Why I Need Revision Questions to Acemyhomework

Recently Homework Nest introduced a new and exciting project, Revision Question Segment that allows students to access questions frequently asked in class discussions and examinations. The main idea behind this project was to give students an idea on what to expect and to make exam preparation easier. Our team at Homework Nest partnered with an amazing team of examination experts and we managed to gather questions from different universities around the world ease accessibility to our students. The content has been prepared on slide share and you can access and download them for free here.

Many of you are wondering how we arrived at this decision. After our last interview with our CEO, Tony Craig on his college life, he shared some challenges he experienced. One of the issues he expressed was the lack of enough revision material due to limited access. He shared that along with other students, they would struggle to get these questions online and if they were lucky enough to have students in other institutions, they would exchange past papers and questions shared in class. Tony really wished to have easy access to this content and we sort to inquire why these revision questions were so important to him and other students. Here is what he shared with us.

1. Exposure to a Variety of Questions

Exam questions are set in different ways, depending on the intention of examiner. Tony shared that while he was studying, there were professors who wanted to assess critical thinking, decision making, problem solving and basic knowledge. Basic knowledge questions were mainly definitions and questions that are directly derived from class notes. The teacher mainly wants to assess how well you understand the basic concepts of the subject and whether you can give a few examples from these concepts. Critical thinking, decision making and problem solving questions are often in the form of case studies and analytical questions. They are often looking into how you can apply all the concepts learnt and use them to solve real life problems. Therefore, revision questions are able to expose you to different approaches to answering questions.

2. Helps The Student Understand the Examiner’s Mindset

Most examiners aim at setting exam questions with considerations to changes in the curriculum, job market and external factors such as the influences of technology in learning. In addition to this, the mindset of the examiner is to evaluate critical and analytical abilities of the student. However, it can be challenging to predict what exactly a specific examiner seeks to evaluate as some use different methods in setting different papers. Some examiners can use different terms so as to confuse the student which could mislead how they answer the question. One common example is questions relating to the terms “Compare and Contrast.” Most students confuse these two terms and end up answering the question wrongly by either giving a contrast or similarity instead of both.  Revision questions will make it easy for you to understand what exactly the examiner had in mind while they were setting the questions and what they expect of you in delivering the answers. This way you are able to approach questions more accurately without going out of topic.

3. Identify Frequently Asked Topics/Questions

Examiners often apply the method of question or topic repetition for a number of reasons. One is that the questions and topics could be a common challenge among students and they are seeking to gauge their understanding of these topics. In many instances, these questions are mandatory if the exam paper provides the option to select a few number of questions.

Secondly, these questions and topics are key concepts in the subject and they are highly applicable in the job market. The third and most important reason is that most students tend to assume these repeated questions and they do not take time to review them which is often a trap created by the examiner. For the diligent students, repeated revision questions are often considered as free marks as they have practiced them a number of times and they understand the concept making it easier for them to handle these questions even when framed differently.

4. Introduce You to Unfamiliar Territories

“We once exchanged revision question papers with students from another country who were taking the similar course. For a moment, I almost confused the content for another subject because of how these questions were set.” Tony shared this experienced that almost got him thinking that he was not studying extensively and enough. Later on, he realized that the examiner was focused on the same subject but the approach used to frame the question was quite different and with different response expectations. He also stated that he realized that the level of complexity was more advanced than what they were used to in their institution. Revision questions are able to expose you to different and unfamiliar examining approaches that could not be similar with those in your institution.

5. Improves the Quality of Your Study Notes

The chances that you will come across concepts and terms that have not been discussed in class in revision papers are very high. With a variety of revision papers, you will be able to identify what has not been taught, do research on it and build on your class notes. In addition to this, you will be able to stay ahead of your classmates when it comes to having content that some of them might not be bothered to review. Tony states that, at the end of my campus years, “I gathered all the books I used for writing my revision notes and I was surprised at how I had used up so many books in creating extra notes to supplement what was already taught.” These notes were instrumental as at times these concepts were examined and many students claimed to be clueless.


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College Textbooks that help me Ace-My-Homework at Homework Nest in fall 2018

Homework Nest found at www.homeworknest.com not only offers instant college homework help but also offers the best study resources. Some of the books within our reach are free resources to students and with special or unlimited access to our customers, we created an amazing list of top college textbooks for fall 2018. In fact, the list comprises of all books used in homework help for Math assignments help at Homework Nest, college Physics homework help, Biology assignments, Lab homework help, English literature in addition to essay writing help at homework nest, Calculus help at Homework Nest and many more!!

List of books for fall 2018

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See a list below: We keep updating the list on a rolling basis

–          Soc 100 the 6th edition (Introduction to sociology)


–          Iso music first 6th edition rezt book by Gary C. White

–          ISO: financial and managerial accounting, 14th Ed. Warren

–          Anatomy and physiology by Elaine merieb

–          Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 4th edition

–          I have Delivering Health Care in America A Systems Approach. ISBN: 9781284074635. I

–          I also have Essentials of Contemporary Management seventh edition. ISBN: 9781260084146.

–          Campbell Biology Book

–          Lab manual for general, organic and biological chemistry,3rd ed

–          General, Organic,& Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life 6th ED

–          Calculus early transcendenta functions

–          Essentials of MIS 13th ED

–          Precalculus 10E

–          Introductory chemistry 8th ed

–          Curren’s math for meds dosage n solutions 11th Ed

–          Psychology Seventh Edition 7e by Peter O. Gray

–          MKTG 11th Edition Charles W. Lamb

–          Anatomy and physiology textbook

–          New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2016 ISBN 9781305271616

–          Iso Tabers medical encyclopedic

–          Introduction to literature 5th edition book


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–          Art of public Speaking 12th edition

–          social problems 5th edition

–          Quantitative literacy 2nd edition

–          Levinthal, C.F. (2014). Drugs, behavior, & modern society. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN: 0-205-03726-7 (PSYC 125)

-Which is the best and most reliable website for assignments help / homework help/ Essay writing/ platform: The answer is HomeworkNest.com – Affordable, Reliable and Professional. Where Can I Pay Someone to do my homework/Essay/Assignment/Capstone assignment/Econ – Shhh at HomeworkNest.com They do it professionally. Students ask: Who can help me Ace My Homework? Worry no more, the answer is a tutor from Homework Nest because adequately equipped with the textbooks required to handle your assignment. AceMyHomework shutdown was a hard experience to reckon with, but the good news is that www.homeworknest.com offers Instant Professional Tutoring by being your ultimate homework help partner. Homework Nest is open to accepting those students formerly wanted AceMyHomework and lack the access to resourceful books for fast homework help. Struggling with last minute assignments such as essay, dissertation, and math homework? Welcome to Homework Nest

– Navigating Human Services Organizations: Essential Information for Thriving and Surviving in Agencies by Rich Furman and Margaret Gibelman; 3rd Edition.

– Proposal Writing, Effective Grantsmanship by Soraya M.Coley and Cynthia A. Scheinberg, 5th Edition.


– Corey, M. & Corey, G. (2016). Becoming a Helper (7th edition). Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

– Slattery, J. & Park, C. (2011). Empathic Counseling: Meaning, Context, Ethics, and Skill. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning


– Principles of Marketing, Kotler and Armstrong, 17E

– The Enjoyment of Theatre *America; The Essential Learning Edition

– ISO Precalculus by Sullivan 4th Edition

– The Future of Nature by Barry Lopez – SCI-120SC- OL02 (9781571313065)

– Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville – POL-110HA- OL01 (9780312463304)

– Spirituals to Rock and Roll (CUSTOM) by Selph – MUS-110CL-OL10 (9781308678207)

– Reading Literature and Writing Arguments (Sixth Edition) By Missy James – ENG-122-OL01 (9780134120133)

– Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne – SCI-115SC-OL05 (9780143116646)

– Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin -SCI-115SC-OL05 (9780307277459)


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–  Pearson Writer Standalone (ACCESS CODE) 12 month access. (9780134172194) $20

– Steps to writing well it’s for my English 100A

– ISO a writers reference 9th edition

– Literature: Portable Anthology Fourth Edition

– ISO The Blitzer college algebra textbook the 7th edition (978-0134178943



– Discovering the life span 4th edition

– ECEA textbook 5th edition,

– Healthy Foundations in Early Childhood Settings

– Nutrition: concepts and controversies 14th edition by Sizer & Whitney

Grassroots with reading 12th edition

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Students ask: Who can help me Ace My Homework? Worry no more, the answer is a tutor from Homework Nest because adequately equipped with the textbooks required to handle your assignment. AceMyHomework shutdown was a hard experience to reckon with, but the good news is that www.homeworknest.com offers Instant Professional Tutoring by being your ultimate homework help partner. Homework Nest is open to accepting those students formerly affiliated with AceMyHomework and lack the access to resourceful books for fast homework help. Struggling with last minute assignments such as essay, dissertation, and math homework? Welcome to Homework Nest

–          “Mathematical Ideas” A 2nd Custom Edition for Bergen Community College by Charles D. Miller, Vern E. Heeren, and John Hornsby

–          BIOETHICS second edition

–          English 101 / 102 / 271 Books

–          “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman.” By Haruki Murakami.

–          “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.” By Agatha Christie.

–           “Murder on the Orient Express.” By Agatha Christie.

English 271:

–          #1 – The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. (9th Edition) Volume 1

–          A Patriot’s History of the United States

–          Gregg College Keyboarding & Doc. processing 11E

–          Accounting 1080 book used for 1 week.  Accounting 1090

–          Writing Today by Richard Johnson-Sheehan

–          My MathLab Trigonometry Student Access Kit


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–          Theories of Personalities (10th Ed)- Schultz

–          Social Psychology (3rd Ed.) – Gilovich

–          Psychology (11th ed) -Myers

–          Social Psychology (12th ed)- Myers

–          Psychology, Contemporary Perspectives – Okami

–          Visualizing Nutrition (2nd ed)-Grosvenor

–          Chemistry, intro to general, organic, and biological chem (12 ed) – Timberlake

–          Criminal Justice Ethics (4 ed) – Banks

–          The Story and it’s Writer (9th ed) –Charters

–          Intermediate Algebra (5th ed) –Lehmann

–          College Algebra, with modeling and Visualization (custom for Chemeketa)

–          Elementary Statistics (Custom for Chemeketa)

–          Looking Out Looking In (14th ed) – Alder

–          Public and Private Families (7th ed)- Cherlin

–          A Pocket Style Manual (5th ed) –Hacker

–          Fitness and Wellness (12th ed) –Hoager

–          Horizons (13th ed) – Seeds

–          Exploring Geology (4th ed) -Reynolds

–          Anatomy and Physiology, the unity for form and function (7th ed) –Saladin

–          Cracked, Life on the Edge in a Rehab Clinic – Pinksky

–          Poetry, a Pocket Anthology(7th ed)- Gwynn

–          The Little Seagull Handbook (2nd ed)- Bullock

–          The Wild Iris -Gluck

–          Social Problems (2nd ed) -Best

–          Publication Manual (6th ed)

–          Gaines & Miller Criminal Justice 4

–          Introduction to Radiologic & Imaging sciences & patient care Sixth Edition PDF VERSION

–          Communication theory & microeconomics

–          Biology for a Changing World with Physiology

–          The developing person through childhood and adolescence book

–          ISO – Holistic Nursing; 7th edition

–          First Americans: A History of Native Peoples, Combined Volume

–          Anatomy & physiology book, lab manual and access code

–          ISO: Everyone’s an Author 2nd edition

–          BUSN 1310 Business Communications

–          “Doing Ethics Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues” Third Edition by Lewis Vaughn.

–          Keys to college success – 8th edition – carter •kravits

–          Writing for college & the workplace – custom edition for Bryant & Stratton College

–          Biology The Core 2nd Edition and Essentials of College Algebra Edition 10

–      Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 7e


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Wondering which is the best and most reliable website for assignments help / homework help/ Essay writing/ platform: The answer is HomeworkNest.com – Affordable, Reliable and Professional. Where Can I Pay Someone to do my homework/Essay/Assignment/Capstone assignment/Econ – Shhh at HomeworkNest.com They do it professionally

Students ask: Who can help me Ace My Homework? Worry no more, the answer is a tutor from Homework Nest because adequately equipped with the textbooks required to handle your assignment. AceMyHomework shutdown was a hard experience to reckon with, but the good news is that www.homeworknest.com offers Instant Professional Tutoring by being your ultimate homework help partner. Homework Nest is open to accepting those students formerly affiliated with AceMyHomework and lack the access to resourceful books for fast homework help. Struggling with last minute assignments such as essay, dissertation, and math homework? Welcome to Homework Nest

– Essential calculus edition 2

–     Material from essentials of biology edition 5

–     Custom create lab manual edition 5 (new or in mint condition)

–     Plato to Darwin to dna

–     Eaton industrial hydraulics manual 6th edition

–     Human Resources Management 11th Edition by Rue, Ibrahim, and Byars

–     Radiologic Science for Technologists Tenth Edition PDF Version

–       Music Appreciation Book- Understanding Music 8th Edition

–      Thanatology Book- Handbook of Thanatology 2nd Edition

–        Death and Dying Book- The Last Dance 10th Edition

–     Introduction to Sociology- 2e

–        English Comp 1&2- Arguments and Researching and Writing

–      Introduction to Business- Business Essentials

–     Abnormal Psychology- seventeenth Edition

–     Introduction to Computers- Computer Concepts and Applications- Access Code included

–      Principles of Economics (6th Edition). Does have some writing in it, but other than that it is in very good condition.

–    The Economics of Macro Issues

–     These books were used for one quarter for Economics 100 class.

–    English Composition (Bundle), Cleveland, Hawkes Learning, 2017. ISBN# 9781946158284

–    Successful College Writing & Making connections textbooks

–     Research strategies! 5th edition

–    Writing Compilers and Interpreters: A Software Engineering Approach (ISE)

–    Psychology: experience psychology 3rd edition

–    Ethnic: 240 4th edition fundamentals of ethics!

–     Psychology: experience psychology 3rd edition

–          Wondering which is the best and most reliable website for assignments help / homework help/ Essay writing/ platform: The answer is HomeworkNest.com – Affordable, Reliable and Professional. Where Can I Pay Someone to do my homework/Essay/Assignment/Capstone assignment/Econ – Shhh at HomeworkNest.com They do it professionally

–          Students ask: Who can help me Ace My Homework? Worry no more, the answer is a tutor from Homework Nest because adequately equipped with the textbooks required to handle your assignment. AceMyHomework shutdown was a hard experience to reckon with, but the good news is that www.homeworknest.com offers Instant Professional Tutoring by being your ultimate homework help partner. Homework Nest is open to accepting those students formerly affiliated with AceMyHomework and lack the access to resourceful books for fast homework help. Struggling with last minute assignments such as essay, dissertation, and math homework? Welcome to Homework Nest

–  Ethnic: 240 4th edition fundamentals of ethics!

–  Principals of Macroeconomics 7th Edition

–    Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals (7th ed, James Stewart)

–    Structure and Properties (1st ed, Nivaldo Tro)

–  Field-Programmable Gate Arrays : Reconfigurable Logic for Rapid Prototyping and Implementation

–          The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook – 6th Edition and Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings- 9th Edition

–          The Norton’s field guide to Writing with Readings – 3rd Edition and The Little Seagull Handbook- 2nd Edition (Unopened)

–          Of The People- A History of the United States, Vol. 1 : To 1877 – 2nd Edition

–          Music an Appreciation-brief


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–          And Music an Appreciation-brief CD 8th Edition

–          SOCIETY the Basics – 13th Edition

–          Living with Art – 10th Edition

–          American Pageant AP- 14th Edition

–          Financial Accounting For Undergraduates 3rd edition

–          Essential Environment text book by Withgott and Laposata. 5th Editio

– Abnormal Child Psychology (Mash)
– Abnormal Psychology (Davidson)
– Abnormal Psychology an integrated Approach (Barlow)
– Abnormal Psychology In A Changing World (Nevid)
– Abnormal Psychology (Hooley)
– Adolescence (Santrock)
– Advertising An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective (Belch)
– Adult Development And Aging (Whitbourne)
– American Government and Politics( Joseph Bessette)
– Anatomy from science to life (Jenkins )
– Anatomy And Physiology an integrated approach (Mckinley)
– Anatomy Physiology The unity of form and function (SALADIN)
– An Introduction To Psychological Science (Krauss)
– An Introduction To Brain and Behaviour (Kolb)
– An Introduction to Drugs and the Neuroscience of Behaviour (Prus)
– Animal Physiology (Hill, Anderson)
– APA Publication Manual
– Astronomy Today (Chaisson)
– Basic Biomechanics (Hall)
– Basic Chemistry (Timberlake)
– Basic Technical Mathematics –(Allyn Washington)
– Behaviour Modification What it is and how to do it (Martin)
– Becker World Of The Cell (Hardin)
– Berne & Levy Physiology (Koeppen)
– Biochemistry (Garrett)
– Biology How Life Works (Morris)
– Biology Today And Tomorrow (Starr)
– Biological Psychology (Kalat)
– Biomechanics Basic of Human Movement (Hamill)
– BioPsychology (Pinel)
– Botany An Introduction to Plant Biology (Mauseth)
– Brock Biology Of Micro-Organisms (Madigan)
– C++ how to program (Deitel)
– Campbell Biology (Reece)
– Chemistry A Molecular Approach (Nivaldo tro)
– Chemical Principles (Zumdahl)
– Chemistry (Olmsted)
– Chemistry (Mcmurry)
– Chemistry And Chemical Reactivity (Kotz)
– Chemistry The Central Science (Brown)
– Child Development (laura Berk)
– Children And their Development (Kail)
– Cogntion (Sinnett, Smilek)
– Cognition (Reisberg)
– Cognition (Matlin)
– Cognitive Psychology (Goldstein)
– Cognitive Psychology And Its Implications (Anderson)
– Cognitive Neuroscience Biology of the Mind (Gazzaniga)
– College Physics (Serway)
– Concepts Of Genetics (Klug)
– Consumer Behaviour Buying, Having, Being (Solomon)
– Contemporary Linguistic Analysis (Grady)
– Counselling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice(Sommers Flanagan)
– Criminal Behavior A Psychological Approach (bartol)
– Criminalists An Introduction To Forensic Science (Saferstein)
– Cultural Psychology (Heine)
– Culture and Psychology (Matsumoto)
– David Myers Social Psychology
– Discovering Human Sexuality (Levin)
Discrete mathematics with Applications
Earth -An Introduction to physical geology (Tarbuck, Lutgens)
Ecology (Bowman)
Economic Development (Todaro)
Elementary Differential Equations (Boyce)
Elementary Linear Algebra (Anton)
Environment The Science Behind The Stories (Whitgott)
Essential Calculus Early Transcendentals (Stewart)
Essential Cell Biology (Alberts)
Essentials of Epidemiology (penny Webb)
Essentials Of Geology (Marshak)
Essentials Of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Marieb)
Essentials Of Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences (Gravetter)
Evolutionary Analysis (Heron)
Evolutionary Psychology (BUSS)
Evolution (Futuyma)
Exercise Physiology (Mcardle)
Exploring Sociology (ravelli)
Exploring Biological Anthropology (Allen)
Financial Accounting Tools For Business Decision Making (Kimmel)
Forensic Psychology (Pozzulo)
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (Martini)
Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance (Ross)
Fundamentals Of Human Neuropsychology (Kolb)
Fundamentals Of Physics (Halliday)
Fundamental Statistics For The Behavioral Sciences (Howell)
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Structures of Life(Karen C. Timberlake)
Genetics From Genes To Genomes (Hartwell)
Geosystems (Christopherson)
Health Psychology (Richard Straub)
Health Psychology (Sarafino)
Health Psychology (Taylor)
How Children Develop (Siegler)
Human Anatomy (Martini)
Human Anatomy and Physiology (marieb)
Human Osteology (White)
Human Physiology an integrated approach (Silverthorne)
I never knew I had a choice (Corey)
Intermediate Microeconomics (Varian)
Intimate Relationships (Miller)
Introduction to Genetic Analysis (Griffiths)
Introduction To Learning And Behaviour (Powell)
Introduction To Programming Using Python (Liang)
Introduction To Programming With C++ (Liang)
Introductory Statistics (Neil weiss)
James Stewart Multivariate Calculus
James Stewart Single Variable Calculus
Java How to Program (Deitel)
Karps Cell and Molecular Biology (Iwasa)
Language Development (Hoff)
Linear Algebra And Its Applications (Lay)
Life In the Universe (Bennett)
Lifespan Development (Boyd)
Learning and Behaviour (Paul chance)
Lehringer Principles Of Biochemistry (Nelson)
The globalization of world politics
Macroeconomics (Mankiw)
Macroeconomics (Ragan)
Majoring in Psychology Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals ( Helms)
Marketing real people real choice (solomon)
Media & Culture (Campbell)
Memory (Baddeley)
Methods In Behavioral Research (Cozby)
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (Krugman)
Microeconomics (Ragan)
Modern Principles of Economics ( Tyler Cowen )
Molecular Biology Principles and Practice (Cox)
Molecular Biology Of The Cell (Alberts)
Motivation Theory Research and Practice (Petri)
Negotiation Reading Exercises and Cases (Lewicki)
NeuroPsychological Assessment (Lezak, Howieson)
Neuroscience Exploring The Brain (Bear)
Nutrition Concepts And Controversies (Sizer)
Organic Chemistry (Paula Yurkanis)
Organizational Behaviour Concepts, Controversies, Applications (Langton)
Pathophysiology (Banasik)
Personality Psychology (Larsen, Buss)
Personality Theory and Research (Corvine)
Perspectives On Personality (Carver)
Physical Chemistry Thermodynamics, Structure And Change (Atkins)
Physical Geology (Plummer)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Knight)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Serway)
Physics Principles With Applications (Giancoli)
Physiology of Behaviour (Carlson)
Project Management Achieving Competitive Advantage (Pinto)
Principles Of Anatomy And Physiology (Tortora)
Principles Of Animal Behaviour (Dugatkin)
Principles Of Corporate Finance (Brealey)
Principles Of Genetics (Snustad)
Principles Of Human Anatomy (Tortora)
Principles of Neuropsychology (Eric A. Zillmer)
Psychology (Myers, DeWall)
Psychological Testing (Kaplan, Saccuzzo)
Psychology From Inquiring To Understanding (Lilienfield)
Psychology Themes And Variations (Weiten)
Ravens Biology Of Plants (Evert)
Research methods A Process of Inquiry (Graziano)
Research Methods For the Behavioural Sciences (Gravetter)
Research Methods In Psychology (Morling)
Seeley’s Essentials Of Anatomy & Physiology (VanPutte)
Sensation & Perception (Wolfe)
Sensation & Perception (Goldstein)
SOC + (Brym)
Social Psychology (michael Hogg)
Social Psychology (Gilovich)
Social Psychology And Human Nature (Baumeister)
Sports medicine for sports trainers
Sports psychology Concepts & Applications (Richard Cox)
Starting Out With C++ (Gaddis)
Starting Out With Python (Gaddis)
Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences (Alan Agresti)
Statistics (James mclave)
Stats Data and Models (Deveaux)
Statistics for psychology (aron, coups)
Statistical Methods for Psychology (Howell)
Strategic Management Theory (Charles Hill)
The Earth Through Time (Levin)
The economics Of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Mishkin)
The Globalization Of World Politics (Baylis)

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– The immune system (parham)
– Theory and practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Corey)
– The Personality Puzzle (Funder)
– The Psychology Of Language (Ludden)
– They Say I say (Graff)
– Understanding Emotions (Keltner, Oatley)
– Understanding Humans (Barry Lewis)
– Understanding Homicide (Brookman)
– Understanding Motivation and Emotion (reeve)
– Understanding Political Science Research Methods (Barakso)
– Understanding Statistics In The Behavioural Sciences (Pagano)
– Vector Calculus (Marsden)
– Vertebrates (Kenneth Kardong)
– World Prehistory and Archaeology (Chazan)






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