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Econ 3057, 4438, 8038: Industrial


Assignment 6 solution

Semester I 2020

Due: Friday May 29th at 5 pm

  1. [30 points] Freezeme is the unique supplier of refrigerators in a market with two types

of consumers. Each consumer is interested in buying at most one unit. Refrigerators

might come in di¤erent qualities. From any given quality level S, a consumer of type

1 derives a utility of

U1 = S 􀀀 p;

and a consumer of type 2 gets utility

U2 = S 􀀀 p;

where p is the price, and  > 1 is a constant. If a consumer does not buy, his/her

utility is 0. Freezeme found out that there are 100 consumers of type 1 and 70 of type


Freezeme has a marginal cost of production of 10 (regardless of quality) and the

(quantity-independent) cost of developing a product of quality S is S2

2 .

(a) Suppose Freezeme develop two refrigerators, one of quality S1, the other one of

quality S2, with S2 > S1. Freezeme.s product manager I.S. Cold claims that

their products can be considered as being vertically di¤erentiated. Is she right?

Explain your answer. [4 points]

(b) Suppose that Freezeme could distinguish between consumers of type 1 and con-

sumers of type 2. Freezeme wants to develop two di¤erent fridges to serve the two

di¤erent types of consumers. What would Freezeme.s optimal price and quality

for each group of consumers be? [For each given quality, the .rm uses uniform


pricing. That is, the .rm charges pi for product with quality Si, i = 1; 2.] Assume

that the .rm can prevent arbitrage. [8 points]

(c) Under which condition is the quality produced for type 2 consumers greater than

the quality for type 1 consumers? Explain why the .rm would ever want to o¤er

a product of lower quality to the higher valuation type consumers. [4 points]

Assume for the remainder of this problem that Freezeme is unable to distinguish

between consumers of type 1 and consumers of type 2. Also assume that the

condition you identi.ed in part (c) holds.

(d) Freezeme wants to serve the two types of consumers with two di¤erent qualities,

S1 and S2. The .rm wants to .nd the optimal pairs (S1; p1) and (S2; p2) that

maximize their pro.t. [(Si; pi) for type i of consumers.] In order to do so, they

need to separate the two types of consumers. Given a menu f(S1; p1); (S2; p2)g,

write down the two constraints such that both types of consumers purchase the

products. Write down the two constraints such that both types of consumers

prefer to purchase the quality price pair intended for them rather than the one

intended for the other type. [These constraints will be in terms (S1; p1) and

(S2; p2).] [4 points]

(e) Find the optimal pairs (S1; p1) and (S2; p2) that maximize Freezemen.s pro.t

assuming that the .rm wants to o¤er two di¤erent qualities S2 > S1. [Hint: Two

out of the four inequalities constraints will be binding.] [10 points]


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

Start a new post with the following information and give it an appropriate subject, like “Patton
Ch 1”:
a) From the appropriate chapter, select a question from the Questions for
Review from the end of the appropriate chapter in the e-book, (copy) the question in your
initial post (1 point).
b) Using your own words, correctly answer the selected question (2 points).
c) Read and reply to another classmate’s post (1 point).
d) Provide a thoughtful and correct reply (1 point).




  1. Use the data in HAPPINESS.RAW for this question. See also Computer Exercise C15 in Chapter 13.
    1. (i) Estimate a probit probability model relatingvhappytooccattendandregattend, and include a full set of year dummies. Find the average partial effects foroccat- tendandregattend. How do these compare with those from estimating a linear probability model?
    2. (ii) Define a variable,highinc, equal to one if family income is above $25,000. Includehighinc,unem10,educ, andteensto the probit estimation in part (ii). Is the APE ofregattendaffected much? What about its statistical significance?
    3. (iii) Discuss the APEs and statistical significance of the four new variables in part (ii). Do the estimates make sense?
    4. (iv) Controlling for the factors in part (ii), do there appear to be differences in happi- ness by gender or race? Justify your answer.


  1. How does the DD schedule shift if there is a decline in investment demand? 2. Suppose there is a permanent fall in private aggregate demand for a country’s output (a downward shift of the entire aggregate demand schedule). What is the effect on output? What government policy response would you recommend? 3. A new government is elected and announces that once it is inaugurated, it will increase the money supply. Use the DD-AA model to study the economy’s response to this announcement.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic many countries have imposed quarantine on their
populations in order to limit/ stop the spread of the disease and avoid overload on the health
system. While these measures are justified from the health perspective, they have major economic
consequences. In this assignment you are asked to analyse different economic aspects related to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Part 1 (20 marks)
GDP and unemployment
a) Analyse the effects of quarantine on GDP, employment and the unemployment rate. Which
industries are likely to be most affected and which industries are likely to be least affected
by quarantine measures?
b) Choose any country that introduced quarantine as an example. What was its GDP growth
rate in 2018, 2019? (Indicate the source of information.) Is this country likely to be in
recession this year? Refer to two definitions of recession.
c) Are your answers consistent with (general) Okun’s law?
Part 2 (20 marks)
a) What do you think would happen to inflation in your chosen country in the coming year?

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

manager of a nightclub realizes that demand for drinks is more elastic among students and is trying to determine the optimal pricing schedule. Specifically, he estimates the following average demand for his customer types: Under 25: q^r=18-5p Over 25: q=10-2p The two age groups visit the nightclub in equal numbers on average. Assume that drinks cost the club $2 to make. If the manager cannot identify to which group his customers belong, what is the uniform monopoly price? If the manager can identify to which group his customers belong, what price will he charge each group. Assume the manager can only charge a single price to each group. If the manager can charge a separate entry fee and a price per drink for each group, what two-part price will the manager set for reach group. Now suppose that once again it is impossible to identify which group the customers belong. Suppose the manager lowers the price of drinks to equal to marginal cost and still wanted to attract both customers, what entry fee would the manager set?


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


A student has to decide whether to go to a party on the night before an exam. If they go to the
party, then they have the probability ? of writing a good exam and the probability 1 ? of writing
a bad exam. If they do not go to the party, then they have the probability > ? of writing a good
The student has the utility u = x1/2 + H if they go to the party and get the mark x on the exam.
But, if they do not go to the party they have the utility u = x1/2. The professor gets to choose xb
(the mark she gives to bad exams) and xg the mark she gives to good exams. Students also have
the option of going to the party and then quitting the course. This gives them the utility U + H
where U > 0.
(a) What is the student’s expected utility from going to the party and her expected utility from
not going to the party?
(b) Assuming students do not quit the course, what marks (xg, xb) can the professor set to stop
students partying? Draw a picture of this set of marks with yg = pxg on one axis and
yb = pxb on the other. Explain how this set changes as H and ? change.
(c) What marks can the professor set so the students prefer partying and taking the exam to
quitting the course? What marks can the professor set so the students prefer not partying and
taking the exam to quitting the course? Show these sets on a new picture.
(d) Suppose that the professor wants to promote equity and thus aims to make the di?erence
xg xb as small as possible while still stopping students from going to the party, but she
ignores the possibility that students will quit the course. What marks (xg, xb) should she set
to achieve her objective? Will this result in the outcome she planned?
(e) Suppose now the professor wants to minimise xg xb while still getting students to not party
and attend the course. Plot the contours of her objective function on your (yg, yb) picture.
What marks (xg, xb) should she set to achieve her objective now?
(f) The professor has other variables that she can control: she can make the exam harder, which
decreases and ?, and she can make the party fail by calling the campus authorities, which
decreases H. How does each of these variables a?ect her ability to achieve the objectives
described above?




Part 1 (20 marks)
GDP and unemployment
a) Analyse the effects of quarantine on GDP, employment and the unemployment rate. Which
industries are likely to be most affected and which industries are likely to be least affected
by quarantine measures?
b) Choose any country that introduced quarantine as an example. What was its GDP growth
rate in 2018, 2019? (Indicate the source of information.) Is this country likely to be in
recession this year? Refer to two definitions of recession.
c) Are your answers consistent with (general) Okun’s law?
Part 2 (20 marks)
a) What do you think would happen to inflation in your chosen country in the coming year?
Demand components: Consumption
b) What factors usually determine individual consumption? In light of these factors analyse
how the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to affect aggregate consumption.
Use the theory studied in the course in your answer. You may want to provide some
examples for your chosen country.
Part 3 (20 marks)
Demand components: Investment and net exports
Analyse the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on investment and trade (exports and imports, in
particular). Refer to the theories studied in the course. Provide some examples from your chosen
country. Do you think investment and trade will also be affected after the pandemic is over?


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


The tabulation of the incremental cash ?ows between alternatives A and B is shown on the next page. Alternative A has a 3-year life and alternative B a 6-year life. If neither alternative has a salvage value, what is ( a ) the ?rst cost of alternative A and ( b ) the ? rst cost of alternative B? Year Incremental Cash Flow (B – A), $ 0 –20,000 1 5,000 2 5,000 3 12,000 4 5,000 5 5,000 6 5,000



Based on consulting economist’s report, th total and marginal cost functions for Advanced Electronics, Inc. are

TC = 200 + 5Q – 0.04Q2 + 0.001Q3

MC = 5 – 0.08Q + 0.003Q2

The president of the company determines that knowing only these equations is inadequate for decision making. You have been directed to do the following:

  1. Determine the level of fixed cost (if any) and equations for average total cost.
  2. Determine the rate of output that results in minimum average variable cost

If fixed costs increase to $500, what output rate will result in minimum average variable cost


You are given the following model:

appr = b 0 + b1 loanprc + b 2atotinc +b 3 atotinc.^2sq. + b4obrat + b5pubrec + u,

4 5 2 b 0 b1 b 2 b 3 b b ,

in which:

– approve: =1 if loan is approved, and 0 if not.

– obrat: other obligations, % of total income

– pubrec: = 1 if filed for bankruptcy

– atotinc: Total monthly income

– loanprc: loan amount /purchase price

– atotinc.^2sq. = atotinc* atotinc

  1. What sign would you expect from each partial slope coefficient in the model above? Justify your answers.

From the estimation of model above, one can obtain the following:

appr = 1.2-0.189loanprc +1.7e^-06atotinc-4.3e^-11atotinc^2-0.0054obrat-0.28 pubrec

(0.04) (0.038) (2.7e^ -06 ) (5.6e^ -11 ) (0.00088) (0.0358)

R^2= 0.1087 n =1989

  1. Interpret the coefficients of pubrec, and of loanprc.
  2. How do you explain the signs of atotinc and atotinc^2 ?



Assuming that global international trade sharply declines because of the “trade war” (in the forms
of increases in tariff and other trade barriers such as import quota and export subsidies on both
sides) between the U.S. and China, the U.S. and the European Union, and the U.S. and Japan.
Everything being equal, explain in 700-800 words the likely impact on the following:
• Global productivity, economic growth and inflation
• Australian consumers who buy goods imported from China, Japan and the United States.
• Australian producers who need to source from both China and the United States.
• Australian exporters such as a mining company who exports iron ore and coal to China and




An economy produces three goods: houses, guns, and apples. The price of each is $1. For the purposes of this problem, assume that all exchange involving houses involves newly constructed houses.
(a) Households buy 10 houses and 90 apples, eating them. The government buys 10 guns. There is no other economic activity. What are the values of the different components of GDP (consumption, investment, government spending, exports/imports)?
(b) The next year, households buy 10 houses and 90 apples. The government buys 10 guns. Farmers take the seeds from 10 more apples and plant them. Households then sell 10 apples to France for $1 each and buy 10 bananas from Canada for $2 each, eating them too. What are the values of the components of GDP?
(c) Return to the economy in part 1a. The government notices that the two richest households consume 40 apples each, while the ten poorest consume one each. It levies a tax of 30 apples on each of the rich households, and gives 6 apples each to the 10 poorest households. All other purchases by households and the government are the same as in
(a). Calculate the components of GDP.


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


A company must purchase one reactor to be used in an overall operation. Four reactors have been designed, all of which are equally capable of giving the required service. The following data apply to the four designs:



Q1: Cost-saving proposals 600 words (max. 200 words per proposal)Recognising these cost elements of this business, or a typical business like this, propose ways it can cleverly save costs (be more cost-efficient) by: (i) reducing fixed cost (ii) reducing variable cost (iii) cost-shifting (passing on/sharing part of the costs onto customers, workers, the government, the public in general etc.) (iv) aiming to achieve better economies of scale ?Propose three cost-saving ideas using any of (i) to (iv). E.g.: two of (i) and one of (ii). ? Discuss them: why you proposed it, why it is a good idea, what challenges might there be to implement them (if any).
Q2: Competitive strategy proposals 600 words (max. 200 word per proposal) What competitive strategy can your chosen business use to gain an advantage in sales over its rivals? ? (i) the five generic competitive strategies (ii) the 4Cs (contrast, combination, constraint, context) (iii) the 4Qs (questions: 1. Is your business relevant? Can you make it more relevant/offer real or essential or higher consumer needs? 2. Are customers dependent on you or not? How to make them more dependent? 3. Do customers prefer us to our competitors? How to make them prefer us? 4. Are we excellent at something? How do we become excellent compared to rivals?)(iv) six ways to differentiate yourself (product, service, channel, relationship etc.) ?Propose three ideas using any of (i) to (iv). E.g.: (ii), (ii) again, and (iv). ? Discuss them: why you proposed it, why it is a good idea, what challenges might there be to implement them (if any)



In what follows, ignore the negative impact that social distancing has on household income. Assume that individuals’ income remains unchanged. The government would now like you to help them understand “hoarding” behaviour and its effect on the market. We will define



  1. hoarding behaviour as the tendency to buy excessive amounts of a good, though individuals are not expected to usemore of the good. For example, the government sees that individuals are hoarding toilet paper—they are buying excessive amounts, though they are using a normal amount. (6 marks) a. You decide to describe individual hoarding behaviour using game theory. You model the behaviour using a simultaneous game between two players. Assume the actions that each player can choose are to “hoard” or “not hoard”. You are seeing that nearly everyone people in society is engaging in various types of hoarding behaviours, even though everyone would be better off without any hoarding. What type of game can best describe the decision to “hoard” versus “not hoard”? (1 marks)
  2. Given your answer to part (a), assign a set of real payoffs to each action, drawthe normal form game and defineand describethe Nash Equilibrium. (3 marks)
  3. Is the Nash Equilibrium socially efficient? If not, what types of policy might you recommend to encourage individuals to achieve an outcome that is efficient? (2 marks)

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

Find a real world example from 2019-2020 of a change in market conditions, for example an observed change in prices or the quantity of a good or service. Using theories of economics, such as the demand and supply model, explain the impact of changing market conditions on the price and quantity of goods or services traded. The real world example:

  • will be sourced from newspapers or other media.
  • be for a specific city, country or global and over some time period.
  • The assignment must, as a minimum, include:
    • an introduction;
    • a description of the relevant market, including the product or service, location and degree of competitiveness;
    • an analysis (including appropriate diagrams) of how changing market conditions are influencing or have influenced or may influence prices/quantities, and
    • a conclusion.




  1. In what follows, ignore the negative impact that social distancing has on individuals’ income. Assume that individuals’ income remains unchanged with and without social distancing. Now that people are “social distancing” and are on home quarantine they are spending significantly more time at home and have more free time since they do not need to commute to work. In part (a), (b) and (c), you need to discuss how the market moves (what happens to supply and demand) and thus what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity. (5 marks) a. Ceteris paribus, describe with graph and words what happens in the market for online moving streaming, e.g. Netflix. Assume there is only oneonline moving streaming service. You do not need to consider the market for other goods. (2 marks)
  2. Given you answer to part 2a above, now consider the impact on the market for books, which is a perfectly competitive market (consider both digital and print books as a single category). Your answer should consider two key “facts” of the case: (1) people have more time at home and (2) people are watching more movies. (2 marks)
  3. Given your answer to part 2a above, now consider the impact on the market for popcorn. You should assume that even in the time of the pandemic, people enjoy eating popcorn while watching a movie. (1 mark)




Using the principles of economics covered in learning materials from week 1 to week 10 inclusive,
students should apply their understanding to analyse the macroeconomic issues and the policy
responses. Students are expected to conduct some basic research and to reference journal articles,
professional websites and other sources in the process.
The due date for this group assignment is Week 10.
Total marks: 80
Based on the article above, you are required to complete the following questions:
1. Using a diagram, illustrate and describe Australia’s rate of inflation since 2000. (10 marks)
2. Describe the measures undertaken by the Reserve Bank of Australia in combating inflation while
maintaining low unemployment. Discuss whether they have been successful. (20 marks)
3. Discuss the impacts (both positive and negative) of inflation which have influenced the
macroeconomic variables of the real Gross Domestic Product and total employment of Australia.
(20 marks)
4. Describe the type(s) of unemployment Australia is currently facing? Analyse how these types of
unemployment affect the Australian economy. (20 marks)
5. Using examples from the article, explain the following microeconomic concepts. (10 marks)
i. Diseconomies of scale
ii. Negative externalities
6. i. Overall presentation/formatting of the group report. (5 marks)
ii. Referencing (formatting and accuracy). (5 marks)



Using the principles of economics covered in learning materials from week 1 to week 10 inclusive,
students should apply their understanding to analyse the macroeconomic issues and the policy
responses. Students are expected to conduct some basic research and to reference journal articles,
professional websites and other sources in the process.
The due date for this group assignment is Week 10.
Total marks: 80
Based on the article above, you are required to complete the following questions:
1. Using a diagram, illustrate and describe Australia’s rate of inflation since 2000. (10 marks)
2. Describe the measures undertaken by the Reserve Bank of Australia in combating inflation while
maintaining low unemployment. Discuss whether they have been successful. (20 marks)
3. Discuss the impacts (both positive and negative) of inflation which have influenced the
macroeconomic variables of the real Gross Domestic Product and total employment of Australia.
(20 marks)
4. Describe the type(s) of unemployment Australia is currently facing? Analyse how these types of
unemployment affect the Australian economy. (20 marks)
5. Using examples from the article, explain the following microeconomic concepts. (10 marks)
i. Diseconomies of scale
ii. Negative externalities
6. i. Overall presentation/formatting of the group report. (5 marks)
ii. Referencing (formatting and accuracy). (5 marks)


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

Explain the difference between monopoly and monopoly power. In reality, do monopolists always have more monopoly power than firms in oligopolistic sectors? Why or why not? With the aid of an example,




In 2017, Nepal’s production of rice and machinery was published by the Nepal Bureau of Statistics(NBS)as indicated by the table below:

Production in Nepal

Position P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rice (1000 tons) 0 10 26 37 45 50 55 59 66 77 80
Machinery (units) 90 89 85 80 75 70 65 60 50 30 0

Based on the table above, a production possibility frontier(PPF)for Nepal can be plotted as below:

Use the NBS production table and production possibility frontier to answer the following questions:

A.Name positions B, V and D. Also,as indicated in thetable, supposing Nepal is operating at level T, what is the opportunity cost of producing 10,000 more tons of rice??????????(3marks)

B.Use the graph below to answer the questions that follow:

B1:Suppose Nepal begins to manufacture fertilizers.Explain the impact of the discovery of fertilizerson Nepal’s economy usingone of thePPF above.


B2:Also,supposing there is a discovery of steel in Nepal, explain the impact of steelon the economy of Nepal usingone of the PPF above. (2 marks)

B3:Finally, theMinister of Finance in Nepal advicesthe World Bank that in order to increase rice production and machinery, each sector requires USD 50 billion, or a total of 100 billion.This 100 billion is made available by the World Bank.Explain the impact ofthese 100 billion budgetary allocationsto the economy of Nepal. Use one of the PPF above.??(3 marks)

Assessment Question Week 3:

Markets in Action: Demand and Supply

Question 2

Suppose the graph below represents the demand and supply forriceat various prices, answer the questions that follow.

Thegraph above is represented in the table below. Please complete the tablebelowidentifying the shortage or surplus.

Price (10kg bag) Demand

(10 kg bags)

Supply (SS)

(10 kg bags)

Surplus (+)

Shortage (-)

10 89 29
20 70 40
30 55 55
40 39 67
50 25 80
60 11 95

A.Based on your findings in the table above, what is the market equilibrium price and quantity forrice? ???????(3 marks)

B.Also, please examine the factors thatcanmotivate the government to reduce the price of rice at $20 per 10 kg bag and theeffectsofthatgovernmentlegislation on the rice market.????? (7marks)

Assessment Question Week4:

Price Elasticity of demand and supply

Question 3

The price for cigarettessold by Big Tobacco Co Ltdwas6.00 per packet in March 2018. During the month of March, the consumption of cigarettes was1000 packets.However, the Board of Directors of Big Tobacco Co Ltddecided to increase the price by 25% during the monthofApril. As a manager you noted that price elasticity of demand was 0.8.As a manager Big Tobacco Co Ltd:

A.Advise yourmanagement ofthe strategy that could be adoptedby your firm to maintainsales.?(5 Marks)

B.Also,advise your government on recommendedinterventions in the cigarette market.?????????(5Marks)

Assessment Question Week5:

Production costs

Question 4

John was a high school teacher earning $ 80,000 per year. He quit his job to start his own business in pizza catering.In order to learn how to run the pizza catering business, John enrolled in a TAFE to acquire catering skills.John’s course was for 3 months. John had to pay $2,000 as tuition for the 3 months.

After the training, John withdrew $110,000 from his savings account. He had been earning 5 percent interest per year for this account. He also borrowed $50,000.00 from his friend whom he pays 6 percent interest per year. Further,to start the businessJohn used hisownpremises. He wasreceiving$12,000from rentper year. Finally, to start the business John uses $50,000 he had been given by his father to go on holiday to USA.

John’s first year of business can be summarised as follows:

Item Amount $
Revenue- Pizza Section 400,000
Revenue- Beverages Section 190,000
2 Cashiers(wages per worker) 55,000
Pizza ingredients 50,000
Manager 75,000
3 Pizza bakers (wages per baker) 60,000
Equipment 10,000


Based on your calculated accounting profit and economic profit, would you advise John to return to his teaching job? Show your work???(10 marks)

Assessment Question Week6:

Market Structure: Perfect Competition and Monopoly

Question 5

The above diagram illustrates the short run cost curves for Sarah Mat, a rice farmer in Queensland.Calculate the profit or loss for Sarah Mat and, examine the key characteristics for perfect competition firm with reference to Sarah’s farm.(10 Marks)

Students select a real-world case study based on their own industry or workplace context, and submit a 2500-word report on an appropriate aspect of business economics. The assessment task is intended to simulate the composition of a formal report to senior management concerning a strategic initiative.

Following the problem solving and decision making approach discussed in Chapter 1 to solve the following issues relevant to the selected workplace industry and incorporate the following:

  1. Does the company make decisions based on depreciation or overhead? If so, does this lead to bad decisions? What can be done to fix the problem? What was the profit consequences of the change [Refer to Chapter 3 of the prescribed textbook especially on Sunk Cost of Depreciation or Fixed Cost of Overhead].
  2. Describe an extant decision made by the company. Discuss the marginal cost and marginal benefit of the decision. Was the right decision reached? If not, what should be done differently? What was the profit consequences of the change?[Chapter 3: Benefits, Costs, and Decisions].

c.Describe an investment decision the company has made. Discuss the opportunity costs and benefits of the decision. Did your company make the right decision? If not, what would you do differently? What was the NPV of the investment? [Refer to Chapter 5 of the prescribed textbook: Investment Decisions: Look Ahead and Reason Back].

Students are expected to demonstrate a sound theoretical and practical understanding of managerial economics in their analysis and discussions, as well as an awareness of the moral, ethical, and cultural aspects economics decision-making.

The composition of the formal report is staged across the first four weeks of the course, whereby students prepare a component of the report and share their research to receive informal peer feedback:

  • Week 2: Select Your Case Study and Describe


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


(a) Explain how GDP is measured in your country. Provide real life examples. (4 marks)
While your textbook is your first point of reference, you should consult other references in order to receive full marks. Use real life examples (with references) to support your discussion.
(b) Explain the macroeconomic effects of COVID-19 pandemic on your country using economic theory, real life data and illustrate them on appropriate diagrams. (10 marks)
This is your case study that you need to describe in details, provide relevant information, use table, diagrams where appropriate. You should use real data as much as possible. Refer to the textbook for the theoretical framework.
(b) Using your home country as a case study outline two main economic measures government applied to the national economy due to COVID-19 pandemic. Analyse the effect of such measures on inflation, output and employment using economic theory. What measures would you suggest and why? Explain using theory and real data. (12 marks)



During the current COVID-19 pandemic many countries have imposed quarantine on their
populations in order to limit/ stop the spread of the disease and avoid overload on the health
system. While these measures are justified from the health perspective, they have major economic
consequences. In this assignment you are asked to analyse different economic aspects related to the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Part 1 (20 marks)
GDP and unemployment
a) Analyse the effects of quarantine on GDP, employment and the unemployment rate. Which
industries are likely to be most affected and which industries are likely to be least affected
by quarantine measures?
b) Choose any country that introduced quarantine as an example. What was its GDP growth
rate in 2018, 2019? (Indicate the source of information.) Is this country likely to be in
recession this year? Refer to two definitions of recession.
c) Are your answers consistent with (general) Okun’s law?
Part 2 (20 marks)
a) What do you think would happen to inflation in your chosen country in the coming year?
Demand components: Consumption
b) What factors usually determine individual consumption? In light of these factors analyse
how the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to affect aggregate consumption.
Use the theory studied in the course in your answer. You may want to provide some
examples for your chosen country.



Use the NBS production table and production possibility frontier to answer the following questions: A. Name positions B, V and D. Also, as indicated in the table, supposing Nepal is operating at level T, what is the opportunity cost of producing 10,000 more tons of rice? (3 marks) B. Use the graph below to answer the questions that follow: Economics Homework Help at Point B is inside the PPF curve. It shows efficient utilization of resources, and the production can be increased by using the resources efficiently. Point V is on the PPF, which shows the full utilization of resources. Point D is outside the PPF curve, which shows production at this point is beyond the potential of Nepal due to limited resources. Thus, this would be the unattainable level of production given the available resources (Galles, Graves & Sexton, 2019). If Nepal produces 10,000 more rice, the point moves to V from T. Thus, the rice would increase by 10,000, and machinery production would reduce by ten units. Hence, the opportunity cost of producing 10,000 units of rice is ten units of rice. B) 1. Production of fertilizers means that rice



ATT&T and Time Warner (Spectrum) has been viewed a great deal since it may have great benefits for customers. But the critics of such merger claim that this deal will hurt customers. Should the Government approve this merger? Provide your arguments or against the deal.


Let the fixed price of good is Birr 72. If the cost function of perfect competitive market is given by C= Q3-12Q2+10Q+100, then find profit maximizing level of output



Question 1
Using a production possibilities frontier (PPF) diagram, determine how does the PPF change
in response to the following events:
a) Reducing skilled migration into the country
b) Imposing import taxes (tariffs) on intermediate inputs
c) Increasing the expenditure on research and development
d) An increase in the retirement age
e) The effects of natural disaster
Question 2
Identify what sort of effect the following events have:
a) A decrease in oil prices as a consequence of a price dispute in the world oil markets
b) The onset and prevalence of a pandemic
c) The implementation of subsidies to manufacturing of cars in Australia
d) The implementation of a Carbon tax in the economy. A Carbon tax is charged
according to the level of emissions of greenhouse gases in an economy.
e) The implementation of a new loan program to university students in the education
You are required to explain whether the event acts on the demand or supply side, and whether
the event leads to a quantity or price change, or leads to a shift in demand and/or supply.
Make sure to explain what sort of assumptions you are making on the elasticities of demand
and supply.
Question 3
Compare the impact of a recession that reduces consumer income by 10 percent on the
consumption of technology goods and house rentals. Suppose that the income elasticity of
demand for technology goods is 3 and the income elasticity of demand for house rentals is
0.3. Based on your response, make a policy argument to support through government
funding either businesses or house rentals.



  1. In 1984 and 1985, the small Latin American country of Bolivia experienced hyperinflation. Below are some key macroeconomic data from those years: Macroeconomic Data for Bolivia, April 1984 – October 1985


Are rapid economic growth and equal distribution of personal income necessarily conflicting objectives?


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

Analyse and evaluate the market structure of the airline industry. In your analysis, determine
whether the current market is concentrated or not. In your discussion, use economic tools or models
to make this decision. You should also consider who owns Jetstar when making these calculations.
2. With the events of COVID-19, there is a possibility that Virgin Australia may fold. Assuming this
market share will be taken up by QANTAS, calculate the new HHI for the industry. What do you think
will happen to air ticket prices? Explain and justify with relevant economic concepts
3. A couple of States, including NSW, are expected to help bail out Virgin Australia. Do you think this
will be good for the industry? Do you think it will be good for Qantas?



Tutorial Submission Question 1

Assessment Question Week 2:

Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)

Question 1

In 2017, Nepal’s production of rice and machinery was published by the Nepal Bureau of Statistics (NBS) as indicated by the table below:

Production in Nepal

Position P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rice (1000 tons) 0 10 26 37 45 50 55 59 66 77 80
Machinery (units) 90 89 85 80 75 70 65 60 50 30 0

Based on the table above, a production possibility frontier (PPF) for Nepal can be plotted as below:

Use the NBS production table and production possibility frontier to answer the following questions:

  1. Name positions B, V and D. Also, as indicated in the table, supposing Nepal is operating at level T, what is the opportunity cost of producing 10,000 more tons of rice? (3 marks)
  2. Use the graph below to answer the questions that follow:

B1: Suppose Nepal begins to manufacture fertilizers. Explain the impact of the discovery of fertilizers on Nepal’s economy using one of the PPF above.

(2 marks)

B2: Also, supposing there is a discovery of steel in Nepal, explain the impact of steel on the economy of Nepal using one of the PPF above. (2 marks)

B3: Finally, the Minister of Finance in Nepal advices the World Bank that in order to increase rice production and machinery, each sector requires USD 50 billion, or a total of 100 billion. This 100 billion is made available by the World Bank. Explain the impact of these 100 billion budgetary allocations to the economy of Nepal. Use one of the PPF above. (3 marks)

Assessment Question Week 3:

Markets in Action: Demand and Supply

Question 2

Suppose the graph below represents the demand and supply for rice at various prices, answer the questions that follow.

The graph above is represented in the table below. Please complete the table below identifying the shortage or surplus.

Price (10kg bag) Demand

(10 kg bags)

Supply (SS)

(10 kg bags)

Surplus (+)

Shortage (-)

10 89 29
20 70 40
30 55 55
40 39 67
50 25 80
60 11 95
  1. Based on your findings in the table above, what is the market equilibrium price and quantity for rice? (3 marks)
  2. Also, please examine the factors that can motivate the government to reduce the price of rice at $20 per 10 kg bag and the effects of that government legislation on the rice market. (7marks)

Assessment Question Week4:

Price Elasticity of demand and supply

Question 3

The price for cigarettes sold by Big Tobacco Co Ltd was 6.00 per packet in March 2018. During the month of March, the consumption of cigarettes was 1000 packets. However, the Board of Directors of Big Tobacco Co Ltd decided to increase the price by 25% during the month of April. As a manager you noted that price elasticity of demand was 0.8. As a manager Big Tobacco Co Ltd:

  1. Advise your management of the strategy that could be adopted by your firm to maintain sales. (5 Marks)
  2. Also, advise your government on recommended interventions in the cigarette market. (5 Marks)

Assessment Question Week 5:

Production costs

Question 4

John was a high school teacher earning $ 80,000 per year. He quit his job to start his own business in pizza catering. In order to learn how to run the pizza catering business, John enrolled in a TAFE to acquire catering skills. John’s course was for 3 months. John had to pay $2,000 as tuition for the 3 months.

After the training, John withdrew $110,000 from his savings account. He had been earning 5 percent interest per year for this account. He also borrowed $50,000.00 from his friend whom he pays 6 percent interest per year. Further, to start the business John used his own premises. He was receiving $12,000 from rent per year. Finally, to start the business John uses $50,000 he had been given by his father to go on holiday to USA.

John’s first year of business can be summarised as follows:

Item Amount $
Revenue- Pizza Section 400,000
Revenue- Beverages Section 190,000
2 Cashiers (wages per worker) 55,000
Pizza ingredients 50,000
Manager 75,000
3 Pizza bakers (wages per baker) 60,000
Equipment 10,000

Based on your calculated accounting profit and economic profit, would you advise John to return to his teaching job? Show your work (10 marks)

Assessment Question Week6:

Market Structure: Perfect Competition and Monopoly

Question 5

The above diagram illustrates the short run cost curves for Sarah Mat, a rice farmer in Queensland. Calculate the profit or loss for Sarah Mat and, examine the key characteristics for perfect competition firm with reference to Sarah’s farm.(10 Marks)



One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


Your goal: to advise them on how to be cost-efficient, be more competitive in the market, grow the business, and design their pricing and non-pricing strategies.
In essence: you will develop ideas to make that business more successful, and more resilient and long-lasting, even in fierce competitive situations or in very difficult economic conditions. You will present it in a report (see sample report in the ‘Questions: research report’ document.
(i) published data you find about the business on the Internet— their website, possibly with photographs of their premise, location, how many staff they employ (you can just judge this yourself, if that information is not available), online information about their products or services. See the ‘questions: research report’ document again, instruction no. 3.
You may not be able to get all of these but get as much information as you reasonably can. Use your judgement for the rest or rely on past visits to the shop or store (or what people told you about visits to the store). You do not need to be very precise.
(ii) the business should be a business in Sydney or Manly.




1) The answers of the assignment must be printed.

2) Make sure that the content of your answers is clear and understandable.

Question 1)

The Oslo Accords (including the Protocol on Economic Relations) signed in 1994 had set the stage for the National Palestinian Authority (NPA) to assume political and economic sovereignty in major WBG cities. Although, the skewed integration withOccupation state )Israel( economy (the dependence on) Israeli( economy) did not structurally change. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) have published data for national accounts for this period:

Use the data posted in this web-link to answer the following questions:

1) Use graph to describe changes in real GDP between 2004 and 2014.

2) Use pie graph to describe the share of GDP components in 2014.

Question 2)

The relative recovery of the Palestinian economy prevailed in the 90s was cut short by the breakout of the Second Intifada in September 2000. Following this date, Palestinians endured devastating measures including, relentless Israeli internal and external closures, loss of land and other natural resource, an astronomical rise in unemployment, mainly due to the termination of labor inflow to Israel, and the purposely destruction of physical infrastructure by Israel.

Based on the data posted on:

  1. a) Use graph to describe changes in real GDP between 2000 and 2008.
  2. b) What is the GDP component that cause the change in read GDP between 2000 and 2008.

Question 3)

In short, talk about the most important provisions of Paris economic agreement ( Paris Protocol) signed in 1994, explain its effects on the Palestinian economy.


Analyze the baseline model of Schumpeterian growth in Section 14.1 assuming that (14.5) is not satisfied.

(a) Show that monopolists set a limit price.

(b) Characterize the BGP equilibrium growth rate.

(c) Characterize the Pareto optimal allocation, and compare it to the equilibrium.

(d) Now consider a hypothetical economy in which the previous highest quality producer disappears, so that the monopolist can charge a markup of 1/(1- ß) instead of the limit price. Show that the BGP growth rate in this hypothetical economy is strictly greater than the growth rate characterized in part b. Explain this result.



Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to:
1. demonstrate an advanced level of understanding of theories that propose exogenous drivers of economic
growth to explain economic growth differences;
2. demonstrate integrated knowledge of theories that propose endogenous drivers of economic growth to
explain economic growth differences and recognise that social and environmental issues are inextricably
linked to economic growth;
3. contrast real economic data on theory-informed drivers of economic growth in a rich and a poor country
to design advanced-level and integrated economic growth policy recommendations for the poor country.
These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement of course learning outcomes. Your course learning
outcomes can be located in the entry for your course in the electronic JCU Course and Subject Handbook 2020 (click
on ‘Course Information’ bar/ select ‘Undergraduate Courses’ or ‘Postgraduate Courses’/ select relevant course/
scroll down to ‘Academic Requirements for Course Completion’, ‘Course learning outcomes’).

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


Case Study 1. Describe the destination with reference to location, size, demographics, governance and a brief history of tourism development. (20 marks) 2. Discuss the major impacts of Covid 19 on tourism for the destination, including social, cultural, political, economic and environmental. In this discussion, provide various examples & compare different states for each impact and the measures in place to minimise the negative and maximise any positive aspects of these impacts. (40 marks) 3. Analysis the communication between; global tourism networks, national and local tourism organisations, private business and the community, and its importance, for a destination, during the Covid 19 crisis. (20 marks) 4. Examine the role governmental leadership, in the destination, has taken in supporting the tourism industry during the Covid 19 crisis. (20 marks)


Consider the US quarterly real gross national product from the first quar-
ter of 1947 to the third quarter of 2011. The data are in the file q-GNPC96 txt,
seasonally adjusted, and in billions of chained 2005 dollars. Let xt be the
growth rate series of the real GDP.
The ar command identifies an AR(4) model for xt via the AIC cri-
terion. Fit the model. Is the model adequate? Why?
The sample PACF of xt specifies an AR(3) model. Fit the model. Is
it adequate? Why?
What is the model for xt if one uses in-sample model comparison?
Divide the data into estimation and forecasting subsamples using
the fourth quarter of 2000 as the initial forecast origin and apply the
backtesting procedure with MSFE as the criterion. Select a model
for xt. Justify the choice.
To answer questions in Problems 3, (a) use 5% significance level in
tests, and (b) use 10 lags of serial correlations for return series.



Pick one question to answer only.
1. How can states respond effectively to cyber-attacks originating beyond their own borders?
Compare and evaluate responses of two or three different governments.
2. How have the Internet and cyber-weapons
impacted on-going conflicts, and how will they
impact conflicts in the future? Respond using
multiple recent, ongoing, or potential future
conflict scenarios.


Write a MATLAB code (.m file) to compare the bit error rate of (15,11) Hamming code and ¼-convolutional code in addition to the performance of uncoded system. The simulation parameters are shown below:


  1. Daily foreign exchange rates (spot rates) can be obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The data are the noon buying rates in New York City certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Consider the exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the British pound and Japanese yen from January 2, 2007 to November 30, 2011.

(i) Compute the daily log return of each exchange rate.

(ii) Compute the sample mean, standard deviation, skewness, excess kurtosis, minimum, and maximum of the log returns of each exchange rate.

(iii) Obtain a density plot of the daily log returns of Dollar-Yen exchange rate.

(iv) Test H0 : = 0 versus Ha : 6= 0, where denotes the mean of the daily log return of Dollar-Yen exchange rate. Use the 5% significance level to draw the conclusion. If not specifically specified, use 5% significance level to draw conclusions in the exercises.

  1. Consider the US quarterly real gross national product from the first quarter of 1947 to the third quarter of 2011. The data are in the file q-GNPC96.txt, seasonally adjusted, and in billions of chained 2005 dollars. Let xt be the growth rate series of the real GDP.

(a) The ar command identifies an AR(4) model for xt via the AIC criterion. Fit the model. Is the model adequate? Why?

(b) The sample PACF of xt species an AR(3) model. Fit the model. Is it adequate? Why?

(c) What is the model for xt if one uses in-sample model comparison? Why?

(d) Divide the data into estimation and forecasting subsamples using the fourth quarter of 2000 as the initial forecast origin and apply the backtesting procedure with MSFE as the criterion. Select a model for xt. Justify the choice.

To answer questions in Problems 3, (a) use 5% significance level in tests, and (b) use 10 lags of serial correlations for return series.

  1. Consider the daily stock returns of Procter & Gamble from September 1, 2001, to September 30, 2011. The simple returns are available from CRSP and in the le d-pg-0111.txt. Transform the simple returns to log returns.

(a) Is there any serial correlation in the log returns?

(b) Fit an MA model, where the maximum order is Q = 20, to the log returns to remove serial correlations. Write down the fitted model. Is the model adequate?

(c) Let rt be the residuals of the MA model and xt = 100*rt. Is there ARCH effect in xt?

(d) Fit an EGARCH model to xt. Perform model checking and write down the fitted model.



Case Study 1. Describe the destination with reference to location, size, demographics, governance and a brief history of tourism development. (20 marks) 2. Discuss the major impacts of Covid 19 on tourism for the destination, including social, cultural, political, economic and environmental. In this discussion, provide examples of each impact and the measures in place to minimise the negative and maximise any positive aspects of these impacts. (40 marks) 3. Analysis the communication between; global tourism networks, national and local tourism organisations, private business and the community, and its importance, for a destination, during the Covid 19 crisis. (20 marks) 4. Examine the role governmental leadership, in the destination, has taken in supporting the tourism industry during the Covid 19 crisis. (20 marks)


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

What does the name of the IS curve stand for? Note the following identity might give you some hint:
My to break the left-hand side of the above equation into three kinds of savings. We have discussed under the consumption model the idea of precautionary savings. Does the idea of precautionary saving apply to the government level and/or the country level? Be creative and please give some concrete examples.

  • Brazil’s Economic Structure’s Critical Overview.
  • America’s Economic Structure’s Critical Overview.
  • Evaluation of China’s Trade Policies and Economy.

Who wrote this article, when, how did they gather this information? Did they provide Apple with this information and ask them to comment on their data?


Profile Apple:

How many products and what kind does it produce

What year did Apple move to global supply chains and why? What do they claim about foreign workers and factories


What is Apple’s strategy for production? Which other industries follow this model?


What is the rationale for this? How does Apple relate this to innovation?


How many workers are employed by foreign contractors in producing Apple products?


How many workers are employed in US by Apple? Overseas?


What is Apple’s profit per employee?


At the time of this article, what is the current value of the stock? What has been the increase in value since 2005? Before the impact of the Coronavirus?


What is an example of a manager’s salary package? What is Tim Cook’s package?


Use the NBS production table and production possibility frontier to answer the following questions: A. Name positions B, V and D. Also, as indicated in the table, supposing Nepal is operating at level T, what is the opportunity cost of producing 10,000 more tons of rice? (3 marks) B. Use the graph below to answer the questions that follow:

  • Analytical Study of the supply and demand
  • Economics as a science.
  • Consumerism Impact and Evolution.
  • Interest rate as a political factor in an organization.
  • Impact of Unemployment in today’s economy.
  • Illegal Immigration affecting a country’s Economy.
  • Impact of Supply and Demand on Pricing.

(a) Is there a difference between the price of oil in the market for oil and the price of reserves in the market for reserves? Explain. (b) What is the Hotelling Rule? (c) Does it assume profit maximization by owners of oil deposits? (d) What does it imply about the price at which oil is sold over time? (e) How would you expect non-renewable resource by a monopolist to differ from extraction by a price-taking firm? (f) With a pollution externality, Pigou demonstrated that the presence of a harmful real externality leads private decision making by a profit-maximizing firm to generate an outcome that is not socially optimal. Is that also the case with the inter-temporal externality associated with extraction of this non-renewable resource – is the profit maximizing extraction also not socially optimal? Explain. (g) Is socially optimal extraction of a non-renewable resource sustainable? Lecture: Non-Renewable Resources – Economics of oil 2 (a) A non-renewable resource firms owns two deposits of copper, where the potential amount of copper in the deposits are the same but one is located at a shallower depth and has a lower cost of extraction. How should it exploit those two resources? Should it extract some copper from each deposit every year, or should it do something different? Describe the extraction strategy it should employ, and the underlying economic rationale. (b) Has the world price of oil risen, from 2000 to now, approximately at the interest rate, as a simple version of the Hotelling rule would suggest? (e) If not, why not? What factors could explain this?

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

Business Case Study Homework Help Canada

Write an essay describing the four nonroutine cognitive skills as set out by Robert Reich. For each skill, describe a business situation in which the ability to perform that skill is essential. Be sure to explain how each skill is applied and why it is important in the situation.

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!

If you worked in facebook. How specifically would you motivate your employees? Specify at least one management theory that you would use (from Chapter 8) and give at least two examples of how you would use this theory in managing the employees at this company.


Are some theories easier to use than others when constructing research questions?


153) Tata motors case analysis

Managing the whole company operations will need a very powerful package software. You are appointed as an operations manager and you are supposed to make recommendations on the best package software to be used by Tata motors. From the case study which system would you recommend and why. Support your answer with references.


  • 154) Share one or two specific examples of how you will use the concepts or strategies presented in this class to contribute to your academic and career success.
  • Which activities or assignments did you find most valuable in helping you recognize or develop skills you will use in the future?
  • What are the skills you would like to learn more about or continue to develop


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


157) Reflect on the preschool environment. What items would you add to a 3 or 4 year old classroom to help make it culturally appropriate? What adaptations you might make in a preschool environment (indoors and outside) for a child in a wheelchair and a child who is blind. Reflect on what being “inclusive” means.


158) Read the case here:

This article discusses the results of the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America’s 2017 Absence Management Activity Index and Study. Please read the article, download the 2017 Guardian Absence Management Activity Index and Study (, and answer the following questions:

According to the 2017 Guardian Absence Management Activity Index and Study, if an organization decides to create an absence management program, what are the 5 Best Practices they should adopt? According to the report (See page 9), absence management practices vary by industry, such that companies in the finance, insurance, and education industries have more advanced absence management programs than those in retail, wholesale, and manufacturing. What is/are the reason(s) for this disparity?

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!



159) Read the case and then answer the following questions.

Surface tension
The tech giant
s decision to make its own tablet computer is a bold gamble

“WITHIN five years, I predict it will be the most popular form of PC sold in America.” When Bill Gates spoke at a trade show in 2002, the then chairman of Microsoft left nobody in doubt that what his firm called the “tablet PC” would one day take the world of personal computing by storm. His sense that an upheaval was coming was spot on, but his timing wasn’t. Only when Apple launched its wildly popular iPad in 2010 did computing tablets at last take off. Now Microsoft is scrambling to gain a foothold in one of the hottest markets in the IT industry.

On June 18th 2012, Microsoft unveiled Surface, a tablet that will bear Microsoft’s name and is supposed to be a showcase for its new Windows 8 operating system, due to be rolled out in the autumn. The new device will be available in two models: a basic version with a processor designed by ARM (which also powers the iPad) and a souped-up one with an Intel chip for business

users. Both models boast some innovative features, notably a built-in stand and a cover that doubles as a keyboard.

Microsoft’s decision to make its own tablet is another sign of how much the company is being buffeted by shifts that are transforming the world of IT. Just as momentous as the rise of social networking is the rapid growth of mobile computing (see Figure 1). This has softened sales of Windows-based PCs, the foundation of Microsoft’s fortunes. And it has boosted rivals such as Apple and Google, whose respective mobile operating systems, iOS and Android, power most smartphones and tablets.

A related threat to Microsoft’s business is the “consumerisation” of IT. Growing numbers of employees are now demanding to use their own phones and tablets at work. In many cases, companies are caving in. As a result, iPads and Android-based tablets are spreading rapidly through offices and factories – the heartland of Windows-based PCs.

Critics point out that Microsoft’s track record in hardware is mixed. Although it has produced hits such as the Xbox game console, it has also had some deeply embarrassing misses, including Zune, a portable music player that has failed to rival Apple’s iPod.

Microsoft entered into video games and game consoles in 2001. The launch of Xbox 360 in 2005 has proved extraordinary and also particularly interesting. The rationale behind its market entry into the video games industry comes with a good reason. It was designed primarily to keep their potential competitor, Sony, in check. Although Sony operated in a different industry, Microsoft recognized that Sony could emerge as its rival.

Microsoft’s Zune was launched in November 2006 and Microsoft believed that it could compete with the Apple iPod, which had been in the market since 2001 and dominated the multimedia player and music download business around the world. The Wall Street Journal reported that revenue from the Zune player was $85 million during the 2008 holiday season compared to $185 million in the same period in 2007. Apple’s iPod revenue during the last quarter of 2008 was $3.37 billion. Microsoft, which had access to as much hardware development expertise as any company in the world and the capital to support a massive marketing budget for new products, failed completely in its attempt to get a large part of the iPod market.

For the Surface, analysts worried that consumers may be confused by the two versions of the tablet, which will have very different price points. Microsoft has just indicated that the expensive model is likely to cost the same as thin laptops, which sells for around $1,000, whereas the cheaper version will be priced to compete with comparative ARM-based tablets, probably at around $500. Comparatively, the cheapest iPad with a high- resolution screen costs $499.

Another concern is that by making its own device, Microsoft risks alienating other firms that are working on Windows 8 tablets, such as Dell and HP. But the company’s main aim may be to show how its new operating system can best be used, thus setting a standard that other device makers will strive to exceed – and perhaps produce a Windows 8 iPad-killer.

If that is indeed the aim, Microsoft appears to have missed a key lesson from Apple. One reason why the iPad has been so successful is that it blends beautiful hardware with an amazing range of software. Microsoft has attractive assets, in particular Skype (an internet calling service), its alliance with Barnes & Noble (a big online bookseller) and its Xbox ecosystem. Yet other than the firm’s Office suite of productivity tools, none of these was shown at this week’s launch. “Microsoft has missed an opportunity to highlight things that can inspire people,” said Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester, a research firm. Perhaps when its tablet hits the market later this year, the company will have found ways to bring more of these to the surface.

Microsoft has reaffirmed the strategy of having its own hardware devices recently. In September 2013, Microsoft agreed to acquire the handset business of Nokia for about US$ 7.2 billion. Thus, Microsoft will not only be making tablets but mobile phones as well. In a letter to all Microsoft employees, CEO Steve Ballmer, reiterated that “The form and delivery of our value will shift to devices and services versus packaged software.” In November, Microsoft launched the second generation of the tablets and an updated version of Windows. The device strategy is here to stay.

Unlike earlier ventures into devices, like the Zune music player and the game console Xbox, the motivation for getting into the hardware side of business in relation to mobile phones and tablets seems to be the strengthening of the Windows platform but the opening up of a new source of revenue is still in doubt.


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


Question A :

Explain the differences between diversification and vertical integration strategies in relation to the scope of business.

Question B :

Would you classify the following strategic moves of Microsoft as diversification or vertical integration strategy? Why?
A) Launching of the portable music player Zune
B) Launching of the Xbox game console
C) Launching of the Surface tablet.

Question C :

What are the major potential benefits and risks of Microsoft’s strategic shift from selling ‘packaged software’ (i.e. Windows operating system) to launching ‘devices and services’ (i.e. tablets and mobile phones)?



160) Why look at art?

How would you explain the importance of looking at art? What skills does it develop? When you have come in contact with various types of art?

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!



161) Explain the theory of Scientific Management proposed by Frederick W. Taylor?Explain further the criticisms that were levied against this theory?



  1. Evaluate the three parts of the message receiving process.
  2. Compare two common approaches to getting feedback, and explain why they do not work.
  3. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some members of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of in-groups in his/her work unit? In your opinion, explain the impact of such a relationship to one of the stages of the dyadic theory.
  4. What should a leader do to dispel any notion or misconception that there are in-groups and out-groups in his/her work unit? Explain. Evaluate the two types of relationships under the vertical dyadic linkage model.
  5. What do you say to those who argue that tactics used by followers to get noticed by their leader (such as impression management, ingratiation, and self-promotion) are shameful and self-serving and should be avoided? Explain and offer your opinion of the link to developing high-quality LMX relationships.


163) Describe your reflection, after you watching the TED that is Who controls the world? by JAMES B. GLATTFELDER

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!



When calculating the cheapest way to ship product to a central location from different capacity-limited locations elswhere, which calculation must you perform FIRST ?

D. Stepping Stones

Posting a numbered menu that offers only a limited selection of available foods is an example of productivity improvement by


One reason why it is important to make quantitative measurements and predictive forecasts:

Increase desampling, encryption, and transmission speeds
Reduce waste from the mis-use of scarce resources
Enforce implicit deny
Make it easier to subvert established means of data manipulation

A manager only has time to address the most important issues. Which of the following charts would prove most helpful to this manager ?

Pareto chart
Scatter diagram
Exclusion chart

Which of the following interview techniques seeks to focus and then establish a consensus of the opinions of experts ?

Likert scale questionnaires
Delphi exchanges
Neural network modeling
Actor-Network Theory

The implementation of controls and documentation of management actions …

must not rely on third party frameworks, expert opinions, or externally validated best practices
must not be circumscribed by any legal authority
has to be auditable after-the-fact, with built-in traceability and non-repudiation
requires strict enforcement of mandatory access control


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


165) What are some best practices for enhancing teamwork and workplace communication?


166) 1. Critical analysis of leadership theory and style maintains

**Select one or more:*
a. leadership should come from the ranks
b. leadership is most effective when there are contingent rewards and corrective coaching
c. leadership should be defined by the structure of the organization
d. leadership skills make a manager the most powerful entity

  1. Positive psychologists refer to positivity and success as a measure of

**Select one or more:
a. identifying and fixing problems
b. languishing and exceeding potentials
c. counterproductive behaviors and preventing them in the workplace
d. higher managerial performance, both in terms of decision making and interpersonal tasks

  1. Organizational change involves

**Select one or more:
a. behavior modification across the organization and leadership that scans for environmental resistance
b. learning capabilities across management teams and a survey of all stakeholders for support
c. behaviors that should be altered and aligned with current procedures
d. actions that are amended to provide shifts in the direction an organization to takes to implement improvement



169) Charlie operates a flower shop. He agrees to sell his business to his sister Ali for $45,000. They both use their own solicitors to negotiate the terms of a formal written agreement. The agreement contains a restriction that Charlie cannot,in thefollowing two years, open another flower shop within 2 kilometres of the onehe has just sold to Ali.

Aftersix months, however, Charlie opens another flower shopjustone kilometre away. Ali wants to sue Charlie forabreach of contract but fears the agreement was not intended to be legally binding because they are siblings.

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


170) Explain the meaning of dualism and dual societies. Do you think that the concept of dualism adequately portrays the development picture in most developing countries? Explain your answer.

171) How far does the Dependency model relevant in explaining the current north-south development gap and it’s relations?


172) We all share common experiences that can be generally classified within the major themes of art. Examples of these themes include love, mortality, identity, truth, and beauty. The representation of these themes through various media reveals central beliefs shared by a common people. The comparison of objects from the humanities with similar themes helps to uncover not only the uniqueness of each respective cultural artifact but also a shared human consciousness that transcends time and place. Your project for this course has two parts.
In Project Part One, you will complete an exploration document examining two cultural artifacts that you select, identifying a theme common to both of them and developing a thesis statement related to the theme and artifacts. You will also identify an audience who would be interested in your artifacts, theme, and thesis statement.
in Project Part Two, you will develop a presentation for your audience. In your presentation, you will discuss the impact of the cultural artifacts, theme, and thesis statement on both individuals and society, supporting your claims with evidence. You will also explain how study of the humanities has impacted you both personally and professionally.
In Project Part Two, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: ? Illustrate the impact of the humanities on personal and professional experiences? Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human culture? Utilize evidence from subjective and objective cultural analysis in drawing conclusions about the impact of cultural artifacts on individuals and society Prompt Your presentation assignment should answer the following prompt: Based on your exploration document, create a presentation that explains how the humanities have impacted you both personally and professionally and discusses the impact of your theme on your audience. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Provide a brief overview of your artifacts, theme, and thesis statement. How are they situated within the domain of the humanities? II. Explain how the theme, as it is expressed in the cultural artifacts, and thesis statement impact the audience. In other words, how is the theme relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care about your thesis statement? Support your response with specific examples from your exploration document. III. Describe the evidence from subjective and objective cultural analyses that you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the theme and cultural artifacts on you personally and on your audience. Support your response with specific examples from your exploration document. IV. Explain why the theme and cultural artifacts are important to you personally. In other words, why did you select these artifacts to study? Why did you select your theme, especially if there are other themes that could apply? V. Explain how studying the humanities can give you both a personal and professional advantage. In other words, what is the benefit of studying the humanities? VI. Explain why the humanities are important to society. In other words, what do the humanities tell us about our own culture and experiences? How do the humanities impact us? Support your response with specific examples from your exploration document and your own personal and professional experiences. VII. Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential current humanities knowledge or lack thereof, and what is specifically important to the audience.



One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


173) A mountain range 4 km high is in Airy isostatic equilibrium. During a period of erosion, a 2 km thickness of material is removed from the mountains. When the new isostatic equilibrium is achieved, how high are the mountains?
How much material must be eroded to bring the mountains eventually down to the sea level? Use the crust and mantle densities of 2800 kg/m^3 and 3300 km/m^3, respectively.


174) Can you please write a one page memo from the information below as if you were writing to the CEO?




Root Causes of the Disaster Involving Leadership

          Much of the poor decision making and hiccups leading up to the disaster were a product of poor leadership. We’ve identified three root causes that could have contributed to the development of this massive failure. First, when you became CEO of BP, you stated that you wanted to “focus like a laser on safety issues,” yet your actions and decisions said otherwise. Second, your performance targets and compensation based pay created a hostile situation for all employees involved. Lastly, since the project was highly matrixed with so many players involved, communication and mutual trust were major failures.

To change the culture of the company, you must actively demonstrate that you believe in and operate by the values that you are portraying. When you joined BP, your goal was to halt growth and production targets and focus heavily on safety. Despite stating this, you spoke publicly about your desire to transform the culture of BP to be less risk averse. These statements display clear contradiction. To have strong organizational safety principles means to actively pursue the least hazardous process of completing a task or project. Reducing risk aversion could mean allowing for more volatile processes, perhaps because they come at a lower cost. If you were serious about creating and sustaining a culture revolving around safety, you would have encouraged employees to document the company’s best practice processes and continuously try to improve safety and efficiency of these processes. Also, BP’s “Group Values” clearly lacked emphasis on safety, given that only one of 18 of these values encompassed health and safety. Further, your “Brand Values” had no mention of safety. New employees who are reading these documents to get an idea of the culture and values of the company are not going to feel an emphasis on working safely.

To continue, paying on-site employees commission based on performance seems counterintuitive at such a high-risk job. Commission based employees have little incentive to share best practices on risk management because they want to retain their high value and mitigate their risk of being replaced. In turn, safety suffers because employees are not sharing insight, there is no organizational knowledge gained, and best practices are not documented or improved upon. Also, since compensation was tied to overall performance of the site, managers had incentive to try to reduce cost, likely settling for higher risk options (for instance in the case of the centralizers). Again, paying these employees based on performance clearly contradicts your statement of focusing on safety. Employees won’t be encouraged to focus on safety if they don’t see it directly impacting the project’s bottom line.

Lastly, given the highly matrixed environment due to the amount of companies and employees involved, effective communication and mutual trust were essential. These were two failures that could have contributed to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. For instance, the decision to stick with six centralizers was a clear breakdown of communication. Halliburton’s model testing revealed that 21 centralizers would significantly lower the risk of failure. BP’s confirmation bias lead them to conclude that the test was inherently flawed, and hesitated purchasing any more centralizers due to the cost and schedule impact. After finally being convinced to purchase more centralizers to reduce risk, BP purchased lower cost, high risk “slip-on” centralizers, which were not used anyway. If there was clear communication and a mutual trust in the partnership between BP and Halliburton, BP would have took the precaution based on the model testing, and potentially averted the crisis. The cancellation of the cement bond log is another example of the lack of trust. Despite Gagliano’s warnings of potential channeling, BP went on without the cement bond log (a test that was even more necessary given that you chose to only employ 6 centralizers). BP chose to ignore the advice of a key player in the project to save a few thousand dollars.

To summarize, three potential root causes of the failure involving leadership include failure to align goals of safety with actions and decisions, paying employees based on performance, and breakdown of communication and trust between key players. Rather than focusing on cutting costs and improving the bottom line, BP should have been getting clear on these three failures.

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


BP’s Liability for the Disaster

According to the facts presented in the case, if we were judges, we would say BP is 75% liable for the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. There were three major decisions, all made by BP, that contributed to the tragedy. The first decision was determining what well casing to use to secure the well hole safely. The second choice made by BP was only to use six centralizers rather than the 21 centralizers that was recommended by the OptiCem model. The third decision made by the BP managers was not to run the test called “cement bond log.” All three of these significant decisions made by BP can be traced back to one single theme, trying to reduce capital expenditures and earn profits in any way possible, even if it increases risk and jeopardizes safety.

The first decision was to choose between a steel tube called a “liner” or a “long string casing” to secure the well hole. The liner is a steel tube that hangs from a liner hanger on the bottom of the casing already in the well, and then the workers insert another steel liner tube called a “tieback” on top of the liner hanger. The “liner” provides four barriers of protection but takes longer to install. The “long string casing” involves running a single string of steel casing from the seafloor all the way to the bottom of the well. This choice only provides two barriers of protection and is quicker to install. By choosing the “long string casing,” it saved BP time and money (over $7 million). However, BP knew about the possible risks using the string casing but decided it was the best economical choice for the company. The decision was influenced by BP trying to reduce capital expenses in any way possible.

The second decision made by BP was to use only six centralizers rather than 21. Centralizers help keep the pipe centered and assists with the proper gas flow. The OptiCem model was used to help determine how many centralizers were recommended to use to reduce gas flow. BP planned to use only six, but the model concluded that the risk for gas flow problems was quite significant and 21 centralizers should be used. However, BP’s engineer department ignored the possible dangers of just using six centralizers. They felt it would be a waste of time to acquire more centralizers and decided only to use six. BP once again neglected safety and risks to reduce capital expenses.

The most neglectful decision made by BP was not to run a test called “cement bond log.” The “cement bond log” checks the integrity of the cement after it is pumped into the well. “A 2007 study by the MMS found that cementing was the single most significant factor in 18 of 39 well blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico over a 14-year period.” BP had workers from a company called Schlumberger on the rig ready to perform the test. If BP decided to run the test, it would have cost them around $181,000, but BP chose not to run the test even with warnings of potential channeling. By not running the test, it saved BP about $117,000 and about six to 12 hours of labor. BP’s decision focused on cost-saving rather than the possible risks of not running the test.

All three of these critical decisions that were made by BP had one thing in common, ignoring possible risks to reduce costs. BP deliberately ignored multiple warnings and cautions that were given to them throughout the process of closing down the well. The inexperienced decision makers were making the wrong decisions. Five out of the 12 supervisors in charge of the operations and engineering had a total of approximately ten months experience between them. The inexperience leads to inaccurate forecasting and bad planning. BP estimated that the well would only take 51 days and cost roughly $96 million. On the day of the disaster, it was on day number 80 and $55 million over the planned budget. The outcome of incorrect forecasting and failed planning resulted in BP reducing their capital expenses by being negligent and careless of the risks and safety of their employees and other companies on the rig.

The other 25% liability of the disaster would fall under Transocean and Halliburton. Both of these companies were on the rig and were involved in some of the decisions that were made. Transocean owned the oil rig, and their employees performed most of the work. They could have stopped working on the rig and made sure that BP was following all proper procedures and recommendations. Halliburton was a cementing contractor that was hired to run model simulations and cement lab tests. Halliburton was the company that insisted BP on using 21 centralizers. However, Halliburton knew that BP decided only to use six and no one tried to postpone or put a stop work order on the cement job.

Bad Leadership

An example of bad leadership in the case of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was that of the drilling engineers. The simulation model OptiCem concluded that by only using six centralizers as planned, the risk for gas flow problems would be quite significant. The model concluded that at least 21 centralizers would be needed to significantly lower this risk. One engineer, Brian Morel, replied to these concerns with the following email:

“We have six centralizers, we can run them in a row, spread out, or any combinations of

the two. It’s a vertical hole so hopefully the pipe stays centralized due to gravity. As far as changes, it’s too late to get any more product to the rig, our only options is to rearrange placement of these centralizers.”

A glaring concern within this email is “it’s a vertical hole so hopefully the pipe stays centralized due to gravity.” Not only does Morel believe that additional centralizers are unnecessary, he also believes that the pipe will be able to stabilize itself, despite contradicting reports from the OptiCem model. The other drilling engineer, Brett Cocales, further reiterated his lack of concern by emailing him back:

“Even if the hole is perfectly straight, a straight piece of pipe even in tension will not

seek perfect center of the hole unless it has something to centralize it.

But, who cares, it’s done, end of story, will probably be fine and we’ll get a good cement job. I would rather have to squeeze than get stuck above the WH.”

Both of these men had the knowledge and experience to know that they should have trusted the model and the results it produced. Cocales even knew that the pipe would not be able to straighten itself alone with gravity and would need something to centralize it. With the combined expertise of these drilling engineers, all 21 centralizers should have been in place to help reduce the severe risk of gas flow problems. Instead, they chose to save time and money rather than improve upon the safety of the rig and all the employees working on it.

The origin and development of this type of gross negligence is simple: a long history of cost cutting measures within British Petroleum. As a newly private company in the late 80s and early 90s, BP was nearing bankruptcy. As a result, the company took dramatic measures to cut costs. These techniques proved to be successful, and BP started to improve. The CEO who took control of BP in May 2007, Tony Hayward, further cut costs by reducing headcount in both managerial and lower staff positions. Furthermore, four levels of management were cut. Hayward also desired to transform the culture of BP to one that was less risk averse. “He believed that too many people were making too many decisions leading to extreme cautiousness. ‘Assurance is killing us,’ he told U.S. staff in September of 2007.” Cost cutting measures had proven to be successful in the past, and the new CEO of BP was set on taking it even further than the company had before.

The Deepwater Horizon rig was estimated to require more than 3,600 hours of maintenance and cost BP $500,000 per day to lease from Transocean. Contractor fees were roughly the same amount. It would take approximately 51 days to drill the Macondo well at a cost of about $96 million. By its 80th day on site, the rig had far exceeded the original budget. The rig also faced numerous software issues that would need to be fixed, further straining the budget. Following the decades-long tradition of slashing costs, BP management on the rig used shortcuts to complete jobs. For instance, the task of circulating mud through the well should have taken them around 6-12 hours and was completed in under 30 minutes. Tasks were done quickly and improperly in order to avoid the mounting costs of labor and material. If given options, the one that would require less time would be chosen over the safest option. Thus, leadership and leaders followed the company’s history of cost cutting tactics.

A huge shift in culture would need to take place in order to actually correct the problems at BP, which run through and thrive in each level of management within the company. If I was an employee at BP during the Macondo well and Deepwater Horizon project, I would continuously raise my concerns for the shortcuts and harmful safety tactics that were occuring. As noted in the article, experts who brought forth their options and raised concerns for pipe stability and safety were overruled or told that their models were likely inaccurate. If I would continuously ignored by management, I would no longer be able to work for a company that valued cost-reduction and expediency over caution and the safety of their employees. I would likely report BP to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement, and bring forth data and evidence that would substantiate my claims against BP. Hopefully by bringing attention to the shortcuts performed by BP, action would be taken by government agencies, which would forcefully bring these practices to an end.

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!



177) This is a personal reflection exercise to apply learning from class materials and learn more about transformational leaders in your life. Utilize critical thinking to answer the following questions. Your responses should be double-spaced and approximately 1-2 pages long.

  1. Why did you decide to enter a health care profession? Write down the three most significant reasons that prompted your decision. Of the leadership styles examined in this lesson, which one do you most identify with?
  2. Has there been a person or people in your life who was a mentor and inspired you to reach above and beyond your perceived potential? Have you served as such a mentor in the life of another?
  3. What are the core values that you maintain regarding the treatment of others? What values do you hold with regard to work and professionalism?
  4. What (besides money) would motivate you to do your best possible work? What personal values and aspirations do you have that a transformative leader might be able to help you achieve?
  5. What de-motivates you? What actions or behaviors on the part of leaders might lessen your commitment to your goals and your values of sense of value or self-esteem?
  6. You have decided to apply for a position as a leader for a local healthcare clinic. You wish to market yourself as a Transformational Leader who can lead the facility into the healthcare arena of the future. What items or issues should you highlight and discuss in the personal interview?


178) PART A – Reflective Analysis please make sure to address the following: – At the beginning of the module you have identified ONE personal skill (chosen skill is negotiation skills since i work as a manager in sales department and interact with supliers and workmates) that you aimed to develop and improve throughout the module. Your Reflective Analysis will detail WHAT YOU DID to improve that skill and HOW EFFECTIVE your efforts have been. Therefore: Ø Create a titled Introduction that outlines the importance of the selected skill. In the introduction you are also advised to describe the general nature of the skill with certain theoretical justification i.e. text-citations/references as well as provide proofs for the necessity of the skill’ improvement (maybe by adding additional information from your work environment which may have influenced your skill’ selection and need for improvement). Finally, your introduction may be concluded/ end with the purpose of the Part A i.e. ‘Finally, this paper seeks to provide information from a reflective nature of the skill….. etc.’. The introduction may be approximately 400 words limit. Ø The main body of your Part A – Reflective Analysis (approximately 2300 words limit) could be divided into sub-chapters while exploring the role of the skill into different fields of study i.e. ‘The importance of time management skill towards productivity’. Make sure that you will manage to establish a clear evidence of the importance of the skill’ improvement in relation to the areas where you are most affected by the use of that skill. Finally, and MOST important while discussing the skill which affects certain fields (i.e. productivity) please REMEMBER to include THE METHODS that you have used to improve that skill and discuss HOW EFFECTIVE your efforts have been. It is important to support your ASSERTIONS with appropriate theoretical information especially while linking the skill in certain areas or influences. I highlight the importance to use the link: which includes a variety of material (i.e. video, reading documents etc ) suitable for improving skills (in your analysis you will be clearly state the you have used or gone through the videos and how these have influenced the improvement of your skills. Ø Conclude your PART A – Reflective Analysis with a conclusion of approximately 300 words. Ø In a separate page after your conclusion please include the reference list of ALL the resources used and text-cited in the PART A

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


179) Discuss what would you say to or do if a team member were Gets upset when his/her recommendations are not followed.

Present the specific actions you would take. Identify the challenges this type of behavior would represent for you. Explain how you would manage your frustration with the situation.



180) Q60 Answer the following questions:

  1. a) Your manager has a natural style of leadership. State and discuss the problems that could arise when your manager is not prepared to change his natural leadership style. [2 Marks]
  2. b) Your manager is concerned about the high accident rate in your workshop as a result of unsafe acts of the workers. Name the types of unsafe acts you would look for in your department. [2 Marks]




Define power, influence and authorities and explain their importance in organisational life. [1 Mark]



One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!



182) An employee gives notice due to ill health. Six months later you hear they are working at the local hardware store, part-time, as a sales assistant. Would you include them in your staff turnover figure? Explain reasons where you would and would not include them.

183) An employee gives notice due to ill health. Six months later you hear they are working at the local hardware store, part-time, as a sales assistant. Would you include them in your staff turnover figure? Explain reasons where you would and would not include them.


184) Define and discuss corporate social responsibility. Consider Milton Friedman's approach to this theory


185) Identify one ancient Christian community living or serving in an Islamic majority context, such as Coptic, Marionite, Chaldean, Armenian, etc. Compare and contrast how this ancient community practices similar rituals as the Five Pillars of Islam.

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


187) Which one is direct or indirect speech -Does Tom like Italian food? andDo you know if Tom likes Italian food?

188) Which one is direct or indirect speech -Does Tom like Italian food? andDo you know if Tom likes Italian food?


189) Can you think of a specific situation in which you have selected a supplier, whether as a consumer or a buyer for an organization in a professional situation? What was the specific situation? What method did you use?


190) Identify a motivational theory. What is the theory founded upon? How does it conjure motivation? Does the theory suggest that motivation leads to performance of some sort? In the context as a corporate employer, would the theory suggest that motivation will lead to performance if incentive pay is aligned accordingly with effort/output?

One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


191) 1. Select an OM technique that you have never used before to improve the performance a current operation which is job-related. Explain why this OM method is of particular interest to you. you must present the current situation, the future situation after the improvement is made, and projected benefit(s) (monetary or non-monetary).

  1. Develop a plan to implement the OM technique you select in (2). Your plan should include a time phase Gantt chart showing tasks to be performed and a time line for each task. Describe the tasks in detail to see if each task can be feasibly executed within time frame given.


192) Post a summary of your thoughts regarding your experience with a failed change effort in an organization. Include a description of the circumstances surrounding the change, an analysis of what, if anything, could have been done to sustain the change. Explain how at least one thing you learned this week can be effectively implemented and will help to sustain a change in an organization in this type of situation in the future.

193) One of your staff members has been asked to give two speeches. Details
are as follows:
? first speech – large target audience; objective: to inform them of
company progress over the past year; and
? second speech – small group of staff in the marketing department;
objective: persuasion.
Write a memorandum in correct format to your staff member and give him
detailed advice on the best audio-visual aids to use for each speech in
order to enhance his presentation. Explain the reasons for your choice and
also how he should use these aids to the best advantage.
Note: Do not write the speeches.(20)

  1. 194) Explain what was the role that in the 1980s music (reggae) played in the creation of an alternative black identity for the second generation of black immigrants who migrated to the UK in the 1940s and 1950s when their countries were still colonies of the UK? (watch video The Reggae Map)
  2. What is the role of class positions in the participation of children in business activities? Varela points out class matters to explain why immigrants from a working-class background and immigrants from a middle-class background who are business owners see the participation of their children in their business differently. Choose either the middle-class or the working-class perspective and explain how immigrants understand children’ involvement in their businesses.
  3. Why does Gonzales define being undocumented as a master status for the 1.5 generation of young Mexicans?
  4. Why does Gonzales point out that being undocumented is a form of legal liminality?
  5. Explain why Golash-Boza and Hondagneu-Sotelo point out that deportation policies in the US must be understood as a gendered and racial removal program. Choose one factor and explain it.
  6. Les Back says: “working class people are not ennobled by class inequalities but they are often damaged by them.” (page 83) Explain it.
  7. According to Les Back, how does the body become a medium and a fleshy canvas through and on which belonging, and structures of feeling are expressed?
  8. According to Les Back, what is the relation between body, love, language, and memory expressed by working class people in the form of tattoos?
  9. According to Zukin, what is the relation between the corporate city as example of modern urbanism and the global, neoliberal city?
  10. According to Zukim, what is the relation between the small village as example of modern urbanism and gentrification processes that value authenticity?
  11. According to Jackson, why does the Bowling Alley is an example of conviviality in multicultural societies?



One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!



195) Why is it important to me as a tertiary learner to use credible sources in my academic research and writing? (250 words)


196) What would you say to a young person who asked your opinion of taking drugs? What negative impact has on the brain?
150 – 200 words

197) 1.Choose a specific historical event or example and reflect on the “long range” effect of it on your own life.Choose another historical 2.event and reflect on the “long range” impact on the modern workplace—perhaps on the profession you have chosen..


198) read the article and write a 350-500 words long summary of it. You can find the reference for the assigned work should be added to your References section(Coleman, J. (1988). Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital.American Journal of Sociology,94, S95-S120.)

, but do not forget that if you’ll be getting quotes from this work, you should also cite this in your summary with the proper in text citation format.(Coleman, 1988, p. XX); in these “p.” refers to a single page, if you want to refer to more than one page, then you should change it to “pp.” and give a page number range (e.g. “pp. 444-48).


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199) 2> Is faith, in the religious sense, a matter of opinion or oftrust? Please cite any sources . . .


200) 1. If Peter Singer and J. Baird Calicutt debated environmental ethics, what would each thinker’s core principles be? [Describe] How would you compare and contrast their theories? [Analyze/Compare] Present and explain one similarity and one difference. [Explain]
2. When Southan says that animal suffering is an enigma, what does he mean? [Explain] Why is animal suffering unclear and what ethical implication does that way of framing the issue have? [Analyze]
3. What is the “principle of purity,” as outlined in Fischer and McWilliams? [Describe] How does that moral approach differ from Aristotle’s “Golden Mean”? [Describe/Analyze/Compare]
4. What is one argument for and one argument against euthanasia? [Describe] What kind of philosophical reasoning is utilized in each argument? [Apply/Analyze/Explain]
5. If Gutting and Debrabander debated gun control and gun rights, what would each thinker’s core argument be? [Describe] How would you compare and contrast their theories? [Analyze/Compare] Present and explain one similarity and one difference. [Explain]
6. Both Nozick and Gutting discuss “self-interest;” what similarities and differences are present in each thinker’s views of the nature and importance of self-interest and any possible limits to it. [Describe/Explain/Compare]
7. How would Srinvasan criticize Nozick’s approach to distributive justice? Explain two arguments she would make of specific principles Nozick outlines. [Describe/Explain/Analyze]
8. To what extent would two of the following – Lebron, Yancy or Gutting – agree that Rawls’s “veil of ignorance” is a good way to remedy and prevent racism? [Analyze/Evaluate/Apply]
9. In Mill’s “On Liberty,” how does he use the harm principle and the idea of the tyranny of the majority to discuss political and social freedom? [Describe/Analyze/Explain]
10. In the article by Kaag and Kreps on drones, the authors use the Ring of Gyges from Greek philosopher Plato, what is their intention in using that analogy and how might Aristotle’s virtue ethics help respond to the moral dangers the “ring” analogy raises? [Describe/Analyze/Apply]
11. Why does Srinvasan believe that the poor are not the only ones dependent on the state? What are the ethical implications of this argument? [Describe/Explain/Analyze]
12. What are the parameters of Spinoza’s view of freedom, including freedom of thought and freedom of speech, according to Nadler? (Parameter = scope and limit, so, what does his vision include and exclude) How acceptable are those limits to you and why? [Describe/Analyze/Evaluate]
13. What is your core ethical argument in your argumentative essay? What counter-argument would one of our authors likely make to your position? How would you respond to that counter-argument?


One of the most popular questions that I often come across is “Where can I get someone to help me solve my tough Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online ?” or “Which is the best and affordable website for homework help where tutors give discounts throughout the year?” Well the answer is simple – Homework Nest. I have tried it and can testify without hesitation. Last time I was facing it rough on coming up with my PHD thesis ideas and research and Homework Nest Tutors came in hand. You see, College life is not a walk in the park especially for those who double it with a day job to keep their bills on check. You can find the best ElantSolutions Business Case Studies and Report Writing Assignments Online at Homework Nest. You can also find the best Varsity Tutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. I will also add that you can find the best TransTutors for psychology and philosophy college assignments at Homework Nest. All Homework and assignments are handled in minutes. In conclusion, the Best Known Website for Helping with College Homework for students is Homework Nest. If your homework deadline fast approaching and you do not have time? I used Homework Nest ( to Ace My Homework and Got As in my Final Exams. Hey, all the tutors are verified!


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