summary on the film
information, discuss the following: What is the black snake? What are water protectors? What are man
camps and problems associated with them and how do they relate to this? What are the issues related
to this specific pipeline and why is it being led by Natives? How does this relate to other Native history in
the United States? Your opinions on this issue. Please double space and use proper grammar and
spelling. https://vimeo.com/243051889
Question 4353: Terrorism vs. Acts of Violence and Language
this is for the M3 Discussion and for the M3 assignment which I did on its own assignment M3
Discussion Discussion on Terrorism vs. Acts of Violence and Language Please be sure to read the Content
Guide on Terrorism for definitions and explanations and to prepare for the discussion Reading Qur’an by
TAHA KREWI, on Flickr Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License by TAHA
KREWIOpens in a new window Critically discuss how “terrorism” is viewed and perceived and discuss
how “acts of violence” are perceived. You are welcome to develop this conversation with examples.
Why is terrorism primarily discussed in the context of international acts of violence? Why is this term
not used as frequently in the US for domestic acts of violence? How do media participate in this
language and consequently influence the view of other groups outside the US? How is citizen journalism
changing the dynamics of new reporting? The point here is to have a conversation about what we
perceive as terrorism and begin deconstructing the “language” used. Please be sure to view the Content
Guide on Terrorism for definitions and explanations. Support your points with newspaper articles,
credible websites and videos (with citations) and current event information.
Question 4354: ISIS member with flag

M3 Written Assignment ISIS member with flag. Taken from ISIS propaganda video, Flames of War, 2014.
ISIS member and black flag taken from an ISIS propaganda video called the Flames of War. Photo: Al
Hayad, 2014 Via: theguardian.comOpens in a new window Written Assignment Instructions Respond to
ONE of the following writing prompts for your written assignment for Module 3: Describe the rise of ISIS
or the Islamic State. How did they come to power, what are their aims, and how did they recruit
attention, members and financial support for their cause? Be sure to assess the role of social media in
their efforts to recruit and gain support for an Islamic war. How are they different from other jihadist
groups and why have they been successful in their conquests? Discuss also how this extremist group
reinforces Islamophobia and negative Muslim stereotypes. Can anything be done to correct this? If so,
what? In detail, discuss the distinction between religious Islam and political Islam. In your discussion, be
certain to highlight the character and influence of each. Is there any way to combat the global
stereotypes of Islam? If so, how? Please be sure with all assignments to do the following: Your essay
should be 5 pages. Be sure to double space and to use Times New Roman 12 point with no effects and
only plain text for your submission When saving your document, title it with your last name and then
the assignment number. Be sure to place your name and the assignment number on the document itself
Adhere fully to the rules and format for proper citations and include a list of resources used, or a
bibliography, with each assignment. You may use any format you are familiar with (such as APA or MLA)
just be consistent throughout your text. For further assistance with citation guidelines, please do be sure
to consult the Writing Resource Center link listed below. Be certain to make your interpretation and
analysis central using supporting evidence to advance and support your arguments and analysis while
fully addressing the assignment question To support your analysis or to engage in additional research
related to the module topic, please feel free to use any of the links provided with the module as well as
scholarly evidence.
Question 4355: Revolution of 1800
Topic : In what ways can Thomas Jefferson’s presidency be considered a revolution? Did his presidency
deliver an “Empire of Liberty” as he envisioned? Why or why not? . . . You have to write 100 words or
more. Also, you should write a comment (75-word) on the 2 texts. If you give me a discussion, I will give
you the paragraph that you have to answer.
Question 4356 US Imperialism & World War I
Read about US Imperialism in the online textbook. Read about US in WWI in the online textbook. Review
the 2 presentations: imperialism.pptx and World War I.pptx View and analyze the following political
cartoons from this era: 290px-School_Begins_(Puck_Magazine_1-25-1899).jpg 6781228.jpg destroy-this-
mad-brute-wwi-army-recruiting-war-is-hell-store.jpg frontpostcard.png propoganda_05.jpg
tumblr_ktypdevc661qanibl.jpg Respond to the following: Discuss your ideas about the US attempts to
add oversees territories and colonies. Use the political cartoons as a starting point—what do you see in
them? What message(s) are they trying to convey? What do your think about them?
Question 4357 american history

Pretend that Wooden Leg and Chief Joseph were having a conversation about the position of Native
Americans towards the end of the 19th century. Based on the first letter of your last name, take on the
persona (in other words, pretend to be this individual) assigned to you and respond to the question
listed. You are not graded for sounding like the assigned person. The purpose of this is to get at the
ideas found in the documents. If it is uncomfortable to write this in the 1st person, it is fine to do this via
the 3rd person, just be sure to respond to the prompt. Use the documents to engage with the following:
*If your last name begins with A-L : (This is my question):Take on the persona of Wooden Leg (Cheyenne
View of Battle). Tell Chief Joseph what your thoughts and ideas are regarding the position of Native
Americans at this time. What should be done, and what is your strategy at this time?
Question 4358 The Colonial Experience
follow the instructions provided answer lesson 2 discussion topic picking one of the questions in 2
paragraphs. also answer the lesson 3 written assignmen question in a 3 to 4 page paper and answer the
lesson 3 discussion separately with 2 paragraphs.
Question 4359 Book Precis on Triangle: The Fire That Changed America
Writing a book precis is a different task than writing a book review. The most important aspect of a book
precis is its brevity and concise writing. The following information will be required for writing a book
precis for this course: The precis will be limited to one-page. Normal page margins (1-inch) will be used
and text size will be 12-pt., single-spaced. The precis will include three sections: A) Author’s argument,
2) Support for Argument, and 3) Evaluation and conclusion. The author’s argument should encompass
the overall argument of the book. Why did the author write the book? What point was the author trying
to make to the reader? When writing the Support for Argument section, the student should be very
concise in their writing. Take the author’s argument and explain how the author supported that
argument in the book. Don’t retell parts of the book. This section requires you to look at the big picture
and determine the author’s overall approach to convincing the reader of their argument. The final
section, Evaluation and Conclusion, requires the student to evaluate whether or not the author’s writing
convinced you of their argument. This section should be brief, concise, and leave no doubt in a reader’s
mind as to the value of the book. The written book precis should be limited to one page. If, after writing
your precis, your paper is longer than one page, you must edit the paper to tighten the narrative and
limit the writing to your strongest arguments and statements.
Question 4360 Syrian Refugee Crisis
Discussions There are numerous issues under consideration concerning the Syrian Conflict. For this
discussion, students should discuss the question on the Syrian Refugee Crisis and at least TWO of the
video clips found in the folder labeled “Video interviews on Syrian Conflict.” Make sure that you clearly
mark which video clip you are responding to, and to also respond to at least two other classmates on
ANY of the topics under discussion. What are some of the problems of the Syrian refugee crisis? Do you
feel that the Lebanese government made the right decision to stop accepting refugees after they had
reached over 1.5 million Syrians? Why or why not? Do you think the crisis will cause Lebanon to
eventually go to war? Why or why not? Look at the video clips in the M4 Video Interviews on Syrian

Conflict area of the module. Discuss two of them in two separate posts. What is the interviewee, Dr.
Mark Tomass, discussing? Do you agree with his assessments? Why or why not? What evidence can you
find to support your opinion? The Videos are on Suny Empire
Question 4361 Viewing and Reflection
a)The Tempest: St. Louis Shakespeare Festival b)The Tempest: Savage Rose Theater Company c)The
Tempest: Central Washington Production d)The Tempest: A Rock and Roll Space Odyssey view one of
the above and write a two-page reflection to explain your viewing experience addresses the following: –
Identify the performance that you have selected. – Describe the staging, lighting, costumes, and
characters of the performance. – How do these match or revise the written version of the play? – What
type of mood and tone does the performance create? How? – What parts of the play are easier to
understand through performance? What are some details that stood out through performance? -What
does the performance suggest about the role of theater in contemporary culture?

Question 4362 Video interviews on Syrian Conflict
Discussions There are numerous issues under consideration concerning the Syrian Conflict. For this
discussion, students should discuss the question on the Syrian Refugee Crisis and at least TWO of the
video clips found in the folder labeled “Video interviews on Syrian Conflict.” Make sure that you clearly
mark which video clip you are responding to, and to also respond to at least two other classmates on
ANY of the topics under discussion. What are some of the problems of the Syrian refugee crisis? Do you
feel that the Lebanese government made the right decision to stop accepting refugees after they had
reached over 1.5 million Syrians? Why or why not? Do you think the crisis will cause Lebanon to
eventually go to war? Why or why not? Look at the video clips in the M4 Video Interviews on Syrian
Conflict area of the module. Discuss two of them in two separate posts. What is the interviewee, Dr.
Mark Tomass, discussing? Do you agree with his assessments? Why or why not? What evidence can you
find to support your opinion? Respond
Question 4363 Quiz on the storyline of the Odyssey
I have to see some videos on youtube and then I have to ask 5 questions. Those are the links: 1-Last
Stand of the 300 documentary 2-Battles BC S01E06 Alexander Lord of War 3-
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqgwwx (Clash of the Gods – Odysseus) 4-
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqgwxw (Clash Of The Gods – Odysseus Warriors Revenge)
Question 4364 Historical eassy
As depression struck the new nation in the mid-1780s, new questions arose about the nature of
American democracy. Many conservatives believed that the answer lay in a stronger national
government. Most radicals believed it was up to the states to relieve the financial burden of the people.
These sentiments fostered a movement for a new constitution. Political differences soon stimulated the
creation of political parties. Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation with the new
Constitution of 1787. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles vis-Ă -vis the Constitution?

Give specific instances that demonstrate the weakness of the Articles (such as the Western problem).
Then analyze the drafting of the Constitution, using specific details to show how the various states (slave
vs. free, east vs. west) compromised in order to effectively draft a constitution. Pay particular attention
to Roger Sherman’s plan, the Great Compromise, which broke a stalemate that could have been fatal to
the development of the new Constitution. Finally, compare and contrast the debate over ratification
between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Make sure you cite specific examples from the
Federalist Papers to support the Federalist position and contrast it with leading proponents of the
opposition (such as John Hancock). Analyze how the debate over a bill of rights illustrates the
differences between the two parties. Evaluate the relative success of the Bill of Rights in achieving an
effective balance between national and states’ interests. This paper must not be less than three double-
spaced pages in length (not including the References page) and utilize no less than four academic quality
sources. Margins should be no more than one inch (right and left) and the essay should be composed in
an appropriate font and size. Sources must be documented and cited using APA format.
Question 4365 African History
When we hear about “The Slave Trade” (West Africa 1500s-1807), we hear ONLY about the Slave Trade
like there was no other trade before it. Please review the Power Point on Legitimate TradePreview the
document. Describe the ORIGINAL Indigenous LEGITIMATE trade (1400-1526) between the Africans and
the Europeans (what were the original products traded that included some African slaves) BEFORE it was
transformed by the Portuguese into “The Slave Trade” that fueled the Plantation Complex that soon
dominated the New World (1513 Brazil then transported to the rest of Spanish controlled South
America, The British, Spanish, French, Dtuch Caribbean, and North America).
Question 4366 American revolution
Please discuss your thoughts on the actions taken by the colonists between 1760-1775 in the Pre
Revolutionary Era. Be sure to keep in mind that not all colonists were rebelling against the mother
country. Would you have been a loyalist or a patriot? What would your actions have been if you were
living during this time and why? Your original post should be a minimum of 200 words. Please use
links!!! https://www.historyisfun.org/pdf/tea-overboard/RoadtoRevolution.pdf
http://www.manythings.org/voa/history/13.html https://www.gilderlehrman.org/content/colonists-
divided-revolution-and-civil-war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUiSBXQHCw

Question 4367 Citadel of Aleppo, Syria, 2011
M4 Written Assignment Citadel of Aleppo, Syria, 2011. In 2014 the rebels bombed the area and
destroyed the surroundings but the citadel still stood. Photo used with permission of Dr. Mark Tomass,
2013. Written Assignment Instructions:Shia and Sunni Please answer each essay question with a
substantive analytical response and discuss the Shia and Sunni groups fighting in the Syrian Conflict.
Please put your name, course number, and ID number on paper. Number and answer all three essay
questions. What are their aims (Shia and Sunni) and how are they different from each other? Explain

What do you believe the role of outside influence should be in the conflict (reflect on interference from
both the West and from Middle Eastern countries)? Why? Please posit any citation used. in light of
recent news events and the refuge situation, in your opinion do you think stability can be achieved in
Syria considering the political and religious motivations of all involved? 2) Why or why not? (Please
include references to support your opinion). Please be sure with all assignments to do the following:
Cover Sheet (Name, Course Title and My Name) Number and answer each question. Answer questions
critically and thoroughly Be sure to double space and to use Times New Roman 12 point with no effects
and only plain text for your submission When saving your document, title it with your last name and
then the assignment number. Be sure to place your name and the assignment number on the saved
document itself Adhere fully to the rules and format for proper citations and include a list of resources
used, or a bibliography, with each assignment. You may use any format you are familiar with (such as
APA or MLA) just be consistent throughout your text. For further assistance with citation guidelines,
please do be sure to consult the Writing Resource Center link listed below. Be certain to make your
interpretation and analysis central using supporting evidence to advance and support your arguments
and analysis while fully addressing the assignment question To support your analysis or to engage in
additional research related to the module topic, please feel free
Question 4368 History discussion
One historian has observed of southern slavery that “nothing escaped, nothing and no one.” What do
you think the historian meant by that statement? . . . First, you must write more than 100 words of your
thoughts on the topics presented. Discussions should end with questions. You’ll also need to provide
more historical details to support your answer and address your reading challenges yourself. Second,
you have to write 75 words in two texts. When you give me the last discussion, I will give you two
paragraphs to answer.
Question 4369 Book Precis on The Train to Crystal City
Writing a book precis is a different task than writing a book review. The most important aspect of a book
precis is its brevity and concise writing. The following information will be required for writing a book
precis for this course: The precis will be limited to one-page. Normal page margins (1-inch) will be used
and text size will be 12-pt., single-spaced. The precis will include three sections: A) Author’s argument,
2) Support for Argument, and 3) Evaluation and conclusion. The author’s argument should encompass
the overall argument of the book. Why did the author write the book? What point was the author trying
to make to the reader? When writing the Support for Argument section, the student should be very
concise in their writing. Take the author’s argument and explain how the author supported that
argument in the book. Don’t retell parts of the book. This section requires you to look at the big picture
and determine the author’s overall approach to convincing the reader of their argument. The final
section, Evaluation and Conclusion, requires the student to evaluate whether or not the author’s writing
convinced you of their argument. This section should be brief, concise, and leave no doubt in a reader’s
mind as to the value of the book. The written book precis should be limited to one page. If, after writing
your precis, your paper is longer than one page, you must edit the paper to tighten the narrative and
limit the writing to your strongest arguments and statements. last time i order book precious here but

was not good and i got lower grade my professor gave me feedback like this Your paper includes some
good information but your statement regarding the author’s argument is a bit weak. That makes it hard
to provide information that shows how the author supported that argument. please make sure to do the
strong argument
Question 4370 History of America
Answer why you think each person and event are important in shaping American history and defend
your answers: Joseph F. Glidden Cornelius Vanderbilt Robert M. Follette Franklin D.Roosevelt Events:
Devetalt Severalty Act The Great Depression Jim Crow Law Growth of American cities during 18-1900s
Salvation Army arrives in U.S. 1876-1879
Question 4371 Cortes and Colonizations Discussion Options Menu: Forum
– Read Hernan Cortes’ Second Letter to Charles V and An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico – On
our discussion board answer the following: Citing evidence from Cortes’ Second Letter to Charles V and
An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico, do you think the Aztecs and Mayans needed to be saved
by Christian missionaries? If so, why did they need to be saved, and how might the missionaries have
been able to help them? If not, why not? Also, post an argument for what you think were the main
reasons behind Spanish and Portuguese colonization around the world. Do you see any similarities with
earlier Greek colonization of the Mediterranean? Why or why not? Each student should post one
response for each of the above topics and respond to a classmate for each of the above topics.
Thoughtful posts will receive full credit.

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