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EMAN 620 – Information Technology in Emergency Management

Module # 5

Mapping Exercise

Due at the end of Module # 5


The Goal of this exercise is to familiarize the student with online tools that help organize and display information on a map in a short time frame.  The tool I recommend you use is Google Earth.   You will be creating a map after an act of terrorism has occurred. 


The objectives of this exercise are to:

  • Explore a online mapping platform like Google Earth
  • Identify Key Features for a functional site map 
  • Produce a map with a legend that is clear, readable and has value to commanders and responders

Background Scenario:

A “ Dirty bomb “ has been detonated directly in front of the White house in Washington D.C . This occurred at 10 a.m. on 04-20-(this year). The President was not at the White House during the blast. It is utter chaos, with DC Fire/EMS responding. 

Your role is the Emergency manager for the City of Washington D.C. Within minutes of the attack you activate all emergency functions. At 13:00 you are expected to provide a briefing to the Mayor of D.C., and the President of the United States at a nearby facility. You have been asked to keep your brief short with a single map that portrays the situation and the response effort.

Your initial assessment reveals that there is damage to buildings within a ¼ mile.  There are currently 86 fatalities and 200+ injured.

There happens to be absolutely no wind on the day. However you are still concerned about the potential for radiation exposure. Your staff recommends a “ hot zone” with a mile radius. That means everything inside that area has potential for radiation.

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Your overall task is to create a status map for the purpose of:

  1. Assuming you watched the video and have downloaded Google Desk Top
    1. If you cannot access Google Maps you can use another map making program to produce your map or you can create a paper map.
  2. Review the scenario. More than enough information available.
    1. Email or text me with any questions.
  3. Create a status map that provides a snapshot of the situation. A few things you should consider 
    1. The immediate impact zone
    1. The “ hot zone” i.e. suspected contamination zone
    1. Points of ingress/egress for rescuers
    1. Staging area for rescue areas
    1. De-contamination area for people/equipment leaving
    1. Temporary Debris Storage area. This should be a large area of debris from the rescue effort can be temporarily stockpiled.
  4. Create a legend, Title and any other required formatting.


By the end of Module # 5 you are to submit a file (yes PDF is ok) in the assignment folder with your result. The file should contain the Map with a legend that is clear and easy to read. 


I purposely provided sparse information.  Take as many creative and logical liberties as like to develop the scenario on your own. The point is that you have to produce a single map – with what you feel is the most important info to provide a snapshot of the situation.  It’s up to you decide to what should go on there.

The Role of Stakeholders

  1. What are the stakeholders?
  2. How do the three primary stakeholder groups influence organizations?
  3. What steps would you take to effectively communicate a strategic plan?

Final Strategic Plan

Create the Final Strategic Plan. The Final Strategic Plan contains the elements of all the previous weeks’ components and incorporates instructor feedback. However, this is not a compilation or “cut-n-paste” of these prior papers. This is intended to be a stand-alone project that builds upon your earlier learnings. The strategic recommendations will be evaluated and the best options chosen for the recommendation. The final strategic plan contains:  (JP Morgan Chase)

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  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary (Word Document – 350 to 700 words) 
  • Company Background
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Value Statement
  • Environmental Scan
  • Internal and External Environmental Analysis
  • Strategic Recommendation
  • Implementation Plan
  • Organizational Change Management Strategies
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Conclusion
  • References

Create a 25- to 35-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes to present the strategic plan, combining all relevant elements from previous weeks. The objective is to sell the strategic plan to investors or company directors.

Format the assignment according to APA guidelines.
Support your assessments. Include a minimum of four authoritative references. Remember all references should be included in the body of your presentation/speaker’s notes as in-text citations. 

Excel spreadsheet

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For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Open the downloaded Excel file named e03ch05_grader_a1_Lessons.xlsx. Save the file with the name e03ch05_grader_a1_Lessons_LastFirstreplacing LastFirst with your last and first name. In the Security Warning bar, click Enable Content.



On the StudentData worksheet, select the range A7:K94, and then name the range Student_Data. Create a named range for each column in the Student_Data named range, using the top row as the range values.



On the DataInputs worksheet, select the range A3:B3, and then create a named range using the left column as the name.
Select the range A6:E10, and then create a named range using Lesson_Pricing as the name.
Select the range A13:E17, and then create a named range using Trans_Fees as the name.
Select the range A20:G24, and then create a named range using Uniform_Fees as the name.
Select the range H6:J7, and then create a named range using Entry_Fee as the name.



On the StudentData worksheet, in cell E5, add a COUNTIF function to count the Teacher field in the Student_Data table that meets the filter criteria in cell E4. Copy the formula through cell I5.
In cell K5, add a DCOUNTA function to count the StudentID field in the Student_Data table that meets the filter criteria in the range D1:K2.



In cell K8, add a VLOOKUP function nested in an IFERROR function to retrieve the price per hour, located in column 3 in the Lesson_Pricing named range, for each student on the basis of the student’s skill level, located in the Skill level field. The value should be looking for an exact match. To prevent an error from being displayed when the skill level is not known, use the IFERROR function to leave the cell blank.
Copy the formula through cell K94.



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On the LessonData worksheet, in cell F3, add a MATCH function nested in an INDEX function to retrieve Skill_level of each student listed in column B (StudentID). To prevent zeros from displaying when the skill level is not known, nest the INDEX and MATCH functions in an IF function to leave the cell blank when the skill level equals 0. Copy the formula through cell F121.



On the LessonData worksheet, in cell G3, add a MATCH function nested in an INDEX function to retrieve the total fee located in the Lesson Pricing table on the DataInputs worksheet for each student listed in column B depending on their lesson length and skill level. To prevent an error from being displayed when the skill level is not known, nest the INDEX and MATCH functions inside an IFERROR function, and display the default total fee of $50. Copy the formula down to G121.



On the Report worksheet, in cell B3, add a VLOOKUP function to look up the teacher’s name in the Student_Data table for the student listed in cell B2. The value should be looking for an exact match.
In cell B4, add an AVERAGEIF function to calculate the teacher’s (Teacher) average in the Price_Per_Hour field for the teacher listed in cell B3.
In cell B5, add a VLOOKUP function to look up the student’s skill level in the Student_Data table for the student listed in cell B2. The value should be looking for an exact match.



In cell B6, add a COUNTIF function to count the StudentID field on the LessonData worksheet that meets the filter criteria in cell B2.

In cell B7, add a SUMIF function to sum the Total Fee field on the LessonData worksheet that meets the filter criteria in cell B2.

In cell B8, add a two nested IF function to determine how many free lessons the student has earned. If the student has had fewer than total lessons, display 0 earned. If the student has had less than 10 lessons, display 1 earned; otherwise, display 2 earned.



In cell E5, add a VLOOKUP function to look up the student’s uniform size in the Student_Data table for the student listed in cell B2. The function should be looking for an exact match.

In cell E7, add a HLOOKUP function to retrieve the student’s registration fee in the Entry_Fee named range for the registration type in cell E3. The function should be looking for an exact match.

In cell I13, add a COUNTIF function to count the number of uniforms in the Uniform_Size column of the Student Data table that meet the filter criteria in cell H12.



In cell I14, add a MATCH function nested in an INDEX function to retrieve the uniform fee located in the Uniform_Fee table on the DataInputs worksheet that meets the filter criteria in cells H12 and I13. To prevent an error from displaying when no uniforms of the size located in H12 are needed, nest the INDEX and MATCH functions inside an IFERROR function to leave the cell blank. (Hint: Set the match type to 1.)



In cell B12, add a VLOOKUP function to retrieve the student’s first name in the Student_Data table that meets the filter criteria in cell A12. The value should be looking for an exact match.

In cell C12, add a VLOOKUP function to retrieve the student’s last name in the Student_Data table that meets the filter criteria in cell A12. The value should be looking for an exact match.



In cell D12, add a VLOOKUP function to retrieve whether or not the student has a permission slip on file in the Student_Data table that meets the filter criteria in cell A12. The value should be looking for an exact match.

In cell E12, add a VLOOKUP function nested in an IF function to retrieve the student’s uniform size. To prevent zeros from being displayed when the uniform size is not known, nest the VLOOKUP function in an IF function to leave the cell blank. The value should be looking for an exact match. 



In cell F12, add an AND function nested in an IF function to determine whether the student has a permission slip and a uniform. If the student has a permission slip and the uniform size is not blank, then display Yes in the field; otherwise, display No.
Highlight B12:F12 and then copy the formulas through cell range B38:F38.



In cell F39, add a COUNTIF function to determine how many students are currently traveling to the competition as indicated by Yes in cell range F12:F38.

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In cell E8, add a MATCH function nested in an INDEX function to retrieve the transportation fee located in the Trans_Fee table on the DataInputs worksheet that meets the filter criteria in cell E4 and F39.



Click Save, exit Excel, and then submit your file as directed by your instructor.


Total Points


List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen v List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsenv List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsenv List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsenvvv List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsenv List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen List three prominent themes in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsenv

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Liberty HIEU 201 History of Western Civilization Evaluative Essay 1 & 2 Thesis Statement

Evaluative Essay Instructions


  • To evaluate an historical theme using assigned sources for support.
  • To compose a properly formatted, scholarly paper, using the most recent edition of Turabian, Notes-Bibliography.

General Directions:

For this assignment, students will choose 1 historical theme from the list below to research throughout the course:



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Students will write 2 analytical essays on their chosen theme, using the primary sources and topic prompts within the additional documents.

In Week 3, students will submit a thesis statement for Evaluative Essay 1 to the instructor for review. This pre-submission of the thesis statement will not be required for Evaluative Essay 2.

Evaluative Essay 1 will cover the period from 3000 BC through AD 476. It is due in Week 4.

Evaluative Essay 2 will cover the period from 476-1640. It is due in Week 7.

Specific Requirements:

The evaluative essay will consider assigned sources on the chosen theme, and evaluate those sources using the topic prompt provided in the additional documents for this assignment.

Format, Length and Organization:

  • Length: 750-1100 words (roughly 3-4 pages, double spaced – not counting footnotes)
  • Double spaced text, Times New Roman, size 12 font, standard margins and indentation (see Turabian: Notes-Bibliography)
  • The paper should have a title page, body, and bibliography page
  • Using Turabian Notes-Bibliography style, format footnotes for the paper.
  • Basic Organization (except literature topic, given in literature document): The paper will consist of an introduction, body and conclusion:
    • Introduction should be one paragraph and should introduce the main argument, ending with a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement is the ONE SENTENCE argument.
    • Body of the paper is a few paragraphs (3-4) developing and supporting the argument, showing comparison and contrast of the assigned documents, as well as further analysis and Biblical evaluation. The body of the paper should provide specific examples and details from the assigned sources.
    • Conclusion is the final paragraph, restating the argument and summarizing the main points of the paper, drawing conclusions for the reader. No new information.


  • The textbook and lectures can be used for basic background information, but the majority of supporting details should be drawn from the assigned sources within each topic document.
  • For Biblical analysis, you can use your own Bible, or one of the following websites for finding and using Scripture verses. Please note that you need to use a standard translation (such as KJV or ESV) and not a paraphrase Bible (such as the Message).


            Srong’s Exhaustive Concordance https://books.google.com/books?id=3TBGAQAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=strong%27s+exhaustive+concordance+of+the+bible&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifx7zyxZHXAhXFPCYKHQwRBc0Q6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Source Citation Examples:

      Note that no citation is needed for common knowledge information, but specific examples, details, or arguments drawn from the assigned sources DO need proper source citation.

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                             Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Church in 1517. (common knowledge, no specific citation needed)

                             The Hebrew Old Testament is considered to be a book of folklore, myths and stories that is useful for some understanding of Hebrew history, but not always reliable as an historical source since it was written by religious devotees rather than historians.[1] – citation needed because this expresses a specific view or argument.

**If you are unsure of whether or not a citation is needed, it is better to include the citation than to leave it out. You can also contact your instructor for assistance.

[1] Marvin Perry, et.al., Western Civilization Vol. 1, MindTap edition, 2-1c. (Note that this is short-form) E


Writea 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which your team compares the Normal Accident Theory to the Culture of Safety model.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Explain what factors can play a role in organizational accidents similar to the one highlighted in the scenario.
    • How do organizational processes give rise to potential failures?
    • How can certain conditions influence errors and violations within the workplace (e.g., operating room, pharmacy, intensive care unit)?
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Week 5 Starbucks

Create a 2- to 3-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for a Mini-Strategy using the Mini-Strategy Outline.

Organization (Starbucks)

  • Assess the organization’s current status: 
    • Leadership
    • Board members
    • Structure
    • Number of employees 
  • Conduct a basic SWOTT analysis and discuss the implications of those results.

Strategic Plan 4

Write a 1,400-word minimum strategic implementation plan in which you include the following: 

  • Organization JP Morgan Chase
  • Create an implementation plan including:
    • Objectives
    • Functional tactics
    • Action items
    • Milestones and deadlines
    • Tasks and task ownership
    • Resource allocation
  • Recommend any organizational change management strategies that may enhance successful implementation.
  • Develop key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
  • Create a risk management plan including contingency plans for the identified risks. 

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans

  1. What are some current and potential risks in the global environment that might impact the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies? 
  2. How can organizations benefit from performing a political risk analysis?
  3. Under what conditions would it make sense to use a political weakness as an opportunity to transfer operations in the home country to a new market?
  4. What are some potential advantages to implementing a cooperative strategy?  What might be some potential risks?
  5. What is a strategic network? What is a strategic center firm? How is a strategic center used in business-level, corporate-level, and international cooperative strategies?
  6. What are the benefits of implementing International Cooperative Strategies? Why?
  7. What are political risks and what are economic risks? How should firms approach dealing with these risks?
  8. What is a top management team, and how does it affect a firm’s performance and its abilities to innovate and design and bring about effective strategic change?

Statistic for business

You may use Minitab or other software for any calculations. However, you must show your

  manual calculations when asked. You may paste your output onto your assignment to show your use of Minitab; however, this output does not replace any of the steps outlined below. This means that answers that are exclusively computer output may receive only one mark.

  If you are performing a hypothesis test, make sure you state the hypotheses, the level of significance, the rejection region, the test statistic (and p-value, if requested), your decision (whether to reject or not to reject the null hypothesis), and a conclusion that answers the question posed or interprets the decision taken. These steps must be completed in addition to any computer output.

  The data in the Minitab data files can be found in the file Assign1Data.xlsx.

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Role of sport in education

Role of sport in education. You may select to focus on either high school or college sports and their role in education. Provide your educated opinion and use sources to support your beliefs. Make sure you cite your sources in-text and with a reference page. You may use APA or MLA.

Management Accounting Problem : Holzmann Cleaning Services

Intermediate Management Accounting 2 / 3 PROJECT 1 (30 MARKS) Project 1 is due at the end of Week 3. It is out of 30 marks. Required: Assume the role of a partner in Martine’s consulting business. Martine has asked you to assist her with completing the analysis and developing a report for Gretel. Prepare a report and supporting exhibits for Gretel, president of Holzmann Cleaning Services (HCS), to analyze HCS’s current profitability and provide analysis of the overhead allocations used. It should include the following: 1. Profit analysis: Prepare a brief high-level overview of the 20X6 results in total based on Exhibit 1 in the project details document. Your discussion should highlight significant changes between 20X5 and 20X6 operations, and between 20X6 actual and 20X6 budgeted operations. (8 marks) 2. Costing analysis: Prepare overall comments on the current method HCS uses to allocate its overhead and provide further analysis on ways in which the company can improve its costing methods in order to assess and manage its costs. Your analysis should include the following: a) Calculate overhead applied rate per direct labour hour (rounded to the nearest dollar), the overhead applied amount and the resulting over- or underapplied overhead for 20X6 using the traditional costing approach. Base this on the existing method of allocating service overhead using direct labour hours as the allocation base. The 20X6 actual wages and benefit rate were the same as budgeted at $13.20 per hour. (2 marks) b) Use the regression analyses in Exhibit 3 in Project Details to determine the viability of each cost driver to predict costs for cleaning supplies and transportation. This should include reasons for choosing or not choosing the regression analyses that were provided. (3 marks) c) Use the regression analysis equation chosen in part (b) to separate the variable cost(s) from the fixed cost(s). Only the fixed cost(s) would be categorized with the other overhead costs. With the adjusted overhead costs, follow the traditional costing approach to recalculate the overhead application rate using direct labour hours as the allocation base. Calculate the over- or underapplied overhead by applying the new overhead rate. Compare your result to part (a) and provide an analysis of the differences between the two application rates. (4 marks) Intermediate Management Accounting Project 1 3 / 3 d) Using activity-based costing and the information in Exhibit 2 in Project Details, prepare a partial profit analysis for commercial and residential operations. Use wages and benefits costs (allocated on the same basis as revenue) and all costs from the activitybased data to prepare a partial operating statement that includes all direct/traceable costs. Compare the segment margins between the commercial and residential operations. (4 marks) Provide three points that highlight the reasons for the difference between cost allocations using activity-based costing and traditional costing. (3 marks) e) Provide overall comments on the results of these analyses in your report. (3 marks) In addition to the above, award 3 marks for report format and professionalism. Your report should clearly communicate the important details of the case and effectively persuade the reader to act on your advice. NOTE ON ROUNDING: Use unrounded numbers for all calculations and round the final answer to the nearest dollar

Intermediate Management Accounting 2 / 11 PROJECT DETAILS “Adding time to your day” is the slogan of Holzmann Cleaning Services (HCS). The company was started by Gretel, who began offering cleaning services to support herself while she was in university studying for a business degree. At the age of 21 she was determined to be known as more than a simple labourer who needed to fund her education. She researched different cleaning products and methodologies to deliver a fast and thorough service to her clients. Ten years later, the business has grown in size and has expanded throughout the city and local rural areas. Gretel is the majority shareholder of the private corporation with two other shareholders. The company consists of a full-time staff of three operations managers (one for commercial operations and two for residential operations), an administrative staff of three, and part-time cleaning staff of over 200 university students, called cleaning agents. Not only is Gretel able to provide high-quality cleaning services to her clients, but she is also able to offer university students part-time work, reducing the need for student loans. The company also owns a fleet of three vans that are used to transport cleaning agents to and from work sites. A fourth van is available for the operations managers to make site visits if necessary. Gretel’s training regimen is thorough as potential hires are trained in the areas of cleaning products, effective cleaning methods and acceptable deportment when entering a client’s residence or place of business. Through this training process, which Gretel carries out herself, she is able to hire only those individuals she feels would provide the high-quality service that keeps clients coming back. Recently, Gretel engaged Martine, a CPA and a local consultant, to review the latest operating statement. Gretel is discouraged with the 20X6 profit margin (Exhibit 1). Additionally, she is concerned with the cash flow as there are seasonal fluctuations in the work, with more work in the months of March and April when many homeowners request more hours for springcleaning chores. As such, Gretel must ensure that there is enough cash on hand to build cleaning supplies inventories and pay for training of any new recruits required to handle the extra work. Other than springtime, cleaning supplies inventory on hand is minimal. She is hoping that Martine will provide some guidance that will help the company attain its profit margins. She has called a meeting with Martine, Sam, the operations manager of commercial operations and Ling, one of the operations managers of residential operations. Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 3 / 11 GRETEL: I thought we had a pretty good year; sales were up, and we’ve had great reviews. Yet when I look at the bottom line, the profit margin is only 9%. I was hoping for at least 12%. According to industry statistics, the profit margins should be at least 25%. The other issue is that we were short on cash in the late summer. MARTINE: Have there been any significant changes in the operations in the past year? LING: I’ve noted that we’re taking on more residential clients outside the city. I’ve had to make sure that we schedule in more travel time to reach the destination on time. SAM: And don’t forget that at the request of a majority of our commercial clients, we’ve included more eco-friendly cleaning products. It helps boost their image of being socially responsible. MARTINE: I can imagine that this has increased both your travel and cleaning supplies costs. How do you currently cost out your services and how do you arrive at a charge-out rate? GRETEL: We treat the wage costs of our cleaning agents as direct costs. The cost of cleaning supplies, transportation and operations managers’ salaries are considered overhead. We apply the overhead at $10 per direct labour hour and add on an additional 60% to arrive at our charge-out rate. MARTINE: Have you ever taken an activity-based approach to costing your services? Besides the increase in cleaning supplies’ costs, are there some other significant differences in the costs consumed by your commercial clients versus the costs consumed by your residential clients? LING: Well, I’ve had a bit of free time on the residential side so I’ve helped Sam out on occasion with the commercial side. I’ve noted that most of the commercial clients are clustered around the downtown core. So it takes less time to travel there. GRETEL: Because our commercial clients have in-house accounts payable departments, we usually only bill them once per month. While our more recent residential clients are on monthly billing, we still have some that are on weekly billing. However, you should note that we spend almost three times more hours training cleaning agents who work for our commercial clients than training those who work for our residential clients. Part of the reason is that eco-friendly products require more application knowledge. MARTINE: So I understand that the operations managers are not that busy on the residential side? What’s the breakdown between residential and commercial clients? GRETEL: We have about 120 regular commercial clients. They account for 60% of the revenue, even though they amount to less than half of the clients. As for the residential side, I’m not sure we require both full-time operations managers. Alex has gone home early on some days because there was a shortage of work. Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 4 / 11 MARTINE: And are your cash disbursements pretty much in line with your revenues? GRETEL: For the most part. Our major expenses are cleaning supplies and transportation, which mostly fluctuate with revenues, except for annual preventive maintenance on our vans, which takes place in the slower months of July and August. Oh, and one more thing: I would really like a solid way of giving a potential client a quote before we begin a contract with them. Right now, I measure the square metres and estimate how many hours it will take to complete the work. I multiply that by the direct labour hourly rate and then add on our $10 overhead factor per direct labour hour and 60% for profit. Any ideas? MARTINE: Let me work on this and get back to you with a full report. In the week following the meeting, Martine spent time with Gretel, the operations managers and the administrative staff. She developed the following: · cost pools for indirect costs related to cleaning services along with the cost driver for each pool and activity breakdowns for residential and commercial clients (Exhibit 2) · regression analyses summary results (Exhibit 3) to determine the statistical relationship between: o direct labour hours and transportation costs o direct labour hours and cleaning supplies costs · details regarding expected growth for 20X7 (Exhibit 4) · details regarding a typical commercial and residential client that could be used to develop quotes (Exhibit 5) · details relating to cash collections and disbursements (Exhibit 6) Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 5 / 11 Exhibit 1 REVENUES AND EXPENSES 20X5 20X6 20X6 Budget Total revenue 728,910 819,000 778,050 90,090 12% 40,950 5% Cost of sales Wages and benefits 233,747 292,184 277,575 58,437 25% 14,609 5% Cleaning supplies 66,406 88,541 67,291 22,135 33% 21,250 32% Transportation costs (including fuel, insurance, depreciation and maintenance) 23,619 30,281 25,890 6,662 28% 4,391 17% Salaries of operations managers 116,000 120,000 118,000 4,000 3% 2,000 2% Cost of sales (direct expenses) 439,772 531,006 488,756 91,234 21% 42,250 9% Gross margin 289,138 287,994 289,294 Operating expenses Administrative labour (training and billing) 175,750 185,000 166,500 9,250 5% 18,500 11% Depreciation (excluding transportation vehicles) 2,703 2,350 2,303 (353) (13%) 47 2% Repairs and maintenance (excluding transportation) 881 890 872 9 1% 18 2% Utilities and telephone/telecommunication 4,712 4,620 4,528 (92) (2%) 92 2% Rent 10,320 10,320 10,114 0 0% 206 2% Interest and bank charges 998 1,050 1,029 52 5% 21 2% Business fees 4,200 4,200 4,116 0 0% 84 2% Advertising and promotion 1,890 2,520 2,470 630 33% 50 2% Insurance (excluding transportation) 2,594 2,730 2,675 136 5% 55 2% 204,048 213,680 194,607 9,632 5% 19,073 10% Net operating profit/loss 85,090 74,314 94,687 (10,776) (13%) (20,373) (22%) 11.67% 9.07% 12.17% Variance from 20X5 actual Variance from 20X6 budget EXHIBIT 1 Holzmann Cleaning Services — Report on Operations Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 6 / 11 Exhibit 2 Cost pools and activities for activity-based costing analysis Cost driver Cost pool Total activity Commercial activity Residential activity Cleaning supplies commercial Square metres $ 70,833 664,054 664,054 Cleaning supplies residential Square metres $ 17,708 442,703 442,703 Billing Number of invoices $ 129,500 3,054 1,062 1,992 Transportation Number of kilometres $ 30,281 53,124 15,937 37,187 Training Number of hours $ 55,500 554 416 138 Operations management Number of managers $ 120,000 3 1 2 Total expenses $ 423,822 Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 7 / 11 Exhibit 3 Summary results of regression analyses Analysis of transportation costs and statistical relationship with direct labour hours (Based on monthly information) Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.370106959 R Square 0.136979161 Adjusted R Square 0.050677077 Standard Error 205.6109076 Observations 12 ANOVA d f SS MS Regression 1 67100.46346 67100.46346 Residual 10 422758.4532 42275.84532 Total 11 489858.9167 Coefficients Standard Error t-Stat Intercept 2006.01049 414.9577567 4.8342523 Labour hours 0.280500299 0.222646934 1.25984353 TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS USING LABOUR HOURS Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 8 / 11 Analysis of cleaning-supply costs and statistical relationship with direct labour hours (Based on monthly information) Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.834454446 R Square 0.696314222 Adjusted R Square 0.665945644 Standard Error 152.2094937 Observations 12 ANOVA d f SS MS Regression 1 531207.6171 531207.6171 Residual 10 231677.2996 23167.72996 Total 11 762884.9167 Coefficients Standard Error t-Stat Intercept 5922.619076 307.1846274 19.28032378 Labour hours 0.78922842 0.164820911 4.788399819 CLEANING SUPPLIES COST ANALYSIS USING LABOUR HOURS Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 9 / 11 Exhibit 4 20X7 expected growth data Change in dollars: Expected revenue growth (due to increase in charge-out rate to $39 per hour) 8% Expected increase in cleaning supplies costs due to increase in volume (residential and commercial) 7% Expected increase in commercial cleaning supplies costs due to price increase 9% Labour wage and benefit rate per hour $13.46 Expected increase in transportation costs 9% Change in activity for ABC analysis: Increase in overall square metres of cleaning 7% Increase in number of invoices (commercial only, see option 2 below for residential) 5% Increase total kilometres driven (30% of total kilometres relate to commercial clients) 8% All other expenses will be unchanged. Cost reduction options: 1. Reduce operations management staff costs by putting one residential operations manager on half-time. This would reduce the total cost from $120,000 to $100,000. 2. Change all residential billing to monthly. This would reduce the number of residential invoices sent out by 10% from 20X6 activity. Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 10 / 11 Exhibit 5 Client data for contract quote development According to Gretel, a cleaning agent is able to clean approximately 50 square metres per hour, on average. Base the annual sales amount on 50 annual visits for commercial clients and a per-visit basis for residential clients. Use the following variable costs: · Wages and benefits — see 20X7 budget and information in Exhibit 4 for hourly rates. · Cleaning-supply costs — see 20X7 budget and information in Exhibit 4 for rate per square metre. · Transportation costs — see 20X7 budget and information in Exhibit 4 for rate per kilometre. Commercial client: Typical commercial client details are as follows: · square metres 1,950 · kilometres driven per visit (round trip) 20 Residential client: Typical residential client details are as follows: · square metres 232 · kilometres driven per visit (round trip) 25 Intermediate Management Accounting Project Details 11 / 11 Exhibit 6 Cash collection and disbursement activity May June July August September October Sales revenue $85,100 $62,900 $67,155 $49,210 $50,875 $68,265 Purchases of cleaning supplies $7,664 $7,240 $7,500 $6,850 $6,900 $7,575 Transportation costs $2,022 $1,904 $2,323 $2,377 $1,327 $1,475 Direct labour wages $30,360 $22,440 $23,958 $17,556 $18,150 $24,354 Management salaries $25,417 $25,417 $25,417 $25,417 $25,417 $25,417 General operating expenses $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 $2,390 Cash collections: Cash sales 25% Credit collections: Amount collected in month of service 50% Amount collected in month following service 30% Amount collected in second month following service 15% Uncollectable 5% Cash disbursements: Transportation 100% Paid in month incurred Cleaning supplies 60% Paid in month incurred 40% Paid in month following Direct labour 50% Paid in month incurred 50% Paid in month following Remaining expenses 100% Paid in month incurred Additional notes: Depreciation included in monthly general operating expenses $ 196 Annual dividend payment to three shareholders, paid in August $8,000 Expected July 1 beginning cash balance $5,000

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Intermediate Management Accounting 2 / 3 PROJECT 2 (40 MARKS) Project 2 consists of a second report from Martine to Gretel, the president of Holzmann Cleaning Services (HCS). It is due at the end of Week 5 and is out of 40 marks. 1. Prepare a complete 20X7 operating budget for both commercial and residential operations, based on the details provided in Exhibit 4 in Project Details. The operating budget will require adjustments to the activity-based analysis prepared for the direct costs in requirement 2 of Project 1. Indirect general costs should be allocated 60% to commercial and 40% to residential. (6 marks) Provide a discussion of the results in your report. (4 marks) Note: It is important to provide the analysis done in Project 1 so that markers don’t deduct marks for errors made in Project 1. 2. a) Revise the 20X7 operating budget statements to a contribution format. Assume the following are variable costs: i) Wages and benefits ii) Cleaning supplies iii) Transportation costs All remaining costs are fixed. (1 mark) Based on the 20X7 budget: b) Calculate the break-even point in sales dollars based on the 20X7 sales mix. (2 marks) c) Calculate the sales revenue required to achieve a 25% profit margin. (2 marks) d) Provide comments on the results in the report. Your discussion should also include comments on the margin of safety (1 mark) and the limits of the CVP analysis as it pertains to HCS. (2 marks) 3. To assist Gretel in submitting bids for new work, use the 20X7 contribution margin budget to determine an average markup percentage on variable costs for both commercial and residential cleaning services. Using the markup percentages, calculate the sales price of a typical commercial and residential contract (see Exhibit 5 in Project Details). (8 marks) Also provide a short discussion of the results in your report. (2 marks) Intermediate Management Accounting Project 2 3 / 3 4. Cash analysis: a) Prepare a cash budget for the quarter starting July 20X6 using the information in Exhibit 6 found in Project Details. (6 marks) b) Prepare a discussion that highlights your findings in your report. What advice can you give Gretel regarding the handling of cash and her operations during this period? (4 marks) In addition to the above, award 2 marks for report format and professionalism. Your report should clearly communicate the important details of the case and effectively persuade the reader to act on your advice. NOTE ON ROUNDING: Use unrounded numbers for all calculations and round the final answer to the nearest dollar.

Strategic Choice and Evaluation

Answer the following questions No Intro or conclusion…

  1. What is the relationship between a firm’s customers and its business level strategy in terms of who, what and how?  Why is this relationship important?
  2. How can each of the business-level strategies be used to position the firm relative to the five forces of competition in a way that helps the firm earn above-average returns?
  3. What motives might encourage managers and leaders to over diversify their firm?
  4. What might encourage diversification?
  5. What are some trends in the global environment that might impact the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate-level strategies?
  6. What are two important issues that can potentially affect a firm’s ability to successfully use international strategies?
  7. Why do firms use suborder’s strategic alliances?
  8. What risks are firms likely to experience if they use cooperative strategies?

South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Exam South University Advanced Pathophysiology Final Examv

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How motivating factors of modern fire research impact fire science.

Write a 1500–2000 word essay explaining how motivating factors of modern fire research impact fire science.

    Define how modern fire research has impacted fire science as it relates to each of the following:

        Infrared imaging


        Water mist

        Compressed air foam

    Explain how each of the above has had an impact on fire science.

Use examples to support your discussion.

Include an introductory and conclusion paragraph.

Format your work consistent with APA guidelines.

Include a title page and reference page and cite all sources

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CSTU 101 learning activity 1

Go online and find some information about the “Elgin Marbles” (also called the “Parthenon Marbles”). Read a little about the controversy between the British and Greek governments concerning the ownership of these marbles. In a 2-paragraph essay, first summarize the controversy in your own words, and then take a clear position by supporting either the Greek or British side. Discuss 2 main reasons that support your position. You do not need to do extensive research or reading to complete this assignment well. However, if you include sources, cite them in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses. Submit a draft of your Learning Activity to SafeAssign for feedback a few days before the assignment is due.

How motivating factors of modern fire research impact fire science.

Write a 1500–2000 word essay explaining how motivating factors of modern fire research impact fire science.

    Define how modern fire research has impacted fire science as it relates to each of the following:

        Infrared imaging


        Water mist

        Compressed air foam

    Explain how each of the above has had an impact on fire science.

Use examples to support your discussion.

Include an introductory and conclusion paragraph.

Format your work consistent with APA guidelines.

Include a title page and reference page and cite all sources

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statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33 statistics helpStatistics HLT 362V questions to be graded exercise 33

Mini-Strategy Week Three

Create a 3- to 4 – slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation 

Include the following in your outline:

  • Organizations (Apple Inc)
  • Evaluate the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and values’ statement.
  • Discuss the organization’s current goals and objectives.
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Strategic Plan, Part 3

Write a 1,400-word minimum internal environmental analysis in which you include the following: 

  • Assess the organization’s internal environment. ( JP Morgan Chase )
  • Identify the most important strengths and weaknesses of your organization including an assessment of the organization’s resources.
  • Identify the most important internal environmental factors in the general, industry, and external analysis in relation to the internal analysis.
  • Perform competitor analysis.
  • Assess the structure of the organization and the influence this has on its performance.
  • Determine the organization’s competitive position and the possibilities this provides. 

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Support your assessments with Include a minimum of two authoritative references. Remember all references should be included in the body of your paper as in-text citations. 

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Internal Capabilities and Resources

Why is it important for a firm to study and understand its internal organization?

  What is value chain analysis? What does the firm gain by successfully using this tool?

  What factors affect the likelihood a firm will take a competitive action?

  What factors affect the likelihood that your organization will initiate a competitive response to a competitor’s actions?

  What is outsourcing? How do you see the future of outsourcing in your own industry? Do you see it growing, declining & why?

  What does it mean to say that each core competence could become a core rigidity?

  How do you see the relationship between an organization’s “org” structure and its strategy? Discuss what it means to say that structure and strategy have a reciprocal relationship

  How do firms identify internal strengths and weaknesses? Why is it vital that managers have a clear understanding of their firm’s strengths and weaknesses?

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Week 2 General Questions/Thoughts

  1. Why is it important for a firm to study and understand the external environment?
  2. Which are most important among the economic, technological, social and demographic, political and ecological remote environmental factors impacting your own industry & firm?  Make sure to explain your strategic thinking about your firm and be as specific as possible.
  3. What are the differences between the general environment and the industry environment? Why are these differences important?
  4. What is the external environmental analysis process (four parts). What does the firm want to learn when using this process?
  5. Explain the differences among the seven segments of the general environment. Why are these details of interest to organizations?
  6. How do the five forces of competition in an industry affect its profitability potential?
  7. Why is it important for a company’s design to include sustainable processes?

MGT 279 Assignment 4

1. In summary, what does the report’s author blame for the problems encountered on the Big Dig project?

2. As an expert, to what extent do you think the author has got things right? Based on your knowledge of what it takes to manage major programs, how would you summarize what went wrong with this project?

3. To what extent do you feel that if the Big Dig had followed the US Department of Defense approach to managing major programs it would have been more successful? What problems might arise in trying to employ the US DoD approach?

4. What lessons can be derived from the Big Dig experience that can be shared with individuals and organizations that are about to begin work on a major program?

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MGT 270 Assignment 6


  1. Based on demographic data supplied in “Our Community” (p. 3), provide a summary of some key characteristics of the community and its members.
  • Beginning in the 1990s, PWC tied its budget to achieving its strategic plan. Explain how PWC uses the strategic plan to establish the foundation of its budget, using specific examples from Citizens Guide.
  1. What are the top four sources of revenue for PWC? Do you believe the PWC revenue profile is typical for counties in the USA? Explain your answer.
  1. PWC divides its budget into two categories: capital budget and operating budget. What is the difference between the two. What is the primary source of revenue for the capital budget? For the operating budget?
  1. A big portion of the PWC budget entails “transfer to schools.” What does this mean from both the Revenue and Expenditure perspective? Supplement your answer with data from Citizens Guide. Be sure to look at the special character of this budget item on p. 11.
  1. Smart county budgeting requires political sensitivity of elected officials. How is such political sensitivity reflected in the PWC budget process? (Hint: See p. 14.)
  2. The PWC Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is reasonably typical for counties in the USA. Why do county (and municipal) budgets distinguish between capital budgets and operating budgets? Which three budget areas dominate anticipated capital budget expenditures? Where do you think the money is being spent in these three areas?
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MGT 270 Assignment 7

Slann points out that two prevailing traits of today’s world are increasing interdependence in the global economy and increased strength of ethnic and religious forces. Your response should be 1 – 2 pages long, single spaced. Note that the answers to these questions require thought and research on your part. There is no cookbook answer.

    1. What evidence is there to back up Slann’s view?
  • To what extent do these two traits reinforce each other, or work in contrary directions?

Strategic Plan, Part 2: Strategic Planning Process Paper

You will perform an environmental scan for your target company. 

Choose an organization according to the following:

  • Organization that you want to work for once you complete your MBA (JP Morgan Chase)

Write a 1,050-word minimum environmental analysis in which you include the following: 

  • Determine how to create value and sustain competitive advantage using the environmental scanning strategy.
  • Evaluate the company’s external environment.
  • Identify and assess one or more of the Five Forces that are most important in driving competition in your organization’s external industry environment.
  • Assess the company’s general environment.
  • Evaluate the organization’s industry operating environment.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Support your assessments with Include a minimum of two authoritative references. Remember all references should be included in the body of your paper as in-text citations. 

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Qualitative study on Autism

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, be sure to have read all the required resources for the week.

Locate a peer-reviewed qualitative research study in the Ashford University Library on the topic you chose in Week One for your Final Research Proposal. You may choose to use a qualitative study that was included in the literature review you used in the Week One assignment by searching the reference list for qualitative research studies on the topic. It is also acceptable to utilize a qualitative research study on your topic that was not included in your literature review.

Once you have located an appropriate qualitative study, identify the specific qualitative research design used. Summarize the main points of the study including information on the research question, sampling strategy, research design, data analysis method(s), findings, and conclusion(s). Evaluate the published qualitative research study focusing on and identifying the researcher’s paradigm or worldview and any evidence of reflexivity described in the report. Explain whether or not potential biases were adequately addressed by the researchers. Describe how the researchers applied ethical principles in the research study.

Assignment # 1

Philosopher Report on Edward T. Hall. research the contributions of this ethicist to communication ethics. Detail the contributions of this writer to the understanding of communication ethics. Write a 4-5 page report and present your findings in this paper. The report should include: biographical information, an overview of his philosophy (main concepts he is known for) and the connection he has to communication ethics. Cite 5 sources.

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Assignment # 6

Instructions Choose one of the articles below for analysis. Discuss the subject matter in the article, and interpret the results and what the confidence interval and margin of error mean as they apply to the specific subject matter. Bobkoff, D. (2016, Aug 05). Hillary clinton looks like she’s about to crush donald trump — but it might not be so simple. The News Herald Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1817877470?accountid=28180 McKnight, P. (2006, Jun 03). Understanding a poll’s margin of error: The Vancouver Sun Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/242148444?accountid=28180 Silver, N. (2013, Mar 08). A justice’s use of statistics, viewed skeptically. New York Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1315037352?accountid=28180 Graves, A. (2017, Jun 27). DID SOUTH ST. PETERSBURG’S POVERTY RATE FALL AS FAST AS RICK KRISEMAN SAID? EVIDENCE THIN. Tampa Bay Times Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1914205644?accountid=28180 Alternatively, you may search for an original article. If you choose this route, locate a news article or report (in a popular news source such as Time, Newsweek, or the Wall Street Journal) in which a population mean is estimated from a sample. The article should include a margin of error and confidence interval. The Northcentral Library has created a resource to aid you in finding an appropriate article: Population in the News Assignment Guide Length: 1-2 pages not including title and reference pages Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Assignment # 4

Read the article entitled, “Are We Smarter than Our Parents?” in chapter 5 of your textbook. This article addresses a study by Dr. James Flynn of the rise of the IQ rate over generations, and how statistics are involved in tracking this phenomenon, especially with reference to the material in chapter 5. Write a paper in which you explore some of the statistical data that has been found in this area of study. Additionally choose and answer one of the four questions below in a focused and clear manner. Remember to integrate the statistical data in the article that discusses this topic. 1.Which explanation do you favor for the Flynn effect: that people are getting smarter or that people are merely getting more practice at the skills measured on IQ tests? Defend your opinion. 2.The rise in performance on IQ tests contrasts sharply with a steady decline in performance over the past few decades on many tests that measure factual knowledge, such as the SAT. Think of several possible ways to explain these contrasting results, and form an opinion as to the most likely explanation. 3.Results on IQ tests tend to differ among different ethnic groups. Some people have used this fact to argue that some ethnic groups tend to be intellectually superior to others. Can such an argument still be supported in light of the Flynn effect? Defend your opinion. 4.Discuss some of the common uses of JQ tests. Do you think that IQ tests should be used for these purposes? Does the Flynn effect alter your thoughts about the uses of IQ tests? Explain. Length: 1-2 pages not including title and reference pages

Professional Portfolio Based on ISOP

Professional Portfolio This assignment requires you to gather a compilation of papers and projects from this course and previous courses and add them to your Professional Portfolio. The portfolio is designed to help you compile all you have learned throughout your undergraduate studies with the best examples of your work to represent what you are capable of doing when you graduate the program. This assignment also gives you a opportunity to reflect on what you have learned as a student of psychology, and to prepare to actualize your post-graduation goals. It will serve as a resource as you navigate the world of prospective employers and graduate admissions committees. The student portfolio is also a measure of effectiveness for the Argosy University baccalaureate program in Psychology. As you develop professionally following graduation, you can add work samples and other pertinent materials, as well as modify existing documents, to reflect that development. The Professional Portfolio includes two main sections. A Professional Profile section that is completed by all students with either an Employment focus or a Graduate School focus, depending on your post-baccalaureate plans. The second section holds your Professional Work Samples demonstrating your abilities, skills, and competencies across a range of tasks and objectives. This section also includes a Final Evaluation of your work samples, yourself, and the psychology program. The Professional Profile section summarizes your career planning and professional goals. You have already compiled the documents for this section in Modules 1 and 2 of this course. It contains the following documents: A Cover Letter as a way to introduce yourself to a potential employer This includes details about yourself and why you feel you are qualified for the position. (Employment). OR A Personal Statement describing your immediate and long-term career goals, including an explanation of why these goals are appropriate in terms of your knowledge, skills, personal characteristics, values, and experiences (Graduate School). Note: The personal statement is attached to the Curriculum Vitae (Graduate School), and the Cover Letter is attached to the Resume (Employment), so take the time to be creative and not repeat yourself. A Resume with list of References that is current, accurate, and professional in appearance. (Employment). OR A Curriculum Vitae with list of References that is current, accurate and professional in appearance. (Graduate School) OPTIONAL: A copy of your Transcript(s) The Professional Work Samples section demonstrates your performance and mastery of Argosy University’s program outcomes/competencies for the Psychology major. Select 3-5 documents to serve as samples of your best work in the program. Together, they should illustrate your mastery of all the 7 program outcomes listed below. Examples of the type of work that would illustrate each outcome is provided below, as well. The 3-5 documents should be samples of your work that you completed in previous courses as an undergraduate student. These outcomes are listed below, along with the assignments that could be included to demonstrate mastery of the outcome: Cognitive abilities (critical thinking and information literacy): Assignments or projects that demonstrate problem solving, analysis, synthesis, appropriate use of information resources, etc. Research skills: A copy of a research proposal, a survey developed, etc. Communication skills (written and oral): A topic paper, presentation outline, or PowerPoint that demonstrates your written and oral communication skills. Ethics & Diversity awareness: Papers that demonstrate your understanding and/or analysis of ethical and diversity issues in psychology. Knowledge of foundations of the field: Assignments, papers, or projects that demonstrate your understanding of basic concepts, theories, and empirical findings in one or more of the domains of psychology, including biological, cognitive, developmental, personality, and social. Knowledge of applied psychology: Assignments, papers, or projects from courses and/or an internship that demonstrates your ability to apply psychology to personal, social, and/or organizational problems. Interpersonal Effectiveness: PowerPoint presentations, videos of your presentations that demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, appreciate diversity and cultural sensitivity and awareness of your impact on others. Once you have assembled your work samples, you will write a 700-1000 word narrative to serve as a preface to the Professional Work Samples section. This narrative should consist of a clear and thoughtful analysis of how each work sample reveals your strengths and areas for improvement, according to each of the seven areas addressed in the program outcomes/competencies (listed above). Towards this purpose, you will complete the Student Self Appraisal of Learningfirst, and then use that to generate the preface . Make sure you also address how you intend to strengthen your competencies in all areas as you graduate onto the next step of your professional career. On which areas will you focus most and why? This preface should also include an evaluation of the Psychology program as well as suggestions for the program that will enable it to help future Psychology majors develop these strengths and overcome these weaknesses in the future. Enter each of these components (Professional Profile, Professional Work Samples, with self- evaluation) into the Professional Profile Template.

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GE’s Poor Planning Results in Delays & Increased Costs


Principles of Management (MGT101 )

2nd Semester (2018-2019)

Assignment Workload:

  • This Assignment consists of a Mini Case.
  • Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-1 students will able to understand the

  • Recognize the functions of planning, organizing and controlling and how they interrelate (Lo2.1)
  • Ability to carry out organization’s role in ethics, diversity, and social responsibility. (Lo3.3)
  • Answer questions related to case study.

Assignment Regulation:

  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Student must apply “Times New Roman Font” with 1.5 space within their reports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Assignment -1 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-07.
  • If the assignment shows more than 25% plagiarism, the students would be graded zero.
  • Due date for the submission of Assignment-1:
  • Assignment -1 should be posted in the Black Board by Week-5.
  • The due date for the submission of Assignment-1 is end of 7th Week.
  • Assignment has to be in Word format only no PDF.

Assignment Structure:

A.No Type Marks
Assignment-1 Case Study 5
Total   5


Please go to Chapter 5 “Planning” available in your textbook Management: A Practical Approach 7th edition by Kinicki, A., & Williams, B., at the end of the Chapter read Case: “GE’s Poor Planning Results in Delays & Increased Costs” and answer the following questions:

  • Assignment Questions:
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Q1. Which of the fundamentals of planning did GE execute ineffectively? Explain your rationale.

Q2. State two SMART goals for GE based on the case. Given the political issues discussed in the case, how might GE ensure that these goals are attainable? Discuss.

Q3. Using Figure 5.5 “The Planning /Control Cycle”, describe what GE could have done to improve the process of transporting the evaporator. Provide specific recommendations.

Q4. What did you learn about planning based on this case? Explain.


Graduate Course Analysis

Assignment Deadline: 2/15/2018

Assignment Deadline Time: 3:30pm M.S.T.



Write a 1,750-word essay report on perception and concept of forensic science in 21st-century criminal justice.

Be sure to THOROUGHLY ADRESS the following components in the essay: 

  • How important is forensic science to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts at various levels? Explain your rationale in a historical approach.
  • How accurate is the popular media representation of forensic science? How does this influence popular opinion on justice-related issues?
  • What possible influence does the “CSI” effect have on the judicial process?

Provide Subtitles for each section

Include at least four (4) Peer-Reviewed resources within the essay.

Properly quote and cite all references used. Essay MUST have direct “in-text” quotes (examples) to support writing.

Properly format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Paper MUST be in APA ESSAY FORMAT. Reference Page MUST be in APA FORMAT. Essay must have a strong introduction, body, conclusion, and smooth transitional phrases for sentences and paragraphs.

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NOTE: cover page, reference page and subtitles are NOT included in the 1,750-word count for essay. Essay must have thoroughly detailed information and references to support analysis.

NAME __________________________________________

Introduction to Theatre Exam #1

  1. List four distinguishing traits of Ancient Greek Theatre . . .




  1. Shakespeare was a major theatrical influence during the

_____________________________________ era.

  1. What is a cyclorama?
  1. Explain how catharsis relates to Ancient Greek theatre.
  1. When an audience sits on three sides of the stage, what type of stage configuration is that called?
  1. Name three traits that can describe Roman Theatre.




  1. What is the area downstage of the curtain line referred to as?
  1. If you are hidden from the view of the audience in a proscenium theatre, you are likely ______________________________________________________  . (In what area?)
  1. List three distinguishing traits associated with theatre during the Middle Ages.
  1. What type of curtains are used to hide the offstage areas from the view of the audience?
  1. What is the stuff called that you can put in front of a light to change its color?
  1.   List three major theatre artists from the Elizabethan era.
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  1. Explain the difference between a spot light and a flood light.
  1. Give me the names of three major figures in Greek Theatre.
  1. What purpose did theatre serve in the Middle Ages?
  1.   Describe to me how your experience might have been had you attended a public showing of a piece of theatre in the Elizabethan era.
  1. What do you call a piece of masking that hangs vertically to hide the wing space of a proscenium stage?
  1. What kind of stage configuration has audience sitting on four sides?
  1. What’s the difference between private theatre and public theatre during the Elizabethan era?
  1. What is the literal translations of tragedy according to the Ancient Greeks?
  1. Describe what a pageant wagon from the Middle Ages would look like.
  1. ___________________________ was the god of wine, fertility, and theatre in Ancient Greece.
  1. What kinds of Roman theatre are equivalent to our modern “reality” programming?
  1.   Who wrote POETICS?
  1. Who was the most famous actor of the Elizabethan era?
  1. What is the device called that goes between the lamp and the lens of a spot light that allows a designer to create patterns in the light?
  1. List two distinctive traits of a proscenium stage.
  1. Why might have the Greeks performed their theatre in an amphitheater?
  1. What is a dithyramb?
  1. Near the end of the Roman Empire, what entity outlawed theatrical performances?
  1. What era of theatre history most resembles our current theatrical paradigm?
  1. Please explain the difference between upstage and downstage.
  1. Please, label each area of the stage on the plan view drawing below . . .

                                                AUDIENCE IS HERE

  1. What is a satyr play?
  1. Who did the Romans get most of their theatrical ideas from?
  1. What were the two possible purposes of an “orange girl” at an Elizabethan theatre performance?
  1. Out of the four eras of theatre history we studied in class, which two were considered “Golden Ages” of theatre?
  1. What era (of the four we studied) of theatre is the most intriguing to you, and why?
  1. What is the name of the masking curtain that hangs horizontally to hide the stuff hanging above the stage from the view of the audience?
  1. Explain how theatre lost its original purpose (why it was invented) throughout its history from the Greeks to the Romans to the Middle Ages.
  1. At a public performance at the Globe theatre during the Elizabethan era, what choices might you have as to where you view the performance (hint: there are three of them).
  1. What new type of lighting instrument allows you to use colored diodes to mix color while using a lot less electricity?
  1. According to Aristotle’s POETICS what defines a play as a comedy?
  1. What is a raked stage?
  1. Who was employed to put on the plays depicting stories from the Old Testament in the Middle Ages?
  1.   Tell me what Hamlet is saying in this quotation in your own words . . .

“I have of late–but wherefore I know not–lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors. What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god! The beauty of the world; the paragon of animals; and yet to me what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me.

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Design and analysis of algorithms

Analysis & Design of Algorithms

Please answer the question in your own words, in less than 5 sentences.


1 Explain the differences between java.util.Vector and java.util.ArrayList.

2 Explain the differences between java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList.

3 Explain the differences between java.util.TreeMap and java.util.TreeSet.

4 Explain the differences between java.util.SortedSet and java.util.SortedMap.

5 Explain the differences between java.util.HashMap and java.util.HashSet.

6 Explain the differences between java.util.TreeMap and java.util.HashMap.

7 Explain the differences between java.util.HashSet and java.util.TreeSet.

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Answer the following questions

The Swift Corporation has 5,000 sales representatives and employees in the United States who drive company cars. The company’s risk manager has recommended to the firm’s management that the company should implement a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.

  1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a partial retention program to the Swift Corporation.
  2. Identify the factors that the Swift Corporation should consider before it adopts a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.
  3. If a partial retention program is adopted, what are the various methods the Swift Corporation can use to pay for physical damage losses to company cars?
  4. Identify two risk-control measures that could be used in the company’s partial retention program for physical damage losses.

Computer assembly programming

Use SPIM to write a MIPS-32 assembly program that performs the followings: a) Print your first and last name on the first line. b) Prompt the user to enter an integer (positive or negative) using the prompt message: “Enter an integer (0 to exit): “ c) If the user does not enter a 0 the program continues to prompt for more integers until a zero is entered by the user. d) After the user entered the number 0 it prints: i) Their sum is: (the sum is displayed) ii) The smallest is: (the smallest number is displayed) iii) The biggest is: (the biggest number displayed) e) The program ends. Perform two test runs using the exact same data set shown in the samples below (except for the name which should be your name)

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Financial markets and institutions / Problems


Calculate the Macaulay and Modified Duration of the following bonds and explain what the durations mean. Assume the par value of all bonds = $1,000 and the bonds have semi-annual coupon payments.

  1. Settlement or Purchase Date: 10/30/2018

Maturity Date: 10/30/2029

Annual Coupon Rate = 5.5%

Annual Yield = 6%

Macaulay Duration = ________________________________________

Modified Duration = _________________________________________

  1. Settlement or Purchase Date: 10/30/2018

Maturity Date: 10/30/2034

Annual Coupon Rate = 5.5%

Annual Yield = 6%

Macaulay Duration = ________________________________________

Modified Duration = _________________________________________

  1. Settlement or Purchase Date: 10/30/2018

Maturity Date: 10/30/2029

Annual Coupon Rate = 3.5%

Annual Yield = 3%

Macaulay Duration = ________________________________________

Modified Duration = _________________________________________

  1. Settlement or Purchase Date: 10/30/2018

Maturity Date: 10/30/2034

Annual Coupon Rate = 3.5%

Annual Yield = 3%

Macaulay Duration = ________________________________________

Modified Duration = _________________________________________

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Finance Homework

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow the students to understand and practice the measurement of present value, future value, and interest rate using Microsoft® Excel®.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® Office® 2013 Accessibility Tutorials, Microsoft® Excel®, Time Value of Money Calculations Template

Calculate the following time value of money problems using Microsoft® Excel®:

  1. If we place $8,592.00 in a savings account paying 7.5 percent interest compounded annually, how much will our account accrue to in 9.5 years?
  2. What is the present value of $992 to be received in 13.5 years from today if our discount rate is 3.5 percent?
  3. If you bought a stock for $45 dollars and could sell it fifteen years later for three times what you originally paid. What was your return on owning this stock?
  4. Suppose you bought a house for $3,250,000 to make it a nursing home in the future. But you have not committed to the project and will decide in nine years whether to go forward with it or sell off the house. If real estate values increase annually at 1.5%, how much can you expect to sell the house for in nine years if you choose not to proceed with the nursing home project?
  5. If your daughter wants to earn $215,000 within the next twenty-three years and the salaries grow at 4.45% per year. What salary should she start to reach her goal?

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Optimal Strategy with a Nonzero-Sum Game


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability and skill in analyzing nonzero-sum games and synthesizing optimal strategies within them.


During the city’s mayoral race one of the candidates hires G&B Consulting. This candidate is a challenger from the same party as the incumbent mayor and is vying to be put on the ticket in the general election. She believes that the nomination will likely come down to what stance she takes on a proposed tax bill. The bill is for a tax increase that would subsidize education grants. Staying within traditional party lines would be advantageous to gaining support from the core constituency, but going against party lines on the issue would help sway swing voters and independents. The issue is bound to come up at an upcoming debate and she wants the help of G&B Consulting to determine an optimum strategy.

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Holland’s Six Personality Types

According to John Holland’s theory, most people are one of six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
Briefly describe each of these.

Asset portfolio construction

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Key Assignment Draft

Part 1 Tasks

In general terms, discuss how the following should be taken into consideration when constructing an investment portfolio:

  • Age
  • Income
  • Debt level and assets
  • Marital status
  • Parental status
  • Risk tolerance
  • Time horizon
  • General economic conditions

Part 2 Tasks

Task 1

Discuss the efficient market hypotheses, and answer the following question:

  • Does this hypothesis support active trading or buying a passive stock index fund?

Task 2

  • Discuss several pieces of legislation that were enacted to protect against unethical investing practices.

Task 3

To illustrate your knowledge of portfolio construction, design a portfolio based on the following scenario:

  • Robert and Susan Jenkins have inherited $200,000. They are aggressive investors with a joint annual income of $100,000, no debt, and an additional $500,000 in assets other than the $200,000 inheritance.

Design 2 separate $200,000 portfolios based on the following scenarios:

  • The couple has 3 children between the ages of 9 and 17 years old, and they will use this money to pay for their college education.
  • The couple will use the money to help fund retirement in 35 years.

When designing your portfolios, be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Each portfolio should contain at least 3 common stocks, 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) that you researched, and 3 bonds.
  • Leaving a portion of the portfolio in cash is an option if you feel that is it appropriate.
  • Charts and graphs should be used where appropriate.
  • Portfolio models should be based on the Jenkins’ demographic profile and time horizon.

Be sure to include the following in your discussion:

  • Reasons for your investment choices
  • Stock and bond investment risk and return factors
  • The security market line
  • Beta and standard deviation
  • Bond duration and interest rates

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Reading Assignment

http://careered.libguides.com/ctu/FINC320 Locate the tab with the same name as the unit.

Assignment Objectives

  • Assess ethical issues in investing.
  • Design a stock portfolio to minimize risk and maximize return.
  • Examine international investment opportunities.
  • Explain the Efficient Market Hypothesis.

Other Information

Instructor’s Comments:

This submission should be in APA essay format containing specific recommendations, assumptions made and reasoning used. REMEMBER: the project is to be based on the scenario in the Unit 4 and 5 IP project description —- no class member’s submission will be identical because you might all make different assumptions in your decision making process while making recommendations! ALSO – students often forget to add a chart or graph visually illustrating the portfolios designed. SEE EXAMPLES of portfolio illustrations in the UNIT 4 learning material area.

The primary thing is to illustrate learning in each of subject areas AND you can use some creativity as it relates to your understanding of the scenario to ensure that you develop a robust plan for your client

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Software design and construction


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Flag question


You have been tasked with implementing an entreprise architecture strategy at VIU. Which framework would be the most useful?

Select one:

  1. TOGAF
  2. IEEE
  4. JAVA


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What does the MVC pattern do?

Select one:



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Was understanding the architecture of the ATM simulation that you did in your homework useful?

Select one:



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Is there a difference between the old mainframe architecture and the new cloud architecture?

Select one:



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Do you think that computer programs can solve Rubic Cube puzzles?

Select one:




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Flag question


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Object Oriented Programming?

Select one:




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Flag question


Which of the following is not an architectural style?

Select one:




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Flag question


Can we simulate a client server architecture containing one server and three clients using one computer?

Select one:




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Flag question


Do you think that software architecture can enhance software reliability?

Select one:




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What is software efficiency?

Select one:

  2. LOW COST.


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Flag question


Is user-friendliness a functional or non-functional property?

Select one:

  3. BOTH.


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Does architecture-based design help meet non-functional properties?

Select one:

  2. YES, IT DOES.


Not yet answered

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What is a method for handling exceptions used in java applications?

Select one:

  3. WATCH …. GRAB.
  4. TRY … CATCH.


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Flag question


What is the role of connectors in software architecture.

Select one:



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Which of the following is an example of a Connector?

Select one:



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What are the basic elements of software architecture that you studied in this course?

Select one:



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What was the contribution of Roy Fielding to the World Wide Web architecture?

Select one:



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What was the contribution of Roy Fielding to software architecture?

Select one:



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Can you generate code from architecture in Object-Oriented Programming?

Select one:

  1. ME? NO WAY.


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How do you think software developers view the UML 2.0 standard?

Select one:


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Web Development Exercise

Create a Movies class that determines the cost of a ticket to a cinema,

based on the moviegoer’s age. Assume that the cost of a full-price

ticket is $10. Assign the age to a private data member. Use a public

member function to determine the ticket price, based on the follow-

ing schedule:

Age            Price

Under 5        Free

5 to 17        Half price

18 to 55       Full price

Over 55        $2 off

Need help with the following questions at www.homeworknest.com

Chris and Karen are married and own a three-bedroom home in a large midwestern city. Their son, Christian, attends college away from home and lives in a fraternity house. Their daughter, Kelly, is a senior in high school. Chris is an accountant who works for a local accounting firm. Karen is a marketing analyst and is often away from home several days at a time. Kelly earns extra cash by babysitting on a regular basis.The family’s home contains household furniture, personal property, a computer that Chris uses to prepare business tax returns on weekends, and a laptop computer that Karen uses while traveling. The Swifts also own three cars. Christian drives a 2007 Ford; Chris drives a 2012 Pontiac for both business and personal use; and Karen drives a 2014 Toyota and a rental car when she is traveling. Although the Swifts have owned their home for several years, they are considering moving because of the recent increase in violent crime in their neighborhood.

  1. Describe briefly the steps in the personal risk management process.
  2. Identify the major pure risks or pure loss exposures to which Chris and Karen are exposed with respect to each of the following:
  3. Personal loss exposures
  4. Property loss exposures
  5. Liability loss exposures
  6. With respect to each of the loss exposures mentioned above, identify an appropriate personal risk management technique that could be used to treat the exposure.

Homeworknest.com answers to the following questions

The Swift Corporation has 5,000 sales representatives and employees in the United States who drive company cars. The company’s risk manager has recommended to the firm’s management that the company should implement a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.

  1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a partial retention program to the Swift Corporation.
  2. Identify the factors that the Swift Corporation should consider before it adopts a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.
  3. If a partial retention program is adopted, what are the various methods the Swift Corporation can use to pay for physical damage losses to company cars?
  4. Identify two risk-control measures that could be used in the company’s partial retention program for physical damage losses.

ECON312 week 3 Homework 2018

Question 1

Maryland farmers turn from tobacco to flowers

Maryland tobacco farmers will be subsidized if they switch from growing tobacco to growing crops such as flowers and organic vegetables. How does offering farmers a payment to exit tobacco growing influence the opportunity cost of growing tobacco? What is the opportunity cost of using the equipment owned by a tobacco farmer?

Offering farmers a payment to exit tobacco growing _______ the opportunity cost of growing tobacco.

The opportunity cost of using the equipment owned by a tobacco farmer is _______.

increases; the next best alternative forgone, which could be the production of flowers and organic vegetables

increases; the implicit cost of using the tobacco equipment

decreases; the explicit cost of using the tobacco equipment

decreases; the sum of the implicit and explicit costs of using the tobacco equipment

does not change; the next best alternative forgone, which could be the production of flowers and organic vegetables

Question 2

Perfect competition is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

firms produce an identical product.

no restrictions on entry into or exit from the industry.

buyers and sellers are well informed about prices.

a large number of buyers and sellers.

considerable advertising by individual firms.

Question 3

Which of the following illustrates economies of scale, diseconomies of scale, and constant returns to scale?

Liza’s average total cost changes from $4.50 to $2.20 when she increases salad production from 7 to 9 an hour.

Sam’s average total cost changes from $1.30 to $2.80 when he increases smoothie production from 5 to 8 gallons an hour.

Tina’s average total cost remains at $3 when she increases pizza production from 12 to 13 an hour.

Sam faces economies of scale; Liza faces diseconomies of scale; Tina faces constant returns to scale.

Sam faces economies of scale; Tina faces diseconomies of scale; Liza faces constant returns to scale.

Tina faces economies of scale; Sam faces diseconomies of scale; Liza faces constant returns to scale.

Liza faces economies of scale; Sam faces diseconomies of scale; Tina faces constant returns to scale.

Question 4

Jennifer owns a pig farm near Salina, Kansas. Last year she earned $39,000 in total revenue while incurring $38,000 in explicit costs. She could have earned $27,000 as a teacher in Salina. These are all her revenue and costs. Therefore Jennifer earned an

economic profit of $1,000.

accounting profit of $1,000 but incurred an economic loss of $65,000.

None of the above answers is correct.

accounting profit of $1,000 but incurred an economic loss of $26,000.

accounting profit of $1,000 but incurred an economic loss of $38,000.

Question 5

The main source of economies of scale is

reductions in the price of factors of production.

the ability to hire less labor.

increasing average costs.

decreasing marginal product.

greater specialization of both labor and capital.

Question 6

Jennifer’s Bakery Shop produces baked goods in a perfectly competitive market. If Jennifer decides to produce her 100th batch of cookies, the marginal cost is $120. She can sell this batch of cookies at a market price of $110. To maximize her profit, Jennifer should

produce this batch of cookies because their MR exceeds their MC.

produce this batch of cookies because they will help lower her average fixed cost.

not produce this additional batch.

charge $120 for this batch.

shut down.

Question 7

Anna owns a dog grooming salon in Brunswick, Georgia. The above table has Anna’s total product schedule. Anna pays each worker $300 per week and she pays rent of $600 a week for her salon. These are her only costs. When Anna has a staff of 2 workers, her average total cost equals






Question 8

As a typical firm increases its output, its marginal cost

is constant.

increases at first and then decreases.

is negative at first and then positive.


decreases at first and then increases.

Question 9

To produce more output in the short run, a firm must employ more of

its fixed resources.

Firms cannot produce more output in the short run.

its variable resources.

all its resources.

the least costly resources regardless of whether they are fixed or variable.

Question 10

The market demand curve in a perfectly competitive market is ________ and the demand curve for a perfectly competitive firm’s output is ________.

horizontal; horizontal

downward sloping; horizontal

downward sloping; downward sloping

downward sloping; upward sloping

horizontal; downward sloping

Question 11

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Quantity (bushels of rutabagas)

Total revenue (dollars)

Total cost (dollars)




























The above table has the total revenue and total cost schedule for Omar, a perfectly competitive grower of rutabagas. Omar’s total profit is maximized when he produces ________ bushels of rutabagas.






Question 12

If concerns about mad-cow disease impose economic losses on the perfectly competitive cattle ranchers, exit by the ranchers combined with no further changes in the demand for beef will force the price of beef to

fluctuate, with the trend being lower prices.

probably change, but more information about the market supply of beef is needed to answer the question.


not change.


Question 13


Quantity of labor (workers)

Total product

(lawns mowed per week)














Kenya owns a lawn mowing company. His total product schedule is in the above table. Decreasing marginal returns first occur with the

third worker.

second worker.

first worker.

fourth worker.

fifth worker.

Question 14

The above figure illustrates a perfectly competitive firm. If the market price is $10 a unit, to maximize its profit (or minimize its loss) the firm should

produce 30 units.

produce more than 30 units and less than 40 units.

shut down.

produce 40 units.

produce between 10 and less than 30 units.

Question 15

Quantity of labor (workers)

Total product

(dogs groomed per week)
















Anna owns a dog grooming salon in Brunswick, Georgia. The above table has Anna’s total product schedule. Anna pays each worker $300 per week and she pays rent of $600 a week for her salon. These are her only costs. When Anna has a staff of 2 workers, her average fixed cost equals






Question 16

When an economist uses the term “cost” referring to a firm, the economist refers to the

price of the good to the consumer.

explicit cost of producing a good or service but not the implicit cost of producing a good or service.

implicit cost of producing a good or service but not the explicit cost of producing a good or service.

cost that can be actually verified and measured.

opportunity cost of producing a good or service, which includes both implicit and explicit cost.

Question 17

Quantity of labor (workers)

Total product

(dogs groomed per week)
















Anna owns a dog grooming salon in Brunswick, Georgia. The above table has Anna’s total product schedule. Anna pays each worker $300 per week and she pays rent of $600 a week for her salon. These are her only costs. When Anna has a staff of 6 workers, her average fixed cost equals






Question 18

U.S. Steel Lays Off 756

With a drop in the demand for steel pipe and tube, U.S. Steel Corporation will idle plants in Ohio and Texas and lay off 756 workers.

Source: The Wall Street Journal , January 6, 2015

As U.S. Steel responded to the fall in demand, how did its marginal cost change?

What can you say about minimum AVC in the plants that closed?

As U.S. Steel responded to the fall in demand, its marginal cost ______.

The minimum average variable cost in the plants that closed must have been ______.

decreased; greater than the market price

decreased; less than the market price

decreased; equal to average fixed cost

increased; less than the market price

increased; greater than the market price

Question 19

The law of decreasing returns states that as a firm uses more of a

fixed input and a variable input, the marginal product of the fixed input and the marginal product of the variable input both decrease.

fixed input, with a given quantity of variable inputs, the marginal product of the fixed input eventually decreases.

variable input, with a given quantity of fixed inputs, the marginal product of the variable input eventually decreases.

variable input, output will begin to fall immediately.

variable input, total output will increase indefinitely.

Question 20

GM cuts jobs at its Australian manufacturing unit

GM will cut 500 jobs, or about 12% of its workforce, at its Australian plant because of a sharp fall in demand for its locally-made “Cruze” small car.

Source: The Wall Street Journal , April 8, 2013

As GM cuts its workforce, how will the marginal product and average product of a worker change in the short run?

Suppose that before the cuts the marginal product of GM workers is below their average product.

As the number of workers decreases, the marginal product of a GM worker ______ and the average product of a GM worker ______ in the short run.

does not? change; does not change

decreases; increases

increases; decreases

increases; increases

decreases; decreases

Question 21

Output (pizzas per hour)

Total cost
















Paulette owns a pizza parlor. Her total cost schedule is in the above table. Her total variable cost of producing four pizzas per hour is

Some amount, but more information is needed to determine this total variable cost.





Question 22

Airlines seek new ways to save on fuel as costs soar

Fuel is an airline’s biggest single expense. In 2008, the cost of jet fuel rocketed. Airlines tried to switch to newer generation aircraft, which have more fuel-efficient engines.

Source: The New York Times , June 11, 2008

Explain how a technological advance that makes airplane engines more fuel efficient changes an airline’s average variable cost, marginal cost, and average total cost.

A technological advance that makes an airplane engine more fuel efficient ______ an airline’s average variable cost and ______ an airline’s marginal cost.

increases; increases

decreases; does not change

does not change; decreases

decreases; decreases

Question 23

Labour (Workers)

Output (bikes)

Total fixed costs (dollars)

Total variable costs (dollars)

Total costs (dollars)


























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The table above gives costs at Jan’s Bike Shop. Unfortunately, Jan’s record keeping has been spotty. Each worker is paid $100 a day. Labor costs are the only variable costs of production. What is the total fixed cost of producing 64 bikes?






Question 24

California’s commercial drone industry is taking off

Customers are finding ever more creative ways to use drones, and 3E Robotics Inc., America’s largest producer of consumer drones, expects sales to soar.

Source: Los Angeles Times, June 13, 2015

Explain what is happening in the market for commercial drones.

How would you expect the price of a drone to change in the short run and the long run?

How would you expect the economic profit of a drone producer such as 3D Robotics to change in the short run and in the long run?

In the short run, the equilibrium price of a drone _______ and the economic profit of drone producers _______.

falls; decreases

rises; increases

rises; remains unchanged

falls; remains unchanged

Question 25

Coffee king Starbucks raises its prices

Starbucks will raise its price because the wholesale price of milk has risen by nearly 70% in the past year. There’s a lot of milk in those Starbucks lattes, noted John Glass, CIBC World Markets restaurant analyst.

Source: USA Today, July 24, 2007

Is the cost of milk a fixed cost or a variable cost?

Describe how the increase in the price of milk changes Starbucks’ short-run cost curves.

The cost of milk is a ______ cost. An increase in the cost of milk shifts the ______ curves upward.

variable; total cost, total variable cost, and total fixed cost

fixed; average total cost, average fixed cost, total cost, and total fixed cost

fixed; total cost and average total cost

variable; average total cost, average variable cost, total cost, total variable cost, and marginal cost

Question 26

The long run is a time period that is

five years or longer.

long enough to change the amount of labor employed but not to change the size of the plant.

long enough to change the amount of labor employed.

long enough to change the size of the firm’s plant and all other inputs.

None of the above answers describes the long run.

Question 27

A perfectly competitive firm is producing 50 units of output, which it sells at the market price of $23 per unit. The firm’s average total cost is $20. What is the firm’s total revenue?






Question 28

Metropolitan Museum completes round of layoffs

The museum cut 74 jobs and 95 other workers retired. The museum also laid off 127 other employees in its retail shops. The cut in labor costs is $10 million, but the museum expects no change in the number of visitors.

Source: The New York Times, June 22, 2009

Explain how the job cuts and shop closings will change the museum’s short-run average cost curves and marginal cost curve.

A cut in labor but no change in output increases the marginal product of labor.

What is the effect on the marginal cost curve?

A rightward movement along the marginal cost curve occurs.

The marginal cost curve shifts upward.

A leftward movement along the marginal cost curve occurs.

The marginal cost curve shifts downward.

Question 29

Kenya owns a lawn mowing company. His total product schedule is in the above table. The marginal product of the fourth worker is ________ lawns mowed per week.






Question 30

Output (gallons of ice cream per hour)

Total cost (dollars)














The Jerry-Berry Ice Cream Shoppe’s total cost schedule is in the above table. Based on the table, the marginal cost of producing the fourth gallon of ice cream is








ECON312 Week 2 Homework 2018

Question 1

The price of cotton clothing falls. As a result,

the demand for cotton clothing decreases.

both the demand for cotton clothing increases and the quantity demand of cotton clothing increases.

the quantity demanded of cotton clothing increases.

the quantity demanded of cotton clothing decreases.

the demand for cotton clothing increases.

Question 2

If a higher price for wheat decreases the quantity of corn being produced, which of the following describes what has occurred?

The quantity of wheat supplied increased and the supply of corn decreased.

The supply of wheat increased and the supply of corn decreased.

The quantity of wheat supplied increased and quantity of corn supplied decreased.

The supply of wheat decreased and the supply of corn decreased.

The supply of wheat increased and the quantity of corn supplied decreased

Question 3

If both producers and consumers believe that a product’s price will rise in the future, then at the present, demand ________ and supply ________.

increases; increases

increases; decreases

decreases; decreases

does not change; does not change

decreases; increases

Question 4

You are just about to finish college and are about to start a high paying job. Because of this new job, what is the most likely outcome in the market for cars?

Your demand for cars will decrease.

The market supply of cars will increase.

Your demand for cars will increase.

The demand and the supply for cars will decrease.

The market supply of cars will decrease.

Question 5

Many Americans are selling their used cars and buying new fuel-efficient hybrids. Other things remaining the same, in the market for used cars, ______ and in the market for hybrids ______.

Supply increases and the price falls; demand increases and the price rises
Demand decreases and the price rises; supply increases and the price falls
Both demand and supply decrease and the price might rise, fall, or not change; demand increases and the price rises
Demand decreases, supply increases, and the price falls; supply in-creases and the price fall

Question 6

If the price of a one good increases and the quantity demanded of a different good decreases, then these two goods are


normal goods.

inelastic goods.


inferior goods.

Question 7


Which figure above shows the effect if research is published claiming that eating pizza is healthy?

Figure B

Figure C

Figure A

Figure D

Both Figure A and Figure D

Question 8

If consumers buy a large number of plug-in electric cars, the equilibrium price of electricity will ________ and the equilibrium quantity of electricity will ________.

rise; increase

fall; increase

not change; increase

rise; decrease

fall; decrease

Question 9

Which of the following describes the law of demand? When other things remain the same, as

the quantity demanded of bread increases, the price of bread falls.

more people decide to eat pizza, the demand for pizza increases.

your income increases, you’ll buy more hamburgers.

the price of peanut butter increases, the quantity demanded of jelly decreases.

the price of gas falls, the quantity demanded of gas increases.

Question 10

In a recession, consumers have less income to spend. As a result, if dining out is a normal good, then which of the following would happen to the demand curve for dining out?

The demand curve would shift rightward.

The demand curve would not shift but the price of dining out would fall.

The demand curve would shift leftward.

The demand curve would not shift but the price of dining out would rise.

The effect on the demand curve is unknown.

Question 11

Computer chips are a normal good. Suppose the economy slips into a recession so that income falls. As a result, the demand for computer chips ________ so that the price of a computer chip ________.

decreases; rises

decreases; does not change

increases; falls

decreases; falls

increases; rises

Question 12

If income increases and the demand for bus rides decreases,

consumers are behaving irrationally.

bus rides are an inferior good.

bus rides must be a complement good with some other good.

bus rides are a substitute good.

bus rides are a normal good.

Question 13


Which figure above shows the effect of a technological advance in the production of pizza?

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

Figure D

Both Figure A and Figure D

Question 14

Suppose over the next several years the productivity of firms producing electric cars improves dramatically. The advance in productivity leads to

an increase in the supply of electric cars so that the supply curve shifts leftward.

a decrease in the supply of electric cars so that the supply curve shifts rightward.

an increase in the supply electric cars so that the supply curve shifts rightward.

no change in the supply of electric cars, only a change in the quantity supplied of electric cars.

a decrease in the supply of electric cars so that the supply curve shifts leftward.

Question 15

If good weather conditions result in a larger than normal crop of peaches, then the

equilibrium price of peaches falls, and the equilibrium quantity of peaches decreases.

equilibrium price of peaches falls, and the equilibrium quantity of peaches increases.

equilibrium price of peaches rises, and the equilibrium quantity of peaches increases.

demand curve for peaches shifts leftward.

increase in the supply of peaches induces a greater demand for peaches, so that the equilibrium price rises and the equilibrium quantity increases.

Question 16

People eat at restaurants less often when their incomes fall because of a recession. Eating at restaurants must be

a complement to other goods.

an inelastic good.

an inferior good.

a normal good.

a substitute for other goods.

Question 17

Which of the following increases the supply of a product?

some producers going bankrupt and leaving the industry

an increase in the expected future price of the product

a higher price for the product

lower prices for the resources used to produce the product

a decrease in productivity

Question 18

If a 30 percent price increase generates a 20 percent decrease in quantity demanded, then demand is

perfectly inelastic.


perfectly elastic.

unit elastic.


Question 19

Suppose the San Francisco 49ers lower ticket prices by 15 percent and as a result the quantity of tickets demanded increases by 10 percent. This set of results shows that San Francisco 49ers tickets have

an elastic demand.

a unit elastic demand.

an inelastic supply.

an elastic supply.

an inelastic demand.

Question 20

In the above figure, the movement from point a to point b reflects

a decrease in the cost of the tomato sauce used to produce pizza.

a decrease in income if pizza is a normal good.

an increase in the number of producers of pizza.

an increase in the supply of pizza.

an increase in the price of pizza.

Question 21

If the automobile workers’ union successfully negotiates a wage increase for its members, how does the wage hike affect the supply of automobiles?

The quantity supplied decreases.

The supply and quantity supplied decreases.

The quantity supplied increases.

The supply decreases.

The supply increases.

Question 22

In the above figure, the shift in the demand curve from D to D1 can be the result of

a decrease in income if pizza is a normal good.

an increase in the price of a sub sandwich, a substitute for pizza.

an increase in the price of soda, a complement to pizza.

an increase in the price of pizza.

a change in quantity demanded.

Question 23

Patrick lives near two gas stations, Exxon and Shell. If Exxon decreases the price of gas, we predict that the quantity of gasoline demanded at Shell will

increase because Exxon and Shell gas are substitutes.

decrease because Exxon and Shell gas are substitutes.

not change Exxon and Shell are different brands of gasoline.

increase because Exxon and Shell gas are complements.

decrease because Exxon and Shell gas are complements.

Question 24


Pizza is a normal good. Which figure above shows the effect of a decrease in consumers’ incomes?

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

Figure D

Both Figure B and Figure C

Question 25

Suppose improvements in technology cause the supply of natural gas to increase and at the same time the demand for natural gas increases. What are we sure of?

Equilibrium price decreases.

Both equilibrium price and quantity increase.

Equilibrium price increases.

Equilibrium quantity decreases.

Equilibrium quantity increases.

Question 26

Consider the market for smart phones. Which of the following shifts the demand curve rightward?

an increase in the price of smart phones

a decrease in the price of smart phones

a decrease in the number of smart phone buyers

an increase in the supply of smart phones

an increase in the price of land-line phone service, a substitute for smart phones

Question 27


(dollars per gallon)

Quantity demanded

(gallon per gasoline)

Quantity supplied

(gallon per gasoline)













The table above shows the situation in the gasoline market in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If the price of a gallon of gasoline is $2.20, then

There is neither a surplus nor a shortage, but the market is NOT in equilibrium.

the gasoline market in Tulsa is in equilibrium.

Without more information we cannot determine if there is a surplus, a shortage, or an equilibrium in the gasoline market in Tulsa.

there is a shortage of gasoline in Tulsa.

there is a surplus of gasoline in Tulsa.

Question 28

If a 10 percent price increase generates a 10 percent decrease in quantity demanded, then demand is


perfectly elastic.

perfectly inelastic.


unit elastic.

Question 29

The law of supply reflects the fact that

suppliers have an incentive to use their resources in the way that brings the biggest return.

the demand curve is downward sloping.

higher prices are more attractive to consumers because they signal a higher quality product.

people buy more of a good when its price falls.

businesses can sell more goods at lower prices.

Question 30

In the above figure, an increase in cost of the cheese used to produce pizza

has no effect.

results in a movement from point a to point b.

shifts the supply curve from S to S2.

shifts the supply curve from S to S1.

results in a movement from point b to point a.

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Study questions for international economics

Question 1. The country of Uncoordinated requires 5 units of labor to produce one unit of corn and 10

units of labor to produce one unit of housing.  Uncoordinated has 100 total units of labor

available.  Uncoordinated has Leontief preferences (right-angle indifference curves) with the bend at equal shares of housing and corn. The country of Gifted requires 1 unit of labor to produce one unit of corn and 1 unit of labor to produce one unit of housing.  Gifted has 10 units of labor available and Leontief preferences (right-angle

indifference curves) with the bend at 2 units of corn for every unit

of housing.

The country of Gifted requires 1 unit of labor to produce one unit of corn and 1 unit of labor to produce one unit of housing.  Gifted has 10 units of labor available and Leontief preferences (right-angle indifference curves) with the bend at 2 units of corn for every unit of housing.


Find the autarky levels of output for both countries.


Identify which country has the comparative advantage in the production of each of the



Identify which country has the absolute advantage in the production of each of the



Develop a scheme of international trade that leaves both countries better off.  In other

words, show how specialization and trade can generate higher levels of



Is the scheme developed in (d) the only possible welfare improving trade outcome?

Why or why not?



How would a vacation to Disneyland by Russian tourists be classified in by the BOP

accounts? What if the same vacation were taken by U.S. tourists?


Explain how the Stolper-Samuelson theorem indicates that free trade will (likely) worsen income inequality in the US,but (likely) narrow it for Mexico.


Explain how international factor flows (capital or labor) can substitute for international trade.


Show the effects on US welfare from each of the following events.

  1. Imposition of a tariff on a small, perfectly competitive market
  2. Imposition of a tariff on a small, imperfectly competitive market
  3. Imposition o

f a tariff on a large, perfectly competitive market


Show the effects on US welfare from each of the following events.


Imposition of a quota on a small, perfectly competitive market

  1. Imposition of a quota on a small, imperfectly competitive market


If th

e US is a large importing country and imposes a tariff on the import of a good, what will

the welfare effect on the exporting country be?




Watch the video titled “Fruit Guys ─ Strategy,”* also located in the Learn section of Week 3 of your Blackboard course. Identify two or three (2-3) businesses that could use the five (5) questions the Fruit Guys used to determine effectiveness. Provide a rationale for your answer. Reply to at least one (1) of your classmate’s posts.

Considering the Impact of Competition on HRM Within a Real Business (10 Points)

Pick an organization that you are familiar with and do a competitive environmental scan for it. Then answer and discuss the following questions:

  • How does the competitive environment for the company affect the organization’s HR function?
  • Which strategy would be best suited to address the effects discussed?

Provide a rationale for your answers. Reply to at least one (1) of your classmate’s posts.

*Note: Flash Player must be enabled in your browser to view this video.


HR MANAGEMENT Assisgnment 1


Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no”. What would you do?


Write a one (1) page paper in which you:


Formulate the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.

Summarize the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

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magine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no”. What would you do?


Write a one (1) page paper in which you:


Formulate the conversation you would have with the employee, based the concepts found in Chapter 2 in your textbook.

Summarize the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in Chapter 2 of your textbook.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Week 5 discussion

Discuss the pros and cons of firewall deployments by answering the following questions:
•    What are the relevant issues surrounding firewall deployments How does one balance security requirements with usability requirements?
Summarize your thoughts in a Microsoft Word document checking for spelling and grammar, then submit it directly (cut & paste) into the discussion thread. Respond to at least two other students’ views to engage in a meaningful debate regarding their posts or to defend your post.
Required Resources
•    Textbook and Internet
•    Handout: Firewall Implementation Planning
Submission Requirements
•    Format: Please enter directly into the Discussion Question window
•    Citation Style: Follow APA

Define public community health.

 Identify the role of assessment in public health.

HA560-5: Evaluate information used to make public health decisions.

PC-5.1: Use language that is clear, concise, and organized.

This is Part 1 to the assignments throughout this course. All of your assignments tie into each other, so read ahead to Units 4, 6 & 8 to understand what is expected of you for each assignment.


Answer the following questions concerning the role of assessment of public health:

  1. Define public community health. How does this differ from personal health What are the benefits of public health assessments? What are the disadvantages, if any? Give an example of a potential conflict within the community that could arise as a result of public health assessments. How can public health advocates and policy makers prevent and/or manage such a conflict?
  2. How can public health assessments be used to form public policy?
  3. Choose one health concern and cite legislation that has been passed to address this concern. Discuss how this legislation has affected or could affect your

You may choose one of the following or one of your own choosing:

  • Smoking in public places
  • Accessibility for physically handicapped populations
  • Legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes
  • Youth violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Child abuse
  • Elder abuse

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CIS 110Technical Paper Object-orient

CIS110 Week 10 Technical Paper Object-oriented Programming (OOP) / Event-Driven Programming (EDP) versus Procedural Programming (PP)


  1. Identify at least two (2) advantages to using OOP as compared to using only PP.
  2. Create one (1) original example of a class with at least one (1) attribute and one (1) method. Identify what the class in question represents, the attributes the class stores, and the purpose of the related method. Next, examine the relationship between the class, attributes, and methods that you have identified.
  3. Describe at least one (1) feature of object-oriented programming that Visual Logic lacks.
  4. Identify at least one (1) advantage to using event-driven programming, as compared to using purely procedural programming.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note:Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


Conduct some independent research

Researchers are increasingly looking for answers as allergic diseases continue to rise in the population. The predominant explanation, coined the “hygiene hypothesis” by Professor David Strachan in 1989, states that a lack of early childhood exposure to microbes and other infectious agents increases susceptibility to allergic diseases by suppressing the natural development of the immune system. The idea was widely reported by the media that developed societies, like the United States, have become “too clean”.

Read the following article about the hygiene hypothesis to learn more, then answer the questions below in your initial post:

Bradford, A. (2016). What is the Hygiene Hypothesis? Live Science. Accessed at http://www.livescience.com/54078-hygiene-hypothesis.html on September 14, 2016.

  1. Conduct some independent research on the hygiene hypothesis. What contradictory evidence against the hypothesis can you find?
  2. Have any new hypotheses been proposed to explain the increase in allergic conditions? How does it support the original hygiene hypothesis?

Do you think the hygiene hypothesis needs to be renamed? Why or why not?


Find an article on the Internet, outline

Find an article on the Internet, outline a security breach or cyberattack. Provide a link to the article and suggest a control that would mitigate against that attack. Clearly explain why that control would be an effective mitigation strategy.

HIEU Lecture Quiz 5

  • According to “Christendom,” which of the following is NOT true of serfs and peasants under manorialism?
  • Question 2

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations,” before the advent of Islam, which best describes the people living on the Arabian peninsula?


  • Question 3

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Christendom,” another name for medieval Western Europe is

  • Question 4

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations,” which of the following was the major religion in the Latin West and in the Byzantine Empire?

  • Question 5

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Christendom,” the lord-vassal relationship

  • Question 6

2.6 out of 2.6 points

True or False, According to “Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations,” once Islam got started it spread in the East at the same time that Christianity was spreading in the West.

  • Question 7

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Christendom,” one way in which the “barbarian” influence is evident today is in

  • Question 8

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Christendom,” the most influential figure of early medieval Western Europe was

Question 9

  • 2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Christendom,” one of the influences from the classical world that shaped the medieval West was

  • Question 10

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations,” which of the following codified Roman law and was considered one of Justinian I’s greatest contributions to Western civilization?

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Section 2: Essay Question

This course has suggested that when we “pivot the center” to make diverse groups of people the subject of our historical analysis, we can obtain a new perspective on important events in American history. By pivoting the center of post-war history to emphasize the shared history of non-white Americans, we have traced a “wide civil rights movement” that emphasizes cooperation and coalitions between groups fighting for equality in the United States up until the present day.

How does pivoting the center to the experience of non-white Americans give us a new perspective on the relationship between World War II and the Civil Rights movement? In what ways did the experience of non-white Americans during and after World War II motivate a new focus on obtaining civil rights? How did the success of the African American civil rights movement in overturning Jim Crow segregation in the Southern states inspire other groups such as Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, women, gay Americans, and Native Americans to fight for equal access to the rights and privileges of their country? What were the most significant changes that these groups were able to make to their rights and opportunities?

Please answer all the question. Thank you!

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Section 1: Identifications

Identify the impact of government policies on diverse groups of people in American society. From the lists below of government policies and groups of people that were affected by them, choose FIVE combinations (e.g. the impact of the New Deal on African Americans) to identify the impact of the policy on the particular group. For each combination you choose write ONE paragraph identifying the policy, explainingits impact on the particular group, and expanding on the long-term implications of this policy for this group. You can use each group or policy more than once to make combinations. Each identification is worth 10 points.

Government policies:

1924 Immigration Act

The New Deal

World War II

1948 Perez v Sharp Decision

Civil Rights Act 1964

Groups of people:

African Americans


Mexican Americans

Asian Americans

White ethnic Americans (eg Italians, Poles, Russians, Jews)


HIEU 201 Lecture quiz 8 complete solutions correct answers key

Liberty University HIEU 201 Lecture quiz 8 complete solutions correct answers key

More than 3 different versions


  • Question 1

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “The Age of Discovery,” what factors listed below contributed to European expansion?

  • Question 2

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Protestant Reformation,” there were important links between the Renaissance and the Reformation. Which of the following was part of that connection?

  • Question 3

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following best represents the significance of the Peace of Augsburg of 1555?

  • Question 4

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “The Age of Discovery,” Prince Henry the Navigator:

  • Question 5


According to “Reformation in Europe,” Reformation in France was characterized by

  • Question 6

2.6 out of 2.6 points

True or False: According to “The Age of Discovery,” one of the most important economic theories that contributed to European expansion was mercantile capitalism.

  • Question 7

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Catholic Reformation,” the early Jesuits viewed themselves as

  • Question 8

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Catholic Reformation,” which of the following most accurately reflects the history of the Catholic Church prior to 1650?

  • Question 9

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Catholic Reformation,” there were two major developments that strengthened the movement in the 1500s. They were

  • Question 10

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Catholic Reformation,” while historians disagree over which events were most important, most agree that the changes in the Catholic Church in the 16th century were almost exclusively a reaction to the Protestant Reformation.


According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following was NOT included in the discussion of Luther’s teachings in the lecture presentation on the Protestant Reformation?


According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following contributed to the papal crisis of credibility?

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According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following does NOT accurately describe Martin Luther?


According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following was NOT part of the context for reform?


According to “Reformation in Europe,” who started the teachings of the Reformation in Switzerland?


According to “Protestant Reformation,” which of the following was NOT true of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus?


According to “The Age of Discovery,” which of the following was an effect of European expansion?


According to “Catholic Reformation,” Cardinal Cisneros of Spain believed that the key to improving the quality of the clergy was



Supplemental Assignment 2 Instructions

ou will take an active part (e.g., spend half a day volunteering/helping out) in a community outreach activity (not a university or church activity unless it is an activity that reaches out to the community) of your choosing, which will familiarize you with the needs of the community. Some examples of activities include volunteering at a shelter, a camp, a recreation center, a home for girls or boys, a soup kitchen, a clothing bank, a detoxification center, a tutoring center for younger children, a vocational rehabilitation center, Habitat for Humanity, a minority community center, etc. After the completion of the activity, you will document your experience by writing a paper. The paper will be written in current APA format and will include one title page, one abstract page, two full pages of text, and one reference page.  The paper will explain in detail: (1) the experience (what was observed, how it affected you), (2) what was learned from the project (what the community’s needs are, what ethics are in place, how you can help make a difference), and (3) a discussion of two course concepts that relate to your observations.  For number three (3), cite two empirical studies from the research literature that address each one of the two course concepts discussed relating to sociocultural diversity that you observed in the outreach activity.  Make sure to cite each of these concepts in correct APA format.

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Assessing Spirituality – The Relationship between Spirituality and Mental Health

Read the “Assessing Spirituality – The Relationship between Spirituality and Mental Health” article. (link below)

In this quantitative study, the authors attempted to investigate the possible relationship between two spirituality variables (religious coping styles and spiritual well-being) and two psychological variables (anxiety and depression). Also studied were differences between those who self-disclosed a spiritual/religious identity and those who did not. Their data analysis concluded that individuals who reported a high use of religious coping styles also reported high levels of spiritual well-being.

  • The authors felt a limitation of their study was in defining ‘spirituality.’ State how that can be an obstacle in doing religious counseling.
  • The authors state, “Spiritual well-being can clearly incorporate God into ones’ life while also incorporating self-reliance.” Is this not a seeming contradiction? Give your thoughts on this.


Journal Article Critique Grading Rubric

Criteria Points Possible Points


Length 0 to 45 points

The critique contains at least 3 pages of text as well as a title page, abstract page, and reference page (that only includes the citation of the article chosen).

Form 0 to 70 points

·         The student will chose a scholarly journal article from the References section of the textbook.

·         The critique includes a succinct abstract detailing an in-depth summation of the article.

·         The first 1½ pages address the content of the article (The Summary—this will be your first heading), and second 1½ pages address your critical thoughts on the content (The Critique—this will be your second heading).

·         The Christian worldview is integrated in the critique. (If you leave this piece out, or are too ‘peripheral’ in your analysis, points will be deducted).

Current APA Style 0 to 40 points

The paper is in current APA format.

Mechanics 0 to 45 points

·         The critique is free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

·         The chosen article comes from the References section of the textbook. (If not, it is an automatic ‘F’).

·         The chosen article is scholarly and not from a newspaper, magazine, newsletter, book/article review, or editor’s comments on an edition. (If not, it is an automatic ‘F’).

·         The critique is at least 3 full pages of text.


Journal Article Critique

You will summarize and critique 1 scholarly journal article from the ‘References’ section of the course textbook. You must use a journal article—no book or article reviews, books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, newsletters, or editor’s comments/summary of an edition will be accepted. The Journal Article Critique must be at least 3-4 pages, not including the title, abstract, and reference pages, and must be in current APA format. You must integrate a biblical worldview.

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Ro, M. (2002) Moving Forward: Addressing the health of Asian American and Pacific Islander women. American Journal of Public Health, 92, 516-519.

PSYC 341 Week 6 Essay

Examine McCrae and Costa’s 5-factor model of personality. Pick 1 of the factor’s listed (extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, or conscientiousness) and describe 1 person in Scripture that you would consider to be high in that area and 1 person in Scripture that you would consider to be low in that area. Please use the same factor for both people and support your stance with Scripture.



The following fiveresearch questions can be answered using one of the eighttests you have learned this term, including: independent-samples t-test, paired-samplest-test, one-way ANOVA, two-factor ANOVA for independent measures, Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression, the chi-square test for goodness of fit, and the chi-square test for independence. Note that this means that three tests will not be used. Use the information in the tables to construct your SPSS data file, just as you have been doing in each homework assignment. There is only 1 correct choice of analysis for each question. Remember to account for whether the test is 1-tailed or 2-tailed.The assessment is open-book/open-notes.

Your answer must include: A)SPSS output, and B)Results section in current APA style with the appropriate graph included as an APA-style figure.

For ANOVA problems (if applicable):Report statistical findings and make statements for all main effects and interaction effects. Use Tukey’s test for any analyses requiring post hoc tests.


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.


DB forum 3 psyc 351

Topic: Counseling, Disability, and Advocacy


Please read the article “Lived employment experiences of college students and graduates with physical disabilities in the United States” found in the Reading & Study folder for Module/Week 5, and then answer the below prompt:

Scenario: Ruth is a 24-year-old woman who, due to a tragic car accident at the age of 9, is now paralyzed from the waist down and is in a wheelchair. She graduated from Liberty University with her bachelor’s degree in psychology and now lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her close friend as a roommate. Ruth has been looking for a job in the area since they moved there 6 months ago, but has not yet had any luck finding a job. This is frustrating for her because she wants to be able to provide her side of the rent for the apartment, but without a job, her roommate has had to contribute to the rent, food, utilities, etc. Due to her situation, Ruth finds she is discouraged, depressed, and feeling worthless. She comes to you for counseling.

As a counselor, how would you help Ruth with this challenge? As part of your assistance, would you offer vocational counseling also? In your initial conversation, Ruth discloses that she has encountered discrimination based on disability as two potential employers rejected her application for employment based strictly on her wheelchair status, stating that bringing her in as an employee would put an undue burden on their business in terms of special accommodation for her disability (e.g., parking, bathroom [stalls, sinks], ramps into the building). How would you address this disclosure?

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday, and submit your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday.

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PSYC 341 Week 6 Essay

Examine McCrae and Costa’s 5-factor model of personality. Pick 1 of the factor’s listed (extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, or conscientiousness) and describe 1 person in Scripture that you would consider to be high in that area and 1 person in Scripture that you would consider to be low in that area. Please use the same factor for both people and support your stance with Scripture.

Discussion Board Forum- PSYC 351

Topic: Stages of Displacement – The Immigration Experience of Latinos- MUST BE OVER 250 words

Read the “Stages of Displacement – The Immigration Experience of Latinos” article found in the Reading & Study folder.

In this qualitative study, the authors attempted to investigate the following research question: What are the displacement stages of Latinos immigrating to the United States? Their data analysis concluded 5 distinct stages of displacement for Latino immigrants: 1. Seeking Opportunities, 2. Emotional Reactions, 3. Adjustment, 4. Rationalization, and 5. Acknowledgement.

Assignment: Write 1 theme the authors found for each stage. Although there is more than 1 theme per stage, cite only 1 per stage for this assignment. State how you as a counselor, counseling a Latino client who shares his or her immigration experience with you, would use your client’s disclosure to develop the therapeutic alliance. Connect your response to the article.

CSIA 413 Project #4- Red Clay Renovations IT Audit Policy & Plans

Project #4: IT Audit Policy and Plans 

Company Background & Operating Environment

Red Clay Renovations is an internationally recognized, awarding winning firm that specializes in the renovation and rehabilitation of residential buildings and dwellings. The company specializes in updating homes using “smart home” and “Internet of Things” technologies while maintaining period correct architectural characteristics. Please refer to the company profile (file posted in Week 1 > Content > CSIA 413 Red Clay Renovations Company Profile.docx) for additional background information and information about the company’s operating environment.

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Policy Issue & Plan of Action

The corporate board was recently briefed by the Chief Information Officer concerning the company’s IT Security Program and how this program contributes to the company’s risk management strategy. During the briefing, the CIO presented assessment reports and audit findings from IT security audits. These audits focused upon the technical infrastructure and the effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s implementation of security controls. During the discussion period, members of the corporate board asked about audits of policy compliance and assessments as to the degree that employees were (a) aware of IT security policies and (b) complying with these policies. The Chief Information Officer was tasked with providing the following items to the board before its next quarterly meeting:

(a) Issue Specific Policy requiring an annual compliance audit for IT security policies as documented in the company’s Policy System

(b) Audit Plan for assessing employee awareness of and compliance with IT security policies

  1. Are employees aware of the IT security policies in the Employee Handbook?
  2. Do employees know their responsibilities under those policies?

(c) Audit Plan for assessing the IT security policy system

  1. Do required policies exist?
  2. Have they been updated within the past year?
  3. Are the policies being reviewed and approved by the appropriate oversight authorities (managers, IT governance board, etc.)?

Your Task Assignment

As a staff member supporting the CISO, you have been asked to research this issue (auditing IT security policy compliance) and then prepare an “approval draft” for a compliance policy. You must also research and draft two separate audit plans (a) employee compliance and (b) policy system audit. The audit policy should not exceed two typed pages in length so you will need to be concise in your writing and only include the most important elements for the policy. Make sure that you include a requirement for an assessment report to be provided to company management and the corporate board of directors.

  • For the employee compliance assessment, you must use an interview strategy which includes 10 or more multiple choice questions that can be used to construct a web-based survey of all employees. The questions should be split between (a) awareness of key policies and (b) awareness of personal responsibilities in regards to compliance.
  • For the policy system audit, you should use a documentation assessment strategy which reviews the contents of the individual policies to determine when the policy was last updated, who “owns” the policy, who reviewed the policy, and who approved the policy for implementation.


  1. Review the weekly readings including the example audit assessment report.
  2. Review work completed previously in this course which provides background about the IT Policy System and specific policies for the case study company.
  3. Find additional resources which discuss IT compliance audits and/or policy system audits.


  1. Prepare briefing package with approval drafts of the three required documents. Place all three documents in a single MS Word (.doc or .docx) files.
  2. Your briefing package must contain the following:
  • Executive Summary
  • “Approval Drafts” for

o Issue Specific Policy for IT Security Policy Compliance Audits

o Audit Plan for IT Security Policy Awareness & Compliance (Employee Survey)

o Audit Plan for IT Security Policies Audit (Documentation Review)

As you write your policy and audit plans, make sure that you address security issues using standard cybersecurity terminology (e.g. 5 Pillars of IA, 5 Pillars of Information Security). See the resources listed under Course Resources > Cybersecurity Concepts Review for definitions and terminology.

  1. Use a professional format for your policy documents and briefing package. Your policy documents should be consistently formatted and easy to read.
  2. Common phrases do not require citations. If there is doubt as to whether or not information requires attribution, provide a footnote with publication information or use APA format citations and references.
  3. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.

Submit For Grading

Submit briefing package in MS Word format (.docx or .doc file) for grading using your assignment folder.

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CSIA 413 Project #3: System Security Plan

Project #3: System Security Plan

Project #3: System Security Plan

WARNING: YOU MUST PARAPHRASE INFORMATION USED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT. Copy/Paste is only allowed for the names and designators of security controls and/or control families. All other information used in this assignment must be rewritten into your own words.

Company Background & Operating Environment

Red Clay Renovations is an internationally recognized, awarding winning firm that specializes in the renovation and rehabilitation of residential buildings and dwellings. The company specializes in updating homes using “smart home” and “Internet of Things” technologies while maintaining period correct architectural characteristics. Please refer to the company profile (file posted in Week 1 > Content > CSIA 413 Red Clay Renovations Company Profile.docx) for background information and information about the company’s operating environment. In addition to the information from the company profile, you should:

  • Use the Baltimore field office as the target for the System Security Plan
  • Use Verizon FiOS as the Internet Services Provider (seehttp://www.verizonenterprise.com/terms/us/products/internet/sla/ )

Policy Issue & Plan of Action

A recent risk assessment highlighted the need to formalize the security measures required to protect information, information systems, and the information infrastructures for the company’s field offices. This requirement has been incorporated into the company’s risk management plan and the company’s CISO has been tasked with developing, documenting, and implementing the required security measures. The IT Governance board also has a role to play since it must review and approve all changes which affect IT systems under its purview.

The CISO has proposed a plan of action which includes developing system security plans using guidance from NIST SP-800-18 Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information SystemsThe IT Governance board, after reviewing the CISO’s proposed plan of action, voted and accepted this recommendation. In its discussions prior to the vote, the CISO explained why the best practices information for security plans from NIST SP 800-18 was suitable for the company’s use. The board also accepted the CISO’s recommendation for creating a single System Security Plan for a General Support System since, in the CISO’s professional judgement, this type of plan would best meet the “formalization” requirement from the company’s recently adopted risk management strategy.

Your Task Assignment

As a staff member supporting the CISO, you have been asked to research and then draft the required system security plan for a General Support System. In your research so far, you have learned that:

  • A general support system is defined as “an interconnected set of information resources under the same direct management control that shares common functionality.” (See NIST SP 800-18)
  • The Field Office manager is the designated system owner for the IT support systems in his or her field office.
  • The system boundariesfor the field office General Support System have already been documented in the company’s enterprise architecture (see the case study).
  • The security controls required for the field office IT systems have been documented in a security controls baseline (see the controls baseline attached to this assignment).

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Section 13 of this document will take you the most time to research   and write because it requires the most original writing on your part. You   must write a description for EACH CONTROL CATEGORY (managerial, operational,   and technical). Then, paste in the table from the Security Controls Baseline.   THEN, write a descriptive paragraph explaining how these specific controls   will work together to protect the Red Clay Renovations IT Infrastructure for   the Baltimore Field Office.

URLs for Recommended Resources For This Project






Service Level Agreement (SLA) Internet Dedicated Services | Verizon   Enterprise

Web Page



NIST SP 800-100 Information   Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers




NIST SP 800-12 R1: An Introduction to Information Security




NIST SP 800-18: Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal   Information Systems




NIST SP 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information   Systems and Organizations




  1. Review the information provided in the case study and in this assignment, especially the information about the field offices and the IT systems and networks used in their day to day business affairs.
  2. Review NIST’s guidance for developing a System Security Planfor a general support IT System. This information is presented in
  3. NIST SP 800-12 R1https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-12r1.pdfPay special attention to Chapter 2 and Section 5.4
  4. NIST SP 800-18.http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-18r1.pdfPay special attention to the Sample Information System Security Plantemplate provided in Appendix A.
  5. Review the definitions for IT Security control families as documented in NIST SP 800-12 R1 Chapter 10.https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-12r1.pdf
  6. Review the definitions for individual controls as listed in Appendix FSecurity Control Catalog in NIST SP 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations.http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-53r4.pdf You should focus on those controls listed in the security controls baseline provided with this assignment.


  1. Use the following guidance to complete the System Security Plan using the template from Appendix A of NIST SP 800-18.
  2. Sections 1 through 10 will contain information provided in the assigned case study. You may need to “interpret” that information when writing the descriptions. “Fill in the blanks” for information about the company or its managers which is not provided in the case study, i.e. names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.). Make sure that your fictional information is consistent with information provided in the case study (name of company, locations, etc.).
  3. Section 11 should contain information about the field office’s Internet connection Do not include the table. Use the business Internet Services Provider listed at the top of this assignment file. Describe the system interconnection type in this section and service level agreement.
  4. Section 12 should contain information derived from the case study. You will need to identify the types of information processed in the field office and then list the laws and regulations which apply. For example, if the case study company processes or stores Protected Health Information, then this section must include information about HIPAA. If the company processes or stores credit card payment information, then this section must include information about the PCI-DSS requirements.
  5. Section 13 of the SSP will take the most research and writing time. You MUST provide the required descriptive paragraphs for the three categories AND the explanations as to how the security controls within the control families will be used to secure the IT infrastructure. You MUST use the selected security control families and security controls as provided security controls baseline.


  1. Create 3 sub sections (13.1 Management Controls, 13.2 Operational Controls, and 13.3 Technical Controls). You must provide a description for each category (see the definitions provided in Annex 11.B Minimum Security Controls in NIST SP 800-100 Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers).
  2. Using the information provided in the security controls baseline, place the required control families and controls under the correct sub section.

iii. Use the exact names and designators for the security control families and individual security controls. BUT, you MUST paraphrase any and all descriptions. Do NOT cut and paste from NIST documents.

  1. Section 14: use the due date for this assignment as the plan complete date. 
  2. Section 15: leave the approval date blank. You will not have any other text in this section (since the plan is not yet approved).
  3. Use a professional format for your System Security Plan. Your document should be consistently formatted throughout and easy to read.
  4. Common phrases do not require citations. If there is doubt as to whether or not information requires attribution, provide a footnote with publication information or use APA format citations and references.
  5. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.

Submit For Grading

Submit your System Security Plan in MS Word format (.docx or .doc file) for grading using your assignment folder.


CSIA 413 6380 Cyber Security Policy Plans And Programs

Project #2: Manager’s Deskbook

Company Background & Operating Environment

Red Clay Renovations is an internationally recognized, awarding winning firm that specializes in the renovation and rehabilitation of residential buildings and dwellings. The company specializes in updating homes using “smart home” and “Internet of Things” technologies while maintaining period correct architectural characteristics. Please refer to the company profile (file posted in Week 1 > Content > CSIA 413 Red Clay Renovations Company Profile.docx) for additional background information and information about the company’s operating environment.

Policy Issue & Plan of Action

The Manager’s Deskbook contains issue specific policies and implementation procedures which are required to mitigate risks to the company and to otherwise ensure good governance of the company’s operations. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and key CISO staff members held a kick-off meeting last week to identify issue specific policies which should be added to the company’s policy system in the IT Governance category. The policies will be disseminated throughout the company by incorporating them into the Manager’s Deskbook. The required issue specific policies are:

  1. Data Breach Response Policy
  2. Preventing / Controlling Shadow IT Policy
  3. Management and Use of Corporate Social Media Accounts Policy

For the purposes of this assignment, you will create a policy recommendations briefing package (containing an Executive Summary and draft policies) and submit that to your instructor for grading.

Note: In a “real world” environment, the policy recommendations briefing package would be submitted to the IT Governance board for discussion and vetting. After revisions and voting, a package containing the accepted policies would be sent to all department heads and executives for comment and additional vetting. These comments would be combined and integrated into the policies and sent out for review again. It usually takes several rounds of review and comments before the policies can be sent to the Chief of Staff’s office for forwarding to the Corporate Governance Board. During the review & comments period, the policies will also be subjected to a thorough legal review by the company’s attorneys. Upon final approval by the Corporate Governance Board, the policies will be adopted and placed into the Manager’s Deskbook. This entire process can take 9 to 12 months, if not longer.

Your Task Assignment

As a staff member supporting the CISO, you have been asked to research and then draft an issue specific policy for each of the identified issues (three separate policies). These policies are to be written for MANAGERS and must identify the issue, explain what actions must be taken to address the issue (the company’s “policy”), state the required actions to implement the policy, and name the responsible / coordinating parties (by level, e.g. department heads, or by title on the organization chart).

After completing your research and reviewing sample policies from other organizations, you will then prepare an “approval draft” for each issue specific policy.

  • The purpose of each issue specific policyis to address a specific IT governance issue that requires cooperation and collaboration between multiple departments within an organization.
  • Each issue specific policyshould be no more than two typed pages in length (single space paragraphs with a blank line between).
  • You will need to be concise in your writing and only include the most important elements for each policy.
  • You may refer to an associated “procedure” if necessary, e.g. a Procedure for Requesting Issuance of a Third Level Domain Name (under the company’s Second Level Domain name) or a Procedure for Requesting Authorization to Establish a Social Media Account.

Your “approval drafts” will be combined with a one page Executive Summary (explaining why these issue specific policies are being brought before the IT Governance Board).


  1. Review NIST’s definition of an “Issue Specific Policy” and contents thereof in NIST SP 800-12 Section 5.3. This document provides information about the content of an issue specific policy (as compared to comprehensive system and enterprise security policies).
  2. Review the weekly readings and resource documents posted in the classroom. Pay special attention to the resources which contain “issues” and “best practices” information for:
  • Data Breach Response
  • Preventing / Controlling Shadow IT
  • Social Media
  1. Review NIST guidance for required / recommended security controls (see NIST SP 800-12, NIST SP 800-53, and NIST SP 800-100). Some suggested control families are:
  • Access Control (AC) control family (for Social Media policy)
  • Incident Response (IR) control family (for Data Breach policy)
  • System and Services Acquisition (SA) control family (Domain Name, Shadow IT, Website Governance)
  1. Find and review additional authoritative / credible sources on your own which provide information about IT security issues (related to data breaches / responses, shadow IT, and/or social media use) which require policy solutions.

URLs for Recommended Resources








NIST SP 800-100 Information   Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers






NIST SP 800-12: An Introduction to Information Security






NIST SP 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information   Systems and Organizations






  1. Prepare briefing package with approval drafts of the three IT related policies for the Manager’s Deskbook. Your briefing package must contain the following:
  • Executive Summary
  • “Approval Drafts” for

o Data Breach Response Policy

o Preventing / Controlling Shadow IT Policy

o Management and Use of Corporate Social Media Accounts Policy

As you write your policies, make sure that you address IT and cybersecurity concepts using standard terminology.

  1. Use a professional format for your policy documents and briefing package.  Your policy documents should be consistently formatted and easy to read.
  2. Common phrases do not require citations. If there is doubt as to whether or not information requires attribution, provide a footnote with publication information or use APA format citations and references.
  3. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.

Submit For Grading

Submit your Manager’s Deskbook briefing package in MS Word format (.docx or .doc file) for grading using your assignment folder. (Attach the file.)


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CIS 207 Information System Overview

CIS 207 Information System Overview We interact with information systems every day. For example, libraries have systems that enable you to search for, reserve, and check out books; utilities maintain systems that enable customer service representatives to answer questions about your bill; and your grocery store checkout station is connected to multiple systems that enable the store executives to determine staffing levels, inventory levels, advertising, and promotion efforts.

Select an information system you use on a regular basis.

Create an overview that explains the following:

  • The type of the information system
  • The evolution of the selected type of information system. (e.g. the evolution of student financial aid systems in general)
  • How the information system affected jobs and careers. (e.g. before financial aid systems were developed and which jobs supported the function of financial aid that do not exist today due to technology)
  • The names of the components used and a description of the purpose or role of each. (Hint: Use information system components you learned so far.)
  • The benefits this system evolution has brought to you, the organization implementing the change, and other people or organizations within the community

Present your recommendation in one of the following ways:

  • A 2-page Microsoft® Word document
  • A 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes and appropriate animations

Note: You can include diagrams developed with Microsoft® Visio®, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, or another software application approved by your Instructor if you feel it will enhance your recommendation.


Information System Overview

Individual: Information System Overview


Coms 101 persuasive speech

**** Please note My persusive speech is on music and how it can effect us spiritually and our minds. the file is just an example on how it should be set up

Sally Student

Course Title Section ____

October 12, 2015



Organization:                   Problem-Cause-Solution


Audience analysis:           The audience is college age and older, from all around the country, and predominantly Christian. They tend toward conservative Christian values and beliefs and have a concern with what God requires of His people. Since all are online college students at a Christian university, their common needs will be college related and spiritually related. They will mostly likely provide a friendly reception, especially if they feel their needs can be met by listening.


Topic:                               The problem I aim to address is that of sleep deprivation in America and how it hinders people from fulfilling God’s purpose of leading healthy lives.


General Purpose:            To persuade


Specific Purpose:            The persuade my audience members that sleep deprivation is a serious problem and that they should avoid it by managing their time and becoming good stewards of the bodies God has given them.





  1. Attention-Getter

(Alarm clock) We all know this familiar sound. How do you feel when your alarm clock goes off in the morning? Tempted to press snooze several times before finally getting up? If so, you are not alone.


  1. Motive for Listening

Getting the right amount of sleep is vitally important. Without it, you are unlikely to reach your full potential and to achieve your goals with excellence.


III.             Credibility Statement

As a Christian, college student, (former) working wife, and now pregnant mother, I personally understand the issue of sleep deprivation and how it can have detrimental effects on the body. I also understand how difficult it can be

to have time for everything in the day and how this takes discipline.


  1. Thesis Statement

Sleep deprivation, as a common problem in America today, can have detrimental effects on society, but God calls his people to counter this problem in our own lives by utilizing good time management and discipline.


  1. Preview Statement

I will validate this statement by discussing how sleep deprivation is a common problem, how the problem exists because people fail to deem it as important, and that a solution should be based around a Godly view of our bodies that urges us to be disciplined to manage our time better.


Transition: Let’s take a closer look at this important topic.



  1. Main Point 1.Sleep deprivation is a common problem with detrimental effects.


  1. Adults need 7–9 hours of sleep per night but the average American adult only gets about 6.9 hours (Drake, Kryger, Phillips, 2005).
  2. Sleep deprivation causes cognitive and mood problems. A test by University of Pennsylvania that showed subjects who had gone 2 weeks with less than 6 hrs of sleep per night were just as impaired as people who had gone 48 hrs consecutively without sleep. (Epstein, 2010).
  3. Sleep deprivation can also cause obesity. A University of Chicago study showed how sleep deprivation changes hormone secretion so that appetites increase, feeling of being full decreases, and the body’s response to sugar is altered. (Epstein, 2010).


Transition: This brings me to my second point.


  1. Main Point 2.Despite these negative effects, Americans generally do not take their need for sleep very seriously.
  2. Adults report the main reason they don’t get the sleep they need is that they are too busy. They know it’s a problem but they have trouble practicing healthy sleeping habits. (Key Findings, APA).
  3. Adults wouldn’t have as much trouble getting more sleep if they simply would move good sleeping habits toward the top of their individual priority lists. I know from personal experience that if I fail to make something a priority and don’t see it as important, I likely will not do it well.


Transition: This brings me to my third and final point.


III.             Main Point 3. The solution to the problem of sleep deprivation is to understand that God values our health and wants us to take care of the bodies He has given us.

  1. 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 reads, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit…you are not your own…so glorify God in your body.” (ESV) As Christians, we must make it a priority to be good stewards of the body God has entrusted us with.
  2. With this as our motivation, we understand that we must be good stewards of our time during the day so that we can be good stewards of our sleeping time at night.
  3. Time management is key. This involves deliberately planning out your day, limiting potential distractions, saying no to non-essential tasks, and being disciplined enough to stick to your schedule. (Mayo Clinic, 2012)


Transition: This brings me to my conclusion.



  1. Summary

We see that Americans have a sleep deprivation problem. If we fail to get the sleep we need, we seriously risk doing harm to our bodies. This sleep problem exists largely because we refuse to make healthy sleeping habits our norm and to recognize that God expects us to take care of our bodies. The solution to this problem is to understand that getting enough sleep is our spiritual duty and to schedule our lives to be sure we are being faithful to God by practicing good sleep habits.


  1. Call to Action

Take care of your body. Get the sleep your body needs in order for you to be as effective as you can be. Use your time deliberately and wisely.


III.             Refocus Audience Attention:

I encourage you to analyze your own sleep habits. Make realistic goals for your day and give yourself enough time to get the sleep you need so that you are better able to glorify God with your body.


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Drake, C., Kryger, M., & Phillips, B. (2005). Summary of Findings – Sleep Habits.

National Sleep Foundation1, 7.

Epstein, L. (2010, June 18). The Surprising Toll of Sleep Deprivation – Newsweek and

The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast. Retrieved from http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2010/06/18/the-surprising-toll-of-sleep-deprivation.html

Key Findings. American Psychological Association (APA). Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/key-findings.aspx

Time management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity. (2012, June 20).

Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/time-management/wl00048




Though colonialism may have officially ended, the effects of colonialism are still very much present today. This is true in modern-day Africa.
Review the following resources for additional information on the slave trade in Africa:

  • Origins of African Slaves: Slave Trade Routes
  • Lasting Effects of Slavery on Africa
  • African Countries and Independence Dates

Select 1 of the following countries from which the most slaves originated:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Ghana
  • Ivory Coast

Use this template to complete your paper:

  • For your selected country, identify the former colonial ruling country.
  • Identify your selected country’s date of independence from the colonial ruling country, and discuss the length of time the slave trade operated there.
  • Discuss how the depopulation and fractured familial relationships inherent in the slave trade have affected your chosen country. Be sure to support your discussion with relevant examples.

o    Are these effects still felt today? If so, how? Provide examples.

  • Based on your review of this information, what conclusions can you draw about the slave trade and its effects on your selected country?
  • Based on your key findings and conclusions, what recommendations do you have to help improve the conditions in the country now? Make sure your recommendations:

o    include specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and constraints identified

o    are feasible (politically and operationally)

o    are realistic (short- and long-term)

  • Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list them in APA format on your Reference page.
  • Your paper should be 4–5 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include a Title and Reference page, should be double-spaced, and include a running head and page numbers.

Boddy-Evans, A. (2017, September 18). Chronological list of African independence. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/chronological-list-of-african-independence-4070467
Pruitt, S. (2016, May 3). What part of Africa did most slaves come from? HISTORY. Retrieved from http://www.history.com/news/ask-history/what-part-of-africa-did-most-slaves-come-from
Ross, W. (2007, March 29). Slavery’s long effects on Africa. BBC News. Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6504141.st


PSY 370 Assignment 2 LASA I—Amphetamine Use and Abuse

PSY 370 Assignment 2 LASA I—Amphetamine Use and Abuse

Aaliyah continues to struggle with balancing her work hours and her schoolwork. She has been drinking coffee to help her stay awake, but it is no longer working. She has an exam coming up and needs to stay up to study.


Aaliyah decides to take an amphetamine to stay awake to study for the exam. She promises herself that she will only take it this one time for the exam. The drug allows her to stay awake and alert while she is studying for the exam. She also feels that she is learning the material better as a result of the amphetamine. When the grades are in, Aaliyah receives an A on her work.


As the semester continues, Aaliyah turns to amphetamines more and more often to help her stay awake to complete her schoolwork. Soon, Aaliyah finds that one pill no longer keeps her awake as long as she needs.


She starts taking more than one pill at a time. She knows that taking amphetamines so often is not good for her health, and she finds she experiences an increase in headaches when she takes them, but she continues to take them because they are helping her be successful in school and at work.


Based on the case study, prepare a paper that addresses the following:

  • Examine the change in amphetamine use and abuse in the U.S. from the 1950s to the present.
  • Explain to which schedule amphetamines belong and why they are on the Schedule of Controlled Substances.
  • Explain the effects Aaliyah might be experiencing as a result of her regular amphetamine use. Be sure to include:

o    Acute effects, chronic effects, and withdrawal

o    Effects on physiology (brain and body), behavior, mood, and toxicity

  • Give at least three indications from the case study suggesting there may be a problem with Aaliyah’s substance use. That is, describe at least three likely behaviors that Aaliyah is likely to exhibit if she is misusing amphetamines.

Determine whether Aaliyah has a substance use disorder. Include a discussion of DSM criteria. Use the template to help you make the assessment.


Write a 4-5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Examined the change in amphetamine use and abuse in the U.S. from the 1950s to the present.


Explained why amphetamine is on the Schedule of Controlled Substances and to which schedule it belongs.


Explained the acute, chronic, and withdrawal effects of amphetamines on physiology, behavior, mood, and toxicity.


Described at least 3 behaviors Aaliyah is likely to exhibit if she is misusing amphetamines.


Used DSM criteria to determine whether Aaliyah has a substance use disorder.


Style (4 points): Tone, audience, and word choice Organization (12 points):Introduction, transitions, and conclusion

Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style





HHS 497 Week 2 Assignment Theory and Research Related to Social Issue

HHS 497 Week 2 Assignment Theory and Research Related to Social Issue

By now, you have had the opportunity to explore some of the fundamental elements of your social issue of interest. In this written assignment, you will now focus your attention on identifying and analyzing the scope of scholarly literature that addresses the social issue. Specifically, you will access the Ashford University Library, in addition to other scholarly content from previous coursework that might be pertinent (e.g., textbooks, research articles, etc.), to find sources that examine theoretical perspectives and relevant research that pertain to your selected topic.

This assignment will require that you develop a research-based report demonstrating theory and research methodology related to your social issue.

In your paper
• Describe two to three theories that relate to your topic area in some manner. To accommodate the broad

spectrum of social issues that might be explored, aim to find theories that attempt to explain some the following areas:

o Thereason(s)forwhythesocialissueexistsorpersists
o Factorsthatcontributetoit
o Social, environmental, political, or economic considerations that underlie it o Emergingalternativeviewpointsthatclarifytheissue

  • Critically evaluate the theories described, taking into account their benefits and limitations, as well as how health and human service organizations might use them to better understand the scope of the issue.
  • Describe two to three examples of research studies that have explored the issue. These studies must come from their original source; do not rely on literature reviews that summarize research conducted by others. Studies can examine any area related to the issue with the exception of interventions, as this will be addressed in the Week Three assignment. Examples include:

o Exploring the social issue’s impact on a specific group
o Identifying relationships between variables (Trochim, 2006) related to the issue
o Examining social attitudes and viewpoints through survey research (Trochim, 2006)
o Identifyingemergingtrends
o Exploring lived experiences or personal accounts using qualitative data (Trochim, 2006)

  • Analyze pertinent aspects related to the research studies, such as core aims/objectives, research methods used, findings, and implications for future research and/or practice.

The Theory and Research Related to Social Issue Paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and

formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted

  • Must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
    o TheScholarly,PeerReviewed,andOtherCredibleSourcestableoffersadditionalguidanceon

appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the

Ashford Writing Center.

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HHS 497 Week 1 Assignment Background of Social Issues

HHS 497 Week 1 Assignment Background of Social Issues

Background of Social Issues. Due by Day 7. Throughout the course of your degree program, you have had the opportunity to examine various topical issues that are addressed by professionals in the health and human services field. To demonstrate your mastery of the program learning outcomes, you will synthesize your knowledge of various content areas related to a social issue of your choosing, and use this to develop an original intervention (i.e., strategy, technique, or application) to address this particular topic in your Final Paper. To facilitate in the development of this final assignment, you will prepare and submit the first of four written assignments, which will involve a thorough overview of your proposed social issue.

More specifically, your task will involve addressing the following content areas:

  • Identify a social issue that health and/or human service organizations address in some capacity and

discuss its current impact on group(s) affected by it. When selecting an area of focus, take into account broad topics that have been exhaustively scrutinized at the scholarly level, such as homelessness, mental health, aging, substance abuse, child welfare, etc. A good place to begin your search on an area of interest is the HHS A to Z Index.

  • Describe the historical underpinnings of this issue. Factors to consider include: where and how it originated, pertinent events and their dates, and its current status.
  • Discuss specific factors contributing to the social issue. Consider environmental, social, political, and economic reasons that have attempted to explain why this issue persists.
  • Evaluate the impact of this social issue on the delivery of health and human service efforts by reviewing the scholarly literature and relevant professional/governmental resources for evidence of formal responses in the form of policy implementation, legislation, or Acts related to this social issue. What impact has this had on how health and/or human service organizations provide support in terms of direct practice with clients and within communities?

At minimum, your submission must include three scholarly sources (excluding the required course readings), two of which must come from the Ashford University Library (e.g., articles, professional critiques, research reports, etc.). The third source can come from either the library or from a professional website ending in .gov.

The Background of Social Issues Paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and

formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted

  • Must use at least three scholary sources (excluding the required course readings), two of which must come from within the Ashford University Library (e.g., articles, professional critiques, research reports, etc.). The third source can come from either the library or from a professional website ending in .gov).

o The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the

Ashford Writing Center.


ETH 321 Assignment Week 3 Team Assignment Sexual Harassment Education for Managers

The purpose of this assignment is to define sexual harassment in the workplace and its negative effect on employees and the business, to analyze the requirements for a sexual harassment claim, to develop methods that a business can adopt to reduce or eliminate sexual harassment claims and litigation, and to assess liability based on the form of business entity.


Read the following scenario.    High-profile sexual harassment scandals, such as allegations against Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein of the Weinstein Company, and Bill O’Reilly and Roger Aisles of Fox News, are changing the landscape of workplace sexual harassment claims and litigation.


Conduct a roundtable discussion (in person, web conference, or via e-mail, text, etc.) with your Learning Team members regarding sexual harassment as a growing ethical and legal concern for businesses today. Each Learning Team member must be prepared to discuss each topic. Assign a group moderator to keep the discussions on track. Your discussion should last at least 45 minutes to one hour and include the following:


  • Define sexual harassment and discuss applicable law (such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964). How does the state law in your state address sexual harassment?


  • Discuss a recent sexual harassment claim in the news and whether media coverage is beneficial or detrimental to reporting and reducing sexual harassment claims in the workplace. Should sexual harassment claims be addressed publicly or handled privately?


  • Explain the ethical and legal considerations of a business protecting its employees (the accuser, the accused, and other employees in the company) while a workplace sexual harassment investigation is underway. Does your answer change if the allegation is a widely known scandal-making front page news?


  • Compare the sexual harassment liability of a business entity that is a sole proprietorship with an entity that is a corporation.


  • Recommend risk management procedures a business can implement to avoid or reduce sexual harassment claims from occurring in the workplace.


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LDR 531 Final Exam 

LDR 531 Final Exam


  1. Which of the following is NOT included in the stages of the Universal Model of Leadership?
  • Pathogenic.
  • Unitive.
  • Reactive.
  • Creative.
  • Integral.
  1. Which of the following items is NOT on the path from Patriarchy to Partnership?
  • CEO creating whole systems.
  • Participative management.
  • Engagement.
  • Total quality management.
  • Self-managed teams
  1. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of structure to higher leadership performance?
  • To attain higher effectiveness, you must reach higher performance.
  • When we see extraordinary leadership, we see well-honed capability arising on a higher-order platform of competence.
  • Since performance determines structure, if you want to evolve to a higher order structure, you must reach higher performance.
  • To perform more masterfully, your Inner Operating System (IOS) must evolve to a higher order mental-emotional structure.
  1. When you see extraordinary leadership, what’s the best question to ask to understand what makes the leader extraordinary?
  • What are they doing that makes them extraordinary?
  • What operating system is that leader running to achieve such mastery?
  • Is this leader practicing competency, or consciousness?
  • Is this leader best at the inner game or the outer game?
  1. Which of the following is the best method for a leader to manage unproductive conflict?
  • Send team members to conflict resolution training.
  • Hold a team building off-site to help the team work better together.
  • Ask each team member the question, “What would you do to resolve this conflict if you had freedom to act?” Then facilitate a discussion to resolve the conflict.
  • Ignore the conflict and give direction to the team.

6.Which of the following statements describes “Collaborator?”

  • Foster high-performance teamwork among team members who report to him/her.
  • Engage others in a manner that allows the parties involved to discover common ground.
  • Take interest in and form warm, caring relationships.

7.“Competence, fair treatment, commitment, engagement, listening, acting on suggestions, and providing inspiration, meaning, and direction.” These leadership expectations are

  • Implicit
  • Useful
  • Explicit
  • Required
  1. Which of the following statements describes “Caring Connection?”
  • Take interest in and form warm, caring relationships.
  • Engage others in a manner that allows the parties involved to discover common ground.
  • Foster high-performance teamwork among team members who report to him/her.
  1. Which of the following statements describes the Leadership Practice 2: Distilling Vision?
  • It requires attention to the trail, to the minute, subtle, and detailed clues our life is leaving as we live it (or as it lives us).
  • It is the practice of opening to a deeper knowing, a higher perception, a calling, an inner voice that says, “Stay with this,” or, “Do this now,” or, “This is who you are, what you stand for, what you need to move toward in your leadership.”
  • It requires that we distill and refine a collective sense of purpose and through honest dialogue.
  • It is the willingness to be authentic, to speak and act in ways that express and embody our vision of greatness.
  • It takes courage to engage in the authentic dialogue needed to forward the vision, find leverage, and implement fundamental structural change.
  • It is to continue to give ourselves over to the pull of purpose, distill it into vision, and then deal with the anxieties that inevitably arise.
  1. Which of the following is NOT one of the six systems of organizational effectiveness?
  • Leadership.
  • Metrics.
  • Training and Education.
  • Delivery.
  • Communication.
  1. Which of the following is NOT a Promise of Leadership?
  • Ensure that business performance is improved.
  • Set the right direction and create meaningful work.
  • Ensure that processes and systems facilitate focus and execution.
  • Engage all stakeholders and hold them accountable.
  1. Which of these statements defines the strength of Egocentric Leadership?
  • This is the ability to take up membership, to work and live co-relationally with others and within organizations.
  • At this stage of leadership, we can defer impulse gratification long enough to plan and organize to meet our needs.
  • This is the minimum level required to create lean, engaged, innovative, visionary, agile, high-involvement, high-fulfillment organizations and to evolve adaptive organizational designs that can thrive.
  • This interior evolution is what enables leaders to see the whole system in a way that honors huge diversity, with many opposites in tension, and to engage it in a way that moves toward creative resolution.
  • Leaders at this level function as global visionaries and enact world service for the universal good.
  1. The best metaphor the authors created for describing our relationship to Unity is that we are like waves on the ocean, not separate from the ocean. Which of the following statements best supports this metaphor?
  • We realize that we were always one with the Ocean, that we were never separate, and that all waves are one; we are all each other.
  • Some waves appear friendly; other waves may appear to threaten our ability to get what we want, and so we fear them.
  • We are separate waves and we experience ourselves on a journey across the ocean.
  • As separate waves, we experience the ups and downs of wave life.
  1. Developing leadership effectiveness is…
  • An important task for the training staff.
  • Rarely a leadership priority.
  • The most important priority of executive leadership.
  • Less important than recruiting leaders.
  1. Which of the following statements describes the Creative Mind”?
  • It creates an oscillating pattern of performance over time, the natural tendency of which is to seek equilibrium and return to normal.
  • It is about forming an organization that we believe in, accomplishing outcomes that matter most, and enhancing our collective capacity to achieve a desired future.
  • It is about establishing hierarchical, patriarchal structures, dynamics, and cultures.
  1. Which of the following statements describes the Internal Operating System of the Creative Mind?
  • We develop new assumptions that are structured from the inside-out, not dependent on outside validation.
  • We believe that “my future is in your hands.”
  • Our beliefs depend on outside validation.
  1. Which of the following statements is true about a company’s Leadership System?
  • The training staff must work very hard to help the leadership system to be effective. They must work hard to get leaders into leadership training programs to improve their leadership competencies.
  • The leadership system is the central organizing system and the collective effectiveness of the leaders in the system is critical to the organization’s health and success.
  • The CEO must be able to control and direct individual leaders and the leadership system for them to succeed.
  1. Which of the following statements describes the Leadership Practice 1: Discerning Purpose?
  • It is to continue to give ourselves over to the pull of purpose, distill it into vision, and then deal with the anxieties that inevitably arise.
  • It is the practice of opening to a deeper knowing, a higher perception, a calling, an inner voice that says, “Stay with this,” or, “Do this now,” or, “This is who you are, what you stand for, what you need to move toward in your leadership.”
  • It takes courage to engage in the authentic dialogue needed to forward the vision, find leverage, and implement fundamental structural change.
  • It requires attention to the trail, to the minute, subtle, and detailed clues our life is leaving as we live it (or as it lives us).
  • It requires that we distill and refine a collective sense of purpose and through honest dialogue.
  • It is the willingness to be authentic, to speak and act in ways that express and embody our vision of greatness.
  1. Which of the following statements about “Playing on Purpose or Playing Not to Lose” is true?
  • There is no safe way to be great, and there is no great way to be safe.
  • The safe paths have all been taken.
  • The paths left to us require risk.
  • Leadership is inherently risky.
  • All of the above.
  1. Which of these statements defines the strength of Creative Leadership?
  • Leaders at this level function as global visionaries and enact world service for the universal good.
  • This is the minimum level required to create lean, engaged, innovative, visionary, agile, high-involvement, high-fulfillment organizations and to evolve adaptive organizational designs that can thrive.
  • This is the ability to take up membership, to work and live co-relationally with others and within organizations.
  • At this stage of leadership, we can defer impulse gratification long enough to plan and organize to meet our needs.
  • This interior evolution is what enables leaders to see the whole system in a way that honors huge diversity, with many opposites in tension, and to engage it in a way that moves toward creative resolution.
  1. Which of the following is one of the three core reactive types?
  • Body.
  • Soul.
  • Heart.
  1. Which of the following is the formula for the Leadership Quotient?
  • LQ = LE/LI
  • LQ = L1/L2
  • LQ = L2/L1
  • LQ = LI/LE
  1. Which of the following statements best describes the relevance of the inner game and outer game to leadership behavior?
  • In high-pressure leadership roles, the outer game is the only game.
  • The inner game runs the outer game.
  • Most efforts at developing leaders only target the inner game, or consciousness.
  • The outer game (competence) is all that is essential to leadership.
  1. Which of the following statements accurately describes Reactive Mind?
  • Reactive Leadership is well-equipped to lead transformation into high-performing cultures and structures.
  • Reactive mind is correlated to Leadership effectiveness.
  • To evolve beyond Reactive Leadership, we must first see it and know it deeply.
  • Reactive mind was formed to separate from the prevailing culture.
  1. To fulfill the Leadership Imperative, which of the following ideas will make us LESS likely to succeed?
  • We need to work individually and collectively.
  • We need to work on specific skills and do so whenever we have the time.
  • Our efforts need to be long-term and systemic.
  • We need to integrate the inner and outer game of leadership.
  • We need to rethink how we develop leaders.
  1. Which of the following statements accurately describes Integral Leaders?
  • It is built for complexity, designed for leading change within complex systems amid volatile, ambiguous, and rapidly changing environments.
  • The leader is capable of working effectively with people of all types and with people at every stage of Leadership Development.
  • The Leader has the ability to hold large conflicts, opposite visions, and redundant polarities in tension without reacting to them, trying to problem-solve them, or turning them into win-lose battles.
  • The Leader is in full possession of the entire array of gifts, strengths, and competencies that are required to lead effectively.
  • All of the above.
  1. How do we describe the Leadership System?
  • It is the central organizing system.
  • It is one of the eight core systems within organizations.
  • It only consists of the CEO and the Board of Directors.
  • To achieve high performance, leaders must achieve high scores on their competency evaluations.
  1. All leaders can accelerate their progress toward effectiveness by:
  • Asking
  • Learning
  • Managing expectations
  • All of the above
  1. “Fiscal responsibility, accountability, strategy, and execution.” These leadership expectations are:
  • Useful
  • Required
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  1. Which of these statements defines the strength of Reactive Leadership?
  • This is the ability to take up membership, to work and live co-relationally with others and within organizations.
  • This is the minimum level required to create lean, engaged, innovative, visionary, agile, high-involvement, high-fulfillment organizations and to evolve adaptive organizational designs that can thrive.
  • Leaders at this level function as global visionaries and enact world service for the universal good.
  • At this stage of leadership, we can defer impulse gratification long enough to plan and organize to meet our needs.
  • This interior evolution is what enables leaders to see the whole system in a way that honors huge diversity, with many opposites in tension, and to engage it in a way that moves toward creative resolution.



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Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report

Assignment 3: Cultural Activity Report
Due Week 9 and worth 100 points

As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to do a certain type of “cultural activity” that fits well with our course and then report on your experience.   Your instructor will require you to propose an activity and get instructor approval before you do it and report on it (students should look for any instructions in that respect). Every effort should be made to ensure that this is a hands-on experience (not a virtual one), that this activity fits the HUM 112 class well, and that the activity is of sufficient quality for this university course. The two (2) key types of activities are a museum visit or a performance. Note: This must not be a report on the same activity (and certainly not the same report) as done for another class, like HUM 111. For instance, one might go to the same museum as done for HUM 111, but this HUM 112 report will focus on entirely different works and displays.

  1. Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater, dance, or musical performance before the end of Week 9. The activity (museum or performance) should have content that fits our course well. Have fun doing this.
  2. Write a two to three (2-3) page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience.

o    Clearly identify the event location, date attended, the attendees, and your initial reaction upon arriving at the event.

o    Provide specific information and a description of at least two (2) pieces.

o    Provide a summary of the event and describe your overall reaction after attending the event.

o    Use at least the class text as a reference (additional sources are fine, not necessary unless required by your content). Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text.

Note: Submit your cultural activity choice to the instructor for approval before the end of Week 5 (earlier is even better). Look for guidance from the instructor for how or where to make your proposal. You may also seek advice from your instructor (provide your town / state or zip code) for a good activity in your general area.

Visiting a Museum 

  • It makes sense to approach a museum the way a seasoned traveler approaches visiting a city for the first time. Find out what is available to see. In the museum, find out what sort of exhibitions are currently housed in the museum and start with the exhibits that interest you.
  • If there is a travelling exhibition, it’s always a good idea to see it while you have the chance. Then, if you have time, you can look at other things in the museum.
  • Every effort should be made ahead of time to identify a museum that has items and works one can easily connect to our HUM 112 class and book. Since HUM 112 covers from 1600 AD to the present, it makes more sense to focus on items from this time frame. In general, museums with fine arts work better than history museums.
  • Any questions about whether a museum-visit activity fits the course and assignment well enough will be decided by the instructor when the student seeks approval for the activity. Any alternative activity outside the normal ones listed here, such as for those limited by disability or distance, will be determined by the instructor. Normally, we do not expect students to travel over an hour to get to an approved activity.
  • Make notes as you go through the museum and accept any handouts or pamphlets that the museum staff gives you. While you should not quote anything from the printed material when you do your report, the handouts may help to refresh your memory later.
  • The quality of your experience is not measured by the amount of time you spend in the galleries or the number of works of art that you actually see. The most rewarding experiences can come from finding two or three (2 or 3) pieces of art or exhibits which intrigue you and then considering those works in leisurely contemplation. Most museums have benches where you can sit and study a particular piece.
  • If you are having a difficult time deciding which pieces to write about, ask yourself these questions: (1) If the museum you are visiting suddenly caught fire, which two (2) pieces of art or exhibits would you most want to see saved from the fire? (2) Why would you choose those two (2) particular pieces?

Attending a Performance

  • Check your local colleges to see if there are any free or low-cost performances or student recitals. Student performances are generally of almost the same quality as professional performances, but typically cost much less. However, performances of high school level or lower will not meet this requirement.
  • Try to do a quality performance that fits the class subject matter well. Sorry—but this is not for pop music or rock music, rap, country music, gospel music, comedy routines, your kid’s dance recital, your international friend’s wedding, high school plays, renaissance fairs, etc. Instead, think of college level or professional recitals, string quartets, symphony orchestras, opera, jazz, some stage dramas, etc. 
  • Any questions about whether a performance activity fits the course and assignment well enough will be decided by the instructor when the student seeks approval for an activity. Any alternative activity outside the normal ones listed here, such as for those limited by disability or distance, will be determined by the instructor. Normally, we do not expect students to travel over an hour to get to an approved activity.
  • Unlike visiting a museum, where you can wear almost anything, people attending performances are often expected to “dress up” a bit.
  • Take a pen or pencil with you and accept the program you are offered by the usher; you will probably want to take notes on it during or after the performance.
  • Turn off your cell phone before entering the auditorium. Do not use your phone to record the music or to take pictures or videos. To play it safe, turn the phone off.
  • Most long musical performances have at least one (1) intermission. If the lights start blinking, it is the sign that the performance is about to begin.
  • Look for very specific things (such as a particular piece of music or the way certain instruments sounded at a specific time) which tend to stand out as either enjoyable or not enjoyable. Be sure to take notes of the things which you find enjoyable as well as the things which are not enjoyable.

Note: If a student is unable to attend a cultural event in person due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, then the instructor will recommend an alternate event / activity for the student to “attend” online. The “virtual” event / activity is usually only for students who, due to their physical location, cannot possibly attend an event / activity in person; typically, these students are stationed overseas or have no means of transportation. Experience shows most museums and activities are modest in cost and manageable for students, and you will often see students from other universities there on similar course projects. If you are facing financial hardship, keep in mind that many museums have a free day each week and performance discounts are often available for students and veterans, among others. Feel free to ask your instructor to help with finding low-cost options. If you believe that you have a legitimate reason for attending a “virtual” activity, you must contact the instructor no later than Week 5 for your request to be considered.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. (Note:Students can find APA style materials located in the Additional Resources section of their Student Center within their course shell for reference)
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain the importance of situating a society’s cultural and artistic expressions within a historical context.
  • Examine the influences of intellectual, religious, political, and socio-economic forces on social, cultural, and artistic expressions.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in the study of world cultures.
  • Write clearly and concisely about world cultures using proper writing mechanics

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric here.



Future of the Juvenile Justice System Proposal Presentation

you are a juvenile justice consultant creating a proposal that will be presented to the state legislature concerning the future of the juvenile justice system.

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation including speaker notes that details your proposal. Address recommendations for all aspects of the system, including the following:

  • Community involvement
  • Law enforcement
  • Courts and sentencing
  • Corrections

Include a justification for the system based on history, trends, causation theories, and potential for reform.

Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


A psychology instructor asks students in an introductory class to complete

Listed below are several of the research situations noted in the chapter as well as some others. You are to rank order these situations in terms of how seriously they violate the ethical agreements discussed in the chapter and to explain the reasons for your rankings.

  1. A psychology instructor asks students in an introductory class to complete questionnaires that the instructor will analyze and use in preparing a journal article for publication.
  2. After a field study of deviant behavior during a riot, law enforcement officials demand that the researcher identify those persons who were observed looting. Rather than risk arrest as an accomplice after the fact, the researcher complies.
  3. After completing the final draft of a book reporting a research project, the author discovers that 25 of the 2,000 survey interviews were falsified by interviewers but chooses to ignore that fact and publish the book anyway.
  4. A Ph.D. candidate gains access to an underground mine as a researcher-employee by telling management that he has a BA degree and wants to get some practical experience before going on for a degree in metallic engineering.
  5. A college instructor wants to test the effect of unfair berating on exam performance. She administers an exam to both sections of a course. The overall performance of the two sections is essentially the same. The grades of one section are artificially lowered and the instructor berates the students for performing so badly. She then administers the same final exam to both sections and discovers that the performance of the unfairly berated section is worse. The hypothesis is confirmed, and the results are published.
  6. In a study of sexual behavior, the investigator wants to overcome subjects’ reluctance to report what they might regard as deviant behavior. To get past their reluctance, subjects are asked, “Everyone masturbates now and then; about how often do you masturbate?”
  7. A researcher discovers that 85 percent of students smoke marijuana regularly at a school. Publication of this finding will probably create a furor in the community. Because no extensive analysis of drug use is planned, the researcher decides to ignore the finding and keep it quiet.
  8. To test the extent to which people may try to save face by expressing attitudes on matters they are wholly uninformed about, the researcher asks for their attitudes regarding a fictitious issue.
  9. A research questionnaire is circulated among students as part of their university registration packet. Although students are not told they must complete the questionnaire, the hope is that they will believe they must, thereby ensuring a higher completion rate.
  10. A researcher promises participants in a study a summary of the results. Later, due to a budget cut, the summary is not sent out.
  11. A professor rewrites a thesis of one of his or her graduate students into an article and lists himself/herself as the sole author.
  12. A panel of reputable social scientists is pressing for Congressional approval of a National Data Service, which would combine all data on particular individuals into one master data file. The advantages of such a center would be reduced duplicity of efforts and an increased number of variables per individual.


  1. For each of the above issues, identify what you believe to be the one or two ethical principles that are most apparent in the situation. Explain why.













  1. Place each situation in one of the following three groups: (please mark X under the chose answer)

Minor ethical violation

Moderate ethical violation

Severe ethical violation













  1. Explain the criteria that you used in your rankings.



Development of Criminal Behavior

Some researchers and theorists believe that an interaction of both psychological factors (e.g., biology, personality, and cognitive) and sociological factors can explain criminal behavior. Which psychological and sociological factors do you believe have the most influence on the development of criminal behavior, and why? Do you believe that psychological factors or sociological factors have more of an influence over behavior, or is it a combination of the two? Please be sure to provide an example of a criminal case to support your discussion.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.


Assignment 2: LASA 1: Violence And Drugs In Centervale

You have been working as a police officer for the Centervale Police Department for two years. You are on your nightly patrol in your marked police vehicle with your partner, Edward, who has been on the force for seven years. You receive a call on the radio to respond to a domestic abuse situation requiring backup. Your partner and you are second to respond to the call. You arrive at the scene, which is in a neighborhood with a bad reputation. Upon arrival, you witness a couple, Abby and Bobby, standing outside their house, yelling obscenities at each other.

The couple refuses to calm down and speak with the officers, Christina and David, who are already on the scene. The girlfriend, Abby, is slurring her speech and seems unaware of the trickle of blood running down the side of her head. The boyfriend, Bobby, has extremely bloodshot eyes and does not appear to have slept in days. Moreover, Bobby’s speech is accelerated, and he’s breathing rapidly as if he has just sprinted from the drugstore down the block. You notice that Bobby’s hands and face have scratches all over them.

Also, the front door is open.

Your partner, Edward, has known this couple as they have been in trouble with the law before. He steps in between Abby and Bobby and begins to gather information from Abby, while you call for an ambulance.

As Edward speaks with the couple, you begin to walk around the yard, observing what you can. You look in through the front door, and while there is only one light on in the house, you observe what appears to be a bong and a baggie of marijuana on the coffee table in the front room of the house. Because Edward is standing with Abby and there are two other officers outside with Bobby, you decide to enter the house to take a closer look.

You discover that there is indeed a bong and a baggie of marijuana on the table. Looking under the couch next to the coffee table, you discover a shotgun as well. You begin to wonder what other illegal items might be in the house, when you hear a yell from outside and run out to discover that Bobby is being handcuffed and put in a police car. Apparently, Bobby tried to use a weapon on Abby in front of Edward and the other officers.

He is quoted as saying, “Just because the cops are here doesn’t mean I won’t finish what I started!” as he reached for his waistband.

As Bobby is being driven away, Abby breaks down into tears and cries out after her boyfriend, “Don’t worry, baby! I’ll come bail you out as soon as I can turn a little profit with the goods!”

You tell your partner what you observed in the house. After the paramedics declare that Abby’s head injury is nothing more than a bad scratch, your partner and you drive Abby down to the police precinct for further questioning, leaving Christina and David at the scene to secure it until more investigation can be done.

What You Need to Do . . .

Utilizing APA guidelines and citing relevant case law and specific details from external sources, present a 4- to 6-page research paper that explains what you need to do next with respect to the evidence left behind at the scene. In addition, consider what you need to do with any other evidence you may discover at the precinct from Abby and Bobby or on their persons. As you consider your next steps, address the following issues:

  • Do you have probable cause to arrest Abby for any crime? Explain.
  • What information, if any, must you list on an affidavit to secure a search warrant for Abby and Bobby’s house?
  • What actions (or inactions) taken by officers Christina and David were relevant with respect to the evidence you discovered on the scene?
  • What is the scope of your warrant?
  • Should you search Abby and Bobby upon their arrival at the precinct? What do you expect to discover on their persons and at the crime scene? How will you obtain evidence that may or may not be found on Abby and Bobby’s person? For instance, they may have drugs in their pockets, or Bobby may have another weapon on his person.

Submission Details:

  1. Save the document as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc. All CJA papers should be submitted using APA format, i.e., Times New Roman 12, double spaced with title page and reference page. See the APA manual for an examples.
  2. By the due date assigned, submit your document to the Submissions Area.


This assignment is worth 300 points. Download this rubric and carefully read it to understand the expectations.

Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points

Determined probable cause. 16


Established what information must be provided on an affidavit to secure a search warrant. 20


Determined which actions or inactions of other police officers were relevant with respect to the evidence discovered on the scene.24

Identified the scope of the warrant. 24


Determined whether to search Abby and Bobby upon their arrival at the precinct. 24


Predicted what is expected to be found on their persons or at the scene. 32


Explained steps to obtain the evidence found at the scene and at the precinct. 16


Writing components. 44


Culture Paper revision.

Throughout the course, you will be learning about the components of culture, and the importance of a multicultural awareness when working in the field of education. Whatever career field you may end up in, developing a mindset of diversity and inclusion will be essential for your success and the success of your learners. As such, the cumulative assignment for this course will ask you to develop a Vision Statement for your career, imagining what being culturally aware may look like in your projected career position. Consider this a real-world exercise in inclusion, as the mindsets this assignment seeks to help you explore will be essential to the practical application of this course’s content. The assignment will be completed as follows. At the end of each lesson beginning in Lesson 2, you will submit one of six components of a PowerPoint, google slides or Prezi (or other visual presentation of your choice) that outlines what actions you will take and what environment you hope to create for your learners or employees through the lens of six major course components you have explored in this course:

Lesson Vision Statement Component

Lesson 2 Types of Learners and Hidden Curriculum

Lesson 3 Learning Environment, and the Concepts of Space, Place, and Material Culture

Lesson 4 The Achievement Gap and Cultural Bias

Lesson 5 Culture as a Disability and Interpreting Cultural Conflict in Learning Environments

Lesson 6 Pop Culture and Core Rituals

Lesson 7 Culturally Responsive Teaching

Each slide of the presentation should address each one of the above course concepts and explain how these concepts and theories will be applied in your work setting to create an environment for students’ and/or employees’ success. In the notes field of each slide, you are required to explain your reasoning for each point of the vision statement, referencing course material as well as seeking outside opinions from experts in the form of personal interviews and/or outside research articles.


Assignment 2: LASA 1: Gender Perception in Nonverbal Communication

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Gender Perception in Nonverbal Communication
In this assignment, you will explore the role of nonverbal communication in interactions between genders.

Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research the differences in nonverbal communication between genders.

Once you have an understanding, observe a small group of people, which can be comprised of friends, family, or a group of strangers. The small group should have three to six people and be composed of both male and female members. Observe the group for 15–30 minutes, looking for the types of interactions taking place and how each person uses nonverbal communication to make oneself understood. Pay special attention to nonverbal signals and gestures (body language, facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures, space, tone, appearance, etc.).

** Understand when doing your observations that you must protect the privacy of the people you observe. Anything you discover as part of your observation that does not relate directly to the objective of the assignment needs to be kept confidential. There are three different roles that you, as the observer, may have as defined below (Patton, 1986). In your paper, please discuss the type of observation you did and what you learned from that aspect.

Full participant observation: You took part in the conversation and were part of the “observation.”
Partial observation: You were sometimes part of the conversation, but mostly stayed on the outer edge of it.
Onlooker: You were an outsider and simply observed another group’s interactions. (this is recommended for the assignment)
Note the number of people in the group and briefly describe the interactions that you observed (who is doing most of the talking, number of people involved, the way members are seated, clothes, and the topic of conversation, if you know it, etc.). Create a matrix to present your observations (an example of a completed matrix is shown below—you will create your own to fit your specific observations).

GenderBody languageFacial ExpressionsEye ContactHand GesturesSpaceToneAppearance1FLeaning towards the maleSmiling – seemed flirtatiousTrying to catch the eye of the maleNALeaning into the table toward the manHigh pitchedLots of make-up, hair fixed, a dress with heels2FPlaying with hairBiting lipRolling eyes at other femalePlaying with hairSlouched and pushed awayNA – not talkingSome make-up, hair in high pony, jeans and t-shirt3MLegs turned toward F2Gaze at F2Trying to catch the eyes of F2NASitting at opposite side of table, so more spaceInquisitiveJeans, polo shirt, flip flops, relaxed

Based on your observations on how nonverbal cues are regulating the flow of conversation, write an analysis including answers to the following questions. Be sure to use terms and concepts from the textbook, research, and module readings.

What do you think is the topic of conversation? Describe the topic of conversation.
Assess how each member’s body posture and movements convey his or her status and attitude.
Deduce which nonverbal signals are responsible for showing emotion and feeling. Examine how these nonverbal signals help to explain what is going on.
Differentiate between the gestures used by males vs. females—conclude if there is a noticeable difference.
Compare what the research says in relation to what you observed.
Identify any inconsistencies in the person’s nonverbal communication with what he or she was talking about (ex: shaking head “yes” and saying “no”).
Examine what type of observation you did in reference to this assignment (types are listed above).
What did you find most challenging about interpreting nonverbal behaviors in this setting?
How does this assignment help you to better understand nonverbal communication and gender?
By the due date assigned, submit your matrix and your analysis in Word format in a single file to the Submissions Area. Include your matrix as the final page following your reference list. Write a 4–5-page paper (not counting title and references pages or the matrix) in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing, formatting, and citation to you work.

Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization focused evaluation. (4 ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDocumented observation information with: place, time, date, length, and type of participant observation completed.28Work presented an in-depth analysis of the function of nonverbal cues observed.28Work provided an appraisal of what the challenges were in interpreting nonverbal behavior.28Analyzed if there was a difference in how each gender used nonverbal communication. Explained how this helped you to understand how gender impacts communication better.28Documented existing research and compared to what was observed.20Matrix provided visual organization of nonverbal codes observed.24Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.44Total:200


Sci/163 Addiction paper

Choose and research one of the following addictions:

– Alcohol

– Drug

– Smoking

– Eating Disorder

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you answer the following:

Define addiction. What are the general warning signs of addiction? Explain the addiction you selected – define that particular addiction and the warning signs for that addiction. How does this addiction physically affect the individuals involved? In what way does the addiction affect work and relationships? What are the long-term health problems associated with the addiction, if any? How would you confront the addiction to bring attention to the problem? Explain. Does the addicted individual blame his or her addiction on anyone? Why? Do they take personal responsibility for their addiction? What treatments are available for the individuals? Would this work for all types of addictions? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include any references consulted as in-text citations and references in APA format. Include at least 2 peer-reviewed article in addition to the textbook.


Management Theories and the Workplace

Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to increase learners’ comprehension of management roles, viewpoints, and theories.

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Ch. 2 of Management: A Practical Introduction, sample leadership theory table. 

Select three theories from the textbook.

Summarize the theory and viewpoint(s) in a table. Please use the sample leadership theory table provided. 

Develop a 1,050-word report including the following:

  • Briefly discuss an overview of management.
  • Include the roles managers play.
  • Examine the development of management theories, including how these theories reflected the changing business environment.
  • Compare and contrast the three management theories you included in your leadership theory table.
  • Include in-text citations and at least one reference.
  • Evaluate which of the three management theories works best for your work environment or an organization with which you are familiar.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. 





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